The Clinton News Record, 1926-03-11, Page 4Speci real and Fruit Sale QUICK QUAKER OATS 25c rn Um-110gL'",3•LVe i". WHEATLETS4u be GOLIAN tiALLOVil DATES 2 lbs. 19c ROLLED 1 1 OATS a lbs. .1, IC StitIMAID SEnDLE55 RAISINS 16 05. packet 2 for 29c WHITE BEANS 4ab-25c CORN MEAL 41b.. 22c SMYRNA• COOKING FIGS 21"21C EVAPORATED PEACHES 25c03. Roman Meal 31c PRffed Rice 2 for 35c Pot Barley 6c lb. ShreddedWheat 2 for25c Aunt .rolainut Buckwheat Flour 23c Singapore Pineapple 20c Bayside Cherries 25c Silver Bar Apricots 20c Valencia Raisins 2 lbs. 25c Messina Lemons dos. 23c AYLMER CELERY RELISH 15c NESTLE'S EVAPORATED MILK 2 bins 25c Special combinatten OFFER, 1 ib. D.S.L. Bulk Tea 1 lb. Mayfield Brand Sliced Bacon 9",c, RetP.gi° • DOMINO TOMATO CATSUP 319c AYLMER SOUPS 2 tins 21c Christie's Arrowroot Biscuits' 34::n. Wereseereastres7•.'"C"'''', ' • • . , ..,• ; „ ". • , ' • , • 1 OOOPEWS STORE NEWS ee ourWind�vbispig.of. Ask for Fret Samsple A. T. COOPER. - TWenty-four music :lessons wilI he given away Free -to- • • . .„. , every purchaser of a new piano during the wealth of March, TERMS: Cash or instahnents. T. J. MeNEIL Pianos and Radios Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton • 1 y -Law No. 5 for 1926 f the Town of Clinton Bylaw to Provide Funds for the Erecting of a Collegiate Institute Building WHEREASeit has been made to mear desirable that a new Colleg- te Institute 'building should be eeted in the Town of Clinton, and meet the cost thereof that the sum eighty thousand dollars ($80,00.) onla be borrowed on the credit of e Corporation. AND WHEREAS in order thereto will be necessaryto issue debens yes of the Town of Clinton for the m of $80,000.00 at hereinafter pro - led. AND WHEREAS it is desirable it the said riebentueea shall he pay - le in thirty years and shall bear in - est at the rate of five per centum annuni, payable half yearly, and fl have cupons for such interest ached. WHEREAS the amount of whole rateable property of the Town according to the last re- ed assessment roll is the sum of 8,375,00. ND WHEREAS the amount of existing debenture debt of the ,potation, exclusive of local im- Vement debts secured av special es or assessments is $162,235.60, no; part ief the principal or ihter- is in arrears. DEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL UNCIL THE CORPORATION THE TOWN OF CLINTON EN - TS . That for the purpose aforesaid 're shall he borrowed on the credit the Corporation the stun of ,000.00 and debentures shall be ued therefor bearinginterest at rate .of five per centumn per an - m, and having coupons attached reto.for the payment of interest. a, The debentures shall bear the e date and shall be issued within e years after the date on which 's By-law is passed and may bear y date within such two years, and all be payable in.thirty years after e dete of issue. 3. Vie debentures as to both prin- al. and interest shall be made pay. le at the office of the Treasurer of e Town of . Clinton; and: shall be ned 3,y the. IVIayor and Treasurer the. said municipality and shall ve ,attaelied thereto the Corporate al o±t1e Tonvrt, of Clinton. The. de. &urea shall htwe atteeleed to them Mpous for the payntentotf the inter - which coupons shall be sighed by ie Treasurer of the Town of Clinton. he signatUrt of the Treasurer. to 141 coupons ' limy be written; ;coned, lithographed or engraved 4. That upon the passing, of title yslew the atlayor and Treasurer are stety authorized and directed to aY over to the Collegiate Institute (Mid Of the said Pewit of 'Clinton :on Dale to time elicit gums as shell s required by the eald Beard for the arpeees aforesaid, not exceeding in a ike stun of $86,000.00 so to be 5. That during the currency of le Said debentures there shall be levied and raised on. all the rateable property of the Town of Olintori the sum of.