The Clinton News Record, 1924-07-10, Page 24'71. G. la, IleTAGGAF.T M. D. eleliA(IGAII.T McTAGGART BROS. BANKERS' t. geeerel Banking B11510550 transact- ,. . - ed. ,Notes Discounted. Drafts jestied, 'Intereet Allowed OU Deposits,,, Sale Notes Purchased. ' H. T. "RANCE .Notary Public 'Cenveeaneer. , Finaneial, Ileal Estate .and Fire In- surance Agent. Represeeting 14 Fire Insurance. ComDallies. Divisiop Court Office;ClInton. W. BRYDONE Barrister, soficitor, Notary Public, etc. SUDAN BLoCit - CLINTON DR. J. C. GANDIER Office Hours: --1.30e to 3.30 pane 7.30 to 9.00 pen. Sundays; 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence — Victoria St. DR. METCALF '13AY,FIELD, ONT. -Office Hours -2 to 4, 7 to -8. Other hour'sby appointment. 0 R D CLINTON, ONTARIO Terms of Subscription --$2.00 Pee Year DR. H. S. BROWN, L.M.C.C. 1.30 to 3.30 p?mffi.ee 11°1'1.1.380 to 9.00 p.m. Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 p m. Other hour e b§- appointment. Phone Office, 218W Residence, 2181 DR, PERCIVAL" HEARN In advance, to Canadian addresses; 82.50 to the U.S. or other foreign, countries, No paper discontinue(' until all arrears are paid unless et the optioe of the publieher. The date to wlirch every 'isubscriptiou 15 paid le .denoted on the label: ' Advertising Rates -Transient adver- tisements, •,10 cente per, nonpareil Une forfiret insertion and'5 cents Per line' for each subsequent Jager. tion. Shiall advertisements not to exceed one inch, allele as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents, and each ettbse- quent insertion 15 ceots.. Communications intended for publi- cation -must, as 'a guarantee of good faith, be accoinnanied by the nanae of Ofllco the writer. Office and Residence: • Huron Street , Clinton, Ont. ' Phone 69 • (Formerly occupied by the late Dr. C. W. Thompson). - Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. d ID HALL, M,A1. CLARK, . Proprietor: Editor. TIME TABLE Trains will 'arrive at and 'depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. Going East, depart 6,25 a.m. qo'ing ;est, ar.' . 121..1520 Pofm.. :ar. 6.08 dm 6:51 pen. " ar. 10,04 mm. London, Huron ee. Bruce Div. 2 Going South, ar. 7.56 ' dp. 7.56 a.m. 4.15 • pan. Going North, depart ' 6.50 p.m. " • " 11.05 11.13 aan. De. Pi. Ne'WtOla Brady, Bayfield , Graduate Dublin University, Ireland. Lete Extern A.ssistant Master Re- tunda Hoepital for Womermand 'Child- ren, Dublin. e Glebe at residence lately teecupied by ' Mrs. Parsons. ours: -9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 pen. Sundays -1 to -2 pen. DR. A. M. HEIST Osteepathetic Physician. Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boardof Medical Examiners'. Acute and chronic distales treated. Spirial adjustments given to remove the cause of disealse. At the -Graham Holies, Clinton, ovety Tuesday forenoon. 50 -SMP. G. S. ATKINSON D.D.S., GradttetfoRoyelColiege 'of Dental Sur- geons and Toronto Univeraity. ' DENTAL SURGEON Has. office hours 'al.Bay-ileld in oh Post Office Building, Monday, Wed• nesday, Friday and. Satinday. from to 5.30 pan, Wanted—More Canadian 1 1. Organists. • . ... 9 A prominent Comadien newspaper a „tick BY MAItTIN ".riioc/ aiid Gun ig Caneda." AtILO. tO• ,TIiere. . Ooit 'Cratere Atistralla W4, . never, lest loiig, 5drth trs leitilVeleY are ' eaten. 'Mae whole of the woodwork le ..- -.4* .ehe ed to ulp from ine'ele by white "What e uniene idea!" exclainneol a ' ante • and the 1101150beesmee a 'mere . lady, 'balding up 'a long reueic-ease 'of seleall, , with -wallano thielter than soft brown leather exgeleltelyematiel- paper. When a &term , coulee it faies led and ornamented. It Wa0 011ie ,Clf, di , flute -nwnber el'aeficles. she had found ell Nothieg, sheet .of sheet teen Is eafe- PART' AL canvas bags climbed followe le Y ex eleition at a recent °lavender' in from t ese pest% Furniture rafters, great deal of floor bearde, door posts. --the ants eat . by ep eeeeeeee Tereme, There \eee The bright fire awed the waives earth and. stuff w.ere,shartlY tliroWli leather work on „the table beside hen them all. The white ant, which is not Occasionally one would try and sneak aside, and old Ben with the axe, around to approach by the side out of chopped a hole in the'cover of the box. the direct glare of the fire, but Tom Then, bringing the light of the