The Clinton News Record, 1925-07-16, Page 8CIoINTQ A ,rELLRCY SaO2 l :Put glies ou are always sure of satisfaetioi Ail the lates6 styles ab: reasonable prices llE TEST IN JEWELLERY IS The Choke; from 45c up in beautiful designs and co or i id Ringi a reduced pries as low as $220.00 for a genuine diamond :Bring your watch And clock repairs in and get them in reasonable time. Don't wait for months. T., H. JOHNSON Graduate `of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Iiovey's Drag Store and Luxury y Women _ 1 , 'have ever hadto —s choose 'between luxury and .econ- only in matters of dress. Al- most invariably 'one must` be sacrificed to the other. But in Holeproof.` Hosiery are found the luxury of stylish, snugsfit- ting hosiery and the economy of long service and moderate price. Holeproof pure silk $1.50 Holeproof silk and lisle and Silk and art. silk plaited $1.00 Plu steel Bros. Sisr PHONE 252 �. MALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS CURRELL s& Sl; WPLIEY Toi.et Soap Special 3 bars Infants Delight Soap for 25c with 1 cake free .- .making a total of 4 bars of this high, quality soap for 25c. Secure a good supply while it lasts. THE & S. GROCERS n Store; Phone 126 W.. Branch Store, Phone 125 J. RAYOSO OSO h <�� �$;1'� "The Ideal Summer Fabric" COOLNESS COMFORT DURABILITY ELEPANCE LIGHTNESS ELASTICITY _. STRENGTH The Cloth That 'Win Not Crease 1 All Combined In RAYOSO Now is, the time to get your Rayoso Suit for the hot 09055 weather. Also see our specials in Greys and Browns, at $32. Davis Her ' an -. VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W McCi :�. Sutter. ARE a PLUMBING v:' ELECTRIC WIRING ri c spen "We were ..on sir. prised <'at 3 aek spending tins amount for he is one of those discerning ,persons who knows: a bargain when he sees it, but Jill is ono of those fellows who making twenty-five a week, saves thirty. When he gets change for a dollar he wants five quarters. That's' why he parted with 35c and got for it 100. sheets Linen Writing Paiper, 50 En- velopes to match' and a pen -holder and point, he knew he got more than 35e worth. It figures out less than 5c a quire for the paper and 7'/ac for a package of envelopes and the pen free. To appreciate its advantageous price you should see it Waterman's pensathrive best -on ..rw%www c Waterman'sInk.2 A good pen is entitled -to a• good drink, 'T onmeemnimmimmorisimmen • me W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr. C. J. Wallis has gone west again on a business trip. Miss Olive E. Lawrence is spending a few days in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Leckie of London visit- ed with friends in town on Monday. Mis's I{athleen McConnell has been spending a few days in London thia week. Mrs. J. R. Tuck, and family of Cam rose, Alta., are visiting the lady's sitter, Mrs. S. B. Stothers. Mrs. Frank Coleman of Stratford is spending a few days at the home of her' mother, Mrs. Nickle. Mr. Harold Grant of Virden, Man., is in town visiting his mother, Mrs. J. Gibbings, and , sister, Miss Lucile Grant, Miss Muriel Park left yesterday for her home, at Peterborough after a few weeks 'visit with Dr. and Mrs. Gaudier. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cross and Master ,, Billie of 'Windsor are visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Gunn. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Evans of Deck- erville, Mich., who were on' their honeymoon trip, spent a few hours with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. H .Hellyar, last week. Mr. and Mrs: George Pepper and Miss Jewell of Mitchell and Mrs. Teo and children of Toronto spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr.` and Mrs. Prank Layton of town.- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davidson,' form- er citizens of town, but now of Galt, called on friends here on Fri- - day on their way to Brussels, where they were to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Ingles and family of Stratford visited Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel on. Sunday; Miss Grace Ingles remained, 'with Miss Margaret Plumsteel 'for a longer visit, Mr., -grid Mrs. Gordon Carts and little Miss Dorothy motored, from Forest and spent the week -end with the lady's' .