The Clinton News Record, 1924-05-01, Page 5nJ
attQ ; lssocia
yoursei:t' a na
ne• the ca o rn°
on the front
piettY q
this is `Save tare T'orests w6edc,
•pial 27th, to ATril 3rd.; Senstbie
teed .Patriotic v;itirens,r-howevcr; will
fi, tgerve the rules every :week of the
fifty-two Phe" camping season'.is
ooi 1nxg.. .Ea e gone should 8o •care.
£ul of fire everywhere inifpreat�lilain
or city.,'•
In Toronto, <nd probably'' other
places as well; many socalled drug
.;stores have sprung Cu) which are lit-
tle more than drinking places,
ter the first of Any, however, owing
to the coming into force of a new
statute, druggists will have to stick
to their dills.
,Pandits seem to have their work
reduced to a: science. The other day
in a Montreal ,restaurant a duan went
in at the noon hour when .the place
was full of diners, held up the cashier•
;and had him hand over the cash in
- the till and walked out again without
_so much as disturbing a .patron. The
thief • had got away before anybody
knew anything nnusuaI•had occurred.
'Canadian manufacturers are going
to find it difficult to compete with im-
portedgoods in this country. Ger-
man shoes are ,being valued at the
price of Cermen -narks' for: eustom
eduty, it appears, and the other day an
American lady who bought an English;
made 'coat in a London, Ont., store
found. two £5. B'anic of England notes
In the pocket Who could stand such.
competition as this?
One hears frond time to time of the
-cost of rearing a family but as mat-
- tors now, stand . in Canada •-children
under eighteen years of age are posi-
tive little money-Inalters for this
dads. ' 'The more of 'ern in the family
the richer it is, ag when making out
hisincite tax returns paterfainilies
-can clams $500 exem»tion:' for each
•:child under„ the •aga of eighteen.
"Happy ',. is•the man who has his
quiver furl of them.
A Belleville .girl has started' 'on'a
'600 -mile horseback ride to Washing
ton. She bears greeting's to tlte•Piesi
=dent and an invitation to attend ;the
140th annifersary of the -pouring of
the U. E.` Loyalists to :Canada; which
is to be celebrated. in Belleville on
-June 16th. It is honed that .the young
lady will make it clear that she goes,
by saddle solely from choice o'r some..
body over in Washington is sore to
write a letter to the'papers deploring
the backwardness,of: Canadians in not
having any other mode of 'travel.
Marriage fees are to be included in
.' ministers' salaries, it appears, and
_ will •be"sdbjeet 88 income;tax. It was
-thought that these were not- to 'bo
•counted, as ministers aro suppp8ed to
hand these envelopes, unopened, over
to their wives. But the authorities
't l seed 'to think that thi makes little
difference; it's so much income and so
a -source of revenue. All the' pea
niinistel's 'can do in future is to open
the envelope and abstract the tax per,
a,eentage before presenting to • their
better halves. Otherwise, they'll lie'
so much worse off every fee reedy-
An exchange editor complains
after installing. a bulletin' board
'the window: for which a sural. char
.was made, he found 'that, the to
-telephone manager had tinstalled
board and Was inviting the public
-use it freo of',charge. It. was not t
local managers' who- did this. It
.crone by the head office of the B
Telephone Company. They have pl
ed one in each of the small town"
changes; pobaibly. They not o
ene3bach'upon the advertising field
the newspapers• but they ask the loc
newdpapers to announce the -fact,
•free;publicity`for the •Company: T
. BelI Telephone-Cernpany is tho>•o1
ly converted to the idea 88 the val advertising; and believes in ge
Aft as much as possible of it free.
dna Private Sal+ "nt
iqomis Household Effects.
ed in
e M' �. ftom
soar ;t a8 ten
'eat si>xk+erlhoxm
nt ,, Those pea n} bentI8 d
8', m the g sat war ,arig widows
those' killed. are denena e un,an
and. it is hut right they't'dnld-'h•
ad adequate living.. sThis Cana
wes•td the men who defended tier
the' ` fields of• valor.. This matt
should be gone into by a eompet-
conilnilnee and the whole thing set-
tled in a manner fair 'to Canada and
to tare; men who suffered for her, hen -
QM ,and safety.
Cobalt is.rhaving a -reunion of old,
Liners from Jane 28 .to'July. 1,,"cele_
brating and eommemorat n twenty
years :of mining activities and good
mos" ancl'is' sending• out cordial in
v tatiorrs to the` celebration. A>
un apeomnanyi ig the invitation; the
editor having received one, gives some
write -
interesting infoXmation''about Ontar-
io's silver district
"Iii the early days silver was
pre -
(Weed for three cents an ounce nd
sold for:sixty; ;cents, Profits %have
been `enormous' for fortunate miners.
