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The Clinton News Record, 1925-07-16, Page 2
CLINTON WS m RECORD cLiNTON, ONTARIOTems Of SuUscript1o11--$2.00 Per year' • in advapco, .to Canadian addresses; 52,Z,10 -to the U S, - of other 'foreign countries. No 'paper dieeotitinucd. until' all arrears rye paid unless at. the option of- the publis,her, •• The date to which every subscription 10 paid: is, denoted on the label; " Advertising „Rates—Tzansie1P. e400r- tieing, 12e per count Bail for first insertion, Se for ' each int0sec1uent insertion.,: Heading counts 2 linos. Small advertisements. not to e eeoil one inch, spell as Wanted," tot," `Strayed'. etc., inserted .'once tor 35e, each subsequent 1nsertiou 15c Advertisements sent in without in- etauctfous as .to the, number of in• sortions wanted Witt lun tllitil order- ed out and will be charged accord ingly., ,RRates fol' display adverLislnp, made known on application._ Communications intended for publi- cation must,; as a guarantee 02 good faith, ho" -accompanied by the name of. the, writer. G. E. HALL, M. R. CLARK, Proprietor., : Editor. G. D. 7ICTAGGART BI. D. FicTAGGART" RacT CC T BIOS BANKERS S A general Banking Business transact- ed. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed ; on Deposits. Sale Notes, Purchased; T. RANCE Notary Public' Conveyancer. Financial, Real Estate and Fire . In- surance Agent. 1tepresenting'14 Fire Insurance Companies. • Divielon Court Qfilet, Clinton. W. BRYDONE Barrister, solicitor. Notary Public, etc. Office: . SLOA'l .BLOCK' CLINTON DR. J. C. GANDIER Ofiit Jioir's•-1;30' to 3100 pan, 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Sunday's,, 12.30 to 1,30 li.m: Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence —' Victoria St. DR. METCALF BAYFIELD, ONT. Octffi• Hours -2 to 4, 7 to $. Other hours by appointment. DR. H. S. BROWN,•L.M.C.C. Ofilee Hours -. 4 1,80 to 3.110 p.m, 7.30. to 0.00 p.m. Sundays 1,00 to 2.00 p.m., Other -hours by appotntment Phones • Office, 218W. Residence, 2183 DR. PERCIVAL HERRN Office and Residence: Huron Street Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied: by the. late Dr. C. W. Thompson). Eyes Examined end Glaaees Fitted. Dr. A'..: Newton Brady $av eld Graduate 'Dubtle University, Ireland. d. Late `Extern Asefatant Master. Ro- tunda Hospital for Women and Child. ren, Dublin: Office at residence lately occupted by Mrs, Parsons, Hours: -9 to 10 .a.m., 6 to 7 P.m Sundays -1 to 2 p.m. Canada from Coast t Coast 16eiatville -N.S.-Tho" largest pro.. duetion in the history of the plant 18l planned for the barrel factory of S.I Gates & Son, of Port Williams The; output will be taken by Ann ipo_is1 Valley apple growers, who "expect to have a good crop this year. Saint John, N.B—Lumbo ship; inents during the month of May this year show an increase over 1924 and 1923. In- jTday, 1923, 650 standards 0£ spruce were sent forward, in the same month of.1024, 1,530 standards w ie shipped, and last month 1,660 standards. The consumption in May, 2923, was 1,860 standards; in 1924,, 1,460 0 stands rds and last month, 1,830 standards: Quebec, Que.—In view of the im- portant developments which have taken place in the mining districts of the province, especially in the north- western goldfields of Quebec, arrange vents have been cempiebed:, between thio Federal and Provincial Govern- ments by which geological surveying will be extensively carried out this year in all the regions interested. In the Rouyn-ITarricina disci:ci. ,,lone, five parties will operate this summer. Ford, Ont.