The Clinton News Record, 1924-06-12, Page 7$tirtlhf a ur P. Po; chico:y or a y aduite°ant ' C-2 v:r. C'J to.1cecoffee Ai AT DR J, J. MID �rL TON Provincial Picard 01 Health,. Ontario . Middleton will be 'glad to answer quospono oo Public Health tit Ors through Dile 0010 nn. Address h1m lit G3;sdinci IAotlse, SPaett. Crescent. Toronto; Eve increasing attention to heitlth p emotion and disease prevention is 0 feature` of the present time. •,-h1'Vel•y ' ew0patpe0 one lifts has air article on wealth prominently displayed.. Some - Mies, indeed, the health aritcle is so `lupressive that it occupies a place on he front page. This is. as it should he, for:not until the public are arous- d to the need of :Health' work being Ione, Will anything of great import:- -awe titpor "= ae be accomplished. .One reason for 111.1 is lack of'funds. Coveentnents i1d Members of :Government's after. ii only reflects the wishes' 'of the )cople. If there is no public'sentl ilent behind the move for liealtb pri Notion, little will be dobe. But tf the eople amend it, if they'show un- ui staltable tsipns'that they i7ppreeiate he valise of 'health, Wprk, in. every onimunity, then great results can be` ooked for. Slowly but -surely the idea is: being iisseinir>ated that, disease prevention s possible in very many ,,instances viiere hitherto the idea was held 'that It was "something that just had to some, something that was more or less an act of God. How can disease prevention be brought about? By education,' publicity and immunizn= Fon. As an example of the fernier. the have health' habit training of school children. :This.is especially ef- feeiv ue, as the young mind is suscep- tible ` to new' ideas. and impressions, cot 'like the preformed, set .notions, life. Another matter of education 1. foe pas-ents to realize the danger of. sore throat in a little child .and the grave, possibility of it beizig diphtheria 'or again to know- that physical de- fects fu young children can be to a large extent dors-octed before the con- dition becomes chronic or does per- manent ineues. Sucll- conditions in- clude decaying teeth and diseased tonsils, adenoids, in short some .focus, of infection that persistently poisons, the system and results in rheunittiism Or heart disease of childhood- or later life. " • Through publicliy'the lay mind is ,kept A touch with the medical world,: statistics are provided for. publication showing'any increase or decrease in certain prevalent .diseases,. especially -those of a'seasonal "and communicable nature. .The public is also" kept lit- formed; of any new advances in medi- cal science; .trod of the rules and regu- lations pertaining to quarantine, how- to keep' well, and the value of periodic physical examination. By immunize- tion diseaspprevention can be brought about through the administration of such agencies as anti -typhoid serum,' toxin antitoxin for' diphtheria, :Use Pasteur treatment for rabies` and vac- cination ac cination-for• smallpox. Health • propa- ganda- needs more and more to be varied and up to date In its mode of presentation, sb as to- attract the at- tention of as large a number of people as possible;" and .help to prevent dis- ease, and bring about a higher sten- prejudices an - convictions of later dare of health for all concerned. Letting the Angel Out.' There le a story of a sculptor 'vho while he was engaged in overseeing some men unloading a large block of merino lgrh a at the door of his stndlo no- ticed a small boy standing near by, In: tautly watching. When the. piece,was final] i y n ,place rho souiptor examined It carefully and fingered it. reverently as he thought of the possibilities • elen away, in it. Observing .that the boy; was -stili watching, he asked 111119 ooh-naturedly what he thqught of _the Mock, "1 don't think it's very pretty yet," w'a's the reply, "but I suppose