The Clinton News Record, 1927-11-10, Page 8T RE CLINTON NEWS-IIECORD: TH3JB SDA,"S.'', - NOVEMBEli 1p, i92 CLINTON'S :LEADING JF ELERY 'STORE) a.' u . Rad 14T uconi, the 3'ather a[ Ttado, sees- the result of his dream in the New Marconi One -Dial control 'rhe' finest Radio of all. Never t, razor -edge i• � eoi tr 1 retuned c before a radio. like this one d al z ol, g selectivity, Power tube to permit of full volume without -the least distortion—cannot howl even if mishandled. It gets every available station with one dial T 1c station wave- lengths in metres and kilocycles, aro clearly marked on an illumin- ated indicator- a child can do it, Clear natiural tones at any value _Battery 'operated or Batteryless PRICE'S ARE -4 tube set, $70.; 5 tube set, $,..90; ( tube table 'model,. $115; G tube console model, $105; G tube batteryless 'console,' $325. POSITIVELY TILE BEST RADIO TODAY j 4JOHNSON Graduate ofTorontoCollege of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repair's Next Hovey's Drug ore INTER RCO AT'S The new Coats for this season are marvels' of style, comfort and quality. Blues are decidedly_ pop- ular and we are showing a line of _ehinchillas at $24,00 that are without a .rival. In' the lighter "shades we have an exceptionally attractive range at from $18.00 to. $24.00 and are real values We have accepted the agency for 'Pip. Top made -to -measure clothes. and are prepared to give service and satisfaction. We are agents also for Greene -Swifts and Berger made -to -measure Suits and Over- coats. CLEARING PRICES ON READY-, MADE SUITS PIurnstee1. Bros.. PINfil49274. PHONE 25.. t Have you promised the family "a good radio set" this year? It 'is a good investment in culture and you should not delay' the day; In present stage of Rdevelopment the fall and 'Winter months are best for radio reception. The air is free front storms and elec- trical disturbances and a good radio furnishes entertainment and in- struction for the whole family. This store is headquarters for Canadian General Electric and Fads Radio sets and equipment. Also B, Batteries and Storage B .Batteries and Loud Speakers. Conte in and listen in—and let us explain the merits of the different sets Sutter &Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE . ' ELECTRIC WIPING Phone 147w1 THE Ce & S Branch 125j Aho Good Coffee Let us supply you with our delicious coffee which you will enjoy GROCERS Main 125w tt r:. weather Needs 31'I1CNt, NEEDING ei SASH ASII US ABOUT IT We can furnish you with Storiu.Sash, Storm Doors and Combina- tion Storm Doors, We are now making Storm Sash, e trial order will,convinec you of the quality, Thomas McKenzie 'Est,, te, Clinton Everything in Builders Supplies Phone 88. ARTY PATTER Slallowe'on was the opening . night of the winter's social season that brings parties and entertainments into the limelight of the••activities of old and young. It's a natural. ten- dency to have .z bit o' fun ,together, cline and talk together, exchange ideas, laugh and play together—and that'd a party,' Do you sometimes find yourself short of ideas when you plan, one, "The Art of Entertaining" a small 355 book would be a help, Ovcr fortyparties aer described in the publication, some are clever . and unusual and meet the needs of the hostess *'ho doesn't want her 'pa-rty to be like"every other party, or de- velop into a .passive :weather -discus- Sion during the first course. We also have Dennison's Party Book at 25e, Showing Decorations, Costumes, Re- freshments and Games. Either one -.of these may be of moer use in remov- ing your social indebtedness: than a dozen orchids, and aninterior decora-:, tor. Is it to be a Bridge Party, the game that "Keeps on Keeping on." It competes .•successfully with, the theatre or radio which claim so much attention. we have a new playing card said to• be the first improvement in cards of this type for 100 years, the background is black, hearts are red, clubs green, diamonds white and spades yellow. Do- you get the idea of the improvement? ' The . black ground is restful: to the eyes and pro- vides an unsoyab1d $urafee and then.. each suit being a different color makes it impossible to .revoke in either euchre or' -bridge. The price per pack -is 90e. o " Official Rules of Card° Games by Hoyle is 40c, Auction Bridge 'dem pleto by Work is $2.50 It isnot only- the A.BC. but also the ' X.Y.Z. of; Bridge, for beginners, moderate play- ers and experts. Other party requi- sites are prizes, score pads, tally, cards, tally punches, : paper.,doilies, paper' napkins and table covers. The W. .i. Farr °Ca:, Often the Cheapest-. Alivays the Best 1 • ltr ilulllliiitiunnu n s nmaetri.114 Mr. Stewart McBrien of Toronto was home for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Cooper spent the week -end at Tillsonbnrg. Miss Mary -Watkins of London spent the holiday at her home in town. Rev. Dr. J. 11. Arnup of Toronto, who Nffss M.