The Clinton News Record, 1942-09-03, Page 1The Clinton News -Record. Est. 1878
rit it
With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era
NO. 6108 -63rd YEAR
The New Era Est. 1867,
English -China
Bea utitul
British and
Select from our stock of English China, by famous English
A piece of fine China 'is a pleasant memento of your visit
to Clinton:
Jeweler. and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
Arinual Summer
Stock Cleaning
Summer Wash Coats, Bathing
Capes, Sweaters, Skirts, etc.
All to clear at only a Fraction
of their normal Value 49c and 98c
Ll Ill►rifi,"
r, r, •r
Dulling the months of July and
August the following articles were
shipped by the Sewing Committee of
the: Clinton Branch of the Canadian
Red! Cross Society. Hospital supplies,
120 pillow eases made locally off June
quota; British Civilian • Population -
50 diapers and '75 sanitary pads made
by Porter's, Hill Unit off Jan. quota;
108 diapers, 4 boy's shorts, 8 boys'
shirts made by S. S. No 4 Unit; 35
snits boys' pyjamas made locally off
Jan. quota; 4 pairs boys' shorts; 8
boys' shirts by Tuokerssamith'Unit; 12
pr boys' shorts made locally; all
shorts and shirts are off June's emer-
gency quota, 11 knitted infant jackets,
1 soaker; 17 bonnets; 23 prs. booties
off April Infant's quota. Total num-
ber of articles 376. For shipping re-
-ports of other Units look under the
village news.
The clothing of infants, and child-
ren in England is becoming a serious
problem and the greatest appre4i-
ation is shown by organizations and
individuals alike of the wonderful
contribution which the people of Can-
ada are making in this respect.
Our work -room shelvesare bulg-
ing with material to be made into
warm clothing for the needy women
and children of Britain. Let the aut-
umn season which is just opening find
all group leaders on the alert for
more workers that this very real nat-
ional need may be met as speedily
as possible. M. E. Cuninghame, con-
Evening Auxiliary
The Evening Auxiliary will be re-
sumed Monday, September 14th, at 8
o'clock in the Agriculture Board
room. This will be the regular busi-
ness meeting. All available girls
should come to these weekly meet-
ings and bring their friends. Why
not keep every Monday evening free
for the Evening Auxiliary 7 A good
attendance is looked for on Monday,
Sept. 140. There will be no meeting
September 7th, Labor Day.
Appointed Branch Manager
Mr. Ken, G. Waters of town has
been appointed Branch Manager and
Supervisor in charge of Sales and
Service for Cities Service Oil Com-
pany in this district. Mr. Waters "suc-
ceeds Mr. S. Patten of Goderich, who
has been moved` to Toronto in connec-
tion with company. duties
Day of Prayer Honoured By St. Paul's LITTLE LOCALS
Sunday, September 6th, will be ob- At the close of the service last The name of Mrs: T. O'Brien was
served in the churches of Clinton as a Sunday morning the members of St omitted from the Grandmothers' Day
National day of prayer. The decision Paul's church Met in the Parish Hall picnic last week. Mrs. O'Brien was the
followed a request of His Majesty.
the King that Sept. 6 be set aside
as a day of intercession for divine
aid for the United Nations. In the
evening a union service of all chur-
ohes in town, and a detachment of Air
Force Men from the Radio S'ohooi will
be held on the Libraay Park at 7 p.m.
All are welcome.
Clinton Lady Remains In
Japan After Exchange
Among Canadian missionaries left
behind in Tokyo during the recent ex-
change of Allied and Axis war prison-
ers were three Canadians' for whom
room was not available on the Grips -
holm. One of thein was Sybil Cour-
tice. •Clinton, and the others were Ma-
bel Clazie, Bowmanvilie, and Miss K.
Greenbank, Vancouver.
The Canadian missionaries from
Japan and China, who reached Tor-
onto Thursday last declined to com-
ment on their life under Japanese do-
mination, fearing reprisals against
those left behind.
Rev. William Scott of Toronto said
"with the exception of four who were
not Canadians -the whole group of
foreign missionaries in Korea were
treated 'with courtesy consideration
and even sympathy by the Japanese".
of Tor-
• Both Rev.George and Mrs.
onto were in Tokyo during the sur-
prise American raid on that city but
no bombs fell near them and they saw
only one plane flying low. They were
not allowed to visit the bombed areas.
