The Clinton News Record, 1925-03-12, Page 4gni t'. RSl)e�i", MARCH '12, 1;926 IEWS'. 1 8IA.oll :, Since this 'business established in' 1885 .it has lieen known,to "Cooper's BookStore." At the time we started, school Lho Public as p books and supplies was the leading department of our Five llundrgd Dollar Stock but as time Sas gene 00 we.-liave added departments ot. various kinds until we now would be better known as a Variety `Store." : We therefore wish to advise -the public that We ,will in,future, as hi the past, add to our stock, which is now nearing the Ten; Thou salcd Dollar mark, any other departments that will rbo saleable in a store of our kind. • We have also decided to discontinue some lines 'in order t to:plaice tome for. others which will will -have a,c;nicicer turnover and en Ib]eus to give better service to our "patrons N • h the columns' of this paper We will from weelc;to week throng keep you informed as to what wel lieVe to offer, but .we ask- the public to be generous in their opinion as to 'what lines we may or may not` sell. Please be assured that we aim to be of "Real Service" to the ,community and ,will welcome at any time suggestions Re to .how we can give more and better service,` - Yours truly, A. T. COOPER,. • ',Walls With Character NY `room of yours can gaina new- 'and.last-veli ess; a `distinctive character and ing to i1 charm from even the least'ex-Pensive of the superb new Wallpapers .'• . Wall a ers we are now showing. in ,we specialize in STAUNTON Then, � agar P be- • SEMI.TRIiViMEIA •-PAPERS which can accurately and quickly trimmed -without the need ' )ted e' -and knife or a pair of'scissors. of a stsav time - ble and eliminate half They save : and trouble the disorder in the home when re -papering P perhg - •• ' isin progress. Y Let us ow shyou our new samples. for those moms - of yours that need attention The New Stock of Papers ens ar e now ® n S a le You11 Not find, Better Values anywhere Low Prices ' Wide Papers L T. P. . CLINTON Coderk h ,T'1.r'vvrasi1� 7i Mv..Zi. Y. Cox of the 611 conces- Mon is:visiting' ;this week 'with .friends , and relatives i'n Detroit; Ypsilanti Alin "Arbor and Toledo. -"'J2r. Walter Ilerbe+t, W.10 visited bete rcc� tl y, motoring h me li a since reported. a very usecesc u1 trip. Services on the Bayfield Methodist circuit on Sunday Will be at eleven at Bayfield, Sharon at half past tvyo and Bethel at seven., Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Fulford and' Tittle Master Lloyd of -,Clinton spent the wee!,. -end with the lady's mother, Mrs. R.Y. Cox.,; Mrs. Cg: will visit relatives, at Centralia this week. Varna The roads are quite Sloppy in our Messrs. E. Epps & Sanhave started the truck, out this season. Mr. Percy Johnston was hone over the week -end. ' Mr. ;and Mrs. Fred Reid spent Sun- day vvith un-day.with Mr.`,and Mrs. R. D. Webster. Mr. A. Foote; has left for a few nosntlis' vacation. " Miss Cassie Johnston spent Sunday with Miss Blanche- Taylor. The citizens of Varna and conimun- ity were shocked tohear of the very. sudden death last week of Lucinda Stephenson, relict of the late Walter Stewart, who predeceased her about three years ago. Though: she had not been feeling very well she was aI- ways able to be -up and around.