=Yeo ' of Blyth spent the Week- end as ' the guest of Mrs. Frank Layton. Miss Etta Hardy of Merritton spent;. the Thanksgiving ; holiday at her home id'' town. Miss' Witinie McMath of Victoria .Col- lege .spent the week -end and -holi- day at her home in town. Mise Gertrude, Wallis of Midland and Miss Freda Wallis'of London spent Thanksgiving' at their home in town. - t Mrs. Jack Glassford returned to .her ' home hi Chatham on Sunday after a six -weeks' .stay with 'her aunt, Miss Sadie;; Watkins, ,. Mr. I{enneth: Rorke of Montreal River " came home for his .sister's wedding on Saturday and remained forthe week -end and holiday. t Mrs. Westlake arid her son, Mr. West- lake of London were guests of :Mr. and Mrs. Georges Watts over the week -end and holiday. Mrs. J. H. Rutherford of Bay City, Mich., ispending a 'few weeks as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Robert: Armstrong, Huron street. MM. Harry Watkins accompanied ;his sister, Mrs. Glassford to Chatham the beginning of tine week and will attend a technical school there. Miss Ruth Ball, Miss Eileen Atkinson and Misses Eleanor and Jean Plum - steel of the 'Western University!,. London, were home for Thanksgiv- ing. Mrs. James - Livermore spent the week -end and holiday in Toronto -with her son, Mr. E. S. Livermore, B.A., third: year student at Os- goode, Mies. Mary Mair and Miss Dorothy. Heagie of. Toronto spent the week - 'end and holiday at the home of the former's parents, Mi, and Mrs, Wm. Mair. Miss Susie .Haddock, Soho is spending _a furlough from the mission field of the United Church of Canada in - . West Ctna, was a week -end guest with Mrs. J. C. M'cMath. " -- Miss Eva Carter of Kitchener spent the week -end andholiday at her home in town. She was acocmpan- ied by Misses Kitty death' and Laura Sluneuski, also of Kitchener. Mr. and . Mrs. Chas. Layton and daughters, Donna and Ina, ofHam- ilton were' the guests of Mr. and Mks. Frank Layton of town and of -other friends in town and vicinity over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn spent the week -end and holiday with relatives at 'Langton, Mrs. Hutchings, who lias been spending the past few Weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Hall, ;returned 'to Langton with. them. Mrs. Dave Armstrong and her little daughter, -Miss Mabel, whir'"have been visiting the :former's sister and mother, Mrs. ` R: Armstrong and Mrs. John Stephenson, for the past few months, left Friday for. their-homeat Pilot Mound, Sask.. Miss Nellie Medd of ,Exeter spent the week -end as the guest of Mr. and ]iies..7, G. Medd of town. preached in Ontario street United church on Sunday and Mr. S. G. Rennie of Ilensall, who assisted the choir "during the day, were, guests of Rev. A. E. and Mrs, 7ioan at Ontario street parsonage while in town. Ho1ida - - C ristm ow about t New Seedless Raisins 216 29c New Seeded Raisins '- 17c,, dbii plug '18c " Australian' -Currants 19c New Sultana Raisins For eeaiet Mix Peels,.'lernon&orange_ 25 New•:Australian Raisins 19 Cut Peels :per tin 20 - 10 lbs: Gran.' Sugar 73c 3 lbs: Sodas for . , 29c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. for. 25c Campbell's Soap , 155 Mixed Nuts, per lb, , 30c Prune week Large size, per Ib. 25e Medium size, per lb, .... 155 Smaller, @ ze- per lb. 10c •- White Beans, 4 lbs. for 25c Breakfast Bacon, per Ib. 29c Sinoked Roll, per lb, 28c 155 20c Peaches, per lb, Apricots, per lb. Marnmy's Pineapple walnut- Roll each 25c Week -end Specials—Friday and Saturday only 10 -bars P. & G.Soap .. . "43c 5 1b. Pail' Lard 955 3 •ib.' Pail lard' ; , . 555 Eagle Brand Milk , , 23e Grapes, per lb. Celery, per bunch Lux, per pkg, Syrup, 5 lb. pail 155 Clarks Soups, 3 for ., 10c lle 35c,. Ammonia, 3:for ..... Jelly. Powders, 3 for 27e 23e 19c Pineapple and Date Salad Dissolve 1 package of •Lemon gelatin in 1 cupful, of boiling water. - When almost cool add 1 cupful of crushed pineapple, 1 cupful of chopped stoned. dates and 1 cupful of walnuts. Set aside to cool, Turn out .on let- tuce,• Serve with mayonnaise. Crushed Pi-neapple ,25c New Dates at 10c IN THE MORNING' FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. Cash and Service W. -«T. O'Neil ORDER EARLY Phone 48 ra WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS 10444AN014*~Mit ~NW MitAXIVIIIAMPAIVMAWAMOSV. *WO 04,140001.1; mer arnor•IMMignisminewanaRaeo SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Beacon; Breakfast 25c lb, in piece Pure Lard 10-1b pail $1.74 Broken Sodas, 3 lbs. for . 29e Canned Peas, 2 for 25c ,Matches, 8 boxes for .... 250 Canted Tomatoes, 2 for .. 