The Clinton News Record, 1925-12-24, Page 5ART I,
slept in the heat of
ince cra , a while its
,n, bY some straggler
two flights be broad
ding to law .and jus-
sliadoW-liko dOwn to
vhere charity ruled.
alley there had, settled
11.1ncY, Shades wero
, nosed • fleetest heat,
only sound wee the
zing oe electric few
rr. The .Alley ,.stretch-
es 'of the 'Cotuity.SuP
Le Poor to the office on
!i* for Placing Depon-
ent. all day and every
w but ieevitable, pros
may, comieg , to :pee
se an or another.
over the Superin,ten-
nted to two -fifteen;
nendent,,end Commie-
ith a special interest.
'minutes more and
Low deputy hem."' It
sioner weo spoke and
Nara she put us much
the words as eny
ng ote the,days before
mssiener this was a
or twenty years she
ogle -handed, worked
ake the department
t ought -to be. And
she felt old and piety-
epartment had turn -
ked her over or her
Jed eotheone to Conte
ne in tWenty _years
otiega fresh in oue-
iasm--scimeone who,
work when she must
rry on, faithereaed
ad been able to do:
ex mopped, her fore -
a wad of a hand-
ed at dm Superin-
ret know what.this
have. e. deputy colu-
mn, these' year of
dent grunted. He
ole hanger than the
4 if atiyhodyelarevr,
- wiry as a terrier,
d mellow ine liks
he worked for the
end not /for the
Paid him. He was
17 stagy to trust an
. The Cointniassion-
few;.and If they
totruune the boot
14 they had, each
the other. -
33Y RUT1
•The Contaniaeloneret.cheeka''ilarned•
"Thio is ono thing he'll never get. I
spent' a half hour -interviewing h 8
; niece arid elie's ruede of the aft* hind
tnobe e lei. hard, even-egret/eel
and 'full of knot holes. Mereiful Godi
tvouldn't treat 'her -with it dead
babv.e • • ,
1/171th this mai:peal vent of feelings,
the Commaiesionee ;wilted . into her
chair again: The exeitement' of the
steer 'deputy's •arrival haderaide inn
thieve •how- tired erase And now
If the Superintendent wee right -and
heakenerelly was right' -here Watt an-
other ngly fight Matted She caught
I hard athwhat philosophy' theiteal had
left her. Her -walk had boon a seriee
of fights, one afterninother; aa IODIC
RS she.eitaye,d, there mlweys would bio
a battle for sorttethieg in the offing.
. She had fought for the control of her
departreett,,for 'proper nursing hothes
for her babies, for rigid requirement's
Lor adoption arid the careful .eupee-
vision of the homes that took children.
Twenty Years.- ago any 'parson: who
would take a oast,off baby ocraldhave
it for the askine, no matter how illn
fitted and untrustworthy that person
might be: ettel the law dernanded.watt
actual housusg •and food if the baby
lived, and Christian bierial if it 'died,
Deer. y time `the Commissioner, looks
ed backwaede :the shuddered at the tell
those years had eaken-ndintinutive
human wrecks whet had gone to fill
sthte.•Institutions for feebeentinded-
eese, tuberetilosie 'mad ,potential crim-
inale. ..And yete they heel event Into
the making trf a montunent bathe fact
that -fightmg 'paid. • 'Well, he could
light Agaizi; tiles time for the rightt
worrein to share her work and fill her
place witen she was too Old and worn
Mat to find Another home for ene of
her betties. • '
• A.beve the fan' bnzsting ateinde4 the
isharp stacc.ato click-chek of heels
agstinat the Alley's flagging. The Cm-
missloiter atiffetted in -her .chair and
shot,a look of challenge atnthe Supet-
intandent. • • - -
"There they ate. Inl know two
reinutee eet eyes on her if
she's the r ht oo. And it she is,
'aira Barnad.
' The door flew open Andover the
th eshold !stepped a sthglet figure—
, Hat and•Ietidetin It was Boxel, the
departmeeet etseretArY.
bkhet eintne? Rah?" There
'lives 'triumph:in the SuPettriMudenites
gegolerdee.. "WhAttliell tell You?
