The Clinton News Record, 1929-12-26, Page 8LINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE Wx: can't say how much we appreciate your 'P.riendahip daring '3.929, and hope for its continuance in 1J30. A IIM?PY NEW YEAR! R. H. JOHNSON .Distributor for Clinton Graduate of Toronto College. of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store reggegisespowaimertmaso We can think cif no other way to say,it., but behind the simple familiar phrase is a wealth of gr:atitiide and appreciation HAPPY NEW " S'EARI lumsteel Bros. dna 1tin ,e look femora to another year of service illuminated by your kind caoperaltion and i`xiendliness. HAPPY NEW YEATtt DAVIS Sc HERMAN In closing the: most successful year we have eves had; we wish to thank youall and extend aur most hearty New Year's greetings. Sutter & -Perdue PLUMBING ' ` HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w POULTRY AND POTATOES• , I;oIitto\l>NG YOUR NEI-HBOli's PAPER Small un erehantabie potatoes iy veryprofitably be fed to pout - e. An experirnent to compare boll- potatoes with corn :meal in the;, ging'mash showed that the potato.- d pens did even better than when rn areal was us'ed. Each group was d a scratch mixture of two parts of ached torn, two parts wheat, and e part oats. One group received 'a y mash containing equal parts -of rn meal, wheat bran, wheat midde 1gs and crushed hats. The other oup received a :moist mash consist- , of equal parts of wheat bran, featmiddlings aucl crushed eats. Med wwith"boiled potatoes. The pro rtions geed were two parts' potatoes .d one part; mash,- .'leach group :b- leed charcoal grit, milk, green feed d water. Both egg production and telling results showed an. advan 4'e in the case of the potato -fed ultry, We believe there are a few people throughout the country who borrow their neighbor's paper in order that they may become acquainted with the news. We are at a loss to know what is gained by it. In the case of the weekly home paper, we venture to say that as a natter of ecouoiny it is a failure. Just how much is- sav-ed? The Adyoeate is only ewe e- lms a year, and they save less than four cents a week. Shoe leather still comes high and in thoir going to and from their neigh}lors they will wear out more than the price of the pap- er. Then they do not possess the independence • `which (;hey' mop when they roeeive a paper of 'thein own. Subscribe for The Advocate and save all unnecessary trouble and worry-- The Mitchell Advocate, The Time New Years Day'. The Place Your Fireside The Characters Yours and You The Plot HAPPY NEW YEAR ALI,. THROUGH May the achievements of 'the, past year encourage you to greater ac- complishments and may your troubles vanish in the; cheerful glow of the holiday season. May health, wealth and goofeeheer he your constant Com- panion. down the broad pathway of the New Year. .T110WD,Fair Go. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Misses Eleanor and Jean Plumsteei of London are home for the Christ- nras holidays, leer. J, C. Stirling has gone to Jack- son, Mich., to spend the wintel' with his daughter. Mr. ere Bovey is spending Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr, and Mos. J,. E. Hovey. Miss .A..gnes Welker of Kingston came up to spend the Christmas- tide with her parents, Mrs., A. D. Beaton and Holmes left this week for Toronto where they will spend the winter. Mr. Harry Shaw of Dartmoor Col lege is spending the Christmas va- eatioe at his home in town. Mr. Ernost Hunter of Toronto is spending a vacation with his par- ents, Mo,. and hi'r'e. R. Hunter. M. Loucks and babe of'1`oronto AR visiting at the hone of the lady's parents, Mee and Xtrs. Robert Hun- ter. llllss Kathleen geKinnon: of the Ne- llianee Collegiate 'staff is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. John John- ston, efee Douglas Shipley of Toronto, lis . visiting with his moth - ex., Mrs. William Shipley, Ontario street Miss Olive Sehoenhals left Saturday to spend the Christmastide with her sister, Mrs. W. E. O'Neil; of Halifax. • Diss Evelyn G. Ilall:of Queens Col- lege, Toronto, is 'spending the Chrisginas vatcation at her, home in town.. Niles jean. and. Mr. Robt. Middleton of Toronto are holidaying at their home, that cit Sheriff and Mrs, C. G. Mriddleton. Miss Clete Ford of the staff of Al- ma College, St. 