The Clinton News Record, 1925-09-10, Page 6II Inheres*
he B •ussel., Post comes out this
ga„x n all- nxe-print p aper, eas hon
4 M M !
`Fourteen thousand harvest hands
work in Alberta,", read a headline
last week", issue of the
win, (Alta:)^ Times. That's .the sort
of news ,that's `good news" to the
"Saskatchewan grows more wheat
that any province or state of an;
wintry in the world."
Good .old;, Saskatchewan! It does
its little, level, honest ,host to feed
l?:the world.`
Premier King announced that he
would reform. the Senate 'iroiti 1,02, -
in and he 'immediately appointed a
new"dpaper mats to one of the vacan-
cies,., Ii that wasn't a tribute to the
;ref:orming' power of the press what
was it?
Hey at $22 a ton won't assure very
generous. bedding for "poor old Dob-
bin."—London Free Press.
6 Thus speaks 'the ' city' man'. The
poor chap doesn't .know. that horses
are not bedded with hay no matter
Show cheap it happens to be.
* * s *.
Premier Kiang maybe sure of•win
ming in the 'corning election but his
private secretary perhaps was not
quite so sure, as what is so uncer-
tain as an election? Anyway he, the
secretary, has been given) a pen -ran-.
;sent Government appointment.`
October 29th is the date set for the
Dominion elections. The' News -Re-.
cord in its issue of Tune' 18th named
October as the probable date of the
election. Some of ours cortemporar
res rather poled fun at us for me-
- tending to know," but time has • just-
- ified us:
Q, s K • s
Huron' should certainly be well in-
formed regarding, political matters,
having.', listened to Premier King
present "the Government side at Ex-
eter on 1VIenday and Rt. Hon. Arthur,
• Meighen, leader of the opposition,.
speak for the other side at'Wingham
•, yesterday.
John Lewis, late editor of The
'Globe, has been appointed. to the Sen-
ate. John seemed to get -.the best of
argument with The Globe recent-
- ly and now he's iri_ a^ position wheree
, he can .laugh at all the newspapers.
We shall expect great things of the
Senate in future.
Last week the Packet said,: It is
suggested- that a monument in mem-
bry 'of the man who once wallced-
' should he erected. The Packet would
suggest Uhthoff, the capital of the
Township of Orilna as a suitable
• place.—In Tuesday's isstie the Toron
' to Star added this comment: -But
'this colyam much prefers Walkerton,
'•Ontario, Point au Bare -heel, Ontario,
or Shoe -swap,, B.C.-suitable because
' bootiful,' so to speak.—Oeillia Packet.
Thus, do editors amuse themselves
in'the :silly, summer season.
Miss Rea Hill of Seaforth spent
the week=end with Mise Alma 1VIoKay.,
• Miss Istina Proctor of Toronto is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo. King.
Kennedy are Ir
and e dY spend-
ing their vacation at Morpeth,
Rev. McLeod- of Sarnia conducted
services. in- 4. Andrew's United
- church oil Sunday last. ',• g:
Mrs. :W: H. .Shannon; Mrs. Hiles,
Mrs. Jennings and Miss Shannon are
spending a few weeks in the former's
c cottage in Lakeside Park.
Miss ..J. E. Whittaker, who had
''spent the past few weeks with Mrs.
•J, H. McLeod, returned to Toronto on
:Mr. and Mrs M. P. tieDos>aagh,
" Misses" Florence and Mary McDon-
agh and Miss 3. Wright re
turned to London on Monday after
having 'spent the month of August in
" their cottage in Lakeside Park.
Mr. Harold Weston, who visited his
father fer, a few' days, returned to
- Detroit on 'Saturday last.
Dr. and 'Mrs. E. W. Garrett and
`family -of, Cleveland and Mre. Caber
-of Toronto left on• Sunday for Oleve-
'land, They were on a anotee trip
and were so charmed by the beauty
of our little village that they stayed
here the remaining two 'Weeks rdf their;
vaeatian and plan to return next
. Miss Jeseie'Metcalf, who has been
taking a summer:• school course at
'Canaan, Conn., `returned home on
`Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. F. "Geiinett and fam-
ily, who have spent the summer. in
William Metcalf's cottage, returned to
their hone in Richmond, Indiana, on
Thursday morning.