$4,000.00-to meet -the annual interest eti the said ,debentures and tho sum of $1,426.41 (less such sten as may be payable during the current year by the County of Huron or any ether meniapality contributing to- wards the cost of the said building to provide a sinking fund for the pay - meet of the said. debentures 'at the maturity thereof. 6. The votes of the electors qual- ified to vote on this By-law. shall be taken on MonclaY, the fifth day of April, 1926, commencing .at 9 o'clock am. and continuing until 5 o'clock at- the following named places and by the following named persons: St. Andrew's Ward, in the Council -Chamber, G. E. Saville Deputy Re- turning Offieer. St. James' Ward, ill the Sample Room South of the Rat- tenbury House, A. P. •Cuchnore, Dep- uty Returning Officer. St. John's ward, in J. B. LaviS office, E, G. Cour- eke Deputy Returning Offieer. St. Geores Ward, in Cameron's Car- riage Shop, S. J. Andrews Deputy Re- turning Officer. 7. On the third day of April, 1926, at 11 o'cloek a.m. the Mayor will attend at the Clerk's office to appoint persons to attend at the said Bolling places and at the final sum- ming up of the votes on behalf of Persons interested in and promoting Or opposing the passing of this By - 3. • The Clerk will attend et his of- fice on Tuesday, the *6th day of April, 1926, at the hour of 11 o'clock am, to suin up the number of votes given for and against this By-law. 9.. This By-law shall come into force and take effect immediately upon the final passing' thereof. DATED at the Council Chamber in the Towu of Clinton this First day of March, 1926. • • Mayor. Clerks • NOTIGE Tate notice that the above is ;a true copy ofa proposed by-law which has been taken into consideration and which Will be finally passed by the Council of the ltlunicipality-.(in the event of the assent of the electors, being obtained thereto.) after one month from the first ;publication in The Clinton News -Record, the date Of which publication was Thursday, the fourth day of March, 1926, and that 'the votes of the electors de the said municipality will be taken thereon on the ,day end at the hours and places therein fixed. Tenants whose leases extend for the time for which the debt is.' -to be created and who' have covenanted to pay allMtunicipafl taxes in tesped of the property must file their declare- notIeter than the tenth day be. fore the day appointed for taking the vote. D. L. MACPHERSON, Town Clerk. Dated this first day of March, 1926. Varna The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. 11, l3rrett will be pleased to bear that they have sefficiently recovered from noir recent operations to be able to return to their home, Mr. Harold- Elliott went to Lendot Plreselay to attend the hockey match between Peterboro and London. Mr, g. Elliott shipped a mixed ear load efestock tot ororito onSaturday. IVIri arid Mrs. Jno. Rothwell and IVIts and Mrs. A. MeCeiniell enter- ' ••trainher 'of their -.friends ;M. the DPWrelirp': Tnesdey evening of" taStiVeelis.;',Theeirenitig 'Was 7.atiett'in' genies uid datielhOs';.A, dainty' ltinatt• was •Seryedsat midnight after