The Clinton News Record, 1924-06-05, Page 7r4
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vortzt Beg of al
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ProvinelatF3card of Health, Ontario
Middleton will'be grad to answer queStloa3 oz Public health ntmt
to r� through this 'column- Address hiss at atatdina Hausa, SHa -1
Ocsycant, Toronto. -
People living in country districts,
perhaps far removed from a doctor,
a e ,often confronted with cases of
accident' or sudden illness, At times
li ce thin it is very hardto know just
What to do on the spur of the moment,
11'Iost people get' nervous and excited,
thereby adding to theeneral' co f'u-
s on' without giving much practical
use i
help, If there is an "
Y saying
.o, I would strongly advise the person
who is ori thespot as a helper to keep
cool. Try and control yourself and
deal with the circuinstances in a
point tightly with your
until you get assistance. -When
the pressure' pad is applied, bandage
firmly at once. Elevate the injured
limb as high as possible.
Should the .blood still continue to
come in spurts; it is evident that an
artery has been cut 'or.torn and you
will then have to try and compress
the main artery by pressure against
the bone with your fingers, or better'
still, apply a tourniquet, This is -eas-
ily done by tying a handkerchief
around the -limb (always above the
common-sense way,,For instance; if wouud); over a piece of stick or stint -
.a person gets hurt.and ' i . Bleeding, Tan- article. Then twist the -stick till'
the bleeding 11
ed ng utast be cleekeY, `Tho'tlle liankkercliief is as tight' as' can.
best Way to do this is to:get,'a ' hr be borne and hold:
h d or tie the 'stick In
pad sand press :it firmly agamst the position,
bleeding spot, or else tie the pad, on In bleeding -from the nose, Iace the
with your handkerchief patient on his bask with thhear} and
A lot of alarm :'end anxiety is often -shoulders raised. on pillows or :any-
eaused in cases qf. convulsions. 'When thing handy, Italie :the arms above
a fit comes onethe sutyerey will,be ,1y- the head as high as possible; and pinch
fug down, the best position for him, ,the nostrils tightly with the linger
but your' corrirnon-sense will suggest .and .thumb. This will' -afters 'stopthe
something soft under, his. head, and •flow• Should it not; wrap some brken
you should use a little gentle restraint rte in a• handkerchief and apply to the
if 'necessary, just sufficient. to re- nose; and, to the nape of the neck. A
vent bim from injuring: thick slide ofjemon bitten end sucked;.
his struggles. If the teeth are clench- sometimes acts like a .charm. Of
• ed and the tongue bitten, try and en_ coursethe doctor should be septfor
wrapped around it, between the jaws,
sett a small -stick with a piece o rag without delay if - the bleeding is per-
Cut and;abrasions are perhaps the
Should you find a person I in =-
common injney met with, and to
eons lilt do not make him alt
keep. the wound clean is the important ulr' `rust let him lie, and if he can
thing.. When elle- skin is broken it isi swallow, gave n few sips of brandy.
particularly liable to be infected with' .Iii lases of sudden illness where a
septic germs which may cause blood- doctor cannot be got at once, a little
poisoning. If you can only keep the common sense will often work boon.:
nemend lean, nature will do the heal -1 hent In the Rist place ,get the pa -
g, nature' cannot hear while her j severe and don't forget tare attack is
work : is . being interfered with " by to loosen any
germs that cause inflammation' and • clothing, that may be tiglst. Fainting
pus,' or what is known as an infection. I 11 usually yield quickly to lying
Of course, one can .control infection down and sipping a stimulant. Cold
by the :use of antiseptic' solutions, but 'valet is an excellent• stimulant, if
these' may not be at •hand, so the very.
e just sipped, but do not give fluid un -
best thing to de is to keep the cut or! Toes your patient can swallow,. other -
abrasion elean and free from infee-i wise it may 'find its Way into the
tion if possible. You will I
Ask wjtat'ungs.; .
to do then. .First, bathe the wound,
l If he is cold or shivering,apply t
carefully and thoroughly with 'warm bottles to the bad and the y hb
e feet
water to which you may add some
antiseptic' solutionsuch as baric acid,
Better'sti still, wash the wound with
warm .water and soap. Ifo not touch
the wound 'witha sponge' or flannel
but somethingreasonably clean, euel
as a piece -of new lint or clean' Caton•
but be --sura to wrap be bottles in
something woollezeto avoid blistering.
