The Clinton News Record, 1925-10-29, Page 5IlTRSDA Y 001011
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RosTCs' our .savlhg3 lhrst,u ��e
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payfotitandeach ear bursavtn ''are r+iwi'n
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dune ;=her bus' "rd's aU' ' e o : ';
,� ba .went rwhenAlliegannot' f
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g to he Uank`dunng'Business hours '
A Sa' iii s "a
v Act ant ac'"i
£ bhe,ch idren ' t t`:
g iv 11•,•, each
them, the value" of keepin their money,'thus
Helping then•to, form`the habit of saving,
Clinton. Branch, ..
"R. E. Manning, Manager
I . [merest :to Ydu
and 1111 e
Well, it is pretty nearly all
.but the shouting.
Perhaps- When the election is
;the w=eather will settle;'
'We. do net think much of, Octob
idea 'Cf. -Usurping Novoinber's pr
. gative cif being disagreeable.
Have yon voted + yet? If not, you
.had better get in your little mark.' It
is the badge of your citizenship in thls-
great country, '
* 6 * 1
This is a 'strenuous week for
members of two of the United con-
gregations in town. They have had a
vote on the matter of uniting their
Congregations as well as in the Dont:
Inion election.
It is all very welll'"•foi• supporters of
the King Ifovernment to boast about
• cutting \down the national debt, but
we haven't yet heard one of thein give
Agnes MacPhail a bit ol, credit for
contributing $6,000 toward that re-
•' *60- 0 -
'Christmas still conies but once a
year only it starts coming sooner than
.,it used to.—Blandon Sun. •
Yes, and it is corning right along
now on a gallop. Eight weeks from
today -will be Christmas Eve. Rave
you started your Christmas shop-
The News -Record has no fault tQ
fin with the ho declara i
r r
e use : that g his
take the responsibility of dealing with
over: the Ontario Temperance Act in future
i and be answerable to the people. That
,is what this journal advocates, that a
over •government„ Abe*held to strict account
for its acts, In staking this:' declar-
_ ation the other day we hope Premier
er s Ferguson took into account'the fact'
aro- that at the last plebiscite the people
declared in favor of the Act and ;its
strict enforcement, .and we should
like to call his attention to the fact
that up to the present the enforce-
ment leaves much to 'be desired. Un-
til the law is enforced we cannot
the judge of its merits,
"When a man and his wife 'sit
.tete front seat of the same outomobi
who should' take the wheel ?—Stra
ford Beacon -Herald,
The best driver should take, the
wheel, always: If a man' once his
wife -cannot come to an understand-
ing as to which' is the. best driver
they had better—sell the car,
We don't wish to be eattish=or any-
thing, but one can't hell noticing that
111 nearly all the pictures published
during the campaign just ending of-
Peetnier King he looks as if he had
smallpox or -a dirty face. Or per-
haps he is supposed, to be blushing.
If lie's returned today he should send
ant some _ new outs, Otherwise it
won't matter.
The funeral of the late 'Peter
Bowey, merchant of ,Kippers, who
died last week at' his daughter's In
Brucefield, ,was held last Friday af-
ternoon. The services were held in
the United church, Brucefield, Rev.
Mr. Lundy and Rev. Mr.,Annear
both taking part. There was a large
attendance. • Mr. Bowey tuns a man
who was universally respected, a
kindly, courteous gentleman, honest
and upright in Itis dosilings and be-
loved by his family. 1.1e lea'oes to-
mourn the loss of a kind husband and
affectionate father one son and three
daughters, besides the widowed wife.
The sympathy of the cornnnutity goes
out to the widow and family in this
the hour of sore bereavement. Inter•
anent was trade ,iii Baifcl's cemetery.-
1r fillsgreon United ,church held. their
anniversary services on ,Sunday last,
t` the Greacher' for the occasion bring
the Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Duty's
church, McKillop:, Though tete wea-
ther was rather unfavorable the
church was filled at both morning and
'evening services. Appropriate music
was rendered at both services by the
choir. '
A most lamentable and fatal acci-
dent occurred at Hensall oii,Wednes-
day of last weelr,`whort a Mr. Graham
of Chatham lost his life in e motor
collision at the intersection of 1'Iain
street and the London roan. Mr. Gra-
horn; tvho was a traveller for the Ren-
nie Seed Co., of Toronto, was going
east on the paved street' ie his ear.
when near conning north on the Lon-
don road. collided with him. The
whole thing seemed to be one of those
regrettable incidents .for' which there
does=not seem to be 'an explanation.
