The Clinton News Record, 1924-06-12, Page 8Clinton CI, YI TONT, LEADING JEWELLRy SilveF or � t Glass is the most.stlitalrle. P ; will l y appreciated as itis aLv We invite you t)a itis t is more sat¢sta S izl, ,goad taste csileetior of Silye:; Cut Wedding and Engagerneo es 'Clocks and e- elIor and Optician .Sy ist'VE'.atthes ory s, eta Nest Hovey's Drug Stora IES Leal Novelty F arrow Neckwear. Selling like hot cakes, men and most suitable vogue. Five the boys what they Just the Tie for young: for low collars now -in want- LANKY BILL TIES • Congoleum Rug; Salt continued for oe week. Order now and, save'money. Piumsteei:;Br o 1 PITO E 25. SMALL PROFITS M131>r! R[ISINESS The Man Who Knows good clothes when he sees them, knows -that ,they were made at this establishment. If you'have not as yet .Tricked out your- ' Spring Suit, come to us, as have all the latest novelties and ' *signs, and can make up a ,suit' winch will be an to the minute in every respect. • COME AND ,INVESTIGATE, W.E.-INVITE YOUR PA,TRONAGE pis .Flertn.an VETERAN TAILORS 0 k dieu re ,cname% PHONE 224-W wegarsammomossemweit arsenuaia soli Us bout � .►- ' ,-� ive yowt-'out ordegte' fuutni$urit 4614 neW-styli? entailed' • imine We also carry a complete line of Brandram Henderson Paints and Varnishes Sun Varnish and Sun, Tarnish Stains . Also a complete line of Brushes, Linseed Oil and Turpentine Sutter & Perc:u . . FIAItDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING. Sof We are ready for all orders of spring work, Papering, Painting ;t and decorating, We have a large assortment•of papers and we ask you to see our books before buying. You will save money by ordering your paper from us. All work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Orders left, with Mrs.Robt. Armstrong,. Huron street will •ie- eeive prompt attention. !r, - , PHONE 234' ring 2 KAY ' `POTTEE is gathered evez•ything,tha.t"is clearest and best in lite. Home is the center from . tvhicli all the • varied . concerns and ;business opt lite start forth. Any. thing that can'contrphuta to the 'beau- ,. ty and comfort anal peace of Ilome is deserving of attention and thought.' In this direction let wall paper -enter your thoughts. Our new spring 'tock will "soon be ready for you inspection. TIIB. IN, 11:Fair Co.. Often the Cheapest—Always the Beet Mr. C. I. Wallis is home this wee▪ k, tis k'redn Wallis was in Guelph yes- terdav Mr. Jacob Taylor of Toronto is in town this week. Mrc and Mrs. J. B. Lavis were in - London yesterday. ,Miss, Eleanor McTaggart of Montreal is home for the vacation. Mr. and Mrs James Connolly Goderich were in town yesterd Mr: and Mrs. J. Torrance leave day to. visit'their son at Caperol, 0. r Miss Gel -rude Fowler of Luelen spent the Week -end at her home town. ' Mr. and lYirs. John Rapson visi their daughter, Mrs. W. Jail eon, .last week. Dr. and Mrs, Rogers of Forest, Vie ed Dr. and Mrs, Gandier of to the beginning of the week. Misses Phyllis and Frances. Cooper Toronto were in town - fo} t frown -Cooper weddings yesterda Miss 'Brown, of Woodstock was town' yesterday . attending' the we ding of her brother, Mr. W. Brown: Mr. ane. Mrs. W. T. O'Neil retur ed last ' week from Orlando, FI _,and will spend some time at th home in town. • of ay. to - ow in ted tiewn of he 9. - a., err.. Mrs.' W. 'Durwood Mills' and son, • Donald, ; of Bluffington, Ga., we guests Of their aunt, Mrs. Long, Albert street, last week. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miller and daughter of New York City are.. -the guests of Mr., and Mr,. Hugh Miller for a few weeks, Mrs. James •Shepherd and Mrs,, Rob ;son spent a few days in St, Thomas last '.week with the fornier;'s son .. and his wife,. Mr, and Mat. C. P. Shepherd, • Mts. George Lavis and little Miss 1VIary, Lavis are in Toronto this week,, Miss'Enrtna went down Tues day and they, will motor home to- gather on Friday. IA.. W. Buck and two children, Bry- ant and Yvonne Jean of Detroit and Miss Gale Bowen of Washing, ''ton are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. 0. L, Paisley, miss Myrtle Armstrong, who is ars tending ''Stratford Normal„ stpent the week -end at her home in town. She was accompanied by Miss Ger- trude Bartlett of St. Marys, IlEr, and Mrs. Milton Cook of Wind- sor caste over on the Greyhound on Monday and have been, visiting at the house' of the lady's parents, Councillor and Mrs, J,' •Sehoenhais. Dr. and Mrs.. Donald Ross and chit- dren are on their way hone from England, where Dr, Ross :has been taking .a post -graduate course. They will visit here before locating again. Mr, and Mrs. Ogle Cooper of CoI- Iingwood were in town for a few days this week, cpoming down to be present at the 'Marriage of the for_ mer's sister,' Miss Minnie,0ooper, who was married 'yesterday to W. 'C. Brown, Rev, Dr. Stewart of Toronto is vis= "iting old friends ' in Clinton and Stanley 'this week: ' He .came up to officiate at the Brown; Cooper wedding yesterday, and is taking tine opportunity of 'renewing old friendships in town and vicinity. Mr: and Mrs. Dorman, Sreek,. who ;are on their honeymoon, have ,been visiting: Dr. and ,Mrs. Brown of town this week. lWr, ,Sreek, who will be ordained et the Toronto Conference ordination service ' on• Sunday, will lire located in Saskateh ewan, '1Vir:s. .Sreek was formerly a' nurse M Fort ;Simpson -Mission, 8.0: Mr. and Mrs, V. 0.,, French of We- taskiwin, Alta., were visitors from Saturday • evening until :Tuesday • with the' fOK 1..1' ormer's mother, Mrs. F. • French of town. . Ma. French had ' been in attendance at themkeimg of, the :Canadian Weekly Newspa—permen's Association in ' Toronto , lastweeit'•and they sailed yesterday '' from 'Montreal with a ..lyartty:.of'' weekly' newspapermen and their wives' on a trip to England and the continent. • • A Ga war gcciaR The Young Peoples League of Wes- ley church ;rillhold a •lawn ;social on' the ^ chur cid ' °grotmds an Th.nrsda'y evening nevi,,. June i9th, at ,eight,': 4 ,o'clock. 7:,o, admis,sion charge, rey fresi ments; ca'ndF,• etc Cone incl -fske Mrs Se tery won, o f ur ' ret o col between baatds,; } u.„.. ;S'„l_.nSeafonth.on,;1j1 evenin of lint. or,i, � grouped as a disCrict: 1 (O pare our pi ac s-.rfer . ulality and Seg' ✓�, Big leaders in Tea and Sugar 1 "lbs Granulated .Su ai for $x:,00 (to °lie c �sf of et.) Special `Black Tea per .l 48c Hrsley Tea. per lb Sc O'INTeii's Special Blend. per iL 65c sk us' for a sa ,pie of any of above Tea Call' and inspect o r Grocete �.ia Specials Courtier Brand Salmon per lb 35c Red Sahnon, half pound tut........19c Seedless aisinits,.2 I. •...25e. 1 Picnic Hams„ Pilchards, x!, Ib, : I Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs. ... „25c r f per lb .. , .: , ; , ,1$c. 19c Grape Nuts ...•, . Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs �, 2p,. + Ainmm�ia'"Powders 3 for , •23e New Cheese, per 'lb. . 23C • Puffed, Rice, 2 plc 's g Life Buoy, o 35c' Soap Chips, 2 for 23c Charm, 2 pkgs. 23c ,,Blooms, 4 .string •.,• 500 Brooms, 5 string .74c 0 Oedar Polish 74c Rinso, 3 `' liackages for •. 