The Clinton News Record, 1927-04-28, Page 10CLINTON'S LEADING :TEWELLIRY'STORE Do not' torture your eyes. To nog, lest your, eyes when • they trouble you is '.to torture them. They are delicate'organs,,and neglect of them very often results in permanent in- jury. Asa 'precaution, ' recommend that you have thecal examined. If -.your eyes smart, tear, or are Strained; let us examine them. ` 'We are here to keep- your eyes in good 'condition. We situ supply you with glasses that will correct your eye trouble and fit your, face, R. H. JOHNSON Graduate .of. Toronto College of Optometry Fine -Jewellery ;and Repairs :Next Hovey's Drug Store li WORK BOOT; At Bargain -Prices Where are you buying your Work 13oo4 and what are you paying for them? Have you been getting the best value for your money? The kind we sell are purchased direct from the manufacturers in quantities to secure the lowest possible prices, They'are made of solid leather to give satisfactory service and our reduced prices place them below the keenest competition. Before. buying investigate our line of reliable work, boots for men and boys from $2.50 up. • lumsteel Bros. PHONB 25, • Fresh Vegetables Leaf Lettuce, New Cabbage This is the season of the year. when every appetite craves green stuff, fruits and vegetables �+ !111E - C, & S. GROCERS • ;,l 'L+- 1'HONES-125w and 125j eieemieeeeeeeeese 1 NI The biggest investment in painting time and lab- our—so. if you are going to paint, give time labour to the job, why not use the BEST ' paint? Brandram-Henderson paint is mixed from 'highest' rade leads and purest oils by chemists who have made a life study in paint mixing. • We have all kinds of paint, iv outside or inside work, enamels, ghellaas, lanuers and varnishes; is In the and :ter. er.C4 to `PLUMBING HARDWARE ` 'ELECTRIC WIRING -" PHONE 147w ° We Serve and Satisfy Canned. _Tomato 1r APRIL 30th TO MAY 7th `. CANNED GOODS Canned Tomatoes ., 2 for 25e. ;Canned Tomatoes,,l8c, 2 for 35e Canned 'Peas 2 for.25e Canned Peas (No 2) .... 18c Campbell's Tomato Soup- . 15c L ibby's'Pork & Beans 2 for 25c Pure Raspberry 'or Straw- berry jam, 4 lb. tin .... 75c Canned Apples 2 for 25c PHONE 111 e SPECIALS Corn Flakes .;.. . 3 for 29'c Sheriff's' Jelly Powders with tumber .. 25e Fancy Seedless Raisins 2 for 29c 3 large boxes -Matches ; 25c 10 bars P, & G. Soap :.... 59c: Bulls Cocoa .... 2 lb. for 29c 8 pkg. Lux and Tea Spoon (Rogers 1881) ,.. `49e FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON • so 59. Co. PROMPT DELIVERY TIER .0 Don't Let Your, Only Mother be a Lonely Mother on Mother's Day; Sunday, May 8i Most of us think very highly of. our Mothers, but is it not. so'that many of us think infrequently about them. Are we too busy for the trouble or too practical for the sentiment to send her a greeting. She isn't saying any- thing about it but she knows that the day is coming, or she. may pretend that it's all, nonsense` to have a day for her, but nevertheless -her moth- er's heart will • glow with secret .joy at token of her children's thought, and it might be that she would long remember that you failed to express the sentiment she longs to hear, An attractive card expressing sen- timents of esteem and affection is a proper way to let her know that you remember her. ' She will admire the flowers and taste" the candy so long as they last but she will read and re- read the greetings—the mottos -the messages that are expressive of love, affection and remembrance. She will be of you—wherever you are. Let her know that you are thinking of her -wherever she is. Whistler's renowned "Mother" picture at i5c, 25c, 35e and 50c Me W. II Fair Co. Often the Cheapest Always the Best e I�ilp�'�lonl ilis'1s h115'I a 1 "iiiJ m