The Clinton News Record, 1927-11-17, Page 5NOVD, DER 17, 1927. TIIE CLINTON NEWSRECOtRD ;6172 When He Is Awa OR the niutual use of two or more persons a joint Account is a great convenience. With a Joint Account; a wife may depositor, withdraw money' when her husband is away or cannot get to the bank during business hours. Oar folder, "For the Convenience of Year`if/ifs,'' explains Joint Accounts, Ask for a copy Royal Bank of Canada Clinton'ralech Ii„ E, Manning, Manager, Of Interest to You :. -and Me Have you been vaccinated -yet? 4: d, It is time boats put into harbor for the' winter. It has been a long and -favorable season and owners ought to be satisfied to stop before there is;,serious loss of life: . Truly Canada is well looked after by` her neighbors to, the south. They not only flood our country with their periodicals, which conte in duty free, while Canadian publishers must pay dutyon any American' feature which they wish to use, supply our news- papers and magazines with comic strips, etc., but now they offer to write our editorials: The News -Re- cord received in the morning mail the other dayan offer el a month's supply of editorials free. If that isn't neighborliness—it is something else—and we are inclined to call it by the vulgar name of "gall." The Nevea Reeord will continue to write its own editorials. They will at least be Canadian'=and, as far as their in- fluence reaches, will assist in putting forward Canadian viewpoints instead of the viewpoints of our aggressive neighbors to the south. m e e * In our humble opinion Canadian newspapers ,use too many American features. An American woman *it carr, who is undoubtedly clever ru dap-' peals to all classes of readers,' young and old and of both sexes. is Very widely read in this country. We have one decided objection to this lady's Articles and't is that, while she eon- demes divorce and advises' against it in many eases, yet she SWIM to have it in the "back of the . mind all the -time that marriage ''is .-not necessarily • for "keeps" and that if things get the unpleasant for you in the marriage getategthere is the divorce court. We'll venture that she doesn't write four -articles in a stretch without mention- ing divorce, In Canada we do not 'sneak sn flippantly of divorce, nor do we wish to some to the tine when we will. But this sort of stuff, being read by young "people so regularly. has its effect. In countries where di- -Mee is common it is bound -to be- come commoner, because neople will marry with the idea in their minds that if they do not like their choice they can get a divorce. We 'do not with to reach that'.stage in Canada. Another objection ave have to American features is that the comic strips;: many of them, seem to teach h disregard for law. ' One strip we havein min shows a youngboy it r d s 3 1 .-some of the tightest spots imaginable, such spots as no boy could get into in Canada, as before his persecutors "'had gone a tenth of the distance • the• law would have taken hold of the ease and put them in order without the "boy hating • . to take ' a hand at all..; `Pei:haps that is the way law works out in the United States but it ser-' tainly.is not, the way it works out in Canada and we do .not believe it is a good thing for our young Canadians -to be reading the stuff. They get a -wrong conception of law and the Citi -rens relation to it, big e w • nobody in Canada. . Have' e d enough to providd us somecumin striSs?'• Some of the ones we see de:. not look as if their manufacture would use' un much brain power. Can- ada. is Putting forward some worth- -while writers, she ought to bestir 'herself to produce some women s--col- urnn stuff and also some comic mat- ter of Mune reanufaeture. which woyld suit 'the ideals' of this coun- try, rather than compel publishers to use that which is exciting the ideals of another, ideals which we filo not wishwto accept here. -, It looks as if any deference paid to • `the memory of war heroes in this town must be paid by the veterans who are still with us. The only war memorial 'Clinton has is a tablet which was erected by the veterans, and a wo- men's organization. The only-publiie service in honour of Armistice Day 'held here was that arranged by the -Veterans, who on Sunday, Nov. Stir, ,'marched tothe postoffice square and 'deeeretecl ,the tablet