The Clinton News Record, 1924-07-10, Page 5, PLUMBING AND HEA.TING CHI-NAMEL STORE 0111111111.11111111111111111P1111)11111111111111111111101111111113 11111111111111111111111,111 11111111111111111111111111111119114111111.1151P "e! fij„▪ iftieriireto,"""ni, he ,for ".2 get it and is ,snit;g• f. the- Way ...14,41, • e,c1•; it i,a'hailt "tittle Ot)Olr,:e Miade .of, .the '.;"1;j1kh•-tiine,' • tOo, te, ,b()' 444 have were 'Purehase 1 11 down or -on the instalMent ••iivap,er 51 :The 'RincarcEne Review' - criticises ir George Foster for saying that eople spend to -6 much time, joy-rid- gg and at the movies, The Review ,m That Sir, George "takes his fun king speeches while other people ce going to 'movies and joy -riding xis] pedple ought 'to- be allow- d- to do 'tlie 'thlngs they ince 'to' db. 1,,m Review fails to reflect; however, at if everybody were joy -riding' "Or. the 111.0vieS there would be no ChlO listen to Sir George's `Speeches. Orillia is a town that has hada eputation tor seine o haom . . -very charming way of treating vis- a 03'S ,They have a unique We?, too, e day not long ago a car drove 13- town and the -president of the board trade or somebody on the execu- ve ' of their civic welcoming league, reeted the driver of ,the,the car' and 'sited if he could be of any assistance ths any way, The man said they awaulci be in town for a couPle of .hours hna his wife would very much l'apprecjate"the use of a baby's baggy, "alurnog that time, so this resourceful citizen went off and got the needed article. You. can imagine that .thee visits would always have a kindly remembrance of the ohligifig people of Orillia. paye to be As soon as the Ontario, strawbor- ries were ready for the market this Year the price avant down, They were -16c last week and ,theaper this: Some people are advocating the rais- ing of .the duty on strawberries so that the Canma adian rket might not be glutted with the frolit before the homegrown staff is ready. ,This - Might he a good idea. The first imported.berries are n'ot up. to much ' in point of' flavor, as those of dis- criminating tastes will bear witness. We amid Very well do without them for a few, weeks...until Mir own ber- ries, which.are really food fit for the ,gods, afIe ready. But, irpeeple viJT -"-have the iinported staff, let thent PaY a high pica for them, A. stiff duty would keep the Market for the home grown fruit, for the most, of us would content ourselves 'aelth rhubarb for a week or so longer. Rhubanis, by the way, the nice, pink sort, and nice- ly 118181)8702, is not to be despised.- It's, the nicest spring tonic we cart think of. ° Mr. H. 'Hartley Dewart, R.C., a well-linoovn lawyer and pablie man :mann( former Liberal leacler in the Provincial Legislature, die(' at his summer home near Usibricige en Monday -night after a ten days' ill- ness, « Mr. Dewart was a man of distinguished ability as a speaker and had, a keen legal mind. .He Was not a conspieuous success as'a leader, , during the first of the Drury regime, but this was probably for the most part because of the fact that he did, not possess` the loyalty of the great majority of his followers, Who were flirtibg more or less openly with the 'Party in power. lie finally. grew -- tired of it and resigned.Mr. Dew - .art was personally °noosed to tem- perance reform, at least to the Inea- 511z,e8 or it put' fbrward in Ontario and, after the Liberal Party tdok the role of chief sponsor for the tempeo.-- .anee cause, his leadership •vvas nob •considered to be art asset. He was born and brought up in a Methodist, parsonage, being' a son of the late ). Rev: 13. 