The Clinton News Record, 1925-03-05, Page 21.•11e1rA0a MeTA.00 scr ee;.,to cto Banklng Ditehress transact.' ,emmtrless • Ne Per :dififettri:111111e11 ps I4liteoented, Itirafts Issued. 'Allowed on Deposits, Sale H. T r;,..AricE - Notary Public Conveyancer. , 14 Real Estate ano. Fire In - nee Agent.' Representing 14 l'Ire 'ramie- Companies. - 1bjvis3ce-0ou1t. 'C./nice, Clinton: ERYDONE Sarrietcc, Solicitor, Notary Public, et, • . 'Office; OlootiN BLOCK , CLINTON DR. J, C. GANDER OlEce 110111•/:.-L1.80 to 3.30 pan., 7.30 10 9-.00 0±unda3-2,1 2.30 10 1- 0111e1'rhoure by appointment only, Office -0n10 nesidence - Victoria St, DR. METCALF' BAYFIELD ONT. Office Hours -2 to 4, 7 to. 5. Other hours by appointment. H. s, BROWN, Office I -fours 1.3e to fi„,.;/0 11.111, ; 7,30, to 9.00 p.m. • Sundays 1,00 to 2.00- Pan. Other hours by appointment. Office, 24 \V ' • Residence, 218.1 DR:PERCIVAL HEARN Office, and Resit/Pace; Ilitron.-Street • Clinton,. Out, Phone GD (loormorly -occupied by the late Dr, G. W. 11hompson). Eyes,Examineci and Glasses Fiited. De. A NCWt011, Biader.. BeeVfi•Disi adualre Dublin IInivereitY, ifale 10xte3'13 Assistant, Master, Ro- tunda. II6Opital for Women an,c1 Childs., rell, Offit;e ttt residence lately occupied by Biro. Parsono. „.. If11121's:-s9 to 10 a.m., G to 7 P,re- Sundays-,-.1 to 2 Pau, • . , M. HEIST Osteopathetlo Physician,. Licentiate Towa and Michigan State Boards et Medical Exeminers, .Acute aria chrohle 'diseases treated. Spieial. adjustments given to remove the-canse el' disease. At -the Graham House, Clinton, everY Tacna -LW forelmem • 5041MP. • DR. McINNES Chiroot,actor Of Velegltam, will be at the Cominerc- iat 'Inn, Clinton, a Monday and Thursday-foreneonti each weelz, Diseases of all kinds successfully 11120 .11011, ,• CHARLES 13. HALE - Conveyancer, Notary Public, Cemmis• . sinner, etc. 1139A 1", ESTATE AND INStTBAXOE HURON STREET - CLINTON • M. t-CORIESS ' CLINTON,' Dislelet Agent . The Ottarlo and Dquitable Lite and :Accident Inseranec" Co. Wiest Wiakired16,Sh MiltUDI Fire Inallrande Co.' tistatilishe.d 18781 Prasidont, arihn A...McKenzie, Initoan- dine; Agee -President, 13. L. Salkeld, Codericlie •Seriretary, Tees. 0. Allen, Dungannon.. Total amount of Meer- ' 'ince ilearly $12,600,000. In ten'yean number of polieles have „increased front.. 2,700 to 4,500. Flat '(ate of 82 per 61000. Cash on jiand 626,000. St/Meld ' doderieh, Ont. Wes, Stevens, Clinton, Local Agent GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County , of Hut•on. correseondence promptly answered. imumelate arrangements San be made tor Sales nate at Tile News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 2013, Chargee Moderate. and Sattsfaction , teuaranteed B. R. HIGGINS clihton, Ont. General Fire" and Life Insureace, Ageet tor Ifartforil Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness clad Accident -insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana- da Trust Bonds. Appointments made to meet parties at Brucelleld, •Varna 0210'431y13054, 'Phone 67. ••• • The. iticKillep Mutual Fire Inurance Coinpany Head Office, Seaforth," font; DIRECTORY: 'President, ;antes' CennollY, Coderichl Vice, James' Ifivatm, Beethwoodp gee.0. 111:assurer, Thos. Directors: Ceorge McCartney, Sea - forth; 13, F. McGregor, Seaforie; S. la, Grieve, 'Walton;'Was. Ring, Seatorth; 111, IkAcEwen, Clinton; -Robert Ferries. liarlock; john DernieWeir, trodimgen; eas, Coenolly, Gmlerich„ Ageras: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W. coaelaob; 3311, Ilinchray, ilea - 11212111; W. Chesney, Egmondville; 'R. jernauth, trodliagen. Aey money to he Paid in may be paid to lfio,oi.ish Clothing Co„ 0fin tun, er at 011ie's Grocery, Godeeleb, , Parties elesiring to affect Insurance ec transact other businees will be eieenetie etteutlee to ou application to anY of the above ()Meets addressed to their respective post °face os inspecte11 by the Directoe who lives 11011115113, Ole i3e1120,' 40AlitOttittfifik AIL*61:, 311 TIME, TAL3LE, a'lll 0i'rl±e 0000110 11021013. Clintmi 90 follotys: 123003±; 9124 Oodei'ich 030.lepeo'0 621±3)0,20 , arrear.at e Pa do the'„olitietrilkt,:lll kpublIs.hdro • .The•. date to w11elt14,.e3)Y 0uit/m.1.10ton , is ' 1t1: is 1 • f--1""iithe 'ebel , Pe- , 1 ea° •e1 '9 . ,‘1, t",,,a4leer., :,Yielyertintrq I -fetes -J.1 ranh,en ,i,,,,,,, ,, tisenients- 10 • eentil per,.,fionp*reti lino' for first insertion 2201 . • 310 r lin'e: for e10 .1111 ,sh4 atinfl:yi,l,.,.,4e,.,...:••,•.,, ,, tion. Sznailadertisen*t.o eKeeedono incltnoph•lY;t12a,.a' ,Sfrayed." on •1Steleteteicins-rie (thee .for 031 ceute,and aeon a ' sehe;?