'Phonate is spend- ing the Christmas vacation at her home in town. • Misses Florence Rorke and Doris Dur* nen came up from Toronto Friday and are spending the vacation at their respective homes. Mrs. W. Tanner and children of Vanlcleelc Hill are with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Walk- er, for the holiday season. Mlr. and Mts. tr. A. Steven of To- ronto are spending the vacation period as the guests of the lady's :nether, Mee. C. H. Bartliff. NTr. Joe Higgins of the Toronto Uni veirsity - is holidaying for the Christmas season with his ,garents, NTr. and Mrs, R. B. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kiley and chil- dren came up Saturday to spend Christmas with Mee. Kilty's par-; eras, Dr. J; W. and IVers. Shaw. Miss Jean Hogg of Milverton and Miss Ethel Hogg, College of Ede- - Toiento, , are holidaying with thein -parents, ,Rev. , 3. E. and Mrs.. Hogg!, the eVbeiley-Willis Mr. : and Mrs. Alex. , Eagleson of Drayton are visiting with the lady's mother, Mrs;: Farquhar. Mr. Eagleson, who as.•been conduct alas a, balcing and. eonfectionery busineiss et Drayton;has sold out and has not. yet decided upon an. ether business. 1VIr:•and Ws. Walter Cole' and daughter" of: "Winnipeg have been visiting IVr." and Mrs. W. II. Cole of Clinton .and have also been cal - hog on madly old, friends Mie. and 'Mrs. Cole were' former residents and: their old' friends here ,we're glad to weleerne them back. ' They have also been vititing the lady's parents, Mr, and elite. W. "111'ulhol- lazed of Iiolnresvillb. 7`IYE, CLINTO] iws RTC,ORD THURSDAY DICEMI3E 20 leer ivedwimowsouotottrAtoteatosikomoiswAeowsitonommiatikagitiviotimmatfiwwil CLINTON'S BJ6 COR ,E1 .6 OcE y Our New" Year's 'greetings to you we wish to ac- company with a promise of even better service during 1930 than we have given you in the past. HAPPY NEW YEAR to:'all Ot MANY CUSTOMERS AND FkkiENDS.. For the balance of the days, we are finishing up our Business Year, by'Making Dates with You for 1930 We have nothing in 1929 Dates left to:``offer you, but have Beautiful New:, 1930 Dates of all kinds, and we never have had finer Quality. DATES. FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. New ,Golden Hallowee Dates, 2 fibs. New Pitted Dates, per lb. New Sugared Pitted Dates, per lb. Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 Cash and Cau'g, 19c 20c 30c If we have failed to make .a Date with you! How about New Year's Candy, ';- Raisins, Nuts, and Oranges? Everything to Clear regardless of Cost. New 'Year's `Eve Special, Our ,Own Coffee, 65c a.Tn. • 51:00.ORDERS DELIVERED FR"EI3 ' • Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p,ire. ho`''t,e 48 WHERE "SELLS FOR,LESS" PRICE PREVAILS t INIMIUAW Ca Yd! rly IN TOWN KALL anuary, lst 1930 NEW YEAR'S NIGHT at 8 o'clock LUNCH Admission 35c. Proceeds `for leire Escape Fund HOSPITAL BOARD 49-2. Holiday Frolic ST. JOSEHP'S HALL on the evening of Monday, Dec. 30th COOKS ORCHESTRA 40-1-p. COLBORNE Miss Isabel Young. returned home for the Christmas sehsoit on Thurs- day. Miss Weary Addison of Londesboro. is visiting her sister:, Mirs..,David Bean, Carlow. • The heavy snow stoma persuaded Smith's Hill Sunday'' school to post pone their Christmas entertainment till Thursday evening when a good number enjoyed themselves. A cou- ple of families are under chicken pox quarantine, we ere sorry to re port eoukI not .enjoy it With the,. others. Recitations and songs vete givdn and general • social' evening was spent together with distribution of guts from the tree. The program was placed in .the hands of the super- intendent WI. 114ateh. Those taking part in 'recitations were A. Young, - "Mr. Wan. Marsh. 