13, Deivait, a minister in the Methodist Church and for many years editor of the Christian Guard. He was ,not an old man, be - sixty -two, and had a large ellen. tole, His aged motimr still lives in Toronto hnd was, together with his wife, -beside hiai when the. end..came., -One brother also\ surviVes. • ` Stanleg Township Mri, and I)Irs. Thomas Snowden 'and family and Miss Grace Penhale „spent the week -end with friend' sat St. Thomas'. . • 1V1r. and Mrs., AI,. J. Butler of . Clinton spent Suriday at the honie of william Heard, , Miss Pearl Tayler visited. friends •,1:41 Seaforth on' Wednesday of Jast `Mr. and 111:rs.."George Coleman of eilferth visited friends on the Sauble ine last Friday night. , 'Mr. George Reid of the Babylon ulino is sporting, 2 new CheVr.filet C42' days, , . • ohnesville • and MrS. Henry Halstead of 4sited at tho home of: .;the Ormer'S aunt, Mr. A. ' Jervis, on unday, , Liver of Winglarn is erecting or Messrs. Ciarenge and Fred , Holtzhauer of.Niagara is vis - ting her daughter, Mrs. -F. Potter, Misses Clara and Amy Moir visit- ,Goderieh -friends last woeh, r`The anraial .garden party jf, the , Methodist church will be held en 'kiss' tHAohesetes lawn on Tuesday. July *5.t-h,Li* 0 ed On Sun_ da,- Rev -London preaching here, initY,' 'church . - Dr. GarlisA of .Exeter has °Toned an ehis ,cott4go he'to and is here each Wednesday after- noon. , . e at ane. a. riot • last 'Friday from a 'pleasant' Motor trill ' Collingwood. , sister; Mrs, Parke, 'and daughter, Elsa, re, • (8(811211 'with. him. Mr, and Mr8., George_ Reid are -home froth SashatcheWan for a vis if avl. and Mi•S, Cleml"e. Er 111 a221:11daughter of: Prince. Albert are the 'guests, of relatives here. It is four- teen years 511100 141r, Erwin left Bay - Everywhere Yell go People are 'balk"- ing of the Ford Picnic to be held, hero next 'Wednesday. ' '1'116 cottages are fast filing up and all are enjoying ;their -•;Tacaloion. The golf links were -opened very auspiciously on July. st, About one hundred visited the grounds and several intere.ting.games were phiy, ed. • Tea, Was served at UM., club - 1131150 by Ma•s. Newton -Brady, Dr, Newton4D7ady and Mr. E. 1-1. Johns deserve praise for -the way they have worked to prepare these grounds. The school fe'Port hat load to be held over 'until riext Thd daily press during the past Week contained notices. -of the mar- .riage of a -son and daughter d Dr. and .Moos, W. .Wright of Totten- ham, who are well-knoiva in Bayfield. On, Jane 30th, at Howard Park Me- thodist church, Toronto, Helen Mar- guerite, eldest -daughter of _Dr. and- 1VIai. 'Wright, was united in marriage to Mr, Dougal Peter Ma.cDonaid of Toronto', the Rev. ,I)r. •Scott officiat- ing. At Central IVIethodist chinch, Woodstock,lion .Tuly 5th, Dr. Freder- idli larright of Baltimore, Md., son. of D. and Mrs. Wright,, was wedded to IVEss Helen :Clare datighter •of Mr-. and Mrs, Malaohn 3. C. Schell of troat city. - The Rev, R. S. Et Large,..pa.s-tor of the church, assisted 14 the Rev:- Dr: eteWS Chatham, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Ma.aDenald will re- in Toronto and Dr. and tire. Wright in Baltiniore. ' Auburn . Tho.. 1VIetho1ist and Presbyterian churches 'in the Village have agteed to combine their services while their respective ministers are aWay_on holi- days. The first of these vnion ser- vices oval be held in Rims church next . Sunday' ;welling at 7:30, when, the Rev. Pi S. Banes will preach. There will be no service in Rnox ehureb: id the