The Clinton News Record, 1925-12-31, Page 1•i@19ft ..Y 5"4cl
47th Year
f . w MYi �71AFAln':II
C j
1 •
k new
the. New Year with a good stock of Watches,
ry, Cut Glass, China, Diamond Rings etc.Prices are
to the
value of the �oods.
I1 be called for, repairetR•' and delivered when repaired.
the latest t styles and will give youa good fit.
e lyar
1int�n First
you -,contribute to Clinton during 1926 ?
beour 'share in -"keeping" it a real live town ?
Y urn
lagine Clinton with no "Main Street"?
knock, let's knock the back street first?
Begin the year well
A► on page. 4
ishing One and All s.
an Prosperous
New Year.
are a for EveryMail
Wheat, 11.35.
Otani, 40c to 40c,
Buckwheat, 65e to 70c
Barley, 60e to 05c
Butter, 366 to 37c,
Eggs, 30c to .55e.
IIos' 1`.00
Hogs; �3
Mr. Glenn Ferguson of Goderich
township came ne highest in the ses-
sional examinations of the second
year at the 0. fl,•C., Guelph, where
he is a student. Mr.. Ferguson had
1,007 marks out of. +u
g 1,300, which is
quite a fine showing This z ane
other C. C. L graduate who is mak.
ing good.
The annual At -Home of the Huron
r< i
Old iBoys' Association f Toronto will
be bheld enthe Oddfellolvs Temple, p0
Colle street s eek on Thursday evening,
January 21, 1926. Stridge,'euchre and,
.dancing' will be the main features of
the evening's entertainment. The pro-
ceeds of the, event will be in aid of.
Huron county hospitals.
The program of the week of prayer
services will be as follows:'
-Monday, Jan. 4th -Ontario 'street
church: Subject; "The Church and
Young Pedple."
Tuesday, Jan, 5th St. Paul's
church. Subject: "The Church and.
Home Life."
Wednesday, Jan. 6th -- Baptist
church. Subject: "The Church and.
Organized Society?' -
Thursday; Jam•?th—Wesley church.
Subject: , "The Church and the Na..
Friday, Jan, 8th Willis church.
Subject: "The Church and the Woad
A collection will ::be taken up as*
usual at the Wednesday -evening ser-
St. Paul's Chnrclt
There will be a celebration of the
Holy Communion
Hol n ext Sunday at 11
a.m. 111,the evening the usual carol
service willbe held and the rector
will give a short talk on carol singing,
'Willis and Wesley
•eChe Brotherhood meets in Willis
church bible oleos room at ten o'clock
Sunday morning Mr. N. W. Tre-
warth:t, will introduce the•Subject for
discussion, "The Value of New Year.
Morning preaching service in Wil-
lis church, Subject: "The Church end
the Call to Service.",.
The evening service will be heli in
'Wesley church, the sermon subjeet
being: "The Church and its Re-
Presbyterian Church
Service in the taptist church on
Sunday at 11 O'clock. Subject: "The
Race of the -Years."
. - In spite of the inclement weather
there was a large congregation iet the
Christinas service ' last Sunday, and
the speoial music rendered • by the
.choir was much enjoyed. An inter-
esting' feature of the service was the
appeeranoeof the choir for the first.
tante in their new surplices. The ef-
fect was very pleasing and is enether
token of the increasing pros•,,erity of
the congregation.
The W. A. and W. M. S. will meet
at two •o'clock on Tuesday afternoon,
Jan, 5tb, at the home of Mrs. Ross
Fot 'ester. •
Ontario Street Church
Sunday morning, Jgn. 30, at 11
an., the •openin'gservice of .an elan
• 9.1letic.-eampaignwilt be held, • 'Rev.
E, R. Brown of Toronto Conference of
the Vented Church will preach 'move-.
itigAnd &Veiling. Mr,.Browai is bring-'
.ling a singer with hint. A hearty wel-
come will be extended to all who' de-.
sire a revival inthe;town.
