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The Clinton News Record, 1924-12-04, Page 7
eleanere gr° the ;rest (1' etch tit± q See the Rom;ted ill or kalar people' Iced same . ax day in airtight cane -Ail' stand Sonrr.- 0 the fey cliffs of the islands and the -hemlo'cics green above them; I'he foam beneath the wild'rose bloom, the Star.abovo the Shoal EViten 1`am old and weary.I'll. wake my y heart to love them, Foy the blue ways of.tbeislands `M's wound about my' sent, tiers in the early even, when the young grey dew is falling, Andhe t Rtng.l:oi'on seeks his mate be- yond the lcioil&st Wild, Jtill' yo,Ur heart in the twilight and d you'll hear the river calling ., . Through all her outmost:islands to seek hot- last -born ,child. �Ia,rjcria L•, C. Plcltthall. • Near Sroem. The' new typist determined to malts a good tnip'resstoa upon her chief. She be- turnedup half en hourttael early,'1 gen tidying up the roam. When that wiin. d-oxte, She examined her t owe Uncovered that it was YP ttel i1 in a shocking condition, found abottle, and gave ,it e "thorough, oSling. Phen she exainlnedtall'the other typewr1tore in the since, and oiled them too. There is nothing, she thoughtlike making oneself indispensable; Her chief arrived. He looked around -With an air of -satisfaction, and oroased, to tiie;mantlepiecc. Then Mils emhe changed to afrown "•friss Smith," he sold; "have you seen my Gough mixture?" - WILLIAM B. LEEDS, JFI;r11U,NTS IN CANADA'' Photographed at the' Canadian Pacific Windsor Station, iv the young. molts -millionaire, son of the late tin plate King,' and closely connected with the deposed Royal family of Greece, with, on his right, Albert kiopkins, on h s left Nils Piorman, infront, a third pal of his, as they appeared when, dashed with:trielnjylt, they returned to Montreal, after securing three nioese, and 0. deer in the I;:ipawa district of Ontario. This was Mr. Leeds' first hunt- ing trip !h Canada and he made'the`moet of it. e Makers also of SILVER GLOSS3 STARCH Friorid of the Fermily SS.Pidyidence SS Pairia `: SS.Proviience 80. Patna .: Fromm To; -.- Lotagsle Note York : Ponta Delgada 12 c. MadoGn.;;,,-IO rs: ,. . . ,a3 tma . q�y ,L2ritd:. n Sic lraems-AFiiens��¢y bre. DA5tonilnople �xx4 Imo, oyx ail '.141,y�o. 5110jo dfa05Iif lift; r , •.,t 4A .... YP 4'eosi , .. bra anacb .;11555 arses les .. ,. of the C, Jon. 50`• ,Pea, 17 aa. IQ :.: �an 2" S at. 26 w, 2 ".. es.� et, Ali:'4'(5 Jeb, 6/8 ,,ole. 11 .. eh. I.8. • frs. 12 35 days Feb, 17 ' Feb, _2• 00. 2. if., u. d ti ' 1�.l�oc. IMgq ,I �--,00't 13....:.. :Hnr, 14/15 Me,. 16/18 Ma, 21 Mae 23, JYio, 24 : ,.,, day', Mer. 21``, ac. 28 . nr:80`c Fr 8 - rs a n. r t1 - rt 4 (5, 11 • • pr. 1.4 00. 18/1 pt, 17/19 nr-a.:. 5r, ?'r 36 dnya- a'r. 28. ay' a,1 ., 1 0'1 �dii 1 7 May , May 22 May 23 ,24 20ey25/27 —: May 31 a3 day, Mini,eern Fare 9454,00 including Mao o escornieoe and hotel :a0 igypt, Cicee, Comfortable and Comod,etrc Vessels eepoalally hutlf S r the hiodiler an aa' Trade. 9hgro 3sturoloyo at Ports -of -con. Std -avert. octroi;sed Cc/nocric I e aro „ deacon, cent portico, Caines of all torts let nddillou to rho -reel el :Instate '. of o cat /ras55. tht- autpahaod Trench's isino and first oleos sorylse throes} out Ce h are ..Toying Pia- nists/Wantons blows Daily. For further info4 not on tape' tosor1stIve 8iera6•.io os ply:— Any author zed StoiinO-lri Agent, or J,AnMES W. ELWEI-L. 4 CO., 1050., Goa, Agcnts 17 State Street, New York City tt plat!