inn - always had his eye on such. He would torte to bear on the hole, he saw that stir up the blaze a little, pull trigger thebox WH5 filled with coins of sev- and eral kinds. Some more of the cover on the rascal -and he would drop; ' wee now chopped away, and Tom, holdirig the bags open, the father ladled the money by double liandfuls into them, dividing thin into as equal portions as.possible for the two bags. There was not a serap of writing of any kincle-naeght else but the coins. Themld man had to make two trips down to the boat to trani3port the money, for -indeed one bag at a time was all he could handle. A deep hole that would end for .the time. The main body of the beasts made no mad rushes, nor did they attempt to go over and eat the, fallen wolf; and, With the.exception of a stray oee shot while skulking around, the night pass- ed without danger to the boye. The wood -near at hand had been all consumed'keeping up the fire, and lit - tie Geoege had now to go further back -into the, mouth of the cave, or split, in the mountain side. From the few weeke ago carried an editorial headed, "A Dearth of Organiets." The article was no deubrinspired by the fedi' that 'a local church had been ad- vertising for an organist .for wine thne—but without results. This brings up the point that there Is really an urgent demand for organ- ists in many places :throughout Cana- da. In one 1S5UG ef a daily paper, the writer recentlr noticed as many as three "wanteide" all designed to catch the eye of seme persen seeking the resltion of _church organist. These vacancies prevailed for sonle time ere the supply of those who are capable of the positions. were fifiled,:showing that handling an organ is net equal to the demand, . Now, what is the solution? Well, either Canada will have to:turn out more musicians witli special learnings towards the organ, 'or" depend upcin importetl orguilste. from England and other countries. But surely the form- er is preferable. There is much more satistadtion to be derived from train- ing the you.blis and maidens of OUT country to take tip the study of the or- gan, than to rely upon the oervices of those who seGure their education else - the he and, and• In it they excitement and the labor of carrying was dug in t full, he was quite. alert and Smart, placed. the broken boit and filled' it even after having passed the long full of sand, and the 'rising tide that night without- sleep. DR. W. R. NIMMO. CHIROPRACTOR CLINTpN— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,. 10 to 12 amt., 2 te 5 p.m., 7 to 9 pan. SEAFORTH— Menday, Wednesday and Frida.Y. 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 9 pan: Phone 68 Clinton, Ont. DR. IVIcINNES , ChlroprieetOr ' Of Wingharh, -will -be at the Mitten - bury Hoese, Clinton, en Monday' and , Thursday forenoons from 9 to 12 each. 'week. Diseases of all kinds , succesefully 'handled. CHARLES B. HALE Conveyancer, Notary Publ Ice Commis- sioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE HURON STREET •- CLINTON The break .of day was now appear- ing. The' 'wolves were moving rest- lessly as if uadecided whether to leave the field, or mike one last effort to reach the brave boy. All at once there was a sharp re- port, of a gun from the edge of the forest .east of the base of the moult- at the outside, forty dollars, But Old tain, followed by others in rapid suc- Ben let -them laugh; he knew that cession; and at the fleet two shots two 'those ten 'barrels weee worth a good wolves tumbled over. deal more. The.. fact was, he had Tom gave a shout of joy, for he sewed up the money in -ten 'small bags, knew assistance was at hand, and, and in' each barrel of -fish 'he packed bringing his rifle up. quickly to Ms one of the lags'of money.. Ben had 1 h a artin shot to" a sample coin of each kind Sewed into rlight covered it all over' smooth. That fall, old Ben Bobbetts refused to Sell his ealt fish to the coast mer- chants, as he had been in the habit of doing heretofore, but took passage to Halifax to dispose of them. The people of the Bay laughed at him, seeing he had only ten barrels, worth, and bead work, and braes work—quite an airay of gift articles, in fact, about which other delegates, were clustered. They wero each tee, much absorbed in the things they Wei0 themselves foo 'geeing