The Clinton News Record, 1929-12-26, Page 2Clinton News -Record CLINTON. ONTARIO • Ore ms ot Subscription— h,00 Per Year du advance, to Canadian addres' is; ',*2 GO to the U.S or: other foreign Coun,;ries.+ No paper discentinued until' all arrears are paid unless it the option, of the publisher. 1'lr0 "date to,•vh1c10 every subscription is • ;paid Is denoted on the labdl. Advertising Rates—Transient waver- -,.tistng, le • per cut line for: first Insertion, 4c for each eubseiiuent insertion. Heading counts 2' lines. .eCi„ lil ,*d Vai•tixet0Pnt4, ^ot to exceed one dish, such as "Waned," "Lost," 'Strayed, etc., inserted once tor• 35c. each subsequent insertion ";AdvertIsements'sent ' 10 • without In ;'strUetions as to the :number' or tri , sertlens wanted will run until; Order ?ed out and will be chargojl accord' ingly, Rates for display advertising Made Irnown on appiirat(on. Clommutiiations intendedfor pub - "cation must, as a gU,rantee of geed' faith, be 'accompanied by the name nr the writer. G. B. Rail, M. R. CLA1,_a, Proprietor,. i:ditor. M. a D MGA T BANKER • E`generai. Banking Cosiness transact- ed. Notes Dlscounted: Drafts issued. Interest Allowed an l)epoeits. j Salo • Notes Purchased, U. T. ` RANCE Notary Publlo, Conveyancer. Financial, Real Pstate and . Etre In. 'nuance Agent. Representing 14 Fire Iusdrance Companle,.. Division' Court Office, Clinton. W. BRYDONE Barrister, .Solicitor,' Notary Public,sto, Office: v SLOAN BLOCK DL!NTON DR. :J. C. GANDIER .' Office Attars, -1,30 to 3.30 p.m., 0.30 to 8,00 p.m., Sundays, 10.30 to 1.30 p.m. Other hcurs ay appointment only. Chile and Residence —'Victoria St. CAPTAIN A GLE BEGIN X1ER` *t*ODAY T'11 agree it's ,hard;' returned ,'Alden' Drake .eenoerly, a saildr, Twining. '"But' if Captain Alden, gDrake says', he can,'move the; shin, I Of idle soft e and flabby through •a plifd..- 't believe it imppssible al long as: of idle ease, ships aboard the clipper won Orontes as 'boy, .under the coitimend he carrie.l:;on trying.' l'in waiting to ee him set sail :and back her oif yet' - of Jake Stevens, whose enmity, he in- curs, because of mutual love• for Mary Manning, daughter of the own- er, who is a.passeoger. Ae Cape Town, Stevens is.superseded as captain'by Drake, Whose l have s eu to the Stevens,' watched ,the last sailor carry the last mess kit into the fore- castle. Then the Doctor shambled af 1, cursing; taking off i is filthy apron ose awyera a e g and tut',:ing it before 'entering the cruise. uise. Stevens is reduced .', 1 se of the Orontes ;duringits to the rank saloon door. Tho great hawse. stretch- of chief urate. Answering Mary's plea,. ed. taut as a haipstring• alotig-tlte'deck, ' Orontes through the a man's height up, from the: forecastle Jake starts the 'Oto g Straits off Java, Where the ship runs head loads to the. fair -leader .on the aground. 'Marx. persuade ^ Ike,'the Poop. It quivered to the strohg i•ip-; steward,to take ber'.ashore• pies of the fast ebbing tide So sal:- NOW erNOW GO .ON WITH TIM STORY rifle was' the strain upon it that where The clacking pawls ceased. The ft entered the sea it was scarcely more Even streamed sweat. Ev n fat little Joe Bunting wheezed horrible pro- fanity as soon as"his- vocal'powere were relieved.of the necessity of bawl- ing encouraging chanteys. ' Strain as they might,; they only made the nine - avid Lsassed:l ark o.t:ho cabitt, - : Last Elizabethan parently he had b«xi so intent upolt tlo cabin dishes a� re t - flood the loss of beef and bread.. By BEVERLY Sel.e.t1 (To°be continued.) • The• old', man and hlu -wife •uere "=• sitting In the third•c1as compaltmeint when we boarded the train. at 01am- b" d' h that 1 had. not no DR. FRED G. - THOMPSON .Office and .Residence: Ontario Street Clinton, Ont. One door wrist of Anglican Church. Phone 171 Eyes examinee and glassea fitted