She's ehanged. her Mind tannin?'
n'hei Comeilesionemnfelt -dazed and
saute/1y hitt It was as if County
Feir,'Intty had come' and the fair
grounds had been found empty. A
&tee tespetions etirred In lier mind;
else asked• but one an them. "What's
ho Superietendent
hate e woman
auging her rain&
he wouldn't come
ded vacatiort—ste
realist needed a re-
ontlus1 NOW she
need a vacation—
two-tene to -day.
gets here and has
•gain." lie picked
am_that ley on the
•lid the signature,
ogle? Why not
Jupiter! What a
r •
er cloned her eyes
se mel 'smiled to
eperintendent (Us-
ed everything new
awn new methodstl
bed and -immovable
mid yet, once eon-.
ys proven her most
nd he would fight,
with, her when
understand that
she Was fighting
so lang to make I
a_ deputy; and note
0 to conviece hire
right ono Very
Ing now all knuek-
ed and jaw swing -
to spring and -de- ,
t She stepped foot n
r opined her eyes li,
ht at what s'he '
te, eau look as
ocotillo. What do g.
et It's the view- t
means everything I
•first deputy coms P
itch for her work ft
togive up a va- '
a month's thlary q
•04. 1 tell•pu it's ra
• s
el It's the end- °
ver since Franklin w
y mind made up
of "theee heed- t
• d, free -tongued
meeica is special- W
I read Franklin's 0
minutes ago and °
less than ewhen I
•'joked uin a sheet c
•lograin and read g,
If and partly in
born in so- ;
five . . . serioas ,.
O . . . great per- te
I say it again!" .te
letter back certhe "
a deputy commis- r
e- with personal ti
`allagherel get Ms
sties been a week 'a
. e
1 her ehair. For A
lot how hot.and 1.-
'I'thought we lin.d ,T.
Sent in my report a
ry local applicant 'If
'fully; and every
for the position.' e
streesed the last ai
: but that doesn't 1
more likele to be
niete was one of °
• we are with the eat„.11
:nt opoh to a Wo- '4
for years; and P
membere of the
s wartneig the ja g
e interested -in— 0r/
leen, Maeltherson
nee few a dentin- te
wbat do we do2 •elle
g Oath an4 ann. "
• the best 'one he 9
tato workers. Yoe t°
es trdoble' to in1:-. el
•epnie joiss," • a
he Ootinnissioner e
• ba
t care. But get
fl. ht. Gallag,ber fa
e'd picke.d inc
imssioner, us good
appointment and
se sho got it. ' 1
imotley Gellatther
wally everything
e he's heel chair-
' sk the court." _The seersharaest
VOIce was as flat and thin as the rea
Of her. The Superintendent had Mice
seed time, he guessed. the Lord Al
mighty must have hewn ha out of
hickez7 and lasted her down ae much
as go da . In her three yeats at
sr -ice she had never shown enaotion
of any sort or Interest le any hutuat
being, S.Irt was more *km to the of -
flee furn turfs than its perstonuel.
Turning beak to the door she stopped
loeg omelet team the minimum of
information! 'Wet the tveo-ten train
And that Wee all I did meet. The
young thinine probably gone off look -
Mg for semething wee exciting. than
The Seperinteedent did* not allow
his chuckle to escape until tee door
had awuug ehut after Boyd teen it
rambled forth, a sound out of an pro-
portion te the eize of the little Man
who made it. "Gosh, how Boyd does
hate babiesi Don't believe you'd get
ter to tench one with tongs."
Re looked to the Commissiceme tor
en anoevering laugh but none mune.
For the first thee that day nes studied
bar carefully and saer how doze she
to the breaking poiet. Heat, an
nbroken Bummer of overwork, with
11 the Years of strain back of these,
d written their mark on a face that
owed unnaturally white and drawn.