Dr. and Mrs. G. Fraser and daugh-
ter of. London are occupying Mr. 'D.
Glass' cottage.
Dr. and Mis. G.. S..Atkinson and
family and Miss Hazel 10ernick of
Exeter returned to their home on
Monday after having spent the sunr-.
-=mer at their cottage.
Mrs. J. Hodgins, Mr•. Lloyd Hod-
gins and Bliss Dorothy Hodgins, left
for their home in Toronto on Sunday.
Mr. Cecil Hodgins, who has spent the
summer with his mother, left: on Fria
daylfor Gall fornia. :
There has ibecn considerable bmldli,
ing .cad ' itnproysnients made during
;he summer, liar Stevens of London
built a neat cottage on his lot in
Lakeside ide Park; Dr. G W. King of De-
troit: has his fine cottage nearly eom
pleted Mies M. Garrett of 'Washing.
ton, -D,C., had the walls of her cot-
tage.shingled, which adds muck to
its, a
oara nce, R, McKay aV
of the
Albion had the hotel hnprovecleby
paint,nge John Tippet had his store
and dwelling painted; E. A. Edwards
had a new hardwood 'floor laid in his
shore and': the store and dwelling re-
freshed with paint; Inc.. Sturgeon had,
a; new verandah built and his dwell -
1'4101\ 4
two •yeiandails t
few yards and
foundation. put
lis dwelling;
Duni a moved t
of ed
and is having'
Public School w,.
out and .a new
town hall rs no g
3 `Howard;ah n added
q';his house; Geo, S,
'Castle had his
hone moved back a
is' havipg; a cement
carder it; Chas. Tonic
had a cement
foundation put under
W: Bong has had -the
house formerly
occupied by ` Mrs.
the ba of the lot
the -.lot levelled;• the
as.patnted"inside and
belfry built and ;tate
W being sided with as-
shingles' and the cornice and
;windows painted, whin will greatly
improve the appearance and .'should
make the hall 'much war-mer.'J.'Came
eran had the contract for the school
and town hall.
'141e. Henry McClinchey, Miss Emily
l4lcClinchey, Mi. and Mrs: Wiseman
and child motored from. Detroit .and
spent the week -end with Mrs. Henry
Mr. and ,Mrs. W. P. Clement -and
Miss Betty-Vler:sent ,who have 'spent
the summer in-Jewett's Grove, deft
for their home in ICitchener'on Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kennedy and
child and Mrs. Duff of 'Toronto and
Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzgerald of
London left for their hoines on Sat-
urday last after having spent the
summer in Deer. Lodge Park. -•
Rev: and Mrs. Lang Ford and Miss
Nora Lang Ford, who have spent the
month of August in Deer Lodge Park,
retnrned' to their' home in Kitchener•
on Wednesday of last week.
-Miss Izetta Merner left on Monday
for New Dundee to resume; her. duties
as principal of the' Continuation
Miss. Margaret Baker, 'accompanied
by Mr. Eric . York of Toronto; ar-
rived en Monday to visit the former'„
mother,: Mrs. F. W. Baker.
, Mr. Harold King of l Detroit spent
the week -end, with :;his .wife, at the
halve- of her Parents, . Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Parker:
Miss Mildred Cameren. and Mr.
Will Cameron motored front Detroit
on 'Friday and spent 'several' days
with their father, Mr. Alexa Cameron.
Miss Ada Galbraith accompanied
them' On their return to Detroit on
Tuesday. Miss Galbraith, and Miss
Mildred Cameron intend : taking a
trip , through the West; first to- visit
the former's sister at" Douglas, ;.Wy-
oming, for several months and then
on to Manson, Washington.' Miss'Gal
braith Will be very .much missed in.
our community. '"
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cameron and
babe of Detroit motored to the vil-
lage on Sunday to visit the former's
father, Mr. A. 'Cameron.