Morning, hut the Sal). Valli School will meet as usual, The following Sunday the service will be at 10:30 a.m. and ioo Knox churelz. Mrs. W. J. Andrew gavesad ad- dress at Victoria :street churah, Gode- rich, to the two Auxiliaries on Mon- day, July 71(1), . There passed away at .her home in Auburn' on Saturday, July 51(h, Mrs, Holewig, at the .adVaneed age of eighty-two: Mrs, Helewig Wet born tot Germany and -came to Can- ada at the age of twen'ty-seven years. Her ..husband predeceasedaher by fif- teen years. She -leaves to mourn their loss two sons' William of Win- nipeg and Edwardof: Auburn, and' two daughter's, Mrs. .l'ones of -Re- gina and. Mrs. Bond of Sandwich. The funeral tools place- on Tuesday afternoon to Ball's cemetery, the ser- vices being in -charge .of Rev. P. Banes. t • Mrs. Roy'Parrow and little &ugh - ter, Dorothy, spent a few day's with her parents, Mr. and.* Mrs. James Johnston. 1 Mr. Roy Robertson, Mr. Harry 13eadle and Mr. George Hallam mo- tored over from Detroit for the week - Mr. fr. Washington left on Wed- nesday to take a course at Queen's UnIversity, Kingston, 3/11%. BUrieS Of Exeter is vistang her sell) 4te),. P. 13"attes'• "" Mi., and Mrs, Joseph Carter. ancl, S011` and Mrs, 1\1:oir of Port Elgin Spent, the week.end with. Mg and Mrs'. JainesCarter. • 'Vas. Patterson and children are visiting the lady's sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Weir, Mr, J. Carter aiid daughter Of Detroit visited Mr. James Carter this week, The Woinan's: institute will, :"Meet at the home of Mrs:, 1.31. J. Andrew on Tuesday,",ju1Y.1t11l-- Mrs, Straughan is to gide an acidress":'on Institute win*. Hostesses, Ws. W. J. Andrew and Mrs. A. J. An.. drew. Mr. and Mrs: G. Raithby.celebrat- ed their 25t1i wedding anniversary, on Saturday last, July Congrat- ulations are in order and most heart- ily extended'. Rev. W. R. and Mrs. Alp have gone away for their vacation. Miss Mildred King, who has been visiting friends in Windsor, returned te her home here on Friday. Si. -Helens 111r. J, 'Metcalf of London •spent ithe week -end at the home of Mr. Robinson. 'Moods. Miss Anna Stuart has returned honie from,the States, where she has spent the last year or. two. Mrls,, Currie of Goderich is visiting her: daughter, Mrs. D. ,Phillips, at present. • t 'A -.young daugh er lived ht the borne of Mr. and Mrs. John Patter- son the other day. and Mrs. Robt. Snell spent Sunday 'at the home of the latter's parents, :Mr., and Mrs. Neil Camp - Mr. and IVIrs,. George Walker spent a day.' at the home of the latter's fa, tiler, Mr.' ' 33105 IVIabel Woods and Misi Dor- FINE vho (.1 the •• ak.nis ar,n •OWrecently, is' able t ,aganf. • following, teacluirs are- hom. 11.1i -se Ru ther.XO1.41\ from Mitcliell;' Clara `,•••''otids Guelph; Wlnnil"red Woods, Galt; Ma) Caine'ron, Toronto; Jean. kreQuilhai Orono; -Beatrice 1VieQuillian, Holy- roocl; and Mary Dur1112,:Dunga4n9n. Air. Webster of Brussels visit; ing Ins brother, Mr. J. R. Webster Mr. James Nelly o' Pigeon is visiting- his sister, Dave, lodd. . • , Mar Flager,' GOVENLOOK—MUNN-7,Pii June 21i, at, the. •honie of MrS. T• H, Smith, 3'12 'Second Street, New ilriestanins- •ter, D.C., by Rev, Thos. H. Mit, eholl, il•fahel Jane; claug•hter of and Mrs. John R. Govenle'alt, Sea- - +forth:, griliario, to * -Mr, 'Harry A , . 