Incidentally the' district has provided
the rest of Canada with more prosaic
business such as boots' and shoes and
other sunalies than 20 foreign coup=
tries. It is interesting to note that
the old timers' reunion, June 28th to
July lst, will find the , camp at the
height ;of its 'prosperity. The rich-
est silver ,finds in thee world's annals
have been made in the past year. .A
vein, five feet wide, found just, six
months ago, i21 places is - solid silver,
Fifty dollars worth of dynamite' blast-
ed down'$l00;000 of ore.
1 ISaV a'nuntbeC;of household el-`
add tests Ptnsuture, Dishes, "ZCtohenl
l Ltciisil Etc which will he sold
of pri ately at cottage,;
us Corner of;Fulton and Dunlop Streots
ave TlideSda j,, May -13th'
da Conde early to get fivst choice..
Term`; Cash..
Cobalt,' while Careada's'bast known
eamp, is totally different: from
the movie conception. .It is a well-
built,! very orderly,plaee. The town
has ''only one . ' policeman, and 'he's
grown portly on his ease. The peo-
ple, however, have all the hearty op-
cimifya and the; gift"for enthusiastic
hospitality (belonging to pioneers. If
is not likely that anyone will have a
chance to sleep when the old timers
stampede back."
seph's hunch, Clinton, on -April
28th, ,the Rey. Father Gaffney,
Edna .younger daughter of Mr.
and Mrs". 'J. 3. McCaughey ofClin-
ton; to I. Anthony Mahon, of Lon-
don, so of - Mr. and Mrs.' 3,' J. Ma
hon 8f edbury.
SIMS -In ;Exeter, on April 21st, to
Mr. and Mrs. -Isaac Sims, a son.
"Deaths \
RICIi.9 RDs ---In Clinton, on April
29th, Mary Currie, widow of the
•t latse. James" Richards, formerly of
Toronto. ' •
COX—In Godcrich,township, on Aptil
28th; Blinot ']McBee, • widow of the
late Alexander Cox, aged 71 years.
SPROA.r- In Morias township on A.p-
ell 15th, Joseph Sproat, aged 81
CARTER --In loving memory of Mr's,
Ed. Carter who died May 5th, 1922.
"We will, miss her kind' and willing.
Her fond and dearest care,
ed. ' The home is dark without thee,
that We'll miss thee' everywhere.
Dear loving enotl, .. is dead
for She to Paradise -has fled,.: r
'go In our, hearts we'll always love
cal Till we meet in Heaven above." •
a �Httsband and daughter.
he :MIBLER - rn loving memory pf 'our
is dear' husband 'and 'father ..George
el] Miller, who died four years • ago,
ae_ „April 28th, 1920, ,
ex• "No' one knows how much we noise
my nuns,,
Of None but aching hearts can tell.
al But he is free from )lain and Sorrow,
as Our Pother donth: alLthings web."
he —His wife and :family.
t -
Canadian weekly newspaperelnen, to
the `numlber of 150 or So. -will take a'
trip across the *Atlantic in June; When
a ?nost interesting British itinerary is
being.arranged and also a Continental
tour. No pains are -,being spared,,i:t
would, appear, to malce .;his nn.outing
to be remembered It is expected
the partywill be received at Buclting:
ham Palace by ,the -King and Queen
and also, it 85 presulnedJ by the Priucc
of • Wales, on Dominion Day, ' 'Ther •
tour of the • Continent will include
visit to Paris,,'' where they will:Spelid
four days,seveal-of the'fatnous bat-
tle fields of Prance' and I'landers•-and
the principal cines of •.Belgium ', It
will be a trip ',and
the ]tarty will ,belentertained in iltiany
• of tiie l±naglish-and Continental ten
Cres by Trade .Boards or other. organ-
izations Those fortunate enough to
be able to Labe; this `trip aro to be
congratulated .-
While much thous,* has beer. ex<
peiided upon the Puronean trip by the
f• i'. members oi.tee-executive of the -Can-
adian Weekly P ess Assootttion they
have not by 'any means ,overlooked the
arrangements• for the •aminal meeting
of the'A socia:tion which ''tal es place
[ Tori hid on June 5-64.. " The ga-
therings will be lheld,in :Convocation
hall . T7ntversity Buildings. Able
speakers will address the: gatherings
and the members are to beAgiven am=
pie opportunities: for free discussion.
,of matters relating to - .heir calling'
.Arrangements have been -made :for the
ae onwidation 6f the members and
their •8tives in:the University residen_
`,' ce at a noininahcost ,. 'This will he
the first tine ,the 'gatherings have e
been held in -the IJniverslty buildings
but it seems fitting' that they should,
newspapers .being, .educative In •
their nature, The members of the
AgsociationiWho',reannot take in the
nversea,trip"vvil1 find the annual .gath-
-ering of reel interest and'helpfulneas,,
Baking ,Sale• -
The Philathea Class of Ontario
Street Church is having• a ;]:(date -made
baking .sale on„Saturday, afternoon,
May 3rd, at thr-ee•o'elocit in the far-
thest.dart of the Hardware at_•d Fur-
nitere stdre. Everybody .cone. 52-1
Auto Car Por Sale ,
In fair condition, geed, engine, eight
outside`•. tires Por..$100, :a'pply
Canteloll: •
• Bull” Per ',Sale -
Clioice Hereford Bull, eleven months
'old,=' for sale'.: Apply Howard
i Clinton Phone 42-606 52.:2-p,
Pasture,. •
Pasture for fifty, hed of cattle for
, season . ; Plenty of water. M G
Ransford • • 52 2
• s, ' ' P1 v, .
The play,'"A Dream That 'Canis
True," will be .teen in the town hall,
Clinton on -Monday, evening;" -liras' 12th:
by't,ho,Leaague of James•street church,
Exeter under the i uspices of Ontario
street church, Clinton: A I'missidu
35c, and 25c •;52-2.
to hint
'Desirable .hone, largo garden, 2
utiles from;Holmesvill, on the Mait-
land river. good bass fishing. Tilt_
mediate pessossion. Also pasture,
`land, liver flats and high land. Poi,
particulars atOply to 0. A. Forster R.
JZ• No, 2, Clinton. '.Phone 169 Col-
borne Telephone System, Carlow
On Wednesday evening, in ;town or
between Clinton and the cemetery, a
water proof truck cover: Finder,
please leave at Clinton'wlour Mi1'ls or
Eggs For' ffl=ttching
- Barred Rocks headed b`-' males
.from fir, J.' Johnston's pen., Meatord;
Ont., prize winners for 4 'consecuti've
years in Ottawa egg -laying' contests,
Price .$1.25 per 15, $3:00 per 50 eggs,
Pr�ank'Weelces, Varna, Phone 81-622.
Balking Sale
The Woman's Auxiliary of St,
Paul's church lyra hold a sale ..of
home -baking on Friday, May 2nd, in
the school -room at 4 p.m, A 10c, a-'
ternoon tea will be served, 51-2,
Seed Potatoes and Hey For Sale
A quantity of Dooley arid frith
Cobbler potatoes, suitable foe seed,
also some alfalfa hay. Apply to John
Jacob, manager Huron County Holne,,
Fara. For Sale
Composed :of parts of Park Lots Id,
I, R., L, and M, lying east of the Lon.
don Huron and Bruce Railway right
of way, a ,portion of Erie street and
that pare of. township lot nuniiier one
in the Huron road concession of thee
township of Goderich, lying south:of
the Buffalo. and Lake Huron Railway
right of way-and;west of Isaac street,
containing in all 52 acres more or
less, save and except the Northeaster-
ly ;portion thereof containing- two
acres more or less on which is' erected
a flax,mill.
Ii. Struthers,' Prop. G. Elliott, Agent
Mortgage Sale
Under and by virtue of the Powers
contained in a certain mortgage
which will be produced' at the time of
sale there ;will be offered for sale by
public autelon by George Henry EI-
liott, Auctioneer, at the Council
Chamber, Clinton, on Saturday, May
10th, 1924, at the hour of 3 o'clock
p,m., the following property: •
The south half of lot nurube'i 36
and the north half . of lot number 37
both in the 13th Concession of the
township of Goderich in the county of
Huron, •containing each by admeasure-
ment .40 acres ' of land be the same
more: or less.
'.Che property contains 50 acres of
arable land and 30 acres of bush land
stocked principally with cedar. The
soil is loam. Terms. 10 per cent. of
purchase money on day pf sale; 13a1 -
anal in 80 days. Terms may at:
Sale sub1ecte to reserve bid. Coni
ditions and particulars may be ob.
tained from the undersigned.
Ap ated9at: Clintond at this 22nd day of
W. ydone,. SoIicitos
for Vendor.,G. H, Elliott,'iuction_
epr. 51-3
Be. Jackson Manufacturing Com-
pany Limited; of- Clinton, girt,; Ma
'kers of `Lion' Brand' and other well-
known trade marks in Bays Clothing,)
On May '6th, next, at 2 :p.m., at.
Clinton, Ontario, there will be.offered
by auction the -land, Buildings and ene
tire factory and office plant and .e-
quipment, of this well-known, Clothing
Factory, in Parcels, as follows:
(A) Building and lot 65 ft. frontage
on east part of lot 225, Batten -
bury street the lower part at
present occupied by the Clinton
Club and the upper flats as start
of the faotory.
(B) Main Building and land ... ft -
on Iiattel>lbu y street
and extendifig through to Prin.`
' cess' street, consisting of town
lot 224 on Rattenbury strekt and
lot 256 Princess street,
(C) Plant and Equipment -complete;
comprising• about 50 sewing Inc.
chines, Button -hole; Tapilig, Tack,
ing, . Pressings Shrinking, `Cutting,.
Baird cutting and other machines;
Motors, Generator, Engine ancl.
boiler 3n separate •building; Cut.
ting machine and 'other tables,
chairs, stools; :trucks, molts, she].
ving}, Electric SwiteIiss and ,E~•
quipinent; Cutting; iVlatehing•ano
Machine room . tools and equip-'
went, -etc.
(D) Office Equipment: Plat -top and
Roll-top desks, cabinets,., chairs,'
• typewriters, adding machine Mi-.
meogrsryph files, etc, -
ONDITr019S The whole property
arid. PIant will be•ofered,en,lbloe. sub
]eat to a reserve bid and if bidding
not satisfactp7 y, the right to .with
(Italy and offer as separate parcels ce
reserved, - Parcels (A), (B), (p),
and (0) .will be subject .to a reserve
bill and will be offered .in 'det ail, if
reserve not reached.;
TERMS -10' per cent.,at time: pt' the
balance to he ,areanged;on cies-.
sale or«removel of goods,, Within
ays, in cash or'appsoved•paper ae
cent. interest,.
purch tsers of the Real• Estate,
search the title at their own ex -
e, and the vendor shall not bo 're,,
d to furnish any abstracts ;or
s of thein or to produce any
declarations or. other evidences
le, .other than those in his ;pos-
n, The purchaser shall, have
aye in' which to make any ob-
ns or rCgnisition0, and; if the
e shall,' from any cause, be yin.
g or hirable to Satisfy, he .nay
d the' sale, in which case, taro
aser shalt be entitled okily to'a
1 of the. deposit- money, tvitl(outl
st, coats or conipensat uni
20 d
7 pea
quit 0
of tit
Lost - I ten d
mica e ; with J,' Schoenlials 1 ,x511
Tas Iinter
: ale P r
Garden peaseifor soale,S208 lb i Ap l i
NY' to Mrs, J,' , 1V)anning, town';: or Green
617, 4a, 51 2-
Clinton, 52_4 •
Ravniond Trustee Bodin 10
Lewis Crich, Tucltel mite, Phone .2v of to:
n, Ontario. �- : 0,1-2.
o Swift; Bldg • Ldndon, Ontchio,
D. FI. Porter, Auctioneer,
A Barrel
Still haver
1 Calce o'' Gold Soap fel
O tilt. ST00
1,, `Raiitauetviarnseltulgoaa
At ' our Oro(
Assorted Flavor
Fp R
Electric "hinges, Fixture
'Wiring and i(tepairs. A
EGG: .
Our plant is now eomplet
whether large' 'or small. Qoi
We buy live poultry twe
to advise us what you have
old Roosters, Iate hatched an
' A11 our eggs are bought
according to size and quality:
Qum", Langi
N. W. Trewa>rfh
Day Phone 190
For t
• POJ' :3icl`
Office, Phone 199
Dominion Mafches : "selling re
only`i(rc.. 3 boxes fo
Guian's Maple Leaf aid ,A,
Lard in 34h pails, ri
Saturday's price,
1V[elar'en's and Jell-O .felly Po
- Extracts; different flavors, 3 fo
Canadian Mills tall cans, regu
6t Osir Special" special 'value
The Cash Store
,,,,For Sale
New ,Massey -fours steel, leder
ftl, Mnssey-11a'1•rie 11 -hoe'- <fextilis
drill, nearly new A 1
'1008202i, Varna, ,�-:,� ,�;, i_:_ . 61'