The Clinton News Record, 1925-12-24, Page 1May the 'Glow andGladness.
of this Merry Christmas iii your
New Year.Days remain.
the year concludes, we recognize' the support
oodwill of our many friends, and we wish to
you for your co-operation and sincerely trust
ou will have a very Merry Christmas and that,„
ew Year will bring you peace and prosperity,
p P y
e opportunity .rix' ., t t
e.. e
w 1
offered o Bred b
the kris
Y Christmas
Y. ,
)C et business
andgreetyou 'oral 'o
on the.basis of
b purely
Let us extend toyou, therefore, y sincere , every wish
Ynat this`'o joyous .se season �ess jy as n and for yaurprospexity
'sincerely Yours,
'CLII °!
:Wheat, 31:3:1, `
Oats, 40c to
Bucy wheat, 65c to 70c
Barley, 60c to 65c
Butter; 360 to 37e.'
Eggs„30e, to 55c. ,
Live Hogs, 313.00
�'. Ontario Street Claireh
Classes -Will ,meet at ten o'clock on
Sunday morning.
The morning message: "it Great
Birthday" Anthem "Goad Tiding
Caleb Senrier.? Solo, ."First .Chris±
n+as Morn," Miss Marion Gibbing...
The...evening: Cantata, "Messiah's
Advent," All music 'lovers 'are in-
The Juniors -vial not 'meet this
week. i i-. 1
Presbyterian Church
Christmas service in - the Baptist
church on Sunday at 11 amt.' Order
of service:
Prelude: "Silent Night."
Hymn 174—"Adeste Fideles"
Scripture Reading. .
'Male Octette—"The Fiost: Christn
Solo and Chorus—"0 Little Town of
Bethlehem" Miss M. McMtrchie
1.71 -"Hark the herald Angels
Offertory—"O Little Babe of Bethle-
benY '
Anthem—"The Angel's Sone
Hymn 170 --"It came upon the Mid-
night clear.'
Postlude--+Ghri suras Ii'antasy,
The- Cjnistmas:,tree ' entertainmen
on Friday fast was "a great,success
There was a I2tt1•ge'attendanee,botb o
children and grown-ups. ',A hoc sup
Per was ,served at 6:S0, after which
shoot prdes am was given. Three set
of lantern slides were 'shown, th
first illustrating the Christmas story
the second shaving Chr"ittmas scene
hi various lands abd tinsel, and th
thirdatietaring "Alice in Wonderland'
the"story of which was•told by Miss
Barbara afetvor. Thereafter Santa
Claus made his appearance •and•tee
gifts from the Christmas. tree were
distributed. Bothyoung and old
seemed to enjoy;thezpselves thoonagh-
St. Paul's Church
The annual
in the
'�-vns a snout
d the Christmas
, "Saute
Carpet," tghieh
neo- p1•asen
the part o
Gordon Cudrnore
Magic. Car
uteri by'
Susie LivermoreCudmore,
;-was out
find some
mush spirit
needby Marjory
lace of
by Marion
Harry Wa
d. andwas�
tree spirit of
nee -vas brightened
drills, choruses,
Mabel CluYF
g work in
Liss Mary
tc 'i '
e w tit a,
which Rev,
the prizes
visit from
orlon of h
y loaded tree.
nsneiYts held
Sunday school
The Christmas services will be' held
Sunday next. The rector's sub
e s will be: Morning: "The Shep-
rd's Resolve." Evening: ""The
rst Nowell." There will be a cele-
ation of. the Holy ,Conunnnion' at
0 a.m ,and' also at .11 "a.m. The
Meal prograt o will be as Coilews
Morning •
tan 74 --"Christians Awake, Salute
the ha ley moon."
gminueion service' Simper
inn 712 --"Once in Royal David's
City' •
irthem - "Arise,, Shine" for Thy
Light is conic" Sir George Elvey
100 ,3-"Ilar•k, the herald Angers
ne Dixnittis-90.
ria in' Exeeisis 7.31.