@'ilo' old 'its rig town 0 * away'donnwa11, Englatid, td a 6na..ea iH,i'id JD4Tt9,A4J kl'. lac 0juaint. in far - hese things In the cool el the evening, along th broad road bos-derin; the sheltere harbor, numerous groups of hardy fis ernien, frith Se and eiin-Ctil ed' cd plexious, play marbles for hours at time, surrounded by many intei•este onlooker i. Ii;iiith 'I'ttrough iht se of Dr. Willialits' ik Pilin. " e Where must he no guesswork in the d treatment of pale, anemic girls and children. If your daughter -is lan<iuld, Tit= has a pale, sallow complexion, le short a of breath after slight exertion or en d genie up stairs, if ,she palpitation of ;the becri; a poor itppebasUte, ora ton - of dency to taint, eIte alias anaemia rho rn medical name for poverty of the blood. I e Any delay in treatment nlayleave her qr weak, and sickly foil the 5-est`.of bel IP life- Delay t y may-'oveir result "in con letat:mutation, an �ioii � � that_ a most p o t hopeless�'of d_s n re oases. When'the blood' Is poor out watery give Dr, Williams' Pink Pill of coupled with nourishing, food and gen ✓ tis out-of-doors., exercise. � The new y lite-givilig blood• which follows a f¢t1 Grizzled` old `InarrineTs, many whom ices r'e the olil ', si `c to 1 a Y .1 4 (aTni 1 no ofwearing small gold earrings, pas the quay s1de: in parties of three four, toliowing the "walk' fent ste 1 and- turn" ,which is all they are ab to do On the clear space On the decl be of theft' rlu e' gg Te. • There ie a, legend about -the ,cats St;; Ives, but there was surely: neve another fishing town With 00 man sale: Each morning, when the nigh catches of mackerel,' dogfish, and elm are brought, a,shorp, the fish aro Clea ed on'tables: placed near the water edge, and Iseoroe of cats have a.glo ous ,feed on the offal. These sleek, ell i , W foo and 0xce iio P ally friendly antmalel 'delight' in romp over the sand and In dodging th waves. Mterwarle they will .watc 1o" hours by` some shallow pool .fo same' unsuspecting fish or smell' cra whleh venturtes,from its retreat frons. bunch of 1se&weed Or reek. ibis 3s•one of the ssOiL, puzzling - of Card " lisle` wlaicli'can-bo per- t'' Por•gi05'-without elfill• 'Before pre f s mins. the trick: put the four o Hearts fare down en:the table. Oa. this. face upward, put the; two of hearts.' On this,fare `downward, _ put.the Aye of henris. On the dice of the pack put the three of hearts.: t'6 to 's ti- n- a e h r b, a Eighty years ago a Rhenish calendar published pictures of air Rig hts"which ' were prophetic of the 'Zeppelin's tri- umph. Though humorously conceived, the engravings ghow one airship;burn- ing,while eight -others are flying about. a high tower bearing posters announe- Ung departhres of airships for Mont Blanc, New York, Vienna, Peking and Canton, some of the airships have tw • bags, others gnly;one. All. are propelled by steam engines, omittin biilowa of smoke. The aircraft have rudders resemb- ling fishtails; and two wings or fins, Women standing on, the tower waving. kerchiefs to the airships carry small parasols ,anti wear poke bonnets and wide hoepsltirts, : The men wear stocks, -fancy frilled.'waistooets- and tight trousers 'and have burnsides. 4 : CONSTIPATED 'CHILDREN use of Dr, wilhams':'Pinit P!tis stfmu Picle up. the throe -cards with sour fates, the nerves, increases the hope O right. hand twitting them as If they were only one card, Phis can eaetiy.: rI-' be done if you held the cards with tate and brings the glow of health t rm pall© cheeks, .-. ;VI's. W. -E; Aotir Havelock, Ont., says;—"iffy little gi got into a veiy poor estate of health She, was weak, very, much rim'dow and as the doctor did not seem to -d her 'any goody I `thought I would tr Dr. Williams' Pink Dills. After talon six boxes of the pills paha .got nice an, rosy- and. strong again. I'. would re commend Dr. Williams' ?Ink Pills t anyone weals and 'rundown." You can get these' pills Through any dealer in medlcine.ar:by mail postpaf at 50 cents a box from The Di- liams'lViedieine Co., 13rocltville,-Ont. Aedesial Suicide. it Is sometimes stated that animalsfo know what is