Mr. Jas, Cameron of Toronto spent
the week -end with his mother, Mrs.
Thos. Cameron, and took his children;
Miss Isaibel and -Master Evans Cam-
eron, who have spent' the summer
with their grandmother, home to Tor- •
onto. ^Marriages
manse, Egneondville, on°'Sept..5, by
the Rev. W. D. MacDonald, Violet,
daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. S. Glid
don,. to Hartley Managhan, son of
Mr. and MTs. T. IL Managhant, all•
-Of Clinton.
tario street parsnage, on Sept. 7th,
by the Rev. C. J.:Moorhouse, Hazel
Viola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Isaac Carter; to Donald S. McTrou••
gall :of Goderich .township. '
i daughter 2nd, Margaret, d ughter of
• Mr. and Mrs. F. Lansing, to Ebner
,Robertson, only 5911- of Mit'.' and
gee, W. C. Itobertton of Colborne.
Births `
Startle U Tpwnship
Miss 1-I, Isabel Graham returned to.
her home lin Seaforth last week.
Mr. :and Mrs.: John T. Baird of De-
troit spent ,a,few days visiting ecisnds
Mr. Mrs. Alex. `D Paird andt.-.and
Lorne returned; to their home at
Foam ' Lake, Sask., last week.
t ,
Mr. and Mrd: El
J. G. ai and M • set r a.
and Mi-°. ,Fart .Kaiser of Delrcit
called on friends on Labor ') ry.
Mr. and ' ,Mrs, Bert MurrayC'-and
t"wo-.cons of^ Detroit -spent the week-
end at
eek-end'at Mr. J. McCowpns.
%l:ullett Township .
There passed awayin Clinton Hos
pital<en Sunday, August-30th,•Rundle
dunking, en old and highly esteemed
resident of Hallett township in, his
75th year. , The deceased, who was
born at Bowmanville, came to lot 35
-con. ' 12, with his parents, John and
Alice flunking, when but a child and
there •`he resided until about , seven
teen years ago, when be moved to his
late eesidence' on the 13th con. Ho
had always enjoyed the best of heal'h
until five weeks ago when he sus-
tained a fractured hip. He was tak--
en.directly to the hospital in Clinton
where he received the -hest cf care,
cut in spite of all that could be done,
he slowly sankandquietly 'passed.
,away, on August 30th, n,
1' -le was married/ire 1884 tt Marga-
ret' Rutnball', of Goderich, who prede-
ceased him four„years ago last Jan-
uary. ”:To !this union were born a
family of six, four of whoa. survive,
namely—Oliver of Orion, Alberta,
and Will, • Albert and Henry, all of
Hullett. •`Ope, brother, Thomas of
Goderich, and one • •sisfer, Mrs. '5,
Pishe%•:'•"o? Clinton, also seiry ere.'
The funeral, which took place on
Tuesday, Sept. `1st, was largely at-
tended and was conducted by Rev,
Mr. Snell of.'•-Londe$toro . United,
formerly Metliodist,.- church. The.
floral offerings• wee numerous and
beautiful, The pallbearers were, 0.
Clark, R. Scott; 'C. Rowson, W.:Pat
terson, J. Collinsgn:and F. Longman.•,
The fancily' wish, to thank their
neighbors and friends for the kind-
ness and sympathy shown them dur-
ing the illness and death of their
father. .
The gross eannings of the.. Canadian
National Railways for: the period end-
ing August 31, 1925, were $6,759,-
6,759,722.00, being an increase of $050,108..
or 11 per cent, over the correspond-,.
ing period of 1924:
The gross earnings of the Canad-
ian 'National Railways from Jan. 1
to Aug. 31,61925, were $146,061,997,00,
being a decrease of $6,511,169.00 over
the corresponding period of 1924.