Vomiting may be relieved by duck-
ing ise, also, by applying a.mustard
,plaster to the. upper',part of the ab-
When there are broken bones
wool. If none of these are to he had, 'd I
a piece of,cleati linen such" sg a `handy prevent paw movement of the two jag -
1, efforts must •be made to
chief till. de very .well: Then d'ge�d. , cj the point of fracture.
the wound and,paint an some tincture Movement causes ,pain, frac u the
of iodineifit is available, The iodine limb above mud below the fractui to
menta, acid you should now protect ,
may smart, but only for a fqw mo- a ppiece of stick, or even an ixmbrella,
a splint 'which can be made out o£
the 'wound by a pad of boric lint or baThese bite of advice are intended to
clean_ linen. A bandage: applied snug -'useful in `,emei`gency; but do not
ly, but not too tight, will stop any neglect to secure tsres £. ph
further bleeding and at the same time stcran at the earnesthe posseviciblyomoamenty-
keep the dressing In place. If the as the fractured bones may need to
wound does not throb or feel -
"ahem ep set in position before a'permanent
thdg• steed not ^be splint ie applied:
fortabie o
-changed e ressin
for forty-eight hours or so.
Severe haemorrhage is a condition
that requires immediate treatment,
but what you can do is only of a
temporary nature:' Still, you can
often save life by checking or contrbi-
ling the Bleeding untll' the doctor
I{eep the patient lying down quietly
and notice whether the blood
Ask for Mifinardei end :Aka no other.
He Yearned to Know.
"When. Nebuchadnezzar ate grass
With the beasts' of the• field----." sol-
emnly began the: presiding elder,
"Did he belier toot" asked young
Banty Johnson, who has en inquiring
out in spurts or in a, steadyflow. '
Apply a pressure pad or even. hold The ° ssigaci'ou
s are generally lucky
—is e s ly within the reach of all
Evt12 before in the history of the auto-
1,11 mobile industry has Snell car value beets
possible: And it ,at is now, only because
the Chevrolets Car and Chevrolet business prin
ciples have been so universally and so favorably
received. Chevralerproduction has, as a result,
rapidly grown involume until now Chevrolet
is. the world's largest manufacturer of quality
Chevrolet quality is more than apparent. lairs a.
the mote ..eloseljr. Chevrolet is ;examined and the
more severe the 'tests demanded, the more ,con-
vincingly is Chevrolet quaiity demonstrated and
proved. -
Moreover, day by day continuous service brings
out another economy equal, if not greater in a"
importance, than 'Chev@olet's' remarkably' low
$rat cost. Chevrolet is ,more 'economical to ;
operate than any .other, car built, and its main-
tenance ciest ie the lowest in the world.
Investigate Chevroletl`i
. ourself
Y }lave .us demon-
strate the model that suits your needs. : We
arrange terms that' will surely fit 'oir am
stances, Yyour
C6I6 -616
. ..
4s& About' The G,M,A,C. Referred Pavrr,ent Plan
ncnticei 'fluinspertetiba,.
�. Y13 tK
Chevrolet: Motor Cornpau y
of'Cataada, Limited
Oshawa, ()Mark'
Dealers and Service Stations
Out of Door Nates.
Behold the artisti rf you have a
sketch pad in your pocket cit down• on,
Titat mac to kir, tit ir'Grannyl
a knoll or, farm fence and slteteb the
outlines of trees, you :will be surprised
at the variety of shapes 'which differ
out trees really have. sketching a
few elms on one sheat, several types 13
01`.Mani° an aflathe au to forth will
help you in becoming -familiar , with A
the shapes characteristic of tile differ -
mit species.
