The Clinton News Record, 1924-05-22, Page 7g iaaz cgJkr p orb. %9ed sa day a ,irtight taus EY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Oramie. fiiddletoa will be glad to answer queetlons on JPutties Health mats tars through this column. ,Addreee hies at flpadina House, Spaia+ t;reecont,: Toronto. Industrial hygiene is a.:term that shouid be understood by everybody. When we consider the large percent- age of the people of this province who are engaged in industry, the health and;: happiness o£ these workers is a matter of supreme importance to the - individual, the -community' and the The preservation of the health of workers in industry is what indus- trial _hygiene" essentially means, whethe r it xs in reducing health heti- arils or in improving the ;_aurreund= Ings and, conditions under which the week of xa. r r•i ca x ed on. Inti' 1 de ta] that n y preservation and improvement of the health of'the workers brings the same benefits ° to the members of the works. nie.. families and' friends, thus,fnereas ing immeasurably the sphere of in dustrial hiygieae activity. Too :of the conditions wide. which men 'an women work are reflected in .th home conditions and .surrounding and where lack of concern is shoe for the welfare of ` those engaged i' industrial pursuits, there is' °a Correa ponding' lack of interest on' the part of the workers' in the work they are doing, which is detrimental to "both employers .and 'employees, as well -as to the quality and quantity of the goods' or manufactured articles pro- duced. Besides; if a lack -Of interest is manifested in the health. and con- ditions under which "men and women work, social and political unrest and dissatisfaction become wide -spread disturbing and dislocating trade' and commerce, and affecting• the .whole strata of our domestic and'national affairs. - '' That there is -a eat need for in- tensive n- tensive'work to, ase' done in Ontario in the sphere of Industrial Hygiene is cvideneed;by industrial reports and by statistics. ' 'The time lost through disability is a very important feature to be reckoned with, it being estimated with. Where certain information is not at hand, literar,.y "research .'pork is carried on to gain the information asked for,' evhile in addition, a system: of general educational propaganda ":on Industrial Hygiene is being eonducted; A start has bean made in clinical work by the establishment of an 'ii - ue al clinic diagnosis d trf for , by means •.of which an investigation .is being made as'to' the prevalence of lead poisoning In certain trades in p g 1 Ontario. A demonstration: has recent- ly been carried out' in Thorold to de- termine the possibilities of "an Indus- trial and Public Health Nurse com- bining -her ub ahN s o bining-her duties so its to make both ph `of her• work as effective es ppoosste. Altogether -the' Division of Industrial Hygiene is aiming to rale . the general standard of health among ton xidustrial workers and thereby do ite d air e shown in that approximately 3,300,000 work- days per year are lost through dis- ability by 500,000 industrial workere In this province, To safeguard the health of indus- trial workers in Ontario is one of the chief functions of the Division' of In- dustrial Hygiene, Provincial Board of Health. To this end the Division has established a bureau of information which will eupply all facts and figures necessary for the work that is to be carried on, To prevent waste of time and the reduplication of effort, there have been collected the results of scientific re- search and practical experience gain- ed by highly paid experts in :progres- ' sive plants in other countries. This very valuable information is at the disposal of industrialplants who have similar health problems, even though en a much smaller scale, to be dealt share