—The Ford Motor Co. of Canada, Ltd., announce that they have formulated a plan to give employment to the 'graduates of the Windsor- Walkerville Technical School, train then along Canadian h' nes,vrth C an - adian ideals and ft then for Can- adian business. The young men will be given au intensive course urse of train- ing in thavarious departments of the Ford Motor Co.'s plant here, covering a -period of three ,years. This policy D. H. MCINNES C Iiropractor—Masseur Of Winghain, will he at the Commerc- ials.Inn, Clinton, on 'Monday and Thursday .forenoons each week. Diseases; of all kinds successfully handled. has been decided upon as n result of the Many complaints that have been made in the press to the effect that, Canadian youths, EIS soon ae they leave high school immediately leave for the United States there to be trained in American business methods and take their plata at the head of American businesses Winnipeg, Man.—To order to pro - teat the, valuable timber of Northern, Manitoba a new centre for airplanes is being` e taba;ted this year north of The Pas, at Mile 42, where a nni11- ber of membersof the air f orco. will spend the summer .under- canvas. It, is under food that pe9man nt build- ingswill be erected this summer and next. . , Regina, Sask.—The City of Pegine will spend 3.420,000 during the year on additions and extensions to public. works including the installation of another,elcctric light` and power unit, eornprising a complete new turbine generator to cost 3130,000. Banff, Alta.—Canada's third larg- est industry, its tourist:traffic,: show- ed an increase: of. 60,000 in the Na- tional parks of Canada fdr 1924, ac- cording to the report of; the Commis- sioner.. Banff and Lake Louise show- ed a combined'advance of Y5,000 visi- tors. At Banff 1,693 permits were issued' to camping parties. Nelson,B.C.—Miningcircles in the Slocan District are elated oyer the fact .that 'ore hes been' struck at the White Water Mine,. at a depth of 1,600 that certain are ayes t as foe this proves bodies in that region go down deeper than hitherto proved. I l.- HYDRO PLANS. POWER I German Embassy t0 be SCHEME FOR OTTAWA Housed'in Fine Lolndon r1ou �e _ • • A.:despatch from London says:— ID ® Bvelopmenfi of 250!00 H. P. HGermanY theoretically the 'poorestoorest at COst of Twenty-five government maintaining an: ambas- The new Canada•IIonse;in London, facing: Trafalgar Square, The king and queen. which contains the oflices of the hies and trade commissioners and�'the emigration and war IL is a hatldsome addition to the .city's arehitectere.: pt, opened the hu iding, pension depart nents. FOREIGN RESIDENTS Captain Barnard Flies Around Britain 317 Minutes -:0k' CANTON IN PERIL Great a in R i • Shameen Concession May be Captured by Chinese , General. A despatch frorn Canton says:—In- creased' military; activity in Canton is adding to the tension already felt by, foreign residenta in their concession, Shameen. One Chinese General was reported tohave boasted that he is able to cap-, tare Shameen in spiteof the fortifi- cations which have made the low - Millions. seder in London will have the hand- lying sand. islet, separated from Can - situation, now -that the man's si a military comp. joining the present offices on Carlton sourest embassy in the Most favorable ton, Proper by a narrow strip of water,' ion ad - The General was said to have been eters, told the repro f t] ready to lose one thousand soldiers in valiant effort to catch up with Bar- nerd, butwas una le