"Look heel" The Supmentenclent
ot oet of his their and cante over to
ier, his *tee serewed •up into what
he goneniesloner knew to be an eie-
r'ession of empathy but which, for
11 the world, looked at if be had bit -
en into soar fettle "You've got to
nit. I've eeen It cenobite but rem held
y tongue knowing howyou hate pee -
one' remarka. But you've got to glut
e the nord'll make you in that final
ay of 'Ilie Take , a vadation—get
twenty deputies and put 'em right on
he sob—leave thenheisies in the-nurs-
ng home, for a couple <if receithe-e
on't hurt 'Ent -nand let Boyd take
are of the new ones, Do enything,
nly pit!"
Tele time the Commissionee laugh -
<1.• "I'll quit when my new deputy
ets 'trained in. You needn't scowl;
int-Barnard—I'm etill holding eaith
lth Sara Genie. I know you- think
ranldin's a sontimeetal old fogy but
don't—I Item abseluM canfideeee in
le girl he plaited out. Sernething's
gavelled to her; she'll have a good
eaeon for missing that train --sec if
he doesn't, We'll hear somethembe-
ore the day's out. In -the meantime
o department is still running—I'd
atter. get back to ineeciesit." •
She pulled -hers& out of her chair'
0 et -the going meant untold effort,
he Superenteedent watched her with
n mninouteshakirin of the hear, "Look
not" he sheeted after' her. "Goose
Po goose, if that young woman ever
oes tura up and ghee what yell Want,
11 fight Timothy Gallagher to blazes
id back for her."
Beck in her office, the Coelleiseiellt
• took up her work wheee she- had
zoppett it, - The air had grown in-
lerenle hetnid; it pressed down on
elike a great invesible rd. Boyd
me hi. with.-i.ecord to a and re -
'need a • Sterne. "Going to be v
nekeii,"-the- said and before the lied
onentheenaie wee flicking •eherply
the windowe,
Reaorda to eeegY/ atI0Ption papers
1 ever, tetters frnt ofostee par-
ts read and newer; ip tee midst
the routine -work a hay trom the
l'Phatiage who lied lathe bonded Out
r the aulliMer, caine en to inaleele
onehly report. lie caeried a glee .
nch of eemieg marigoldwhich ho
Id Mitt to the Commissioner with
siVtf pag9r900s.
"Than] t pop, Johnny. Like the
nil? How do the folks treat you?"
Welll" The bee gaineed a round-
facet., freek.or. grin. ' him and iter
couldn't treat me better if 1 was
"Pine, From what I've iny.rd you've
bean treating them the slatto "setty,
nil' t that
•(To be continued.)
thInge enern-nreddy: ,a)ArOuld have "boan'vvise to Mt -the ioa
eaciloi'oMew's not se foolish as sho seemed to be."
Mother Bride looked- at the, .two
tempting eamety loaves which had
been thrown into thearena, with a
SLIM of -Suspicion, "Thitak you 'eau
fool an oldstimee like me," she growled
dludainfully„dwelling theughtfully on
the attend eteroganee of niam But
.Mester Teady- Bear aset ..his twin
brathettEddie were not so wiee in the
waye of the-worldThey made a deah
for the luscious mos -eels.'
'Leate that alone; don't You know it
islet tira regular grub Mellen' rumbled
Lade Beare Disregarding parental
authority with a haughty stare and a
dienarnging . "What can Maw know
about these thanes," '1'eridy and Deldie,
nee etarpoteon's army, marched on to
defeat. 'rimy seized the Mayes and,
bang went the gate'. '
Cut off , from home mid mother!
:Loud, were the cries of remorse 'and
'grief ,ssi the two cubs were bundled In-
to a crate 10 be shipped to Liverpool
a Mans."
Thl'o LWo greatest potsene.1nIIfi, aro,
fesr and worry, If these, coulkl be
• esadleated--and they can- -then never
Onoe nese we falter. The poisons
affect'0i.0deathn'' tho
el'i'c'n1 asains.10e9•111. mitth°k'
For ereeeqn noCS to enter into
relationship with all conqactors and
con4110ring things. Things that pro
Mete upliftleg thoughts atm hopes teat
the eoneteetive will:bring no to tee,
Poeltive princieles which defy every-
thing that is destructive.