Mr. Grant who was a teacher in
Japan said he was very well treat-
ed there. "My host in Tokyo consid-
ered me one of the family. and I al-
ways had enough to eat" he said.
to bidfarewell to Mr. and Mrs. H. 1v1. oldest grandmother present and Mrs.
Monteith and Neville; who leave very J. Manning was the youngest grand,
shortly for their new home in "Godo- mother present.
rich. Mr. John Hartley has purchased
During the eight years they have
been in Clinton, Mr.. and Mrs. Mon-
teith have taken a. very active'•part in
the work of the chicon, lave held
many 'Offices in the various organiz
atiens, and will be greatly missed in
the church life of St. Pauls.
'Rev. Mr. Moore occupied the chair
and an address of appreciation and re-
gret was read by Col, Rance and ack-
nowledged by both Mr. and Mrs,
can behalf of.the!congregation, Mrs.
J. D. Atkinson made the presenta-
tion to Mrs. Monteith, of a,Winches-
ter Cross in gold and a life -mem-
bership in the Woman's Auxiliary and
Mr. Monteith's• fellow warden, Mr. W.
L. Johnson. presented hint with a
ring and a Parker pen and pencil,
while Miss Lois Draper, representing
the Sunday School, gave Neville, a
combined prayer and hymn book.
Transferred to. Niagara
Mr. J. G. McLay, foe the past five
years accountant in the Royal Bank
er Reported
Mrs. William Rath's home en William
street, and intends remodelling it.
Mr. Fred 0. Ford has purchased the
house on Whitehead street being va-
cated; this week by Mr. H. M. Mon-
teith and family.
Miss Shirley Sutter, daughter of
Mr and Mrs J. A. Sutter of town, left
this week to traixi`as a nurse in Strat-
ford General Hospital.
Owing to Monday, September 7th,
being Labor Day and a holiday we
must ask our correspondents. and ad-
vertisers to have all news items and
changes in advertising in the New -
Record office on Tuesday.
Sgt. R. Douglas MacKenzie
Word has been received by Mr. and
Mrs. Robert MacKenzie that their
son, Sergeant R. Douglas MacKenzie,
a gunner in the Royal Canadian Air
Force overseas is missing, believed
killed during air operations. Douglas
or 'Butch" as he was familiarly
known had been in England for al -
+post a year.
"Butch" was one of the famous.
Clinton Juvenile hookey champions
and was a popular boy both at col-
legiate and in the realm •of sports. He
is his parents only son and he hasone sister, Helen, of the Bank of
Montreal staff in town.
The young gunner is the second
man from Clinton to suffer death in
the service of the King and Coun-
try in this war.
of Canada here, ]las been advised of Clinton Sold,
luta transfer b.. the -. _a-___
centre branch of the bank and expects Killed at Dieppe
to take over his duties there on the Tommie Jago, aged 22, of the Can -
10th of September, Isis succeasor here adian Engineer Corps overseas was
will be Mr. ' A. E. Douglas of the Dur- .reported yesterday. to his relatives.
ham branch: here as missing, presumably killed in
Mr and Mrs McLay will be great- action.
ly missed here in social and. Touvnie is an adopted son of Mr.
circles as well as a community wel- W. Jago, Clinton. The cablegram was
fare and war service activities, in addressed to. Mrs Fred McCool, of
which they have been untiring in ser- I near Blyth, Mr. Jago's daughter with
vice. Mrs. MeLay will also be missed whonx he is now living. Tommie en-
Masonic Lodge Resumes
Clinton Lodge A.F. and AM, No:.
84 resumed activities last Friday
night after =inner vacation. The
meeting was the first to be held under
the ruling of the new Worshipful
Master X. J. Agnew and, the second
'degree was conferred, one of the cane-
didates'being a member: of the Royal:
Canadian Air Force from Manitoba.
A number of air force personnel were
also present.
There was also present a memberwho seldom has an opportunity to at-
tend, He is Fred S101110.21, teacher at
the •Canadian National Railway School
Car at Gapreol. Mr. Sloman with his
family has been spending the sum-
mer vacation at his former home here
and incidentally has done his bit in
helping the farmers to harvest their
I crops. His daughters Joan and tisbeth
also served as farmerettcs.
nrigagements Announced
Mr. and. Mrs. William J. Falconer,
Stanley Township, announce the en-
gagement of their younger daughter
!Kathleen Willona, . to Samuel E.
Whitmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam-
uel H. Whitmore of nickel -smith
Township. The marriage -will take
place quietly in September.,,
The •engagement is announced of
Lily Garrett, daughter of Mr, John
Garrett and the late Mrs. Garrett of
Londesboro, to Ernest 0. Noble, son
of the late Mr and Mrs. James Noble
of Blyth. The marriage will take
place quietly in September.
We have a complete line of these famous watch
es for Men. They have all the features to be found in
a fine timepiece.
Call and see the many models -Shockproof, Dust -
proof, Waterproof, Anti -Magnetic, Unbreakable
Glass, •Luminous 24 Hour Dial -Large Sweep -second
hand or. regular. Rolex prices from $32.75 Tax extra.
Re'I1C0eInher Watch Repair is a Job for Experts.
Our Work Assures' Your Satisfaction.
Counters fair Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
� Century in Huron County
and long remembered as an entertain- !listed in February 1941. and went
ing reader, in which connection her overseas in November. There is hope
services were in great demand and that more mem-waging news may
were generously and impartially giv- i reach. his friends since there is en
en, element of indefiniteness in the re-
v �.4rort.
Red Cross Frolic Friday
The annual Red Gross Frolic, spon-
sored by the Clinton Lions Club is
being held tomorrow evening, Sep-
tember 4th, on the main street There
will be all kinds of games at which
totry your luck, a dance in the town
hall _ with music, by the R.A.F. or-
chestra, and the draw for the prizes.
now on display in the Agricultural of-
fice window. First prize is a hand-
some chair ,second a comforter, quilt-
ed by the Evening Auxiliary then a
hooked mat, end table, lamp, weir
savings certificates, several other
worthy prizes. Come and enjoy the
fun by helping the Red Cross..
Mrs. Stanley Brown of Detroit is 1�iIONGi THE CHURCHES
The Girls Club will meet at the
home of Mrs Frank Mutch on Wed-
nesday evening, September 9th.
The Friendship Club will hold its
first September meeting on Wednes-
day, September 9th, at the home of
Mrs. J. 0. Shearer, High Street. All
members are asked to be present.
7.30 p.m. Intercessory Service for
20 minutes. Thursday, Sept 3rd
10.15 a.rn. Sunday School
11.00 Holy Communion:
Sermon: The 2nd Commandment.
Tuesday. Sept 8-2.30 p.m. Wo-
men's Auxiliary to meet.
The pastor expects to be present at
the Sunday services an September 6.
Sunday school meets at eleven
Church worship service at seven.
The sermon subject will be -"Learn
ing from the Early Christians."
Morning Worship 11 o'clock
Subject "The Christian in a Warring
In the evening our people are asked
to attend the mass meeting for pray-
er in Library Park.
9.45 a.m. Turner's Church (Tuck
10:00'<a.m. Clinton Sunday School.
11.00 a.m. Prayer for' the Nation
Tuesday, 3 p.m. Women's Mission-
ary Society.
Wednesday, 8.00
Fellowship and intercession, at On-
tario Street Church.
The members of Ontario Street
'Church choir; are asked to. be on
hand Friday night at 7.45 for prac-
visiting Miss Marian Gibbings.
Little Miss Elizabeth Cooper, of Tor-
onto has been visiting her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Coop-
er Cor the past week. ..
Council To Meet
Coving to Mon`d'ay. September 7th,
being Labor. Day ,and a holiday, the
town council will meet Tuesday even-
ing ,Septernler 8th in. the "eouriioil
Chamber of the town hall at '7.30 p.m.
At the July meeting of unerl the ,
town clerk, M. T." Cortese, was given
permission to take holidays this year.
Mr. Corless has been workingin some
holidays by taking a daynow and
again during his slack period in the
Brucefield and Clinton Girl
Reaches Britain to
Plan C. W. A. C. -
Major Sorby, the first Canadian.
Women's 'Army Corps member to
reach Britain, where she will organ-
ize and complete plans for the coining
of the first contingent of W.A C.'s is
a'Brucefield girl, the former Alice
Higgins. She is a daughter of the
late Ben Higgins, for many years a
well known resident of that village,
where Miss Higgins was born and re-
ceived her early education.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Higgins and fam-
ily moved -to Clinton almost thirty
years ago from Brucefield. Their
daughter Alice, now Major Sorry. re-
ceived, most of her education in Clin-
ton schools. Several years ago Mr.
Higgins died but Mrs. Higgins is now
living in Whitby, Ontario.