towards the great" combine$ work of ail Divisions of the Provincial Board af' Health, vie„ to improve the race and raise the health standards for all classes of .the Gommunity, "I'd rather have my husband than a dozen others." I think that's where' you're wise. A dozen is a lot to, :manage,": Let Me. Grow Lovely Crowing Old. "Let ine grow lovely growing old-- .So .many fine things do; Laces, and ivory, and gold And alike need not 'Ise mewl "And there le heating"in old trees, OId streets a glamour hold; Why may not I, as well as thee, Grow ldvely, growing old?" Karie Wilson Baker. GRATEFUL PA G THKS A RENTS POUR TO A LMAC Five in One Family Are Helped—Mother and Father Give Details. •. The value of Tatilac , as a family medicine and tonic le again Very force- fully demonstrated, This time In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 10. Kaake, 2480 Kirby Ave. West, Detroit, Mioh., where tether and mother and every member of the family have been benoftted by the wholesome and help. -ftil'ingredients of the famous prepare - time Recently, in speaking for herself and children, Mrs. Itaake s , said; a~ox More than a year our three little ones. -John, age 6; Elwyn, 4; and Merger rte, '2,—hard been so peaked and life- less that we were seriously worried about them. Their stonmehs were up- set, appetites poor, the color had left their cheeks, their nights were rest, .less, and during the day they Yvould suet mope around, taking no interest ireplay or anythingelse. "They began to sat and Bleep better almost from the first dose of Tanlac,, and have picked up now until you couldn't find three healthier or more active ellildt'en in all Detroit. They sat ravenously, the, color of health has returned to their cheeks, Gail the .. Just wantto be on the ge all the time. I have also taken Tapia% to build me up, and It never seems to fail. "As to my personal experience with Tenaac," said Mr. Iiaalte, "1, simply can't express in words the great help it gave Inc. About a year ago I was a 'Media of boils;:actually having fine - one on nre, and was eb played out that T couldn't de a bit of work for weeks. My Buffering was almost unbearable. l' cared little for -food, suffered with severe headaches, and stomach pains, and got so 'Weak and ner.Vous that e felt discouraged, Tanlao oarrooted my stomach disorders, woke up my appetite, cleansed my blood and toned up my system eo that the 'boils went away, and nothing of the kind alas bothered me since. 1 bane gained 28 lime and I "eat, sleep and feel like a braud,now Man. We have given Tauiac a fair trial and found it wonderful, and Sf; anyone doubts our statement they can write personally. We. wouldn't think of being Without• Tented." Tanlae is for sale by all good drug- gists, Accept no "substitute.• Over 40 -Minion bottles sold. Tarlac Vegetable Pills, for const!- pation, made and recommended by the manufacturers of T,ANLAO. fit urUr°:s°413, tonXti'4'4 nnta Fo illy, rn 7? 1t. M1c1,,, The tail cf lit of „ torten ago Wes Lord 'i e""%1 Pti. Iawreatta The :fallowing peettee from J ockeley Hell" represents the poet et hie best;— in ill e Springs foliar erhuovn names upon the tobin`t'h east; Iu fhe Coring the wanton lapwing gets hf wolf anothor'.creet; the Spring a livelier irat Changes an 'tire burnished dove; . n the Spring a, young man's Eaney lightly .turns to thoughts' of love. Then her cheeli was .pale and thinner than sliould be for one so young, And, her eyes on ail any motionswith a mute. observance ,hung: And l said, "My cousin Amy, speak, ands r peak the truth to ine, Trust rad, cousin, all the current of my being 8et5 to thee." On her pallid cheek and forehead caste a'•color• and, a light, As I have seen the rosy red ihtshing in the -northern -light. And she turned -cher: bosom shaken with a sudden storm of s1ths= Alt