The challenge 00 always there, and
we ought to accept it end win through,
Otto alwees true that love is strong-
er than Mitred, end geutieen. is alwaye
a atienteatibra Metals Malice wile cog
• tele and fe-er down, Whilst love jent
WOIl In a lone cage there was g wail-
ing and gnashing of teeth as a be'
renved mother' paced "boat in anger,
resolved never' agate te'uneer-etaimate
tee Ipower of an eneniY.
But in their logg voyage to meet-,
real and then eeress eles'Attnettie on'
'hoerd the Canadian Pacific liner Mont-
clare, Teddy gest Eddie had areal £m=
«er mother in the Dominion Express
company, under wbose kind • attention.
Me17 were emedueted ' right ttp te the
London Zoo. '
With the baby bears went eecte-
non:Et; six coyotes mad fifteen alp -
mentos, all • Intended , for the London'
Zoo., Toronto _expeets in re -tern only
a few bar -headed geese, a emerib duck,
it equine of leopards, twO Kheetts (a
variety of .ostrich), and it Barbary
sheep. The curator ot the London
Zoo- hopes Tearanto wilt get whet it
hopes fer, but in the meantime he has
been unable to fill the otder.„
A Poein Worth Knowing.
winter. '
The Elizabethans seem to Itave had
a special genius, for writing sotto, and
Shakespeare' led this tuneful choir
with sucluielightrul a,nd characteristic
stenzen 00 theeet— •
'When IcMiee hang by the wall,
And Diek the shepherd blows his
And Tom hearer logs into thithall,
„ And milk ecenee froeint home in nail*
When blood Is Meisel ways be foul,
Then nightly singe the etturing owl,
. nevem;
To -whit, teinwea, a merry notes
While greasy Jean cloth keel the pest,
When allsaleud the wind doth blow,
And conghtlag drowns the pitmen's
And. birds siehroodieg beethe snow,
And Mariano nose book* red Mad
When roasted testes Mee in the bowl,
Then nightly sings the staring owl,
To -who;
To -whit, fu -who, a metre note,
While grthey Jean doth keel the pot.
Young Canada Will Solve It.
• n .
now ofto we develop ea nation of 0
This charming one-piece frock of
Certainly it will not be done by
nor b
eigned for the women el large proper- -trey-ate Gamesmen: gee' tee io
waYS' a savour to life. Meet batted
with hatred and you will degrade yOur
self; meet it with Itincinete am/ yot
bocome eleveten ,and else the one who
bears , yea hatred. 11 iea, wonderfu
fact,' but it is real, • ,
Men wile have thought In ell, age
and climen hese come to, kuew t01
tanth. There Is a Porelan sage who
teed: "Always' meet petulanee ndth
,geetteenta, ane perversineas with
'kinds:tee: A gentle hand the lead even
an elephant ,by e hair. Reply to thine
enemy with gentleneee; 'Opposition to
peace its sin." But hesaye: "If it,man
foolishly does me wrong I will return
him the protection at my ungrudging
' love. Themore evil' comas from him
I the more good shall go from ace," .The
Chineee have -thie proverb: "The-neite
!Tenn avenges injuriee by benefits.'
; Whilst the Hindu believes: "Instant
evil, ,overcomean. ger by, lave
hatred never ceasee by -hatred but by
Now thD,RtreSt1012 kr: Canthis be
practised in a world like, alert? 1eau
int/iglu& /someone sayinent "Yee this is
All very well ID theory, but if you had
to live *here I do -and melons the Peo-
ple I bane to Meet, you weeld,say leas
ahatit I0,7e and more abouta holding
your owmand getting your minis 'hack!"
But We were atiathig about ac,900Eis
azd the etteceesitel, and 11 one' is to
turn_ evil for evil and saltine for rale
Mg he is not successful neither 10 116
tinr4:EittueliveesryetPtratzawa.nin 8caz:10:6dece:f ladevolufatIrwihimstl winelf
be can ho anythieg and everything.