Placed ; there, 'while -no notice seemed to have been paid to the custom, which was ob- served in many places, calling for two -minutes of silence at .eleven o'clock ' on Friday, Nov, 11th. The town bell visa: rung' at eleven, nut, up and clown. in street. as fee � Ina C 1S could )(? seen. i nobody paid any attention. While • 'the bell kis ringing a ear up street started up its engine, turned about `nil sped away, another car down the .other way tooted for somebody to get -ut of Its way, so it cou7[1 get along, eereeesemesentalliee people walked . about` the streets, crossing and recrossing. So far as could be teen 'not a soul stopped in. their tracks for two ,seconds,'let elohe two minutes, In some of the Places of business and in the manufacturing plants the two miniutes of silence was ob- served, hub there was no public ob- servance of it, '- :Something' like .consternation teas caused a_few Creeks ago, when. it''be- carne p,•pnerally known thht..immigra- tion from other countries' had greatlie 'outnuihbered during the pastyear that from the British Isles. The mat- ter was brought . to public notice through statements made at the Ang- lican Synod meeting in Hamilton, when members charged that settlers from alien countries found it easier to find •their way to Canada than did those from Great Britain. lion. Robert Forlce,, minister of immigra- tion, while at' the time resenting the charge and denying its truth, later admitted that the number of foreign- ers was greatly in excess of those from Great Britain during the last year, "and he has announced since a change in the policy ,of the depart- ment, ' .whereby the, immigration of settlers; feom, Great Britain will not be see restricted :and that from alien countries will be under better control. This is as it should be. Canada needs Population but it;needs even more to ensure that the •settlers who corse in' will be. sc preponderentl'P British that this Coiiiitry will" be • able to maintain' British .traditions and Brit- ish institutions. Vie do not wish to have the same difficulties the United States -hes from uncontrolled immi g istion'•It' i'tould be better to: gii'mord slowly and tokeep control of our own country, "with, its ideals, tliaii' to build -up a vastly.poptilated count1:y, parts 'of -which will be altogether out of control. Canada had a lesson in the. 'Winnipeg strike of a.few-years ago; a• lesson which -one wouldthink might be ondugh for this generation, at least. Tuekersmith Township The buildings on the farm of Mr. C, W. Nutt, the farm, lcitown as the Gibbing; faimt, Huron road, were de- stroyed e- strt yed by fire on Friday evening, to- gether with .two days' threshing of grain, a quantity of hay,several im- plements, etc., and some fowl. -It only happened that about twenty head of cattle had been left' out, on account of the weather being -mild, or -they too, would have perished. The caue 'of the fire is sot known fol -t surety. The y. T e fi to was on at the time of thelectri storm o r e m but some people say it started before the storm, so that it was not caused by electricity, But that being the ease the cause is. unknown, as no 'one was `about the place at the time. Mr. Nott had sonic insurance `but his loss will naturally be, a heavy one. . • Londesh ro Mrs. (Rev.) B. Snell returned lrome Friday after spending a 'month with'. her sister at Timmins. • Mrs, Jemes:Elsley, who spent four • weeks visiting• herr. daughter, Mrs. Milton Hooper of St lelasys,'returned the Inst Of th week with 'Mit'Elsley, who went 'down for Thanksgiving. Mre and Mrs. Will .Fahihlyn, also Miss Joan and Master John and Miss, Cowan of Toronto spent Thanksgiv 'ing holidays with Mrs. S. W. Tamblyn,. Mr. John Nott ' has improved his house by building a sten porch. Miss Bessie Crawford •is staying'in. Clinton for a time; Quite a number,; '.p1 ;villagers are having their houses wired for hydro. Several:of our young people, cc- companied by, Rev: ' Mt Snell,. are, at- tending the Standard Training ,class now,,_being'held in the Wesley -Willis church, Clinton. NIr. M. Ross moved into the Grain- - ger house on Tuesday: They are wel- come to the village.