which,' alt went heMe feeling that 6.;mOsli, tenjoyable."ettening• had With their Mend. and 'neighbere.. Miss ';Edith Beatty; Went 'to...Zenci on on Tuesday,:Arliee eha intends' Spend-' Mg c few days ,viiiith" her Mother .ancl sisters, , Mise.Mabel pitgtint, is speraing71 few days at her home in the burg. -MiSe, Margaret sIVIODoriald. is • Visit- ing...with her airlift' Mrs: 'hie'. Rath.' '(F.rom another correspondent) ,The ku4ilia0 oe.the'W:M. S. of the Varea71Ylethodiet :chetah ,rnet,,at the home 'hf•Mrs. John Wanless on Thurs- day, Math 4th; to close up the busk riess of the amilliary before joining: Agit the sister auxiliary of the. former Presbyterian' church, . The 'nicotine; opened with clevotienel manceseS, the ecripttre -imams being read.bY'Mrs, Ralph StePhenami, from iat. John's Gospel, 16th chapter.' The study book, "Building with India," was taken by Mr., Fred Reid. After .the blisinese bf the meeting the president, 'Mi'. IVIcclymont,, gave a very interesting outline of the work Me- the ' auxiliary since its inauguration,. thirtyafive years ago, threemember's' of which are still living, viz:, Miss A. Keys, Varna; Miss Jane Dennison, Wing - ham and Mrs, Samuel Rathwell Lucks -Law. The .meetings -closed by singing the, Doxology and J. J. Durrant peonounced the benediction. A very pleasant surmise now .awaited the president, who for several years has occupied' the said position with great satisfaction and spared,no Pains in endeavoring toinalte the, auxiliary iuteresting, instructive ands a splendid suceess, when the following address was Teed to her:' "To Mrs. 5. MoClymont, Dear President: We; the members cif the Varna auxiliary of the W. M. Se and ladies, of the congregation, desire to oxpress our , deep apprecia- tion of the valued services you have rendered to the auxiliary for so many years. Your splendid gifts of music and song, your quiet, kindly disposi- tion, your true piety and your faith- fulness to the .work of the,society has won for you our warm affection and respect. We have enjoyed the fellowship of the monthly meetings, and peace anil harmony have been with us as we.sought by prayer, gine and work to advance the interests of the Redeemer's Kingdom, As this is to be the final meeting ere we merge into the larger auxiliary of the Varna United Church, we felt that we could not alloiv this opportunity to pass without expressing in some tangible way our love and respect to you per- sonallt, and to your loyalty and faith- fulness in the work or the W. M. S. Please accept this ",silver cheese and cracker dish as a slight token and re- membrance of the esteem of the mom- bees.—Mrs. 5. J. Durrett, Mrs. J. E. Barnwell." • Med. McClyinord, who tvas taken completely by surprise, thanked the ladies most sincerely for the beauti- ful remembrance. A dainty luneh was then served, aftor which an re- sorted to then; homes feeling that they would long cherish in their MOM- ories• the splendid social afternoon of • the final meeting of the W. M. S. of the Methodist church, Varna. Kip p en The Friendship •Bible Class of Kip - pen United church held a very enjoy= able banquet last Tuesday night. in thesbasement. There is no time when this part of the church looks so cosy and homelike as when it is arranged with the long wide table, running the length; tarnished with white nap- ery, beautifurtflowers, •shadecl lambs and all kinds pf good things to eat and surrounded with a happy crowd of people. • On this- occasion about forty sat down, regular members, of the class and a few guests, among the latter being Me. and Mrs. D. Blair of Lawson, Sask, After the line slipper Mune the reeding of the quo- tations on the place earde, wisdom and fun being .well mixed in, these. Then came the toasts—The King, pro; posed by Mr. A. McKenzie; Out Country, proposed by Mr. W. Alex,: ander; The Class Officers, past and present, proposed by. Mrs. Lindy. and responded to by Mrs, H. Chesney, Mes, H.