It 'le his' privilege and the Power is
within. Never -mind whether You have
triad and failed. Try again.
YOD were not able to -walk tee
elrat time you put your foot to the
geourel, antl youthed net conquered
the "winged art' when You learned
the ,tieorthand „alphabet. You had to
try much end often; and if one WIll
deterneue teen he will beautify hie
Corner of the world. by 015 kindness
and sympathy he witi do it.
Intemeologiets aay that if we learn
to concentrate on Anything we shalt
ettraet that thingeo no whether et be
wealth, health, beeny, power, Or God;
and these things spell victory., If you
are passed ie the rage, don't give, up
running for yell are tot beaten.
Whubat lite c-ouraos 10, Your veins yen
are not onftlie losing side. The 0I0
Beek soye.: "All things are fiessible
to hliu that belleveth." Then what-
ever Your theirothethen et be Merging
o laeguage, ter pureeing business, or
domes,tnc worries, believe that You can
nd you will, •
is reveal
fresh a
Tite t5
- ite Inest easiest tette* pietas raenpe t„,,e
F' C 31 f h En; ' S' World
is Kepteere,an Upper Reoina in Bickinrthani Paieee.
etre Weser.
. 14. George tALILe'.8 stanin-eol- les,, earilf MaurRius Mame which M
a Wes Bt
tsilit 'Is 11 tt)
g bating very acre:110,1Y, and when 000 bought years ago tor n1,400, and
ol'tflo „finest coliectione of postage which is to -day worth. 4,000 gateman
kajilPsltit?'"wotbdcai".unde.1' th° It Is a relic of the days when an old
etioneen,s, hammer recently - it -wae
be repreeented all the able. . ' eisuriteeioe steel' with a haadtdie:`
Ties eenraina.ble eollection, mdiose • IBS 1)11ijesty is very Proud, <41 a 000'
di8,p9m1 drew iditlatellste from all tion devoled. fb "errors" and curioen
parts of the World to London, was („1/S- ties." TfPleal a =this section hi a
eneoyered In' tee attic of a Mayfairetarniwelch alteeee,„15 siint
iTion. The atempenvere bought in the .. • it
on sof
1 -
na 1 that11is Maics
11 11 watchmaker truck the stetting
put up tor auetion brought: in no less
• than .nea50, , •
Empire etaines figured liagely in tbe
collection, prominent among them be
Ing e block' of steams from OeY1011.
whioli 'met the original collector doe
and which edalized 53e10: A, block,
el -unbroken Shoot, a atampe pre-
oervecl iatact to much more valuable
than tee aame number at single
• stamps. ,
Douhtlesi it Wita the Empire stamps
which intereeted the King. Though
he bag oaten heett deooribed as a
looter of foreign stemPe," Yee eeeld
toolethrouge all the 300 leather -been
-vein-Ran thet hold Me collection wine
out finding a single stamp of a faring'',
country. Ms selajewty is aotually a
colleotor of Empire stamps., and We
isteenn library lesregnrded ao the Jimmie
of Its kind In the world,
-Among the King's Treesures:
satinis payticuitteey k
Dprinted postet
Vona. The wide underpanel is of con- one for the elementarY eelloels. It
treating color crepe. This same ce.or erotectiom of the forests is to become 0
tnakes the goner and the full letigth }tette-teem, it meet here a foundation
revers, at each side, which emphasize of acearate khowledge ihgrained dur- t
the front. elobing in eseat effect. Two leg the plastic hours of youth. As yet,
large buttons are placed at the law the etheeta or cantina, broadly speak -wait -line in front, end a earrow belt, Mg, have treated the forest in their 1
holds the easy fulness at tee back
Boy Bishop's Great Day.
St. Nicholes, weese festeval falls -on
December 6, ie tha Pateou Saint of
hildren, whoin he Yeats regularly
when Cheletmes Eve comes round, in
be guise or Santa Wane.
,Nleholas wee It bishop,• and irt 'for-
mer days eVerY parish elected a boy to
rapersonete hint on the anniversary.