233c. Toro Tablets 6 , for' • . •23e Clothes Pins;.3 der. for.,• 'lac Back Bacon, per Ib: ,, ', Pea -Meal per ib, . ;; .2cJe O'Neil's highest grade ▪ coffee, per lb. ,- ' ,..600. Pastry Flour,. 24 lbs, for ® 80c Jelly Powders, all flavors, 3 for ,250 Our own Baking Powder lb tins 23e Strawberries, We will 'still redeem Surprise Soap Coupons rawberries, Green Beans, Asparagus, Carrots, Beets Fresh Fish Tuesday and Saturdays Cash & Carrs r9 1 2 Deliveries Phone h J r ,CR•^tifT?ns_: The McClary Rotary Electric Range The Rotary Range is suit- able for the average -sized family or for. genual instal- lation in apartments where space 13 Iimited -and 'eeono- my'in outlay is essential; This Range is equipped with - two or :three , cooking elements in the top, as required.' \The Oven is eircular in form with two .ele- stents, one at the top and one at the bottom'—there are two. wire shelves. The Oven:has the same wonder- ful baking' abilities as Me0lary's, �4tandard round cornered seamless Oven.. The interior is seamless enameled, smooth as glass, and as readily cleansilrle. There is thick •in`tsulation around the O`ven:and in the door; -this oonstruetion keeps the treat within and. holds it long after the current 15 turned off: C • 1'Jse 3' 'our Own Utility—It Pays a Hydro Shop., Clinton OLD LADY PASSES CAM'A'Y' One, of Huron county's oldest resi- dentes gassed -to her eternal reward in the person 'of Mrs. Jane Donoghue Gagen," who died June 2nd, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Alt- cheson in Wingham, „Deceased was borif in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Ju- ly 31, -1881, coming to this country with her parents one year' later, re maininga a short time; in the east be- fore coning to Huron county, set- tling in Goderich township, later, re - Moving to .Fishnet, St. Clair Co,, 'where she remained for, 'a period of 'ten years, returning again to Huron county where' the balance of her life '"rias spent in all about 81'pears..•She is survived by one brother, Charles McIntosh of Hallett, township, also six children,,Michael Donoghue of Philadelphia, Pa., Capt. Josef i `of Buffalo,. Thos. of ,Bay City, ,Mich,, Wm. and Mrs. McLennan of .De- troit, ,Mich., and Mrs. E. Aitcheson of Whigham. Shi, 'was .a.- devoted member of 'the . Roman Catholic ;Chureli. Deceased endured the hardships of. pioneer life bearing her•burdens with a cheerful Lovable disposition. Her Many friends will regret to .learn "of her demise. The funeral will take place Wednesday, June 3rd,' with se-' .vices at 9. o'clock at Sacred -Heart Church in Wiinghan. Interment in St. Patrick's 'Cemetery at Goderich. -Winghaan Advance -Times. Tuckersmiti� Township VIi,•' and Mrs. J. Percy Cole of TS'uck0.,smitlr left on Monday horning. .for ,Sanddsky, Mich„ where Mr. Cole's uncle, Mr. Wesley, Cole, Iies' very ill. , Mr, and Mrs; •Cole ,,villi visit in several places through the State (before returning Nlrs • harry 121. ,Taylor and three of her five children ,of .4th concession, Tuckersnnth, speitt'severel days last week visiting in Zurich and Gkand ,Bend. Mr. Cecil Oke assisted Mr. Russel Coleman' one day last we'c k to. erect a nev4 driy.ng' house. 