It all occured so• sucldeiily that, no
bile knew just how 11 -one'tbout,
A. real taste of winter seems to
have struck us Wednesday morning
when several incites of, snow fell tear-
1 ing the night, aW reminder of what is
coming later on. .ft may. be we wilt
get out to poll our votes by cutter
and sleigh,
ars * *
As we sat in the town hall Monday
evening' listening to the several speak-
ers, and as it grew stiffling hot and
airless and we noted .there wa3 not a
single window open, we wondered why
-one of the several doctors on the plat-
form didn't rise up and earl for some
air, What's the idea of shutting two
or. three hundred people up in a hal
like that without ventilation? '
One of the speakers on ilTmtday
. evening gave figures to. show that
Canada's exports have reached a very.
'high figure. That would be gratify-
ing if such! a' largo percentage of
such exports were not raw "Materials.
'What Canada wants to do, if she's
:ever to :.become a great country, is to
-work sip her raw materiAIs right here
lir Tier own territory, then ,`hip them
;but. -•
The election' campaign in South
Huron has been notable for the fact
that two brothers, the Messrs. Mc -
Willem have opposed each ether as
rival candidates. At the tneet} sr g inn
Clinton on Monday evening the" only
personal' refercn'be--" made '= to a rival
-candidate: was an 'objection by Mr, T.
McMillan: to the methods of his
brother in his canvas in ,regard to
'temperance. , {
The Wingham Advance -Times last
-week boughtg h t e Wroxeter h oxeter
News and`.
the"Gorrie Vidette; swallowing the
two of 'ern with one gulp. ; This can-
nibalism among newspapers 1s reach-
ing alarming diinentions. To swal-i
low one is;i't so bad, may indeed corn's.
the way of anybody, but two, even
r such young and tender ones a$ those
indicated, is - downright ' scandalous!,
•ve the;; Advance -Times right if 'it,
hada Spell.. oflindigestitin. •
14Tr, McMillan gives the Bins .Gov
ernment credit fir passing' a bill for
the strengthening'.:of the `Canada:
Temperance Aet, Does he Titer to the
rt Act bich
Doherty , w has - a Conservaz
live lneasnre? to 'do /not recall any
enactment, Of the Bing Government'
o • he • teniCtera c
`in favor f, the _ n e pause.
IVfane goddr temperance worriers feel
that the Icing Government might
have given Oxltario ; more encourage-
ment and"alsistanoe, :in the enforcing;
roof; the 0. T A. than it has done.-
Loudon Road
At 'St, Joseph's chinch, Clinton, on
Tuesday morning the narriage was
solemnized by the Rev. Father Gaff;
ney of Jessie, daughter, • of Mr. Wil-
liam "Aikenhead of the London road,
and Charles Lane of the second of
Tuckersrnith.. The bride is one of
the most popular young ladles'�.�of
this neighborhood and the good wish-
es of her friends follow her,
The U. F. W. 0, inet last week at -
the horse of Miss Waldron, a large
number attending, The: November
meeting\ will be at Mrs, Milton
Willi'e's, ,
There are rumors of another wed
ding to take place • in the vicinity
The o
xr}, n"l;hly inceting of tele. Wom-
en's I1stitute will be held 'in the
Community hall'' on November th,
The social side, life, by Mrs.
George Moott, piano solo by Miss G.
