The Clinton News Record, 1929-12-05, Page 2',41M91110)
'.rre.'naa of .8tineertptiaria-4ai00:PereksSIT
0/; rOi tea pi ce,', theCaneedleill reedeire*O:Ase1,'
2250 tee` thee*(lea er•;"enth'ereetore*Rn '
":1`ic 'P"t*Pjer:"1141000"Puis-d
ereiners are einileiCenflertse
tje .tin e of, theamileilehete';`,'"1'
"4:Ate to a.thieliheireety nuireariptiete:I.
l's(tdets,11enetOd: )r't'.
nertliting.'".fteries-eeikeenstent ""aliFer
fecepene'eount arrit
• eterar'eftOh" eaubeeelaelat'
lfiSeetian. ,Ileteditia..ectente
, a'areeetteeee,,,,•
tie aveinai,
r OlgEi'Letj, Mate
. Seer eaeh dubbeq4011:t "/5(1.
• 414Vprtiselllent5'!itorit to
!varlet:Ions ae• to the taltaller,-,ef. in
ertIons evaated,order
,d. Out end.. will be.'.char 'ed
,ThgIy states for dlenlay Advert elae
known .o entalleation.
• COnetteurleeetons "Intended ,or one-,
nenidettemt,es ken. rentee of 'good-
aecointleated bi ehe name
Orethe .eveltere .L.'.; • •.
Hall, • '18. R.
•-, Proprletor:/ Arltore
.f4 j. i1cThGGART
'A general Bank -Una' Sleteinees..eransact.
: • "I`letes Gbetnatitiadi DralIs'Iesuede
A/Jawed ch leepoetes. "0 Sale,
Notes :,Pirrehased. ' • ' •ee.
.• H. T.'RANCE:
. .
Notary .P0141%. ,Canvejlencere.,
pinanoled, tteai '"S'Atate and Vire. '
entrance eigent. Repreemetiag 14 Pie*
eneurance- Cempantee, 7 • "
a/Dieitslort. Court. Office, Olentont
: ,, . •. ' ' ' • c . ., ..,,-:•".•:,F,EG„glerE„,,,.:T. 0,,D y. a.., ,,0e),e,.41S .S;.O;e,,j '1',i,IttiodW. j',.'' t.11.111et:41i111(40SS ,66;17e,,31":
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/ -4.144i!'''•Dalalte,-: .11Minigel;,- i Saithae fi1.1. Ye.' ' - . • . . • ' r,
grOWM:,stiffedialiabbY,th)etiagh . ,difelOi l',,,}i.;,, i4th-a, ,*,.. .1117.:.**1 .-fie':ellitte
''',. , - ' , 1 . - ei . ' I. e 0
,,i0ttat Ikle1''',./*:ar?ifat'4111b°i:,in-.°" 'f''' : re%It1:1141111.:Itotlq*Itel".e.:1)Yrit'l."A'earilatlithe"laY;
wake. Stevens, WhOge. enmity :heeliieurs! titalidr; ,:lt1,1 nen' itf.znallei 'and ilea 1
t -beeanse..eof ',heiniutenel leen fox* IVIary Aied,Slie added'', Veith adatile dneela to.
e. Manningeednegbterectifethe:oevi ere Wile he ipoiith, loeltiagetp:teeiroglee into has
is ' 4,150se-11g.sre' 4":....-'0:4,PsIlTP.'"v0, P.18 eyee; 'Is aal.:ect :atiXiene' to reAcla --Ba".-.
whoSeelAwyere"*.have e,een thethe put!, 11,0,rw. 3.,,1 6 1 6* '1 44 14
Oa a dealt"'
oViresb 14111st g Is
, ‘
, c Fee
i ''''
- -.1
. .. •,. . ,
• Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Ful-nished
Teith Every Pattern
- . - . 4
By Annebelle Worthington
- ' .. • ; .i. „.i. . _
.,-- ...t.s sportive 1 It's tic IlOW Karf. e,
elan coat frock, that buttons-downe
the -front with circular. skirt that
dips its hem at centre The
narrow felt indicatee the fashioagble '
• raised waistline. There, are inset
- pockets at each side of front with'
diagonareoutline accented by button
trim. '
The most interesting detail is'ethe
lingerie note in deep turnover collar, -
and turn -back flared cuffs of organ.