Hard as a-°Rock.
try to Identify rocks by -their
r shapes, color, 'feel 'taste Iliar•dnc
and other. marks <of identifieatian9
lnbrks n5c (? '
marks, S}l 1+0 3
•90c omit
an nulhio,u
thport Co
t.., roronta;:1
Granny's come 06:our Hoose,
And 'Loi my Iawzy'-daisy!
ill tlro children Isttnd tiro; gists
le !st'a•runula' cinigi
c tcl.'eii a •czka far, litCle Jane,
And fe:01rod a pie for Nanny,
And fetel od "a,petsz for'al1 tits pack
Lucy Ellen's in her tap,
And Wade,end Silas Wallxor:
oth a-ridin` on her foot,
And 'Po11o's on:the rocker;
ad Mariity's twins, from .
And little orphant Army,
All's a -eating ginger bread'•
And gigglin' at Granny,
Thais something else to thinitt-about
while hiking' sono i
gs something
more' than to'stumble`over or to throw.
A cigar box;divided into six-oi• eight
makes a splendid- di In
,� 1 a d case , In
which to put: away various speciments
found along,the way and 1abelod exile
rectly-as soon as you learn their right
names. Glacial lopsided.nobbles, can--
ci•otions, fossils in limestone; Crys-
tals and stalactites are 'some of the.
.special things' 10 look `for.
Our Worst Enerny
This le the time of the year when A
Tells 115 all tho fair' tales
Every thought ei°'wunderedl—
And 'bu a
nd nee o" atI10 •
r stories --
Bet she knows , Irundrod l
Bob's the' one far Vb hlttingdon,
And Golden Locks for Fanny; -
Here 'em laugh and 'clap' their ha
Lis tenin';.at Granny.
Granny's dome to: bur' hotzse,
Ifo! m �lawz .-dais f -
Y y Y•
Alt the children round the plane
IS int a-rnnnin' crazy!
Fetched a cake for -little -Jake,
And fetched a ple•for Nanny,
nd-fetched a pear'fer all'the,pa
That runs to less their Grannyi
—James Whitcomb:
Advantage of Beit Inconaplc o.
g u
A very diminutive cockney; says
Tattier; was stalking deer in the H
lands: lie 'had; engaged the sery
of a tall ' and powerful, gamekee
•The' day won' d - ke
forest fires, 'destroy game and timber.
ld your
o: ie no
area of
tire: A'
ana ,who'
to fight
•though -
Be careful _with rnatelies, bur
campfire"fn places where titer
'danger of epreacling, Clean an
'several feet ueftire'starting a
trench will"'control• •'sparks
might her blown- -about. -Any
has 'once seen sent'o or- helped
'one. isms careful- with fire -as'
it were dynamite:
'Fire -Fighting ' '
You may 'have an oppertin itY to
help. fight a forest lire. If a spade or
shovel is handy, beat out the fire .or
Smother out 'with fresh earth along
the burning. edge. ,_Until the fire :is un-
der control disregard the burning, ma-
terial within the: fire limits. Rake
away all loaves to establish clear
paths about the area and thus restrict
the ere. An; expert will• know holt to
start a hack 'fire from a path.. Ask
'your.father ,what this. means. A bur
lap bag" soaked in `water, branches
used as rakes,' urea hastily made brush
broom of hardwood branches and
leaves will serve in an emergency. Re-
mentber that a fire often spreads 'l all
directions. Walk around the entire
area to see If there are apy new out-
And Now ,it's Time for Eats!
Here Is a reaipe We a pancake you
can: flip -nine feet high and have it
land in the pan without'a .bounce.
Guaranteed- to stand en end,' will not
stiolc to yelling If fllpped too high.