•McMinerie, Cdoper and hfrs, J. W. McLean; The, Ladies, pros posed by Mr. French, and Our Geests, ptoposed byMrs. H Ivison and ably responded to' by Mr. 731aih Rev. R. .A. Lundy. pastor, was toastmeeter, then Mr. R. Coeper, president of the class, took tharge. Mrs. Tvisom, a Short Address onsetWhy 'we should' study the Bible,",fandMrs. If. Me- Murtrio one ; on; "The Ideal Class IVIeinber," Then -mine en •inusing contest with the names' of class mem- bers as the ,answer, • and this ended' the program on'the stroke of ten and cleseilAirree hotirs.of splendid fellows, enjoyinent and.inspieation. Mr. Emmerson Smith fiat engaged for the spring and summer with My. Thos. Butt, to commence worth this ,maathe Mr. Butt hassecured a goed Mr. A. IVIeNenzie had the miefors tune last, week to. severely injure his left nand which will retard his Work for some' the, • StietnieVOwnship Miss. Olive ',Yens .of Isondeeboro is spending e tfetV ,clays at the home of Mt. and Mrs...Rol3t, 'Webster and tams' Ferti Taylor spent the past unday witli,letiff'cotsin, Miss Thelma Dowgene ''' • '.ailess/q., Roy' Dowoon, Will Ander- eon and Ernie 1416ClincheY have gone Mise Stisie Stinsen 'apentsa slay of the, past week visiting at' :the home of qqiti$ek Fern end"Bieriche Taylor. Mi.' Peree lelurstein was 'renewing ecgaaintatees •on the, ;Goshen lite k few dayS the nese weeks The following is the report of S., S. ,NO. 5.1or the inetithsef' ;1061.PrearSte Thiele marked. With' ansei'sterlaicf; heve. been abdent coi a00000± of Sr..•4tit.ssEnirnar;AeBride, gin ' • .851: 3rd—GreeSeblimee 250 Mar Robinsona„ 135; Edgar-. Mc. Clineheyt, 132. - • • Jr. Si:ft—Vern 192;. Benet keClitiehey, 478; Bert ;McBride', 122 Elmore ;Ste,phensora 58. Sr. 2nd..--Ru'ssell'Ilayter,' 284; Ele 1)101'0 McBride, 288; •Oarepbell MeKins .ley, 256; Norene Robirnon,„244:', • lsteLAllan `Armstrong, 165;' 'Hazel HeYtdr; 150; ElvatIVIceliiithey*, Ptlitter.-4VIaegaret Lament, '165. • , ' '• 'se -0 E 'REID -Te-icher, . The report of $.S. No. 4 N, foil February: •• • Sr; Paterson, 82%; Frances sMossop strong,' 75s Jack Scotchiner,772; Clars thee IIohner, 64.', Sr. 3rd-l-Gladwir Westlake, 77 MeClinoliey,, 38, Jr. 2nd,—Maria,Itisrmar, 86; Atehle 'Arinstrong, 75., 3 2nds-alVIerie, MeClincheY, 71;. Bert' Dunn, 70: Logan Cleave, 48. Jr. 2nd Beatrice Houston, 95; *Anna Cleave, 68; *Gordon. Seoteh-. mer, 67; 'Keith Westlake, 57. Elist—John.Wateon, 88. Peinier-sDonald Paterson, 76. ess :• Pupils • marked with an asterisk missed examinations, • —V: J. 1VIUSSEI.MA'Nt Peaeber. C. N. R. EARItTINGS The gripes earnings:of thesCanadian Na'tiondl Railways for the perioci•e41- ed February 28, 1926, were 84,588,- 922, as oompered With- $4,186,501) for the same period of -1925, an increase of 9403,413, or ten per cent. • ' • NEW 1300KS IN LIBRARY The following new books have been received by. the Clinton Public Lib- rary dnd are now in circulation: Noe-Fictidn: Forbes, From Red, Sea to Bhie Nide; Speeknufh; ' Hotels Ireland; O'Brien, White Shadows in the South