- She had .retir+ed' as usual Monday night, at the 'home of her daughter, Mrs. Nelson Reid,- hut' on, the following Tuesday morning hadpassed away, consequently her death came ars a great shock not only to the fanny but to the whole .eomin-unity. Mrs. Stewart was born N n the :Bab- ylon Line in "1858 and in 1887 w:. married to the late, Walter Stewart and they took up their home on the Parr Line about- two ' miles. from. Varna?' After --farming sa few "":`,/ears they retired to 'the village or Varna. "In religion she was 'a Presbyterian and. a most devout' Christian, mani- festing - a trusting faith in her. Sav- iour, a kind, loving 'arid syhnpathetie mother, ever ready to lend a helping hand,' and therefore will be sorely missed ' by her.:daugtloers and blends, The funeral services -on Thursday last were conducted by Rev J. J. Dur- rant at the house of hor daughter, Mrs. Nelson Reid, his text being "For me to live is Christ but to die is gain." The remains were interred the. Bayfield cemetery. The pallbear- ers were John Reid, Wnt. Reid, Chas. Reid, John Johnston, Geo. Beatty and Frank Weekes. Mrs. Stewart leaves tomourn their loss two, daughters, Mrs. Nelson Reid and. Mrs. :Harvey Turner, both of . Stanley, three brothers, John, Itebevt and Edward Stephenson, two sisters, Sarah Jane and Mrs. 'Wm. Rider of Alinont, Mich; ' Those who carne front a distance for the funeral were Mr. and Sirs. J. A. Stewart, Mrs. McCully, Hipper. Peter Stewart and James Dalrymple, Cromarty; hfr, and Mrs. Robt, Dal- rymple, :Tuekersmitll; Mrs. Irwin and Mr. T. Anderson, Lucknow. friends Of the coninrunity extend their deep- est eepest sympathy. ' The March 'meeting"o1 the Kelly Circle was held Theirrday af'ter'noon last,' Mrs. Hugh Belly- presiding,, Mrs. Walter Moffatt taking the topic front the study book. which was well condensed. Miss A. Rattenbur YPye Lvenl . 'Mie an `item on Currents Mamie Swan gave an interesting reading From the Messenger.. The president conducted the business part of the meeting. Abox social under the -auspices of the young people of the chi -11Th ' was held in the basement .last Tuesday evening, The boxes which' were num- bered were prettily trmnne d and fil- led with dainties. A -large company was rpresent and listened to' a varied pr'ograniof solos. and violin, selec- tions. The Brucefield orchestra -gave the -opening' selection and also.: played God Save the Ring which, brought an enjoyable: evening to a close. The proceeds, which go towards' helping pay off the church shed debt, 'amount- ed to 941.10. • ___ 2 SPECIAL DUCES During March and April we offer Blatchford's Stearn Ceoked Calf Meal AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES 100 lbs 34.25 2%lbs . $1. 5 . 25 Farmers and Stockmen, get your supply while these prices Last. Bfatehford's is the best calf meal made. Follow directions in feed- ing and get .best results. Ordeal at the Creamery or from our men on the road. -9 CLINTON CREAME Y4 Limited nasmammemmeentmeses..,, .,. .......-...,.... snow -America's Leading incubators and Brooders are nOW Being Yro sold in your own town. There is only one way to make moneyoutof. poultry .to- • day, and that is by artificial in- cubation." and brooding. Get your cockerels on the market when they are worth 'Ike a ib., and your pullets laying in the fall when eggs are 60e to 75c a dozen. Call and tee these 000 - chilies and be convinced. THE IDEAL. Incubators and Brooders have been the reading machines 0 in the, United States for 88. years. This !year they are being sold in Canada at a price much below other makes of similar quality and these machines are built to last a lifetime, and have, a positive guarantee with every machine. Sales Miction Auction Sale .0f house and ' contents, Princess street, west, on Saturday afternoon, March 21st; sale at two o clock:.Mnst, be sold as owner is leaving town. 1f/. Taylor. 