Floiiest tq goodness?- A better rnkx-
tura ,is not to be discovered. Nutty In
flavor, rich brow,~ In Molar, and ,. a'
standby far breakfast which lis guar-
anteed to stick to the ribs for twenty-
four hours. •
Corn Pancakes,
1' cup Inelangornmeal, t/ •cup white
flour, 14 teaspoonful of salt, ee large -
tablespoon -sugar, 1 level tablespoon
baking. powder. iviix with milk or
water into a 'very thin batter.
Come and get them!
Twenty-five years ago, Green Tea
was more popular than Black, but due
to„the heavy ,importation' of poor
quality Japan and China Green Teas,'
the demand "fell off, °Ceylon. and mala
started producing Green Tea oti a
large scale only in recent years. They
were of such Ane' quality and delicious
flavor' that Green Tea drinkers im-
epediately recognized their superiority
and demanded them,in ever increasing
quantities. Salads Tea Company is
practically the sole importer of co-
lon anti Indic Green Teats id Canada,
The Nightingale. '
De deadens all birds with the note Of his 80 hale and lusty throat,
,And with'hls singing' '
hath copse, each hedge is ringing.
Where zits he? That 1 cannot mark,.
But far his Voice now, hark, hark, hark-
How'bis voice sallies
Ring through these leafy alleys!
'What is he? Say a censer; high
By angel hands ;swung: sightlessly;
Whence Heavenward taper
Smoke -wreaths of perfumed vapor.
What is he? Say a belfry clrinle,
Pine -toothed, fine -threaded, quick' to
• 'Though unboholden,
Mere:exultant, golden,
Ifo is—whcre.I cap reach Mei not --
A spark of fire, a nreseage caught.
From roofs high' over
Thos low roofs:'ue.•that , cover.
It irks me not, ,'though ,old I be;
That he the Iauiel /tear from me,
Sweet bti'd, I know it,
'Tis yours, the crown as poet, ,
For what Tuan ytt .could fathom -ail.'
The riches of that treasure `hall
Of 'wondrous .singing
1ho nightingale is king in!,
Kenneth Hare,
Alt at�Sea.
A girl at a public lihi•ar'y inquired'if
`<'Pho Red Boat" waw in, `
"I don't think we have the hook,"
eho was tobd,
"011, excuse me," said the girl, "L
made a 'mistake. Tho title is 'The
Scarlet Launch,' "
After a' search, the library assistant
reported that no .boob with that title
was listed -in the card eatalegne.
But -I am sure you leave the book,"
the .girl insisted, : Sudden,ly'site open --
her handbag and. produced a slip.
of paper ,.01 which something was
written Then. she blushed: 0lr, 1
beg your pardon," she said. Its 'The.
Ruby Yacht' by tt man •named Omar,
Kinard's Liniment tor Dandruff c
EASY " ' �C;KS
Which Cards
_ w+e
Aunt This i:rielt rettuires a 1!ttio prac
tice,:but it Is wr,11 worth' it. Wel
presented, the trick is more mysti
Eying than the description enggeste
Show four, cards to a . spectator
asking him to``fix his' nsind upon `•
one of, them. Do not display them;
top long—just long enough to en-
able see one of the cards`
plainly: Put two o1 the cards oil
the top of the pack and two of the
• cards on the bottom and put the
pack behind 'your, hack.
Throw -Several cards on the table •
and ask him ;to tell you whether or
not, 'his .card is among therm Do.
this several times until his answer
is "'yes•" Yon'irill then be able to
name the card he selected;
The 'first handful or ';cards bet
threw' on the table includes one of
the two Cards'you put on the bot-
tom. of the pack. If his answer is
".No you, will know that the. de -
lotted card is one of the three other
cards, The cards May bo returned -
to the pack. The next handful of
cards includes one. of the other
'cards: If It It not the selected,
card, the next ' handful' w111, of
course, contain It,
(Clip' this out and Paste it. faith
other of 6h series. in a scrapbook.)'
warm all t elaei,:
feeling irritated at the self-importance
Arid lgnarance of - his little:naastef,
gave vent to his ruffled feelings, by
groaning at regular intervals at the
-midges that swarmed round> him in
•cannot understand," said the Sock -
nay patronizingly,.' "nowv the .midges
bother you so mucb: I haven't got so
much as a single bite yet."