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph- riam Brown., Mrs. Brown returned to Forest with then, Mrs. Argent has been in Toronto, •be- ing called thereon account of the 'death of her little grand -daughter, the infant. daughter of Mrsand Mrs. J G. Quinnell, which took place ,at the Hospital. for Sick. Children on Saturday last after a few days''ill- ness. Mr. and Mrs. IL Hawkins and Miss Helen, Master: Tommy and 'little 'Miss Inas of Roger City, MichZ_, and Mr. W. G. Burrows and son of Stratford and Mrs. G."Burrows' and son, of Goderich were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, Pennebaker last Week. - Miss Ruby Irwin motored her sister and husband,=Mr. and Mrs. Vesey, to London on Monday, where they took the train for Sarnia, en route for their home in the west. Miss Bessie went down by train Tuesday morning and returned from London with Miss Ruby the same evening, Mr. Chas. Burroughs of New York, who has been visiting the Cuning- hame and" Rorke families ,of town for the past fortnight, left Monday morning to 'join his mother and other members of his family in De- troit and go with them.on a motor•, trip to Chicago. I4liss Dorothy, Rorke is also making one of'the party. Mr. E. J. Hill and grandsn, Master Lawrence Hill,; who motored down from. Lethbridge, Alta., spent the week -end with the former's niece, Mrs. W, J. Plumsteel, of town. Mr. Hill, who is a very successful mer - salient in Lethbridge, "started his business career at Porter's Hill, and will be remembered by many in this locality. We are unloading acar of Pure Cane Sugar to day Thu rs- day, Friday' and Saturday.; The Preserving Season is on and our stock inust be re- duced-d- fmrediately for Cash. Three • Special Cash and Service Prices This Week 3 Dutch • Cleansers for 33c Loose Cocoa, per ib. l0c Fancy Biscuits; lb. 20c The Picnic Season is' all the rage. See our Special Picnic Dept. Bodley's Picnic Cakes 20, 25' and 30c Olives, Chopped for Picnic Salads 50e Olives, Plain and Stuffed up t® 50c Biscuit Baskets, each 60,c. Have You, Tried It ? ' Lavaline, one package Free with Coupon, for Kitchen and Household work --a wonderful water softener --Good for the . Bath. U- L ika Fruit Drink - per pkg. 10c Fresh Fish, Tuesdays and Fridays In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m, In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30. p.m. Kindly Order Early Cash . and lint Service T. O'Neil '1'H[S Sweeper Seals at About Half the Price of the Old Style 'IJ Sweeper 4�s1 F5i• , _res f.F�CTRIC VACUUM CLEANER �rl USE TOUR OWN. •UTILITY -IT PAYS HYDRO SiHOP 9 Clinton People You Know Mrs. A. Hamilton of London is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Irwin. Mrs. W. Heaslip of Winnipeg is vis- iting Mr, and Mrs, T, A. Greig at Bayfield. Miss. Nellie ,Medd of Exeter is in town this week, coming upto attend the Chautauqua, Mrs. McMath and Misses Marjorie and Winnie McMath spent the week -end in Bayfield. Mrs. Ivy 'Robertson of London has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Irwin.' Misses Bessie and Connie Cluff of, Goderich township are visiting their grandmother, Mrs, John Cluff. Mrs. J. R..IJittlle and children of Es- sex are the guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Was- man. Miss Frances Hawkins, who has just returned front Japan, is ex, ;pseted this evening on a visit to her brother, Mr. T. Hawkins.: Mr. and Mrs. W. Bennington nae family of Cleveland, Ohio, called on their aunt, Mrs. George Davies, last Saturday. They were on a motor tour and visited several re- latives in the vicinity.. Mr. and Mrs.. W Greig. - of Toronto and Mr. and: Mrs. L.' A. Greig and children and Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Seaman ' and daughter of London spent the week -end