The Clinton News Record, 1927-11-17, Page 3... TheGet Gli*Plt Adventure! HEART "l'l-lli BEAUTIFUL 'W 1tALITONE 8I?EAK, There's yomethlog .About' the rich, hand -colored effect of this Radio' speaker -which immediately attracts' the eye end creates a desire to own ; one. The Vitailtone "Conqueror"' model shown above appeals to those I e hln "DictIrt..t v l Y who want something DiVerent." Near this Vlt.aiftone at your local Radio Store, PrloSd at only 121.10, or write direct to the Q.R.S. MUSIC CO., CANADA, LTD. 310 Spadinn Avenue, Toronto 2. "Neighbors?" "Nay, bores. M!nard's Llnlmetn for Chilblains. 20 Pairs of Registered Silver- Rlaelt Fox for Sale. E. • C. H. TISDALE on int a Slrticoe Lodge,as Se vart :D8 a C. ' We iso «k Witb Leaitite.4 If telrlshtn beppmes practical a telephone 'call wilt assure us of hav- Siu ; a "speaking likeness of'our-friends, No new dances -are announced this season.. The dance thingsort of got mired in Black .Buttom. In Paris the ladies are adopting the fad of tinting their finger nails in bands of three colors. Asa patriotic citizen, if the style is adopted in Canada, we move that the colors be led, white and blue, The' night was clear and frosty. The two tramps sat in a manger. SUddon- ly a ghat of wind blew open the door: "Ofd .pard; remarked the 'other triune, "them Char flakes is beginning to' Pall." (There was a dead silence. Then the .other tramp spoke; ' "How I wisht,, they was cornflakes!" Sonie interesting advice 'on how to care for a baby, as published in a newspaper advertisement: "When Bre baby is done drinking, it should be un- screwed and laid in a cool place un- der a tap. If the baby floes not thrive on fresh milli it should be boiled." In spite of radio, telephone, tele- graph, movies ;and the fountain pen, a rthc peeling press still holds its own as the beet disseminator of news, thought and advertising. medr f Rook ---"Will anaesthetic make me sick?" • ,gin s� Doctor—"No. I think not," a "' i? creamy I Rook—mow long will it be'before t' i I know a3ythin g " Doctor—"Aren't you expecting too much of an anaesthetic?"' "- lathe" Besf•for you and Baby boa. i ....,,...�...,,�.n..D�,eei,�•' re llb<,i a s ll Ml J til ttora co/ ,laizeFEE plan ahead! To enjoy Christinas in the Old Home is ChristmasitiEngtand, Hogmanay in Scotland; Yule- tide festivities in Ireland, are now within easy reach of everybody. See a steamship agenieto•day and :make your reservation while the best accommodatioq is to be had. No. Basis Left Br}tish Economist ." Thinks t 'Labor Unions; Will Be- I, come Extinct New York, --Bertram Austin, Brit.isit esam Dist, who hes just eonlp?,et.ed-a study in -the Urttltd°States alien' between' labor and capital. l,eitev :a labor ''uCiions coon will become antiquated because labor will have' nothing" left `to fight for. A.ustlr{>"'who sailed"receutIY for Len den, his home,- Made at sensation in England; ;last year with the boors be wiote,-jr;ih. Vr. hrancis Llo"Tl . 5'este of Fish WagcS "Titsyd •twoo' Riitlsh economists Ciudled for tome,tline' in American factories and t tdcilstrlesiand fren told the' British that the Arne/leases had a better sye'' torn of co•operat,on between -capital anti 11bor. During. the past month Austin visit; ed the Mitten management' in Phila- delphia 'railroad Street i ' the St t ear di?lp]tla and Buffalo. . Bothe the ;Aiitteu,.piant • and the Buffalo organization are owned pailially by the workers in the street car companies, ion ' in the best e Orient, Blended by men trained World's greatest tee; inarket. rd t "When', the 'ideal conditions exist between capital and labor there is no need for a third party to intervene," said Austin. "Therefore when co' operation between