.Grainger, reading by Miss May. Hann./
ilton. ;Roll call,''. a gained or book .I
have enjoyed. hostessesMrs.' 3. >lad -
ford, Mrs. Ewan' Mrs,„ -,'W, Mountain,
Mrs. Sundercoe1t,
110/ 11esWfte •
'The -Evangelical par eonago Zurich,
was the:' scene:
of a, pretty' Wedding on
Wednesday, Oat, 21st, at:' high ,neon,
when Rev Mr. Dengis 'united in the
hely bonds ,ef Matrimony', Ascii Wit-
mer ofZurich r arc -and'
hWrlfr •
ed C
of 'Holme ' 1
svtl e. The ]�irid:e was •at
tended'b3 her sister, MISS Leila W+,t-
iner, and: Mr. Will Jervis wee ,grooms-
man The bride watt gowned in''a
costurn o
e f beige canton,crope, tivith
Satin slippers and =hose to;'ninteh. She
e:tlie grooli}s gill, a rope -o,
,earls, d aid 'cat^ a'
hells. roses and iklyl ot:r •they voile
he bride and groom ie tk on the a
ernoon.tiarn plica honeymoon-t;it1'•
)&trait'; the bride ttavel1nig xp' a
gown of black teat crepe,,:trlaek p1u h
hat and,'"a glean;' fur brit i ed coat
On +itch return, ' ell •`the; evening, ';of
Oet 27th, they.dreve,to the henie'of
the briide's parents, ;where a recap
tion was held::: Over, ;a•. lin=tdred
u at•,.
•g s e ,vete iiresent 'The : 'brders''
t gt f s` were handsome, usefl.and •num
-cions '1411:
MrS, will r -'
Side 'n oim v` s
%T AD -At t
seph's lr. ,:;
p S , chylrch,< Clutton; on ' Oet
li, by the Rev. B. 'Gaffney, .Jet•
sie; daughter' of Mr. W."Aik nhead-
of tie e. London ?anon: road, , t6"Charfes
'Lane' of Tuekersmith.
• ` Births
WARD ---In Ilia Clinton • I•Iospltal, ot;
Oct, 23rd, to Mr and 'Mrs. R, W.
Ward, a sen—Joe <Charles
WILLIAMS—In Clinton Hospital,'on
Oet..25th, to Mx. and Mrs Howard
Williams. of Goderieh township,;.a
Deaths '
PERDUE -.Tis' Clinton, on Oct, 26th,
William Ronald, son ofMr/
Mrs. William E. Perdue, aged 3
years and' 10 months.
FINCI3—In Stratford;' on' Oct: 10th;
Mary Elizabeth, wife of ,EmmauuaL
Finch, aged 51 .years and' four
• months.:
BROWN—At Creagdhu Mansions,
Campbelltown, Scotland,: on Oct.'12,.
Isabella, daughter of the late Peter
Brown,"and sister of Mrs;, John
Macdonald, the Base Line, Clinton.
The crop of Canadian apples this
year 'is better than ever, and what
could be a more delightful remem-
brance front this side to our friends
across the seas than a box of hand-
picked and ` hand -packed Canadian
• Your grocer can fill such an order.
and the Canadian National 'Express
will transport and deliver, by quick
servaice, to any station in Great Bri-
tain or Ireland, from "Montreal or
Quebec. up to November 15th, and
from St. John, N. B. ''and Halifax
thereafter,, at the rate of $8.00 per
standard box of apples. oat exegete-•
ing one cubic foot eight inches- in
measurement or fifty pounds, in
weight. Rate includes refrigeration
on steamships. Consult any Canad-
ian National Express agent as to
further particulars. 274
Potatoes Wanted ;
Must be No. 1 grade, in bulk. Will
buy any quantity. Jas. Steep, Clin-
toit. Phone 40:, .. 28-tf
A Jitney, Dance
The Pastime Club is putting on a
Jitney dance in the club rooms on
Friday evening; Oct: 36th, from 8:30
to 1 o'cloek, 29.1
Sale of Homemade Barring
A sale of homemade baking will be
held, under the auspices of the Girls'
Club of Willis church, in the store
next door to the Hydro Shop on Sat-
urday afternoon, Oct,. 31st, commenc-
ing at 3 -o'clock,
Applications Wanted
Applications will be received up to
Saturday, Oct. 31st, -for the combined
position of organist and choir leader
for the United congregations of Wil-
lis and Wesley churches. Address ap-
tolictions to H..13• Chant, chairman of
music coinmititee, 29-1
Baking Sale
The London Road U. F. W. 0. will
lipid a sale of home baking in E. L.