good+r thein,' as in- stanced by the fact that dogs are often to be seen eating blades of grass, which we like to think are selected by them for medicinal `purposes, Rut this wo idea is not always borne out by the facts, particularly in the ease of 'do: g 'nestle animals, Heifers, bullocks, and sows seem utteriy,.unable.to resist the peculiar attractiveness of the yew tree, wherever it is accessible, and on eating. it almost invariably die:, Cows w311 piek up anything; as witness a re- cent ease where some pews. devoured red leadWith fatal results. •;.,There is'a celebrated treatise by a nobleman which he seeks to prove that the horse is a fool because it will endeavor to strangle itself in its stable, 3f the're appears to: bo the auIglstest chance of successful suicide, Amongst, wild animals the classic example dt apparently foolish suicide is that of the, migration of .She lem- mings, a „point which has, never yet been satisfactorily explained. Roughly speaking, every ten'yeats or so, these little rodents collect, together in the l mountain districts of . orway and marts in one mans down to the sea;, inhere those which have oecgped doge, cats, pian;: and owls are comfortably drowned: The old idea that they were marching to return the lost Continent of Atlantis, although picturesgns, does not seem useful as an explanation. Wasted Years'. Wasted years! Rory very strange That you should del/ ,them wasted years; Within their span, ^ I learned from man, +,,. ' The potency of smiles, and tears. your -fingers at one end and your n thumb at the' other and slightly. o "'bend the cards; the convex side to-, ward the spectators. Hold the pack -`list hand, the three of g hearts ttoward the spectators: Show that the. three is on the pack and - the four in your -right. hand. Rub; o the face- of the tour agalutit the face of the .three.' The, three changes to a Iwo,:tile heart Un tli�o;. d Center seemingly joining itself 're. the tour because that card changes toa flue, ',The trick •te that when the rein- Constipation 1s' one of the most com- mon ailments of childhood and • the child suffering from it positively' can- not thrive. To keep the littleone well the bowels must be kept regular and tbo stomachsweat' To do this notjl- ' ing can. equal Baby's Own Tablets, They are a mild but thorough laxative; are pleasant to take and can be given to tile newborn babe with perfect safe- ty. Thousands of mothers use no other medi0ine.for their little ones but Baby's Own Tab1'ets. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The ',I)r. Wiiiiame' 3Vledioine Co,, l3reckville,.Ont. s b h 0 w a t 8 k w I1 a tl a 111 c S a 11 1t s t a 21 1th 'o 1• la b ' tt His Bit of Work. "0 John, John," exclaimed the Path - r, : shaking -his -head Badly; "what lithering wont you do!" 'It's au right, father,"- replied the oy. "I got it..past the boss and got my pay tool" "There's more in the work, my bop, tan l.0 thepay," said' the father. "The pay's the main thing," retorted John; "No, John, It is not the main thing ither. Lot me tell yout something that I heard today. "IA the stone works e. young man lie suddenly set to do a piece of meting. The man on the job had been liken ill, and the task had to be fluteh- d on time. The young roan did not now what the stone was for, but Ute ant at the work in hie ac'hustomod ainsteking way. Ile chiselled' outa, tem hero, a leaf there, and ,flower/ above, The 'master workman approved the job, and the stone left the works, ome.;months passed, "To -day the young man Was walking trough the great and beautiful build.' ng that' the -city hail just completed nd opened, lie cams to the most pro- inent , pillar, ; a . handsome column rowned with a' piece of lily work:. Why,' he exclaimed, `there's my bit f work!' And, taking off his