capital and labor teaches a high point and it taking progress' in boththis country and in England, It will note be neeessaty for workers- to organize into labor unionsee In time I ,believe the unions will pass out from lack of use, 5.r This has'hapPened 15rgely in the.Mit- liner Liverpool, for ,Canada on board'the duatard young nu., leavingtake advantage of the ten organization. There the men set - nevi oceangirlsThey were among the first to tie their' trouble directly `with the 9iner Acrania.;management" new �D fare scheme from' Britain to Canada. These five neer, Canadian citizens ar ns are full of enthusiasm tor the future. 135 said the unions were organized "' -"— as a combative unit and, as the TONE UP TUE BLOOD AND 'NERVES NOW Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Have No Equal- for This Purpose. In ye olden days after a man had looked over the field of business and had • decided that he was not fitted for any particular trade or occupation ho took up knight-orlmntry; nowadays lie starts a magazine. For. the Kiddies It rains alike upon the dust And on the unjust fellows, But more'upon the just because - The unjust swipe umbrellas. Cantonese Will Suppress Piracy New Regime Will, Act Inde- pendently of Nanking Authorities Anaemia, or lack of. good blood; Shanghai -•Suppression of piracy at cause's not only pale faces and white ;Bias Bay, notorious lair of Chinese lips; Ms the root of many pains and ; Pirates who long have defied every miseries, It is the cause of shattered authority, is 'the first job that the new nerves, headaches and backaches,, and Cantonese govsirritnent has sell for the always tired feeling 'from -which itself. orel n dispatches from Canton re - regain so many women and girls suffer. To I . g blood new health andstrength the I ofntly stated that the Canton group Nationat Nationalists which started a few blood s7lorilcl be enrichedd ago to establish a new Can., co - Ito a Packed in the' best ` packet yet found for tea—Ai ehslae. — Cla ssified ,Pn,darsrtaseme1i int — ,.. tr n7 xaussm'is e. 0 ilro'er nr, a is - LTB.AP1SONIC ClItA.Bg0PEON111, 51 :rfoleetiopo 5116,00 fol• $ 15.00. �aptt,epd,, Pelpson, ,940 Mount-Ro?ai IOaSh Ssonti'eal• ittt7pliQflH9 O:H LTfee: on.sF7s ANA rLARNESS, w•RT(r.�l I � C t tomo The Ito' pea tory, 30 Nelson BMW, lidreds Visit 'Tapia' I' ' hi Derelict Japanese. ':Craft is Brought Into Seattle v- ..bla �3eattle T3tiudredlr 'of persons. ed_.a.'cold rain here recently to `visit the Japanese '''canilbal' ship" picked tip orrthe Washington coast on Mon- day, Oct. 11th,: after dtifting helpless- ly :across Oa Pacific ocean. The bodies of -two Japanese and the operation between capital and labor increased there was less and less heed for conflict for i' am ss a a of Toronto,' ifo•ra m $2,00 Given 1,sa7 GUlLa sgimpply' 5511 60' Bets of Our 'Ftnteuli Otirlstmas Seals for loo -.a set, Nrie9n gold send us $8.60 and Iteep 00,00. We,. \ f trust you till Xmas. et.; NieholRs :Seal -bones 'of eight' others found aboard Co., Dept._ 604WL, Brooklyn, r. -y., 17-S. L the derelict 100' -foot craft, have been • Midge. (in thssanit and battery date) to the ' use to re- cremated- and will be returned Judge oma t did you village of Wavkoba, in Southern duce the-compleintentto this ',vital= (Japan, the home of the ill-fated men who set out from Misuki, near Yoke - hams, last November. • A possibility that the vessel was the one seen by the steamship West Icon, east of Japan last December, was re- moved when a sailor of the Areal. can freighter exhibited a photographsomethingthat speaks for itself, of the disabled. craft which refused , Bored Customer'—"All right.