97-2 FARM FOR RENT Lot 11, Con. 2, Township of flay, County of Huron, about 100 acres,''situated on good gravel road about 2% miles North of Ex- eter, half mile west of London Road. Convenient to school and church. Buildings consist of brick 11/2 storey house, frame' barn,' hay barn and stables,; hog house, he house. Itmnediate possession. For terms or further particulars inquire of - 96-3 The Canada Trust Coenpang , Opp. Post. Office, London, Ont., or I, R. Carling, Barrister, Exeter. ■ ✓ C. H. VE,NNEIR, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures.,Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Phone l5Iw ''Wiring' and Repairs. Auction Sale Aa auction sate of farm stock and iinplenzents- will be held at Lot 2,7, con. 4, IIullett, en Tuesday, March 24th. See full list next week. .L..E. Weir, 97-1 Auction Sale Of. Farrar Stock and some Imple- ments. George Elliott has beef) hi- strutted to sell by • public auction on lot 35, concession 1, London Road l on on asr survey, , Tnciceisniit] , M d _ , March 23rd at 1 o'clock: Rinses: Ag't•ieultural mare rising five; years; Agricultural mare, rising six years' cow, `sine , to freshen 1st of May,- S. freshenin rs -old< cow, Sea 7 years, to April; cow, 7 years, freshen hi cow, 4 years, freshen"in June; cow, 5 'Years, freshen in September; 'farrow cow; 6 yearlings, 4 calves. Pigs: 35 pigs ready to wean; sow. due to for"- row let of May. Implements: Deer- in,g spreader;" Newmarket fanning mill; Massey -Harris bean cultivator; Massey -Harris seed. •drill; Massey - Harris cultivator, with seed box; farm wagon, also 500 bushels clean mixed graih -Positively everything will be sold. Tereus: Grain and 'figs; cash. All -sums of $10'and under, cash; over that amount 8 months credit on furn- ishing -approved' joint notes or ,a des- count of 4 per cent per ' annum for. cash. McDonald and Davidson, 'pro • - prietors. G. II, Elliott; Auctioneer. • ABY . for sale S. C. White.Leghogu chicks $1$.00 per hundred, $140.00; per thousand. B€trred and Vitae Rocks, ' $20.00. per hundred, $190.00 per thousand. Custom hatching 5c per egg. Our chicks are all from healthy, free range bred -to -lay steck. Inglenook Poultry Yards E. J. TREWARTHA HOJ:MESVILLE Phone 22-611, Clinton .central 96 -id Eggs for Hatching Miss Grace Rose of Stanley spent the weekend in, London. Miss Flora' Sc 11 has spent the past three 'Weeks with her brother M',.. Nell Sinithi.. Mi s. Fd, :Munn of_ITensall is spend- week pend week here with hor father Mr. John Swan. Rev,C.G Armour and Miss C. Elean- or, - or, who have been in'Tmonto the past` week, returned home Friday evening, Mr. Bradley is relieving Mr. Geo, Swan C.N.R. agent, for 'a few weeks. Rev. Mr:-Armourtook 'both' ser-.; vices Sunday. His subject at the morning service Beit §; "Love," which' 'could not fail to bring a message from -the most wonderful word in the Euglish language. Mrs. (Rev,) Armour,_who is taking the rest cure at Clifton Springs, N. Y., is improving. Her friends,' here hope she may soon be •able to return to the manse. Dr. Gunn of Clinton , Brucefield friends Thursday last... At noon Wednesday of last week A. T, Scott and a few friends had the privilege sof hearing at,his home over the Radiola the inauguration cere- monies' eremonies of Pres. 'Coolidge : at Wash- ington. Every word of the inaugural addresscouldbe Beard distinctly. The address lasted a little more than an. hour.. The imlsic from the Band and the applause of, the ten thousand lj!1io were {present could be heard plainly. Rev. W. D. McIntosh of Milton has accelpted the call of Wingham United church to become co -pastor and it is expected he will be ready to take up hia'new duties at an -early elate M`I McIntosh was for six years pastor of the Brucefield- Presbyterian church, accepting a call ', to Milton a little oven✓ a year ago.. Hnn,was especially smcessful in- work' among young peo- ple of his charges. The Milton con- gregation voted to retnain out of the `United Church, which accounts for his resignation. . _ tullett Teow9nshii9. Clearing Madden Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements and Househoicl Effects. The undersigne,,, auctioneer has received instructions from Mr. Chester Nicho:sonto sell by public. auction ' at his promises, Lot '7, Lake Road East, Stanley 3 utiles south: bf Bayfield on Thurs- day, March.. 26th, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting or the fol- lowing: Horses: Gelding, .6 years old; Gray General Purpose horse, bay driving mare. Cattle: Cow, 4 years old, due time_ of salt.; 'cow 4 years old, due April 13; cow 6 years old, due .Oetober 1; llereford cow, due March 31; 5 steerslrising 3 years; 5 2 -year-olds; 3 2 -year-old heifers; 3 yearlings. About '75. hen's, quantity of hay; 300 bus, Improved` Barrier seed oats; quantity of lumber; about 100 cedar;posts; 6 cords dry maple 18" wood. Implements:: Massey- IIarr9s• binder 6-21. cut; Massey -Har- ris mower; Noxon hay rake; Deering fertilizer drill, 11 discs, nearly new; Oliver bean' cultivator and puller at- tachment; Mann cultivator; Noxoh disc; 2 sets drag harrows; stuffier; Wilkinson walking'' plow, No. 17; gang plow; wagon; wagon box, stoekrack, hay racks; wood rack; 2 gravel boxes; set of sleighs; Gurney scales, 2,000 lb. capacity; McTaggart Panning mill; 2 oat boxes; double block and tackle, -with 40 ft. of rope; 4 sling ropes; '4 ladders; 2 wheel- barrows; a number of ash tongues; Gray Dort buggy; cutter, grindstone; forks, shovels; 2 sets of double har- ness, 2 sets of single harness, -•1 nee'; horse collars; double trees; neelc- yokes; chains, canthooks;. 2 cider bar. role; 21 large sap buckets; spiles, pans, pails, crocks, 2 sugar kettles and 'other articles. Household Effects: ITome Comfort malleable iron range; couch; 3 bedsteads, chairs; benches} -table; a mun.ber of half -gallon seal- ers; lamps, lantern. 'T'er'ms: !lay, grain, wood and all sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furn- ishing approved joint notes or a dis- count of 3% straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. ' ;Everything so be sold As the proprietor has sold his farm. Geo. H. Elliott, auctioneer. Chester Nicholson, proprietor. 97-2 Messrs. Jos. and Wm. Grey of the 13th con. last Friday shippedeigh- teen export cattle. N'r. Alex. McEwing of near Har - lock sold a"13 months •old Angus bull at Winghatn last Thursday, which brought hint $230., Mr. McEwing may be congratulated on his Rine herd of cattle. ' Mr. Janes ,Knox of the West, who has been spending i some time with his mother, ' near Harleek, has re- turned. ' ' Mr. Robt. Pairservice of the 1015, had a`sale last Thursday which was very largely attended. Mr. Fairser- vice has rented his farm to Mr. Car- man Moon. Mr. Tom Fairservice has rented part of Mr. Wm. Brighams fgrm. Don't just keep hens, get the kind that will help keep you. Our`Barrec; Rock breeding pen.1 consist of large, vigorous birds"' of . superior quality, salve strains as whining pens in pro- vincial and Dominion laying contests. For years our stock has proved tc be early' maturing, heavy -winter layers. Incubator orders filled at $4 per hundred.- ` Single settings,..6e per egg Orders Filled Promptly CHAS. WATSON, LONDESBORO Phone: Blyth 24-6 97-8e SACT Car load of coarse, cleansalt ex- pected at Brucefield abort the middle 6"f', next week. • Phone for particulars. We invite you to inspect our new Wallpaper, Voiles, Gilighams, Linens, Organdies, Curtains, etc. A full line of shoes, fine and coarse. • A complete, line of pants for build- ings and vehicles. Oatmeal . .........:. 5 lbs. for 25c Oatmeal, per. 90 lb bag, cash' .$4.20 •Corneand eleas, per tin ....:..'.. 15c Jelly Powders .... , . ; . 3 for 25c Seeds . 8 pkgs. '25c Soap, Sunny, Monday . 8 bars for 25e r.a T. McA. aH,. Varna 94-tt' TIKE PUREBRED STOCK SALE AT WINGHAM At the Huron County Breeders' Eve, 1837.