cap, he azed at it and 'said reverently: hank God; I did that job well!' "I happened to overhear the remark,no.I spoke to lilm. Then he told ane 1e story of that bit of woes. When 1 eard the, young, man's remark' and a,w the light in -his eye, :John, I knew hen, if I had never known before,' that Work is a holy rthing: . Right wages' 011 just treatment for workmen are roper adjuncts, but above and beyond heyour bit of work is lioly to you. "The Bible speaks of the 'workman at needetb"not to he ashamed,' .That sung man toiling in the dirt and din f the stone works fashioned his bit. With his soup In his -Job and found at nif _et his work crowlga'glorious pil- l.? That is 'true 0f all good work; oonei' or Iater the: finished work will o crowned. -Then Who can measure be joy of the xcorknan, And if that it or work happens to -be the crown - ng piece of a Wel h lewn character, ailing, forth the praise:ef, the Gjreat iastgr Well done, good- and faithful eivant?' the joy of the workman will of be measured by time or by any - ung 'that belongs to the' world ':of ills!". , English Alphabet is Old. htheIbo rt 4e, hbe canto a Christiiinan g thofrouKghntthewgeolitte influence of Queen Bertha waa reign- ing 111 Brltatn in 54 r• when 'the Anglo. - Saxon' alphabet ssploSaxon':alphabetwas devised from' the Reiman: alpliabot. This : particular al- phabet lasted until 120p w!ien the Trench -English alphabet took; its plass and w€Cs in use until X1000; wbou tho to- called English alphabet came',ilitd 1 existence' and lasted materially fan changed until 1759, when further; 1e visionw re inad0 n e More than 'IO per t,enl,'of tiic Aziglish languaSge.:words. were. of 'Greco Latin origin, Mluard'a L!niineni for Rheumatism. • Wasted years! What Hoye 3 missed That has 'great valuein your eyes? A lunch, a dance, A game of chance ' With chattering women, worldly wise? 'greeted years! , It you but 'mew What long, lone halos revealed to md;. The truth I sought In deed, in thought, The real from un0eality. .regale` Call. Rellglen-of the Future. :- The religion 00 the future will not be gloomy, aseetio or maledlctoly- It will not deal chiefly with 'sorrow and death, but with ley and"Ilio. _It. will not Care so much to account„ for the evil and the ugly in the world as to in- terpret the good and the beautiful. It will believe in no malignant pOwera.- neitlser in Satan nor in witches, ifeith er In the evil eye nor in the malign, suggestion. Wlfen. its disciple en- counters a wrong or evil in the world, his impulse will be to search out its origin, sou05e or gauze, thathe may attack it at Ute startinglpoint,—Charles W. Illicit: Beautiful home. dye. ' ing : and tinting is guaranteed w 11) Diamond Dye's. Just dip in cold water to tint soft, `.delicate shades, or boil to dye rich, permanent colors. hlIach 15 -cent Package contains di- rections. SJ): s /utile any -Woman cap dye or tint lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists, .dresses, coats, stockings, s venters, draperies,, ;coverings, hang ,11355, .everything new,. •Bssy "Dtgmend Ayes" -no ,outer hind --and tell your druggist whether the material ,you 'Wish ;to color is.wooi R' silk, -or ;Whether 11,10 linen,'cotton, or mixed,goods forced four le placed on the pack, the right hand carries away only the five. Try the trick with the cards In your hands and It will present no digicnities, (Cap this hitt anti paste it, v,ith other, of the .Series; fn ; It:,t,crapbeok,) Ct Why 0He Knew. Samuel' Partridge once published an almanac in London, which had a great circulation , in England. It, was es- pecially specially popular among the ;farmers, because it predicted the weather a year in advance, One day, while Partridge -was intik- ing a.trip.in the country, he tool' din- ner at an inn," anct when about