Messrs. Merton Merner, David
Dewar and Fred Heard went hack to
Collegiate in. Clinton after•,spetldiug
the li'oliday at their homes;
Ddn't forget the dates! of Bayfield
Fall Fair, Sept. 29th and 30th. The
Young Peoples Society are ,preparing
a splendid concert to be given. in the
town.hail on.the ;.@L9Bi>IS efSept. 80th
It is going to be worth while staying
for and those who conte to the fair
should s1an to spend the whole day -in
Thursday, September 17th is Bay-
field tic holidaY Remember this
Guests at the Ritz this weeic are;
Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm. N. Grey and Miss
,Alta Gray of Detroit; Mr: and Mrs.
C. R. Dennis of London; Miss Dor-
pthl+. Dennis, London; L. B. Emmer-
seir,,Landon; Mr,, and Mrs. W. G.
13teevart, Windsor; Me, and Mrs. Robt.
. Walla a>,id Child of Komolca;
iVfrs. David Prentice and' Miss Mar-
garo&-and Master David Prentice re-
tuified to Toronto on Saturday after
having spent a month with Mrs.
Prentice's parentsnMVIr, and, Mrs, W., J.
Rev. an
M s. F. Ti. Paull motored
from Toronto 'on Saturday, accompan-
ied by.A2r. and Mrs. H. W. Paull and
daughter, Margaret, who /spent Sun-
day wlth''thom.
' Rev, A.' Macfarlane moved 'to Clin-
ton on Tuesday, where he has takeci
charge of the Presbyterian. church.
Mr. Jas. Ferguson Spent the week-
end, with his mother, Mrs. Jase Fer-
guson. •- ,
Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. ,Smith and son
Carmen and Mrs. Ilerclier•,-' Mr. and
Mrs. IPilliam Robinson, and family,
Mrs. (Dr.) Alexander and son George
and Mrs. Montgoinery, Dy. and Mrs.
White, Miss , Evelyn and -Mr. Lewis
White, Mee and Mrs. 0, Will, Miss
Agnes and Mr. Bob Will, Mr. anti Mrs.
Ernest Manners and family, 'Mr.;. end
Mrs. C. B. Chapman and family, Dr.
andMrs.' Tillman and family of Lon-
don and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr and
family, Mr. andMrs. S. R. McConkey
of Stratford 'spent- the. week -end in
the village, •,
Mr. Allan Farnhaaii and Mr. H.
Williams of Clinton spent the week-
end camping an the Tourists Ground,
Mr.- Murray of the' Standard bank
spent the holiday at his home in Ar-
Mrs: John Fraser • returned home on
Monday after visiting in Toronto for
a week.
-.„'„Mr. - and Mrs. Geo, : 'Fraser and
family who have ocetip'ied Mr. K.
Moorehou e , cottage during the sum
mo; have returned to London
Miss Clete Ford of Alma College
staff, 'St. Tronas, visited Fred
McEvienT ecently, -
Master Frank Heard of Clinton has
been vis am Iris sra ndmother,. Mm•s.`
John L,eard. -
Mrs. John Heatid h as" received weed
seen Niiitin wlio.
went west
cm the harvesters e.e r tun
that he
has arrived safely at Rosetown Seek,
Mr. and Mrs.': John Tiffin of Peers
and Mr, Chas. Graham and Mr, Wti1.
Hayes or Detroit were-isitots at the
home of lir. and Mrs. A. Brandon
this week. '
TYNDALL — In Goderich townsh(,
on Sete 6th, to Mr. and Mrs: Roy
Ty.a Mina son.—John Oliver.
GI1333INGS=In Clinton on Sept. Gth,
.Maria Plumsteel, wife of John Gib-
bings. ")
LOVE—In McKillop, on September
2nd, Martha Shannon, ' wife of
George R. Love; -aged 47 'years.