to do so: The TORON'T'O. miners that, with increasing competi- ree minutes under' his plan to cap- 1, ,k tion and diminishing sales, coal prices tune `Shameen 73e was noted as only other entrant -eft of the fourteen Man. wheat— No. 1 'North g q t d he $1 681/ No 2 North $1 G A despatch from Toronto says,:— Authorization has 'been given to the Provincial Hydro" Commission • by the Ontario., Government to. proceed with the development of . five additional power sites. on the Ottawa River, whose total potential horsepower ap- proximates 260,000, at an ultimate ex- psndittire of more' than $25000,000. The sites at which the Ontario Gov- ernment has sanctioned preliminary work are as fo]:ows: Rocher Fendus Rapids, situated on the south side of Cabinet Island; Chenaux. Rapids, sit- uated about 52 :miles west of the' City of Ottawa; Chats Falls, 32 miles west of Ottawa; Deschenes Rapids, at Ot- tawa, embracing the head from. the Chaudiere Fall's, now developed at the foot of Chats Falls; and Carillon Rapids, including: the fallin the river at Point Fortune and at Hawkesbury. The 'important step 'has been taken primarily in response tp Eastern On- tario!a repeated demands for power service comparable. to that given to i Western Ontario, . and- in , recognition I of urgent needs of some municipal- ities, including the City of Ottawa, for add'}tional' power supplies. "There is no thought of proceeding right away or ev,en in the near future with all the developments that have been authorized," stated Mr. .Cooke. "But Ottawa wants 20,000 additional horsepower and the Deschenes devel- opment which, I"believe, is the nearest, may be. the first to be developed." Asked if 'the next five years would see the dev_opment of the five addi- tional sites for which. authorization has been given,'Mr. Cooke replied, in the negative.. - Iii explanation' of how the sanction- ing of the development of Carillon Valls would affect the matter, of power deve-opment there in dispute between the Provincial, and Fed- eral ied eral authorities, Mr. Cooke said that the Provincial Order -in -Council simply gave to' the Hydro Commission whatever rights Ontario' possessed at Carillon. DR, J. M. ATKINSON Optometrist & Optician Graduate Royal College of Science, Toronto. Licentiate Ontario Board of Examiners and Washington '.State Board of Examiners. Eyes examined and glasses fitted. Will be at ,Bayfield every Tuesday and Saturdy, from 2 to 6 p.ni. at Dr, G. S. Atkinson's Dental Office, Main Street, ,Bayfield; Ont. 12.8-p. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed. Auctioneer Inc the Countyr of Huron: Correspondence promptly answered, Immediate arrangements ban be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton,.or by calling Phbne 203,, °barges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, B. R. HIGGII�S Clinton, Ont. ` General Fire and Lilo Insurance. Agent for Hertford Windstorm, Live',Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accideht Insurance: ' Huron and Erie and .Cana. da Trust Bonds. Appointments made '.. to Meet, parties at Bruce,eld, Varna and Bayfielr3. 'Phone 57, OSCAR KLOPP honor Graduate Carey Jones'', National School of Auctioneering, Chicago. Spe- cial course taken in Pure Bred Live 'Stock,, Real Estate, Merchandise and Farm Sales, hates 10 keeping .with prevailing or'irket, Satisfaction as. Mired. Write or wire, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18-93. The M cKilio + l Fkke f s rance Company Head Office, Seaforth Ont. DIRECTORY: Pae 11ee2,:.1ames- Connolly,>ICadertelt; Vice,' James isvans,' I3eecb'wood; Sec,.' Treasurer, Phos,; Es Hays, Seaforth. .Directors:' George .'McCartney, Sea. forth; D. F,, McGregor, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, Walton; Wm.'Ring, Seaforth; M. McIilwen, Clinton; Robert, Fernee, Harlock; John Benneweir, Brodhagen: Jas. Connolly,' Goderich. Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W.; Yeo, Goderich; Dd. Hinchray, 'Sea - forth; W. Chesney, Egmoudville; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Any money to be paid- i, may be Paid to Moorish Clothing do., Clinton,- or at Gnat's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to affect Insurance or 'transact other btlsinese' will, .?ie promptly' attended to on application to any'of the above officers addressed to their respeetiv0 post, oftiee, Losses inspected by the 'Director who lives nearest the scant. The best photo yet received' here 0 President Von Tltndenburg. 'I7, wa taken' en the grounds 'of the Preet dent's Palace, Berlin. House Terrace has been' purchased. The.two will behmerged,'and members of the ,embassy staff will have apart- ments on the most fashionable and distinguished avenue in the British capital. The newly bought residence former- ly belongd to Lloyd Brownlow, and it has been converted into four commo- dious flats. The one that wi)i house the German Ambassador is on .the. first' floor, affording a magnificent view across St. Tames Park toward Westminster. A feature of the suite is the beautifully decorated drawing - room, known as the Gold Robm,.with rich tapestry. The, house has some splendid marble work and statuary and a grand staircase in the best style of lordly London. British Artily Flier and Bride Spend ,Honeymoon in Air- - A despatch from' New York says:— Captain Donald, Hearn and Miss Vii ginia' Ireland of Pine Valley, N:S•, ,are' up 'in the air on their honeymoon. The bridegroom was a British Army ,flier. The bride owns. a plane of her own, and flies 0. So after the wed- ding they took to the air. They will visit the principal flying centres of the East. Captain Hearn was pilot to' King Alfonso of Spain for a whileafter the war', • , 90,00©,000 Bushels is Alberta Estimate for Wheat A despatch from Edmonton, Alta.; says:—In the. vicinity of 90,000,000 bushels is the Provincial Government's wheat.` crop estimate now, in view of the present weather: conditions.- It indicates a. drop from previous esti- mates '•made iii various .quarters, the - explanation being that dry' weather, weeds; pests and reduction in acreage through farmers moving, have - all combined to cut. down the probable crop, Hon. George Hoadley, Minister . of Agriculture, now estimates the area seeded to wheat at 5,500,000 acres. and lie puts likely average yield' at seventeen bushel -5 to the acre.' This' ivories out to 93,500,000. bushels; as- suming that the present favorable conditions continue: Shakespeere's Folios Maintain High Selling Prices in London A despatch from London says:—At an ayorage speed of 151 miles an hour, Captain, P. L. Barnard. won the u n a' c eKrri.'s "around -Britain" race for h r t g Cup. His plane, the "395 -horsepower Armstrong-Siddely Jaguar, arrived at Croydon Field at, 4c o'clock in • the afternoon, having taken five' hours and seventeen minutes flying time to cover the circuit of `804 miles. up the east coast of Britain, across,Scotland, then down the west coast, and across to the starting point." This is, Captain Barnard's second victory, his first having been in 1922. Flight Lieutenant H. W. G. Johns, flying the. Rolls-Royce Falcon, made a AnswerJo Mat week's puzzle. ®®®'s7lA^f "a" 'S ummwo y�, mmummummum A% X00®r'�rMEWMOOM® ®0® um o gymmu N muu 111-v, cumr, SII O®iF..1,�, ' G I i ®® m®®s+■.. ' : hl A ' INUOAOOMP- t ®IaInn° A Ou�*Iai mimmUmsol ®0m©®OI7mum '' O®p u MICI f?