the spirit deeply dawning,: in -,the dark of ;hazel'°eyes-- Saying 'I have hid nal feelings, fear- ing they should do me wrong Saying, "Dant thou love me, cousin?" weeping,. "I have loved r thee long." Love took up the glass of Time,,. and turned it In )t.fa-.glowing hands; Every "moment, lightly bbaken, ran it seat la golden sande. Loos took up : the harp Or Life,- and emote on all the cords with night; Smote the -chord of Self, that, tremb- ling, passed in muffle ' out of eight. A...PLENDD LAXATIVE S t �ia�I�i�iV�l FOR THE 11A1 Y Mothers ;Mould constantly be on guard, to keep baby's bowels working freely and his stomach sweet, ;for nine-tenthp of the aliments from which little :ones suffer are caused by de- rangements ' of the'. stomach and bowels. Baby's Own Tablets are a splendid laxative for the baby. They are mild but thorough; contain noith- eropiates nor narcotics, and are ab• solutelY guaranteed to . be safe , and efficient for either the newborn babe Or' the growing child. By- their action on the bowels and ,stomach they drive out 'constipation; and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make the dreaded teething period easy. The Tablets are sollt by medi- eiue dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. WIlfianis' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Cave' Which Sings. Moat people have heard of the Willa - paring Gallery which` surrounds the done of St, Paul's Cathedral, London. But few living beyond•the hardest of the Black, Country of England know that there is. a Singing Cave in the grounds of Dudiey Castle, The cage does not sing, any more than the fa- mous gilded gallery whispers; but by seine accident ins its construction, the Sounds of voloos ring round its cav- ernous'svelte and become possessed of such sweetness and power as to take the cave a plane of enchantment, The tomb of the wife of Sulfa in the Homan" Campagna, will repeata line of poetry Wblcli:takes two and a halt soaonde to utter.. In a cave la the Pantheon :t Rosie the visitor, by only flappleg hie coat, can erects an echo like the report of a big gun; while an the £amoue Lean- ing Tower of Pisa the 'sound of musi- cal noted-, either sung or ptbyed on an instrument, are so repeated and ampit- fled that it almost weenie , as though an, organ were playing. Tennyson wrote, his famous iyrio," "The Splendour Valls," after bearing the famous bugle -echo et Killarney, A bugle blast is echoed and re-echoed from the hills till' it sounde as though a hundred bugles were blowing. If the famous Menal 'Suspendlon Bridge le token down, ea ;is possible, to be replaced by something more sub- stantial, not only Will a bridge be desa, trotted, but also a famous echo, The Bound of a hamme rs 1 repeated from each supporting, orassbeam In the bridge, aid finally from the opposite pier 676 Leet away, Lions and Leopards Ravage" North Rhodesia Farina. Farmhouses fu rho bush bordering on the :northern Rhodesian frontier have recently been In a state of siege. owing -to the activities of nob, The animals have dome ,out of the juugie in daylight and attacked the farm ant. male, carrying off sante of them. In seine eases the natives working en the farms have been attacked, and. several have been killed.. The' lions are.often joined by leeperds-and have appeared in such numbers that the set- tlers are forced,to;'go about only In targe groups end_te keep: a constant gilard over 'their familied and stock. • The' wife of a railroad employee re- porf' e, thrilling adventure In this eon. nection, Mrs. McLean left leer home at (*anise on a bicycle to visit neigh- bors. Reaching a river she found two large lions on the bank.