'D. Munn, Vancouver, 13.C._ ' -.05aatlas 111 ; sie a \11.nz-taii,ci-en 00i.;-01 Q3. \I:- Y;k=i-Liv: ''D-411•1c:dee, ja4:'• ''6";)01-'-:.,,°1:1'.?te.":161°1"'''o°t'n.Nel,o'- ,, ,inatter 027 sti, to all, . .yeima al old," • , , , ; • 11.i-ive you notico'cl and talten adyarit'age of 0111: ea -pee'als • Friday and Saturday, this, 3 Bars' of Soap any,21(71 hrand• , mentioned kere. "See; ,,window Tor''.1%-tr-•-.. , 2 'lbs, 'Pure 111.):CI , 32e 3 to one customer. -I , 114: of 'Bacon 2 'pltg ' -• '21e Just a few ' JE•NKINS---In Goderich -township, on July 811, Rowlahd .Jenkins, aged :SQ'yea.ps . and 8 Months. „ 13E4sT,TY—I6 Varga, on ,July 61(1), tancelot Beatty, ag,ecl.-„70 years. HELEWIG--i-"At Ateharg; On Jury. 51111, 148. Helewig, aged 82 years, _ DEWART—At BrOoliciale, Uxbridge, hi,s-countryhoine, are July 7th, Her- bert Hartley Dew,art,' K.C., in lois 63111 year. . , IVIELLIS—At.KiPnea, on July 8th, Thomas Kell's, aged 77- years. IN MEIVIOVJAIVI MERNER—In loving memory. of Earl IVIerner,.son of Mr. and Mrs. Merner BaYfleldt 1110 was alroirnecl on July 10th, 1922. , 'We often sit and tliinis of hint NVhen we are all alone, or -memory is the only friend' hat, grief can eall its own.13 More and nunia.daclifiity we miss -him, Friends -ma_ys-think the woupds -. healed. ut theylittle know the Sorrow . haffe ovithin•our hearts concealed:" —Parents, brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. j: B. lEustard and amily have gone to their summer onte at Inverlumon for 'the remain- er of Julst and AUgusti. The molly. friends hereabouts of. iss Fannie MaRehzio, a graduate of linton l'ublic Hospital, will be glad hear that she has been promoted o Seqpnd superintendent of her•Yloor queen Alexandra Sanitarium, onclon, where she has been engaged r aome time. Mr. and Mrs. Biggar, sr., with eir. SOTI, his wife and two children, Port Maim). tire, the guests of rs. Biggars sisters, Mrs. Brock d 1VIrs./jamieson. Miss Mary Gill-II:our and Misses an and Gretta Mustard el Cleve - old are home tor their vacation% ' XV. jam MeIntosh, the efficient eher of S. S. NO,. n taking aaapecial "summer Course " the thi'versitysiToronto. An unto accident which might eat. 1)11.70 proved more serious occurred 'Sunday afterrioen, whefi a -car ming frono the east said oae from e -west tollided in the main street. 15 of the taiA was pretty lady cla- ged but fortunately no one was ot. Drivers cif cars theauld drive re earefullsa eaPeciallY When go- - through villages. There is al- ys 'a danger of accident, ThWikellir Circle met for their reg - 31 monthly meeting On Thursday erneon, twenty-six ladies being sent, which was very giatifying 'the presided, The devotional st of the meeting WAS -presided qv- bY 1VITS: Walter Moffett. The pensive reatling was taken. from n 14th. Miss Beth Forrest took topic, 'which was from the sixth ppm. of the study" book. • Mrs. rge Baird'read the following ar- o which appeared in Toronto pa- s the other day and which was of test to all, the Gauld family be- ovell known here:. 'Few gatherings have created a per impression upon the people College Street Presbyterian 11011 thtin a service ,held last eveu- ,when nfother and. two daugh- designated for the China mis- field we're present on the pint- o'. 1313 arneefield. 1.1 13 to ia fo th of j.4 la tea no at ly on co Oio 11,ottla mo ing ,wa ula aft pre to pai er res the cha Geo ticl lper ,iate 1155 dee of st11 iClielhoog- for,4 Th Will miat teVte. of 011 ITh 4:1• t4 taht le the: port 'Flora night Fresh moth gures get "ntlao letisi MaCK Foo. ei grega moth 13.10 Mrs. R. Johnston,''‘on ibel.alf of the Wonmit's IVIissionary Seciely of the Presbyterian C'hurch, 'presented nto. tiler -and daughters with Dibles, :Ind T. A. Wilson, Treasurer of the church, presented them with nurses of gold. Dr. Jonathan Goforth, the