you ex- pect to make something out of it, don't you?" , "No," an'setered'the artlst v'rlEfinsldt t- ly, "I dont expect to makeanything out of it at ail. " I expect to find some- thing`fn it" Then, seeing the look of incredulity en the .boy's face,. he add- ed ' kindly.. "There's an angel in th' Meek, and all I have to do is to knock -• off the outsidepleees-and let the angel Out.".., Christian nut and women ought to remember that their work fs .closely analogous to the sculptor's. What is it that confronts God's children' every where? • Is it not the task of 'taking the rough, unattractive material -00 human life and character and•theeugh prayer EMT and untiring effort and patience bring. the hidden angel out?' Could you intaglne anywork that is snore imp portant or more pleasing in the sight of God? Yet we should not forget ;that the secces0ful •accomplishment of it pre- supposes n t nn s0 to hilrg:. Xt Presupposes vision,. We can never bring an angel out of the block until we have first seen it, within,, and ,ty. see Rowe must look with. the heart as weil,as with the eyes, It is' the heart of love that tees possibilities beneath ,the rough ex- terior, It.evas thus-that°the Master. saw Matthew, th'owpublican. Ile saw a man, whereas ltiitthew's own 0oun- arym.en could;ouly+see a hated publican and hirellzrg--of Th1zpOr Bu't-mere vision i s not enough. We must also have patience', sympathy and forgiveness. Angels do not spring' trout the rough block in a moment, Sinners do -not- become saints in an hour. Day after day -, the Christian' Sculptor trust lovingly ply his chisels and mallets of faith and prayer. One quick, itupetuous stroke may -spoil it a11; one )reckless blow may uhdo everything. What if the work is elo-g,•, the chiseling,. small! 'Little by tittle. you will see the hidden loveliness. emerge, the unfailing harbinger bf the noble character that is to be. e afoot. Y ` in tisk, the mustard when it f p ase t e Ith reuIt'?se � assed to you, Cultivate, the habit of P es ecially fat meat. Baiting it with -neat, p and aids .in It stimulates the digestion. assimilating Your food. it I 1St, 9Q or the ride OIrM, broils, fries .ar 3 E AT "" ± ` .toasts. .Anytwo operations may be carried on. simultane- ously. im ultane- ousty. It may also be Used with an oveuette;to bake or roast: Gontroned - Iiy s three -heat racer able switch rdinipped ,-00h twa aluminum dishes, each 21 -plats capacity, n soo bright nickel cover to,lit either dist,, ot• for use an a reflector a ca,.c griddle. For sale by dealers everywhere. : Hotpoint Dii!ision of Canadian. General Electric Company, Limited, 30 000 ..L ,riG ROUTE GEORGIAN BAY' DISTRICT Folder Bpd Time table showial list of 13,0 -pas, � 1 1 G' ] 1 rl� n UT fit ata io t n x..13 Q Y xa l: ��cd3 - txa 1 i nt la Wins':' Globe , Shlelti. ustodlaisi0lp of rho Glob First Aid 5.11e11 has been tciv tided 00 the 2nd Sarnia Troop '(II C. Fifth, .)con's: • master), f) 1 321. 11 o'�conlletitiens' for this shield are held by the Bpy ,Scouts 'Association In co-operation with the St 3011ii`'Anbulanc) Associa- tion, socia -tion, and the shield itself is awarded Fuuually to the Boy Scout troop stand=' Mg highest in the-Amonlance A 0l ia. tion'a Wallace Nesbitt Junior llirst Aid Coxnpetiti0ns. Of 'tile tiiirt7-one teanirs llattteiptifing in the Nesbitt Competi- tion An<lle, thirteen wore. Soy Scout toanls, 15 Girl Guides,Cadets 1 001)001 boys and the renlaindei luisce,laneoud: Other-:Scout'teants well Up in the finals ware fin the order named) the 31.11 London Troop, 37th Ottawa Trobp, 39th Ottawa Troop and the drd-Fort 'Williani,Tr/ op. Hamilton Scouts i_ose f=riend.. Boy Scouts of the IHIaliiilton District have lost a staunch friend in the re- cent death of Colonel William( Ilendrie, goloner Flendrie had been associated with Scouting In Hamilton frons. its in- emetIon and for