• Miss Thornton ox ton of near Sarnia vis- ited friei-icls in the " eomnihnity last week. She returner) last Thursday. Mr. and Mi•s..'J. Armstrong spent: Sunday with friends near Auburn:. They were accompanied .by Mrs, Taman, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and family were Sunday visitors at Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. McCrea spent Sunday -with relatives near Belgrave. Mrs. A. B •L r 1 e sore f Y •It 1 0 Or 011 5" LSli. t tvh"s)nt o spent tkre_l>asi, two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs-,- W. Bs'unds'on, has relurneil to her 'some, - : , 'Miss ss Parrott of near Blyth was the guest of Mrs. E. Adams on Sunday, Mr's, Jones of Toronto is at present ting ••her Parer4s, 1 1 rti 4atnc,. Sirs;:11 330.1 iteeentl; reetein led �k •'Ate iVl�r?rrl poli tiii during, wtbe of moneys oto". ;.:w�riri'dv 1VIr,surd11t Ad her. }rouse vgod=7e ii home ,a stun .ii r nlarrinpes STIN$ON--GRAY - At the Ontario street United church, Clinton; on Nov. 15th, by the Rev: -'.A I . Dorn, .Melinda Gray to -Howard Scinson,. both, of Mitchell. Births: IVILSON--In ., Clinton Public Hos, petal, on Nov. 13th,'':to Mi. and Firs: W. Wilson, a son,, W,LBSTER—In Stanley township,- on Nov. 7th, to Mr, and Mrs. Elsner J. Webster, a daughter.—Leona Jan- ette: Deaths : - JOHNSTON -Suddenly, at, Bruce - field, on'Nov, 15th, Samuel Janies Johnston 'of the Bayfield road, Stanley township, ,n his 48th Year, GODERICII: A' proposal 'is made for a rest acorn, using 'Imre. of thee old fireball in the Square.. CARD OF THANKS The - officers ; and brethren of Murphy L. 0, L. No, 710 desire to express their thanks and apprecia- tion, to their friends for the use 'of tables, dishes, cntleiy, culinary:uten- sils, etc. Thank you one and all. H. M. Hanly, W.M., A. S. Warren, R. Secretary, _ CARD OF THANKS Mrs. James Logan desires to ex- press her appreciation of the kind- ness shown her in bei recent be- reavement, the loss of a loving.hus- band, with special thanks to the Rev. Mr. Foote, Rev. Mr. Connor and Rev. Mr. Mcllroy, and all those who so kindly assisted 'in the service, of praise. CARD OF THANIIIS C N'I'IL CURIE"k'M_t-S Conic'in tlirs nron{'ir it,yoii-•ti ant jour Piotogrgphs Mn' Chttsf,ras W re=:busy new' with Ghitr tn'as'order. Please eonic,tn the-:(iorenoon.:i9 pos- sible or early:in' tine-tei,ternoon.- Studili'Bours`fo' the Winter Everyan Tuesday. Froin>70 c,�' Ty- Studio is Always Warts Burgess, Portrait Studio I6IITCHELL AND CLINTON Member of Florists Telegraph • Delivery Association FLOWERSS-and FLORAL DESIGNS WEDDING BOUQUETS; Etc, Sent anywhere on shortest notice FLOWJERING PLANTS and FERNS- ' ;:..Choice Stock—Yonne _Plants Begonias,' Crerari:s Cyclamen Primula Ensile, Etc. • Lettuce :10c bunch • Chas V.'C oke Two Phones—S6w and 06i Christmas Gift Shop Where articles suitable for Christ- mas gifts can be obtained, from 25e up. Dec.Thursday, D1st Sale"at 8 o'clock in WESLEf-WILLIS SCHOOL ROOM Uncles- the auspices of the W A. of Wesley -Willis Church . Also ,.on Sale—H,ornemade. Baking and Homemade Candy Afternoon Tea EVERYBODY WELCOME — COME 36-2. Mr. G. W. Nott wishes to express Iris appreciation of the kindness and• assistance rendered .by his neighbors and friends at the time. of his- recent fire. NEW UNITED CHURCH OPENED AND DEDICATED ON SUNDAY Grace United church, Porters Hill, was opened• and dedicated, in anim- pressive service, on Sunday morning last. The building of this church was something of an adventure of faith and.: -it looks today as if the faith of those responsible for it will be amply justified. After the union. of, the Methodist -Presbyterian, and Congre- gational Church in 'Canada in 1925 Bethel and Bethany ' congregations, one Methodist the. other Presbyterian, united.- But 'neither church' seemed to just suit the congregation, both being a little to one side, so' it was decided to builda new church at Porters Hill,which is fairly central, and the materials from . the two old churches was used to erect, the pre- sent comfortable little church. The corner, stone was laid in July an. new the structure is in use. This church, therefore, contains the mater- ials from the other two and it has the advarijage of being newer• and also of belongin' to the whole con- gregation.'•The work ht connection with the building. was taken up with enthusiasm; much• assistance being given by the members, and all ere happy ie having such a comfortable church home. And the financial end has been so 'well looked after that it will'" be comparatively`" easy for the Congregation to; carry the remaining indebtedness. 