Fellowship 10:00 mini
.The Juniors iI
n w 1 notmeet
The Christmas services of Sunday.,
last were well attended, eoesidcring
the very stormy weather. ,The spec-
ial'feature of the services' was the
Yliu'sic of the choir, which was oe a
Very) high order, ,In themorning in
the anthem "Good Tidings," by Sem
per, Miss Marion Gibbings" sang , the
well-known. solo, "Ther First Chri,;t
inas Morn." In the evening the ser.
vice was entirely taken 'by the choir,
When .the sacred :cantata "Messiah's
Advent," was rendered. -Those taking
solo parts were Mrs. Downs, Miss
Gibbings, :MrssBrown, Miss, M. Wiltse,
Dr. F. Thompson and Mr. F. Steele.
All tho parts were well taken and the
full choruses showery careful •prepar
tion. 'Miss Jean McMurehie assisted'
at the piano, he' services being very
much appreciated.
The .Sunday ,Sehool Christmas tree
ands—entertainment—was held on Wed-
nesday evening, the 23rd, and was a
splendid success, the auditorium being
filled. The chief; part of the program
piresented was a cantata, which showy -
ed that much training had been given.
The cantata: was almost entirely com-
posed of songs and delighted' 011 pre-
sent.. Following this Santa appeared
and 'distributed gifts from a 'well-
laden tree.
There was: a large attendance, at
the Young People's meeting on Mon -
clay evening. A large `number ,of the
ent s who 0 wCzC former ]i'cno
were present and took port, lnig
there being Chas. Shipley, 7enda Sal-
ter, Alvin 'Leenaed, Brslairie Evans,
Clayton vfoorl;ouse, Ernest Livermore
-and Ray Carter. The League services
will be withdrawn dnrieg the: special
aervieos that ire being: held.
EMIBIM 1, 19 25
1D17ATIT OF M1iS,' )i IJ I'LE1?GE,
Clinton and Goderich 'townshij ,neo-
pie were shocked,: Yest;xdav whc r b
l eevne'"known that 'Viii. W.A.Rat,
ledge had passed • awap+,.in London,
Where she had gone the previous day
to, undergo ascxiousopetati
renzeins were brought eo Clinton yes-
terday and' the funeral tikes place
-froth the home of her sonar -taw, Mr;
Wilfrid Seeley, y Hu i�
g reet on
n dav a 'te i Dori
i k .ib 1 0' Maitland
3 to .
ec rnetery,i'C Goderich,
LIT F..I.,OCAL,,S.;.
] L . .
A tr chis
c lot �. th
c � s
1 a e wnLeague
hockey teams will be held at flee rink
on Wednesday even ng;
All members of Clinton Hodge Ne.'
83, I. O. 0."F. are requested"to tttend
the newt regular meeting on Tuesday
evening', Jan. 5th,' as important busi
neer i. elan •
'p g,
et '
Atm t s Institutes to of Blu v I
s ae
andExeter sent ChrSstn)asaireats to
the Haeon County Home. Such little.
attentions are much appreciated by
both manager and inmates.
Mr. H. C. Cox of Goderich town
ship shipped a'matchedspau of black
fillies to Mr. Robt. MeMane of Milvez-
ton the other to be used ill • eo)1
rection with his undertaking estab-
lishment. •
The 'Collegiate will be eien nn the
evening of Friday, New Year's Day,
from half after seven o'clock, for the
inspection of Citizens: :It will be
warmed and lighted and anyone inter-
ested is invited to go up and look it
over, before voting on the bylaw on
Last Thursday's "'issue of the .St.•
Thomas Times -Journal contained a
very flattering . reference to Mr. R.
Lionel Densmore, son. of Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Densmore of St, Thomas and
grandson of Mr... acrd - Mrs. W. J.