Wan onehalf`its normal diatateter•. Possessed of 'tremendous' elasticity, too, as that'cocoanut fiber towing hawser. It 'exerted 'a pull.' of many tons even 'while •stretched, there mo- tionloss. Drake knew what he was: inch coir hawser twang and stretbh. al:out when he planned every move he "Even th' bloedin' headier 'don't had inado. Stefene conceded that. But, drag • 'eine- to 'give • us a matt" he -Jake • Stevens was thinking;' of many wheeze':. Some of the men were less things not connernod with,' Coir 'cables considerate of the ship. They; agreed and strains. First he must feed him with Tubbs and Sums. Ali this back- breaking, heart .racking labor was fu- tile. Some, those who most loyally 'backed the'niatea and little Joe Mint- ing, glanced 'darkly: at.the pacing fig- ure 'of Jake Stevens in ,the . waist. ' .,'Bytan-o'clock the tide was fell, All 'the• movable,• weight forward,, except the'deek water tanks, had been shifted. aft. • "Tr her . now Mi tier Twining!"' Y• cried Drake eagerly. ullenly .theemen shipped. their, cap stan,•bars'again. Every, man in the ship ,except Drake, Stevens a od.'Erb Oats put his weight to the 'bars. "}leave!" wheezed Joe ' Bunting.' "Oh heave an' bunt''er k" It was use- less starting a song. The•:ship' must Marti Names bridge for London. It was evening. The 'Woman was in her fifties, ami - By GEORGE GARDNER` able and pretty, dressed in worn black:. "I can tell you wiry, we give our and wearing one ^ Of those' towering ships Mara nam si" said Captain hate popularized by the late Queen Yoslueule Arakidt, but it will tako • Alexandra, nits a ong ib m, 'ansa (1 maybe 'will is •`{ the luau hatntlu make yolu .have to ihlnk" ttentithoitu;gas ,A powetlul old tamu,rew eras;or- When; I asked the Japans e sea 0y -built De looked like a Morrie 'captain to tell via why the nlerc•hant Heaton .q,a']r tree, A ileo bald. Uu- ship0 of his col ntry are called slsarOa: combed -iron-grey hair, I7yebrows like bluatiou of words 'ending with Mara—. no,. • DR. PERCIVAL ,HEARN Office and, Residence : Huron Street . — Clinton,' Ont. Phone 09 ,troruierly occupied by the tate Dr, C. W. Pr•nerneon' Eyes examined and glasses fitted DR. H. A` MCINTYRE. • DEN'•fls r • (Moe hours; 9 to 12 Atli, 'and 1 to 5 P.M.,'exeept Tuesdays and Wodnes: days. OMce over Canadian National Express, Clinton, Ont. Phone 21. • DR. F. A. AXON 5,O NTIST Clinton, Ont.. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and a,O.Ds., Toronto. Crown and Plate Work a Specialty self, since neither melee. nor men ten- dered him• an invitation to eat. He lowered himself to the deck,,and looked inside the galley.. Tim dishes for the saloon dinner were in the open, oven The 'Doctor was preparing the table, There were six •lumps of .boiled' salt -beef, .steaming greasily_ in a great dishpan. They were extra, rations, cooked ready for certain Cold meals, to coine. There was ' a full -bread locker..":Jake dumped out the beef, atnd_selected timeliest piece. This, with. -tiio_cobs of bread wrapped up in his jacket, he- replan ,d in the dishpan. He; felt in his pockets, made sure he had his pocket knife, and then with a swift' glance along the decks 'he: darted to the ship's.side nearest the shore,' The lie mored" before she would' begin to island lay a cable length .distant. Mara, Chichibu Main—always a 5,081- mustaches, pieroing grey eyes, a huge 1' •thought I was asking merely for ed and seemed. Ho sipped reflective • quart bottle of. Brown's four mil uses he ran ie a cobbler'sSecret of the ivril 5. greatdealmore. In fact, .' lool:od us over..' .: was :a e ,. g Otdtnaty ale aslto shop,. 