Sons; Thomas, Beyond Khy- ber Pass; FrancletWorking My Way- Armand- the World; Mullin, Adven- tures of a Scholar Tramp; Quinn, Beautiful Canada; Riggs, Vistas in Sicily; Gibbs, Romance "of 'Empire; Vachell, Fellow -Travellers; Maurice, Life of Lord WasleY; Erskine, Van- ished Cities of Aeabia; MacKenzie, Unwired Years in the Highlands; Firestone, Coasts of Elusion t Saida. more, Sheaf of Memories; -Hurd, Reign of Pirates; Keeling, Adven= tures 1» Turkey and Russia; Cameron, Gift of God, Oxford Book of Canedian Verse; Hale, Canadian. Cities of Res' mance; Blewett, The Cornflower; Nel- son, Canadian Provinces; Grayson, Adventures in Understanding; Car- man, The PLIT, Horizons; Young, Great, Canadian Preaching; Quiller -Couch, Charles Dickens; MacTavish, Fine Arts in Canada; Davidson, Isles of Eden; Aberdeen, Tell Me Another; Hutton, The Greek Point of View; Chesterton, Victorian Age in Litera- ture; Cushing, Life of Sir William Osler; Aberdeen, "We Twa"; Jones, The Inner Life; Moffatt, Eveesneuvas Life of Jesus; Charlesworth, Candid Chronicles; Gray, Twenty-five Years; Beebe, Jungle Days; Davies, The Inner Circle. Fiction: Wright, A Son of His Father; Wockhouse, Sam the Sudden; Lincoln, Queer 'Judson; Cutwood, Ancient Highway; Ostrander, The Black Joker; Erskine, Valor of the Range; Seltzer, Channing Conies Through; Montgomery, Enrily Climbs; Larmitie, Sonnies Green; Farjeon, ConfusingeFriendship; Willsie, We Must March: Wells, Christina Alber- ta's Fathev; CIetigh, Ernestine Sophie; Cothee, The Professor's House; Strat- ton -Porter, Keeper of the Bees; Hut - chit -Isom One Increasing Purpose; Mc- Clung, Painted , Fires; Miln, Ruben and Ivy San; Conrad, Suspense; Con- rad, Lord Jim; Connor, Treading, the Winepress; Saverson, When Spar- rows Fall; Hocking, The Crooked Trail; Sedgwick, A Fountain Sealed; Ostenso, Wild Geese; Rinehart, Red Lamp; Galswobthy, White Monkey; Locke, Great Pandolfo; Oppenheim, Skinny Men Run Down Men Nervous Men DON'T MISS THIS You're behind the times H vou don't know that Cod Liver 'Extract is one of the greatest *Sit producers in the world. Beeause it contains more vitalizing vitamines than any food you can get. You'll be glad to knoni. that Mc- Coy's Cod Liver xtract Tablets come in sugar coated form now, so it you really want to put 10 or 20 pounds of solid, healthy flesh on, Your bones and feel well and strong have a coni- plexion that people will , admire, ask any druggist for, a box of MeCoir's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Only 60 cents for 60 tablets and if you dent gain fie pounds in 30 clays your druggist Will bend you back the money you have'peid for them. It isn't anything unusual for a 'per- son to gain 10 uoprals in 80 days, 4nd for old people with feebleness overtakingethem they work Vi'DriqrS. Quickly Drives Out All .- Rheutnatic Poison The first clay you take Rheuina, the doctor's remedy s that i$ selling So you71 realize. that when Rhetnna goes in Rheumatism goes It Matters net whether yon are tor- tured with pain, crippled with swollen joints or distressed, with occasional twinges, Sheurna - is . guaranteed to end your rheumatic trouble or money baelel " Rhetnna is that a$ effective in cases of luirtbego,seiatica, atehritis and chronic neuralgie., Itheinnatidin it a dangerous ,disease; It 'often, effeets:Die heert and causeS' sudderiedeath, Ifeyeu have it in the slightest degrde gat a bottle of' Rheumy,' from 54 „Er Hovey ,or any druggist today and dtive it front