Paisley of Clinton,
Me. -Dunsmore is '• connected with
the Imperial 011 Company as an en
gi•neer and supervises the building of.
huge oil refineries. He is just 'now
going to Peru in connection with •this
work andis visiting bee parents in
St. Thomasbefove leaving.
To quote the Tinges -Journal:• «1-
fluence•had nothing to do with the
advancement of Lionel Dunsmore. He
is where he is today°=lit the head tilt,
the particular breech of -his profes-
sion as an engineer of oil refineries - t
first of all because he had the wis-
dom to select Mr.: and Mrs, Robern: J.
Dunsmore'for Isis "parents, and second-
ly because -he had the gift to get -en,
From such parents the law of eugen-
ics provided that his head should be
something more than a parsing place
for his hat, and in other respects
which have enabled him to "hew leis
way to the front" with alnicst start-
ling rapidity, helms those irate char
acteristics which proclaim Itim a true
chip off the old block"
Mr.' Dunsmore interrupted his tint-
vereity :bourse to go to the war;
which he entered as a private, But.
he had won the rank of maim- be-
fore he left. He was wounded and
spent some time in England but.went,
back for the big push and only that
pneumonia olaimed-him and he wee
sent book two days before the Arrni-
stioe1916. he would have been there for the
finish. He won the. Military Cross in
Ur, and Mrs. Dunsmore will prob-
ably, visit the former's grandfather
here before leaving for Perin;
The following from the Saskatoon,
Sask., Phoenix, refers. to the sudden
death of the eldest son of Mrs,.Shep-
herdeand the Iate Jantes Shephett,1 of
"Found :dying' in the' Jwaiting-iooni
of the eanadiant,N`etionel depot here
inn Thursday 6:27 o'clock, 8,
H. Shepheted, a'C.N:11e construction
foreman from Bengough, Sask., ex-
pired pired' ,b t< cert the the he was itis=
ebve ad by Fred- Mein, railway poi -
femme,' and' the
ot=Teem e,'and'the arrival'of Sergeant'
Sam Quinn -of-the city police foroe.
- When Constable Klein found -the
man heew'as in a sitting .position, ap-
parently on the verge of death. Hearti
failure is believed:-to_have been the
cause of death. '
It is thought. that Mr. Shepherd
was ory his way -through the' city to
Spend Christmtas with some friends,,
and that during the interval'bettveen
trains he collapsed in the waiting -
When Shepherd was first seen the
tiorter'.at the station ' notified the city
police, who immediately ;tried artifi-
cital respiration, without avail, itt an
effort to revive the man from his ap-
parent stupor."
The remains were brought -eo Clhi •'
ton for 'interment, agcom.panied Uy'
two brothers, Mr: J. A. Shepherd of
Gilbert Plains, Mae., and '1, R. Shep-
herd of Regina_ The funeral took
place from his •nothei't residence,
Townsend street, yesterday afternoon,
The" Rev. A. A;' Holmes conducted
the service at house and graveside.'
The pallbearers w•ere Mayou Jackson,
I. II. Kerr, le E. Hovey, A. J. More.
rish, B. 3'. Gibbings and W. D. Fait'.`
It is about thirty years since Me.
Shepherd went west.' He last visited
his mother in 1922. Besides his Moth-
er he is survived by_ four "brothers and
three •sisters: J. A. of Gilbert Plains,
Toronto; C. I. of St.Trim -
J. I of n
s' T R0. f Re inn Mrs, A. J. Hen
A , 0 %
elerson of
Lansin.g, Mich. andMrs.
5Kemp and Miss Grace Slieencof
Ottawa, All were here for the fun-
eral with the exception of itis]';, Igen-
derson and Mrs Kemp. Me. Mender
son camp for the•:ner'al.
Tlin OME'' 1p4 '.
TEAR MRS. ;:I;UdtlPiiItEyS
Mrs. I-Ioward i.ITunmphret s _intends
giving a concert in Jaclsonv ile
on Saturday evening, Jan. 2nd, csjaua-
ially •tot• 'her Clinton piends and she
hopes they will tune in and lists n to
her. fI station
et is
C con=
cert starts at eight o'clock Mr, Hum,
pbreys will sing with her in one or
two ,numbers.