—J. F, A,R Consignment Sale, held in Wingham on February 26th the top price of -the sale was for an Aberdeen Angus bull, Vegetable avid- i(r)we Seeds fro youv Local Merchant' ,,rla•,a�a '. �i01,44c,i`�r,�Rw4 vr. m►�ee.11 iBillil®)LBsI�.. Arertsceiekeyoet `P7,6•>i fait raj\ -/e/ V •l %1 '1 1 6. d suV 4 A s JY 1. J a u m ali� 4 V . :ill hsrti�.t -,. y CARROTC04011,110P iiitei ;l 11 is easy to identify a garden -grown Beds by 'the Inagua- libellee front Ttetinio`s Seeds f rn of Ise flowers: and tlic lusciousness and ire size of lee vegetables. tear .too, Man: leeerc thesc'reeuit0 b9 lowing Reunic'a, Vegetable and Plower Seeds.: lRennie's. Seed. are high in quolitY, have been th0eoughltt tented Tor germination and virility. and Gave ae. Reputation that"extends over half a Ccntarj. for producing the very best in'botb Vegetables. And Flowero. , •WILLIAM %J�-`1`!: RI LIMP Cor. ADELAIDE wind JARVOS Stream, TORONTO. If you cannot obtain Rennk'a Seeds locally,; please write us. giving your Dealer's address, Rennie'.. Seed Annual—dm molt complete Canadian Seed Catalogue—free on requmb ceased lived his eighty-eight years within a 'stone's throw of the place of his birth, which was then a wilder- ness. In a nearby stream fish were formerlyplentiful, but now grass grows -It is safe to say that no man 'wtent l to Toronto oftener than he, with his products o€ the.farin, when mud roads were the popular drive and the fam- ous Peacock hotel of West Toronto l the favorite stopping place. His father we's born in. Tipperary, Ire- land, though his.. forefathers came from France. They sailed for Amer-' ica but were shtvteced in • ca storm shipwrecked 1 p on the -Irish' coast and being finan- cially' unable`_ to proceed further, settled' in Ireland ,for two or three generations, along with some of his shipwrecked passengers by -the name of Cooke. They sailed for Canada early in the nineteenth century ant' Mr. Cantelon and family found their way to Streetsville, Ont., 'where they settled on the Streetsville side road near the town line. Later the family chine to ' Clinton, Huron County, (where .fa) ,except the late MrCantelon's ther, When the 'MacKenzie rebellion broke out the young ratan volunteered his services and was' one of the loyal' ones on Yonge street, Toronto, when vfontgomgrY's tavern was the place of rendezvous, but he got leave of absence to return home on the birth of this son (Samuel) on Chiiistmas m°evm.aK, Countal News Wingham: Much interest has be stirred up in' this vicinity by the a tions of a man by the name of Uncle wood, his wifeand a woman who.w nursing Mos. 'Underwood, They belo to a sect of .faith healers, it a pears, and Underwood, under the d ection of this Mrs. Reynolds, offer tenNtogs as a burnt sacrifice, burn them in a field. The strange actio of the family was, brought to the tention of the authorities and as a suit Mrs. Reynolds has been comm ted to the Goderich gaol, pending inquiry as to. her sanity. accident A regrettable Zia 'eic. �. an curred at the home of Arthur Schm second concession of Howicit, duri theabsence Of the fatally at a da at Molesworth. Mr's. Schmidt, an lady almost blind, was left alone a while' attempting tolight a Iai dropped the match into her clothi which was almost. burned from body. .Her face and body were a severely burned in her attempt to the fireout andprevent the deytr tion of the house. Dr. Whitely, Gerrie was called and considers has a fair chance of recovery. consigned by Alex. MoEwing, which sold for $220 to George Bailey of North Bruce. The average for forty- five animals eonsignod was $90.. The high Point in Shorthorn breeds was $150 for a heifer consigned by George Ferguson of Elora. The sale consiste ed of fifteen bulls and thirty. sows. No holstein cattle were sold through. the sale. HE WAS PIONEER; OR PEEL The passing away of the late Sam-' ual, Cantelon of Streetsville, Ont., calls to mind what he and his fore - lathers have done for Canada. Mr. James