your system. at Price. taantesmisesnearameapseiaiwassaiseeeesaessweesies•severao amiaesaaateesiuseasseeneeareacates* Sthien Idols; Oppebhetta, 'The. 4neVit-: able MilliOnaitpsts;Otthets"..Mill xf 14611k:"Viriii44P/, PaN:eraisne The Viks .11g Heart; Bennett,e 'Else ,and "Hid Child;'• Parker,. The ''Poteer and the Glory; Weyinan, caueeas Gib*, • Unchanging Quest; Harrison; Andre* Bride Of Paris; Walpole,' Portrait Of askan with Red, Haim Jacob, Day Be- fote Yesterday; Orczy, Pimpernel and ReseniarY; peening, • ;Sorrell and Sous .Lincoln,--11ugged Water.' , •-., Mortgage Sale Under the :powers eonlained •iir a' certain' mortg,ege which will be pros diiced'attilie"Dineltef Sale there will be Pferad-fer 'sale bi•pablic,auetion. by;;Oseerge Elliott,tAtietioneer, 'et the Gi'aWaoH�uso 1» the Trwn ofClinton, Fride • ;March, 26th, at one o'clock ie the. afternoon the valuable falai ptoperter in the Township oe GCelerich, in the County of Huron, containing two hundied and fifty. acres more or less, and being composed of lotssnume bete 53,54, 65 a031 66 in the; Maitland Concession. The property will ire' sold .:subject to e reserve' TerntS• of=Sale: -10 per ;cent. of the purchase price to be paid, on- the day of sale, and thv balance as arrabged, within thirty days thereafter. For lathe?, particulars and,Conditions of sale ai- bly . to •`.14.1eBride' anti. MacKenzie, Waterloo, OntarioetSolieitoeS for the Vendee. Dated this 27th day of Feb- ruary, 1926. ' • 47-3 ;Auctieh•Sale of Horses The undersignedtauctioneet has re- ceived instemetions from Mr. Chas, 5. Wallis to sell by public auction at his Sale Barns, Clinton, on Friday, March 19th,..at 1:00 o'clock sharp, the fol - rowing: 2 Riads of choke feign ;horses, from 3 to 6 years old, Clydet and Percherens, ,weighing from 1,200 to 1,600 lbs.ss This IS an exceptionally good lots., oft. domestic• stock, well broken and.carefutly selected. Terms: 6' months' Credit given on furnishing approved joint notes or a 'discount of 4 per*cept. straightalletved for cash; Chas, S. Wellie, ..Proprietor, G. 11, ...Aaktioneet. , 37-2 • Clearing. Auction Sale • OS. Farm Stock and quieten -lents, Pure Bled. and Grade Durhams. mr. George H. Elliott has been instructed to •sell by publicauction on Lot 6, Concession 9, Stanley, 114 miles 'West runt 114 miles north of Kippen on Tuesday, March 16th, at 1;00 o'elpck, sharp. Geo. It. Elliott, Auctioneer, Jas. Geassick, Proprietor, 48 Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock and House- hold furniture. David T. Churchill will, sell by public auction at lots 33 and 34, concession 14, Goderich towit. ship, three miles west of Clinton, on Thursday, March 18th, commencing at 1 o'clock. ,Fainn: Lots 33 and 34, concession 14, Goderich Township, consisting tff 160 acres with two- storey red brick house,.bank barn and never -failing spring near barn. Will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid, Horse: Heavy draught bay team rising 5 and "6 years, matched, weight, 1,800; Agricultural buckskin team, rising '7 and 8 years, matched, weight, 1,450; heavy draught brown team, rising 3 and 4 years, will make 1,800; Agricultural horse, rising 10 years, weight, 1,600; heavy draught brood mare, rising 14 years; good driver, 16 hands high, rising 6 years. Cattle: Red cow, 6 years, due to freshen about time of, sale; Polled Angus cow, 8 years, clue to freshen April let; Ayrshire cow, 6 years, due to freshen ;March 28th; Holstein cow, 5 years, due to freshen