-: : il 10o „ 311103 ±1013 15 t.ents.. , . . Comm u n 1 co tio Mc 311 ten d ed for off bit cation Intuit, 3211 a guarantee of geed' tflaierth,;,,hiteeio.eChnipfinicttlbY the ilaiee.. ef ,,,Propriator. Edlter. The* boys'„:s'..e'ap,s'3l,v down tho 0113 after, „nnoth:cv„, 4.110 simowlyit F 311.701'.0, Ex:co.-stet': :Racer, and dozens of othersiolided their young freight eri..e: and 0070113/ :-',,be:-.L'oot -of the 'declivity. ictirglitori: :and OoMplinients 1. tie loY-1 ary (.0±120321113)1'front 1. is numtro Stone:ors efacouracred theMmvs, to make' light 1110010 af tha :laborious .part of' the, fun; the' neceesity ,of dragging theitfsEeds up the leng 11311 *as • but a slight off -sat to the, exhilarating : Most Orthe,bays Were ruddy, active • and . imarry this Ciwar, cold Janualy. 073 p • of terneoh.„ bemy.i,et 111130 trn oils, 1 itnit'hy'moldier grandMother, kept,: the little•lingers -warm, and theFARN nip -1 ,A, sport. ' -• • - , 'I. , • , I . S OF , . A ping nor westor could not frighten,?. 0100111 41011) Usair - - Harry Martin and Ben' Thompsonl dragged bheir bright new sleds behind them as they macle,for the starling point-, and el/e3'118sec/ fifth11 relative mer- its of their conirades'.. "I say, Ben," cried Harr t' a magnificent sled of Joe Eniory's; just see how he goes! Wonder it he'd let me nsd it. once or twice.?" for Frothed:ion of P-iretle.:§t "Ho ought to; you let him have and Finest PeltrY. your Reindeer all the time while you -had the measles last -winter." , Out - of the simple act of it PrP.00 "I kind hate to ask him, though. Edward Italand,maturalist in /887,;who 3 guess Till mt.tisk a 'rafasa1."1. "Maybe you are wise. See that lazy' ellow. just ahead of us, Harry; he's been crawling up the hill as if he hadn't energy enough to breathe' "01", that is Sam Dowirtan. He iSn't lazy; he's sick. heard him' thlling somebody that the doctor had ordered him to stay out -doors whenever the da woo the pioneer of the forth/ming e.ft 10.(1110±17,.ell .8)10 is still the pioneer in •And as Harry and Ben passed Sant; ilio development of new phases of the they, cast a glance at his" pale face cult, and by giving to the Werld the and slender limb. benefits of her experinvnte 15 promot- "Poor feB,ow!" said Ben, when they Leg the domestication of wild furs were out of his'hearing. "No wonder bearers the world, ever. ' he crawls. He rooks zniserable." in Canada the industryis one of When the two "chums" were again ever Increasiag importance. Every on their upward way', Sam came spin - province too now a budding little nuc- ping down the bill with a glow of 'elle and the weal. promiseS, in tint% •pleasure and excitement on his Pak to rival the Eaet. Not only does each cheeks.- • Year see 11 Swelling tii the number or "Rio sled is too big for him. A deli - ranching establishments, bat 110211' cat e little chap like him ought to have varieties of unlinals brought hailer a lighter one_," said" Ben, domestication Cor 'the -arta time. There '"Yes, 'hut'1i8folks are peer, and aro -toilaet 1;40 fur forme 'in the Do- lie ea.11,e have ,ever•-ything he wants," menionewith more than 40,000r animals added H of ten different species on them valued The boys continued -the ascent; each of ever $0,000,0004. Pelts sold in a thoug•ht of the tees igorous boy he - year , frem these "eetablishluents ape hind them wearily dragging his heavy proximate *1,000,000 in value, wit -liar d live animale sem from them reach a Presently Harry said: value of nearly 61,500,00. " "Ben, let's help Sam up with his Increasing Anneal Export. , sled next' time; he'll catch •1115 death Animals from Canadean fur farms, of ankl walking so slow," in particular foxes, are in continuous "All right; poor little 'fellow!' I (Mamma rrom ether countries which, know his lags shake under hint. 