'• 'die, of this jaunty • navy blue silk.
Style No, 2966 can be had in size,
12, 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36 and 3s
inches bust. •
,,• It is very simple to make, Yoe*
•ell1h must include it in your new ward-
• ro a for Fall, for it is Just the type P,
of (lease one needs so much for all-
, day occasions to start the new sea-
• son.• -
, - Black crepe satin with collar and
' cuffs of white crepe de chine is chic
Purple dull silk crepe with collar
• • and cuffs of eggshell silk crepe is
ultra -new and smart
Tiny c h e eke d feathetweight .
• woolen in beige and ' brown, with
brown bone buttons, piping and'
suede belt, with collar and cuffs of
beige faille silk crepe ie exclusive.
Wool jersey, fla _silk creoe,
• printed silk crepe, canton crepe,
'wool crepe, and featherweight tweed
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Puha% 'etc.
oske mours:--.1.6 to 8.30 p.m., 8.311
tO 8.m., Sundays, 12.80 to 1.30 O.N.
Other hrnrs by aimolutmenon
Othee 'end Residence -- victoria St;
Office and Roaidencel
Ontario Street h- Clinton, Ont.
One door west of Angilean Chime&
Phone 172 •
Eyes examinen and glasses atted
.0ffice and Residence:
Huron Street - • Clinton, Ont,
Phone 89
,(learinerly occuPled "oy "the late Dr.
C. T"emerions
Eyesetoiamlned and glasses fitted
Dorris r ,
Office hours: to 12 A.M. and Ito
' -6 PM., except Tuesdays and Wednes.
days. °Mee over Canadian National
• Express, Clinton, Ont..
Phone 21.
Clinton, Ont. •
Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and
R.O.D.S., Toonto.
Crown and Plate Work a Speelalta
- D. H. .McINNES
Eiecitevo Therapist
Mesmer „.
Office: Huron St. (Few doors (west of
lloyal Bank).
Hours-raes., Thurs. and Sat,, All
°thee hours by appoIntinett,
Mensal Onlee-Mon., Wed. .and Pit
kleaforth Office -Mon„ Wed, and Prii
Licensed Adotteneet ecor the County
of t karma
Correspondence promptly answered.
liaireedlate arrangemenes can be made
Sor dales Date at .be News -Record,
Clinton, or by callitg Phone 203.
Charges Moderate lied Satisfaction(
13. R. HIGGINS--
•ellr,Rod,, 'Ont.
General Eire and Life insurance Agent
for Hartford Windstoem, Live Stook,
Automobile' andeSicknete and Accident
linsurancee Huron and nd Erie aMina-
. Trust Bonds. Apeoliaments made
parties 'at Brucetield, Varna
and 'Rayne/it 'Pletriao 67. e
11/(Dibl".klAgo /11,"
T• nine will arrive at and depart from
Clinton'as follows: '
Buffalo and Goderich Div,
Going East, ,depart 6,44 a.m.
• e i. 450 • p.m,
.60.111g West, ar. 11,51) am,
" " ar, 0.08 dp 4.43 ean.
'4 5. • 30.00 pan.
•London, Huron de Bruce, Di a
Going South, an. 7.40- dp. 7„40 a.m.
e ° 4:08 p.m.
Going North, depart 6.42, pan.
" id. 11,40 dp. 11 53 a.m.
Fire Insurance Company
He Id Office, -Seafeeth, Ont.