jut girf i lm� l ri Mr. Jack Bawden returned to Hamil- ton on Saturday. Mrs. C. H. Bartliff has been visit- ing Seaforth friends. - Mrs. John Hunter is visiting Seaforth friends for a few weeks. Miss- Marion Gibbings returned Sat - melee, afternoon to Essex: Miss Etta Hardy returned the end of the wek to her school "at Manila. Miss Ruth Shobbrook is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Willard of Detroit. Mrs, Win. McOlinchey and -Miss Beat- rice visited friends in Detroit over the week -end._ Mr. John C. Sterling, who,,hss spent the winter at Jackson, Mich., has returned to town. Miss E. IVIo`rrison of Hensell spent last week at the home of her broth er, Mr. E. W. Morrison. Miss A. Bartliff returned last week- end to Aurora, after spending the Eastertide at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. W.'J. McWhinney and family of Goderich visited Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Walker during the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Morrison visited ' Toronto last week and attended the Conservative convention and ban- quet. an-quer Mrs. W. J. Bracewell of Toronto has, returned to her home after spend- . ing a few ,. days . with Mrs. J. L. Heard. • Rev. A: Macfarlane is' in Hamilton this 'week attending the meeting of. the Synod of the Presbyterian • Church. Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeley and Master Harold visited .during -Master week with Mr. and le rs. A. F. Johns at Vineland. ' Mrs. M. -J. Schoenhais and family and Mrs. R., H. Johnson of Clinton vis- ited relatives }n towp last week,— Goderich Signal, Mrs. N. A. I'hoellix-'Tincl' children left for their hGnie in Hamilton on Sat- - 'twiny after spending the Easter week with relatives herd. Mrs, Edgar Cross and her two little SODS, Masters Billy and Teddy, left td -day for their•home'in Wind- .-asor, after it visit of some weeks with .Dr. Gunn, Mr, and. Mrs. E. W. Rodaway returned to town on Monday.'.after spending the winter -at '"Welkerville;; with their, daughter. Mr. Rodaway also visited in Chicago fore time during ,.the winter. Mrs. R. A. Bell left Saturday on a holiday visit to her son in Toronto; her daughter' in Allendale and also will visit friends in North Bay, Silverhill, Simeoe and Stratford. She will be absent for a fortnight. Mrs. E. F. T. Watson and children of Hamilton Spent Easter week at the home of the lady's sister, Mrs. G. A. Walker, Rattenbury street. 'Mi. Watson motored up for the week- end. Mr. K. Rorke and Mr. H. Hopkins, who spent the Easter vacation at the home of the former in town, retuned last week -end to Kin- mount. They were accompanied as far as Toronto by Miss Florence Cuninghame ' and Miss Dorothy Rorke, • Mr. and Mrs. S. Hanle, who have re- turned from Yellowgrass, Sask., were in town the other day. Hav- ing disposed of 'his farm in the west Mr. Manna intends remaining in Ontario for a trite at least. Mr. Hanna has heed in Saskatchewan for over twenty-five years and has succeeded fairly well, having es- caped Yrost, hail, etc. For a few years past he' has resided in S'el- lowg'r•ass, working a farm eight miles out. He will for the present take up residence in his old town INTON' NEWS -RECORD: TIIUlRSDA,V APRIL 28, 1927. ftwvitoommmAtlativolotworootivimotwomegottowomfoveloomotomoomksoimo p'tor er Nrocer INTItODUCING S ER .I A''S PRODUCTS Sherriff s Vanilla and Paring Knife 25c , Sherriff's ,felly Powder and Tumbler Sherriff's ,felly Powders 4 for 25c: Sherriff's Pineapple' Marmalade Sherriff's Orange Marmalade, large size.