'We , IND.USTBY IS ONE OF:. IN- CWEASING IMPORTANCE: DOminliOrs CatditiotIS Stab1eI the furtherance of his. studios cap- tured and bred in captivity 001110 red foxes, has developed an industry' ‘,V111011 has not only Oprea-cl -from the little islond to all parts of Canada and crossed the- border inle the United States, but, is making marked 'pros games in many other eountries. Cana - cfm; jump on!" 112(32 Bell and I1122'r7 gently forced Sam into .conseuti,ng• Hitching the three 'sleds' iogeth'e;#4 the two :actita boyo trotted up"-thie,,"bill at'a y pace, and then tit0:111-1.4ree wont down at a rapid rate.' S'em,. snjoyed '11.1 afternoon 'most thorOughly, and v., ten ho' expr6ss,M las gratitude .to Harry ond 'Ben for tha icindly aid, he added: ; afraid it speaci ail yeti: film; it took se• - 11111011 of v01.13. time to drag ss.„ Tlarry and Ben emphatiCally denied this, and with (01101), .401' though th..y might have Imd oMe 3010 1 ides the less for their charity to Sam, iiteiglew of: satisfe.etion t11121; warms an 'honest , when 111111has had ,c1 chance to help a icss fortunate neighbor, was rnore Comforting than • the remem- brance of any mere selfish pleasure could, he. a • As. Sam • 111'1110d down Hancock street, 0/1 Ins 'way home an elderly, plainly dressed nine who had been watching the coasters, joined him, as if he were a relative or old friend. o., Is that Sams father?" asked Ben. '"I don't know; I guess so; I never etrw any of the family," answered s A few days after this", when Harry and Ben had quite forgotten the above circumstances, a number of rough boys got into a dispute on the street, and then intt a fight. • .Thc ., disturbance . attracted our young, -Xriends, anct they ran to see what the matter was. Hardly had they arrived at the amok - when one or two policemen appeared on the scene and ,collared several boys, among them Ben ' and Harry. • So much for being' in bad company, • even as apectators t - 1 The two boys in vain protested their innocence; they were marched off to / the Police court, and, when the police- man explained fife case=according to his belief -the' judge looked very se- vbre and declared',his intention of , punishing tbe offenders.- ' At this moment, Sarn'e elderly I friend whom the boys at onee ree'Qg- uized, entered the room, and said: ' "I think -Your honor lo mistaken or misinfoemed. These two boyse-Harry Maetin and Ben Thompson-- are /neither roughs nor fig-htere, but •' gentleinanly, kind-hearted boys. , I know a great deal about them." 1 "They say they were present hy ae: / cident," replied the judge "and they certainly look respeetable." 1 "Let me tell you what I saw them „do," eontinued the stranger, who, be - 1 ing a reported for a newspaper, was frequently M the court, and was well known. And he related hew they had helped Sinn Bowman. 1 "That puts a different face on the ' matter," said the- jadge. "Policeman, did you see themeffighting?" i - "No,. your horior,'I didn't. I think I ' must have made a mistake, and, with I yeer pMenission, I will withdraw my accusation." ' , ."Very well, l3en and Herry, you are at liberty," answered,the judge. !gent let me give you a little advice,. Don't perrnit y•ourselves to get into any I doubtful positions; don't countenance by your presence any' conduct whote I conseqhences ezou would be unwilling : to bear. You see what might have cOMe or being in bad comeiany for only a few minutes; ancl you boys,v eom_ tinned he, turning to the other boy* present, "see how ueefUl a good name ia, and how a little kindness to, a neighbor I12/03)' zontetimes be rethened to us. A good deed er a good word is inever thrown away." -By Frances E. Wadleigh. -,. are laying the foundatfons of fur -farm- can hanl ,him up, cen't we? Are,you Ing induetries 011 ±1103± orim. Transpor- strong „enough.?" tation in the fall of the year is always "Of 00113200 3 ami" replied. Harry featured by the movement of numbers 500rnfully-1M if anyereal boy sheuld of' foxes and otherartimals to all parta admit that he "we's" not strong 1 -- of the continent. During 1922 it is ea- "stroei enough, to haul a bigger fel- tiniated that abdut 1,40 silver foxes low than that," ' were experted from Canada, in addi- go the generous boys waited after lion to the shiputent of seme 6,000 ell- their next descent • until -Sam. joined ver Lox pelts to the London, Iingland, thehr; thee 13e13 said: • and Canadieh Markets. Aeooeding -to . -93een sick?'