- Suppose aid"from the `steamer, .Although the I1 you keep quiet for a couple of minutes two 'ships were somewbat similar in 1 and give it 'a chance," appearance, the photograph -revealed striking paints of difference. -The derelict, hearing the name Rye Tel Mann, was found eight. miles off Umatilla Light by the steamship And there are 40 dues ins Margaret Dollar. The able's log re- 7b -cent bottler Ple0santistaka vealed than starvation and death , and inst Relieves nation l Pleasant every rouv of Cold 4 vessel.eves Pr theCough. h. ` after� Whoopings had the eYORand had drifted far out on the Pacific, to u" and eu 4 its. D n sofa Engine trouble had rendered the craft py „a druggists and g aranteed. helpless soon after it left Japan• lvMutualcket' z mited,z 142 MADE' HER BABY PLUMP AND WELL Nothing makes a mother more grate- ful than a. benefit confetred upon her have child.. Mothers everywhere who used' Baby's Own Tablets for their children speak in enthusiastic terms of then. For Instance, Mrs, Zepherin Lavoie, Three Rivers, Que., writes:— 'Baby's Own. Tablets are a wonderful tonic treatment with Dr. Williams da g Pink Pills. This medicine has brought tonere governmeif t independent ind p regimes, pre- mel little ones. They never new' health and strength to thousands all other nation is and as 1 n rapidly ani' is taking and bowels, and make him plump i • art P ofweak t 1 P g well. I always keep a box of the Tab- lets in the house and would advise all mothers to do likewise." Most of the ordinary ailments of childhood arise in the stonmch and bowels, and can be quickly banished by Baby's Own Tablets, These Tablets relieve con- stipation and indigestion, break up, colds and simple fevers, expel worms, allay teething pains and ' promote those healthful sleep• Tho are guaranteed Among Cdthose -en peepe• r who have found new an active hand in Cantonese adminis health through the use or this inedsi' trata atiiolan lrtdicatipn of the group's fa - eine is Mrs. Gregory J. Murphy, Ship Harbor, N. S.., who .saysr-"I tention of operating independently of bless tile day I heard of Dr 'Williams' its erstwhile .colleagues at Maniting, Pink Pills. Before I began their use ..it was announced that the 10,000 Can- t was in a run-down and very weak • tonese soldiers now proceeding to - condition. The least exertion would ward Hankow to aid the Nanking re - leave me breathless and tired out.• gime in throwing out Gen. fang Seng- - rk eng-work was a trial, and at times Chi, will be called back to Canton. I felt, verge despondout . A friend ad-, The first job that the ,malar Por Ito be free from injurious drugs and visecl me to try Dr Tilliams' Pink: time of Canton's army will be order- ate safe even for the youngest and Pills and I got six boxes. I had not' ed to undertake is the suppr'ession of . a ITir most delicate child. o Tablets are been taking the pills very long until t piracy along' the south China coasts sold by medicine dealers or mail I began to improve in health, and con- centering on Bias Bay, the notorious. at 25o box from The Dr. Williams' tinning t�heir.,use they restored me to land picturesque pirate centre against Mecia Co, Brockville, Ont. my former good health. I also gave 1 Wili011 the British authorities at Hong , the pills to my daughter, who was tong have more limit once sent punt- aenaemie and run-down, with the live expeditions. samo good results. Now I always, T.Ite latest Bias Bay incident was have the pills in the house, and would the capture of the .Chinese steamer not like to be without them" I Irene on Oct. 10, by a group of pirates, Get. a box of Dr Williams'Pink Pills who were driven off by a British sub - from your druggist today, or s 1 marine. Tho Irene subsegaentiy 60 cents to The Dr. Williams' Medi- sank as a result of the, submarine's cine Co., Brockville, Ont., and a box lire will be sent you post paid A litte The nese Cantonese leaders .feel book, "Betiding 'Up the Blood,"'whichthat"these piracies have -long retarded explains the-ireatrnertt,%will be sent ilia_ anon- anal development of the free on request. Canton territory and - that therefore .. -s----- ..