well-known missionay nw roon fur- lough, delivered a congratulatory ad- dress to Mrs. Gauld and her two daughters. ' At the morning service in Queen Street East Presbyterian Church the pastor, Rev. W. Hardy Anclrowsrand Rev, Dr, McTavish and Rev. Dr. MacKay took part." I)In,,s Martha McDonald read an 11(015) telling of a -number of our mis- sionaries who 'are, leaving the fer- eign field on account, of ill health. -rho members are having` 81 towel e mothar is. the Widow of Rev, ianl,Gatild, D.D. , f oz 30 years a lottery in Formosa. Hea ' claugh- are ID:a-Flora Ganid, at graduate he Faculty of Medicine at the ersity of .Tormito lir 4923, and- , Gretta Gauld, --a graduate of lifaining school for nurses at the 11150-1 1:07 Sick Children'. " ss Gretta Gauld, was designated service yesterday morning in Immo. street Presbyterian church, congregation of which will sup- hel''• in the foreign.fiold. 1)r. Gadd was designated last at the serviC'e in College Street yterian Chureh, and , with her er and sisteil. were the central 11- 111 the impressiVe service*. r. Er. McTavish presided over movie° and conducted the desig. exemony. Rev. Dr. R, P. ay, Secretary of Presbyterian gn Missions, addressed the eon - tion, and as minister of 1(110 el* and two daughters, Rev, R. ochraneideliyered a fine address 'her 'specials: Kindly get your ordei•s early. 11103313613 l'RICES FOR -.SUTTER OR EGGS OUR S'llpiltE 16 -youR STORE C( ]CE' GROCER* l'alone Hi IV SC sTru it YOUR' Grocersoi NEILSON'S 'CHOCOLATES ssorted Flavop. The kind that pleaSes , t 'GOod read Cakes Buns CoOkies a he a BARER AND E011PECTIONE WN CO. Phone 1 M9.111611,667119.3125.61..,1=1.1.1 Carpet. arid ug Having„the best Electric Rug:Washer ever made -for cleaning Rugs and Carpets, I am prepared to clean a limited number during the summer months . All work guaranteed and will • call for and deliver all rugs, etc, or May be left at residence, - Huron Street • -C. 11. VENNI, Clinton Electrician . 10111.11.S. - Phone 151w We Pau Cash EGGS Our zslant is now complete and we solicit your shipments o whether large or smelt Come and see them graded. POULTRY eggs We buy live poultry twelve months of the year. It will pay you to advise us what you have to sell. At present, market old Hens, old Rocisters, late hatched and spur Chickens. CONDITIONS , All our eggs are bought on Government grades and' all poultry atcording to size and quality. We are hereto serve you. A Gunn, Langlois & Co,,,,,, Li ilted HEAD OFFICE P,IONT13EA1.5, QUEBEC , , N. W. Trewartha, Manager Clinton Branch Night -Phone 214 W Nam mromiumEmeassafeasm. vonamairammzszammatummurs," Day Phone 190 Allinak.911[6201;121.1MYMMITIMIRROSMIEMEM12.044.IIIMMI...... ..*_.11rital2OSIIMM1.1.1106.01131,100.M.:II111111.91PISIN.CM619, ea.V.Z.1111M.0224/1662/e1M011011.NINAMMIVIPIW.M121.9261M411119=1.1,61.119.1..11111C39.1.10/...34.22112000.116.S1.11.. 13.7.0441....112.E0119.164943159.0.1110..4001.181.11M...8411.211.11111.1361.8.25.00613.31.41.1197/019M1.0=21.6111.164. Inder Twine The seasons are'swinging aronnd' and harvest time it joist around the corner. • We• lave an excellent • brand of "twine this season, manufactured by an all -Canadian firm in tho new 8 -pound ball and also in the regular sized 5 -pound ball. ' • s • Maple Leaf Flour Formerly sold -wider the brand name Cream of the Wdst. •Every bag is guaranteed, Monarch Pastry flour is a high grade Fancy Patent flour and our many users cannot speak to highly 01: 111, We have the exclusive agency for these two brands of flour. Purity, Pive Roses, Five jewel, Jewel