Mitten's store, Huron street, on Sat-
urday afternoon, November 7th, com-
mencing at 2 o'clock. 29-1
Horse Strayed
A bay driver, blind in right eye,'
strayed away on Oct. 19th. Any in-
formation which will lead to his re-
thankf lly received :by J. B.
Levis, Clinton, ' 29:1
Heifer ,Astray'
Wandered from the premises of the
undersigned on or about the'lst of
October, a red heifer', coming two
years. Information as to its where,
abouta,will be thankfully received,
George Tebbutt, Holniesville., Phone
5 on' 602, / 29 -exp
Local Saleihsan Wanted ,
To represent the Old, Reliable -Font-
hill -Nurseries. /Big demand for -stock.
Start now at •beat -selling 'time. Ex-
clusive, territory, handsome free out-
fit, liberal textus. Stone and Welling="
ton, Toronto. 29-4
, •Sale oY Dairy• Cows
Having sold any milk business, I
wilt offest" for sale, by: public auction,
my herd el cows at lot •26, eon. • 15,
Gad ria 1
e h�,•tptvnship, 1/z glees south
west of ,,, Clinton on Saturday; Nov.
7th, at II; e'cioek: Cow 6 ears old',
due to.- freshen Nov. 7; cow, 5. years.
/old, due to freshen :N v. 15; -.c
Nov., ow, 5"
years old; due to freshen Dec. 1;cow„
5 years old, due to freshen Mar. 11;,
eo' 1, 9 years-' old, due to -freshen
M rah 24;, cow 7 years old, dice to,
fn ashen .Marcel, 26; .aged cow, due to
f eshen.Apr•il'1; cbw, 8: years old, due
tp. freshen April 6; cow, 4 years,old,'
dyie to freshen .April 12; aged con-,
30� � r
'jMay , , cows�•7, r,
8 t 'free -el -Led late in sun finer' and bred
within •he last 4,.'Weeks; three Year
[old -heifer,
bred; aged e
b d a b •
, $' , w,_gnahtity
roe. 'turnips; cli ice light -wagon, cut -
I 9 '
box 1� inch mouth, �' u11in
good rim,
, g t•
ig hlc�et, Telaas: 6 tnoi}ths credit
wig be given, on furnishing a' .rove
;joinmites, r a dic t' lipd
o , o s cunt of . 4' per
cent� allowed.: for '.cash .,o"
n credit
arnoi,lints: George II, Elliott, Auction-
44•y .n
rfi'brd G• Lolrb, Proprietor 29-2
tri airs
xt rS on1y.9' Woelr
s uiltzl Chrlstmaa:
that` means hardly $ Tuesdays ' that:
ybu'vr11 have;to sit fol• Photosxny
Cht"on studio
aro finishing ox rs bw
r><riuts Pl r*r
Ch ' S O• � n for
ristma ills raft„, now •and we
will ♦finish �;ou) photo's and b':',
Y.. PaY
ing' 'a deposit `•w� vcil]� hold y r
PhotOO unt113'ou want'±henl at •Christ ,
T ”
Faom 9,30 win to::;9 30 .m.''
Our` Stu o w11i be warm itt all times
u an
u t to:"
,,lira pq}ver oi,sale:.con
at e
n d. 1n' •
a moil a -t
g ge here„ will be
offered for sale by Publio.?iuctlot at
Th' ason` House in . the.Townof
•CIi t
. •,..i.
?on o P
n rlday tlie''1,3th day Of
Neventber„ 1925, at 12,.to'elsrcic ,noon,
the following valuable farm; being
composed of ;Lot No. 34 in the 10th.
eon. of the township of Hallett, : On
the premises is a frame dwelhng with
a stone foundation 26x30 one end a
half storey frame"kitchen:18n40, one
.storey barn 52x62, driving short 38
by 40, rola pen 25x40;'three acres of
orcha5d 3 springa 'and', well; fences
mostlV"wofen wire. , The front of the
farm .is solitewliat hilly but the back
60 acres is firstrclass clay loam. The
hilly part -is good clay land but some
stone. There_. are about` six or seven'
acres of .gond timber. The ,farm is
situated about 2 miles from Londes-
born and about seven miles from CIin-
Term of Sale: 10 per cent, at time
of sale and the balance within 30 days
without interest.