to re aume his jourey,:the hostler warned him that it was about to rain. ; Part- ridge artridge paid no attention and set out, but soon returned, having been, drench- ed by a heavy shower. He was so impressed by the hostler's weather wisdom that he offered- the man'a crown to tell how he could pre - diet with so much. certainty. ` "Easy enough," was the reply. "We have Partridge's Almanac here!' "Ali, yes, to be sure," said. Partridge, smiling.. "I. had not thought os' 1,ct." "And that man," went on the hostler, "is Such a liar that 'when I saw the elmanao set down to -day as fair, T' knew it would rain." Partridge paid the crown in silence. For Sore 'Feet.•—Mlnard's L(nlment. A site in the Strand, London, which cost $200 a foot in 1919, is now $350 a foot, so great is the Inerease in West End ground rents. 11(1050 oeubllehed 00 years. Pleat() write for roar price list on Poultry, Blotter, and Eggs, 1V. OOAnANTIIL•'- thne for x week /mead. P. POULIN & CO„ LIMITED 80.80 eoneecenre. Market. 'tologhone Main 7100 MONTREAL.: :. • - c Uesuo 'You need not deny yourself the pleasure of hearing; famous singers, noted lectui ors, wonderful con- certs in distant cities just because you can- not travel. If you own a' Radio' Receiver the turn of a dial will make you one of the audience in the city where the, artist of your choice is per. forming. The happy world invites`you` to share in its fun Write for descriptive booklet' lap b THE MARCONI: WIREt,OSS TELEGRAPH CU. pF CANADA. . ' LIMITED, MONTREAL... Cold in the Head irilprove Your - �-Pleat M}n,ard o and !allele often. ' -Ap earSplendid for catarr•ii, s,. t k 'P1,00 ihitle if you want your Ise t y a .y ,coiu,pbec.lon to clear; eyes to brighten, andslcin to become s:off. -and:smooth: -` Than, norve-oxliaustecl people grow strong bn T3iti o•11,osphate and drug- gists gnorssite, it Plate $1 pet pkge.! Arrow Chem:s..rl C n., 20 I Slept St, 1th;st,'I Toronto, i)ilt. - -i„ 1230E No. 40-24, 's u, to yet ' o Zook your best Young girls,: ole girls, plain girls, pretty 'iris—don't we ali know those days be. late the'mirror when, with a,; Sigh, v1 turn away and sty, `>Gosh—I do look plaint" !'l On those days when Our skill looks bad � and A Won't rg(t I lrcjlt.--.•our. rtodB `(Nen.% powder ou,. eyes are dull. �' e all know them. But Wine women watch their skin and at the first Sign of some., thingtake cath a eb� best remcd --- a dose of They purify the blend, clear the skin, make you happy, bright and attractive Saul Everywhere r a ylviJos^o In Canada.: Genius Is Work'Power, ,"Genius without work," wrote Sum= melmile S s, . "is certainly ; a dumb oracle:, and it is unquestionably true that the men 00.highest ge1Tius have been found invariably to be amongst the most plodding, hardworking and, intent men, their chief characteristic apparently consisting simpiy.in.,their! power of laboring :more intensely and effectively than others." Mlnard's Liniment Nears Cuts: "Holy Year" in the Roman Catholic Church- begins on the eye of • next Christmas- Day' and lasts twelve months. This is due to an edict made in 1470, whichdeclared every twenty- fifth year a jubilee. - RHEUIVATl3111era from rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago? 81'51I5 or 112°N eivan Permanent. milot, JI.EY, 10 use,—absorbed through the 1,61 -euro la 1ta. Mate. -gull port/Mere free. CHAS. W., TEETZEL CO,, 'OW, J,` 1200 Queen et. W., Toronto, Ont. MORE THAN 55,000 FARMERS 'have bought their farms in 'v'fsa..trn Canada from the Canadian Pacific, A remarkable Fact, Thinkl There is a reason. ' Tile large area of our hold- ings affording, choice -of location and of land' to suit livery need. Fair price, fair eontraet, and fair dealing combined with abundant fertility of'. soil,: good climate and social condi- tions make farm life there desirable and attractive, Thousands more will select their farm from our virgin lands, from our improved fares, and with some capital and determination to work, can make a home ami pay for it, Write for our booklet, "The -prairie Provinces of Canada;' and .leaflet, "Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L. Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Desk W,, Windsor Station, Montreal, Que. British tailors are said to he the best in the World;, theirP rod'ucts'lead the ;world's fashions and bring' mil. lions of dollars % of foreign' money' tsr England .every 'year. Y Minard's Liniment Reilieves Pain, ' Most people-: hardly know -what .,. meditation means; their -idea of acti. vity,is the activity of a squirrel in a sagas -Dean Inge. Use 1 SKr 20,I8.jr`r\rgn n5' ViN,'1N1DUST cClNl R.S 10EroatilCPOE0 5 2000 0r nar'G018r8. onrlclAt't5 't W.100104 {PK!, ECU C4,50 hVk,- 65000tH* 06, 041,0nool Cuticula Qc lyRelieves Itching Skins Yiathe freely with Cuticura Soap. and hot water, dzy and apply Cuti- curs Ointment to the affected parts, Pox eczemas, rashes,'itehings, irri- tations, etc„ they are Wonderful. Nothing so insures a clear skin and good hale as making Cuticure your every -day toilet preparations. enopl, ac2hPrs b .Mea. tAdw Cmd4anPrint. nn50 01atroe tCand80;Tnleuc,Mir "Try our now .Shrvias Stter.. 11ER NERVES. BETTER NOW Received Much Benefit by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Chatham, Ontar o. -"I started to get weak after my secchild wae'bordo andond kept on Bertin worse until ,1 could netdo my ownhouse- work and was so bad with my nerves that; I was afraid to sal' alone at any time..1 had a girl working for me a whole year before I was able to domywashiagagain. Through a friend I learned of Lydia 17. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound and took four bottles of t. I gave birth to a baby boy the 4th day of September, 1922.1 am still doing' my own work and washing. Of course I don't feel well every day becauseI don't getlny rest as the baby is so cross. But when I tiet my rest I feel fine. I am -wail taking the Vegetable Com- pound and amt going to keep on with it until cured. ldynerves are a lot better since taking.it. I can stay alone day or night and not be the least frightened. Yen can use this letter as a testimonial and I will answer letters from women asking about theVegetable Compound." --Mrs. CHARLES CARSON27 Forsythe_ Street, Chathatn,Ohtaria.-• s� Mrs. Carson is willingto write to air c '' o "°x1°Cetfeeo t`""a0 ggi1rl or woman suterig+from female irpubles. "r°LEAR, sparkling coffee—the color of -rich, transparent amber—linty be made in apy Hotpoint Per- colator." Percolation from cold water commences within thirty seconds. E-Iotpolnt Percolators are equipped ` with ex- clusive safety switches which protects the appliances should they accidentally '"boil a ` For sale by dealers everywhere. H 160 Insist On BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN 'Unless you, see the' "Bayr Cross" 1- y y , o � tablets you arc,... not getting the:genuine -payerP rodtict ` roved: safe p shy rntlhons and. prescribed b'.y physicians 24 years for Golds Pain Cleadache' Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Net ritis . hl' �, i nx t SCUT l7t S Accept only "Bayer" package which'coin:alas pi•o,veu directions,. Dandy"Bayer" boxes of1.2 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Arplrin iu t c tondo mauls (regl6'tcrCd In, Canada) 01. pa$,'yer Manufacture of Olaaioncette- 050o t r of 4r 1i ll+,etd (Acefyt Salityi toil, A. A..'"). While It 1; yeti ihnoqa$`; igg.1 1:frh•in mo,u s 13al•or ruMmtaOiorO to m est the stains nO,ataat lmitatlon the 001114 01 04r530 company 1,111. to stasopotl With thou g ugral: /redo. 0,005,, the ' 53oyer.01666,.