IT.0 .I
The Wesley and Willis Sunday
school went out to the Huron County
Herne on
Tuesday y evening and g gave a
nice little programfor the benei
the inmates. Rev, J. E. liege acted
as chairman and Rev, A. A. Holmes
assisted in the program; a few hymns
were sung, Mr. Hogg sang a solo, a
class of young girls gave the•paitto-
enine, "The Holy City," Mrs. M. Neil-
ge'r singing
the song, , Mr.
A" Ie„
Johns gave a reading ng and after the
program Mr, and Mrs.. Santa Claus
distributed a treat to the inmates of
the Home. #
People YOU. iK n Ow
Mi.' and Mrs. C. S. Hawke went to
e'eeitd a couple of weeks with ',Cor -
onto friends.
Mr. Wm. Granton of Hatnta, Alta.,
is here visiting his mother, Mee.:
Wen, Stanley.
Miss Mary Mair -of Toronto is spend-
ing- the vacation period at her
home in town.
Miss Burrows of Shep iardton was the
guest last week of her sister, Mrs.
H. Pennebaker.
Mr. Frank ::Pennebaker of Toronto
spent the Christmastide , with' his
parents in town.
Miss Frankie Cooper of Toronto is
visiting this week with her cousin,
Miss Bessie,Morrish. •
Mrs. Helen, Quinn has returned from
Toronto and is visiting with her,
sister, Mrs. W. T. Herman.
Mr. Kenneth 'Rorke of North Bay
Norinal is spending `the vacation
period at his home in town,
M•. ,Tam t
> ',Tames Walters .and Mr: Harry
Arntbler of Pontiac, Mich„ have
Christmas visitors in town.
Mr. Harry Ball returned to London
on Monday after spending Chidst-
mao under the parental roof.
Mr, and Mrs, ,I D. 'Stirling of be -
trait spent 'Christmas with, the
lady's .sister, Miss Susie Powell.
Miss 5, Acheson -and Mrs. 'Cathode of
Holmosville- spent Christmas with
Miss Georgina Rumball of town,
1)r, -Harvey Patter, of the Peck :Prem-
oriel Hospital, New York,wale
home for the'(.hristuia's holiday.
Me. and Mrs. Fred Sloman tend lit-
tle daughter of Latchford have
been here for the holiday season.
Mo. Clarence Green of Blasclolle,
New York, spent . Chrislanas
at the home of Mr. Jas. Livermore.
Rev. It. J. and Mrs. Irwin of Toron-
to spent Christmas with the ferht-
er's parents,. Mt. and Mrs. J. A. Ir-
Mr. Ernest Livermore" and Mie. Er-
skine t Evans were visiting with
friends near Londesboro during the
Mr: and Mrs, Earl Livermore of
Stratfgrd are Christmas visitors
with Councillor and Mrs. reed Liv-
Mrs. E. Wendorfis spending the ve-
cation period with her parents at
Chesley Mr. Wendoef goes up for
New Years,
Misses Jean and Mary Chidley of
'Toronto carne up to spend Christ-
rats with their mother,` Mrs. Elia-
beth Jackson.
Miss Margarot Cree of Vicente Hos-
pital, London; is spending New
Years with her parents, Me. anii
'Mrs. L. Cree,
Mrs. Reader of town was spending
thd . Christmas holiday with her
daughter, Mrs. • Jas. Ferguson . in
Goderich township.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken and faire
e'• .i
ilk returned on Monday rift i a v s t
over .Christmas • at the format's
home in Allenford. •
Mrs, G. M. Farquhar and Miss. Jean
went up to 'Brussels to spend the
New Year with the former's lough:
ter, Mrs. Joseph Clegg.