The property will be sold subject
to a reserve hid.
For further particulars and terms
of sale apply to McPherson & Makins,
29 Downie street, Stratford, Vendor's
Solicitors. -
-Dated October 23rd, 1925.' _29-2
Masquerade 'and Hard Time. Dance'
Thursday; Oct. 29th in Clinton Knit-
ting 'Co, Club rowns. Peerless Har-
mony Orchestra. Ladies, 25c, gents,
50c. Dancing 9 to 1. 28-2
For Sale
Massey -Harris bean cultivator and
puller combined, also some rock 'pul-
lets. Mrs. Fred Stirling, phone 22 on
609, Clinton central. 28-2-p
Potatoes Wanted
Must be No. it -grade, in bulk. Leave
sample bag at H. Wiltse's grocery
store. One dollar will he paid for
sample bag on delivery. W411 buy
any quantity. Also cars of assorted
turnips. Jas. Steep, Clinton, 28-tf
Fariu For Sale
On nort}t 'half of Lot 5, concession
2, Willett, containing 50 acres. There
are on the premises a good fraise
hbuso and kitchen, bank barn 34x52
and shed•1zx52, one acre of orchard,
apple, ?plum and pear trees. The
farm is well -drained and fenced and
five miles from Seaforth and 21
miles from Constance. School across
the road. Apply to Mrs. Mary
Brown, adnrinistratrix, Brucefield, or<
W. Brydone, Clinton. 28-tf
For Sale
, Otte good Leicester sag, three
years old: II. C. Cox, "R. R. No, 2,
Bayfield. - 28-2-p
For Sale or Rent
A six roomed cottage on Huron
street 3L'ltlr eledtric light and town
water. There is a good garden in
connection: with -tele property. im-
-mediate tpossession. For particulars
apply to W. Brydone. --- 28-2
For Salo
Eoul• purebred Oxford rani lambs.
Prices; reasonable, Frank Weekes, -
Varna Phone 31 an 622, Clinton cen-
tral. - 29=3
Form For Sale
160 acre farts, situated In township
of Goderich, with extra good build-
ings, close to the town of Clinton,.
red brick house with furnace, large
bank,ban with water in stable, never
failing spring near `barn, young or-
chard. The farm is a clay loath and.
level, all seeded down but ten acres,
and in agood state 'of ;cultivation.
Apply 10 David T. Churchill, R, R.
No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611-r-31, 01in
±on central. 26-tf
Safety Razor Blades Sharpened
'Satisfaction guaranteed or money
refunded.. Single edge 8c. Double
edge, 4c. J, E. Hovey, druggist, agent,.
Cdlnton. 26-8
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of Euphemia Caro-
line VanEgnnond,'deceased,
Notice i3' hereby given that all pox-
sons/having claims against the estate
of Euphemia Caroline .<Vante^,gmonci,"
late of the town of Clinton, in the
County of Huron,' spinster, deceased,
who died on or about the 13th day of
June A.D. 1925, are required to de-
liver to Earl VanEgmond and "Foster'
T. FoWler,, Che executors of the said:
estate or their solicitor, on or before
the 31st day of October A,D':1025, a
full statement of their claims to-
gether with• --particulars thereof, and
the'hature of the securities, if any,
held by them all, duly- Verified by of
fidaVit, . .
AND .TAKE: NOTICE. that after
the 'said last mentioned date the said
exes3tstors wt's. ),roomed tb distribute
the estate of ' tete said deceased
a,niongst tete persons' entitled thereto.
having regard
only r
they shall s } a 1_ have received due notice..
arid in aceokda5ce therewith.
Dated ail.; Clinton, Ontario, this
-1dtli day of October A•D. x9211..