1ilr and ills. `Ole and M, and 1 ra am n$� 10 n,nn County Court Toeing held in a seat and listen to the band,„„ 'Vlu r bei whoto'o% thekt t i Goderr'1�v lnties being RALLY AT EXETER The_ Saivittion Army Silver Band of London will visit Exeter and vi- einity.on June 14th and 15th, This brand consists of thirty must- /dans who play their instruments and live their lives to.the 'Glory of God. Be sure to coin and hear their •con- secrated music and also .their: testi- The programme le `as follows: Saturday afternoon the band will (visit the towns close by and at 8:30 a monstrous open air service and -con- cert on the Main street of Exeter. 'Sunday at 11 a.m., Holiness ser- vice :in the town hall conducted by Adjutant R. Spooner, the band tak- ing part in the service." Afternoon a Sacred Concert in Vic- toria Park at' 8 p.m. ,Drive up in your car and enjtry the service.' Evening a Grand Musical Festival commencing at 7 a,m,, followed by, a Gospel service afbout 8:15 iii the -skating rink Exeter Come early and seeure a seat. Seats tfor a thousand people.' Yen are ;welcome at any time during music or pinging. Don't fail to be present `land ineei me there. Your friend, CLEAN SLATE FACES PERTH, COUNTY JUDGE FOR When Judge Lewis, of Goderich, of the Huron Connty .Court opened the Spring sittings of the Perth Comity Court in Stratford on Tuesday after- noon, he found that there wah not 6, ,case set down for trial. . The court was accordingly cloaed. Althbugh• Perth county it is rather unusual. This .is the ,first time in years that there has not been at least one case on the docfcet, Notices 'were scm• out a short time ago to all the jurors. that they need not attend. Judge 0. A. Barron,' of the Perth County Gault, is' presiding at the sittings oi The Month of June Is the `time when new homes are being furnished, so we:cordial; ly invite ybu*to inspect our large stock of all the necessities' for that new horse. Assuring you of the very lowest prices possible, - We Have Linoleum, Congoleum Rugs, Carpet Rugs of all kinds with a well assorted stock of 'furniture that cannot help but please both the eye and the purse. Don't forget this 'store 'when you're looking for, useful wedding gifts. Coal Oil Stoves and ovens, Gapoline Irons, Electric Irons and Toasters, - I{cep your lawns light by using the celebrated Taylor -Forbes lawn mower.' Extra special. price on ▪ Barn and Garage Paint $2:00 per gallon. A few odd shades of Sherwin Williams Paints. " „It will, pay you to look these over, . 'r.', .. `Clinton 'Hardware and Futnhture Co. THE STORES 'WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 105 sameausasamassatessaamaimessamoremessacassomonsacassaaleaseaczetanseamensomala' CURRE' L;i-, & SHIPi,lt y Specials for Friday and Saturday 5"lbs. Rolled Oats 20c 2 lbs. Prunes 25e 11 lbs. of best Gaanulated Sugar .. 8 IVIeLtirenip Jelly powders ....25e 'Tea and 'Coffee of the best QuAlitY” 2 pkgs."Shredded Wheat . 250 ."Lettuce, New Cabbage,. Ssveet ,Or- ' 2 Tins of Aylmer 'Corn 35e Grano Fruit ., 2 Tins of Aylmer Peas 85e 2 pkgs. Kellogge Bran ... ... :25e Leave your 'FISH ORDERS for. 1 lb. 'Cooked Ham , ... • 50e Thursday's. delivery, THE Ci & S. GROCERS PliOne 125 1 We have secured "a quantity of good body 12inch hardwood, r equal to and better than the wOod we have been spiling out of our yard at $6.4)0 per,cord; which we can sell at • $20.00 per load of 4 cords Being plincipally Maple and Beech this is truly a !nighty good buy, and as the mine price of coal is advancing each month, 1 would -strongly recommend to each family in Town to take in a load or two of this Real Bargain This price will be good only for orders delivered' direct frOm the bush and as the same wood will sell for a Much 'higler figure from our yard next winter it will be real eConomy to - 8. Mustard Coal Co.