!.', • e the Bolted States. coneular agent at "Yes;" replied Szon; "'I had a fever. Charlottetewn, a total of 2,600 silver Why?" ' reem,s were shippeeto AmerIcanpoints "You look thin end pale. Aren't es far distant as California, in 1923,,in you cold.?" aeditioa to which there were many "Not much. • The .doctor told nee to shipments from one Rolla of Canada come coasting; if it was elf down -hill, to another and •tcl foreign couatries. j I'd get on first -rete, but it takes all 1924 shipntents of foxes are ShoWn "my breath to walk up." Canadian trade returns, 'for the first ,"F'r'esh air and out -door exercise is Lime, and 111' tire- six months ending whateyou need," said Hang, quoting September a. total of 600 foxes -valued a favorite sentence of his motheria, at $151,3e5 left the Dominion for the "Get on izour eied and we'll take You iinite0. Kingdom, United States and ulo 111 a jilt'!" other' countries. "()h, thank you! but I In 1928, in. addition to shipping live foxes to all parts of Canada and the the Mr industry, and that 00)13,117Germany. 'rho -climateein certalu Parts of Scotland has been found stilted to 1' 03 Stetes, Prinee Edward Island despatched. animals to Scotland and Sir Christopher Wren's been busy buildieg 'up an industry on Canadian, foundation stock. Germany is paying some attention to the indus- try and is seeking its basic materiel from the Dominion. Japan, Russia and ether countries have likewise se- cured their inundation for future de- , meetle fur industries from Canada. Shipment to France. Two statementidely different hs characte-r; are attribeted to Sir Chrie topher Wren, the architect of St Paul's, regarding tho great cathedra whose mastilve dome is the crowning ,ghery of London, • .• The first of those ntatements, was that he built tor •nternity; 01002 second noeently a shipment of tifty.eight oe that the cathedral would last for two the. finest black' foxes, valued at SOB- hundred years. Anil it was just about 00e, • left prence Edward, Ieland. .3)01-'.3.010laundred„,yoare after, the' opening. ilievre-, France, -where they are t.� he of .53. Patith that the first signs of itoed-ex.eltleiVely f6r breeding curpelees-• .serietle trellble aPP.eared• • and 'will beCoine the pioneers of a. foe Tlbat treelileeer.3 nOw '3)0070 acute. farming Industry whiCh France hupoo Fortunately, however, ,the statement .0 P11114 1133. Thus was one mere tri. ..ef the danger to the cathedral has pro - bele paid to th,e Cartadirta- indretry,•-• deiced a gdnerOus response in money, If further testireonyAo the superiority and there „should' be- elle difficulty of Canedian animals and •nietliods ebout„eneeding op the 'neceasariewerk, were ueodeti it was given hi 1924 when 0111 Se' Punl's hal 't° be'"anthived" O special otutly 00,0:martian methods' ,in somewhat similar fashion, though, 00 'fur fanning was made bY, the cliyt. in these -clays; contributions to ltintis eien fa,' resources 00 the -united for the repatreof the cathedral were States biological survey, 351011111 like. not altogether veluntary, Early in wi,S-elooked closely into the Canadian the 'seventeenth •century •"berreyol- Government's attitude towo:rds theenee"---se called becanee you thee! to • dustry. •, - • Pay up whether you wantee to be Canada has hover been excelled as benevolent' or not -was levied thrOligh. primary source 60 fur: supply, -,and out the kingdom to obtain enoney ter it 30, not/ conceivable she ever •will, _this 01(03100 9. • • since. °minion -conditions make for h o lowing, the Gloat' Fit e the ,,tate he produettee oe the richest, and egainetook U serioasly the que-stion finest poltry aim Canada is the home. of' St'. Paul s UnLf the` new ratheural of most 011 .1.310 yaluahle wild fur -hear" which "nose, • Phoenix-Iike,, from the ers. 7:i11e proanctiOn of furs is going eshes,of tire old, was built, with public remain am Important, industry In. 11e0/103'. 