and Pie'Crust always on hand., 1Vlitp1e Leaf Lard anclasifirst. ,W. JENKINS & SN' Office Phone 199 • shower in. August,- . James Swan., Miss Laura Ross of the Normal Mr, John „Reettie' and Mr. John School, Stralord, is holidaying at Stewart of Seafath called on Brae - the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. Ross., field friends recently, Miss 14, j, Graham. of. Seaforth Brucefield Lodge No. 210'. visited ltiends in the village overthe had an important meeting in their holiday. • Night 141 and 129 Imemokoarm000n. IsmIta , Georgo-Swan and family spent Sunday at the home of his sister Mrs. Ed. Munn. Miss E. McDonalcit who has been teaching in Delmar° is home for the vacation. Rev. C. 0, Armour and Mrs., Armour and Miss Eleanor' were a- mong the invited guests at the gal. 71011 wedding held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cole Friday evening and which was in honor of Mr. Cole's father and mother. Guests,, to the number of fifty were present. Dinner was serve11 on the lawn and a inost enjoyable time was spent. Rev. Mn. Ainnour preached ti,vo fine, spiritual sermons Sunday morn- ing and evening, and,- also sang a beautiful sOlo with Much, acceptance entitled "Cue Day." The• choir al. so sang a well -rendered anthem. .. School Section No, 3-; Tuckersmith, had a happy, gathering lest week, when the parents and friends met to saY g'00c1 •kye po Miss ,IVIeNain, their efficient teacher,' 'Who , has resigned. 'Mrs. Broadfoot and Mg.'s. , Sauter ,ar- ranged -for s. social time for the chil- dren and races and games were eu- joycl' bY, all. When. the aeholats came forward with •a .prettily decor. Med basket filled W-i;th gifts IViiss Mc- Nain was taken :completely by 51111- prige but liear,tilY,'",thanited the child- ren 'and-, friendS'•for their kindness during. her 'short stay with them. Rev,. Mol, ,Arniour was present and dave,:a brief address to t'he teacher. and -,scholars, after which a lieautiftd 'lunch was served on the lawn', Mr, and Mrs. I-Iugh Berry enter - tabled a number of their young 'friends from Wingham last week. Mrs. C. II. Ham of 1-lanailten and little son, Wesley, Douglas, are visi- tors at the hoine of her father, Mr, Faiday evening for the installa- tion of officers and also a social thnea Visiting brethren 'were there Iron Windsor, Seaforth and Exeter. D. D. G.X., pro. Taman, of Exeter, gave an excellent address, which was very inspiring to .his brother „Odd. fellows. 11.13. Taman holds a Very high position in the Order.. Rev. Mr. Foote of Exetea gave an ad- dress also. Splendid selections and solos were renerded by some of the visiting !brethren of Exeter. Aftea the program light refreshments Were served by the resident members. All departed for their homes feeling' they had spent a' profitable few hours. Cottage For Sale 0-rooni cottage, in.,Spencer ..street, ingood. repair, electric light,. to-wn water, telephone..' aere of gar - ,810.1 with,. fruit' trees. Apply 'on- -proin1ses to .Mrs, McIntyre. 02-4 , _For Sale Good work ,team 6 years old, one 12120 13 years old, good breeder, ' 2 colts, 3 years old. Ed. Johnston, 4, Clinton, thone 3 on 636. Choice Young Pigs For Sale A. bunch of choice young pigs,. 6 weeks old. -Apply to M. Morrison, R. It, No, 1, Clinton., Phone 6 on 637 . 62-1 -p Cow For Sale FrosliMnillt cow and calf sale, George' Davies. 