010 75 -"While ' Shepherds Witch
their :flocks'by;night"
Hymn 72—"O Come a1I ye :Caithfid,
Gloria -04 Moak`
Magnifieat Plummer:.
Nuns Diinittls Plummer
Hymn• 79 -"Angels ;from the -realm' oi'`•
i 77—"Cod Y o
d from on high hath
Anthem --"Let us now go' even tmto
Vesper, 742 ----"Holy Night"
Hymn 80--"O Little Totem ,ori; Bethle-
hem." •
Th S. S. entertiaihurent,
yield parish hall last friday ev-
ening pronounced success
in everyAtter the siugang 'of
a Ch Carol the children pre-
sents 'playlet : en-
titled Claus ,and.`.the Magic
delighted the 'large
andze t. 1+'rank Dempsey
tookf ,`Santa .Claus, while
Gord ^was the Wizard with
the .A pet, Pour -girls re••
p' sae Hazel Churchill, Irene
Doherty, and .Mar-
garet decided that Santa
Glans of date and that alley
would one else to take his
place, claims were upheld
with t by a fifth gill, re-
presented rjory' Bunter. Four
substitutesred in turn, to take'
the p Santa, but :each proved
unsat Their parts•' were
taken Smith, Harriett Ken-
nedy, tkitis and. Will Wats
kins. old Santa, himself, ap-
peared joyfully enthroned
the Christmas. The, per -
forma by occasion
al etc:, , which, were
exeell Mitch' credit is ;due
Miss . __ Miss Edna Wise
and 1K ovey for their pains-
taking preparing; the child-
ren. 'bArgent delighted the
eouple'.of recitations,
after C. LI, Bilkey distils
'bitted , .Then •' followed:.a
Shoot Santa` Claus anti the
"drstribis. gifts 'f>o'm the.
heavii . Titus ended" ode
of the delightful Christmas en-
tertainments in connection with
the S during'' the last
ff�ew y
je t
Rev_ Dr.-Ste.wtart' andfamily, -wLh
*.to convey, to'their ,."many friends iu
Clinton their sincere-t'iari s iI61• pits
sympathy extended to' them ,in con-
nection with the recent death of M.
Stewart, They appreciate very high
ly-this kindness afid s- nipathy.
On Tuesday evening of last weak,
a congregational meeting was yield ir,
Ontario street churMh r3 a 'farewell to
M1, and Mrs. A, J. MtMur•ray, :prion
to their' departure to Ii rriston. 1) t<
ing' the eveuitig a 'eheat and bright
program was given azul weer',! of the
official members of the church spolte
in high terms of the wrack: of VIP. and
Mrs..MtMurray and. presented them
with a handsome tray of silverware.
' ,Mr, Lorne Tyndall sppke an, behalf
of the congregation; Mr Win, Walker.
and Mr. C. S. Hawke -fog the Sunday.
school, Mr. 5, B. Stothers also in a
very humorous way pail some fine
compliments. Mr.- Oliver Jervis pre-`
'sented the tray of silvez and aiso the
resolution of the Official Board,
passed,at a' special meeting,: iii hig
appreciation of both c Mr. earl Mrs,
McMurray, acknowledgnig z alaeeially,
the splendid services that they had
'rendered the 'Young People's League
and Sunday: school, while both- were
members of the board',at the time of.
After the presentation a pleasant
social time was spent, lunch being
served, and before the gathering
broke up' .Mr. McMurray's crass of
young mon dead the following; address
and taresented their teacher witha
`Heat 'Mt, McMurray • tare, the
members of the Excelsior CIass., wish
you' to accept' this entail gift as a
token of remembrance' and goodwill
by Which we endeavor* to show our
thanks and appreeiation of your kind,
helpful servides,as ort teacher. May
it always be'a;,source of happy »rem
cries, cheering you- lir, the Glimmer
trends of fife's pathway. You may
not know what good seeds Yea have
planted in the hearts ;of those you
were willing -'to serve,- but as they
thrive aodmultiply we trust that in
due season you may reap that which
you have sown. Wishing you the
best of success in your new home,
Signed on behalf of the class, F ran-
cis Powell, President^, Wilfred H.