April 1011'; yellow cow, 5`years, due to fresh Ap- ril 20th; red cow, 5 years, due to. freshen March 20th; Mack heifer, 3 years, due to freshen April 18; black COW, 8 years, milking; roan cow, 4 Years, :farrow; Polled Angus bull, 12 months old; Seven calves rising 1 year old; 2 heifers rising 2 years 6 steers rising 4 years; 7 steers rising 13 2ns. A quantity of yea. Rock hess. About 50 Barred Rock hens; 5 se d potatoes, Comet variety, good yielders. Inuilements: Massey -Har- ris binder, 3.ft. cut; root pulper; set 2,900 Ib. scales; fanning mills Des Laval cream eeparatoie chnen; serif Der. Furniture: 'Parlor suite; dining room suite; 'cough; 7 leitchee chairs; extension table; weaelsete; bed; stands two hanging lamps; Old Hon- esty steel range; organ, and ether articles tom numerous to mention. Terme:: :AU sums' of $10 and'under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given, onefaimishing bankable.paper or a discount of 6 per, cent. allowed off for cash On credit amounts,;- David T. Churchill, R. R. No. Clinton; Proprietor. T. Gun- dry, Auetioneer. „ 48-1 • :Clearing Auction Sale, Df Fan, 'Stank' and Implements. The .undersigned auctioneer re- ceivedAnstractione to sell by public auctioe at'lot 46,'concestian 2,,Tutk- ersinith, 21/ratlike southwest of Clin- ton; on Wednesday, March 17.th, com- mencing at „hat Peet twelVee'the fol. lovringi •Hotiese-BaSs heavy -"draught gelding, rising .5 Yeare, weight 1,600 Sba,:eibay heavy draught gelding, riss 7.,yeers, weight 1,600 lbs. Cattle —iDurham 'bull, 2. years ad; 7 year • old Polied-Angus cow, due April fat; '3 year ad Hereford COW, due May 1st; yeartold Hereford cow, due May 1st; 9.year old Durham cowat..due 3/141; 1-'ti.7 Year 04. Durham cow, (hie 'April lsts, 3 year old Durham cow, fresheneit,the; last of Noyerttber and ;bred; 4 Year old Durham neve, with 'calf atifotitt. 3 tWo; year:Old •Poled Angus steerS f .5 two yeau�ld Dirliam steers; 2 ...yearling; ate6i.i4s. 2 yearling helfere; ..;8' sptings'telves;a4,, Yonne calve. ,Bigseeyorlt carrying •Seoltrici littey, dile•.to.•farroW time of Minithst efitialcs •weigits. ing 80 1b4',8 weeke old. Collie Bala; ;2 • 7.0,1.c..Slifra ; earr`Yingl.'.,Secoed dog, :About 40, pure • iisPled Whate WYandOtte• Mid' hens a,nd one Oeeltetet'.' "getwe8ir. sfdtiftitad five. ,litaidretisleushels efsgood. *04'grain heeVytanixtimeetibartesr; . 50 buih6l, 6± .4634 ter; threeseectieh•deagalearreWS;,gang Pio*. Patis walking plow; truck . • , -• • • .; .411-.01, -Wagon; ' •Seteef"eleigliSt k ' '1;500 /eel of rieessie,611 lumbers nite, of platik,'alicl” timber, sticitii;. setis 'og Mounted beeeching 11950855 and 661 - lay topS. Terinct; bet anishil.' Slime of$30 and under,, 64811; over' that amount months't Cteclit 'en approved joint rrotee, or Per•:peitt 'discount,' straight, off sfat. Nelson Crich, Proprietor.' Geo., ,Inestaadyentage8Oe7aCiapteeasen miniulldm`&161} embraces Jasper NatiOnaI Park, , the famous 'Triangle Tour, the Paeffie Coasts Al- aska, ,and the Great Lala 'PriP 011.. ttie retmm. joierileY. , • Write for full inforrnatien ansi. de. `6criptivo'booklet to Mr. A. E. 13.ryto1, .44 Silverthorn Ave., Toronto, 9; Ont., or !Ji', Martin Kett, 4 Beulsth Ave, Hancilton, 0111. •48-3 ,p Clearing Aution are of Form stoolc and Iniplerneli. Fruit Grovver 8_ Bruce ;G-riew-wip sell by public auc- •• tion at Lot 23, Mciitland Concession, ccoliveriticori Colborne, on T'needaYs gareh 23rd, commencing at 1. o'clock, that. the . „ass__ stssioos of ' - Huron County fruit Growers' Council Ontario Departinerit 0± Agriculture following: Horses—Mere 6 years old; mare, 7 years olcir bay mare '6 years old. cattle -..