Prosidont, James Evans. Beechwood;
Moe, ;Eames Connolly. fiodht ericSea-
1 Xreatierer, D. F. ,114eOregor, seatakii,
Directors: George McCartney, geaterte:
values Shouidice. Walton; Murray Gib-
son, Brueetleicla Wm. Mag. Seatertm
20obert Ferree, elarloes. Sohn Renne-e(e
Brodhagen; Jas. Conolly, Dederick •
agents: L Itch oil to •
Too notiteichr on,
3, A. Murray Dernettdvine:. R. G. ,Tto,
ins tit, II toehafftlri,
AnY money to be pain in may ba pain
to moorkii Clothing 120,, Clinton or a,
CalkIn Culls trot:sty, Coderlah,' „
dostrtne te offset Insurance or
W11111 alloy buclocos will be oromotly
nti,,,10,1 10 on n notion tor, to of the
rItt/Iroqoo t their resape-
roar nrry.p. LhaFg+g
• is s's.lal'ess.eded estain Drke' eevia, Jake:"
0114se of "the Oeent4...dermia• eta neetaSe,, ,aee . oil- the'
'rnastei',J)mak skinbeet But he 4i not, He fellas,
iaire;i, as
e,Pette,"0.8i-91a104-ey.4;r.i. e.d lelellIfieead.J4DrL:s4?ae:43001t;.; ,hetter:aneii,,Wii.fefc
ll for
Sts-P%11Ffe rttISa • Had he- 'been
• new a le ' ce,finds • time .thefe).(Ov, Master :ot. that, ship 'he' knew he votnld
his sIjit-rr :He ": :-•sheisr.4vittry take.ber"throtighe he hied imenthreckh
boast ill Mahning.
leneeleaso 7•, • The fault",leasetliat'IMN*Ae not inter,
'&W 0CfN:NY:41i, THE STOAT,' aud did not eall-the Master. Instead
Sorry, :FOrgive ,Ine*:•MeMeh". Of da: lenftta-* h1s:T14110t0' -tor the hands
lee "iiintteeedaeteneding aside with hew-. to 'brace •eap , one the :etarboardtack, he,
ed h$(1.. •"T',Weirited yew; .1riVe.111OPO,-gave the helmsman a. course and the
ioveie. 1 airs O.Man;,:with ship' began: tospeed thranah the nil;
fee1iis, 1 havea"•right.:tre in seas
te11,nni lovo teahhe Woirran.,I-leare.1 •, May ;speed at therail, bright eyed
If yell :emu"e to nee after "We get,' end-resyherhau flying and her lips
eehere, X will gin .you my ange'See,' Pa,rtedeihrilled.with the 'eense of pro-
Iecaateat tell obuinow. I have, green; but infinitely more thrilled with
hvem, &knight of: You In that :*4y.' the deneiwiedge of having. done the for-
( "ligerinin',Yerneeron'tlii Jake laughed bidden, the unpardonable. Jake watch
harghlY, 7 ed ho until evening, fel/. :He had ,little
't mean that at a1° she •doubt bit that his obliging her in this
retuened, , She was sincere in that cleriliction of duty erould,influence her
"All '1"glit." BUt _take this .titi bed answer 'when she gave it to hien!
4"In`a Man; Yon-eastzne adrift • Suet about' the tine *hen Ike went
to call -the skipper to (Mess for slipper,
the ship had swept well ineide the line'
of neef-elangers dotting the chart of
the Straits. No light winked friendly
waning,' Stevens had taken a good,
bearingbefeare dark, and as long as the
breeze held -Lelia and fair he had no
fears. Brat the.breeze.drew ahead, fell
•light, then died.: And the ripple of the
tide was sharpn and disqleieting. Jake
heard Ike gallthe skipper; herd him
answer seine question which he did net
hear, Mary tatted shunt; when the
sails flapped. She tried to pierce the
darkness with her keen eyes, but
everything looked . dark except for a
By nightfall, again the' 'Orontes had quame darker Morn that seemed to
dged• into' Sunda Steaits, but the -wind grow up out of a white fringe. Then
led utterly with the sunset, Drake Drake rushed out of the conmanion-
anciusly plotting the. currents way, staring around in alarm. He ran
nd drift. The day's sailing had „ear- aft, seeking the watch officer. And as
led the ship. ..wer thwarda' the Su- he collided with Jake ,Stevens,, boiling
sera side of the.Straits, the tide -had over with angry vituperation, the big
et her in towards Sebesi Channel and shipAireddered from dogvanes to keel,
o reefs off Verlaten Island. Never. scraped over a hidden reef, heeled ever
thady, the fitful bin only baffled the as another obstruction roSeat her bilge
kipper in his lalealaticns. Be grew and 'staggered to.a standstill.
ervous as the hours of evening passed "Where have you put the ship?"
ith'no..breeze. There was the shore -1 shouted Drake,"thrusting his face close
ard drift always watch. Re re- to the mate's.
mined on deck as long as the calm "Ask -'i Jake began, to' reply angri-
asted. And Mary stayed up • there ly. Mary's sharp cry' seemed to cut.
ith hiM. Toward midnight came'ea off his Words. Instead of finishing,
ttle Wind, and there wee •peomise ef 'telling 'the &Atli shamefully, he laugh -
Clear, breezy, dawn to follow. savagely the elripper's white face.