Cantelon, now ` eightyttwo years of age;is the only remaining member of this family. His wife and one son predeceased him some years ago, while 'his son, Herbert, is on the homestead and a daughter, Mrs. F. Wigglesworth, lives et Hornby. Mr. Cantelon, though not an.;Or- angeman,.only 'pissed one parade in sixty-five years. He was Methodist in religion and a Conservative 'in pol- itics. It is interesting to note that de - Auction Sale' Farm stock and implements at loft 2', London road, 2 --miles south' of Brucefield, on Friday, March 20th, 'at 1 o'clock, sharp, as follows: IIorses: driving mare, 8 ,years old; heavy horse, 6 years old; heavy horse, 1) years old. "Cattle: '.2 cows just fresh- ened; cow due to freshen in June pure , bred Durham); cow due to freshen in March; 2 cows clue to freshen in Jttne; cow due to freshen in October; heif- er due to freshen in November; 4 steers 2 years old; 4 steers 1 year. old; 2 heifers 2 years old; -2 heifers 1 year ,old; heifer 2 years- old, pure. bred Durham; pure bred Durham bull $'years old; pure ,hired:Durham bull 9 months' old; 2 young calves. Imple- ments: cultivator, manure; spreader, root pulper;' wagon box; cutter, Pan- dora range, heating stove, coal oil_ stove, 6 dining 'room : chairs, arra chair, glass cupboard, 8 yards lino!-- etmi churn, washing inalhine and several other articles Ever•ything"to be sold without reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. Terms AR sums a 910 and under, cash, over that amount 8 months' credit will be gluon on ing a 01' a discoufurnishnt of 4%q stbankraightble allowedpaper for cash. Johne Moffat, Proprietor.; Gee, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 96-2 Clinton's it a a Gtr:. �nj It "& E DELIVER DESPITE SNOW' ' OR, iC E O 13. LOAp 05' ao o a o // Blyth: '3'. D. Moodie and R. Robinson have resigned their p tions as members of the Utility C mission, to which they were glee on Dec. 29th, giving as their re: that the council had usurped functions of the Commission.. council accepted the resignations. BAKOF MONTREAL VEstablished over 100 years. Summary of Assets and -Lia�bi!ties 31st October, 1924 ASSETS Gold, Dominion Notes, and Silver Coin Deposit with Central Gold Reserve . .. .. Balances due by Banks and Banking Corres- pondents elsewhere than in Canada...... Call and Short loans on Bonds, Debentures. and Stocks Dominion and Provincial Government Securi- ties...... ecuri- ties'... .... ..... .. Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian Notes and cheques of other Banks United States and other foreign currencies Loans and Discounts and other Assets Bank Premises Liabilities to customers under letters of credit (as per contra). : .. . LIABILITIES Notes in circulation Deposits ...... Letters of credit outstanding Other liabiiities ...... , . , $ 94,996,723.58 14,000,000.00 69,517,496.89 118,188,540.98 91,612,453.73 6,385,569.34 42,392,715.21 30,772,635.38 650,833.09 259,515,557.66 9,800,000.00 11,003,562.70 $748,836,088.56 TO PUBLIC . , ,.. $ 39,306,908.00 , , . 641,027,425.43 ...... , . 11,003,562.70 865,820.18 $692,203,716,31 Excess o>? Assets over Liabilities to public. ..... .... $56,632,3/2.25 You'll never catch ;the Heat • Folks napping. They have` a full winter. equipment, including snow -shoes. They woi„ lc by the rule that a custopl- er's needs nius{r'bc met -weather 'or no. If, the home iires•,are going o110 they'll come pix the run. :for -good, clean coal Call the k4 ' k6M COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON QUALITY The most important thing about our Products is -Quality. We do not use any thing but just Quality Ingredients in ou ;read Ples1 Cakes, Buns, ns fEtc. Etc., to Baking, ' anything � pretaining o� y g Uyste s Ice Cream and Light Lunch `t , F. J. BROWN BAKER' AND CONFECTIONER, IPhon