Jervis, Seerettiry.
Willis ---Wesley
The Sunday school had 0' very
happy Christmas entertainment and
tree on Friday" evening last A;pro-
gram of choruses by the Pruntry;and
juniors; a pretty Christmas Boll drill
by a number of little girls, a panto -
mine, "The Holy City," by a class of
the ;eager girls and a Fending, "The
Lost Word/' by Miss Dototiis--Uorke,.
was given, then a series of, pictures
illestz'ating Dickens' "Christmas Car
ol" were shown, Mts. Fowlertelling
the story. At the conclusion of the
program Mr; and Mts.- Santa Claus
appeared and the presents were die
tributed. A large number of the
parents and,$riends were present.
Brotherhood Willis church
at ten o'clock, Sunday. Mr, M. 'I';
,Corless will introduce the -subject:
"The True•,•Spirit of Christinas.",
Christmas services will the held. on
Sunday.' Morning service will be in
Willis' church the following order bc-
ing carried out;
Prelude—"Pastorale Symphony"
from llandel's Messiah
"Holy, Hely, Ilo!y" •
>Iymn "O come all ye faithful"
Scripture Lesson --Matt. 2:1-18.
Byron—"Away in a Manger."
Solo -Selected. Miss M. R. Stewart
Antheln—"liehold, I bring youg �ood
Hymn While She h
l prd.
e s watched
their flocks. %ry night"
Sermon "The hanger: Unveiled."
Rev. J,5 E, Hoag
H mn-"'Yayk1
y the herald Angels
Postiude—"March by:the Magic'
Evening service in Wesley church:
Prelude -Pastorale in P Duffield
Invocation, ,
Hyatt) --"Aa' with gladness igen of
Anthem—"God trent on lanai loath
' heard" Turner_
Scripture I eseon--Isaiah' 11.
Anthem--, "Bail to the Lord's Anlziiit-
ed" II. E. Nichol
Hymn--- "Holy ' Night! Peacefnl
Serziion—' A Itniv„ r sal Saviour"
Rev, A. A. 1ohu55
IlYmn-"It cameupon., 0 midnight
Postluile—"ItalieJitjah Choi us"
horn Handel's Messiah
B n isi; Church
Service onSunday evening•. The'
pastor, the Rev. W. kour ez'''will
preach, his subject being: "Accord-
ing to 'Y our Faith "
' On Friday evening last' the3 o ing
people of the chinch : visited 'the
I1uron County, 7 -Lane, as they have
been cloing frequently ,this I,all grid
presented an entertaining
p o . r•am
which ,the inm ,tes•read
g yentoyed.
After it was over they pt•osented to
their audience a"seasonable treat of
sakiy, '
1 ere
Mn 1)5
Manager and nrr.., Jacob appreciate
tett nu2(11 the many helpfe sa7ire a
these. yo, ing people,.bave Wen
45 a
1f H/
What a bother Christmas i`s! One has to worry about things for weeks
before, getting up early, perhaps; •alid going to bed late; thinking-, 'plan-
ning, and in the end probably spending more money' than we can really
well afford. Is it worth the trouble; think you?
011, ,yes; It is worth ten times. the trouble. Did it ever deem to you
that when we ate doing, all this planning and thinking before: the Great.
Festival we are actually spending all that time and thought, not upon our-
selves, - (whish unworthy objects oceupy-altogether too moth`! thought
tbreughout the year),, but upon others? That in itself would, make it worth
while. For to get otit of; ourselves, get away from the notion that we' are
the only people worth considering, tends to develop qualities. 'which need
diyvelepniont and makes for fineness -at -id sweetness of character.