• She wasso near that sale could not retreat and prepared .to fight for her -life, but at the "first phot the aninlale ran. She then proceeded and . shortly carate :;cross a big leopard eating an. by. The leopard also made a hasty getaway, but followed Mrs.. McLean for some Arriving at the term time found. ft had been attached for several weeke by the animals and many cattle had been lost. Next day' elle was;eseerted back to her home' by a neighbor and ten natives, alto, on,•leaving Mrs, Mc- Lean, found they had been tracked all the way by lions. Mrn. McLean's 'es- cape was probably due to the fact that the animals !tad eaten their 5111 of oxen. `Slew. tied 000o" is all right if yet, t t quite Alf e you're act too slow. AoSs fur' h:;nard a end 5000 no Other. Can lie :4voided by eepling Blood Rich_ and Pore. • he foment* of Maung 51x4 May 00 iced or lt,thay Tie•eairiod by bad ta1m' uneatable food, beet" and irre- gular •e-ttng Snsuf0elont outdoor ex- erci,5o.trnd net eneugb rest and sleep; it,contes' on glaonally, beginning With languor?' indisposition to exertion and ti .feeling of fatigue, . Later conies pal pitatien of 'the- heart and lien&Calms. Int the' majority of!'onSOS ennstlpation is 'Pr eeent and the- complexion takes 'on it, gvennish-yellow'Pallor, 'The treat- creat es - quite, easy and pimple. pr, Williams' Pink P111s.gio.just the tonic to 'remedy- this wretei,od state of health, . Thea sot ti{recily ltpon the b£nod and'es it -becomes -rich andhere strength; and activity i returns, the glow of health ecziies to0the cheeks, ''tad soon ,the trouble 'twill" .ditappear and geed health follgv: Miss Pearl Parise, R:.R. No. • I,- Realtor °, Out., had proved the 'Value- of this'inedlcine, end her statement Will point the wily to health to all other weak girls: Otte gays;—"I'wae very ill 'yltlt .anaemia. I could not sleep at :night; my apps.` tite wase poor, my face snit lips were. very pale nail my eyes dull, 1 got so weak that' I - could 'not go upstairs with. out resting. • Z took dizzy and fainting spells, had no ambitene'whatever, acid of did net tale, to go 'about X was in tbie copdition for nearly a year. 1 had treatment from taro doctor's; but not regain m stii•ou'th y b so my ether, who o was . ti cry uneasy about me tleeided -should try Dr, 'William's' pink -Pals, Atter tieing the pills for a while X felt somewhat better, and. continued taking there until. 7 had used about a,dozeirhoses, when I was: again well and 'strong. I can-'etrougly recommend Dr, 'Williams' Pink PAIS for the treatment Of `any Offering from anaemia.' You can get these Pills from any Medicine dealer or by _mall at 60 eta, a MA from The Dr, Williams' -Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Tree Doom. To draw sweat sustenance from the earth ` Without devouring meat that's stain; With casing bark to fit one's !firth And stand unhoused In wind, sun, rain— To have waved leaves instead of hair And a green color fora face; Never to move through life' elsewhere, But root forayer in one place, 0, what a strange life there must be In a broad, earth -rooted treel And yet, men say, when strieken sore, Trees shiver a space just as they're felled; ' • A sentinenee sweeps their inmost core That by their downward mill is quelled•-- As If, from base to crown, they tried To walk but once before they died. —harry hemp: Not Considering the Right. • Friend --"Did you say you'd rather be rights than President?" Old Soalt—"Naw—rather be tight titan President:" reit �RNs -„.._.r• Lift Off—No Pain! DA EIONE Damiat't hurt ono 0111 Drop a little "Freexene” ' on an aching corn, ie• stantly that corn stops hurting, .than shortly you lift ft right oaf with fingers. Your druggist sella a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents; sufficient to 'remove every hard corn, soft cpsh, or corn between the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness at irritation. ood to � - " It's g prove, in yourself, that not all