-0.----- I t^ es- mist be stopped. Plans to gat- risotl the shores of Bias Bay, which I , OthOtl�ex, Clues, t is just .outside the British sphere at er 'Iir•.e Ranee have been announced.'1 Beware when all men speak well of you—or ill or you, Box -Oise seems to be the biggest thing' about the boxing business Most of ns try to but off eves'yUhIngi except a good time. After all, there is nothing unfair about a short skirt. it gives every man an equal 'show. Of all the bad habits a business man tan get into, the Worl`t one is to com- piain about business.,, "My gal San' 'a mouse 'yesterday," announced' Cactus. Joe. "Shellisnoweia. fultafeaxd,of theml'- What did she do?" aPke0 Iiasll- te. knife Pete. • "Picked up a rattlesnake and whip- ped it to death." -Don't be 'continually ideldng about the fleeher• Think back to the hoop skirts and bustle. Yeoty! Mrs. Flanagan—"Wag your old man iu comflortable circumstances •wheh he died? ' Mrs. Mar phy—"No; he was half woy under a train." • ROuntl Trip front $155 up. ' f,luklrthinalf fare— every g included. Sailings • (,r,1�Zf 8S$tTi'dIS ars iy 'Prom HALIFAX Dee. 5—ANTONIA for Plymuoth; Havre and London. Dee. 11--ATHBNIA for Belfast; Liverpool and Glasgow. Dec. 12-eASCANIA for Plymouth; Havre acrd London. From ST.'JONN N.A. Dec.10--ATHENIA for Belfast; ' Liverpool and Glasgow. tANADI JI SbRVICE e r end ASCig l' s'r 1L1NES Da THT1 :ROBERT :T FORD CO. LIMITED j onaiclsog Oen" Defendant (proudly) — "IVo weapon at all, yer honor. . It Was all - hand work." Minard's Liniment 'for Neuritis. Talkative Salesman—"Now, hero's For all pains-Minard'e Liniment, Horace—"Have ynu seen H ilc 1a's slew gown?" Herbert—"No. What does it look like?" "Well, in many places it's very like Hilda," The word "cheerfully" means cheer-' fully except in the phrase, "Money Cor.i3ay ,n,dwese7stonun.,TORONTO oieeer•fully` ',efttitded." outwear tom" ordinary paw,' SOLD BY LEADING MERCHANTS, EVERYWHERE ENJOY _ til-° d `., R in the SOU TH l YrQ q On the Beautiful IS1TT i' COAST laid.equable temperature; epetature• never t0 o boa i e v too cold. A land n do of history ant romanceBeanthful foliaga inspiringwater view s.Out. Out- door sports under pec0ndixxons.Mdern new hotealso apaV- ie .Cts edcottages. ctta .. Tie Pun%American, all Pullman trainbf de luxe cocn tilonleaves : ly at 10:20 A. Gt)f,4east pointy early fleet morning Other throughtrains daily. fta Qlorious FLORIDA int 1 is winter., Swlm and ,o, thousgolf,- inti oro and c[l]oy summet sp tot i service dat',P✓issir sdClnecm/nmenT eFlamin c and from CincinnatiodTheSouthland,` ''1•itr fr ams Cinal 'ati treru Flamingo, VF y5te for free aiesc,i' ittcru•rorr qr forinjormatton as to tura, or r<sereaiioitl— li it in tropical '• 9pt z -x x. antic 1, never.morean diluting then t ortn rl htthtou hthctvrttt t Ev rY, ti- .en ' s, p ^ S lc'�d'd through tra ec t J t " EI E• rORTER,'I'rdV. Pass'r Agent !OP27 -LN (D pt W 1') 605 Trancybctation Bulldina, Detroit, Michigan ulSVILI,E i &• NASHVILLE• R. H. 0. • a� BITS Hold their edges longer in hard service. Outwear other makes andar a therefore P much moreegonoinical Other �r®txhles Developments in the Yangtee Va andbetter. ordersfnreither , ley in the lighting between the Han• style shipped promptly. • kew and Nanking governments are, , onfiicting, The Limited Costa Rica Banana Plantations virtuallyE'Mul Wa 'here, dreports from sIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. the seen , Montreal _, Toronto Raided by Savage Leopards Nanking forces, howevet•, are tleelar- Vnt;ceuver st John 2-27 Tigres-the. local name for' the ed to be moving steadily on Hanitow , great' leopards of South, and Central a•hera irtntv.