Then, miracle of miracles! when•, we actually forget ourselves in think-
ing of others, we find that we are really enjoying ourselves much better
testa we usually do when all our attention is centred upon ourselves, There
'is nothing taper thee. that "Ile that saveth his life shall ]use it, and lie': that
loseth ,his Iife shall find it." -
' Those who approach -Christmas with the idea of giving only where
they hope to receive and only, giving to the extent to which they expect a
. return get little ;out of Chrismas., To then the game le not wortli,,th°e
caudle: They' should go and buy what they want themselves, letting;:oth-
• ors dd the"same;' Tiut•i'f yen 'wish tb'eater 'into the joy of forget
yourself and give your mind to the task of trying to bring into some other '
life; whether; it be by some nieterial gift or the spiritual gift of good; fe1-
lowsitip, understanding, plain, clay -fashioned goodwill,- some of the tate
Cam/states Spirit. The true Christmas Spirit is unselfishness; thought fp/-
others. It is, indeed, the Spirit of Ilion whose advent we celebrate at this
time, the Spirit of the Christ.
It is well to'give ou1•selves up to the Spirit of Christmas, if only for
- a few weeks, a few days; or even for one day, in the year. It is that much
10 the good. But what we need to do le to let this kindliness and`goodadlk
slop over into the New Year, and run right along with as all the mento
through, . And there are hopeful,,signs that the world ; is coming to it, that
the "Peace, and Goodwill, ,proclamreci b3' the Angels' song is beginning
be fulfilled. The success of the'Loearno conferenee is pointed to as show- j
ing this! May it grow and prosper until the whole round world is ,Bathed
in its benign atmosphere. Anel then we should remember that we can each.
assist, in our small way, in bringing about this happy condition :of "Peace
on earth, and good will to all men of good will." 1
There Irns been skating in the rink
since Satueday night.
The Pastime Club is holding its an-
nual Christmas dance in the club
rooms on Christmas night,
The Collegiate, Public 'school and
School, •of Conunerce . closed on Fri -
edge fpr the Christtnas vacation.
Mi', W. R. Jehnstoit of the Canad-
ian Oil Co„ has taken Mr. A, J. Moe
Hurray's house • inaGibbings street, ;
The omintions• will be he
ld on
IVIonday evening. Come out
name the Hien you .wish to -manage
the affairs of the tow's" foe the next
t3 :special meeting of the eounct1
was held on Friday evening to eon
side the following
x •petition, signed by
a number of citizens, which was duly
signed ,by the mayor and sent'to,the
divisional superintendent of .tl e C.
N. R. at Stratford, A number find
the present 'arrangement, since the
staff; was 'reduced, very inconvenient:
Moved by C. G. Middleton, second-
ed hv• Fred Livermore,
That, the. 'Conrail of. the Tewn of
Clinton respectfully ,petition the Man-
agement of the Canadian National
1. To - open the Freight, Sheds at
eight o'clock adn, and remain open
until five p.m. on all work `days." o
• 2. That a service that is serving
two -railways as it is in Clinton with
one freight shed, should •have better
service than it has had in the past,
3, 'Prat up to about a month ago,
the eI'viec was very good, and we re-
spectfully askthat the Tenney -ser -ice
i t,1 ndwithout
z e
delay a .we feei
the trade is
being • c 1L V,•i c�
11 to
trec10 service,
4. -Ghat the servile' of Ole 'past
111 i • tas ;:.l
of th, l been very iui•onvtnien8 ler,
tub:.'terd community z azxtnr'
tv i"i
f �€�' 1 and a' r
d olid
p z
IV 4titm Gauze
'and Mrs. Deeves will reside in Clio
ton and. have the good wishes of thei
friends for a happy future.
Writing to renew his subscri tic
to The News -Record Mr. 8. Eagleson
ag eso
of Milton North Dakota, says:; "I
may i
n Y v sit- the old town for the New
3'oat.. Forty-four.yeat's ago the lath
of March I left but I still have a
warm spot' in my heart - ,for the'old
town and its people Wishing you a
Merry. Christmas and a prosperous
New Year.