the good die young. The safe way to send ,nouoy by mall `ls by Dominion Da -press Money Order. If you're•at.honio when BelI Imocks you'll be found out later.' MI,nard'a L1niioent tor r0smmr,tT. Fortune is like glass --the brighter) the"glitter the galore easily crop' WE NAVE A SELECT -STOCK USED, FORD CARS Touristic, Sedans, Oeupee and Trucks Ail' Mechanically. Sound and Many NeWly Painted, Specially ,Priced i'cr Quick Sale, Cash or do '1 Tine. Riverdale Garage,, Ltd. 766 - 763. flaaSorth Ave. . Toronto Phone Gerrard 2104 - eee5 A' trick, very Popular with stage matgiciapp, may be performed. in any eerier and has tee appearance 05 being a far more elabprtite Criclt; , then Most amateur tricksters • Tpree pieces of tissue ,paper, red, white 'and, blue are shown. The sleeves are rolled":up and the betide are ,,seen ' to be empty except for the paper, The rapers "are sot oh fire and while they are burning the trickster crusbee them in his hands, ,extingelebing the demos. Ile rubs' his hands together and produces from the ashes o"f tits papers a 'smart silk Aniericaii flag, The trick requires a Uttlo ears :to • avoid burning the "fingere. Melt magietans let tbe'. papers—eaeb ie a little bigger than a cigarette pia• per—barn tin unLf1 .dnF r a very' r;sntay 1l bit remains unburned. Then latera ie little' longer. The flag is Prepared for the trick b ybe ngrot led foto a very a1fball. ' This is,pushed leto 'one end. of a, box: ef'satet'y' matehee. -•The. box is put within .easy reach Tial placed se ,that the spectsto a ee - not.toe ;the end -ln !M.O. 1110- fr 10 hidden.' When --the -"magician takes a match out,of the box, he closes it. That forces the handkerehlettlnte One of his palms. The fact*tii'at the name hand bolds the papers enaht$s hint to keep the head closed with. tint exciting suspicion. !Clip pis nut end,p0050 it, with other of the series, in.a oropVok) WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dyeor Tint Worn, Faded Things New for 15 Cents. it n -..or d % i 1 � net• condition r a1 J n s BSoilutactitredbj*ImtairLfl Tot;aedo Cocrpppy of Casella Lindted• A man may go to heaven with half the pains it takes to purchase hell. Keep Mlnerd'a Liarnaant Is the hour® It coats more to support one bed habit than to support two good ones. ' AIL IQ LY us$ - and am 584r., *Male1 ata Itrtla ram . 11 12 Op. wade. Wrna tar ape. PEERLIEIie atOYCLii teb11WORKS 195 taunts' 8t. W, Toronto Don't wonder whether yea can dye or tint successfully,'' because. perfect hams dyeing Is guaranteed with "Dia: mond Dyes" even if you hare never dyed before. Druggists have all col - ere. Directions in oath, pookage. 4; Sarcasm le a very poor pubgtitute for argument, iipiard's•Liniment Heals Cilias If you are a law to yourself, you're a nuisance to'others' Greatest Professional Opportunity S tud y r Ghironrace l Toronto College of Chiropraotio 3 Gherics St. West Toronto Bees on Earle Nothing page better when properly managed. Bend for Our catalegae. of beekeepora' supplies. ' lexpore ad. vice freely given. Ruddy. Manufacturing Co., Ltd. JBrantford Oat, mitutiagensismatussousanomogintoon Government ns MunicipalN • Industrialla U Let lie send yon circular "IS"— ? Por Cent. Plus Safety—places Yell under 110 obligation what- ever. Write for It to -day, Dominion Brokerage Co. 821 FEDERAL BUILDINGS TORONTO - ONTARIO WIN 1000 MILE RADIO SET GREAT OPPORTUNITY POR BOYS AND GIRL8 Wanted everywhere, bright boys Mid girls to introduce new higlaelass toilets specialty, ally, Salle on sight—To DAD, MOTHER and, ,SISTER-sCustomers in every home. EARN WHILE YOU PLAY AND WIN THE SIG PRIZE Be first in your district, and mail Coupon below to. MIKES, L7JMSDEN'. INDSJSTII.IE5, - LIMITED, 88 Tames Street Soutb, Hamilton Ont. Keeping out of the frying pais is the Arlt stitch toward avoiding the fire. enta utut, ]l8tii7TllPiTLiY" O'f4Uver carded wool; sample, enols gh ligat comforter; one dollar. Woollen bftilb deorsetotpn," Oat. LADIES ONLY. . — nun BOORLET "JAD Z EBND mailed Neinvelope, free; easi*t'242da Mentz' Il NIGHT & E MORNING tb' EP YOUR EYES im+ri epi, a Cant 5eea• NeNye6p.ataraattga4 ,0014'T TRY THE. 