-black cow, to freshen abont time of tale; cow, 5 years old,- due in October; ether, 5 years old, fresh; cow, 4 years old, due in -May; black cOw, 3. years, 'due in Jay; roan eow, '7 yeas's, dee in May; red pow, 7 years,'Clue May; fatrow Pow, ,4 37'eus; 4 steers, 2 years old; 2 -$t6or's, 3 yearasici; 2 heifers, 1 year old; .1 steer 2`years old; 2 heifers It enonths old; 2 Polled Angus calves;", Durham calves. 2. calves about 2 months old. • Sheep -3 Oxford ewes to Iamb • in April. Hens -30 Rock Pullets; 30 year old hens. Imple- ments—MasseysHarris hinder; ,Me - Cormick mower; Deering hay rake, new; Oliver corn scuffier; walking plow; wagon and hay rack; gravel box; set of 'bob sleighs; set of iron harrows; William Dore top buggy; Portland cutter; set single harness; set double hatness; set chime new; robe; , milk can; wheelbarrow, new; feeks, shovels and other articles too,numerous to mention. Terms: All gime -of 910 and under, cash; over` that amount, 1g, months' credit will be given on futtlishing approved joint- notes.A discount of 4 per tent. lowed Ica' cash on credit amounts. Everything must be disposed, of, as the farm is _sold. Bruce Grigg, Pro- prietor. Geo. II. Elliott, Auctioneer. 48 25 DAYS' TOUR OF ALASKA • Once Alaska was identified with' the gold seeker. Today it is as close- ly linked with tourist traffic, for met, have found that there is more sheer gold in one Alaskan sunset than ever came out of the -rockbound mines. It -is a land of strange contradictions and never-ending surprises. It is the desire of every tourist to visit this enchanted country, the land of the midnight sun. The Kerr -Bryson tour via the' Can - adieu National Railways offers you the desired opportunity under the Goderich Mar:. -12 Program MORNING SESSION S. 13. Stothers, Chairrnan 10:00 4m. -"Grades and Inspeetion-- , • F. L. Gabel, =Chief Inspector, Weetern Ontario. 10:45 a.m.--Demonstration, Box and Hamel Paeldng—W. L. Handl- ;ton, Collingwoocl. Discussion—,Ino. Sowerby, R. H. Re- _ AFTERNOON SESSION 11. 13. Sloan, Chairmen 2:00 aMM—Spraying Problenes—W, A. Ross,.13.S.A., Vineland. penning and Graftieg-3. A. Neilson, , B.S.A., Vineland. Market—Andrew -Fulton, Assistant Fruit :Commissioner, Ottawa. Question Drawer—W, A. Ross, B.S.A. • •Vineland. -Discussion's...K. Cameron, Lucicnowl . . C, B. Middleton, Clinton; M. • , 3. MeKay, Lucicnow. - EVENING SESSION 6:30 pea—Banquet with Lians Club at Hotel BedfOrd. Chairman, Dr. W. F. Galiow, Goderich. Address of Welcome—Mayor II, 5. A. McEwan, Goderich..• Ontario Government's Experiments in Shipping Apples to Old Coun- try Market—P. W. Hodgetts, B.S.A., Director Fruit Branch, Ott Dept. of Agriculture. Address—Harry Shmett, B.S.A., Co- 'bourg, President Ont. Fruit Growers' Assoeiation. EVERYBODY WELCOME R. R. SLOAN, S. 13. SPOTHERS, . • President. • Secretary. 47-2 0110 Pricein effect for one week from date of t a andieii,sa,m4‘ The Clinton Horticultural Society PREMIUM LIST FOR 1026' EACH MEMBER IS ENTITLED TO TWO PREMIUMS FREE 1.' 20 Gladiolus. •. 2. 3 Iris '8. 5 Begonias 4.. 10 Daffodils 5. .4 Hyacinths, 6. 15 'Darwin Tulips •, 7. Plants, etc; John' Cluninginune. 8. Plante; etc. W. Jenkins and Son. '9. Canadian Horticulturist. One year. 1VIE111.13E13SHIP PEE -81.00 • 0. • G . H, t. Piresidetit. SeC sTreastilier'' • ',•, . • , ••• • •