• The boy blahop was dressed in fan
4 eroolal';
t4r:nebtle4pterh' ulwashita,httatiertleinaldoldlillabitly:ab'Iolayt thniogit Itre-PlEugellelehatet ;cennin 1Thiteire.sete$uncelekel
who has inherited the ualque r1ght•of
servetuts, all eultableedreseed tor their tomes dowA to hen from the time of
P,aseto0m, people teii nil:01a 'Helve vim The =Using pairt or the
this ' story isintat young Forester cares not
uaint 1Cvelerh6:1111Eruthaathelle*warbe'e*ellinrdoonnge. ever e
e whit tar this hatright, antiesaye that
oway p18-
kTiltuege da hltiocytustbotnashestop aoreanreot seotii reeilny. sknenif etlig,4tlipse IKvainsnglwwal:arfrir:„
throned; with ell the old.time cere,
men101,-in various parte of Englane. ten'
LRet year, at Borden, in ieseexeteg- 11,1e-Inverted.Jar.Trick,
land, tee part or, th.e bor bishop Was Lay a lemon on the table and place
erneited7 be a lad hauled Willie Stone,. a Jar upaide down oyer it. The prole
the sou of a thatcher, tern is to pick me. tee Jae and plineelt
There are not many inee, nowadays On anothea table --with the lemen still
plying such an' ancient' calling art 1.11Ditie 1±. . • ' •
thIbtehillg, and ft deems eapeyeny .aes iseasons wee attempt to Detente this
tVornYrsilaiot°1;fdhielia.evfem-le;eetehatastaboeciaaite4ddnot 12/11.,e01:1,t,t1Lollsliiit,tlelhlitsltarno:oliventuaii6uo wuuePti uPTiltehuJedrumulaPsut
'• trick requires a eines neantice but the
itAbliisedoventseryiemnanepyl,tyltilea00::::78tion that floitr-a
u alt
• kneck 18 soon aCquired.
toLr p:teirinfoer.niing the
Take hoid‘of the jar and whirl it
, what is a hobo? 'The Popular axis- tepidly about. The lennon ppolia!
wer wouia probably be "a tramp." Not, around inside (heeler, and agisooe as
so! , .TItere are certaitie nice destine- it es- traveling- at a geed rate carry the
(lone to be observed. e bobo ie 4ot over th the ether table, whirling it
migrat pry worker—a man, eke the ,a11 the time. enteit -down- and the lemou.
harvest band ill the Weet the bum- will still be insides' . •
berJack In the Norte weeds, who , --nee—net
cuinicela merely- tie one of the re
The revers arid collar maybe omitted, seeeeee, eseany, tee subject --for lite
end short sleeVea used to fashion a edema melesatisfeetion and without
trim house arose, No. 1101 is In nzes discuseion of the duties of eitizenehip
42, 44, 46,48 un ti 50 inchee bust. Size', theeete, pee ehtiti germs up believing
46 bust requirea 211yards of 86 or the forest resouresS"Illivaltable," anti
40 -inch material, with lYa., yards addir, forest dreg aa merely jecteresque, ant
'tenni coetrasting material for panel,' all too often is entirely uninstructed'
revers and collar. Width of dress in the trubjent, of ConserVation except
around the bottom about 11,6 yards lein. the inandeet academic 'theme
Price •40 ce1:16e. es I • 'l'ome t ti lac] , Canadian.
Home. sewing brings nice oth ror,atrk, Association has talettanen
e I
Within the reach of all, and. th
to provide 10,000 echool teed:ens with
the mode is 'delightful when it can be] fonenightli, inamisernes op the ere -
done so eesily o.pd ceenonneallY, by Intents ef. goreetry, °Iniese tell of fot-
following the styles, Metered lif Mutt °ant-, ts a tasei-ottng him?, end grad-
'iteW Vasilion Book.. A ehart antione
indly cultivate in the- child'n enind a
anying each pattern Shows the ma-
etruil ag it eppeane .ivhen cut out,
EvervY detail. is eitplained •so that the
inexnerienced sewer Can make with-
eiut • difeculty an athesteeive dress.