'The pastor:, Rev, .R. M. Gale, _pre- sided and conducted the dedicatory services and Rev, A. -E. Doan of Clin tonreached both meriting Mee p o gand v ening. In the morning- he basid his' sermon on the words of Jesus to Peter,' Jno. 21:15. "Simon,' son': of Jonas,:,lovest thou- Me?' placing tpecial emphasis op the fact that if we truly kite our Lord we will feed the sheen and be active- in the good work, In the evening he spoke from •hIIatt• 25:40: • Inasmuch as ye have done it. unto the least of these ye have- done it rite me:" At both ser- vices his messages were most anplic able and delivered in a in.ost .appeal- ing' way. The choir was ably assisted by the hell) and special renderings- of male nuartettes, one in the morning from North Street 'United church, Goderich,' and in the evening ° the Lobb brothers of Clinton. The church was packed at.both•scr; vices,' many in 'the- morning having to remain outside.. On Monday evening a fowl supper; and entertainment was greatly en- joyed by a very large audience•in spite ofthe uncongenial weather. The. crowd was so , great that the• church shed, where the sinuptuous supper was served, had to be used also for the programs to make suf- ficient Toone for :all. The entertain, meat was roof a varied character. The specie.' entertainers were the 'Sun- beam Trio, consisting of Miss Gladys Slay, soloist and reader, Sarnia, Miss Gret't'p 'Lamnsie, violinist, Hensall. and Attlee Catherine, Sells, pianist, of London. They gave a very high class hod delightful program. Mre. IS. F. Kennedy, wife of a former ,pas- tor, rendered very fine Solo numbers, Rev, J. E. iIogg of, Clinton, chair- inan, brought greetings from' Huron Presbytery, and . Revs. H. 1'. ,Ken - node and A. E. Doan gave addresses. The pastor, Mr.' Gale, presided and Mr, Herb Cox and Mr, Fred Elliott expressed, on behalf of- the church the appreciation:due,all those who in any way had contributed in making the' cca for tl 0 S 1 splendid .5' iC e �' eL C 65 it had been.n t d in bringing to a eoin- pletien the erection of the 'fine church, special vr.efeSence being made to the work of ' the' cotttiactor',`-ti:r, Denmmm, The , proceeds, amounted to 3675, - Wanted — Stenographer -Bookkeeper A young lady to take charge of our Brucefield office, Must be court- eous, accurate and reliable. Exper- ience not necessary but preferred. S. B Mustard 36 2 .Oats Wanted . About -200' bushels of. oats wanted, also some wheat. Rev. E. Parker, Clinton. 30-1-p Lost - At or near C.N.R. station on'Tues- day night, Nov. 15th, it small -black suit case. Finder will be rewarded:' G. D. McTaggart. 36-1 Stray Calf Strayed Date the premises of :the undersigned' about August 1st, a. black calf. Byron Wildon, London road. Phone 629-r-11. For Sale A knitting machine, • as good as new, only used to knit one pair of socks, Cost $51,00, will " "sell for $45.00, Apply to Miss Whitely, Townshend street. ' 36-3 House to Renu Comfortable 7 -room house in Mary street, soft water, town water, elec- tric lights, basement. Apply to Miss Becker, Erie street. 36-2-p Auction Sale Of Choice Durham and Polled An- gus Cattle will be held t mile east of Seaforth, on Provincial Highway, on Thursday, Nov. 24th, commencing at 2' p.m., sharp. The stock consists of 40 head of 1 -year-old and 2 -year- old heifers and steers, also 5 -choice youn • • months' g cows. Terms: Six u Credit giveie on furnishing bankable paper, or a discount of 4 'per. cent. straight allowed for cash, Holland and Turner, 'proprietors. Geo. II. Elliott, auctioneer. 36-1 Auction Sale of farm and farm stock, Mr. Ernest Townshend has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at Connells 'sale barn, Clinton, on Saturday, Nov.. 19th, at 2 p.m,, the following:. Choice. load of spring calves, Polled Angus, 'Durham and Hereford -type, also five young cows., Terms: 6 months'--eredit,will be giv- en on furnishing- bankable paper, or a discount of 6 per cent. per annum allowed for cash.. At the same time and place lot 67,' Bayfield Line will be offered for sale, This farm con- sists of 9254 acres of good clay loam with comfortable frame house -and outbuildings. This farm is iii' a high', state of cuitiyatioe, well adapted for grazing or, grain growing. Terms: 10 