'The greatest Tort of, the eiist. Ma.); :rgaygg- the fur farmer ,is super- oblaliiott .3' a. 000-33011110cding Ole trapper, and the- Cronin/1M thd eee aYs- all coal lirouvlit to offal., great -oppoitunity- for the estab-- the -0outh 3, Bakland.',Was' carried in lithineut of fdr farms of all descriii- 8111310. 's i01147 and the ekpansion of this new ins Even wit/4, 'el/tabled'. from d210.1,..„ • ; this tax,"Ifiniveyer, Wr611 round 'him' Self .shori, of-Maneit. . The result Was 1 st.iyinn the. Strnpli Life. that, In certain Part0 of the /ref's; he rrhe bill of faro ot the ,Afghan is bad to- employ, makeshifts: ••• le -or he I very simple and reflects the poverty,• stance, though "he'..was itivare 'of the of the country. }tread, fruits, vege,, danger of rusting ;troll, ha used Iron - tables tea s.weet eons. milk and,' worit freely throughout the: cheese are the main foods: Rice mats' And the Iii0113 /Wilibli,'Etippoct-the drone ton fowl; and sweets cooked in vari, Wee -made of Poet -teed Brae' eases ous ways are found. on the tables of filled with, rubble. • • thewellstosde. The average Afghan 31111, for this particular maim -shift, 312(0 :110 partieurar fondness toy 'wine the iireierit trautio might' •irot• have er FM. tire retitle, scene of 1/11 telt Going VJeet, ar. 11.10 a.m. t ar, 6.05 de, 6.61 3).01. ar. - 10_04, London, '1-fureri 6.", Bruce Goieg Smite, ar. 7,66 619.'7.56 a.m. oi 415 111112. Gel :th, I " 11 111.0511 .'13 a.na: . , The fastest single-sereeL inerchat'• 'Ship ire the 'world is' the S:S.. BeYal Sect, which 10012' hunt tto,gtve o aPead ' el 22-' keets, and pliee between Lon- deio Edinburgh. conaisted of stories 'from, old St. ?aura, has 'crumbled to dust and fallen to the bottom of the piers; leaving the,weight of the' dome-beeween fortyand sixty thonsand ton -to be -emitted by the outer facings. So the aome has press- ed downon the weakened lilere, and cracks and fleaures have "made.ethetr hppearance. - in Order to strengthen the pierectwo of than have been subjected to a tettee eial process, -which As said to have ,proved successful, This process eon- sists or injecting cement with high peessure into the •ca,vities.whIch exist. 111 the rubble tiling. It ia now .pro - peed]. to treat the ether Piers in •the S'aane,VOT.- Some au thoriti '10015')' ever, are cinubtful ife this will meet Ole eaSe,_and,orty, that the -foundations rdso ar_e unsatistetory. Fetgget5'• O stole your faggate for my erintet But give you back ray candle's glow instead. °heated you of stones, that 1 might leave you , " This fettlndly , - • our,c!oak 3 wOre a little ime, aunbid- 'rem. d:111'0'01s bor.re'wed for, ink weary e feet, • ' Cesclay the best'Of 'your heart and mind. Do to -day's tasks Lo -da'! Yesterday' is the, Padt--•-teenerroW 10 the fueurc--live- for -to-na11 'And in the shielding dusk drank from ) cut table .1.cravin wine and sweet. See, now I „offer caivet bowls and flagons • `,„ - Ivory pale, wyought, through the- lilted ; • , 1V-rouglit' through t 1,oitelY.11oun loY • , ,rnooe-elpped„ fingers , Fot 3 our delight, • Nly,liernst fills all you,r orange 191111)S t I WIligitt, My ;song upon your windotv curtain •••• ,..; . Illy tears fell .mt 'your gar- . ' den trembles uothor rose. -.Too-n. Daretit Prosper. 1F/144,0ki: 14' Fietsv.31ari1 ',SonsanargIl}fe Mai/desk:5 Yellow /1411;11k'' ,I0anc1011012 Uvo 81"0 F,Ieff Plosicaowa , Cimino . Jimitice:Serrics, Gentian ,'‘Vild Cherry rain other excellent Ipaies, thus mak„ ing ems oE the most fillei/eiiiiCul of all Medic/1Mo. Oct Only Hood's. • 111-114 Sallee Milo upon mile.in 'si 3)01•• ,. The county 11 while long and sp,„ • et nitedows, FilutruslieW11 1.10111 80Ii.d sunlight., , over ineadows, Across white roads, clinthltig• '111111(11 011 height They meet, tii•e thrown from,overy iffy - rising olight; 1111001 Letts of grass, ff '02)1 1 ttelifify, find the higher - s Wanda Land-owslia, the "112.08e of Hie harpsichord," Is said lo bc Strong- trees and Walls ; Ole tyho'm • rilie floor cif tile shire, the only person. 