25e Corn Syrup, 5 lb, pail for 38e Ginger Snaps, 2 Ib for , . 25c Marmalade, large jar . , . , 40e Rice, 3' lbs. for , .., . .... 25e Seedless Raisins; 2 Ib. for 29e Jelly Powders, 4.for ...• 25e Prunes,. perlb. .. 10e- Vanilla, large'. .'.... 250 Choice Apricots, petty?, , 25e Mine Meat, per lb, 20e FILLETS-I"INNAN ITADDIE—COD FISH LETTUCE--CELERY—GRAPES-CITRONS, Etc. - PHONE III LAWSON 8' CO. PROMPT DELIVERY People You Know Mr, Ray Carter. of .Toronto spent the holiday, at 'his .home in town. Mr. Jack Bawden of Hamilton Was home over the week -end and holi- day. Miss Nora Kennedy of Mildmay Was home over the week -end and holi- day, Miss` Alice Sloiran' of Stratford was home over the -week -end and holi- day. Mrs. J, W. Shcbbrook, who has been visiting in Toronto, has returned home. Miss Mary-. McM,urehie of Toronto' "was home for the week -end and holiday. Mrs. E. Steepe and little son were up from London for a few days. with relatives. - MSsa Brown of Toronto hasbeen vis- iting at the hone of her brother, Mr W. C. Brown.. ' Mr. Jack , Gibbing.s of the Western University spent Thanksgiving 'at -his home in town. Mr. and Mrs, L,' J. Wasinan and Miss Helen of Toronto' were in town for the Thanksgiving holiday. Miss Norma Bentley bitLondon spent the Thanksgilring holiday with her sister,, Mrs. Morgan Agnew. Mr Robert Hunter of the Toronto University spent •thd week -end, and holiday at his home in town. Mr. Will Grant of Windsor was home for Thanksgiving, Visiting his par- ents, Mr. and, Mr's." W. A. Grant. Mr. Charles Cole ,nuRored up from London and ' spent Thanksgiying with -his' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cole, Misses ` Mary McTaggart of Toronto and Catherine McTaggart of Mac- donald Institute, Guelph, were home over the holiday Period, Mr. -and Mrs. french o4 Midland vis- ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook of Clinton and Mr, and Mrs. L. Peacock' of Mullett. Miss Olive Schoenhals left Monday to takea position in the office of Mr, Duncan, director of agricultur- al representatives, Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture, Toronto. Mr, Thos. Judd and Miss Annie at- tended the funeral of the former's• daughter, Mrs.' N. W. Rymer of Fostoria, Ohio, which took place in St. Catharines on Monday. Miss Morwennow Judd had been with her sister, for several days prior to het death; COAL D. L. and yT. Coal and Servet -Sol- vay Coke alawys on hand for immed- iate delivery; Also a quantity of 'dry Maple Wood Prices :reasonable and •same to all 'Orders taken at Sutter and Per - due's and accounts�/■■may be' paid there.��� W. J. TILLER. & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. Phone 46 STOVES For leaning and Cooking See our new Quebec Ranges and. Heaters. Just what the family needs for the coming winter, SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAYS Clare Bros. Products and the ",Circulator" made by 'Dominion Service Co. MAKE' AN INSPECTION' OF OUR LINES—AT RIGHT PRICES Agent for Louden Oil Burner HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 How About Some' Real Comfort ? Since fall is here again; and yon will be spending most of your evenings. at home you would surely enjoy yourselves more with a few good comfortable chairs or a Chesterfield Suite. We have a fine, large stock of both which are built for Strength, Beauty and Contfort. r Then.for good refreshing sleep it will pay you to discard that worn out mattress for a Marshall or Sinunons spring -filled Mattress. Proms ranging front $26.00 to $37.50 and you wiII agree with us that yau, could not spend the same amount in any better way. If it is something a Iittle cheaper we have good values in all layer -felt mattresses from $12.00 to $19.00. Also a. good assortment of Springs and Walnut Steel Beds. /HARDWARE DEPT. As usual we have a splendid stock of the famous Beach ranges and heaters also other makes to suit your price. ' Some; Extra Special Values in Electric Heaters and Irons ,A BARGAIN -6 50 -gal. Steel Drums at $2.00' each Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK ° FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 `l'.t�iR THE.a1'T E c MONDAY, ' EESDAY AND WEDNESDAY-NOV. 14, 15 and 16 The greatest of all British Pietures—Britain's hero of the Sea NELSON Admission -25e and 15e THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY---NOV. 17, 18 and -19 Bebe .Daniels in A KISS IN A TAXI A Man' --A Miss --A Cab—A Kiss --Began a feast of fun' like this/ Admission -25e and 15c NOW .PLAYING IIID BOOTS ' e Admission -25e and 15e We Pay Spot Cash for Eggs and t'oil'try Good Quality Brings Good Paces `unn Langlois. Limited � Co.,y HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QIJE, CLINTON BRANCH,CLINTON ONTARIO' '° PHONE 190 eriessexto