'DOt 4! •' WATCH TEST Coanposed of Pure Para Rub- ber, , Highly Porous. ikl fl PUNCTURES nu BLOW OUTS Rides Easy as Air, Doubles Mileage of Casings. Aero Cushion Inner Tire & , Rubber Co., Lid. Winghan3 - Ont. Slickt Wevotautor$7tu , ls2I'owerrat+e cat so a►aeelwltiasuch iitt'leapuel', antilY Mm6rin/and')Yoryrjeasbip Gynlgnfeber • AT EVERY SARDWA E n TONG Please enroll eine .in your i7ADIO JAMS'S SMART PLANT 1RDCKVat.toifi; Competition and send nie .full direr- eg tions; I am enclosing 36 cents; in - - etampa„for, sample. (Name) ,. , . .... (Address) el. Old .Pao. l Batro-Phosphate fods- the nerves and old people need it to make theta feel and look younger. 'It's the one best nerve builder far weals, nerve -ex- hausted men and women and that is why druggists guarantee it, X?rice Ox per 'Arrow'Chbruicai.0o.;.211 Front St, East, Toronto, 'Ont. 'DANDRUFF M1nard's applied Sour times a week removes dandruff and stops hair from.; failing out. Say "Bayer Aspirin” IIS$;ST 1 unless pelf `sea the Bayer Close on tablets you. are not getting the genuine Byer Aspirin proved safe .by lnitiolls and prescribed by phy- sicians for 24 years., Accept only a Bayer acicage which containlsrovenclireciions Xlandy "Bayer"' 11oxee of 12 tablets •talo bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists Aaplrin 1n the trade tact; (rentatcred to Canada) or Bayer Manufacture et Mono-. aaatlenoldcater of 6nitoylloevid Can Yon Hear?'` ! P1008 watch' toear 40,5 w away, You should hoar data 56 Inaba.. Doss a uniting la your 0800 prevent your proper heating) LEONARD EAR OIL relieve* both Mead Wolves and boar akga, 700 roll' it hrrwk,of nava end laical In oostrtle, Nomar�,,1.113 For Salo Everywhere. Internet/14 doaernalive folder cent upon mated. A. 0, LSONAIID, dao, 50 atln Ave. Now York CUTICU . Fo rChilreu's at t Ct;ticura Seep is ideal for children use it i o and cleans n bit. tis para i g, p o n when' c kin is and ass Thi the s 4 d' bot, irritated or i'aeby. Cutecure Tel - Cum also Is excellent for childreb. 4eierl0 So,?, Yiee by SOoli, Addreae C*nadto be et• aaaadra, Y.D;Hoxnlse,?d*a ' Ciao o�opp25e,ol0trnwncfbaad60d. Thele. &, 'J;ry oar now Sliav;ng $trek. SACK ACHED TERRIBLY Mrs. McMahon Fells Now She Found Relief by Taking Ly iia "L . Pinithane's Vegetable Compound Chatham, Ont. --"I took Lydia E. x?inkham's Vegetable Compound for a run-down condition after the birth of my baby boy. I had terrible palm and backache, afid watt tired and week, not', fit to do my work and care for my three little children. One day' received your little bookend read it, And gave up take ing the medicine I had and began takire the Vegetable Compound. I fee's muolt better now and am not ashamed to tell what it has done far me, I recommend it to any woman I. think feels tie Ido." OM:olg rl' nt,g, 1 53 1i.arvey. St., Chatham, ' Lydia E.'Pinlibam's Vegetable Com- pound, made from roots and herbs, has Soruearly ftyyearsboenreetoringsielf, Ailing women to health and strength. It relieves the troubles which cause such symptoms as backache, painfal periods, irregularities, tired worn-out ,feelings and nervousness. This is shown a, ainand again by such letters as Mrs. McMRhen writes, as well na by one woman telling another, These women know,;' and are wifling to tell others; what it did for tltett; therefore, it is surely worth Lydiyour trialaE.Pit, Women who rafter zhould writsobotrto trhe , OntPini hamario'fteorPriva freeate copy o Lydia 1, ok upon "Ailments Peculiar to Weraen. 188UE No, 20---'24,