per cent: of purchase money paid down on clay of sale 20 per cent, in 30 clays, balance mayremain' on mnrtgag,i at : rate of 51/ per cent. Ernest Townshend, proprietor,. Geo: H. Elliott, auctioneer 36-1 ' Auction Sale -Of'arm Steels on . the Demises' of Mr. Wes: Nott on the., Highway, 8 miles west of Seat'orth ,on Wednes- day, Nov, .Mrd at 1;30' oclock sharp, the 'following:' Cows—roast.' cow, 5 years, freshened 2 months; red cow, 6 :years, freshened 2' months; roan cow, 4 years, milking, to .freshen May 10; Polled Angus cow, .7 years, millc- ing•,to'be fresh Mar, 25th; blue cow, 8 years, milking, to be fresh Ernie 12th; red cow, 8 years, due .Feb, let; Durham grade cow, 8 years, due Feb. let; choice steer 1,000' lbs; 7 2 -year-old heifers' ,•10, calves, 9 months old; Polled Ana `e ] Angus, heifer, r year old, liege -10 chunks alieut 90 pounds; '7 Bog's about 150 lbs. each, Terni --Cash, or six 'months' credit. on :futnishing:-approved` joint- notes with six per cent, added. Geo.- H. Elliott, auctioneer. G. W. Mott, pro- prietor', 86-1-p. Eggs aof 4T.al:e tine aro Poultry 'Durr poultry., lop Orl.Ce4.,Or well hushed. '';e-reef'';e-reef chic' ens -sell'thorn to us. 16witp@ople wlso' ciijoy pou)h'y Io1 Sunday, dinner•, can always get the best bore -at reasonable priees, Clinton Poultry House N. W. Trewar'i is Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w Stewvart Warner' Matched Unit Radios We sell only, one make of' radio., There may be some sets on the mar- ket just as good hitt; none better than the Stewart -Warner. We sell them aecl forget themas they give no trouble at : all. Does y'o'urs ? Each stet equipped only with the best equipment to ,make therm function properly. Prices from 5115.00 up.. Circulars describing sets may be had at IIovey's drug store. H. A. HOVEY Stewart -Warner Dealer Residence back of Public School Clinton, Ont. 30-tf DAN CE Admission—$1.00.4 couple In Knitting Factory Club Rooms` 'on • THURSDAY, NOV. 24 under the auspices of the Hockey Club Ladies please. provide Dancing 9 to 1—Ludwig's Orchestra 36-2 Euchre and 'Dance To be held on ' TUESDAY, NOV. 29 • under the auspices of the WOMEN'S INSTITUTE in the Club Repinsover the BANK OF MONTREAL y New and'Old Time Dances at 10:30 Admission 35c 86-2 Feeders Wanted Am prepared to take in eight head of young' cattle to feed: Also have a quantity of hay for sale. Apply to W. Blacker, the Base line, north of Clinton. Phone 641-r-21, Clinton centime'. ' 38-1 Millinery Sale Estrirerdinary We are having a sale of Pall and. Winter Millinery for four days only, Nov. 18, 19, 21 and 22. These hats are made of Lyon's best silk velvet, some with: touches of metallic, and will be sold below actual cost. Now is your 'chance to get -a cosy velvet hat for winter. The Vague.: 86-1 House' and School Meeting The Home and School Club will meet in, the Collegiate on Friday; Nov. 18th, at• 7:30 p.m. Please note change of place, date and time, 35-2 Wanted Coon hound, open trailer, wide ranger, first and good at tree, rabbit and stock proof, not over six years. old. Prefer male. Give all particu- lars in first letter, Nornuin Boltz - Bauer, 60 -Prince Edward Ave., Niag- ara Falls, Ont. 35-2 Bull For Sale A thoroughbred Polled Angus bull, 2 years old,agood stock getter. Ap- ply at lot -628, Bayfield concession, or phone 606-r-31, Clinton central. P. Cole, R. R. No. -3, Clinton. 85-2-p For Sale One good spring grey Percheton horse foal -'and one good working horse, Apply to John Woods, Hay- field. -35-4-p .M'eeting. of Huron County Council The Council of the Corporation Of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderielt, at- - 2 oclock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 6th day of December, 1927. All accounts against the County must be iii the hafids of the Clerk not later'. than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. 'At this meeting of Coun- ty Council the appointment of -a Coun- ty Treasurer, also .an Inspector for the House of Refuge will be made. Applications for the .. above positions to he sent or ,delivered4to the under- signed County Clerk on or before Saturday, Dec. 3, 1927. • GEO. W. HOLMAN, County -Clerk, Goderich, Nov. 5, ;1927. s 35-4 ilohuesvilie Cheese For Sale Large, 21e per Ib,; flats, 22c per lb.