McDCNALD—At Goderich, on. Sep-
teirrher 3rd, Murray G. McDonald,
eldest soil of •Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
McDonald, iii his 7th year.` ,
McINNIS—In Exeter, . on September'
2nd,• Donald C, Mcinnis, in his d 82n
ear. , '
RANSFORD -- In Bocas del Toro,
Panama'; • John; R., son of Henry
Ransfoed, of Edmonton,. aged 21
MANN—In loving memory of Moses
Mann, who passed away Sept. 11th,
1924. ,
"Loving and kind in all his ways,
Upright and just to the end of his
days. '
Sincere and true•in hearts, and mind,
A. beautiful memory' left. behind!!
Sadly missed by wife and family.
LEPPINGTON-In' loving memory of
Wilbert Leppington; who died Sept.
Gth,`1922. ' e
We cannot tell-whp next may fall, -
Beneath God's', chastening rod;
One must be fii;st, but let us all
Prepay"e tomeet our God.
-Mother,,Sistere Brother.
Mrs Be' Snell, Lendesborough
Teacher, of. Piano and Voice.Pup
ls,p epared for Termite Conservators'
lyxatninations. w 22-2-p
Boar For Service
ainworth. boar,: et bacon type.
T > eS
Nortiian Tyndall, R. R.1•No. 4, Phone
'11 on 636. 22-4
0.A.C. No. 104 Wheat For Sale
A quantity of clean sed wheat, G.
C. No, 104. Apply t J, Bi�'-
A Pyb
l „o
gins, Clinton; of phone l;"3 on 619.
A capable woman or girl for house -
weak, Apply to Mrs. Chad, E. Elliott,
Clinton. _• 22-1
Will be- at
Burgess' Portrait Studio
(Formerly Roy Ball's)
!very Theda urs Y
X -lours: 9
a.m. . t0 2;30 pan.
Expert Exanaiaiation of Eyes,
• And Fitting of Glasses
Phones: 'Affioe,.194 Evenings,
10, Seaforth
Portraits' That Please
That's the, only kind we `make anc
our prices -gill be found as; low as
possible for; good work.
Father, mother, sister and brother,
have thosesportraits" taken now while
in good ''hearth. Or, would you dike
a fa`mtly'''l
8auip? • We develop films
and -finish' prints- for'''amateurs, also
enlarge your snapshots.
Open Every' Tuesday
Over Hovey's Drug;Store,
'Phone 61
A new issue •of $75,000,000 Domin-.
ion of''Canada Bonds ,(refunding) is
now on the market. Rate 4'A%, price,
97.25, yielding 4.75%ni For partieulars
ask ,Miss McIver, at, office of Mr.
Cutting Box For Sale
Bell cutting box, : No. -50, in good
shape, -was used for blower. A. E.
Matheson, Phone 33 on 614, Clinton
central. 22-2-p
Administration Said
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Implements
The administratrix' of the estate of
Charles Philip Brown,'deeeesed, will
ober for 'sale .at Publie' Auction the
meal and personal !property of the
said:. deceased at north 'half Lot 5,
con. 2, Hullett, on Monday, Septem-
ber 21st, at 2 o'clock p.m., the follow-
ing property:
The north half of Lot 5, con. 2, Hul
lett, containing 50 acres and havin.f
uponita frame house of adequate
proportions,- a barn 34x52; a shed
12x52, good fencing, good water sup
ply, an, orchard and about'' 25 acres
seeded and 15 acres of hay land. The.
soil is good clay lour well drained,
school orf adjoining farm,.
Also the followinge-chattels:
2 while 'gorses,; 3 and 6 years; 3
rarilch'cows, 4, 5 and 6 years oJ]d; 2
eteerbealves,*yearlings; 1 spring calf;
1 wagon and lack; bobsleigh, grain
drill; cultivator; walking plow;
Mowing machine; harrows; • cream
separator, cutter, buggy, wheelbar-
row and small tools, 1 set team har-
ness, harness
1 set single ,
f .
touring ca?, . 1 dining table az4d p°
chairsr 1 lcitellen tr hag g?rcl 6 circus,
I range, 1 'clock, patrons right to, a•
mail bvx. a" -7....,..