Mi•, and Mrs. L. eiltatashbrook'and
Miss Rete have been spending the
holiday season at the hone of Mt.
and Mrs. Ezra 'Pickard.
Miss ;Helen Channer of Clinton spent
the Christmas week -end with ,Itt.
and Mrs. George Charmer, Col.
borne street.—Free Press. '
Mess3s. John and Harold Livermore
have returned to• Detroit after
spending the Christmastide with
their mother; .Mrs. S C. `Castle.
Mr. and Mrs.', John Torrance and
their daughters, MissEidth 'and•
lefes. Cranston. of Port. Arthur, left
Monday to spend the winter , in"
Miss Moffatt of. Toronto and Miss
)Bessie Irwin of Hamilton 'have been
srtending the Christmas' season with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J, A. Irwin.
Mr. W. J. Crooks of Vancouver, 13.
C., spent a few days last week 'vis.
iting; his sister, Mrs. Aiken oC town
and his brother, Mr, Geo. Crook;
of the Base line.
Mrs. Cameron of Guelph end 111 arta
;Ire. L. Trick of London were
Christmas guests at Woodlands
i3 ami, the home of Mr. Ree : and
.Diss' Mary Jenkins, for Christmas.
Mr. and lrStanley
Rivers of Owen
Sound, who are ell their honeymoon;
eyi t'
visited • at the home of the Mile':
uncle, elr. IL 111 Rorke, for a few
days last, week.. They; also visited
in Goderich and spent Christmas
with.11Nt Rivers' parents in Sea -
Mayor; Reeve;e P.0 Commissioner and School
Trustees : Returned by Acclamation.
Contest for Connell
At the nominations on Mondry c w speak, an op toitunity which levy
ening three names were put forward availed themselves; of
for mayor; two ior..reeve and fifteen' Mayor Jackson 'spoke briefly .of
inll for az the commit.
thi,oz ] of It
w the c n
until'is ', •
the‘, ist
At Mos o'clock e Tix sda evening, tine two years, claiming that
the fm t
however, only tile present mayof aml were in a -better* condition now than
reeve had signed' . up., for thesle two, .for some time.'
Positions, which gavethem the elee- ; Mr. Forel said l e was
t out of nubile
tion by acclamation, Seven tout c 11 life now and had no wish to intern
lore are in the running, Paisley, John- to it
son, Livermore •and ,Kemp, belonging
Reeve Middleton gave an account of
to the old council. and L. "W. Cnrrcll,his stewarilshi'i, ,both as regarde ens
Bert Langford and A. F.;,Johns are''
new men, !•none in Clinton and at the County
Public Utilities Connhissigner and
school trustees went in by acch'nta-
tion. '
The followingis the
listof niznni.t-
tions made:
Foo•,Mayor--Jas. A. Forel by 1).
Cantelon and C. J. Wallis; Fred Jaelc
son by S J, Andrews and F. W.
Johnston; H. B. Combe by L. W.
Deeves and A.' Cantelon.
Far Reeve—C. G. Middleton by A.
F.:ore and W. Lacld; 0. L,,s-
ley by le. W.- Andrews and A.Pa E.