- enuceetrations of Han- America—are causing/such an exccs- lfow'troops are In .progress, sive loss of human life and live stack 'l'b" itankow forces are stated to , on the - banana plantations nfi Costa now are int fear ofea'reitewalerless rrof outbreaks d foreigners . Rica that an active campaign in the area. ' and general lawleSsnsso_,- Havana Bars, All Litter Havana, Cuba, is probably the only being waged against them. In a recent issue of the Diario do Costa Rica E fruit company inserted Cho follosltin g advertisement: "hunt- ers take notice: We will pay 02.50 for every leopard killed city in the world whose street ekilledon the lands era appear for work wearing starch - of out'plantations at will fur o in the' od linen, neckties ancj gloves, imd, Pneusis region. We furnish food with `shoes luminously polished:: and lodging to the hunters during la Six to eight' men form the crew of; their,stRi ebaCh garbage truck, and they work on Costa Rican nd ofte are ghtremm the run, a gong being sounded when rly ferocious, ami often weighefrom the' truck 'app'oacbes each residence' at0' k is 400- petunia. Their mothn toe, as a signal for the garbage cant to attack to conceal themselves in and be set out. The law requires. that branches of trees above a road and vic-1 the cans must be returned inimedi- time. leap down he son their iedthe passingeal- dent They have t terrified thata visiting atelyidethea careless ,servant and who over- dents of rural districts after dark" has/ been suspended sinless', looks this obligation and 'leaves ottt under an escort of several armedI Sans for a scrap flies of, ppaper is to be foteach. und men, atnd with dogs to run ahead. Poisonous serpents also form a con- , on' the streets, for afternoon are al - the staut menace to Costa Rican agricul- ways at work. Each tarsi laborers, The deadly coral snake I trees in the parks are sprayed, anti and .others almost as venomous lurk ;after midnight great watering trucks o theo banana planing. they g are -most ; seen 't ratse alltlhduste treets and 'dirt are l• totem washed the color oY tke foliage, 1 - with difficulty. Shquld the laborer be away. s. bitten in the .hand or foot,tlhe lusual remedy is to slash 'off the wounded Lindbergh Airplane . Wins Member with his machete, and the World 'Market sight of 'mutilated natives of the la- Califf -: ket of the boring class is not ,ancoteinoii. Re- San Diege, Gently the fruit companies operating international popularity of Col. in Costa Rica have obtainedt aprance s the' Spiritlrof St. Louis, orders ergh and bite serum from Brazil, and isen- pecten that by its prompt injection 1 for duplicates of the Lindbergh craft manu- facturer many lives will in the future be' have been received ay < ti localcle ani- facturer from .Tapan, anti saved. Brasil. 