111 the world playing this 'tstrument in tho manlier 01o aaa gold, sisOliel by shatiow..; master. She is Polish and riTalres her home in Paris, soliofts, waits tint nigIt.' thousand iniles to westward of tile HYDRO DEVELOPIiIENT N CANADA A gull ttcross the clark swerves, Spt•eading its sturdy wings ovsr the • 10 20 11110. s Deltind the same sun 501S, 00 'either side c A gray drear *dote of wafers lleatice and eurvoo, A very desert., ond iris chosen- bride.. -30. Bird. . ..„ 14rte Preaeribe f a' stomach, ityec oerfitines1 io fitoorl'o British 'Columbia is Generously Supplied With WateraPower. • . KesourCes, With practically two million twenty- mg a fifth unit, of 15,000. horee„power • four-hour horse -33015940 available under to utilize the edditiOnal water diverted conditions oe ordinary- minimum' flow, 2 from Aleviette lake and the construes and live, 10110010 'during at least half 1 tion of an entirely new development the year British Columbia, is generous- , in conaectiou with Alonette lake of ly auppliedwith water -power ye- '12,500 horse -power. • ., The Virtue -of Thrift. sources. The, present turbine instal,' 'Tlidse increases luvolee it consieee. . lotion in this province ' amounts ho. awe anieunt of' heavy construction Those who '110.110,0 know Flamm e21- 365,000-hor0e-power and'this total will - work, On Stave river the intake dam °slit through press articlee, short Pc largely increased by the ,develop -1 has been raised twenty feet and a new Yitilit8 to. Paris". the wortirs eePitat or ments-now approaching completion in] peestock installed end, in order to give bs<1117, lea neje. g •-' a utl emu s. e m ell t, the . StaYe Lake Watershed, ou the stability to the higher structure, frier might ensilY -1-xettl.aii ieti.112glitilstt i"ea Plnnnca031000l t 11 a_ Kootenay end Powell rivers. " radial twinter _gates have been re• • WI1010 wase The Powell Rivet, -Company Imth a inoved so at the large Irells required , arit tt-sP'ang6 6rK"--roI., France tie a relied the height' of ,tts dem on the for their operation could be filled iii -nation 18 exceedingly. theifty, The Powell riverfourteen feet, increasing with concrete and all five pensteeks 3)101'12,0 oe Paris are the result. of its stor"age CapaeitY by 630 square' openings are now ProvidetV•with roller .11"-400• • '(he peasant. or workman me mill feet, and proposes to increase gates. Theenain dam has been laieed teeing often on foot and oflee feom .t.W capacity of its power plant by 24,- twenty-five feet and lengthened 'SUL?. I,- 11111; distances, wearing it blouse and 000 horse -power. The. East Kootenay six feet, the stop-loe, 15,600 horse -power cleVelopment on the a sixteen -foot concrete roadway, eon. wonder and admiration; his heart shuceS iffied in, sabots, molts around him With 3)391 113) Power Company hoe lust comPleted a i'eWei'Lighti-bompany,hes demcilish-• receiee the new unit, Abell( a -quer-. eating •Iiiineelf,"-etin I also partake cif atructed on the deck or the dant. and 1 beats the "Meter at its unimaginam 9 the power -house has Veen enlarged to 8111e3Idors., 31121 aulblaba• -is 11111110012iendor?-- Yes, eliere is one way Elk river, while the West KootenaY • ed its, 4,000 Inerse-powe'r plant et Low- ter of a mite to the east,of the Mein °IN " er Bennirigten Falls on the Kootenay dam there ta another channel whieh 1"--0,ne weY 01113'-wol'ic, thrill. courage' ment of 60,000-borse-pbwer capaeltY, storte-filled-timber erib dam 111201213) t011river and has commenced a.develop- was oeigthany illeeeea ., ',yea men" wit/ realize his eiewly-bern me:Litton.