to pay more than scant atten: tion to her discovery.. She could think of no one tatting musleeleee.one, to whom she could give the case, so MI5 went, en without itounl gradhally forgot about it. ou der, e gave p g e scampering beasts, and with joy, the ineide of his vest. These, On ar- mped down fee= the rock, and ran -riving at the capital of N'eva Scotia, meet his father, Who was the one he' showed to a merchent of sterling ho had fired the shots. Little George, honesty. Mr. McCallum, after exam - hearing the shots and seeing his ining the several pieces of money with other jump down, clambered up the great care, said: ulder and gave a prolopged whoop, "Bobbetts, this is French money, d waved his hat towards his father. and must have been buried for years. The poor father's joy was unbound. You say you have ten bags of these, when he placed an arm around eeec,, ao big as a quart Well, you are ch of the brave boys. a rich Man." - "Boys," he said, "your mother 'is About three eveelce after the above -fully anxious: I told her you were a clipper under a cloud. of -white can - 11 right; but, to tell the truth, ray vas made her way up the Bay.' As ind was pi. at ease. Thank Prov- she was a strange sail to the harbor, ence, you are safe. So let us liurry all the fisherfolk were looking at her, eme ea fast as we can." and -speculating among themselves as Litt, le George now interposed, and to her business. The wind was close aid: .Hold on, Toni, I couldn't tell abeam, and she came up to the an- ou while we were busy holding the chorage in fine shape; the *o jiba elves off; but there is a queer block were let down by the run, her head f shiny wood hack in the save. - I came up gracefully to the wind; her led to move it, anti couldn't. There anchor tipped, out rattled eight or some iron about it, too. You and tett fathoms of chain,, and there elle ether come and see." 'rode—a thing of beauty indeed. Her So the father and tan) boys made stern shewed towards the shore as she heir way over the boulder and into swung into plate, revealing, in let - the cave. There, sure enough, was ters of raised gold on reblack ground, he object little George described. In her name: etting the supplies of ituff te hand "Mary. Louise, of Mutton Bay." his brother to keep the Bre replenish- "Boys," the old man said that night d he had uncovered this. It was not when recounting the events of his block of woods", but an iron -bound trip, "when Mr. Megan= to.a me alc box, about eighteen inches" long :After counting the money what a large y a foot broad. sinn it amounted to, I deeitled to buy Old Ben and Tom got a couple of a schooner with a portion of it. harp sticks, and dug about the sides bought the finest one of her size in and ends ,of the box 'Until they had Halifax. Her name when I bought aid it bake; but their milted efforts her Wee 'The Rainbow,' hat I knew.it could only move it a little. As 'to would please you boys to have her carrying it away—that was Mat of the called. after your mother, So Mr. Mc - question. The mother being alone at home The "Mary Louise' was well loaded 1Callum got hey name changed." sh th ju to 011 br bo an ed est a wo tr is a The design cff the muels-case was ea more unique than. ita. history had she but knewn. The delegate thought it had been ,made bYThomeone—perhaMs ae returned soldier—who Was unem- ployed, and, lecking other occupation, had been turning to good ,acerount a knock for do -Ing this sort of thing. But she was quite raletaleen. The musie- case represented the last healing 'tough that had tnenelated a man from a long ,eonvaleseenee th.e beginning of normal life at home again. M. T. COR.LESS • CLINTON, ONT. District Agent The Ontaflio 'and Equitable Life and Accident Insurance Co. really an ant at all, but a.termits, 15 the ,mose terrible of hasectmlageee. v n, „ compel:ea with the proportions' of the inseet itself Is eimply s.taggering, teen to eighteen feet is the average height. Biat emoe tower to twenty-fivO dr eVen thirty feet! Could mare "mild on a proportionate scale, tile honses In London would tower to the height Of Den Nevis. ompri ,01141 5o s krone, Well," ague' tevaerean of home, society, office' or shop. It isa fact proven by thousarids of • grateful letters that lloodas: Sarsa- partite, is remarkably beneficial to young