°Q® se`e'r e E THE MARK TS Do N t Neglect' If it is hi abnormal condition, the longer you delaying a ;;god blood medicinedicitak ne like Fiood's Sarsaparilla, the longer it will take and the more di4icolt it will: be for you to get back to",normalcy riot of 1p baffle, pimprec, eruptions, but headaches, nervou spells, " all - gone " feelings, indigestion 'vnd loss of appetite are readily traced to im- pure blood. Thousands date, getting on the right road to health from lie day they began taking flnnd;s Sarsa- parilla. Why 'not try it and watered, 413.60 do f.o.b., 11; do country pot it °512 75 do, off cars:. 1411 s -e,0. premium 32.60. • I ONTRT;AL ,; Oats, Can. west;, No. 2, 75c• Gan. west., No. 3, 677/c'; extra'No I feed; 68c Flour, Man. spring wheat pats., firsts, $8.80 seconds $8,30; strong bakers, 38.10. Bran $25.25 to 329.25. Shorts, °330,25 to 331.25. ,Middlings, $36.25 to 637.25. Hay, No.' 2, per ton, car lots, 314. Cheese—Finest lie LS. ,217/•c; do, Casts, 21% to 01 %c. Batter. -No. 1 pasteurized, 371/2c: No. 1 creamery, 37 to 371' c; seconds, 36 to 301c:.. tras, 39c;: fresh firsts, 35c. • Com. to med. vcals, 30.75 to 31.50; tops,' $8; hogs, $13.75 to 314; sows,. 310 to 310.50. MINERS' ER'DEMAND 'FOR MORE PAY REJECT `* Coal Mine Owners Declare That Reductio• is Necessary y Owing to Competition. A despatch. from Atlantic City, N. says!:—Rejecting the anthracite miners' demands for a 10 per cent., increase in wages -for contract'work a fordaymen,on the ere and' J. a d $ y ground' that, together with te other demands, the increase would ' really mean' 3100,000,000 a year,' or a third ef• the.present avage scale, Samuel D. Warriner, spokesman .for the apex- sentattves o' re th • 3 • No 9 inlist be lowered- if fu' -time emples*-`: eking into consideration the aid the who entered t lrie:im]nary race was h,' het of me t in ilio, fndustr is to 'be .cpm- H. H.. Fleming:' N. ., $1:573;:; No. 4 w a , n n y hameen defenders would receive from quoted, tinned. °reign gunboats in ports. I Man. oats—No. 8 CW., not quoted; Inroads made on the .hard coal Up to the present an intermittent Fish Day in Canada Set for No. 1 feed, 571/a,c; No. 2 feed, 541/ec, markets byoilgas,electric' power,. s earner service'between Shameen and ; Last` Wednesday in October All the above- c.i.f. bay ports, the use of re prepared izes of coke, and Hong Kong has. been maintained, de-' .. American corn track, Toronto—No. p p 2 yellow, $1.24. competition from bituminous coal, pite the ,strike of Chinese 'workers, A despatch from Halifax, N.S., I were such, said Warriner, that the trike leaders announced however,'says:-By a resolution passed at the MiAfeed—Del., Montreal freights,needs' of the' situation 're wired a -re that after Jul 15 theywould stop all concludin session of the annual meet- shorts, .Bran, per ton, 328;q July P gshorts 'per' ton, $30;'middlings; $36, duction in labor costs. He mentioned river'steamers arriving. ling of the Canadian Fisheries Asso- good feed flour, per bag, 32.80, no specific decrease in wages, but The date was set for the fifteenth- oration, the. last Wednesday in October Ont.:oats-48 to' 60c, P.o.b, shipping hoped that if joint efforts to increase because by that date all Chinese still- of