"Soot, -mon," replied the other con.
temptuously, "they -maybe have na no -
aced ye yet."
Is. One Who -Hag, the RicRue 'Red
Blood of Good Health.
The fact fMet one woman is bright-
righteyed, rosy-eheeked, -e trong and 'cheer-
ful, while another ispales' . weak and
depressed is due more often titan other-
wise to the 'condition of the blood.
The way tc remedy this depressed'
state is to build up the blood, and for
this purpose there iseeo other tonic
can equal Dr. Williams' fink Pills, A
case in point fa that of.Mrs;.112elvin
Abra, Graveley Streeteltancouver,.Bee„
who pays:—"Abonttesve years ago 1
was e very sick woinen. I seemed to
be wastingoway and:getting thinner all
the -time. I greef'to "weak that the
doctor sentene to the haIpital, but the
treatment there did not help ine and I
-returned home, Then I tried' a num•
bar of tonics with no better Tesuits.
At this ;stagemy mother came to mei
and as she is a firm believer le Dr.
Williams' 1?ink 'Pills; sho started nue
on this medicine. I can only say that
they' did wonders for me, -I began to
get new health and ,strength after I
had taken a taw boxes, and day by
day this iunprovement, continued until
I wee again welland able to do all my
housework, and I have not had a tick
day since.. S cannot recommend your
pills too highly and urge those who
are locking for sheath and happiness
to give them a trial."_,
You can get the pills from your
druggist, or by mall at 50 cents 8, box
from The 1)r, *iliisins' ,Medicine. Co,,.
Brockville, Ont.
Nothieg is more common in child-
hood than Indigestion. Nothing is
more dangerous to prover growth,
more weakening to the constitution or
more likely tb pave the way to dan-
gerous disease. Fully nine -tenths of
all the minor ills of 0111011ood have
their root in indigestion; Vlore is no
medicine for little ones to • equal
Baby's Own Tablets in t'elieving this
trouble, They have proved of benefit
In ihoueande of .homes. :Concerning'
them Mrs. Jos. Lunette, Immaculate
Conception, Que., writes: "My baby
was. a great sufferer from Indigestion,
but the Tabiete soon • set her right,
and now r would not be without them."
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 `cents a
bot' from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Brockville, Ont.
Sea Fever.
I must go down to tiie seas again, to
the lovely sea and the sky,
And all I ask Is a tall silLp and a wind
to steer. her by,
And thewheel's,;ktck and the wind's
sang and the ;white sail's shak-
ing, -
,t rd a gray mist on the sea's face and'
a. Foy dawn breaking,
T' must go down to the sea again, for
the call of the running tide,
is.a wild and a clear call that may not
'tae denied,
And. all I ask is • a windy day, wlCh the
whito clouds' flying,
And the flung spray and the blown
spleen and the seagulls trying..
I must ga down to the sea again to the,
vagrant gypsy •life,
To the gull's way said the whale's way,
where the wind's like a -whetted
knife, -
And all I asktie a nterryyarn from a
laughing fellow rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream
when the long trick's over,
• - --John Mansdelt3.l
Lift Off -No Pain!
"But, mother, .10511 says lie loves me
with his, whelp Heart," '
"Yes ----but you- Want'sonneono who
can lave you with:411h whole bank-
roll too." '
The Warders
On esimy Ridge and Passohendaele,
Our silent arculcs sleep,
Through summer's eine aird, winter's
And;.'neiitli the ,starry'deep;
No more for thein the dawn 01 day
Nor 'sunset on the' hill,
Their souls and songs 'have dial away,
Their giant strength: is, still u
The march of time goes swiftly by
Afed.brings ite Care andtoil,
tlut-in eternal youth they lie ,
Beneath a foreign soil;
Withironfehlrs-'and fire for breath:
They - oli o azged amidst ,the gleam;
And shared along those ileitis of death
` The, comradeship of. doom, .