62-1 Kit Bag Found Picked tip in. Clinton, a soldier's kit bag, having nein° and num1;er: Own- er may have same by proving pro- perty and paying ,for this notice. John Caninghame, Clinton. • 0,111,11,0140111(11101091,1ItlINA1111, , 1111011011,31116'001(1111,4110 111111111111.111111111 rte, • 0 i,artript be uperiest Gasoline Supertest Coal Oil Polarine Motor Oil Try Thein a 1 ,g alio n $1.00 gallon pnvince .No3230F0 sm(ik3r chimneys and ,every partiOe of oil burns out of, lainps and avoids burning Wieks , GENERAL I-IARDWARE TELEPHONE 53' ITAROftrimmfframmcm. Heuse For Salo' 7.roomed ,fraine home in good re- pair, on the east side of Albert street, Clinton. Sim. room attached, good stone cellar, -town water. One quar- ter here lot with fruit trees. Apply onepremises to „Mrs. Long. _ 59.3f Notice to Creditors In the matter of William Henry Rivers, formerlyof Clinton, Ontario, Confectioner. , Balk Sale Notice' it hereby ,given *jet` the as' bore 'blotted William Henry Rivers, made a Bulk Sale lgf hisvConfeetion- ery business -inchidingk equipment, eta., to Charles ,Tamet Ready of At- kona, Oatario and by and with the consent of said vendor I have been appointed Trustee under The' Bulk Sales Act (Ontario) 1917. persons having claims against said William Henry Rivers are. re- quired to file said chtims duly veri- fied, with me on or. before August 41111, 1924, after which date, only those claims of which I shall have received notice will be considered. Dated July 7th, 1924. W. E, Fitzgerald, VI/at-ford, Ont., Trastee.• • ' 62-3 • Wanted A Protestant teacher, for 5„. B. No. 4, Goderich township. Duties to eonunence _SepteMber 2nd, 1924. Applications will be received up to July 22nd, —Wilfred Biggin,• Sec.- Treasurer, Clinton, Ontario. 61-2. _ • Cooad For Sale Some choice, yeang niilk cows for sale. Apply to. David Easem, R. .13. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 21-602, Clinton central. 61-2-35 House for Sale". a • . 33rick ' house on Princess ; street, 7 rooms -and summer' kitchen; town osatera.also soft water in -kitchen, ea- thent, ;basement, furnace, electric light - 18 acre garden with small fruits! stable. Apply to MIA's Mabel Rath.. Well, Varna., , -Phone 33-606 Clinton central, .62-tf • - . For Sabo . , Brass -trill -mud irdn bed, wooden bedstead, good spring mattress; coal, heater;, Canada- sted.range; quantity of six and, seven • inch stove,,,pipes; fruit jars; linoleum; Curtain poles. Apply to—Mrs. Farnham,' Ratten- bury street. • 614-f1 Partnership Dissolved NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretofore subsisting between ne, the undersigned, as Hard- ware Merchants, lin the Town .;of... Clinton, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. .All debts- ow- ing to the said partnership are to be paid to Hugh Miller at Clinton afore- said, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said Hugh Miller, .hy whom the same will be settled,. . DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of June, A.D., 1924. Witness, 'W. Brydone Hugh Miller, W. T. Hawkins, 60-3 For Sale , The attractive and beautifully ,101.• cated property belonging to .qo D. Bouck, situated on High str,eet, 0/111. ton. The house has a beautiful Out- look, imposing architectutal':aps pearanee, wafls 13 inch- ,solid brick, rooms large. ' Twe Manble fire -places 'in den and parlor, hot and cold wa- ter, cement soft -water cistern in cel- lar, bathroom, electric lights, two yea. andalis and sun porch, two stairWays, cellar under whole house, cement floor hot-air heating. Lot 75 -ft. frontage, double depth facing on High street and Townsend. Fruit trees, garden and small fruits. A bargain for quick.sale. Write C. D. I3ouck 43 Standish Ave., Tor. onto, Ont. 59-tf • Hooke and Lot For Sale Brick cottage, ,in good repair, cor- ner of Dunlop and Fulton streets. 