For Councillors -=0. L. Paisley by
F"'Muteh and W. Ladd; F. W. John-
ston 'by D. Cantelon and 'S. J: And-
rews; W. J. Miller by le. Rogerson
Mr:..W, Brydone, chairman or the
Collegiate I e
trtute board,
spoke in
support of :the bylaw, which\wiI1 be
voted on on "Monday. Mr, Brydona
pointed out that the time had (mine
when something had to- be done about
the Collegiate building, it was• not the
board which was 'urging the matter,
they had .been Staving off the 'Issue
as long as they. could," Sotnething had
to be ,done. Would . we build`'a .hew
school at a ,cost 'of • about $45,-
000, a little over twice -What it Cost
to 'remodel the Public school,or
should we try -to rentdel the old leeiid-
ine,rnot 'knowing .what itwoulcl cost or
what sort of a job it would' be when
finished? The architects who have
and D. Cantelon; S. Kemp bj! G. E. examined it say it cannot beesaelefae
Saville and G. E: Hall; L. W, Cur-
ren by C. J. Wallis and W. L. John-
son:. G. H. Elliott by W. L. Johnson
and C. J. Wallis; Bert Langford by
4A. E, Durnin and Guy Hicks; John
Schoetthals by F. W. Johnston and
T. H;" Gook; W. M. Aiken by A.
Cantelon and L. W. Deeves; Fred:
Livermore , by W. Rutledge and 1):
Cantelon; Robert Marshall by A. E,
Fremlin and WI; J. Cook; A. F.
Johns by Ai 'Cantelon and J. B,
Lindsay; J. A. Satter by W. 5, R.
Holmes/and W. J.JMi11er S. E. Ro-.
zell by J, A, Ford and G. E. Hall
A. Cantelon by A. T. Cooper and W.
E, Perdue.`
'School Trustees — St. Andrew's
'Ward: A. F.,. Cudnore by F. Match
and C. G. Middleton; St. Jones' ward:
W. J: Cools by Theo. Fremin and T',
Match; St. John's ward: J. A. Porti complaint against the methods used
by W. S. R. Hohnes and F. 'W: in placing the contracts for building
Johnston; St. George's ward: Geo. the cement sidewalks laid down the
Jenkins by W. S, R. Holines and A. past stub -ewe. He claimed they .were
le. 'Cudmore.not properly built, that they were
Public Utilities Commissioner -B. already breaking down and bad
J. Gibbings by S. J.- Anch:ews and material with him which he. said wax
Fred Jackson.
11 11
At the conclusion of the nomina-
tions N. W, Trewartha, M.L,A., was
appointed to the chair and ani oppor-
tunity was given to the candidates to
torily done•, ought we to take ,the'ri k
of spending nearly as much to Tema -
el it so as to qualify for Government
grants and then have a -makeshift in-
stead of a new, up-to-date building?
He said he did -not wish to force his
opinions upon others brit he thought
the time had cone for Clinton to pro-
vide a' new Collegiate. FIe spoke of
the past eecord, of the Clinton.Colieg-
iate. citing the faet that two Rhodes'
scholars had graduated from it and
ekpressing the hope that with a nee
and. well-equipped- building even -
ter wotic would be done. He thought
if•the peonla'reall,v understood the sit -
nation the would' be no difficulty
about the carrying of the bylaw.
Mr, A. Cantelon was the only nomi-
nee for councillor who spoke and he
tock occasion: to register a, strnnn
picked from a broken walk, which he
could break up with his fingeto. iTe
also opposed the building of ;a new
Collegiate, claiming that the present
one could be remodeled more econami-,
Consider the Bylaw From all Sides' ---Them
Vote for Clinton's Future Citizens
.On Monday next Clinton' ratepayers itgl expenditure in connection' with see
will vote on a bylaw to raise money condary schools:
by ellebbenture for. the eteetiost of a "To eighty per centum of the total
new Collegiate Institute building: amount expended for permanent line
There are numbers of o>inioes being provements '(ineluding amounts ex-
expressed in regard to it and the mat- pended in paying off debentures and
ter is being discussed; as it should be, providing for the -interest on such •de-
bt' ratepayers. benttires) shall be ' added.. the,„kotal
The prospect of increased. taxes is cost of the., maintentined of the high
not a pleasant one and many are shy- school; the amount ajportioned out
ing at it, not unnaturally; But the of the legislative grant, and airy sums
time seems to have collie when sortie- received for fees' shall. ,then l e,deduct-
thing must be done:'" The Govern- ed; the remainder shall then be divide -
anent of Outerio has "decreed that 'ed by -the total number of days' at -