"Go to hell 1" lie snarled. Mary put
her (mode to her ears, And shrank as
far into the back shadows of the .deck-
house as she could. The -very air seemed
to droop low, full of eVil. She could
see 'the black shapes of three men .by
the wheel. The helmsman stood stolid-
ly Ile" epakes, wanting ordere before
he would 'quit the futile peat. The
gkeet, crouching e.-hoaldered shape of,
;false Stevens swayed, bearlike. She
mild Minced see the slighter, but as
Dowieful figure of Intake -between the
Other tevo ; and in the subdued n -Hance
of the binnacle light She saw the white
laneanry.of Crakeie cheek quiveeing fear -
She felt shreik forting her throat
apart and stifled it 'with her hands.
In the next instant she lee it None
foeth stark and 'terrified; lee Alden
"bake' seemen spiing like a steel
Wade, his fiat cracked sharply Against
Jake's face, and Jake pitehed through
the .pipegails into the tinkling tide.
•(To be continued.)
smartly apKopriate.
for that cold-blooded deity-proude
noney bag. Drake,,and, you'll see-" '
Beit she Wanted to, hean110,1nore.
She ,'led' below and Ieft lain to his
thOughte. •
it * `*
• Once 'Mary' awaleened , and saw' the
4lash' Of .Java Head still -in the port-
hole -glass. The next time the opened
her, eyes the sun poured throngh the
*Ighte and she ren on deck in her
wrapper- to find the ship sailing
smoothly through negiergeous golden
zea, with Rrakatoa eight to stave
board. '
••••„8 *
Write your name and address plain-- d
ly, 'giving number and size of such
preteens as you want. Enclose 20c'in
stamps or. coin '(coin peeferreel; wrap •
it -carefully) for each nunibo, and
address your order to Wilson‘leattern ,s
Service; 73 West Adelaide St.,-Tothieto.
Patterns pent"by an early mail.
• n
the valley or the, Po, after the Mork ee
:Ligurian people of the Mediteaganeren.
had disappearee. •
The importance of the disconey is
two -fold; It files in thee- gap in the his- w
tore* of this regionana glues 'archeells
gists a chance to study, this form of a
Tree As Foundaeion
Primitive Huts in
Italian Lake Bed
Prehistoric D'wellin Places
Built on Piles Are
First Traces in Ttaly ofBronze
Age Peoples
tho Valley of Ledro, Ikea
Tema, a mall lake is being drained
and in its bed has beeh found a group
of ancient lake dwellings, the larges
in Italy, if not in Europe. '
When the WEL had een turned
lute another channel there appeared
In the muddy bottom of the lake
strange prfraitive formations, which
On examination proved to he remains
of dweffings, dating to prehistoric
In addition to these huts or cot-
tages built on piles tb.ere was found
a quantity of early pottery, valuable
for its rarity, as it was made in an tan-
usaal memo. Besides the usual
Mixture of clay found in early pot-
tery, this was mired with soot and
charcoal. The People of this district
hulk houses on piles driven in the
marshes, 'for two purposes; first to
protect themselves from will berets
and in order to live near the water
and still heap ilry.
Few in Italy
This is the first time that peelaie-
torie remains of this kind have, been
found in this district. /n fact, pre-
historic relics are rare throughont
Italy, and this In th past has- led to
the supposition that there 'were no
early inhabitants in this part of the
The present discovery hes con.
fiemed the theory that the "palant-
ticoli," or people who bait their,
houses on pile*, hoed -on the water
edge and 'corolnunieated with - the
mainland" hy -Menne of portable
Pthreseor 'Robertikround no indica-
tion •of the number of prehistoric in.
habitants in the dietrict, but the die -
occupied by a people who built such
covery Inds to the belief that it was
hut at the end of. the bronze age and
on throogh the Iron. These were
the people ‘who later moved down to,
The lake bottom is 12 feet bele*
the modem level,, just at the point
Where the waters of the 'torrent Fo-
liate flow into the lake. The huts e
cover an area of 460 feet by 4150., o
Within'this space are the Drineitive iv
r fouridations, trunks of ,trees about
eight inches in diameter, "driven into C
. the mushy soil of the lake bottent. Ui
t , The wood at the bane is well pre- 00
"You'll -go through the Sebesi Chem:
nel, won't you, Alden ?"-e-Atiary asked
"No," he fentrned shortly, ',Tan-
gerous with such a light, air."