51 was his .own. I3e ei tappeared reluctant .'o ° little',:aapta Americans, aren't yo "You aro to undertake thedclita It task a. into sing" he asked finally, in" a rtiinblin ting a complicated Japanese idea. into - Americans I like your Iled' and we brought him half a what lie considered cumbersome ,ng• 4 I helped to di diose tun- doe f p is Y oountry. [ g 3r lisp. ButT was very oagdr; and his . , h Hudson, 1 bore in half of voura Hader. the '" ° earef 1 housewife o }r.` t is the bent., 79 a translation. i ^ from a n,00bliler; He started on file leather. a a q�•pifleSS.,',: ` iu 'beer' lie 1N"g` e ' g like a'tYfld nian. Br, s. H. voice. , I like ve but, dozen hal in Hard do believe, Pari Old Lad ;of `�1 nets' nt •Quid o rtes w typical Oriental -'.con ythatof the sdu- 1 His voice was, not . pe"Mit him to refuse• catcd man nor of the cockney nor of "Maru meaus:oving king round—a '011e •oke the ordinary laboring man. sp bald.' he said, moving itis hands gent a good Eugliah, without Any of the ly al it to caress like e tt fol globe, usual mannerisms. We asked him "We in Japan, like curves and air - what he did on the tunnels. ti cies. 13'o dislike square things, or "High ,Pressure .work," he explain• anything' with angles, e that,ruitur t- ed. "I am a diver—the oldest diver: 'even, has no angles—like that;'' point h •.world I su Pose:: I've .had Mg to a square table beside us. "1t laSkil':water.outeide.pof •me -and less a num is displeasing to ns we will more e is an alar," . inside of me than any _man living." say; niaybo, that h g He roared' with laughter that shook The Japanese. adjective meanis - the train, and .took a' deep draught. square, "shtkaluee as a noun `is tions of ale, fated "assay in" With , magnificent •ale, will excn'se me boasting, sir, iucousisteney, however, --We Japanese butthi le my `day off, 'meeting, en- admire Poets and yet 'rise "shikaku' joying ourselves, eh, Mary? Iynt sixty to mean poet, sh' sears old. Find 'nae another. diver . "This, thing," Ise- continued, "is in a who still works at nighty Of that our language—our,7ikes and disliksa._ "Bve' feet under. , Ent' I'm. sIfpliing, ,.The. Japanese thins and sneak like When 1 was in my prime 1 was a writers,• they are =I tkiuk•'you would"%tough 'one, -wasn't I Mary?" say 'literary -minded'• Slie nodded assent, •gazing at him "So just like 'they calflhomething r `$1 u er something' n ou Y.. : ,thatfst they liasiug:ang 1 He went on talking. Storiee :of div that 'they like is round,' or Marc. ing .in- France -and; India_," Stories of: Years 'ago, too; this was true: The drinking ;bouts, endurance feats. The Japaueee liked round `things, and they great war? The old diver 'woe `in it IUced Maru after• the name of some -los' tour years; and dismissed it with one or something they liked: A prince a Iaugli.. Wounded? Certainly. He of `royal blood, perhaps, would haveimenedehis shiet to show where DA a Meru 'name, or a fine sword, and sure as • m sitting Watnfieet (Lincolnshire. - An old au hour he'd •finished° a boot pretty as in a laeo', oap trim out lease, , The beer was easy for lady of ninety-one y P lady ofrith heliotrope ribbons and a: him. Al fiue'man.. , , satin' bodice fastened at iter' "'But my three fluid was 'soils, and black was on me. T eotatciied me' i throat with an old gold brodele told the laugh eae in one sentende the secret of mai rindhappiness. i Hess. tin li She is Mrs. alket, tl a :wife of Mr. 'William :Walker,'' -who recently cele- brated the seventy-second anniversary of his wedding. She: mid:, "Let e mated° a$ he likes and keep Hint well fed." Having said that she lapsed into silence for ten minutes. Then she said::"Never argue with a man, because: he is always 'wrong; never let a man Itave, to look for a ' stud or a pair of cleansocks, because. it will: put him in a had temper for the , D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist •v Masseur " O8Toe; FIn1•on St. (Few doors west of Royal Bank). Hours -Tues., Thurs. and Sat., all day. Other hours by appointment. Hensall Office—Mon., Wed, and Fri. foreti'oons. • Seatorth Office—Mon„ Wed. and Fri. afternoons. PHONE 207 GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of ,luron. Correspondence promptly answered, Immediate arrangemeuts can be -made for Sales Date at ate News•Record. Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. B. R. 'HGG1NS Clinto, ,, One, • HE STEALTHILY LOWERED HIMSELF INTO: THE NATER BY A ROPE END. slide fast enough to call far a song. But to move 'her was a terrific task. With 'muscles snarl: ng, the veins swelling on the foreheads of the few real workers, only the "Clack, clack, cia-a-ack!" of three reluctant pawls resulted. Mr. Twining straightened his agonized back. Mr. Adams, almost fond/Aid fond at the expiration of his Heroic effort. "B11'me! Pur dollar" panted , Joe. Bunting. Nick Coombs, silent hitherto, z ort to him meant no - power., heaving with every atom of hie thiat reaching p tremendous arm and shoulder power;, thing at all' but loss of hie certificate, ,twin Arakicla's extliauation was re - and starting all over again. With peated insisted that all Oriental ids• i d with glassy eyes from beneath powerful frame at buts were without consistency, and 'l lowered himself the Mdmi..teaditioi, with 'which he General Fire and Life insurauee Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana, da'Trnst Bonds. AP,lolntments made to meet' parties at Brue'etleld, Varna and Bayfield. 'Phone 67. - High voices could he head from the bullet lead missed his heart. He told that is true now of many Maga." of •hot}, when the canal wa3 stopped "I -lige -kir! Mare" is a • name that ^,in Flaude?'s, he_ went down without Japuneee sometimes have given to diving equipment and removed the their swords, the first part referring to its brilliance and speed. "A castle would have a' Marti name. It its splendid, it is .admired, and it deserves that `it'1}as a fine:name. You see? Well, then, long ago Japanese pe- ople built ships. There were many kinds—some fine,' some little and ugly. The. Koreans, too, built ships, and the Japanese didn't tike the Kor- eans and didn't like their shins, The fine ships they gave }Mara names. The little ugl}' ones, and the ones that re- minded et Korean ships had only names. 'For many years. Japanese people saw only these ships of their own, until our ports were opened and ;other nations' ships came in. Then wo saw their big men-of-war that were not like our lighting snipe. The Japanese, too, built these men-of-war; avid at the first gave them Math names. "Now the mei1'ofe er do not have Marti names—only Ole merchantmen. Why': They are different. It is the meroliantman that le Mara. She is the floating castle. It doesn't inean all ships except fighting ships. The little fishing boats,: n0, 'Only, mer- chainmen, .the Boating castles." The fact that a battleship's. arma- ment makes it resemble a fortified castle seems not to have impresses the Japanese, unless with the idea that the modem gun -turrets are not Maru, while ; an ancient castle's bud- works a;o. A strident of Oriental languages and custbms`to whom Cap- forecastle, where tired and surly men argued loudly and rebelliously. Ste- vens grinned, but without any pledsure or amusement. It was.the grim grin c-- an upright man about to do some- thing not quite so upstanding. It was the grin of the outcast. Jake Stevens felt his position intensely. He knew he was neither master nor man, neither ' welcome passenger nor use - 1 crew. Ile had no doubts whatever g gra wt g ass every sinew of his lowering, dripping brows, shaking his nston he stealth, happened not to be entirely°bamillar, surprised hint with its logical follow- ing up of a central idea. ' Oriental Ianguages are replete with words that are known as.indicatori. Sue% a word, for example, may he 'deed lu the 'term for .anything with a hole In it, whether a Chinese cote, :a doughnut, or au. autothobile tire, on anothelt ismer Indicate something that has the form of a stick. And many of them are as rich, in tradition as is • Mara. HABITS That which the easiest becomes a (to ' ive 'is intp the wafer by a rope -end, clutch"Ought to make everyhotly - head, beaten, ;ing the dishpan in one .encircling arm until' he . could set it afloat. '.}hen he pushed off from the ship and swam swiftly towards the shore, floating the pan ahead of hila. . He turned when he "had almost reached the rocks. The Doctor had not appeared yet. He grinned again.; and Ilam there was a trace of satisfac- tion in the grin. Jake -had forined a splendid plan. If he could only win out of sight from the ship before .the the ap_ Doctor discovered the loss of the beef papatently Drake;thin pacing poop, s to and bread, he 'would ;wen be sitting further only thinking up ways en top, of the world. He scrambled further be -devil and bully -damn the e Hat, What Alden out of the water, and ;carried: n!S habit in us is the will. Leath, then, mates and e 7 u g - •sten es hurriedly out of sight bey Drake was 1d get'thitllshi about ryas waterside, and crouched expect- to will once, to will strongly and de pints of beer and make half -a pair how he could his ship afloat and 'aha tv ' ✓ untidyhead bob- eksivaly, Thus fix your ,floating life, of boots.' 5 had three quid ivtth me. on her wayto her port with least witty. TheDve t s and leave Reno longer to be drifted I tools him on, bed along above the '}ail of the Oron-, delay. I, "Jake listened :hither and thither, like a withered l' "Ile set,out hellbent, with me and i 'r led' Out. tea, goingtched the galley. ,. leaf by every wind that blows, the whole pub after him. Ip about "Mister Twining!" he ca•• Twining' briskly: Here was r and watched. The Daetor areappeared , g word to qui g pound," he grumbled. And young Adams, knowing the,. man spoke the truth, glanced along the deck at Ste- vens and at the sail locker door. He knew how useless all this labor was. He thought he knew, anyhow. 'And the coffee had been peetty bad. Adams was ready to back his skipper to 'the limit, as was Twining; but he w'as young, and with the proneness of youth was likely tp overlook a fete things in the heat of•'iannoyan0e. H head awhile.. "Walt a minute,' I said `You've; won, but you're, so tired out now that you couldn't, even run half' a utile iu a half hour. One condition, -You wilt have to wear my boots., Three quid on it.' "He.laughed• and laughed. He was a good runner. He thought I'd had too niuoh beer. The people from the pah'laughed too. "'Some along,' I said. I'll get you the boots,' We went:to my gtiarters, ,all the crowd along. Nobody knew I. 'was's, sliver. 2 brought- out my div- ing boots. extra heavy, fortyepoun'ds of dead in :eack' of them.. He looked kind of .pale; but he ir;as a man. He strapnad biose beets on and set out, He event about two hundred yards In the, Brat ten minutes; end he fell over, dead beat, „ + pea -jacket,, and Mrs, Walker's sequins I. .had to take the boats off .him holitthe light of a bright. fire. before I carried him to a pub." shone g The old diger leaned back again, The Toby, Jug and his laugh rattled the windows. Her little house, welch .is, full of He took' a deep draught of the ale, treasures, including a Toby Mg more and offered • it to his wife. Slie sip• than three hundred years old, shone, Pod it modestly, and handed it back. too. • He was unlike any Englishman I When..5 asked Mr. Walker If they have ever. met He seemed,to belong had quarrelled during' their seventy - to a lordlier day. The last of the two years of married life, he shouted with laughter, and Mrs. Walker, look- ing ooking at him Severely through her spec- taeies, said: "Be .quiet, Willie. It is nothing to laugh at. • Of course, we rest of the :day." Mr. and Mrs. Walker were•eelebrat- ing when I called at their house. Telegrams and great-grandchildren were arriving every few minutes. Mr. Walker was •dressed in his best obstruction in the looks. That was. just duck diving," he Elizabethans, heppy with his ale in said. "And what do you think the a third-class compartment.—Montreal obstruction was? A five -gallon tin Standard, of rum, Yes sir, rum. We took it over after. nightfall to an old Belgian Arable Land have quarrelled, but only about little woman that brallght us coffee, and Good f-�i{'iL1�le Ls° d things. +after that, our coffee was halt rum for a month. - "How could two people live happily �' Mand in Labrador together for seventy-two years with - "One day the sergeant looked me , out quarrelling? It's against nature." DIra, Walker was full of such epi. grams. Mr. Walker poured out wed- ding eed ding anniversary port, and Mrs, Walk- er alk er ineved closer to the fire. "I was nearly twenty when ave mar- Heti," ar rieti," field Mr. Walker, and she was eighteen and a hit. "We had a pound each of our owl when we married, and practically no Furniture except a bed and a few tables and chairs," "And new linen," said Mrs. Walker, up, Said •r. was drunk. I took thirty Rapid Growth of Vegetation winks, and there the sergeant was ill Short Season Feature at the door. 'Tho locks are jammed, Holly, he said. - 'You've got to go - of Country ° down, Hurry.' i said 'According to Amherst; Mass.—Professor Fred C. ,tin, I'm druula I won't go down until Soars of the Massachusetts Agricul- the captain comes, and certifies me turnl Gallego here has just returned saber;' •They brought the captain, after n summer: spent in the interest tlioy certified' Inc sober, and I wont of agricultural development in Labra - clown. The sergeant got the black g p marlca for the delay, the marks I dor, Ho expressed himself as opti- should have lead. They don't lightly say Holly's had too much." On and, on he went. He quoted Ingersoll with approval 'and with ex- traordinary accuracy on the question of dotty; he praised King George as a good old chap, and ridiculed mon- archy; ho bitterly attacked the uuton wage, system which makes the atrong man -take the wage et the average .man; he praised` America for its in- dividualism. With each point his overwhelming laugh rang out. "I was a tough ono," he repeated. Then he said: "But one man almost nut me 'down. It was when we were working • off the.,docks in Southampton, in 1897. That was my day oft, too. I was tak- ing a walk In the mark, and I met up With a tow headed chap, big and broad( We got to talidng and drink- ing together and boasting. We had money In 'our pockets, and got to betting.. "We ran races, We wrestled, we long -jumped, we high jumped, we bet on drinking speed, we fought two rounds bare•fisted• Quite a crowd collected. "We held our breath, and I beat him two minutes:' We tried grips, and he ESarly broke my hand. We climbed poles and I beat him. Ile out -spit me. 1 .lifted the biggest rock. So it went, first me, then him. We,eouldn't either put the other down. A fine roan. "Finally he said to me, 'Bet you alt you have that in half an hour I can run half a mile, drink' half, a dozen mistie over the agricultural prospects ot the region, His work was to coma - giving him another severe look. "You tion with the Grenfell Mission. can't start married life without now Prof. Sears described a tam -acre field which has been cleared of lir, spruce and hacktnatack at Northwest River, The soil, he slid, is sandy and success is anticipated in the growing of asparagus, strawberries and rasp- berries and 'potatoes. The rapid growth of vegetation during the four weeks of warm weather is almost un- believable, he said. Potatoes planted on July 28 were sufficiently .grown to use on Oct, 1. He witnessed cab- bages grow in four weeks from spind- Iing transplants to fully developed heads. Following his investigations of the summer of 1928, the professor shipped to St. Anthony, apple, cherry, crab- apple and plum trees. He found them d 't breaking the mens hearts. 9 Canada's black ar est Cit )Siris Fair to be C Drake pipe, an packed his. old Canada's Largest Y briar and as leisurely lit the tobacco. Ths smoke was jetting free- ly when Twining appeared at the head of the ladder, "'VI• t Twining you may • 'vast TIME TABLE Trains will ,.rrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. Going hast, depart • 6,44 a.m. " " 2•50 p^m• Going' West, ar. 11.050 a.m. " ar, 6.08 dp.' 6.48 p.ni. " ar, " 10.31 p.m, 1 London, Huron 8. Bruce 17r•,. Going South, ar, 7.40 dp. 7.40 a.m. a 4.08 p.m. ' Poing North, depart 6:42 p.m. " ar. 11.40 dp. 11.58-a.m. THE MciILLO'P MUTUAL I'i, Fire Insurance Company, •` Head Office, -Seaforth,, Ont D1211:(,AOIt Y: President, jamas Evans,. Beechwood; Witre, James Connolly, Goderlch; Seo,- ;_ Firea.adrer, D, 6, MaGregsr, Searorth• lreetors: George McCartney, Seaforth: dames Shonldlce. Walton; Murray GM - loon, Brucefleid; Wm. Kink, SearortI,; Robert Ferrle Tlarlock•' ,John lBenneweir• iBrodhagen,• Jae. Minority, Goderlch, Agents: Alex, Leitch,. Clinton; Ir w (Yes, Godertch: Ed, 'L5;lnchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray.. Cgmendvllle; alt, G. , Jar- muth, Brodbagen. Any iu0ney to be pale In May ,br Dahl to 'Mo+rksh Clothing Co. • Clinton or r• v n Cat's orery o er c, e r ng o e ee Insurance ot tier t heaving for this tide," Twining's face brightened. "Let the men get, their dinners, give 'eat a spell for a smoke, then go to work and shift the water tanks aft" : Twining's jaw dropped. His eyes clouded. Drake puffed placid. ly at his pipe, and went on in the same voice as he might use to tell Ike to put buttons in a clean jacket: _`'Tomorrow, if shifting the tanks' doesn't help her off, we'll open the fore hold and break out those Manchester cases. Send the cook aft to set the: table when .the men have got their rations," Twining was halfway down the - poop ladder before he could *govern his voice enough to respond: "Aye, aye,. sir!" He said nothing to the men except that they were to have their dinners and a smoke, He saw them troop, forward in glee, "Sent of the men are ready to chuck in their hands now!" said ,Adams. "Break out cargo in this heat? Have to do it, I suppose, The Old Man knew.' his business, It's damned hard, though,' I don't believe ost Progressive, Metropolis linen;" "I was earning two shilings a day, on a farm," continued Mr Walker, "anti tie saved money milt. We ]tad„ two children. There's one of them ' running about iu the garden now." Ile rose from his hair and called:I "Paul, come here a minute," and. Paul, aged sixty-nine , came in smiling. "Ho's.a wonderful lad"said Mr. Walk- er, beaming at Paid, "and he loves his gardening -don't you, Paul?" "Ay," said Paul, and ,helped -himself. t0 a glass et port. " "We've another child, a daughter, who's married. I'm glad she's mar rled. Women are 'best married. It• serves them right" making excellent growth on his visit Mr. Walker ie extremely active for his age, and I asked him if he ,could give any advice to some of the modern old men of thirty. Eat Bacon and Onions where the frost never leaves the sub "Tell them to eat fat bacon and stratum of the soil. Several entail- raw onions for breakfast; said Dir. woke, tions have been established in Lab- "If they can eat that, said Mrs. rador and tests are being made on Walker, who hates onions,' "'It will growth o£ both ornamental and tom- serve them right it they live to be a merclal plants, as web as fertilizer kindred.' and acidity teats, the raising of alfal- I 1: asked Mrs, ,Walker if site had a fa' drainage and improvement of 'gar- I g hearty appetite. "I can eat anything except raw onions," she answered, "Do you like the wireless, young man?" I was obliged to confess that I hated it. htto Canada and eastern and. western So do T," said Mrs. Waiker, "Es - 'United States, this year. Prof. Sears' research was directed to promotion of agriculture in a re- gion where winter holds sway approx- imately eight months of the year, and den vegetable's. Prof. Sears has had 30 years ex- lierienee in investigational work, ten of which were spent in Nova Scotia. His investigations have carried hint Osie of the most interesting phases pecially when they start talking. I've - of Prof. Sears' work in Labrador is never heard such rubbish. Mr, Walker moved' towards the loud speaker. "Leave it alone," said Mrs, Walker. "You dont want music; you just want to fiddle about with it." Mr, Walker fingered a switch. "Men are alt like that," said MIS. Wacker, "They must have a toy, Young Paul can't leave the wireless alone. But that's the way to keep that relating to the introduction of flowering plants. Red flowers are 'vir- tually non-existent in Larador—why it has not been explained. Blue flow - ere thrive and Prof, Sears hopes that red ones will be made to blossom as welt S• IDLENESS The idle man is an annoyance, a then, happy. Let them clo as they uuisauee; he is of no benefit to any- -like. All right, Willie, if you mast" hotly; he is an intruder in the busy thor.oitghfare of every -clay life; he FRIENDSHIP " stands lu ole' path, and we push him He that doth a base thing' in zeal concmptnotldly aside; he is of no ad- for his friend, burns` the golden t,•._-''lM 10 anybc,ly; be annoys busy thread that ties their hearts together. 1851, 112 Makes them unhappy; he is n Jerome Taylor. unit Tu o 12i}. Therefore, young. man, ; Friendshipimproveshappiness,' and d: 'lam :lun ' in this busy, bustling, abates 'misery, by the doubling of our tr.iit^,l tithe - world! Move about for jo,r, altd. file dividing 01 our: grief.--• the benefits of 'Mankind, if not for Z",ivrio,. yourself, Do not be Idle; Cod's law Friendship is too pure a pleasure is that -by, the sweat of our' brow we `for; a mind cankered with .ambition,— shall oafn•our bread. De not be idle; ,,Sumas. every man and every woman, however ,., ,s exalted or. however humble, can do I EARLY ,MORNING good. m this short lite; therefore, do • In the morning, when thou ilsest uu not be idle. ---Cr A. Sala, O. WISDOM' Wisdom does not show itself 00 much inpreOept as in life -10 a firm- In the new lexicon of definitions la gess: of mind and a mastery of appe• Wall Street an irivostment stock site'. It teaches ns to do, as well as ,night' be termed one that does -not sat �,,.A�lx..,+,..sj.7, �5''•.' ,v..'�it"Sli:v.4�a�.•' off, _$.syrc�x4`,'aF.'S.,w''r,':h �'^Zh£, .aixy";.�".+.e1CL.r,. rs " 3-•.--- .i4 o•?.,z,, ,•t;�s..< a ..e?z.,< r , vr""s,;l'r ,� •e,..-„�+t's „> , - : to talk; and to melte our works and more than 50 points in .one flax. O al 1 C rf ar C d 1 h _ IN MONTREAL actions all of a oalor.�-•Seneca. ,OF CARTiCRVILLE AIRPORT 'Auotlier difference between- tiff Parties d sl I t 'ec t N AIR VIEW, ;, .. -_. A irthe mod- n oler is tliat i transact atter business Willbeurmm�rty , s.” resslvel sulR>lying herself with mans to; ft The best way to take leave of the .stoat mashes and p 11 attend!✓f ce s Adios e t to ane or the the slup.can nicyo befpre spring not With St, Hubert, and- the airport above hIontleal is pros Y. above officers a r0ssr - o their respeo• --'`_....'—_. - - • - with, .. Poker •ati can see Soto• cards,. willingly, let this thought be present —I am rising to the work of a human being,—Marcus Aurelius, fire 1or,srt Flra �T,Oas•0 i 1fstr.0 5R. ISSUE No. .52—.29,_.___. ern trauaportaliee. stock market is with a good buy. } ?liras!",. l