1. Inquiries Trios have alto been • cetye d from m s e tc rL1 British ca lou i. s MexlcoColumbisIeruni.ItugiaY it o lanes ordered nes fel t Greece has o use of the Ministries of War add', Marine, ^'while the five Latin -Amort. can countries will ties them fol', pub- i lie and air mail use,. "The wages of sit." are usually ap- propriated' by the aattorneyseys for the defense. SPECIAL WAS OFFER Mere is it chance to get au Ideal Handy Farm Mixer. Delivered anywhere in Ontario, $82.00, Manitoba, $86.00, Saskatchewan or Alberta, $88.00, British Columbia, $40,00. It mixes concrete, feed, fertilizer, washes roots, and has a dozen other uses on the farm. This is a Special Xmas offer, At- tach a money ordercto this ad and mail to this office. Thousands are being sold. Order yours today. Fully described in bulletin 120. London Concrete Machinery Co, L0ondon,:Canada. ' Ltd., Chapped- Hands ap- plied Mixed with sweet oil and - P plied often, Mlnard s will heal I rough 'and chapped skin. Al the naoclerax intlxxala um metal, has uses almost with- out number, a chief one 'be- �ing as a container for good tea, the best of all packages. +All Red Rose Tea is now packed in Aluminum ..and . we have so much faith in both the tea and the pack-' age that 'your money will be refunded if you are not com- �,Minalds Liniment for Distemper, pletely' satisfied;®. r uT Including The +1t lu . i li(0 You really enter sunny Cali; , fornia the moment you step aboard oneofthefive famous Santa Fe'cross•continent trains. • The Chief—extra fare—is i the finest and fastest of the Santa Fe California trains. Only TWO business days on the way. . No extra fare on the four other 'daily trains: The California Lim- ited,Navajo, ScoutandMissionary. Pred Harvey dining -car and din, i ixtg stationsexvicesets the s tandard world. the transportation in St Isis winter-- takeEnjoy out your family. ilyCalifornia hotel take rates are reasonable. loo tedt5n•alet®ar.Gnatit.Canyon Unca May 1.teed yon our picture falderal F.'L Aealry Gen Agent Sento Pa Phone: ltineaPh• AO hT inns , ort Limin B1dK )ac� tarso it, Mich. ' UCIKLEYS St 1XTUFIJC Acts Ida a dash - single sip proves It 007 PAINS ALL OVER Beef Two'lVIore Cases of Feminine llt-1 ness Relieved by Lydia E. Fink - ham's Veg.elable ink-ham's'Vegetable Compound. Barrington, N. S. -'Z had terrible feelings, headaches, 'back and side aches and pains all over my body. I would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good. My husband and my father did my work for me as I have two children and we have quite a big place. I read in the paper about Lydia B. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound, and then got a little book about ittluoug.h themail and my husband sent to Eaton's and got' me a bottle and then we got. more froth the store. I um feeling fine now and do all my work and am able to' goout around more. I tell my friends it is Lydia E. Pinkham'eVeg- etable Compound that makes non feel so well. "--iters. VICTOR RICHAIWSON, I Barrington, Nova Scotia. Back Pains 1X1 DuII St. Thomas, Ont.—"I took tour' bottles of Lydia E. Pir'icham's Vege- table Compound and found grs inthe t lief from the dull, heavy p - email of my back and the weakness from which I suffered for five years after my boy was born. After taking ' the Vegetable Compound and using Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash T am feeling better than I have for the past seven years, and advise my fribndstotake it>'__ Mrs.F..ToMvs0N, i 49'Moore Street, St. Thomas, Onto '-'in V �w Pe llti8•. oa o,aap ethat w a1 1 b'eP to ata G.--a.nh , 1 4 / el O w sn Renesehes may be swiftly and safely re l ies. v e d by y a u Aspirin s tablet. A most efficient remedy;andthere's no est its use avoids much needless suffering, TtYitcixt time; how soon its So itg influence is -eltJus'as leFfixl wlelv ftil,v e a cold neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, Just 1)ecertain t l you get real Aspirin—the genuine has Bayer en the box, and on every tablet. All druggists, withprover directions. Phvskians prescribe Aspirin. it tines' NOT affect heart w at Is aaua 'retestingItilo it orris 5utautura, 4'1'4'4' sp itn ,`lS.ak. Antillgelannn•ir mauupaciur"w.to.a5vni"aeuGtaneagainst :luu, ISSUE No. 47—'27 - •