-- Stilton, b.'Stilton, 20c per lb. Order from W. H. Lobb, Safest phone 605-r-32 6r from Clifford' bb,Grocer, Clinton phone 40. 21-tf Farm For Sale- Lot.28 cont Goderich 15;,oaerich 86 acres more or less, "good land, well with windmill, banit : barn, :'.hog pen,. 6 acres hardwood bush, an acre of orchard, -Comfortable frame' house. Also 50 acre farm . en London road, Tuckersrnith. Apply : to el' , T. 'Mc- Knight, R. F, No, 2a `Clinton:' Phone 604-r-4, Clinton central, 28-tf. Representatives: anted V'4 ant 1 Brown Bros. Company, Ltd, Grow- ers and ro-ers'and Importers of high- Grade Nursery stock want special repro. sentatives in every locality. Liberal commissions paid weekly. 'Write` to-, day: Address Ridgeville, Ontario. ADJO See the ;rla Set before buying Either .a or 6 tube rice reasonable Inquire of Mr, Sharp or Mr. Aitken as to what... they think of them, TELEPHONE 53 ardware 0 CLINTON A _VENNER, Electrician, Electric Ranges, Fixtures, $._., Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7 Cockerels forSale Limited number of choice White Wyandotte cockerels, Martin's Regal Dorcas strain: Apply to Morgan Ag- new, Mary. street, Clinton, Phone 34, __ 85-3 ,Farmn.For: Sale 100 acres, good soil, fine'buildings, small maple- bush,, 454 miles from Clinton, Will sell cheap and on easy terms. Will sellcrop with farm if desired. Inquire at News -Record of- fice. 12-tf House for Sate On Victoria street, opposite Wes- ley -Willis church. 8 rooms, electric lights -and water, stable, Fruit trees and garden. Also Ford Touring car. APPLY A. 4. Grigg." 24-tf-2p • Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes . cleaned, pressed and -re- Paired. Woolleir goods dry cleaned. Rooms +ver Heard's B_rtier shop. W. J'. Sago. '`° 2253 -ti Poultry Supplies LAYING MASH SCRATCH FEED ..: GRIT, ;BELL . AND BEEF SCRAPS COD LIVER OIL, $1.25 per Gallon E. L MITTELL Huron ,,Street Clinton 81 -ti .� Poultry and Eggs Wanted We handle eggs eveyp day Poultry Tuesday and Friday • mornings Call us if you want to get the highest..market price A. E. Finch.," 'Victoria St„ Clinton Phone 231 27-tf Clinton's CAs f� WANT TO ENJOY YOUR; RADIO THiS WINTER 7 11 / II LET TI THE !, HEAT FOI.K6 MIX YOUR W ETHE AV _ I2 tS WITH HEAT .WAVES A friend of our last winter kept hearing, strange, clicking noires when he tried tolisten to his radio. She bought a better set; but the noise kept on. Finally he discovered that this queer sound was nothing more nor less than his teeth chattering -with the cold! He bought sm load of Heat .Polk Coal to m`varns,up his house—and the noise stopped! Try this on your radioI •Call a the Otiefettg for good, clean coal ' D. Mustard COAL COMPANY' PHQNE - 74 CLINT®N u work under SCHOOLwork Shaw Plans for Day, Evening or Home Study Courses is easy and effective. Individual in- struction is the key note to -good results. Enter any time, W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Bay and Charles, Toronto. House For Sale Large red brick house, corner Or- ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms, all, modern conveniences. Possession when desired. Also a barn an 14 acre. lot on Wellington street.' Apply to Mrs,. W. Jenkins. 064f -6p Order Winter 'Coal Now Prices are lower, delivery is pr:onipt.„The 'coal .you select is stored in' your bin -and all worry is over for this year. ~ Orders Taken at-Lawson'i Grocery Phone 111 HOWARD CLARK Phone 182 WOOD I have a quantity ,of good, hard wood and some' slabs for sale.' - NOTICE- - I would like all old accounts straightened up at once, E. WARD Phone 155 Huron street Singer Sewing Machine Leased on Small Monthly Payments ° Big Discount on Cash' Sales Now is the time to have your ma. chine repaired and cleaned:- Repairs, Needles, Belts and Parts for all makes. W. GLEN COOK Phone 1711 P.O. Box 201, Clinto% . FORD COUPE FOR SALE A: 1'928 model Ford coupe in gtod running. order. AUTOMOBILES Overhauled an Repaired d STORAGE BATTERIES Charged and Repaired Gasoline-Oils—Accessories W.J.. Nediger, Prop. ASlir"I-IAL ROOFING complete We have a c mpl_te )tine of Toronto Asphalt Shingles and g Roofing for siding or roofs if. you are considering roofing compare ours," before buying, g with any other. This is the best by test. Feeds Always carry Bran Shorts, s Western Oats, best q tyuali at lowest price. J.. A. FORD & SON Phone 122 ' Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers ..