The Clinton News Record, 1929-12-26, Page 1•
eWs-Record Est, 1878
, 25.56 -51st YEAR .
. • • 4
• ••'.• n•'I • • .1 0.0 • • , ,
• • ,
41 • . • .,
In Wishing you a Happy New Year, we thank you for your past pat-
renagP . and ask only the happiness of re;taining
old friendships and making nhay ones. .
Jeweler and Optometrist
Phfoie 174w and 47M.
etiO Eit4
Clear me
inter Coats
For one week only
From Christmas to
New Year's.
'.About Twenty five
Coats in the Lot,
Sizes 34 to 45.
Our sineerest wishes- for a 1-13,PPY New Year, and many thanks for
your cooperation and pathenage :during 1929.
Wheats ;81.25 $1:28,,. • -
Buckwheat .80"6 to 836.•
Butter, '38c to 40c
"'Eggs '30c to, 511e. • ' 7.1
Live:hoe, 810.75: ' •
The Agricultural and .Dornestic
Short- Course for Hach: 'County will
'be held in Eiceter this Year, conlinenc-'
ing Jan. 7th, 1930," and.- Continuing
until Jan. 31ot.' exiseoted. that
„Many of the • yqung, men. and •wenien
of, the county 'ell arrange to. take
in all, or at least, •part, of the courem
'Theee courses have. always been
poplar in the county AS they recur
from year to yea. .
There- is much street talk about
elections. Clintorrs.-oldest 'industry
is talking of running -a man for the
.eouneil; Mr. Langford may ' come
ont again' he candidate for the •couri-
eil; •lVfr.` Cooper may aspire to 'the
layeship and the present reeve may
daide to •''stick" if he can: •' The
Maioralty will bffer some excite -
India as a dark horse may 'appear on
nonunation night. °
• The general -feeling seenis to be
• that there will ' be -an election-con-
testfor all the seats this year and,
as a bylaw is to be .voted on, enough
'candidates ought to he pht up so
•that a` choice- may be 'made by the
electors. 'In a. town. of 'Clinton's sire
it- is a healthy sign to see enough
interest manifested" in 'municipal af-
fairs so that a contest is surd. And
citizens need not feel disgruntled if
they offer themselves for a seat at
the council and the voters choose
someone else over' their heads. It
there is a contest 'someone is bound
to be left. It were well to put up
enough inert so that no Matter who
is Chosen we shall have a good coun-
What about electing a woniaii to
the Public school banal this year?
Two changes of appointment' in
the Diocese of Ii-aron were announc-
ed Saturday by His Grace Arehbish-
op Williams. Ttev. 1.. 17.•.'Poeock, of
Toronto, has been appointed to the
parishes of Blyth, Auburn and Bel -
grave to succeed the late Rev. Ar-
thur •-Shore. •
The Rev. S J. Cole, of Inverness,
Quebec, will assume charge of St.
Thomas parish, Granton, to sueeeed
the Rev. John Atkinson, appointed to
Paisley. The appointments are ef-
tective January 1.
'United Church
Now • Year's Seta/ice next. Stinday.
Morning:. "Upon Life's Highway."
-Evening: "Ring Out the Wild Bells."
• Presbyterian Church
11 a.m. "The Story of the Year."
7 pan, "Travel Stains." . •
Sunday,School at the usual helm.
Ontario Street "United Church
Special New Year Services on
SundaY, The minister's morning
subject: "The Web of Time," Even-
ing: "The Lesson of the Passing
Yeas." Special musical numbers Irt
the 'hhoir and Iltr. J. Riley Hallman;
of Toronto, who rendered such fine
solos at the re -opening services in
Aaigust, will assist both morning. and
evening. All are ,cordially invited.
The minister takes this- opportun-
ity of wishing everyone a very Hap-
py and Prospereus New Year.
The Christmas. serviees of ' last -
Sunday were 'Very fine. The Choir
was at its 'best and the organ Um-
bers were excellent. Miss Marion'
Gibbings assisted with. two well ren-
dered "solos. The services -f the
:whole:day wei•gyery helpful and
lesloyWillis United Church
The primary department had their
white gift service on Sunday after-
noon, when a large number of gifts
were 'presented to be given to chil-
dren not so fortunately sithated.
Instead Of the usual service :on
Sunday evening a carol service was
held, several of the .fine old Mist -
Inas hymns being sung, the -pastor
giving a short history of each."'" The
choir rendered a couple of fine selee-
tions, and the Mongregation entered
heartily into the singing,- ,9f the
Christmas songs. Mrs. lVforgati'Ag,
new gave S. very pleasing organ re-
cital before the service began' and
played the Halleujah Chorus,.,clicir
And cong.r•eation standing, as ,a- Pre -
hide. '
St. Paul's Church
- Next Sunday will mark - -there-'
opening of the church after redim-
eraUson. The Services both Morning
and *ening will he in charge of
Rey. S. li. 1VIcKegney, 31.A.,`•
who will be .the_„specifilliieacher.
The 'Christmas iusic will be repeat -.
ed • •
The annual mating of the Wm
inexi's Auxiliary- was held recently
when' excellent repais of the year's
work were. preeented, showing that'
more has ' 'beet aecomplished than'
during any recent year. T.he follOW-
ing officers were•eleeted -and Metal-
President---Mis,,..L. .0. IiarriSen-
Treasurer---11/11rs. J::Atkinson.
Seeretirry-,-Mrs. Frank ',Hovey,
'LdgfbtSeeretary—Miss Z Bowden
CoraSec.—Mrs. T. HaWkiiip,
The'New Ei'a '1860'
1 e
, . r „. ,, •
's- OWhig to the Hon.:;;R. 13 -Bennett
being called to attend'', the Li era
Comseriaive Provincial ContentiMi
%of ,the. -Province, if AO,laerta.dE Jan..
fith, • 1 i)30,^ which is ,StsnOine a partY,
leader, the liannaeli.14", Clinton arid,
emuniunity. which 'heflAseeri prpviebs-
IYarranged for -the!. Elstlii of ..jannarY,
will be withdrawiftlajanuarY, 29'th.
lVfe". Bennett,.spealfing,from Toren-.
to; assures the Assodletion, of Olin-.
ton that from ,now,fihkall his.faure
engagements will ravelye, around the
It is considered thatithis later date
will be preferable asIthe 311 effeots
of •CliriStneas testitit14' `will' be past
and all'agaiMready foii the hot chick-.
en banquet. :;•,",:;, •
Friday evening laet...was Christmas
Tree night in Clintons", .four of - the
Sunday schools havinetheir
ma's Christ-
-entertainment on„ithat date. It
was anything but a fair night for
the 'piarPose, but. no evening for, the
bast week --di, • so t has been. • -It was
too , allow - people. com-
ing in from the country and baskets
of presents had t be Iliid•aside to be
delivered to the children
• But elthough, the attendance was
mach smaller than would have been
luid the weather conditions bean
more favorable, those who did attend
had a good time, Ph - young folk
performed their Bale -stunts, sang
their little .songs, went through their
little drills and, on the appearance
of Santa Claus, received with joy
their gifts from the laden tree.. An-
other Christmas has gone down into
The funeral of Mr. 3.T. Stephenson
took place from the home of her
daughter, Mrs. It: Arnistrong, Huron
street, to 'Ontario street United
chureh, where the public service was
held, on Thursday afternoon last.
The service was Conducted by the
Rev. A. E. Doan and (hiring the ser-
vice the church mixed quartette sang
a selection very beautifully. The
pallbearers were six grandsons: W.
R. Stephenson, Webster Turner, J.
Armstrong, Percy Johnston, Lee Mc-
Connell and D. A. Kay. Interment
was made in Bayfield cemetery,
where her husband, and other mem-
bers of her ;family are buried.
Primula were presene for the fun-
eral from Hayfield. Hensall, Howick,
Turnbeay and many from Stanley,
township, and many beautiful flor-
al tributes were laid upori the cas-
ket. •
At seen o'clock on Vaesday even-
ing, December 17; at the Parktiew
United churchparsonage, 76 Park-
view Drive, Straford: a. very pretty
wedding took ,place, when IVIIss Flor
ence, May Knox, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William BS. Knox of Hidlett
township, became the bride of Mr.
James Alexander phowen, of Strat-
ford, son of Mr, and Mrs. James G.
Chowen,. of Clinton.' The young ecu -
pe were attended by Miss Hazel
P. L. Riddell of Stratford, and- Mr.
Walter Oshaldeston, of Clinton: "the
ceremony was perr, ormed by Rev. C.
Nit'\. Dewitt Cosens, pastor of Park-
view United Church. The bride look-
ed charming .in, a very dainty gown
of poticlre blue geergette having- an
uneven hem line, her only ornament
being a string of Bluebird pearls the
gift of the ,grootn. Her coat was of
brown 13roadeloth and sable trim-
mings, with",a close fitting ha to -
match. Mr. and Mrs. Chowen are
taking up residence at 262 Albert
street, The groom'S gift °to the
bridesmaid was a sterling silver
compact and, to the best man a set
of pearl studded cuff links.
A GOOD 31013 •
St. Paul's 'chnrch has been newly
'decorated and reopening services will
be held on Sunday next, the serviees
having been held .ine the vestry tor
the past few weeks.
The church presents a very hand-
some and attractive appearance, the
decorations beini'in very soft, lov-
ely shades. Handsome panel decora-
tions are stensilred• between the dark
wood becansfof the Ceiling, with sten-
silling above and below the hand-
some,- memorial %windows also over
the arch otithe chancel. -
.--,,The . chancel -is,..essiecially beauti-
tal7threeloveli litanies. being phint-
ad on its orte.,a picture of Paul
and Timothy, Wylie...the ceiling and
walls' are,peinted softly hareionica,
ing Shades. The .Seats hav•been,
freshly done over and,' as the thin-,
eel was newly floored lest"Ydat. the-,
Whole,. church is now in exeellent"
tn Itva.a:sY alibeoaiallt-
tiful appearance; , harmonious.' and
twe• nty-five years ,Ssiriee Was de,.
"coratal before arid, this ought to lat
lelaat that. Much longer.
Mogrs 1Vlotire and-Sorig of Toron-
to had :the Peintraet officiale
are well' plea:teed with the restilt:
.Megars. 1Vrocre "81?ealaliaa On Phnrell-
eS, Anglican eirerehes, 'and they 're.,
.sently finished,. St. ,Oebrge'S,„"
inch said, to be h Very `fine,
Piece Nvarittna.iiShin, .Moore;
intith;6it aWrtoilt-ansi it-Q*7%e e wahei'deligitethetdo
see the deftndes- With which he had
The' Clinton' Hohpital Board will
meet isi tha board room of the town
at 7,80 od Tuesday evonink;
Jan 7th, 3.33o.
Noininationt for mayor, ,conneil-
lors, school trnstees and Public Util-
ity commissioners will be held in
he tOwii:* hall on 'Monday evsning,
Decernber 30th.
The fire brigade waz called out
about- it gnarlier eight one morn-
ing In the .early .part of the week
when it was found that 'afire
had .started in the vacant houSe of
Mr. Case south of the 'railway.. Not
much damage -was clone and the fire
was soon otereome. A mattress was
round to be on fire, whith points to
the lildihood of someone haying pe-
cupied the house during the night.
o3Ao. Lawrence received word
this week of the death of her broth-
er, William Whittington, who had
suffead a" stroke. He passed away
at his home in Pevensey, Parry
Mr. Whittington was a native"' of
Clinton and will be remembered by a
number around these parts., He
leaves four sons and an adopted
daughter to mourn their loss, .also
twd .sisters,. Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs.
Fcal of Clinton and .one brother ef
In the:current issue of the. Cana-
dian Magazine appears a story by
Mi... Fred Simian entitled "Myrrh," a
little Northern Ontario girl, who
no doubt, found:life "bitter" enough,
asanything in the -way of beauty on
sweetness was mite outside her'
comprehension. She had a birthday
one day and, contrary to all the hie -
tory of herself or ha family, she
actually received some presents, the
school teacher being the goocl angel
who brings into the life of this little
girl her first, faint elinnaleir that life
is not, shotild not be, only hardship
and "doing -without." Mr.- Slomaa is
going to 'bring to the attention of we
smug people of this older ;ma of On-
tarib the work that should be done
for the newer settlements of the
north if he can do it by one means
or another.
Mr: Michael Stock had his car bad-
ly damaged last week on the high-
way when a car from near Goclerich
crashed into it.
Mr. and MTS. Walter Cole and.
daughter of Winnipeg are visiting
this week at the home of Mts. Cole's
parenta, Mr. and Mrs. William Mul-
holland. They also visited for three
weeks in Detroit at the home of Ma.
Cole's sisters, 8irs. Draper and Mrs.
MTS. Cudmore Isspending the
week -end at the hoMe of her. Sister,
Mks. Shaddick of Londesboro, •
The Tipperary Line school annual
Christmas entertainment -which was
to have been given Wednesday ev-
ening had to be postponed on ac-
count of bad roads" and severe weath-
er: The program prepared under
the direction of the teacher, Miss E.
Whitely of Goderieh was given on
Thursday afternoon in the school.
The annual' Christmas entertain-
ment in the llohnestille Public
school was given last Thursday af-
ternoon and,' in spite of the very
stormy end "disagreeable weather; to
riumben of the parents •and friends
gathered' tor the affair. The .sohoe1
had been handsomely deeorated for
the occasion and appropriate Christ-
mas messages adorned the black -
hoard, while the Christmas tree was
the centre of attraction with iti gay
decorations and, its, varied fraits.
TheRev. J. WV He'thert, Paster of
the "United ehuteli, acted as chairman
while avery interesting prograin
was given by the pupila, consisting
of Christmas choruses, dialogues,
drills, etc. Afterwards' the tree was
stripped of its fruits, Jack and Fer-
ris Stprdy. removing the parcels and
Gordon,.:-.eCoOl calling out the
namel. , Each pupil was given a
daixilis basket, of homeniade candy
from -the teacher. Miss Rete -McDon-
ald, who was also the reCipient of
several .gifts, The happy gathering
was brought to a close by the sing-
ing of :‘16:d Save the King."-
"Thb ban e0 the old Trewartha
place, now owned bY Mack Falconer,
Was, deStroyed-bY 'bre'reeentlY.
was grinding .grainin the
'harm and went below te.the Stable to
get.,„,cs pail, of ter. When ,.•he re-
turned'flamei- wereleaping up " the
side ol -the l° mow. AM alarm, WaS"
gitera,nd kerevid Collated es quialr-
as --the, heavy reads" Ni,01.114 permit;
kettle, the trainthe .first was quite
beyond-aentrel,.The barn lic4a steel
roof finel. Was .,:kituated en -the nidib
aorie,ession, aboutintIe..ait a half:
intim the tillage,. Falconer hiant-;
'self:She:ea-de& id getth4 theuherses,
-powa,hnd0nie..pigs-but cif ..the barn,
he'f•Mitire• pease:Ws': erop of grain.
and• hat' --fouide'en'' pigs 11:go seed:
drills-, 1;ear; and- pole-cxtiE wet""
The I'Ycitio:iveip sWactaimPd on in
"thllage ,reeently, ongli riot' all
whowioli -to avitiCtlieniseIVCS of, the
b.ctrefits .0f!Hydre
get tlielr-hoptee."vidred;:t A. eptipl'e...of
Street lights at the. :niciins'ecirlier;
'Wen e -a va egq tir, ten.
led the brash, one.
_The. Congregation of the 'Presbytia-
ian church received, a" pleasant, aim
piiie in the gift of a beautiful NO-
tisma,1 font from lYfis. (Dr.)" J.W.
'..The font is a .meinerial to
the Memory Of the late Nursing - 83a4
ter Clara Ferguson. The plate Upon
the' font bears the, following in-
ciax"TEla• tpeeramticsionxica,
star, Viday and G. S. Medals, Died
Juanaia(rnyy2,8i\TEth,vt1s928." •
Present prospects indicate tlia
Clinton will be reireeentefl• by., fast
teams -in both the Intermediate and
Junior sectiene. of the 0.H.A. The,
slayers have been practising dilig-
sehnt:iy)e.fon .past .threle weeks and
are rapidly rounding into splendid
The following are - 'available for the
Intanrediate team and should be ab-
le to hold their own with any other
teem in 'Elie group: Goel—Geo. El-
liott; defence, S. Nediger, ;M. Cole,
S. Castle, W. Mutch; centre, J- Twy-
ford; .wings 13, Kennedy, W. Glew,
W. MeClinehay, T. G. N. CoOk.-
Pla,vers listed below are out to
make the Junior ;team,: Goal, G;
Stock, N. Livermore,S. Cook; de -
\fence, J, Elliott, B. Biggart, G. Hol-
mes; centre, F. lifeEwen, H. Pickett;
wings., H. Gibbs, B. Gliddon, G. Rath,
C1,.. Streets, .
The opening game 'of the season
is se,heduled for. December 30th,
when Mitchell try anclusions with
our juniors at the local arena. Cur
boys look good in practise and as
Mitchell Juniors beat Seaforth a
fast close, game is assurred. Cosm.2
out and give the team your support.
; •
The above is a portrait of the New
Public Utilities Superintendent, who,
iss'in charge of the Hydro and Water-
works system in Clinton. Mt.. Rim...-.
ball served a Long apprenticeship
With the late Superintendent Chant
and his appointment, on the latter's
death, seemed to he the logical one.
Mr. apt Langford spent :a couple
- of days. in Toronto last week.. •
Mrs.. -.C. McKinnon' is -visiting'' her.
• • mother for the Christmitaide.
Miss Nellie Lawarson of Toronto
spent Christmas at her home.
Mr. WI J. Argent of St, David is
home f or the Christmas holidays.
Miss A. Bartliff of Aurora is home
Miss Dyer of Toronto` is vis-
iting' with. Mr. and Mrs. T. Riddell
over ChristinaS.
Mrs. II, Mogridge spent Christmas
with her daughter, Mrs. G. Thompi-
son, in London.
Mrs. J. Johnston snefit a few days
last week with her daughter in
The Auburn School entertainment
which was to be held on .Friday even-
ing last week, was bola on Tuesday
evening of this week.
Mr. Erie Harper of Toronto is
spending the Christmas Season with.
Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Alp.
Mr. [George Thompson of Wycliffe
College, Toronto, and Mr. John
Thompson of Huron College, London,
are spending the Christmas vacation
time at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs..H. J. Thompson.
On account of the unfatourable
weather , S. S. No. 9 slield , there
Christmas entertainment Thursday
instead of .Wradnesday night. A splen,
did program was prepared, and a
senior play was presented by Misses
E. Whitely, F. Pearson, M. Grigg,
E. Gilbert and Albert Pearson,
Sharon chureh intend putting on a
play early in the new year.
Miss Id. Stirling is visiting her
patents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stirling.
Mrs.' Fred McCullough has spent
the past week at her home on the
eighth concession.
Miss D. Stirling . is visiting her
parents in the eighth eoncessiou.
Mr. R. • Cole of Stratford is .spend-
ing thea holidays with his parents.
The school meetings -ed S. S. No.
9 will 1,e held en'Thursday at (me
FolloWing is the report of, S. 8.
NO. a, ,,Gbcteaieh' 'township;
5th---1Vargaret Biggin. '
, Sr. 4th-tjack, Snyder, 85; " Earl,
.Williams, 72; lifahle Churchill, 56. •
Jr. 4th -Robin Thompson, 82; Har-
ry Thompson, 62; Alvin Lobb,• 60:
L,obbi 92; Irene
limns, 78; Isabpl. Oakes, 74; Billie.,
gajrie'-t ?Lridob7-bM, 47175;T' 11"12ititrjrus°cTild' 98;E
'1I5; Elwin Merrill, 62; Donna Lobb,
Pr.—Alfred Baler, 90: , Ross Mer-•
ielNI.u7m5.13:.mIl,,n0aZti.,0011.o,,,Ifle„ 60.
37. Heard, teacher.
The 'following is the report of
Varna school .f or November and.,Dec-
ember: , ' '
Sr: 4th --Doris •Clinter, '76; Elliott
Chillier, 68.