BrydoneW ', ClintonCa, Ontario Sol:'
fetter for the said exec tools: '`' 27=2.
inion High tirade, Egg aft
Poultry'�'lon�e .
Now is the time do euil year floes
of laying.+hens for' •wihtei'egga 'Po
p1omobe 'tniix wi{it'er'3 egg•iprodiTetionr
w,e offer' ,;out ` services free to r tha:=
pauitty ,Owners, ,'Kindly phone,'orrice
'(214J) for; particulars, etc.,•;';
We ..., .
appreciate • your. business and
are: 'anidous,'to ',giyee our Services
.''Milk fe
d s r"`
� p } g hicks and boiling
fowl .retailed fit• oug. plant. •
'r::17 s > o
gg b light-aceordxng to':G ve'•' -'
trent' regutatibneo and t highes
. Prices:;
'paid • Phone ' far ''our `prices becpie
marketing' your' eggs.
» r'
'�` wartha
1'h ce, ,214'Residence,
Insures u es
1 p sporty against lose
The Wiser Mair
Does not stop there but insures 'his.'
life also.' How much are you
worth to your -family?
A.11 Lines of Insurance
Agent for Hdron County for
The Sun Life Insurance Co. of Canada
Office at residence
, co, Mary and
Orange streets, opp, the rink
Phone 253 90-'
Grape Fruit
California Grapes
Haddie Fillets
Thedford Celery
Sweet Potatoes
Watson's . Gi ocer
Phone 111; Clinton
Notice to the Public
As I have been appointed sole
agent for the new line of. De -Forrest
Crossley Radio Sets, I am ,repaired
to, demonstrate any set in your home
free of charge.
at the Star Theatre on Thursday ev-
ening. The R-4 Super Trirdyn' will
be used that evening.
Price of this model 4 tubes, ], headset,
, 1 phone plug $135.00
Set complete with A storage bat-
tery 13 Batteries, Baldwin loud speak-
er aid best antena, outfit $192,00.
Other models $84,00 to $55.00. De-
monstrations given free. any after-
noon or evening. Ring roe up and
make an .appointment.
Phone 89.
Farrar For Sale
100 acres, good clay loam, 13 aeras
hardwood bush, 18 acres fall wheat.
30 acres fog spring crop, good young
orchard, good buildings, 9 --roomed
house, bank barn 36x78, driving shed,
hen house, ete., we]1 watered, well
fenced. Apply =on premises, Lot 11,
eon. 3, Stanley, to Lawrence Forrest,
Brucefield, P.O. 28-7-p
For Salo ,
Comfortable house, 8 rooms, lights,
town water. Good stable and small
fruit orchard in connection. This
prgperty is in a good location and
would make a comfortable home.
Would also consider renting by year.
Apply at News -Record. 1S--tf•
'Clinton s
11.4EIZC<f3 (-)APPIP E"5
l li
r id
Comfort is ogling at somebody's.':
house .::t1 carload of happy heatsters
soon U nestled in a grateful bin.
Then the furnace' will have no more'
boric.' The Weather forecast for this
household is "fain' and warmer;" The
Heat Folks furnish the atmosphere
for life and gaiety. They mind " the
fires and spare the coal. They are
the sprites • that matte thing's bright
and ehoc1•y.
Call the AVIA' Ptit.e
cleat o
74 , CANTO N
In an
. :It has5 always been the olio
e P . Y ofhis: store
•the ":benefit of the lowest to:g'Ive its customers„
consistenttd- reason prices -for standard xxrere
with a lair;;and• rea o handise •i;:
na l
bo, r.
s p ofit, bate;
NOW; e
are'" '
• : • . , - -, gciung still f}xrther .:• . ,. .