or ohler, women, The most conimon ailments of women drain and weaken the system and sometimes result in anemia nee. VOUS Weak/150S, general Jrea1-t1owfl. HoodOs'Sarsaparilla gives the blood more vitality and better color, make stronger nerves, •Rnd contributes to the length and enjoyment of life. :ff'It" 11 i the eite -of , , . , , Like many, others in hospital, the, - .patient bad found himself disabled, stiff joints making his hands abreast uselese., and discouragement with, his litek'ef• zrOgress. had discolored all hie, thoughts of the peesettand the future. . Then'Oectioatioial 'Therapy was. in- frodimed into the hogpital. Instead of being told ,to 'try to . straighten end bend his fingers several times a day as he used Prequerutly to be urged' to do he was now given a tool. that fitted his hand comfortably and was ehown how to -transform the top of On aad eigar box into a toy. Wit.h the eery - Ing his grasp strengthened and his. Idiots .bge.ame mere obedient. Life gee* intafesting and be found bine- self quite unexpeatediy beginning to get well. Th.e rausic-case was the last of twenty articles he had finished— tbe bief and..most difficult. Eaeh of the twenty had cost him effort; eech of the twenty had helped him to. exer- cise bis httndseas they ought to be exercised; erieb. had aided in shorten- ing the period *of convaleseence con- elderably. ' : In Canada occupational therapy was • first introduced formally in military hospRals. It hao more recently been, extended to a feiv hoepitals. It .contrinues to be extended' as the. un- douleted benefits of the system are re- cognized by the directors of instittb tl0n.in our mitue cities. For not ,only,is It of value in linebering up stiff johab. Is also's most importeait fac- the in relieving nerYoue and mental disabilities. et has ‚been 'pointed out that all the up.to.date mental hospitale In Canada should have Occupational Therapy Departmentv., Occupational Th4rapy is useful 'in eirildren's hos- pitals 'also.— Patients. 'who have car- diac trouble„benefit it{ The sani- tarium finds' it a valuable; aid in ene suring contentment to the tuberculous patient witless frame, of 'mind plays an unusually important role in his re- covery. In Ontario alone there are thirteen different hospitals whieh have adopt- ed the principles -of Occupational Therapy to their own apecial needs. In 'Toronto there are two tlurative 'Workshops, also, recently' established, to which physlciane 'nay send patients to engago. in a particular type of Oct' cupation preserlbed towards th,eir re- cOvery. IIere patients rimy work and learn in groupie and enjoy the pleasant companionship of others whose , In- terests coreeepond with their own. Those who, can go to . the oulative Workshop consider themselves nfer,e fortunate than the patients, who are oonihied-to their own homes, although the latter too'nitty peollt by Occupa- tional Therapy under tire sunervision Of a visiting aide. Bach man who has beiteiltted by his. work, whether In hospital, Workshop, or Iowa, has become all enthusiaetic miseloner ler the gospel ot Occepatioe- al Therapy, ' whre, jest as there IS 10011,3 satisfaes lion in manufacturing goods In one'S own country rather than being depend- ent upon the factories of another come. try for the supply. And what'o more, It's more patriotie to manufacture in one's OW0. 0000117! It is up to the nruele teeehers in our schoals, colleges and conservivtoriee 50 explain to their pupile the needs 'of the eturthes respecting organists. If this were done, it is quite likely that not (ally would 'there be a sufficient number come fOrward to., Study this king of all musical instruments, but mai& more stud.ente redid be fouad- to take up the shiny of Same prepara- tory instrtiment, like the piatio,-violin,- harmonium; etc., before commenting the organ. - A Poem You Ought to Know. West Wawanosh. Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Establiehed 1878. Pre.sident, John A. MeHenzie, Khmer-, dine; arice-Presideht, 'IL L. Sallteld, Goderich; Secretary, Thos. G. Allen, Dungannon. Total amount of Ahem, num) 'nearly $12,000,000.. In ten years number of policies have increased from 2,700 to 4,500. Flat rate of $2 per $1000. Cash OU lattlid $21.006. Salkeld ---.Goderich, Ont. ." J. Turner, Clinton, Local Agent. GEORGE ELuorr Licensed: Auctioneer for'the County Correspontlehce prominly answered. hamedlate arratmements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed.. Tbee.e. hills are usually inregular cones with • ode. little pinnacles, but there is one sort of termite, called the "riteeidional," which builds hills about five times as long as they are wide. The most extraordinary point about these stann.ge dwellinge• Is al -at the op - peseta ends pqint • with perfect pre- cision M., the magnetic poles. , • To -day. there are hamereds of square "Daybreak." Tho -Critics refuse to ,,give Henry Wadsworth Longfellow o, Pietro In In first rank of the world's peete, but the value of a poet were to be reckon- ed by the pleasure he has given to the largest =mbar, Longfellow's position would be a very high one Indeed. For one person who °Mild recite a vent from Tennyson, Browning, or Keats, 11 hundred could quete from the author of "The Village 'Blacksinith," "Hia- watha," aud "Evangeline." Her is a poem whink perhaps le hot so fantiliar tie those n.arixed:— . B. R. HIGGINS', Clinton, Ont. General Fire and Life Insurance..Agent for Hartfoed Windstorm; Live- Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance. .Iduron and Erie and Cane- . da neve Bonds. Appointments made to meet parties at Brucefield, Varna and Beyfield. 'Phone 57, - , The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company .A. wind 'came up out of the ace., And said, "0 inists, make room for ' me." • It hailed the ships end crletee'Sail on, Ye mariners, the night is gone." And hurried landwerd fa.r away, Crying, "AWelse! it le the day." It said tints. the forest, "Shout! Hang all your leafy banners out!" It. touched the Weed -bird's folded -wing, And said, "0 bird, awalve.and sing." And o'er the farnrs, "0 chanticleer, - Your clarion blow; the day le• near. It whispered to the'ilelds'oe corn, "'Bow doesn, and, hail the coming morn.", miles of country. dotted all over with expressions. 'They are alwaye talking down, complaining about one thing or another. • In winter they will say "Did anyone eyes' oee such, b•exeely weather as we ti,Se having? This snow and sleet make me ill. Ili.= never frees from a co -1c1. lee. ilfraid it will develop into pn.eumoniae" In the summer it, las Just the same: "I ivonder if It to ever going to stop raining?" "It looks as it we are not going to have any slimmer!" ' They are constantly complaining of things and are alwaye "tired," "rag- ged," "played out," "not fit for any" thing.". And, as John Henry woule stir: "It's' all wrong!". these hills, '..E.sCh MD:Meeks. the, note where a tree °nee grew, a tree 110W eaten away to its very roots, for the ter- mite, not content with the destruction it .works above gromed, will „burrOve sixty teet down into the earth in eearch moleture. and anxious, they could not remain with provisione, clothing and house - any longer. So the dirt was throwa hold furniture; and the material all back, some chips and branches put on 'ready adjusted for a new and more top, ancl?the father and his boys start -I eonimodious house, and .a man was ed of/ down thegbeach for home. Thei sent by the contractor to oversee the boys received strict instructions from' erection. their father not to mettien the dis-1 To -day the young Bobbettes are covery of the box to anyone. prosperous fish merchants, supplying That night &lout dusk, Ben alid his the fisherman up ansi down the coast boy Tom dropped quietly out of the eech year. The "Mary Louise" and bay in a small rowboat. Fortunately another vessel called "The Wolf" go the sea was calm arid they bruild thus totaled with fish ter Halifax, arid re - poke along in shallow water in the turn with a general cargo each yeau shadow of the bench. Arriving oppo- Yes, being beset by wolves that site the boulder, the bent was shoved night in the years goneby, the young Miletly ashore, a lantern was lit, and Bobbetts eonsider a lucky adventure. Tont, carrying,,an axe and two short (The Bn,d.) - The Right Attitude. Be careful how you "I am" your mis- fortunes. The trouble with most of ue is that we "I am" our misfortunes too mech. We say "I am siele'; "I am tired"; "I . am discouraged"; "I am poor"; "I am down on my luck"; "f amra failure." " All sorts of people are constantly making utse of negative, deetructive 'Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. DIRECTORY: • ' president, James Connolly, tIoderiche Vice, James Evana, Beechwood; Seca Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays; Seaforth, Directors: George McCartney, Seta forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; .T. G. Grieye, Walter* Wor. Ring, Seaforth; 41, nicEwee, Clinton; Robert Ferries, H•arlock; John 13enneweir, Brodhagen; Sas. Connolly, Goderich. Agents: Alex, Leitch, Clinton; 3. W. yeo, Goderich; Ed. Hinchray, Sea - forth; W. Chesney, Egnionclville; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen, Any money to be paid in may be paid to Moorish Clething Co., Clinton, or at Cat's Grocery, Goderich. Partlea desiring to affect, Ineurance or transact other busineee will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers 'addressed to their respective poet office. LOSS05 inspected by the Director who lives nearest the scene. tt shouted through t.he belfry -tower, "Awake, 0 bell! eronaaiin the. how'!" It eroseed the cherchyard with a eigh, And said, "Not yet! in cm:let:lie." , 111 'The poison ivy is perhape the plant Moat frequently „eneouMered by the itnauspectiug City visitor to the moun- try. Yet it may be eatilr distinguish- ed froon other cree.ages . by its ;three divided leavee, The bormlese creem ers have five leave's. This ant dis- tingoishing merle if borne 15 Mind will protect the vacationist from ,poison and life poison sumac „that you may, a thousand millions. In many gage. ivy. P0,15011. Oak is a shrill) or small distinguish theee nlants from their there are more. parasites In, the sys- tree with broad leaves verymuch re- netnbei,e. on_e u you are able, to -re. tem et a malaria patient than there sera:Wing tee leases of the'calt, tree. coguize them you .can - Scrupulously are peopleon the earth, and for ages, The part of*these Plants t� be feared avoid th,eire _Avoid: the creeper, with it was believed that marslies and is the reeinceis sal). When- a Plant IS the three -divided leaves, Avoid the malaria.were in some way connected. injured thie. sticky Baer exticlee, It small sbrub with the broadaeaves like Sir Ronald Ross d-iscovered that it. °times in ' contact With the eltin mid the oak. Give the Isuinste that grows was net the marsh but tlee moequito sets uP an irritation Which ie distine in'swarnpy plp,ces a Wide berth. Per- which bred in the marsh which was guisted by its atilt° character, Thie .5,005 who leave sUffered from plant the originator of the disease, and he Irritation frequently begins between ro ,,onhia as not forgetthe experience. deela,ro,e, that the parasite of malaria is, to the Mosquito which capies it, as the fingers, . WARNING AGAINST POISON IVY Green and Fresh. Mary --"That yap tried to make love to you, eh? He's positively green." Ann—"Pertops that's why I fOutal him oo freeh." The treatment of ivy poisoning, is simple and easily administered. One of the b -est treatments is bathing with slit'water., Sea Water is best if it is available, Auother , goad applieetten coneists of elle teaspoonful of boric acid in a, quart of het:water. The af- fected parts should be bathed with wassii.-,water, every day or .every two days and carefully, dried without rub- bing. patting should 'be followed by another applieation Of Mole acid, The *attack Ivey subside in from four to six dam The beat eavice to.„vacationists 15' study the poison oak, thepoison ivy THOUSANDS OF TONS OF PRECIOUS METALS Canada Occupies an Important Place as a Producer of Gold, r, and Saver. ' British Columbia ranged between two ; To the end of 1923 Canada tad pro- duced over. 5512,000,000 in gold. The Prospect'of rapid increase in the pre- sent rate of production fs good, and there te reason to expect that Canada will soon become the aecond largest gold Producing country in the world, says the Mines. Branch of the Gana, dian Department of Mintee . ,•Ceoad is Sound in every province of Catada, -with tlie exception of Prince from Keno Hill, in the Mayo district, Edward Island, and, ih point of value, give promise of 8. silver preduction ceding in value the preeent geld pro - and fear =Mon ounces annuallY, largely from silver -lead mines in the Kootenays, but ine1922 this was in. crefieedeto over 7;000,000 eunees, due principally to the increased -predue, tion