The Clinton News Record, 1927-04-28, Page 6TIIUltSDAY, APRIL 23, 1927.
Page id,.
StaiaRe 'TOWIllshIp
The following is the Easier report'
for S. S. No. 10. Asterisks show ab-
sence of pupil for one or more exams.:,
Sr. 4th—Viola Wheeler, 78.06; Mel-
vin Snider, 76.94; Howard Iiyde,
68.11; Jean Campbell, 67.17; Roland
Ketches; 05,31; Dorothy Swan, 63.26;
Frank McCowan, 61.16;' Ross Grain-
ger, 56:11.• >.
Jr. 4th—eRetta Taylor, 58.
Sr. 3rd -Anna Aikenhead, 83.40;
Kathleen Mustard, 72.69; Stewart
Baird, 71,13; Stanley ,Collins, 66.54;,
Catharine Ketchen, 66,13; Dorothy
Woolley, 61,23.
Jr. 3rd—'"Evelyn Grainger, 63.33;
Roy Pepper, 55,06; Walter Baird,
35.18; Nelson Forrest, 30:24,
Sr. 2nd—Randal Pepper, 66,25; Ken
McCowan, 58.50,
Jr,.2nd—Anarey Swan, 74.60; Olive
• Johnson, 73.14; Jim Burdge,.63.43.
1st—Harry Snider, : 72.88; Alvin
Ddtot, 67.40; *Archie Mustard, 55.
—MARY. STEWART, Teacher.
The following is the report of the
Easter examinations for S, S. No: 8:
Sr. 5th—Marie Grainger, 74%; Lit.'
lien Marks, 54.
• Sr. 4th—Eleanor Scotchmeri 74;
Margaret Chuter, 63; Harvey Taylor,
Jr. 4th—Irene Scotehmer, 66; Rob
Taylor, 59; John Marks, 54.
Sr. 2nd—Kathleen Scotehmer,' 66;
Margaret Marks, 64.
1st—Tom Scotehmer, Mary Marks.
—Marion I. McEwen, teacher.
Report of hog shipments for week
ending April 21, 1927:. -
Clinton—Total hogs, 58; select ba
con, 18; thick smooth, 35; heavies, 3.
• Londeaboro-Tothl hogs, 75; select
bacon, 26; thick smooth, 44; heavies,
3; extra heavies, 1; lights and feed-
ers, 1.
• Huron County -Total hog, 1,244;
select bacon, 422; thick snsooth, 706;
heavies, 44; extra heavies, 0; 'shop'
hogs, 32; Iights and feeders, 19.
his breeding, stock, and buys it back
when prices are: high, thus being able
to sell market hogs about the time
prices are at their lowest again.
Seasonal marketing'. has an influ-
ence on market prices. A steady sup-
ply of hogs :r throughout the year
would tend to stabilize prices. It fe
a question of raising enough winter
litters to keep the market supply un -
limn. during the slack summer per-
iod. A recent investigation showed
that Huron County hog production
was much more uniform throughout
the year than some of the more south-
ern counties. This would indicate
that climate was not the only factor.
Presenting the beauties of Canada
to, tourists, Rod and Gun. and Canad-
ian Silver. Fox .News .appears this
month as a special, Dominion of Can-
ada Tourist number. The May issue
is featured by a special section, pro-
fusely illustrated, in. which the count-
less attractions which Canada has to
offer are laid before tourists. ' Au
editorial written by Hon. Charles
Stewart, Minister of the Interior,
welcomes visitors to the Dominion.
The articles and stories contained
in the issue -cover practically all
provinces from New Brunswick to
British Columbia, a Vide field and
full of interesting material, fiction
and fact, for those interested inhunt-
ing, fishing and outdoor life. Sea-
sonable articles are contained in the
regular departments on Fishing, Guns
and Ammunition, Outdoor Talk and
Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver
Fox News is published monthly by
W, J, Taylor, Limited, 'Woodstock,
'Hogs were certainly a paying pro-
position for the farmer in 1026. While
there was some decrease in volume,
the average ,price per hundred was
higher than in 1925 as was also the
value per head. For the last three
years the average values • per hog on
the Toronto market were as follows:
1924-417,80; 1925-425.50; 1920—
$26.45. The ratio between feed costs
and hog prices has been such that
grains marketed as pork returned a
good profit. ,The farmer who claims
that he hasn't been making money on
his hogs is either off in his feeding
methods or his book-keeping. .
The quality of our hogs is steadily
improving. While there is a small
,increase in percentage grading select,
there is a big improvement in the
quality of the -thick smooth grade. It
is estimated by a packers' official
that there has been a 50% improve-
ment under the Hog Grading Policy.
Regarding the outlook for 1927
there is no indication that hogs will
cease to be profitable. -Prospects are
that there will be little or no increase
in supply in Canada or the U.S. dur
ing the coming year. It is generally
known now that in common with other
commodities, hog supply and prices
occur in more or less regular cycles.
`• That is to say, that a period of high
prices is followed by a period of low-
er prices, the volume of supply alter-
nating in the opposite direction, We
find, however, that sometimes some
unusual factor will uptet'the cycle.
Atpresent we find that we passed a
high,peak in hog prices last June
when select hogs reached $16.70 per
cwt, at Toronto. One might argue
that now our prices could be expected
to continue decreasing for a year or
so, but that is far from probable, One
must consider that it is the world sup-
ply and demand which determines
'.price. Also that Canada's three mil-
lion hogs annually is only a morsel on
the world market, as . we use
two millions of them at home. In the
U. S. where a big portion of the
world's pork is ,grown we find the
comb oder and hog cholera combining
to curtail production, .arid we know.
that the European hog producing
countries- are limited by the fact that-
hatthey must import their feeds.
Tn the long run.the roan who pro-
duces an even supply of hogs from
year to year, stands to gain, as corn
Pared to ;the "in and' outer" who seile'
We carry a full range of
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