Ile Proposed New High School
I' No doubt- you are making some
considerable, • effort to ' protrtote the
cl passing of he school by-law at the
first of ^;tyre ti year, and we fool t10I31
a word of assurance from us at this
time will not be amiss.
A quiet wedding took place at Wes
ley parsonage last Friday afternoon
when the,: Rev, .4.. A. Holmes incite
in marriage Miss Amy, Luella Stew
art and Mr, Mervin Reeves, son of Mr
nd Mrs. John Neves of town. Mr
- . We are,glad, to be able to state
, that our estimate to you of $75,000
for the proposed• building acccording
to the sketches, which . you have in,
your. possession, is very*` geneireth,
You may have ' heard that we lame
2 just let a contract in Godetich, sash»
n jest to the passing of the. bylaw,' for.
or th '
w e ereetiozi of n new!
-municipal building, , which is very'
much larger. and more elabolatc•in
every:wvay than 0 school building, ,•if
your bylaw carcass and we Bite tibio'.
to call for tender`s shortly ,after the
first of tyre year, so that contrasts'
can be let for the work to start as:'
early as weather will permit in the"
spring, we can assure you; that the
\building" eau be done for 170,000, •
Trusting this information May - be
of use, we are, -Yours trail-,
S. B. COON sit 'SON.
What' might have been a serious es-
eident happened on the I32iyfield line
one day last week when Messrs. T, A,
Greig, and R. A. Roberton and their
car were thrown into a deep Bitch.
The car :stalled on a' holy and tha
Makes being faulty themachine be-
gan slipping back, Mr. Roberton,
who was atthe wheel, managed• to
steer it keeping it on the Centre of the
road till it'streek; a rut end tliG eat'
gave,irl and before you could say-
ay"Jack, Robinson it had dashed over
into the ditch several feet deep. For-
tunately no one was hurt, but it was
a narrow escalre, .
We regretted very mush having to
mit several school reports and -other
Clinton and local ;;news last week.
Much ofthis wag in type ;but we
-sere unable'to anake'roolri for it, We
shall not be so crowded again for
imam time perhaps; and- eelie'e•ta be
able to tape ease of the news as it
conies along.
The 1
e for nwin
ter ter w rY� .
was, e
the other day from the ,firm of archi-
tects from which- the plan ,of the pro-
posed new': Co11ogiate build1np l
been i e
d-vhicTi s
eils� •
Pna" s
zt e
p ]f.
Mr,: -W Brpdon,
Chaisinan Board oJ. Education,
Clutton, Ontat,,o.
Dear Sita. -
People 'You Kiraevy
Miss Jule Eartliff of Toronto is home
for the Christmastide, '
Miss, Stone left Saturday to :spend the
Christmastide with licit family at`
Mr. C. J. • Wallis arrived Bone the
other^ eyenin ' carol will reniar1 for
thetholiday peinod, '
Miss 'Ward left . Saturday morning;
for bei' honie•<al' Roel.ville, Md., for
the Christmas vacation.
Mr. Fr•ed'. W Alis is expected tonight,;
Troia New York City to spend
Chiistnoas at -his home:
Miss Rase, Lav3s;cwho has 'beam visit-
ing in Hamilton and Niagara Fel'ls,,
reterned-home _last week,
Mr. and Mrs. L. 5, Waslnan and little
5liss Beier are sliending the Roll
day pperiod with their velatives
Mr.toand Mrs. 0..,111 1 s .e
r c of Detroit rir�,
to u.
g of the lady'spar.'ents,.
Mr. >
r snit Tis. .,+„ Ward, during the
Christrna ,tole.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wallis of Ruda
yard, Mic
h, and Rr.
and Mrs. i
s Cia
on alarri
roti of Piciord Mich., who,�
are on "a honeynioo5 trip spent the
week -end ns aneste at the' home of
the f user's -u115le, Mr, C. J. Wel.