• 45c. • 25c: 35c Also De Lux and Jell Jell 4 for 25c ' We are still talking Sugar and we are ,leaving this thought withou Sugar has �' g .. a dvarlced We fan still give you a �- • nlarka'ble price oh Dominion and Redpath's, by the sack. Week -end Specials 10 bars .P. & G. and. Somme Soap 49e' 4 lbs. Corn Meal ..... e, 4 lbs. Breakfast' Food 19c '2 Cans..Peas .... 25e 2 lbs. Dates . ' . . 25c ' Salmon, large can : 34c Red Salmon, per tin 39c 2 pkgs. Coin Starch 19c 3 pkgs. Ammonia 25c National Matches, per pkg. 25c For 29th and 30th of April 0 lbs. Rolled 'Oats 2 les: Soap Chips 2 tins Tomatoes : , ...... .. , 2 tins Corn 298, 29c 29c 29e' Oranges, per dozen ......................... ...... . 29c. Grape Fruit, 3 for 29e•' Matches, Red Bird, per pkg. 29e Cauliflowers, . Tomatoes, Lettuce, Pineapples e will -close Wednesday afternoons -during May, June, July`. and August,. excepting weeks of a holiday. .:Fresh Salmon Trout, Tuesday and Friday hi the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m., In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early' Cash and O'Neil �h©n Service W. ® 48 Where " Sells for less" price prevails;, Just Arrived A ear of "Keystone Shingles," the well-known brand made only from Selected British Columbia Cedar. We have four grades-51X-3X—No. 2 5X —2X. Also a cit lead of Gyproc, "The Fireproof Wallboard." Our Steels are now etnapletc end we can make deliveries promptly Pine-Spruce-Hemlock—hhP—fJardwoods--Paristone—Giproc Filler, Etc. Thomas McKenzie Estate, `Clinton EVERYTHINGG IN LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES—PH.ONE 88 Miss Helen Manning visited in Lon- don several days. 'during Easter week. Mrs. Stobie ' of Seafprth is staying this week with her niece, Miss Mar- jorie MeMath. Mrs. 3. -II. Johnston and children spent a few days last week with Goderich friends. Miss Madeline VanHorne spent the Easter vacation with her- cousins, the Misses :Mooney»'.of Exeter. Mrs. J. C. McMath accompanied' her daughter, Miss Ruth, on her return to Woodville last week -end for a little visit. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. 'Reinhardt and family. ',of Kitchener visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. James Flynn of town. Miss Edna Alexander, of Toronto was in town for a couple of days• this. week, coming up to attend the fun,. eral of her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Wise. Mr. Ray Carter of the staff of the Charles G. Fraser- school, Toronto, returned Saturday ' after- spending the Easter vacation at llis home in ' Mown . Mr' rill Lock ood had Mas'$ Dessie Lockwood use visitingivitn Mrs. 3. W. Swan of Lucknow, having, gone up to attend the funeral of the late Joseph Swan. • Mr: and Mrs. Newton Wylie motored • from Toronto on Saturday evening td spend the week -curd at the manse. They brought' with. them the Miss- eslean and Ethel Hogg. Mr;"and `Mrs Rycicmen; Mr's. Mooney, Misses Irene and Vora Mooney and Vera Alexander ,ole Exeter visited ,at Wine.; of •the sister of Mr. Ryckman and Mrs. - Mooney, Mrs. George VanHorne, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. • S. S. Cooper, who have been spending the winter in Cali- fornia, returned to town yesterday. Their daughter, Mrs. Percy Ladd, remained in California and Mr. "Ladd will join her " there, leaving "'1•celcb', on the motor . trip down on Sunday. Mr. -and Mrs.' L. J. Wasman and Miss Helen motored up front Toronto Sunday afternoon; being called hither by the sudden death of Mrs. Waaslnait's mother,: Mrs. T. E. Wise. Mr. Wasman returned to Toronto -yesterday, 'Mes. Wasman and, little daugh`ieit.remaining for a time. Mr. F. F. Gillies and Miss'_ Blank- steiner motored up from Kitchener. and spent the week -end as the guests/of Magistrate and Mrs. And- rews. On their return Mrs. Gillies. and Miss Marion, who had spent Easter week with the lady's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, ac- companied