4th --Ida Oltuter, 64; Lillian
Elliott, 62; 1-lazel H6nIting, 50; Bill
Austin, , 40. • '
. ,
Jr. 3rd—Willie IVfaAsh, 82; Elmer
Johnston, 75; Harvey ' Chaiteasi," . '70;
Jack 1VIIcLiiichey; ,
2nd—Bessie Gliater,',82; .,:Jean'
Reid, 80; Gordon, Hoim,er, 75; -Ford
Johnston, '70; Charlie 'Ifni:king, -62;
Marvin Johnston., 45; Jennie
king, 43.
' Pr.-1).onald Reyes,, Roy
lioth FlOYd
Perfect spelling ter Neicenaber-.;-
WilIis IttriAah,-joan Risid. - •
Perfect -spelling for Deamber—
Tda Chuter, , Wattle IV'eAsli, Elmer
1,ohnston, 33essie Chnter:-
average "lateridance" ter Dee-
Ayeahgp,,atendente ton Nevelanhel°
ember ---19.6. Ruby I. Taylor, teach -
• • • • • • •• .• • '
1' or the mid -winter holiday period.
Dr. Clarence Copp of Toronto ,spent
the week -end with his mother in
Mrs. Geo, Ladd is spending the holi-
day in Cepa, Mich., with her niece,,
Mrs. Charles Christie.
Wiles Evelyn McCartney of Detroit
is holidaying at the home' of -her
mother, 111ra. F. McCartney.
Miss E. Kemp of Blackstock is
spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kenant.
Ontario street.
Mr. and Mrs. Green of Tedswater
spent the Christmastide with the'
lady's yarents, Mr. and Mrs -
James Livermore.
Mrs. Arnold Anderson. a Detroit
who has been with her mother,
Mrs. F. McCartney, leaves on Sat-
urday, f or her home. ,
Miss Lorene Langford of Detroit is
spending the Christmas vaation
at the home of her parents, ' 1VIr.
and Mrs. Bert Langford. •
51,. and Mrs. Bartley of Guelph
. spent Christmas with Mrs. Bare-
ley"s aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Fred
Leonard, Townsend street.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. McCartney
and little son of Druid, Sask., are
the guests of MTS. F. 141,:cCartney.
They intend to remain here for a
ceuple of months to reneW'
Miss Hazel Harris of the Ontario.
College of Art, Torontos and Mr..
Charles' Harris, also of Toronto,.
'are spending the Christmas yam -
tion at their home in town; that.
of Mr2-and Mrs. 6. B. Harris.
On Tuesday, December 17th, there
,passed to the Great Beyond, Harriet
Howard, beloved wife of Jas. G.
Chrtwright. She was the daughter
f the late Mr. and Mrs. Boa, How-
ard of Blyth, and was married to
her now bereft husband on Jan., 23rd
.1001, Since which. time she has, „lived
'on 'the Cartivright homestead on the.
9th concession ef Ifullett She, was
of a kind and loving disposition, al-
ways interested in her church and
home. Mrs. Cartwright had been in
ppor health for the past nine years.
Three years ago the suffered it
stroke of paralysis from which she
waver fully theovered, but able to be
about wail the Monday preceding
her death, When she was suddenly
strieken. - passing away no Tuesday
morning. .
She -leaves to mourn their lose, her
husband, ITTIS daughter, Mary, and
sons Cecil,' Raymond. and Eark,. at
keine arid Echtin -Of Blyth; also one
sifter, Mn. A., Quinn and one broth-
er, J, Heatard, both of. East ,Wawa -
nosh. '13efore her marriage she, was
a member of the Anglican chureh at
Blyth, but. of late years hits attend-
ed, when. •able to- do se. ‘ the. United'
cluirelt-a-Obondesboro. The Pastor
Rev, '3".. W. Johnion, conciliated, the
funeral service on. Thur,sday. Atter-
molt was • in the Clinton Cemetery.
The pallbearers were Messrs. C.
Weymouth, 0; Stewart, E. Hosie and
, IVfanY beautiful floral tributes .were, from friends in the 'Coin-
inniiity and, froin friends at
- ,
Nfr, Wan, naird ot Toiont'n alaentt
a few days with, his niothm' Airs'
George Baird, Sr- • •