'Those taking part in eecitaticns were Arnold Young, Helen Young, Ruby and Jaek WRison, Charlid Watsbn, Thelma Faegan. Dorothy Watson Those singing were: A -duet by Dorothy , Watson" and Thelma Faegan,,"J'olly Old St. Nieh- alas." . The young ripen sang several Christmas carols. Choruses" werie eomprisedof Harold Squires, Arthut Wilkins,. Went Moulden, Jim Corean, Edward Young, Warner Walter,' Wm. Marsh and Rev...R. B. Curn- ming.. The ..chorus was accompanied by Mss. ''W n. Marsh. Remnillei held" their. entertainment on Friday 'evening, though it was a ve1ystormy night, About",, forty braced themselves and stepped out to .face . it.. ' Nb. 4 school heltt tlrei! entertain- ment on ' Wednesday'eveneng. Noe.. 8 on Friday aftermen and No. 3 .on Thursday afternoon. Niles people held thefts ,Monday ; night.•' ' The 'people wed , enticipated hav- ing tech rte s'foe service fesr Christ- naas seaeon eere, forced to .put then by though.. Jiir'Pattersonss',truck and plow are )rent busyee J. J. Robotispn is load director otic dieedts a gang of four, and fire men every day. Also a rrunibcr of snow fences ars. erected, an endeavor being tirade to keep them, open, till actor Christmas,. Wie are'glad to report ii1'rs. Ernest .Pfrinvner has taken a 'tun for the better. The,five minutes devoted to 'Study of Mission work in Sunday school on Christmas Sunday was given by Mies Amelia Meillwain and Miss Winnie Marsh. e Looking forevard to another please ant year in your midst, we extend our heartfelt wishes for e. happy New Year. Wendorf's Ba ery MAKERS OF • "Whole Wheat" 'and "Snowflake" BREAD- ' COAL & COKE , We sell DL&W and Famous Reading Anthracite Coal, Solvay Nut and Frtrnace Coke, Liberty, Range size Coke; Alberta Coal "and Millers Creek Sofb eoal, : Our Motto- -Good cleanfuel at a reasonable'. price. Carload of Albert Coal to''arrive 'this week: W.. J. MILLER- & • SON - 'Orders taken at residence, Ontario St;. , • PHONES: ' .46w and 46j - ' Our .heartfeltvv!ishes to all of you foe a successful and happy, y ear. We fir are" eager to 'eeliese :a11-'oer i^ecorde, of servjee during, 1930. 9 HARDWARE and PLUMBING' Phone '244 i May 1930 multiply your joys and obliterate your sorrows. A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. FUNERAL DIRECTQRS - - MONUMENT DEALERS ' • THE STORES WITH A STOCK Hardware 191 Furniture Phone: 104. - START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT nem your nearest Superior Chain Store for your first grocery order of the N1ew,Year—let them deliver---coinpald the eusilty--thee mice — and consider how muchbetter,it is to have someone carry your heavy percels for you. Then you, too, will become, one of thousands of regular satisfied customers of the largest and. strong est g -roup o8 Independent Merchants in Canada. We Sell the Rest For Less. Aylmer Vegetable Soup 3` tins . ... , .29c Free Running Salt, plain or iodized,, 2• pkgs. .17c. Eagle,,Breed Milk • per ,tin .. ; 10c Choice + C'anhdian Peaches No: 2'per tin .25c • Gimlets Ketchup pen; bottle.:. ,... .19c Premium e'l`der with cup and Saucer.. Free.. ...-..6.9e Jewel Shortening, Ieltovah Health Salts, 2 tiiis 85e Aylmer 'Tomatoes, 2 for ..e5e Vi -Tone, 8 oz. 33q,.16 oz. ..65e Finast Quality Nuts, 2 lbs. 45e Ginger 'Snaps, 2 lbs. .:.....25e Fillets oe Meade,; ..",,,22e. Finnan Hadde"e, Whole fish 20e PHONE YOUR ORDER TO ' J. ToMc KNIGHT' & S N CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 We resolve to givd the• bestTossible.sei'vice o" spare' no effort in constantly proving that service. ?Y NEW YEAR TO YOU! CDOES'• THE .,,& S. �R .•