at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Greig at Hayfield, Miss Corm Jervis leaves today for Toronto and on Monday leaves with a party on the Dean. Laird .trip through the, Canadian West. This is a trip arranged by Dean, Laird of MacDonald College, Quebec, and is a ver li comprehensive one:; A number' of American teachers are conning to, take it in, :Che News - 'Record has been advertising this trip for some weeks. Mx, and Mrs. Robert Cammage and two daughters, Misses Mabel and Edna, of . Swift Current, Sask., ar- rived yesterday on a visit so the lady's sister, ' Mrs, Murray Mc IF Soineiri ng. Pratical is wanted by the housewife, we have it, .Wewill be pleased' to have you inspect our stock. We have a number of oil stoves on hand at reasonable prices. Just the thing for this warm weather. All the men are now busy getting ready for summer. See our lawn- mowers, rakes. hay forks, shovels, etc., before you buy. SoN T. ',Ir awkins PLUMBING and HEATING Phone 244 Ewan. They made the trip by. motor, coining thronlgh the United States, travelling over two thou- sand miles, Mr, 'Comma/se reports crops in his section, and along the tivliy, as he Caine, very lair and it nothing 'happens a good 'average '51'0 will bo harvested, Coderfch Tovnshito Mrs, Angus Cole, who is here fron'i Michiganvisited and Mrs. Rob- ert asrted'Mr ert Pearson of the sixteenth last week, Phon 46 Down the Home Stretch for Old Home Week Time is slipping so get your Requirements while our'stocks aro complete You will"need 'verandah . chairs, hammocks, hammo-ccuehes, stretchers and mattresses to make sure your visitors have some comfortable .place to sleepy There will be lots doing to keep them awake, but they may need a few hours in the morning, so be prepared. Don't forget to call on us 'for the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paints for your homes. A Liberal Discount on Lawn Mowers A large stock of Hay Fork Rope, harvest Tools of all kinds, Garden Hose, Para Green, Arsenate of Lead. Consult us about your plumbing requirements;before buying Clinton Harclwvare and FurnitureCo THE STORES WITH. A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 We -Pay Spot Cash for Newlaid ,Eggs and Live Poultry Now is the time a 'marketyour old Roosters; old Broody Hens; old Ducks; old Torn. Turkeys; also Young Ducklings and. Spring Broilers. Our trice list is free for the asking, also our "Cooperative Mar- keting" information. Write us today, or phone "Clinton 190" if you cannot call at our Clinton buying station yourself. Your neighbor eanrtell you that it pays to cooperate with us. Let us prove to you that we can pay a premium for quality. GIJNN, LA.NGLOIS & Co., Limited MONTREAL, QUE. 'R. W. WARD, Manager Clinton Branch Open Thursday. and Saturday Evenings. Write, 'phone or call at our Clinton office, Day phone 190 Night phone 254 COnnStannce Me. Sidney Dulrnage and Mrs. Han- non and son, Floyd, and Miss Grace Turner of Detroit spent', few days as the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. Mann, and other friends. Miss Hedley of Goderich spent a week or so with Miss.Mildrd Britton.. N1r, Nickles is busy these days painting the outside of tini elarreli, Quito is iarnrhee arotmd -'here took in the celebration at, 13rassz+ls on 'trio fids 05 July, Eru.ot11 eIt Miss Dorothy ssinklien successful hi passing Bic primatI' ,pianoforte exam '.itn eoimcction with the Toronto Consorv`atory. of Music. Iler• many friends Wish her every suc- cess in the future. For Sale, Cattle and Horses Choice Jersey cow, pure bred, due in 10Ki""'days. Large Durham cow, due shortly. Heavy driving mare, good 3rd' horse. Indian Bony, quiet -for women and " children, suitable for delivery pur-- poses. Above will be sold cheap s Cash or bankable paper, WM. A .TOWNSHEND Civic holiday l'n compliance with the request of a large number of""citizens I hereby proclaim Monday, August 3rd, > Civic Holiday for the Town of Clinton and. eali' aeon all citizens to observe it as: such, 15-3 FRED JACKSON Mayor.