a' time was a member of• the Provincial Committee, Just prior to 11i0 lastillness he was actively engaged with the,Ilamilton-Associa tion executive in, the,construction: at the" Port Maitland, 'camp site of She I-Ianlilton Scouts of a fine new dining and recreation hell as a rnentorlal:to. his late, brother, -Sir John-•Hendrie, 'who had' also been' a real friend of the. Scouts: ` It is now expected that the building will be completed as a joint, memorial to the two'famous brothers. Bravery Medal for Toronto Scout.,. The -Toronto' Boy Municipal'Cotiucfl has awarded its medal for heroism to King's Scout'Erneet king -of the 50th Toronto Troop for bis action in sav- ing a, bay from drowning in the Don River. A few weeks ago Scout King was aviarded .the Boy Scout Gilt Otiose for the sante rescue. He is the second boy to receive, the , Boy Council's Rally Day at Stapler, Seven Simcoe County Troops—Stay- ner, Allandale, Barrie, Penetangu5 .shene,• Mlmvalo, Angus and GIen IIu.r- on-with boys to the- number:. of .130," rallied at Stayner on Victoria Day, asci• des i e rain p t and wind carried through a splendid programme of Shout sports:' Competitions includedfix• -! h't 11 1 t o and g g water honing, equipment •ace, Scout's: pace race, ,first aid,, sigilailing,; hues- tying, 'message relay race, and, Area - sere hunt. Alikndale 'and,:Pe etang- utsitene . tied for first :place, and, Scoutiil:<e, agreed to share the honors and 'ho't endeavor to break the tie, Barrie came seoond and,- Glen ,}Aaron —n one -patrol rural troop,: made a good. showing andjlnished third. Be. ing -hosts to the rally, the Steelier Ones) on'1111o0ipeted to certain e'vent's, the boys. devoting the rest of their time to assistinggwith the' conduct of the sports, One Scout's Good:Turn, In. the Whitby 'Gaeette,Chronlcle", we reed: "No better, iUustration of the value of the. Boy. Scout nioverdent :ie needed than an incident' which took place East Saturdays An accident oe- e01red on the,Baso Line when a.m0-. for oar collided with a railway"engine. .A man was seriously hurt. -ou being Summoned to the scene of the' acci- dent -Rh?, R. T. Maclaren decided that the man unlet .UO °conveyed, at once to the Ito815100el by ambtifenee. On in- t3uiring of the bystanders where he nulght find the nearest 'phone, a ,little chap spoke up. 'I 'know,- Or, I'll go. weeheessage?' Ile received instruc- tions from ,the doctor, and was off. Shortly he was bank, all out of breath. 'Theambulance ' a bu an0e will beright ht.OP01 he g said. Dr, i I, d '4100 aloe turned. to reward. hint for, prompt execution of the er- rand. 'Oh, no, sir,' said the lat1,.'I mustn't take anything.. I'01 a Boy' Scout. "Batt, I must pay for the'ghone hall; tit:least,' said the doctor. 'Well, I guess that ,will be alright,' said the little fellow. There you. have the Sgottt spirit."- BETTER GREEN TEA IMPORTED. Mauy think that those :who drink Green Tea are more critical judges of quality than diose wh_o :drink black, Supll would seem to be the cases, be- cause some years age great.quantitiee of pooh duality Seven and Chita Green Teas were brought into Cana -da. The demand for this type of tea soon fell. off. ,oNew, however,. the iuuch finer quality of, Ind1a and Oey4on Greens, imported'rnostly by the Salads, Tea Company, has sharply revived the de• nlaed by those who enjoy the dist:lac- titro Savor of Green Tea, , A -Poem You Ought to Know., Tho Isle df Man produced a poet of real •distinction in Themes Edward Et'Own, who died in 1897, at the age -of ',sixty:seven. 