children must attend school until they tendence' of all pupils at the eehoot
.are sixteen years of age, the idea be- .Outing the'ats-'xt preceding three years,
ing to give each child as goodequip- andthe resulting amount than be
ment as possible for its life Work, and 'multiplied by the 'total number of
adequate ineans', must lee provided. 'cloys' ettenclence of -county pupils
while they 'are thus attending school. during the sante: three years; aril to
The present Collegiate .building has the resulting amount 'shall be added
been condei nied by the inspectors :for the shore of the test of education of
the past dozen yearsand anyone who county pupils which the town, village
is aware of the situation at all: knows or township which constitutes the
that, aside `from other .drawbacks,of- high sehool distriot paid to the coup-
uri thei
tend ng winter season' the tee during lite preceding year as ,i't-
'rooms are too' cold to keep pupil in eluded inthe rates levied by 'the coon -
and the.classes have to be dismissed. ter council,'aeeoidhtg to' :the 'relative
'Wle are already losing some mouciy in equalized_ value, and the total amount
grants which we cannot claim on no- so ascertained shall be the sena pay-
coutt:of leek of proper facilities and able by the. stounell to the boatel
we shell more, ore, unless something The, way thie°yvorles out 'in`r o •ard;
is done[ to remedy matters. to Clinton, the proportion of county
Sortie think that the ipreshnt schnolto town pupils is about .47 to 53, that
might be remodeled, although it is' tic is,, there are about_ 47 Clinton pupils
clued by those who have looked into' to 58 of, those froin:'outside the town.
the mayter that the building does not 20% of this $80,000 'which( is asked
lend- itself:. to remodeling. Then, as for, will 'be 'chargeable to Clinton; the
anyone knows who has ever under- remaining 80 Pc will be divided accord-
taken'toretn'odel an bid building, ing to the proportion v.f outside pup-
such a job. tuns' "into a great i1:5 attending, or figuring roughly,
'dee) More money than is 'calculated at about the rate of, $45,000 to 1335,000.
'the outset. Goderich lash yessr re- As we. pointed' 'out at the outset,
modeled its 'Collegiate ' building at a something will have to be done about:
cost of $65;000. We have: no doubt the school.. One of three things must
it is an up-to-date building :and so be done, build 0 new school, rentodel
far as we know the`tow t is corp' well the old one, or close the school.
satisfied with the job, so well satis- If the bylaw 15 passed on Monday'
lied, -indeed, that tho same firm of next' the building will be gone on with,
bnildlrs was given the contract of re- If it is hot passed 'the question will
modeling the, hospital and just' r:o' still be in the air, but it must be dealt
Gently has been awarded that of with in some way. Wie do not think
building a'.tiew town hall:, Bat $65,- ,anyone would set•iously: consider tlte..
000 is a'large sum.eo pay for riapair- contingency of closing the school. A.
ing an old ,building, even though a good secondary school is an asset to-
new wing was added. •A few yeas any town. -'The first thing the par -
ago Clinton Haid out $21,000 fere re- eats of a growing family ask when
Modeling ii;s,• Public school 'uo+hing they contemplate moving from one
beingacldcd to its size at •ill, The town tp anvthearn
r is about school ac '.
cost: of remodeling the Colloriate coninrodntion, and •these are the soo't'y
would probably, not fall short of it of citizens we wish to attract to 'dim -
least twice that amount, as a new toil. The •value of property in Cline
'writ' wo ld have to be added to it, eton would immnediatel "take a drop
re thenif •h •' II a -
ar 1 it would be ani old build.n t e Co e 1te were closed.' -Pro Prep
6 1
mere makeshift.Woul this be rt valnos"viI1 w if a new, wolf
d q v v gg. _ e
business? It is 'well to t eek c eouipped school is provided, Sever'^
all around a question, before commit- or eight teachers reside - Glintomi
time oneself to ani'thing. diming the school year•, the princtp-el
Following is an extract from the 1 t least, tai)al] lati t,r his o e here.
Ontario Statutes, regarding County
g atbtt-toward tnnintt1tai:eo-and cep-, (Continued on _ `,