10 rooms, good cellar, modern con,' venienees., Conveniently situated. Will be sold reasonably. -Apply to Miss E..McTayish,"Elinton. 58-1(1:. House For Sale Comfortable frame house on North street, half acre of ground. Ali kinels of fruit. Snotill stable, town water iot house. Robert P. Fisher. 37-tf. For Sale . et, New ; ema slIfs si-hos steel fie' nearlY new. -Apply to A. Ro- bertson, Varna. , 51.1(1:. • , Clothes Cleaned' and Pressed Cletheii, cleaned ,pressed and re. I paired., .Wroblen goods' dry cleaned, Rooms Over Heard's., barber shop, W. J. jag°, , -4341 COAL We have a supply of Furnace, Stove, Nuts and Soft. Also some good dry slab. Leave orders at residence. E. WARD Phone 1155. ' Huron Street. , -Agents Wanted The careful attention *to our customers' orders sind the splen- did stools supplied for years past warrants us in having a repye- sedative or tWo in this county. Liberal Commissons. Free Out- fit. Write at once for Eieclusive Territoryo THOS. W, BOWMANA SON COMPANY RIDGEVILLE, ONT. STAR bTURSERIES, 60-13 Rouse For Sale Cottage on Huron street, roomy and in good repair, 44 acre of garden. Small barn on place. Possession at once. Also a buggy and ,eutting box, Happy Thought range and a sliding bed aouch for sale. Apply to Miss B. Cantelon, Rattehbury street. 89-111:. Shiger Sewing Machinte Family, Metric and R. :Styled,' Also some second-hand maims, goad as new. Old machines-. taken: as part payment. Easy teams. ,111 will pay you to look these over before buying elsewhere. • RePairing and , 'parts fot allanakes • or mac1iinea.7 Earl Steep. . Jan. 1, 1924 AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago, Special course taken in Pure 'Bred Live Stock, RealPstate chandise and Farm Salts. Rates in keeping with prevailing marIcet. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Qsaar Rlopp, Zurich, Ont, Phone 18- 93. ---88-t1:-1923 coAt, .NUT. STOVE -lc EGG ' ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY , 'R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence. Phone 11' SEED CORN ,Well germinated Seed Corn hard to buy this year, look at grading on bags before 'buying and buy nothing but No, 1 Govt, Standard. We have a very complete stock and our paice is low fot this year. SALT Have jUst received a carload of salt. Special 'prices on large quan- tities. ROOFING ' WP` • ' carry "s, Complete line of Tor - Onto Asphalt Roofing, befote- buying you will find it to your advantage to see our, line and cenitiaTa it with others, Remember there ,is as much differenae in roofing as there is in cedar 'shingles. We. believed we have the best and can stove it to you. Timothy, Alfalfa, Red Clover, 131ue Grass, Orchard Grass, and Sweet Clover always in stook, Pratts arid Blatehfords Buttermilk 1VIirsh; Royal Purple and Pioneer Chick Foods. Garcleri Seeds in bulk, Mangels and Turnips. Our stook - is complete and twenty years exper- ience _always at your service. J. A. FORD St SON Phone 123 Flour ,and Feed , Merehants and • Grain' BuYers CREAM WANTED! • The alehiancl for Our butter, is Up creasing, . To supply this demand we requirf4 more cream.-' • ' We request you to ship us Atig creani. • We guarantee you the- Highest Market Pricos,)aceurata. tests gnd prompt service. Our firm is known. to you and geode no further recommend, We pay all express charges,.farne ish cream cans And pay twice wed, month. , • I . Write for *ono or further infortasaw tion to the THU SEAFORTH CREAMERY Ma • TA 4. BARBEE, MANAGE.%