from the Premier 'mine near Stew. In Yukon Territory rich silver -lead I ich are now being shipped , next,to-coal, le the Most important mineral product of the Dominion. Pre- vent ihdleatione, indeedn point to the possibility of the value of Canada's gold dutput surpassing even that of her coal during the neXt few yeara. The opening up p4, 51140 Porcupine and Kirkland Lake gold camps the beginning*of a new era in the rs tory of gold mining In Ontario, vrtich. Is now one oe the inmortat gold pro - diming conntriee of the world. Though the first ,productive operations at Por- cupine date only from, 1909, and at local reductiea plants, which atill com Kirkland Lake /rom 1916, --these twe tain some. silver- as well os eobalt, Camps had at the end of 1923 paid out Melee', weenie, etc., are Mill:wed. either In dividends over $34,000,000. With to smatters, and refineries in southern nearly every producing mine inereas- Ontaelo, at Thorold end Delore, ex - big both its proved ore reserves and ported for ilnal treatmenL The final its milling capacity, and with a mini- products derived from the' Cobalt ores ber, of new inineserapidly approaching include, in addition to silver, metallic the peoduetive stage, the gold output cobalt and cobalt coMpounds, luclud- of Ontario, Winch in 1923 amounted to ing the alloy "stellite," , nickel and. 620,00,000, should. show a marked in- nickel cempounds, "white arsenic. and ereaseewithin th:e next few years, insecticides. Canada's total gold production in To the end of 1923 Canada has mo- an was a little under $25,000,090, of duced 450,000,000 ounces of silvereThe which about 90 per cent, was, prOduced pretent, rate of ProduCtion is aboat' aa Minima * 17,000,„000 Minces. Of this about 75 Silver comes second onlr to gold' 'Per oent 413 exported in the form of Mosquitoes and Malaria. 55 I s estimated that :the deaths an- euelly from malaria mirnber some two fetal ,:of about 325,000,000 ounces, or nearly' 11,140 tons. of fine silver to the world's stock. The maximum annual productron of 30,600,000 ounces ware -reached in 1911, FM: many years the silver output of duction of the territory. The greater part of Britiell Celum. bia.'s production Is recovered as re. 'fitted silver 'at the Trail Smelter and Refinery' - ..- .Onterio, ranch of the ore th , e • Ver eContent of the highest grades ot which , may run, into thousands. of minces Per ton, is treated at -the mines km- the reaevery of silver onIY, the remaining -ore and Concentrates, to - gather with the residuee from the =Ong the metals produced in the Do- bullion and has been marketed chiefiY minion in. peint of ya.lue of annual pro- in Great ilriteln, the United S.tatee, ing conatries of the world Caner's, order reentioned, duction, 'and among tile 'diver prothic- Hineg Keag, China, and Jaaiannin the reeks third. , The enormous territory over which Developments at Cobalt have made metalliferous oree have beet found, Ontario not only the preinier silver the conaparatiVely recent developreent mining province of the Dominion, but of many nutetaNuegIcal. industries for also one of the greatest silver .produc- the recovery oe metels, and the abund- eountriee of the wield. To the `ind anee of hydro -electric power fee elec- of 1922; this and other northern Oa' trio -metallurgical opmettions; bid -fair Melo silver eampe have contributed. a to thew a vase inmate in the produc- tion of .thee two important metals. The Mines Department ot Canada 55 keenly interested. in the developments that erre taking place in gold and 811VOr mining in Canada, end leolte for much progress in this direetion, millions, and ,this figure may probably be multiplied by two onthree hundred if we woukd arrive at the total nuniber of people in the world affected by the centiptaint. Malaria is mainly re dis- ease of the tropics., and te catieerby a parasite. in. the blood. The paraeltes in One malaria patient nifty number anything from one lumclred 55 A Lighthouse Builder'. Two hundred years, ago was born John Smeaton,, an engineer, who erect- ed his oivri monument in the third thlys tone li gh thou ae. Sin eaton's s genius 1,155 almost lost to the nation, as his father, an attor- ney, was desirous that hie son elected follow the law, but fortmottely, •Tolin Smeaton wee allowed to follow na- tural. bent, rising to eminence from Use humble positMn of ,a mathematical instrument maker.. Strength of Silver Wire, A silver wire one -twelfth of an inch in diameter will euppori, a weight of 188 pounds. '' The symptoms of ivy poisoning aft) a threepenmabit would be to a °hippo. comparatively eas' to recognize.. potarrms! , When a dis,easeearrying mosquito bites, it injeces a solivein which are the malaria parasites. These are cal ried into the human circulatory sys- tem and sb theoughont the body. 