Yet not in rain `they watch. and "wait,
Strong champions of tIon right,
They are the warders at our gate
And guard us through the night,
Frani selfish aim and paltry ease,
From slavery or the soul,'
The men that save the Reid' are
They point us to the 'goal,
Quebec, --Canon P. 0, Scott;
New.Source bf .Power,
iSolor test recently niacie ul ,1te
that palm and 00ittensc i 01may be,
Practical feud economical ton'A 0011 .of`�
power in olio trrypicb, f
Doe n't.,hurt ono bit! Drop 1 1113
"Freezone" on an aching corn, 'in
stantry tliat corn scope 'hurting, then.
shortly you -lift it right off with lingers.
Your druggist tells a tiny bottle of
e'reezono":form few' emits, sufficient
to rempve. every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the toe`s, and the' foot
calluses, Without soreness or lerltation.
T Garr eight
Druggists 1
gg s guarantee Aitrb-Phesplrate
lo rebuild shattered nerves; to replace
weakness with strength; to add body
wetglit to thin;; fo11,s and rekindle am=
bf !o
t u in tired -out people. Price -$1 per
pligee Arrow Chemical Co.;' 25 Front
St. Bast, Toronto, Ont,
51!narci's is a celieri1:fpr chapped
hands and. all skin diseases.
3vlrse With 15 'Veal's' Expert.:
Cnoe Urges lJ'se of Tiitxlcac
---'I'elis of 1 -ler M��ayatlher's Eo-
perzence:With ' orlar-s > $-
znous Tonic.
' ".1 have direct 'sand. personal know-
ledge of so many .cases where TAN-
LAC has restdIed health and strength
and helped weak, run-down people to
get ontheir feet that .I it to be
an uziasual medicine," is •the emphatic
manner in which Mib. M. 1J. Chappelle,
.Bhze Mount and Thomas Avo„ "'Wau-
watosa, Wis., a practical nurse of fif-
teen years' experience, pays tribute to
the famous" treatment.
"Time and again I have urged
a TAN.
LAC'S use arid' it always brings the
most ..gratifying results. My own
mother, now eighty` years old, took
TANLAC five years age, and it has
been bar standby ever since, Nothing
helps her as TANLAO does, and she is
as strong an advocate of the medicine
as I am. Oril recently; mother be-
camegenerally rina-down, Der 'stow-
ach was disordered, her appetite ut-
terly farted her, and she carne near,
having a nervous 'breakdown. TA
LAC gave het: e:vigorous-appetite, core
rected all complaints and left her not;
only well' and happy, but- se strong
and active that she 'looks afters the
And How they Can Run!
"He seems always in a hurry—
what's the matter with' him, anyway?"
"Trying ttr keep.:up with his running
expenses, I think," ,
Ktap Mlnard's Liniment in the house -
A - machine . perfected recently will
measure the 500,000,000 part of an
Payment for articles advertised, In
this aolun n should, be made with:ba-
nrinion Express: Moray orders --A sate
way of Wending money by•manl.'
Habit is one -of thefew things in
the -world that it is harder to -break
than to maize. '
0 N 0
Let us send you circular "IC" -
7 Per Cent, :Pius Safety—places
you under no 'obligation what*
ever, Write for it today,
Dominion Brokerage Co,
Ess ra'tunnin Mowers'
that eta with sazor•Iiilre
A Sinus* NOiver will steep
your lawn irim and neat"
corritrsr/eed, Atyour bawl. -
ware dealers.
®,. n6OCKVi44e Oat.