- I, Aiwa Frenchmen have these qualltive ' of which the initial Llevelopnient is to fourteen -foot T slated. hi, tee heen / . "---1"n4wz:l*kers. ()Ixtlit'eDeeeirapo 411-antssil eefg be 40;0,90 horse -power. . replaced bY a. concrete strueteree 649,1 himself resolutely to Provide for Future Needs. feet long containing /en twenty-eight-11,1y14011.;c( weiko.do. Ho. ,,arrives,,, as ihn 10 become by bard .00111193(2112foot sluices and tour Minter gate' oPen- • . ,.. - ,I.Prench, stiy; he gives his ehRdren a The works now itt progress en 'the Sttreaete. oznIi'coornsainddel:oanbietheni• nAginottitentatee, latie Ing‘• KOMI, education. The gritedehildren (11'ow. The work in CoelleCtiOti With the the 'Ilan or blouse 0111,1 sabots become are desIgned.to provide for the gl• Aleuette development involves the "somebodies"; instead of startng with constructirin or a hydraulic 3111 dam on 01173' ili the passing haailsonne car - '41.0110a0 ±1701' a 81101. 11•131a21(36 b°l°W rlages 'and Ineurfous automobiles, he ' ment to its credit, the 51131311730 elec- the lake to raise the level or the lake buys one himseit; hie boys ge to cell- a nuudnium ol letrtY-Ilve '6'Gt• T12° lege, all the professions are 1131010,10 triolty ,being maintained by the Bri. water thus etored Will. be conducted it 'in: the girls go to the convent it)iasnllyCaoubctimilitisa sEulbeseitdeliacritilxtvvialy10110,otino: through a fourteen -foot square tunnel “le - schools and learn everything that is wards the and of the last century, be- 3,600 feet long to a power -house to be useful for a woman' to know, The gen to supply power faith a ateam. el •ected on •the shore of Stave lake. Pretzel' Prime ellaister. declared. in e NeVe Developments. • 'recent 03100911that Fromh an. ad el. Power station And -whiele is respona- These -new dee; elocznente nrevi.ding ways in her most tragic histurv ilielt !Me for the present worts. as they lo for extensive storage ot saved by her brave workers and tra- The water-poever sapply of 'Van: water, net only represent a most de- ditional thrift, and 'would always lie eonver is iirovided front three,stations,' sirable conservation of the water- so,. Rdw. Po.x SalesharY1 Coquititurountzen No., 3. ' el 43,500 power resources of this watershed, • herse-noWer, Cequiutun-nuntzen No, 2 but also greatly enhance the e.ossibill- of 40,500 .and the Stave Rieer station ties of the undeveloped 3 power -site on, of 52,000 horsgexiwer, that is to flitY. the Stave riVer at Ruskin where, witeli A 110et,v00sc?iePtn°eutlior6tho!trSeeeedui.iuro development supplYing YezeootloYeirt iois0-allbloetlh°r 96'0°0 until recently the total water.power the niarket warrants Its development, p.u.d refmeoattan la Ontario has epee dist development amounted to- /36,0 power. The work now in pregress Tile Deparimeet ne her:m.31°4r he avail% , undertaken by the Department et Will increase thisesupply i's A a the interior has ' Lands and Forests. The departmeet itiantee buret "over and ent tinffier borscepower, and, le is to be obtained Stove, anti Alimette (1071010311110111,04 iii by e6,60e ,been particularly concereed with the by erectitig a station on Stave lake, that the hut as this was more or less In the lands with pine seed (Wilzig the fail. eking water drawri from Alettette lake Don and flooding purposes aro within t only lands required for canstrueli, nature or an experiment in Ontario. and brealsingthe head, adjueting the the Railway Belt andeare, therefore, three or four hundred acres 01 existing milts and adding a new nett Dominion lands. in dealing. -with' land were planted, ApproximatelY to the power station on Stave river, these 1 d 1 , • • • 1 30,000 pounds of red and white Pine quired that plans be submitted for its ' 4 " , seed were used for the production .of approval and this approval thee only seeaiings for yeforestation purposes, been aeconled when the department The seeds, in the form of the fa- miliar pine cone, are taken to an et- • traetten plant, ime bunhel of cone pro. tilleilig Cel 0 j)01111a.01 seed. when treat- ed. Each. pound of seed contains abont . What Do the Microbes Do`e 30,000 bedividual seeds, which, &opera- ing to experiments carried out by Ole ' . It lo easy to ask tine reasonable71" departenent 'should produce fifteen to question but it takes a lot of answer- twenty thonsand seedling plents. ing. A few microbes find milranee ill- , The seeding operations on cut over to the hotly and In a few houre, it me)" i and bloat fiveas are known ea "spot" be, the man is deed. The erred seems ! planting, tbo