Prins oP the book 10 cents the copy.
Writ your nam0 and address
perepption of ehe-Mablie'.Peolelein, in-
volved tied the reelloltenWitY en, the-
Oatiadian .citizen for ite eoltition.
'elms iginietera of Education enil Co-
gent-tient:el heads( es well .•ten the In
specters'. mei teachere, _have been
ready to lend their aid and 'endorse-
ment and the Canadien lamest:re As-
dy, givmgnumber and of sesta seeietien win bend every effort to be
patterns as you warit. EnciOse 20c 111 worthy of t0*. great' opileritutity,
tempo- or coin (eoin preferred; wrap Scoree ef the members of the -Associa.
it eanenn:1Y) for eaell number, alla tinnehave gladly' borne, par.t, of the ex -
Address your order t6,Patitirn Dept, penso of the ,sehool-campaigu `attach -
Wilson Publishieg Co., -73. West Ade- 150 to -their letters such conintenls. as:
Lade St., Toronto. 'Patterns sent by see bane on tee ntheram Theyeepu t
teturn mein thrs country on Ile feet, if the proper
Mandation prinsiples are euppliee
• At times parties of philatelists hese
-tidied the Palace to ens this wonder-
ful collection, which is kept in an up-
per • room tse Buckleghem Palace.
When tltey have dorm ismthe King has
been thane, esteking for fresh baton -
tem on the eubject of welch he is al-
ready a mester.
•'So keenis the King On philately that
11 110 Is missing duting Rug of his tare
home of letsure whee In residence,
some ertenther of hia family will atty:
"I -le Is' sure to be In the statute
room " •
One of the King's greatest bargains 10
' 'Renate/ Leads the Way.
rehe colleetiou afga inetudes retie%
.01 days when, small, puttying parts at
the Empire ran out of etamps ot a par-
ticular value, In sileh Circumstances It
watt the custom to use a etteen of the
nest highest value, pleating the new
value over le in black. In one ,case this
ovetprieted "mem was put on upside
dime, reeking tee specimen a cure,
oilty and eteer in one.
Many of the curiesities and errore
relate to stamps of curreet issue ilest
hearing the King's own head. " One
might Mistakeuly, Imagine that ex.'
emPlea of such mitstakee would be of-
fered to his Mejeaty, but it la the duty
or the examiners to destroy every.
tamp that 1s not entirely correct, and
only theme that:1m.y!) (soaped their
vigilance get tin the market, te
Even if such stamps were offered
to the King, it is certain thet be would
refuse them. H43 prefers to get his
specimens ate other people get theirs
by Purehate and exchange.
It was the King wee -started a stamp
fashion that bars become popular every,
where—that of colleeting in blooko oi
four. When. he can do so his Itialeste
alWaye buys in thie way. •'
A Week of lona is four shames tore
off the aheet not in strip fashion, but
00 that they, art two wide and two
deep. They are rare, because le the
old daye it was the custom of Poet -
offices to serve quantities Of stamps
lioo. itorester
Diary in Cipher. moves from place to place, as work , A Memorial Avenue.
•them," "11 we Win over the obOdron offers., A iramp, on the other hand, 10 An avenue bf 212 trees, each bear
Jest a 1.„..Ared 3,,,....ars ago was pub. for coli-lervat:on, the problem is fully a, migratory, loater, and a bum e sta. trig the name en one of the fallen, con -
holed the worites inost extraordleary selvage' "Conceetrate on.lbe ,s,ebools; ti,ompwy loafer. One should be careful settees Bersforties (Yorkehire) War -
Wark. It WaS hit 0,great pelted nettle they are the ments of the future." ,insticli ma,,teis. I memorial. -
neined repys—pronotniced „alteepon • e.
Iialf ,of each night' he sat up Writ. •
- • • -- - - —
Ing, till ho -almost went blind—writing .
the queerest work that hes ever oc-
curred to man, 'Mile wee a Deny of
the real truth aboet himself 1,ga..
everyone else, but, written, in cipher .....
00 that nobody„could read it.