each year will henceforth be known points. productivity were successful, wage rs will have been evacuated from as Canada's Fish Day. The resolu- Ont. wheat -31.20 to 31.23, f.o.b. costs would not be cut. To avert a Hong Kong. tion adopted orders that co-operation shipping points,.aecordirg to freights:ossrbwo strike or suspension on Sept, makers be :sought Barley—Ma.tmg, 74 to' 77c,: p +a - with calendar t . withBuckwheat—No.' 2 73c, Y, when the present agreement ex- Motor Vehicles in a view to having the day markm1 inRye—No. 2, nominal • piths, he suggested arbitration of t S f t S Canada Now N conformity with other feast days on ••-Mom flour, first pet,, $8.80, Toronto; points in dispute. ttnnhit:r 652,121 •the calendars of. this country: do second pat, ' 8.3 Toronto. Pas= i miners re reser [ P , $ 0, Warn ng the p ta- try flour, bags, $6.10. tives that if they i their A despatch ,from Ottawa says:— Ont flour-oronto 90per -cent, ryes continuedh e Automobiles in.Canaan have .passed Thomas Drown- ata per barrel in ear',ors oronto demand der wage increases that' Victims of St. the 600,000 mark for the. first time in ing Disaster ReceivePats' A derpatch''front London says;- First:fa_ios of Shakespeare continue' to bring small : fortunes at Christie, auctions, the' latest pair having soil for 326,000, One of these went, for 31.7,500 because of its good condition and the footnotes it contained ih an eighteenth century handwriting. It had former.,y bo onged to the ,Bishop of I::andaff. In 1756 a first folio of Shakespeare yeas- so:d•'at an. (00081011 'in Londeit for 315. Threeyears ago Dr. A. S. Rosen- Mich sot a record in the open market by paying 343,000 for a copy from the. Burdett -Coutts co:;ectio'n. The 'British Museum paid 367,500 for a copy cone tarring the portrait tite in an un- finished state, an y foul of which ,are known to exist; Hardy Gives Generous Aid . to Rising Young Novelist: A. despatch from London Satys0-•- Miss Margaret_ Kenhetiy, author. of "The Constant Nyinpll," one of, the mast,euece�s fu4 novti18 of the Stel year, .,both in England, and Antotice, is engaged in ,marry 0 Welleklia'W6t London.barrletor, 1). Bit 16;1, Miss Kennedy is ','4, i3'hcl lintel anti works in Cornwrull. tile; 1)11(451'wi'its big.poctry wheel et ;wheal, but 431V3 It up when W. 13. Resits, the Jr150 abet, marked olio '0i' l7PL' 131 4 0 "A. 1(411im"' in ane 1mini)ttion, 1101, hi tln,Iti is have finished "`Ilio (,11151,111111 Nytilpil!r in a tenement in a lion ill 1`A116011'ilitin'h_ Miss Kennedy is now immicI1ig 0:1 11 new novel -mein, the guidanice.0a' MO 1205 a master than T,'homas Nerdy, a. f. fact which testifies not only io ITardy's s vitality in his ° eighty-sixth year, 'bet. - to his unquenchable spirit of genei'- oolty' e Burial ;seaboard, in bulk, 35.50. ' woui-d: force ,the same conditions in history, thesDominion Bureau of Sta-— Straw—Ca_riots, per ton, $8.00 to:the anthracite fields as exist in. the tistics announces. A despatch from 'St. Thomas, Ont., $8.50• bituminous fields, where the non- Motor vehicles registered in Canada says: -St. Thomas went into mourn- Cheese -New, large, 2234, to 23e; union operators have taken over the twins,> 23 to 23344,0;, tri lets:• 3 to . January 1 numbered 652,121, compar- ing'Thursday afternoon when the fun- , P- ? y/a production of a'major part of the.out-. ed:with 593,323 on January 11 1924. erals of the eight victims of the Lake 240; Stiltons, 5 to 26c. Oild, Large, put while rho union mines have stead- Ontario was the leading automobile Pinafore tragedy tools place. All liner- 27 to 28c; twins, 28 to 29c; triplets, 11,51 diminished in produetinn, Warrin- 28 to 30c. er, declared that bi her wages would owner among the provinces with 308,- nese places were closed for several . , Butter—Finest ' creamery prints, 693 cars to its credit. The prairie hours, the blinds were drawn, and a sec; No, 1 creamery, 38c� No. 2, 36 to transfer the . anthracite 'markets to provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan general' quietude pervaded. 