them. S. Helens` Mr: Wni. Dougherty, Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Barbour and Bobby Phillips of Fergus motored up to Mrs, R. J. Wood's for the week -end Miss Clara Woods accompanied them back. Seaforth. Mrs. Cuyler has returned home af- ter spending a few days with Luck - now friends. Mau. McKenzie Webb and Mr. John Scott have the sympathy of the com- munity in the loss of their rather,: Mr. Frank Scott of Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gdinmie and son Ross, also Mrs. Bruce Gemntie of Elora visited at the home of Mr. Wil- son Woods one day last -week. Messrs, Frank 'Todd and Win. Mc- Quilllan attended the annual meeting of the Ontario' Educational Associa- tion in Toronto last week. The following have 'returned to their respective duties after spending the Easter holidays at their home here. Misses W. D. Rutherford, Tim- mins; Mabel ,Woods, ;Nile; Carolin Webb, Hepworth; Irene Woods, Strat- ford; May Durnin and Dorothy Web- ster, Dungannon; Zylda and Doreen Webster, Winghanr; Lula Weather - head, Lyla. • Gaunt, Gertie Aitchison and Mr. Chas. McQuilliad, Lucknow. Bruoelllelds '• kiss Laura Moss of ) ord city was the guest of her grandmother, 'Vies, Alex. Ross, last week. Misses. Irene Snyder -and Evelyn Beattie of London spent the week -end at the home of the former's parents. -Mr. and Mn.s3. Snyder. , Rev, W.' D. and Mies. McIntosh and family of Embro visited , frauds in Brucefield and vicinity •last,week. Mr. and Mrs. ' Hugh ' Aikenhead spent the week -end with friends London. PREPARE FOR YOUR SUMMER GUESTS `this year by getting that new Bath- , room outfit you've been talking about for years, but have just been putting it ori'... Come in to -morrow and see our display. We will ,give you a "good price" and a "good job," We also: do any hind of ph t gibing and eel/airing' Give us a chance before you decide HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 ourCleaning Tune. House Cleaning time is right on. We have everything that pleases the housewife. Wall and Ceiling Brushes—Muresco for the walls—Stains and Floor Enamel for the floors—a full line of fawn mowers and garden tools—a full stock of Brantford Roofing in Slab, Slate and Roll, of different grades—the Roof that stands the test. PLUMBING ESTIMATES' GIVEN As the,.warm weather approaches you will naturally be looking for a good safe place to store your furs, etc. „Yew best and safest solution is a Cedar Chest. .They are absolutely moth -proof, nice and roomy; well -finished in red cedar and solideevalnut, with lining. We are especially -veil prepared tosupply all your needs in Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Congoleum, in rugs or by the yard. A fine stock of Rugs to selectfrom and lots of room to show them, so come in early to select your requirements. We have bought heavily in Beds, .Springs and Mattresses for e,Spring and you will „save good money by asking about them. EVERYTHING ELSE IN UP-TO-DATE -FURNITURE Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH 'A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 e Hardware 1$5 Appearance isIthe5:Thing, ©ldiFellow!" "Clothes may not . nutice the Mare but they do make his appear- ance.,,.eilhat's why I make , sure that- my! suits -. •are made bye Davis and Herman, See our Specials in Spring and Pall Overcoats at $25.00. avis & Herman Custom Tailoring euweelemenseisitesiewee Cleaning and Pressing Eggs Eggs ., . Eggs Bring• us your Eggs While Fresh large fat broody your g hens lie IP(yCas1Sot'h Gunn.�.. Lan i l is & Co.,Limited 9 HEAP OFFICE' MONTREAL, QUE, For :further information apply to CLINTON ERANCH, ,CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190