0110001) the famous pub, 110 Achool, also shares Manxlend's pride in Bins, for he rias a master Oleic for Some. time, Ole wrote many' poems, and two volumes of his charming letters have been. published; but when. all oleo that '1- I3) Bi -own wrote: Is dead, the follows ing tan lines will live: - 3 garden, is .a, lovesome thing, God Rose plot; 'laringed pool, ,Pi arnod grot - ' The veriest 5c:heel Of,peace; and yet the foot Contendsthat "(,ocl is not `. Not lO011-1 111 gardens! -when :the eve is cool1 Na but I hu Y t a sign. F3) 'Tis very .Sure Gotl wal1rs in tr11ne. Eng' Cups for Doll House. ' Exult/Site China e c cups le€t: 011111 't qud1181' of an inch in hnigllt, •with' cups alai 1I10 0s to 'match ylavr be3Yi eampie-ted fes' (Vi0on 'tla a s:ianlouh doll s 9ioustu' .r s" t's, a3 ' rnn keel?;tiOutF.11x)hd:'wlrcr 1ib0111 1/ 011' e "losing{ theirs and' 1.1 nin3 t (1 ,You 011 cion ef�wltoll'all 013)31 doibt10yo,tuyol=el 13111 11110110 n_loav oft Tor' 11te11 001:11•:` 1103, loo, -tat l aft 101111 end 1,00 be tlicd: y ,t;• liting, Or, 1)o 113 lied shout, deh'1. 11cal'in-:' i1t Or, b(;)n 1 a10:1, don't- 3)i c 111 ay; to 1;a tang, ' 111 Set 11011 i( 1001 too• 3)11011, totk Loo.W15P i�. If your 1n aletinl andiitlilce <1ie11z}s your niastc:; PP 1100 qin ti}i0T not n11i11a tlUught::vput no If imn'�`.00)1 100,01 m -1L1) Triunlpli an$ And 11t tt 1hcsa two 11110 4t$ j1101 0110 e[.. I[ you. 130)1 11001 t0 1)0,'0,0 1110 t''11011 Yr1110 113)01 Twloli.1 by l.nictco to 1'1'11;0 a Il103) 301 fools,'' Cr wa.tclt the tiimgs you gave yaks• t0„hrolten _ And -"stoop an(i 1)011110"1 ilp with ygorn•outtools—.- If'you can 1nalce' one -110hp� of 1131 your Winnings, And rIslt it on ono ilitct of pitch - .and -toss; And lose, ttnd start again at your be - , And; never' breathe `:a: word - about your loss; . 'If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To .serve your turn los aftth - g after err 101'0, 13008,E Anil so hold onhen there e is 'mining i fn you Except the 1s'1.1L which says to them: - "Hold out"— Ifa, you can tack with crowds and keep Y0111' virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common -touch; TX neither: foes nor or loving friends can hurt,you,' If all men count withou but none , too,much;` If you can fill the Unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of dlse tante run- Yours is.. the Earth and everything It g that's in it, And --which ts more ;you'll be a Man, my :sou! — Rudyard. Kipling. PALE '.. A CHEEKS , 9 AND, Is Proof That the Blood is Thin(. and, I121. P m 11; • • It is the blood that3)iver ,co 101- to the blteeks antl,lips, as well as bright- ness to the eyes,. If your blood gets thin -'the colpf'will fade -and the'eyee 'grow dbl.' By the ,ifineitl is happens you etille•notice'that you_tire easily and are subject, to 11e,adaches and backaches,• for the blood goes'. every- where and the entire system thole the' effects when' it becomes, thin. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pi118 contain the elements necessary to enrich the blood, and,thia'i better blood strengthens the nerves and all the organs of, the body, brings a glow Of health to the,alteeks, bright- ne:s to the -lyes and a general feeling of -renewed health and strength..Miss Florence' Johnson, ' Stratford, Ont', who has proved the value of Dr. Wil- itants' Pink Pills In cases' 00 One k1i1f1 says:-"A-feehyears ago.I was Meat - 1y run dawn;;niy Moot( was very poor and niy nervotia system fn had shape. The doctori sa d my OondfNon was due taimproper diet nod lack of fresh air. Itlenc x ommenced eating the 100111 he advised and went out daily for a walk. I did not Improve, however, and was much discouraged. A friend advised me tor t Williams! ' Y Di . W1liaus. P ink Pills; T lost no time in ,.getting a=supply and can truthfully say that when f liad finished the first box I could note an improvement. ' Prom then on, tee, pre-, gross wee steady. ,My, Obmplexion, Which had been. pale and" sallow,' be- gan to take 011 a 11ea1thy glow, 1 felt a great deal stronger and -my appetite became normal, and dogn•my health was Pully roistered, Before using. Dr Williams' Pinky Pills I'did not know anything about, their woiiderfut 131010111 ties, but new I recOallnenil.them to all suffering frossi similar ailments." Yon can get these pills from any, medigine dealer 01• by nail at 50 cents a box, from The Dr. 111111ants' 'Medi- cine Co:, Brockville, Ont. Al. first 1110513)1)1, 11 woil seem in • possible to drive 'au ordinary ',ser - •�. ing needle into a copne1 coin. iio01.