Ppoys tells ,ris. hew he brdmd, and
tOok bribes, how, ho got drunk anti a
woe eorey noel, mornieg; hew he once $
struck ,his wife and then Itissed her 1
and made it up. ' e
. Mixed with the bad 111010 is ' a lot t
• The Moth.
One of these, ineecte is very familiar
to us 'in the . little moth -miller that
flies around our homes In the spring
and hides' itself away it Our Mrs mid
elothing.- After awelle It becontee a
small grub, teid eat; little holes all
tbrough, the material, so that it drops
in pieces. and cannot be used 'again.
Bat the large, richly -colored zitotee
will be more interesting, tor it semis
So strange to think that these beaute
fur creatures aro first grubs, or eater.
pillers, feeding on leaves del vege-
tables. •
Whieli changing their state from the
grub to the moth, the emeeloPe them-
selvea in e web which ,they spin, and
Ile ae if dead for a long time, witeout
eating or. moeing. .,This is called the
When the mottle ready to -come out,
it ereaes Ms web, �r shell, and flies
away among the fleeter -0 to <seek its
food. While in the chrysalis state,
-four. beeetiful view< bave been given
to it, two on 'either Olde—those on the
rroiet being much larger tears the back.
They are nielny colored, and ornneffent.
en with lame SVOtS, oY% that book
like velvet. The eetire wing is Cover.
ed With a soft <lust, or down, aude lo•
so delicate that only o. stlight touch et
the finger will destroy its begute
that eit ban never be brought back „
If exemined through a mioreseepe,
or s.frong magnityttag glass, this down
looke like sett, gaily -colored feathers,
The bodice are ninth larger 'then those
05 ihe -butteetly, mad aometimes look
as if coate'd with •fur,a
The decrepit), Moth ise one of the
iargeet and pften •theaestret five and-
, . ,
a hall, inOlites acroes the weiga,
color te principally red arid brown, tind.
the, edges ,of the wings are tan -color,
:striped With dark brown. D. band
&lesson ena white runs through the
wings a little Oistance from tile edge.
The anteenee, or, as. they are. often.
cane& feelers, are _like two lone teatle
ere, , The legs ere Smell, but cling to
watatever they -take liaht et with the
greateM feeimity. This Is .eno ilia
mest beatniful the family of moths,
en account of its greet size eed the
beauty of its coloring. -
Another very beautiful sp,eolinen
the lemur moth, nearly' ap large ae the
Cedronta, bet different in stratie tend
1 • Th i ft great variety of
these •oureette inEeCtS, illaCh.te Ina
terest one In studying them. i
Ancient Yet Modern -
root -tome are 'So called 'because
O refterablence to a cornorbarley then
the be picked out. Three hunclrece
yeare ago coins were Meated preciaelet
5,they artf to•day and 0. recipe -of 10.204
eye: Cores on the tem, are to be,
Vet or soaked and rubbed.with apeen,
11 or causec evere evening upou eel
iring. IC large, corns, should he out '
et or at least pared ,witbo a eltare
knife lf a covn hogs by a email tient
t ahould be tied with a silk string, abet
We road how really fond he was of his
Wife, and how it' troubled him to 1
gneys her—when he had been found
out! '. We road aleD ILOW he set nul to -
retuten this aed that ,scandel. Fon,
thinking that 109 Diary cmild 'never
be read, Popys pitt.down.. the truth
That Ton g {if ter. hisd oath , somebody
would patiently 'work oat the -cipher,
was the 'last Iting Pepys 'expected.
Still, it gavo.ue. in a way the World's
mast huinalybook.
Canadian -English. hater
01 $airttiki is ahowti abOVe 10 a reCe PhniograPh.
it will canto away. To atop the pairen,
or ti corn cover the core with a piece
et atthesive entiater with 4 0010
through 11 SO that tee porn may be
pressed and at the corn riSea add more'
adhesive elastots ntt nee thehrot." 1
The wood of the red or Norwey plea
13,„.11cavier, harder add more resinoue
than white pine, eat it is used foe
tile' bailie pt., nesse,•