'She cure.for malaria is quinine, but the meevontion of malaria the des- truction of the mosquito in wialeli it breeds. Freckles -for Beauty: The.nawniez,Scumnmlitgehat oLneatraeboiels,Bsifinegtaionc, George Meredith, for whom simiyurn and freeklee eine beauty'e greatest inore"or less reild.ettack may he neheia ed in by a bitroing 0 itehing of th,e akin. Within' tWenty.f.oar" nours after the ,skin is exposed to the 'poie.o.n of the planted°, red rash appears, This -is, folic.wed by triOre o lese "sWelling, and itchteg, than serial' bilkers. filled .with serene make thelr ap(7earan,ce. The parts of .the holy ehectede mey sweil to •euermene Mollorli°na• .At one tinie it wasbelieved that . . Many persons who had -.suffered from attacks cf ivy .peleoning° would ex- periene,e a re.cureence of the attaelt if they paes.ed through a weed or- came into proximity with the Platt 0:11011 though tem ivy itself Was not tout -lied. It now appoint o certain, however; that contact 1, neceseary in order to pro- duce ivy poisoning. ivy, poisoning may sometimes be evertea ,eVehe al Leo these plaii t 9 have lieen handled eeovided iSa parte ex - Poem' ape washed thoroughly with seal), water, and alcohol, 'Phis; wash- ing must, hewever, be -thorough, other- wise it will only tend' to spread the irrltatilg poisbn. dust pepoprie.' Welt,' as the .ola sayillg goes, '1,erhat 'goes.,Up most ceene down,' e 'That tont hall; good p15 kid! If 'ioters o11 an ocean voyage:, Britain's Dealy Shipping. On any .day ,or tile year slime 2750 Pritts.11 merchant ships ef more than 3,000 tons are traversing the geeet eea eagetway,s of the gleb.e. I11 one of hie pastoral poems Ile urges the companion of a walk to give both a welcome, claring "Thee are no nun, veiled gird vowed; doomed to nourish a evlthering City exeLies beside thee would show nese bleachedlinen at midday Hung aben hedges of eglantine." , ' coelection of, "a gracious ire' okled lady, t \ all an -d grave," who s e suilburnt. • bertety made her ueforgettrtble. . Many women with disfigured complexions. never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansing inside as well as outside. Yet neglect .of this internal bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow cotnplexions—as well ag in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's beealefe the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot reinove without assistance. The best remedy is Ghamberlain'e Stomaeli.ja Liver Tablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remov.e fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. ' Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny iri the morning. Get Chamberlain's today—druggists 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company Toronto 15 Wielf.StorecesgCan e What these 005 1110 ticitic,' 'veti can (161 in your spare thno at home Yoti can easily master ilielsocreta of selling that Irak. Star -Salesmen. Whatever your experience has ban—awitateve you raay be'doIng now•—whothar, qr not you think. you cam soli— sust answer this question: Ars YDU. ambiLf ous to tarn 1100009 - year? Then got in touch With rue at once4 X will prove to You without east or oblbration they 3755 eat ossil becbthe a Stmt Salesman. I will'show you how the Salesmanship Training, nucl nice Employinelit Sersiol 54 the NrS. T. A. will help you to quici: success in e $1 0 000 A Year Sellin(-, Secret(' 8rerets of Star SaInntrianahlP na taar:bt ly 0 11. 0 155. 'tan 000510 ttaaaaan0a, almont avorainhLt to lona, 1.11401 tor avar the drailt'arY tInd a,n,411 Il•ly et 1,11a0•a10y jai; that 0,000010,0 No 'matt, avbat ymn arc .rr nn 1,10 of aril./ ottorm you a Inn tatn‘, Cat the fact, 40511,000)20 National Sale‘:mosf,, Trahlin9 Azsoc';ation 6.n55nAtt 105, :18,2 o.nnto, Ora. Read These itteasind St:ries ef S:seess ,ornel .1tvenEle. nos 1,