- ehe1; if a little 00:01 i5 (ekes it can easily lie dont . 'Olie.lhet-thitlg to do 1s to obtain. a. cork a very 1111110 sllort0r_,than the needle. Tlarou ,b the cork the - 11001e is paesed•until`tbo point' Can be felt and, the head of the needle is flush with the end of the cont. , The coin'•is placed -011 the Ottd 05' e- spool, w111111 is placed on a thin " surface, T)e cork is placed on the co n, the needle directly over the hole in thespool.. Witb'a haninier,:. the end of ` the cork is struck a good hard -blow. This will drive ..the needier through' the coin, the cork keening the needle trona breaking.., (Clip this out and .paste it, with other of --the series, in a scrapbook.) SATISFIED D ERS_ ISo other medicine gives as great satisfaction fe mothers as does Baby's Owe' 'Tablets., These -Tablets ` are equally good for the newborn babe or the growing 'Child" and , are absolutely safe; They cannot possibly do harn. always good; The Tablets are -mild betthoa'ough laxative which regulate the bowels and: sweeten the stomaeh and thus relieve baby of any of -tire minor ills of childhood: such as con stipatton, indigestion, colds, colic, etc: Concerning them Mrs, Arthur Pillion, St. Sylvestre, Que. writess—"Baby's Own Tablets .have been of wondejl3:ttf benefit to my baby who was ruff/ft'ing from coni 1 ation and in i e .ti h I t d .s p g d. always keep. the Tabli s on'handa and ur would advise all oth(2ra -to do like- wise." The Tablets arC`;*Zdld byMedi- eine dealers or by mail if-16-Cents- box (0 16-cents•box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Shabby "•But Precious. Dr. Tr1man, Queen ,Victoria's den- tist, wasa e a i title n of alar mind g m t and eccentric habits. In -vented ts. He inv u an insulated covering for tie wires of the submarine .cable and made a consider- able fortung therefrom, Ile• was. au einthasitistic collector of rare books and prints; that hobby was the chief Joy Of his Pater years, He 'was not penurious, beit;he liked ,old:elothes;'and in his old age his at- tachment to gar rents. fit only for the rag bag became the despair' of his "household. The most 'precious and shabbiest article pr his attire Was an -ancient .silk hat. tie never wore any other kind o£ hat, and he .had -worn the same one; for untold year;}. "Attempts - were made, at his home to get rid of.11," records a recent writer, Mr, W. T. Spencer, in a volume of ieiuluiecenees, "but he always had' the hat repaired. So litany repairs were made` en it that if you examined ft closely you had more diflleulty 1n recognizing the original silk than in -recognizing the grafted portions: - "One day whenhe was taking a baht „in his house -the tub was of the old - S shidnodmar 1e type—he fergot. to turn the water -off, andit ran aver the edge. and leaked through the floor: Imnte$i tet . underneath. a y was the hall, and on the hall tble lay that silk hat of his upside don w as Ise had placed it there. When the bath overflowed- the .water dripped auto the hall and right into heheti nbt "The hatbecame o o a. bucket filling rapidly before the teals was disedver- ed, and by that time, as the ltouseliolt were overjoyed: to see, the silk hat was bulging woefully. "Surely he'll not be able to weal' that old. thing ,again(" they thought. But they reckoned without their mas- ter: as -ter..- 'Even, now: rite had It done upl' he said to me as ho realated the adven- time. 