$eginning:;Sept, lst:''wewin:ado
.,• pt the poIic of -
• chandise •on a cash Y. we wt'our mble
:to +i h bases •and ,under this ;new poltey'vwe 13vi11' be' able give dbr, oustomers silil, GREATER' VALUES,:; Ip fact the lowest
prices given' anywhere;.'except.-:£n ±1e' ver
where 7wusiness is , , y largest f city §tdr"es"
done on rho same -basis � 9, �. ?,
Ter ' •. +
h e is no 'tote. Qin •
. bus"' e today' Credit •
that' can e g an ss today under:e11 ca hsystem
sell 'goods CHiEAPLY'as those who
because a: merchant doingbusiness tell for 'cash only,
, u ?cess that• wa • rias mark,
ehY t
andise at a price-autfrc]enthis mer-::_
to -offset. the lossel " r
standing and in' somees =due to long out-
standinginstances tan es :
c un
stable accounts.
@ ,, m elrmma doing
busines, WE are going11ng serve
additional cost /a much
to be able to serve future/at much
lower -prices -with a fair profit to the store, and a real saving to you
Who take advantage of them,
Rowland's Old Stand - '
Clothes Cleaned . I
a dPressd
e .
Clothes :cleaned .pressed andlZe-
Room . Woolen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
W. J. Jago. —83-tf
Agent for Life Insu'tanee to
,take over good territory.' Good Co.,on-
tract ' for the right man. Apply
Drawer U, Clinton, Ont. 17-tf
Having erected new coal :sheds will
have on hand full stock of coal : for.
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
Orders taken at. residence, phone 119
'14" -LOUR, FEED
Have a car load :of :Hominy Feed
This is -a feed- made front the heart
of the corn, cooked and saturated with
malt and sugar. The strongest feed
on the market, yet safe feeding. Try
it on those pigs 'You are finishing or
for fattening chickens. Special price
for; the next two weeks for cash.
Just received a carload of: oyster
shell. By buying these feeds- in car
lots we get special prices and offer
them to you the sante Way.
Also Tankage, Beef Sarapes and
Have a few bags of No, 1 Ontario
Varieg:ted Alfalfa and are offering
it at moo per bushel, while it'lasts.
If you have any money to, spare you
will find it will pay you, well . to, buy
your requirements for spring now,.
Phone 123
Flour and -Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
We have a supply of Furnace, Stove,
Nut and Soft. Also some good dry
slabs. Leave orders at residence.
Phone 155. Huron Street:
Having takenover the agency of
the Singer Sewing Machine I am pre-
pared to supply the wants of anyone
requiring machines; parts, needles,
etc. Machines sold on easy old
machines taken as cash.
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clinton
_� 09
The demand for our butter fs in-
To supply this demand we require
more cream.
We request you to ship us your
cream. •
We guarantee you, the Highest
Market Prices, accurate tests and
prompt service.
Our first is known to you and needs
no further recommend'.
Wepay all express charges, furn-
ish cream cans and pay twice each
' Write for cans or furher informa-
tion to the
The Ckapest Shoe
---Gives ybu the longest service,
---;Deeps you dry and comfortable,
---Maintains its good appearance as long as you wear it.
We know whereof we speak when we say
Our actor's pecial-
is the gest economical shoe to be hada We have proved thisby twen-
ty-five years of actual test. The men who started using this shoe
twenty-five years ago ase stilt using theist and will accept no other.
We have just received a shipment fresh from the factory. Get into
'a pair of these and save money on your, shoe needs.
The Big Shoe Store
Opposite the Town Hall..
CoII:.VENNE; .Electrician;
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and. other
Appliances /
Wiring. and Repairs.
T u
o i. --usual usual line of Fleur air ,
d reed walleye a
.. we. _. e dded a full hue,
of groceries of'the.ver 'best, wait a
you satisfa y q 1 ,y and' we will endeavor td leve"
Y ctorily.
w'R.A iI
Bran, Shorts,.Mil
..lfoe d and `C�alwa on
p y o ' s
Purity, Five Roses :Maple Leaf and<Nort hand
lr Star Manitoba wheat flour
Jewel, Map1e'Leaf,"blended wheat flour
• Monarch°and Pastry Flour.
0 I:T
li ilk
A falli
1 ne :o
f eeific '
S s Rou � C�raa '
p, , p , L ping Masli Fattening , .
and Poultr and
Leg B Mash„
o a N I
Gree nhoue ho s Phone, 1411-3
Greenhouse Open Evetrin