A cable from London last week
gives the following story:
"Major Alice Sorby, of Winnipeg,
petite fair-haired and brown -eyed has
arrived in London, hi the words of
the Ministry of Information to "pave
the way for the coming of the first
contingent of the Canadian Women's
Army Corps to Britain."
"She has fulfilled her first task in
such admirable fashion that the�
lehaki who will follow her have not
a worry in the world. They will he
the envy of every uniformed British
girl in their smart tailored uniforans
if they can handle themselves with
lh genie facility. as Major Sot y.
Upper School Results
Helen Bond - Eng. Comp.' 0, Eng. Lit. 0, Hist III, Georn I. Trig I111,
Bot II, Zool II,Fr Auth C. Fr. Camp C.
Gerald Clayton - Eng Comp 1', Eng. Lit 0, Alg III, Geom II, Trig C,
Phys C, Chem III. Fr Auth 0, Fr. Comp 0,
Wesley Ham - Bot 0, Zool III, Chem III '
Harry McEwan - Eng Comp 0, Alg 0, Phys O.
Dorothy McIntyre - Eng Comp 0, Eng Lit II, Germ I, Trig I, Bot I,
Zool I, Phys I. Chem I, Fr Auth II, Fr .Cornp IPL
Erma Mair - Eng, Comp 0, Eng Lit 0, Zool C.
Phyllis Manning- Eng Comp I, Eng Lit II, Hist I, Geom C, Trig IIL,
Lat A.uth P, Lat Comp I, Pr Auth I, Fr Comp I.
.Alpha Meyers -Eng Comp II, Bot 0, Zool 0, Fr. Auth II, Fr Comp III.
Patricia Morrison -+ Eng Comp 0, Eng Lit 0, Hist 0, Geom 0, Bob
II, Zool C, Fr. Auth O, Fr. Comp C.
Maureen Merritt Eng Comp III, Eng Lit III Hist 0, Geom II, Trig
0, Lat Auth III, Lat Comp III, F"r Auth 0, Fr Comp C.
Isabelle McGill - Hist C, Geom III.
Robert Pollard - Eng Comp 0, Eng Lit 0, Geom II, Trig C, Bob III.
Zool I, Phys III. Chem III.
Wilma Radford - Eng Comp III, Eng Lit III, Hist III, Geom 0, Bot
III Zool C, FtAuth 0, Fr. comp III.
Bruce Roy - Eng Comp 0, Bot II, Zool II, Phys 0, Chem. C.
Eunice Roy - Eng Comp III, Eng Lit III, Hist 0, Geom II, Trig 0, Bot
II, 'Loot I, Fr. Auth C.
Raymond; Snell - Eng Comp 0, Eng Lit 0, Alg III, Geom C, Trig 0,
Plays C, Chem .II, Fr. Auth 0,
William Sproat - Eng Comp III, Eng Lit 0, Alg 0, Geom I, Trig 0,
Phys III, Chem G, Fr. Auth C, Fr Comp 0.
Shirley Sutter - Eng Corp C, Hist III, Fr. Auth III, Fr. Comp IIL.
Mary Torrance - Eng Comp T, Eng Lit 1, Hist 1, Geom III, Trig III,
Lat Auth II, Lat Comp III, Fr Auth II, Fr. Comp II.
Note - All pupils on Farm Service (Lower, Middle and Upper
Schools) are required to submit a statement of employment signed by
their employer.
,..,. .. brtnve,, rnv++a.Arwarme.+'+.WmmaN++.'.�.•_s.,0
3CLikiV A I
\VHI4R.LAS .His Majesty on the advice of His Privy Council of
Canada, has now set aside,
Sunday, September 6th "1 42
as a National Day of Prayer and Dedication to National Service and
Sacrifice on behalf of the cause undertaken by Canada, by the
United Kingdom and, other Dominions of the British Commonwealth of
Nations andi all those who are offering thein lives for our cease
and for a speedy and favourable peace.:
I THERFO'RE APPEAL to all the citizens to be at their religious
place of worship on Sunday morning, September 6th,
A union "service of all denominations will take place on the Lib-
rary Park at 7 p.m.'
(If weather unfavorable service will be held in Presbyterian church)
This is in co-operation with the Ministerial Association and the
R.A.F. School and detachment of the Air ror.•es will be present.
, •madewelcome
All the King's Forces and others wzll' be
God Save the King.