3/c.' Dairy prints, 26 to 28c. competing fue's. PHe rejected the demand for the and Alberta combined accounted for Thousands of people lined the Eggs—Fresh extras, in cartons, 40 j 166,234 automobiles. More than 60 streets .and etood'with bared heads' as to 41c; loose, 38 to 89cn fresh firsts, Check -off, maintaining that the mina per cent, of the cars in that area are tate various funeral corteges .proceed- 86 to 36e; seconds, 81 to 82c. workers now had full recognition. pspring,. b., Despite constantly increasing wages owned in the rural districts. ed to the cemeteries. Live. poultry—Chickens, I 85c; hens, over 4 -to 5 lbs., 20e; do, 3 and employment of Tabor-tuving, de- .. Co 4 lbs., 18c; spring chickens, 4 lbs. vines of all lands; labor productive - and over, corn fed, 22c; roosters, 15c; ciuc]tIings, 5 lbs. and up, 22c. Less in the industry hes damn lshsd Dressed poultry—l,ltrt.kens, spring; rather than increased until it is to lb., 45c1 bens, over 4 to 5 lbs., 28c; better than it wee when you were re- do, 3 to 4' lbs., 22c; spring chickens, 4 : ceiving half .is much ;n w fgc 3 mid lbs. and over, M.F., 35c; do, corn fed, were unaided oy'niany of the improve - 82c; roosters, 20c; ducklings,' 5 lbs. mema. that have since been -intro and up, 27c, dared.'! Beans—Canadian, handpicked, ib., 6tac; primes, 6c. Maple prodttots—Syrup, per Im- Air Route Popular. ilei al. 2.A0• per b• al: ran, $2,$0 CROSS..WORD PUZZLE. 49 UTNt INTr5NATIONAL selteicATE • SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING CROSS -WORD PUZZLES Start out by filling in .the words of which you. feel reasonably sure. These' will give yell a clue to other words crossing 'them, and they ',inturn to still others. 'A letter belongs in each white space, words starting at the numbered sgdares and running either horizontally or. vdrtically'or both, - HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1—FarevJeli 2—Yours (abbr.). 3—To observe 4—A gambling ge.ie 5 --What remains of a wrecked buildlim 6 -Former times (poet.) 7—Assoclate of Arts (abbr.) 0 -Possessive pronoun 10—Person, to whom money Is paid 11—To poach In cream, as eggs 14e; -The best part of anything 1,3—Topographical engineer (abbr.) 12—To hurry; hasten 19 -Man's name 1—Bright, and lively 3 -J -A. musical moteb. 4—A monstrosity. - 8—A deer 10—Girl's ham°. ' 12—To entrept; bed 13—Dry 14—Country of Asla (abbr.) 15—In that place;.there • 16—Prefix meaning "three" '. 17—Exclamation of, contempt' 10—To grow -old ' 21—Perpendicular;_ steep 23 -,To flow out 26—Prefix, some as "acl"' 20—Poetpohement 27 --Men's, name 80-4 musical note: 81—What a small boy is often oellad 43•--A signal to apprise of danger 30,e-Darnyarcl InhobItant 3''t --•A beam of light all—LatinYor"last" (abbr.). 00 ', A Form of Vera° 42 --Suffix, fnrming"adverbs front' adjelt(Vea 43.--0fienaive oi'. loathsome'' 44—A grassy field or plain 40—Pertaining to an hoar, - 47--A1'cply (abbr.)' 46—Disco)et'cc by decay 4'5—Abov:! 