Oh, father went through a ecore
f theme! Besides, it saves such a
este of time!"
"I Shall stand back towards Great
hannel 'on the 'next tack, and pass
mei in daylight," he said, and en -
imaged her to ask no. more.
Mary bit her fingernails until /the
licks hurt her.
For two !days more the ship drifted
out: the StraitS entrance, .beset by
des, baffled by light airs that always
ew ahead, Stalled completely by
elle of stark ohm •
After almost fifty liours of sleepless
'watchfulndss, Drake fell into a heavy
sleep when the ship was again becalm-
ed within a few miles of Verlaten. The
three mates were on deck, hopefully
getting the ship ready ter port, Sal -
hough that pert' was still a -hundred
niles away. Another blazing delves
ying. Stevens matched the poop with
waying shouldersMooding, seething. This is theur hoof evening where we
He had scarcely epoken to Mary since come,
is last outburst. She watched hien Between the sunabine and tie Sol -
lonely, for he kept glancing towards •• elan stars:
the mock strewn Sebesi Channel' to. When flowers are closed and birds axe
wards which the 'current was subtly IlYing home,
setting, Sha, wondered if he, to, Were /And, like a golden lily in a vase,
so impatient. The Ihip lay Pointing .Day drops on the jade, edges of the
at the northern end ef Yerlaten, as
perfectly reflected in the glassy sea The hour of sleep is nigh.
as it she were actually set in sheet
of glass or a plate of steel. Her yards 4t, /8/1100 wind is stiring 'in the Anises,
were crinare,readY for bracing 1113 Soon to be silent, and the birds are
either way a a breeze dame, Far mit still,
to the weetewaed a faint Maeline aehel silence conies upon the-shOee and
Seernedlie peep AVe1; 'the Water, Jake
gap. it. He' was' a perfect salloyman. seas,
And•in'the valley and along the• `hlfil
That breeie meant a fair. wind et :last. And, like a child upon a loving breast,
There would be a short board eal the Earth nestles deem to rest,.
starboard tack ti teach into the q?...est
(Melina fairway,. then 'squared YardThis iseetee.'hour or mewling, when the
and a ,clear run through.; He raised toll
his whistle 'to summon the hands to
the braces.
"Why don't you eun through Sebesi,
jeke?",esuggested Mary eagerly. She
gripp,ed his arias in her eithitement.
He enulad dawn at het admiringly an jaingeten,Whig•Standard; Itis rah
she -rattled on: "If that breeze doeSn't er wonateefel to look at the Ipos)tion
last, it'll jest mean beat, heat, beat wajele Canada held in the world not
served andre theare 27 piles for,
every square meter. There are rate-
forements of trunk e Mid across the
upetanding Chestnut and larch
were used for this eturpoene„
It is considered one of 'the .raost
teresting archeological discoveries of
the year, especially in relation to 002/-
trai'y theoriss le Id b • P • f Ir 1
ler 'or Professoe Mini. The "torraet •
maintains that the prehistoric People
constructed thefie huts 1» mueh the
same way that modern -bathing estab-
lishments in Italy are bullt, and that t
they were not permanent tlivellings,
but weve.only used during the Drilling 0
season. Protheses' Plena 'contends s
that, they were part of a nelairning
systeA need onjakea nod lagoons. •"
_ .
Evening Light
Coed; "Why don't you VIM' foot-
ball?" .
Prole; 'Cause Pen not steong in the
hands." • - '
Merry One -"Cheer em, old man!.
Why ,don'tyou drown yOur serrow?"
Sad Orie-"She'd bigger than • 1..'am;
and besides` it would be, mardee."