seeds beleg planted 111 soznehow, put •of proportion to the 1. •tepote ettitable tor their /menet eel- ing "equirements of Vancouver 'and cltstriet,which hes aMeatly a consider- able ainount of water -power develop- riefly outlined, the work noiv fn progress levolves raising the existing dame and rebuilding the four existing wills on Stave river to produce 70,000 bas asspred itself. that Ite own In - as againet their present teeests and thoae orits other tonces- capacity or 52,900 1101103 -power, add- sionaries are ademittlely protected, • "Behold haw great a fire • te 1itt1 sparlt kiedleth." "Within the food., canal or in •the blood, or in the wind- AO, pipe and lungs, the invaeers . „ Atroeitics 1N1ll Rise, . A bacillus loss ,than one nve-thou- 1 "Yen LAtY Turkish atroeilirs Will deo smultli part o±311 an inclo in length multi- , to new heights leis 320221'?" 3115(13under norroar conditions at e' 'Yes; TurkOY 'thOooreng alnomo• • blies as neveteliel ore." rote that would 0E41156 Oil 0[6111: .of a single individual to fill "the oc.ean to , ;- the depth, ora 1)11111 111 five days. Dr.-1.1Tadie calchletes that the clue - era baeillus min (inplicate every twen- ty mirmtes, and might thes in one day lutve a progeny of live .with twetitY- seven noughts after it, and weighing over 7000 ions. 53233 before 0113,9 totO, pene the patient, in flood. - It is not, however, by, sheer malzi- Plication Belt microbes 12311, nOr ill (11300 00500, by making 11(11011 10 Lissnes,, blocking passages er devouring blood - corpuscles. „ _ These things may • happen but the • We' Bisie Was taking her first ride en a loeal train. The 1»•alzeman hed relied tile fitet six or seve31. stops, then tem condector cennt through and railed the next orie. Little lelsiti whis- pered be her incitheit "Mether, I timer pose the other '1112211 has run out of tiemes." "NO nicire headache 'for you ---take these" 315,1 bust "Smother" the headache withotit removing the Cause. Take flitamberlalnia Stomach ned Liver Tablets. They not only cure the heailatil.e 1011 51012 Yoe a buoyant. healthful feeling bemuse they . tone the liver, swt,eter, tit* stomach teed claanon the bowels, Trythern. - , AN Utessisls, 2Se., or leeeeil ze...•3 /---, CHAPARBLAIN ls,' OMEDICINE CO, --1 Tinsesit. t- 13' 11110121 0)2001011 00 Our, e11e3te11e as 091 2111 ,.becterta .secrete, 414111,i-0i/I po sees. oe ±011210 01111031 530 tal lev lemeletele- -of living cells within' 1110. body. 121, .olher eases the toxins. tfre (11211 0011 free by the clentruction and Yolution of bacteria tvitith 111 C011011111911y 0143213) place • • AB that lye Call fiay•in. a few 701/1 lo thacetee living niatter 55 the body cel,ls is di3estreuslytenseep0ib1e teethe' presence all'ilieste str-al1ge uniliteas, nd 1± ineSt .bo" Ire"rne • in mind that, even an 1111231001330 01113)3 like 'white OI cf,ny tufty 001, as a virulent poiseM. ' • She Wen.tecetc K how, Grandpa invited lJerothy to go with. , 11 1111 to feed the chickens the niorning 03) 303' lier arrival at 1110,ft-trot On: her return to the house .she inquired, shy-' ly: "Grandpa, Le) all e tioses,":" -Sivcce Ifisse have tionsiryou o,3 del In your spars time goad bottle Yon ean'eeslly master theencrets et selling that nlake Stories of Sticeeve ' Star Saleeinen. Whatever your esperienhe has heen.-whsterer rtttr.tt wt. tri . 950 may tm dgirtt noit-whetiter or ea you WO Yell eau just answeV EWE gliestioni Are yell 401)5111ms to etitri 310,000 year,: Then gat in Much With Me st once! 1 Will prom to won without 'cost or Obligation that 111120 nan easily !weenie a Ater Silicarnarf. t will ohm, you hew the Saleelweniiiiii Training alel FrebifttpS/GlIllent ervic'e of S 1, A.5,11) 110) DM 35,1111111 tieeteen in 500±111 $10,000' A Year Sellirag Secrets 4. The $3,ye1e o123)iie•ealeweineili3' ee t-rtt et41.:lty 35 2'. S. T. h. 24, rpntAd thost.st,c1p, to leg, 1111 m Uch,0,.itttitt}c 2101 znInn 141,0 1,1111e.411,Y Jab, 510' 0,3 eeelwvi, 201. ai,,t,e whet See RIO 11A. JOInt, 12, lolOol 011.110 oatct t }cot Nalco 00: Lice 'Apt, 0,11 or }, ett* Nati'Olia) Sales/1:60's Training .Aseozziatien igo^. /lee 3112 l'oeont, 001.