00- 00asg,,cu_-and dried 0 20—'Stay-rope; 22—The 'heron " 24—TO pass over hurriedly 26—To totter 27—A garden tool 28—A hcstch•y 29—A city le Ayrshire, Scot( 30 --Defect; blemish 31—Found on the oeashora I2—Like syrup 34 ---'Preposition 35 --Irish poet, Wrote "Last Rose Summer" 40—A pair �of Unite 41—Onotonth of e hundred 43—Wild animal 44-3o ripple against, as waves 45—Minel'el residue from burhing, anything 46-:-lnterjoctlon nd eft pe g , $2.40; P K Some 50,000 passengers have town per ga maple sugar, lb:; 25 to 26e. across the English Channel since the Honey -60-1b. tins 13eic per lb,; 10 -Ib. tins,_1824c; 5-1b, tins, 14e; es, 'armistice.' lb. tins. 1514 to rte. Smoked meats :Hans, Med., 82 to 88c; cooked hams, 47 to 60c; smoked rolls, 22c cottage, 23 to 25c; breaks fast bacon, 30 to 34c; special brand breakfast bacon, 37e; backs, boneless, 85 to 42o. - Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 lbs., 822; 70 to 90 lbs., 320.50; 20 ihs. and up $19.50; lightweight rolls, in barrels, 339.50; heavyweight rolls, 334.50 per bbl. Lard—Pure tierces, 18, to 181/ac; tubs, 181/a to 19c; pails Iii to 1934,c; prints, 20 to 201/2c; shortening tierces, 141/ic; tubs, 1433c; pails, 15c; blocks, 13, Ileavy steers, choice, $7.50 to .$8; do, good, $7 to 37.50; butcher steers, choice, $7 to 37,50; do, good, ,$8.50 to $7; do, med., $6 to 36.25; do, com., 35,50 to $6; butcher heifers, choice, 36.15 to: 37.50; do, reed., $6. to 36,75; do, coin., 35.50 to $6; butcher cows, choice, $5 3g_$5.75; do, fair to good, 34.25 to 35; caiiners and cutters, 32.25 to 33; butcher bulls, good, 84.50 to 35.50: d,•;, fair, 33.75 to $4; bologna, $8 to 82,50; feeding steers, good, 36.25 to • 86 7:' do, fair, 34.50 to 35.25;' calvecalvea 'hoice, 39.50 to. 310.50; do, unt 37 'to '38,50; do, corn., 34 to` S, I t9Lch cows. choice, 370 to 380; do, fair, 340 to $50; springers, choice, $75 to 390; good light sheep, $5.50 to. 3160; heavies and bucks, 33.50 to 3450; good lambs, 315; do, rued., 314; do culls t$13 bete thioic smooths, fed TIME TABLL Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Godermh Div. -, Going East, depart 6.25 a.m. + l 52 9.nl. Going West, ar. 1110 a,t0,' ar. 6.03 dp. 6,51 min. ar. 10,01 p.m. Landon, Huron &'Bruce Div. Going South, ar. 7,08 'tip 7a.ni, 411.56 10):151111: Going North, depart8 50 11,05 -101120 143 5x.1,2• Nearly over ynn,i ban ripping, teorirtrheadc:neo a times. Dtoordercd atcm- soh—s7u, Rtah liver d cs it. Chocr ut, 1 hetes'e the Tsai relief —Chamborl ','n Stmdnch and Liver 3 ahlcte, Thos, put the stomach and bowdu A.11 dreggiste,S6c.. dr by trail -from 9 Chamberlain Medicine Coe Toronto etc uccess J ' %a what those man flava done. You can dol Ia g�ourshataileo Shbmo you can cantly master ie s of sobeee that tWer Star Soycemoita, t1 however year experiencentyu has think you sell -- lust mny ' hig issil ; Aro or not you o,ear can 000 0 dust t answerthis10 sou h Arc you ambitiouslw 1 pr ve to 0 years. Then or 7n (oath with ` y at an easily lb prove ao you . Silceeso , I ni ouhow 50 that` you ale sbenorua Sinai' Salesman, y lee lsreiyou hew the 0. A.,anl bolt'Training3gour `Free Employment Service of the N. a 0. A. all! help you to quick. sucooso in Selling. $108000 A Year Seung secrets 'Oa Banta f 0141 ni whip os t i 1l 1 by 100.N 3.4) A 1, °n117 e0 ands Malaga `nlrhtl 1 ° baro)tor ' tl I d51y and tI any 0 blind -alloy falaithat DI aowliare, 1No matterwhat• Vm1 "r' n 40(00, th 0,55or 001110 00.,, you.a b4 am... cot Do Idcte. e114:,rine National Salesmen's Training Aesociation• Canadian Mxr. 1300. 302. 'farooto. Ocl. ffiaseesal,; 2O• • lv jD