Of day is done with, runt the wore"
Canada the. Keystone
go very many years rgo, but it is ale°
onderkul toesee now the idea of that
great man, 'oncil ninies, visioned
;what her position along with the other
Dominions' would in time grow to be,
He saw that 111 the fetters Canada
would bo the ereystotte of the British
ards with one base In South -Africa
and the other in Australia and New
Zealand. Asetime goo) on the realize-
eion "of Cale vision becomes more and
-haore appeerent A' little 'while ago
there may have been some doubt
about South Africa but recently Pre -
inter Hertzog bas ilown bow -he be -
Heves in, keeping South Africa it(
Melted to the, British Empire. ' The,
more the peoplene of the Empire see
the world paw& for good yeleich tlie
British, Empire has the more they ivIll
insistamon the arch remainingeintact.
People's intentions can only 130 de-
cided from their conducteCantexent,
ISSUE No. 49—'29 .•
gienced;; reniarkaAle'. colossal
f..:044.1t SIe 00 ttikSotutisoiiipbeu
.Doektee1niie5si.0. tie?
thisigeentle.Opeerether, wil,L be,realized
eibOri 3tis learned 'that
ed theeschinne will,pnevide 10;600 -:feet,
additional /8U/13r/ge, whiek will 14
Ouff1cier0o 'accorianodate ..twenty Of,
the World's largest liners; It 'is esti-'
mated.that 4120 cost
takini W41,1/0'466;(140i0Ockt: •
18 a 'recned town Mere •extensien". and
one Whieh,:-Cinele:SaM •woold:pereelly
boast if he 'could, •. '
,AlirPa4linndretla'ot. Men are AntsY
Up a great baY111:SoUtInanipten.
Water two miles long and hal' a Mile,
.Southampton ie ielteaMe1 at
the, Mouth of the :river 'Teat*, Vehicle
brings down a great deal Of mud, 'the
11 ' • . '"
, .
evaddie 'largest linein; eand the
g thre new '1,004foot; iinerS which 'the
r Cunard and White Star compantos'are
talking a materialize, 'Southaerpthee
fulfilment of tow scheme wi
Ming about a double advantage to th
town. It will silitulO ,not only provide a sguar
mile of land adloiaing the existin
decks, lint will else make the outlet fo
waters ,,or the Test eonsiderably ran
rower, thus increasing the speed o
the water and preventing, the deems/
of 21t much hien],
f Will be the werld'a largest seaport.
'We Sped on moonlit roads towards
• the dam's',
- And in the South there hung • a
starry e1085;
A large (meaty :of this 211111 is be-
ing obtained by the fleet of dredger's
engaged in ci hes:ening the main •chari-
net. Two types of dredgers are in use,
the ordinary bucket time and the sue-,
tion "dredger. In a -suction dredger an
enormous metal preacher drives the
liquid mud on the rieerAmel, up a large
pipe to the surface, where the water is
*drained off and the amid depositecliii, a
barge, Altogether the dredgers are
raising 20,000. tons of . earth a :they
from the bed at the river Test, while
another 1,000 tens a day are extant -
ed from the works on land. Also. 700
ton of chalk are brought daily from
the Hampshire Downs at, ihicheldever.
Even at thierate it is expected to take
at least two years to complete the fill-
ing-in of the bay.
But this super extension scheme will
mean something far more than a num-
ber el new docks along the sea front.
Iindeed, a modern new suburb . will be
added -to Southampton. This will nee-
essitete the laying of sewers; water -
mains, gaepipee, drains, and so on, and
for this puepose alone 'a firm has a,
contract for the me.nulacture of over
two miles of rock cement pipes of seven
feet inside diameter. These enormous
pipes are being made in short sections
close arhand, so that it will be quite
simple to place them together as soon
as they are wanted.. Inethe Menefee -
tun of huge monoliths and other
shore -side worth% 1,000 tons of con-
crete, involving the use of 120 tons of
Pertland cement, are handled each
day. Altogether about 1,OQO men are
employed 011 the works.
This stupendous scheme will benefit
Southarepton•conaiderably. As it 'is it
possesses the largest- floating dock in
the world, and being the nearest and
most convenient port to London for
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I gave my heart away to you that
-night- • .
That al -as my Msg.
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I round truth makeri when the cross •
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That was my gain.
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