SMS Bayer ; Aspirin
INSISTr Unless you see ,the
".Bayer Cross on tablets you
are' not getting the genuine
Bayer Aspirin proved safe by
Millions and prescribed' by pliy-
slcians for 24 years.
Y�l Accept only a,.
Bayer package
w.ltiili contains proven directions
Sandy- "Bayer" boxes of l8 tablets I
Ajlib 'softies of 24and 100—Druggists I
Aih;itln ,1n 65 ltndr. mak (regiatornd le 1
chest) or meg Manufacture 01 l'Una- 1
neettcacieieeter ot,$allnyltcacid
home and visits around, as well, vegetablAn
mother. thinks the;TANLA•C': d
Pills are the greatest -- e e
"In all mf a.
Y ,ons years of oxplsrienco
as a nurse, I have never known the
equal of TANLAC,"
TANLAO is for sale h
_ Y all god
druggists. Aocept no substitute. O
o Over
40 million .bottles sold.
'Take' TANLAC Vegetable Pills. ,
1 Classified..
style Ford
Streamline Hood: W
talar: , Burrower Mfg. Co.
or spare time • w ng' at h
any distance, Charges
LuxSt old with a he
rite for ciz=
, Toronto:
and_ light sewing home; whole
Work sent
scamp for paid.: Send
-fparticulars, National
Manufacturing' Co,, Montreal.
Williams Glen Ad r,
Burrill, 116.0.1) Many add per
hundred. Premier, thousand,
$1,25 pot
Marvel and Parson's Beauty, $ 60
per : hundred. All prepaid; Fred W.
Whitehall, Sub. 10, London, Ontario;
v =. By Comparison.
"I ,understand you and your 'wife
take a trip every summer in your ilio -
ver. I Suppose it makes the farm wort;
seem lots lighter .whee you return?"
suggested the relative,
"Yes -- by eomparldoh," agree
Fernier , 6hakewell, d
16'tinard'o Ltnin —
P S Haab Cgti .
To be perfectlyro ortion
p P ed, a
man should weigh 2/3 lbs. for every
foot of ,his height.
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Cuticu a Cares For
Your Skin And Hair
Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum your cvery.daytoilet prep-
arations and watch your skin and
hair improve. Tho Soap to cleanse,
the Ointment to heal and, the Tal-
cum to powder.
Bnaayl, Bet Pre. or 18e0, Addie,, Canadian
no ot: eatloorp, 5,0. 8es 9610, Menta!,"-
Prlaa, So.a.pp25,, �tn 1049. S$end6Ua, Stick. es,
i 1 't i6-ou'I as a SMOte� 5ercic,
Entirely iternedied by Lydia
E. Pinkhairs's Vegetable
Conipotand' -
liberty, 0nt. --"I started with cramps
and beating -down pains "at the age of
eleven years, and I would get so nervous ,
I could'bardiystay in'bed,'"and I had•'
ouch pains thatl would scream, and my
mother would tall the doctor to give me
something to take. At eighteen I mar-
ried, and I have four healthy children,
but I still have pains in my right •side.
I >am a farmer's wife with more work
than I are able to do. I have taken three
bottles of 'Lydia E. Pinkham's'Vege-
table Compound anis I feel that it
helping me every day. My sister-in-law,
who has been taking your medicine for
1 some time and uses your SanetiveeV'ashi,
told mo about it and. T recommend it
now, as I have received. great'retief
from it."—Mre, NEi.sort Yore, R. R. I.,
ill its, Ont. Lydia ydia L. Pinkhani'sVcgetable Com-
pound is a medicine for Mir:lents com-
mon to women. It has been usedfor
such troubles for nearly i`afty,jiears, • and
thousands of women have found relief
as did Mrs. Yatt, by taking this splendid
medicine. •
If you are suffering from irregularity,
painful times, nervousness, headache,
backache or melancholia, you should at
once begin to take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. It is excellent to
strengthen the system and help to pert
form its functions with ease and rega
rarity, U
WSU, No.22,•-24.