TERMS: 'Perm, 10 ref eclat, ill
time of sale, balance' in 30 days or on
completion of title; on chattels, cash
or pint notes at 6 months' negotiable
at a Chartered Bank. For further
particulars Neely to • G. H. Elliott,
Clinton, Auctioneer, 6r ' W. Brydone,
Clinton, Solicitor for Vendor:
Dated Sept, 4th, 1925: 22-2
For Sale
Young Durham springer, aide" some
beef ringers. Apply J. G. Cartwright,
For Sale
A grand piano, Fisher make, in
good condition, cheap for quick sale.
Apply News -Record office.
Brucefield'House For -Sale
Brick cottage, .roomy, 'in good re-
pair with •till convenient mcppointments'c
Apply to Mrs. Fred Tomlinson, Bruce -
field, Ont. 21-2
Notice to Farmers `
We are prepared to 0ll'a limited
number of silos. Charges moderate.
W.Falconer and Son, Clinton. 21-4
- Farm For Sale ..
1100 acres; con.. 6,- Hullett. The late
Henry McBrien farm, good buildings
and other' improvements. • `+,Close to
school and ".general store.- A first,
class farm. Apply ; , to Mrs, Henry
McBrien, Clinton,, or W. Brydone,
Clinton. 1341
To -board orrroonr students pre-
ferred. Apply Mrs. W. II. Cole on
Heron street, second, house, west, of
Baptist church. Phone 133. 10,
For Sale
Cotnfertable house,' 8 rooms, lights,
town water. Good stable and small
fruit orchard, in connection. This
-3rq erty is i 3 a good locatidn and,
would make a comfortable home.
Would also consider renting by years
Apply at News -Record. 18-tf
Agent for Life Insurance Co., to,
take over good territory. Good con-
tract for 'the 'right man; Apply
Clinton, unt n, Ont. 1'7-tf
•a a
House and Lot for gale
13rick eottarye, corner of Dunlop and
Fulton .streets, in 'good repair, elec-
tric lights, town water, furnace. Good
garden with small fruits and apple
ansi phun strces. Miss Elizabeth Mc-
Tavish. ` 7 5-tf
Clinton High Crade Egg and
Poultry -House
Now is the time to cull your flocks
olaying hone for winter eggs.
promote this winters egg' production
we offer our services free to the
poultry owners."" Kindly phone office
(214J) for particulars, -etc,
We appreciato your linsiness and
are anxioue to give our services in
i- turn.'
i 1l,lilk-fed' spring chicks ;and boiling
fowl .retailed '•at our plant.
Eggs bought according to V
re ulatione and highest prices
paid. Phone for our prices bef0be
mai•lceting your eggs.
N. W. Tr wa th
e i' a
Phones'=Office, 214j Residence, 214w
The Wise Man
Insures his property against loss•`,
,by fire •
The Wiser Man
Does not stop there but insures' hie
life also. How much are, you
, worth to your .family? - •
All Lines; of Insurance
Agent for -Huron County for
The Sun Life Insurance Co. of Canada
Office at residence, cor, Mary and
Orange streets, opp. the rink
Phone 253 90-'
Farm For Sale
On north half • of 'Lot 5, concession
;2, Hallett, containing 50 acres. There
are on the premises a, good frarne
,house and kitchen, bank barn 3Jx52
and shed 12x52, one acre of orchard,
apple, plum and pear trees. The
farm is well -drained; and : fenced and
five miles from Seaforth- and 2%
miles_fronl Constance. •School across
;the road. Apply to Mts. Mary
Brown, administratrix, prucefield, or
W. Brydone, Clinton. ' • 21
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes ..cleaned ,pressed and re-
paired. - "Woolen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
W. S. Jago. 83-tf.
Safety: Razor Blades Sharpened
Satisfaction guaranteed or 'money
refunded, Single edge 3e. Double
edge, 4c. S, E. Hovey, druggist, agent,
Clinton. 1541
Free Tickets
For Star Theatre
One thousand half fare 'tickets
are•being given away; •
With every:. purchase of one
dollars worth of goods at
Watson's Grocery
Phone 111 Clinton
We have a supply of Furnace, Stove,
Nut and Soft: Also some good dry
slabs. Leave" orders at residence,
Phone 10, Huron Street.