'And, sure enough, it wasbn his head.. "The very;, last time I saw Dr, Tru- nian•'(lie died in -1900) he, was still wearing the sante old'si1k'hat" Old Marriage Custom. In old Saxolt'rnarrieges the 11s'lde's father liauded tlie bridegroom the bride's shoe and he touched her with it on 'the forehead in token of author-' Asic 860 Mtnardu, and %atmm no 'other/ Meat 1s a 'dog's natural foecl'and should be given a least once daily. Fish without bones, vegetables (not' potatoes), bread or biscuits' soaked in gravy, are good additions to a steal; !Q , Tome '0Xealrei rover. oras f raNJntsu/n2 ' P'r03)'0049 JSyc• i,(tc 00x1(1'1'1 0/1515 Lt1t''3)70 anrG( (ra1��t+'+arn rhe ,4.:•au ra /orC The Aenuy The paper'. tc0 30IB• 0 , ���Ii°B ftB'1 Ond me • ori wc,. thgs— l'iC�• Ala:Miertured IMPERIALTOb C Ai+ 0 CO. OF CANADA LIMITED' t 99 Words That Make jus Wonder. Have you ever wondered how. some of the queer words and expressions we use to -day first came into the lang- uage? The expression "Raining. cats' and' dogs" originated in the daystwhen sea- men used to refer to waves on the Water before a storm as "cat'spaws," whilst the dog has always beemregard- ed• in northern mythology a--s..sym- bolic of. wind._ Consequently, when a heavy rainstorm was occoinpanied by high winds; sailors would say "10 was corning down cats and dogs," We still use the expression "big wig," although th`ese articles are a fashion. of the past. - In other -days„ however, .:a -person's importance was ludg'ed by the size of the"wig he wore, and therefore the highest in the' land were known .to the less fortunate as "big wigs."• - , •''P111 -money" is an expression that servo s to remind o h s ft edas y .when ntpg wel'e expensive, and husbands al- lowed their wives special . sums- for their t h tri: s Later n a o L e1 0 'tit - t on'the expres- sion sion Was applied -to a wife's pocket - Another word that has an :interest- ing origin Is "handicap." This is prole ably derived Froin "hand' in the cap," as In former .tlmes'.itt wag the.euet'oni to draw lots; from a hat or"clip. it When sending monety •by mall use Dom'lnivn 1+lxpresa: Me¢1ey • Orders., Safer -then -sending' bills: • •. - . • Every ' schoolboy to -day : knows things that would matte the wisest man of .antiquity stare and gasp:— Mr. A. G. Gardiner. kMlnard'e uninnu j 'Heals Guts. I think the Brat virtue is to aestrein the tongue; he approaches nearest to the gods who knows how- to' be silent, even though Ire is in the right—Cato. titin Government 1 unicipat r '(INDS- ' duStri r I° Let •ns send it you circular 7 Per Cent. Plus Safety—places you, under no obligation what €1 ever. Write for it to -day.. Dominion Brokerage Co 821 FEDERAL BUILDING TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA'S BEST/ , itsan'ipossibiefobuatd abetter lawnmower Abaft SMAR1115 grnartii Mowers have L.,,,k, pnvoved their auperibrity whcrevergtasn !a grown Bit -ranaing,keen- cutting and absolutely guaranteed. ASK 005R HARIWARL MAN ,ISMESSMIggT PLANT 05/0081115 0111 rl "Sure,, a ciickel: club." ' •He --"Won't 'yon give me- 311st one She -"Certainly' not. If it was good I'd just, get started myself.. It's wither nolle nr. a dozen.". Aye, No Doot. An Am'erieah and a Seotsno ss-were- ltaying a discussion on success in Iife, Said the former: "Success, is easier an 111013 leo le nils 5, when I Was a young Man '1 knew, it youth who got it Jobis • ,i b1 city 1.0101 and: it, w n't ton bol ot•e' e on . tI e Ili as 11 O od 1 1 010 A lllacc,=' The Scotsluan sagely nodded lois head.. `AYe, no loot:,' 1 said; but since, then they've invented cash 'stets." .j.i 1 ! --. •gid nill1A) y r ' hl 4 ' R . t 6 of 1fTono tar piandruif3 Wil O' s •:-•, Say 6 Bayer er" -Insist! For Pain j-leadache Neuralgia,- Rlleunlatisni Luinba o Gouts Accept only u er tick'.e Y. vrhicticoli$aills rovdncliryiions H oond '1A, er". boors of 12 tables .y1...y re tablets Al10 bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists �p rt❑ . `1 ti o 'duly 51541, (te 1oloretl is • r a alvz•e'ir leardts L{yli apt 1c1111ric1d^ocer 00 1aO,lcnfoaditl ' 11' , itis a CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Manyhave hadsurprisinarci1el.from Cstarrhgl boafnasa� 1 -lead r4nlncs. Ringing spathe (Lars and'Haud Colds by us ne .,e Lemnn d . ar -CM! �' caoth n n tr 1 ' ii that is 2. ,i{ sive c nt nb t a thecora sne1 , Iuct rub it stri of the oar n -nostrils ' Par aoe ryWItere t . interesting descriptive folder acct upon request i r 1+ti• A.O,L oNARll,13e. 