Having erected new coal sheds will
have Oka hand full stock of coal for
`Immediate delivery. Prices reason-
. EPTFi'1jDI•.'.R„:10, 100
The MillerHardware
znnounces,'a,change in its
It been hat'alwa s e
policy y the of this store to give its customers
the benefit of the lowest* possible* prices for standard merchandise,
consistent with a fair andreasonable profit, hat: '
NOW. We are going: still further
Beginning,✓Sbpt.not•we will adopt^;the policy of 'ceiling"our• mer-
chandise on ,a cash basis, 'andJ under this new olic :.,
P y we will
be .able"
to give,yrur.customers still GREATER.. VALUES, in fact the lowest
prices given anywhere, except in the very largest of city stores,
where business is done on the- same basis}
There is no store doingbusiness toda undo
.?. er, the credit system..
that can self no
hi CHEAPLY es those' whd- sell for• caoh. only,
because a merchant doing business that way must mark his mer-
chandise at a price sufficient to offset the losses due to long out-
standing and in some instances uncolleetatble accounts.• ..
CONSEQUENTLY, in eluninating, this, additional cost of doing
n g
busines, WE are going to,be able to serve you in the future at much
lower prices with a fair profit:. to the store and a real saving tr you
who take advantage of them.'
iller llar.l'
Rowland's Old Stand
Gold Medal Twine either eight
or five lb balls. Special.price for
cash to July 1st.
Have complete stock -of' Bran,
Shorts,sScreenings, Cracked Corn,
Fine 'ana Coarse Chick Feed, let
us know requirements as. feed will
be quite scarce before new erop.
Agents " for Toronto Asphalt
Roofing this is, the best by test.
We guarantee every job, carry
complete stock and several colors
See ours before buying.
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Crain Buyers
Having taken .over the agency of
the 'Singer Sewing Machina I am pre-
pared to supply the wants of anyone
requiring machines, parts, needles,
etc. Machines sold on easy terms, old
machines: taken as cash.
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clinton
• 09
The demand for our butter is in
creasing. .
To supply this demand we reguir
moire cream.
We request youto ship us yo
We guarantee you the Highest
Market Prices, accurate • tests and
prompt service.
Our firm is known to you and needs
no further recommend,
We pay all express charges, furn-
ish cream cans and pay twice each
''Write forcans or furher informa-
tion to the q
C. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs. '
Phone 15 Icy
Orders taken at residence,' phone 119 I
i 4
Money buys a lot' of things, but it
can't buy a place in the Hall of
Fame, In the GRATE Hall of Fame,
the Heat Folks hold the 'honored
niche. They are placed there, not so
much ;because -of 1.he reasonable price
at which they enter your service, as.
because of the :SERVICE they gave
for a little price. The ' Heat Folks,
Specialize on clean coal, ohocic full of
heat—no clinkers, and little ash They
aro justly famous.
Call the Vummott
for good, dean coal
-,.1.r..eage... aros,-....... .mall
y r). tits sin
I:1'71, safely
n one minute yon carr end the pain of
o�s with Dr, Scholl's Zino -pads. They
tl the misery bf corns by eliminating
the-eiti9e jrkiion pr re. No danger
of i ectro from -ctitdo.g or corroslvo
Zino-pads are thin; antiseptic water.
proof. They protect while they heal:
Sizes for corns callouses and bunions.'
Call today and get a box of this nein'
magic corn' treatment.
D27 droll'
i -p
Put one on—tire pain is fore i''.
Wealni artyaoempieteltnaelYik &Nish
1 Foyt Gbnobst Applkncas •,r4 JrAnalvis
Footwear:and!Foot Comfort
The Big ShoI Store
Opposite the Town' Hall
.View FO011h011SO
Cut Flowers
Floral o al l®rk
Plants and Vegetables
Greenhouse Phone 141-r-3
Greenhouse Open Evenings