's r p± - 75 Hi lir „ 8,0, First Hair Net In '1863. ` The first hair net was invented and, placed on the 'market in' 1863, In Vienna: Keep Mtnard'a Lib/meat Iq the house. Classified ,Advertisements AGENTS -GENERAL STORES— WANTED. PIONEER AGENTS ,ARE MAX-. I O $60 to $100 a . week taking orders for all -wool, made -to -measure clothes at $26, delivered anywhere in Canada. Also Ladies' suits, dresses, Boys' suits and raincoats. Finest welling outfit. Exclusive territory;, commissions paid daily. We deliver and collect. Write Pioneei•.Tailorinl • Company, 83 St,. Catherine St. West, Montreal, Que. , New Eyes Out on can Preemie 6 P y e‘ a een,ileeiihyeendilial6 �E SUae ightd ed ;/W "Night anMomsin :' Zeep yew Eyes Ciean, Clear and l leaitbys. Writs for i'rec Bye Care Book. - Qtruslne guellemedx Ca.9 essi Oble StreeliCbleseli ASTHMA - Spread liniment on brown paper and apply to throat; Also inhale. TROUBLED ECZEMA YEARS In Pimples Between Knee and.Ankle, Itched Badly. Cuticura Healed. -0 was troubled with eczema for three or four years. It broke out in pimples between mg knee and ankle and itched badly, especially at night. The irritation caused me to scratch n and the scrdtc�iI cru i g caused pt ons. " X sent for free sample of Cutl- curaSoap andO intmentand ithelped me. T purchased more, and after using ohe cake Of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed," (Signed) Niles Alice Clark,, Marshfieid,V•t., July 16,1523. Ieeap your skin clear: by using Cuticura Soap, Ointment sand Tal- cum for every -day toilet purposes. Touch pimples and itching, if any( with Coticure Ointment. Bathe with Cuticura Soap and liotwater. Dryand dust lightly with Cuticura Talcum, 058010 30ah rre b' Emil. A0dreeo Canadloo Depot Oanc 1'• 0:1100 9818, "Mgnaaasl:' Price 00j)5, Ol tmentrboR ing. Taicemll,. Ty aur 0008 Shaw, Sack. 1 { , WOMANSUFFERE " 1; FOR-DNI Weak and Nervous Made Well. by Lydia- E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound - Weizbwood, Ont.—" 0 was in a very, weak and run-down 'nervou,. condition, always tired from the tin e I got up until I wetltto bed. Sleep did not rest ;no at all. My sister recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's --Vegetable Com- pound to me and others told me about it, but it was from My sister's advice that 1. took it. It did Sot take long u)itil 3 felt stronger; headaches left me and my appetite came baclt to me.' 7. am a farmer's wife and Nave many things to do outside the house such as milkm look nig after the poultry, and other chores. T. heartily,recomutiend the Vegetable Compound to all who have the game trouble I had,_for it is a fine medi- cine for woinoil."—hits-L' OUIS.11' ELSAS- srnt, Iliilcrest Vann, Webbwood, Ont. Another Nervous Woman. Finds Rendl Port Huron, Michigan.—"I.suifered ,for two years with pains limy side, and if x worked very -much 1 was nervous and just as tired in the morning as ui'hets I went tobed.• I was sleepy all the day and didn t feel like doing anythingand was 90 nervous I w0 1 bitem` finger u d ii nails. One of my friends told me about: LydiaE. Imk ais Vegetable le Com- pound, and it helped me so much that seen fel tfine.Mrs,Omit Las l3rahat, 6014.'lth St,, Port 1-Iuron, Mich,: Women who suffer Iron any feminine ailment should try .Lydia Et 37hskham's Vegetable Compound. 117 ISSf.F. No. 23-711.