The Clinton News Record, 1929-12-05, Page 1t0 2a43, Slst Y w tic r°euae .nactig ,vc' `>at our Con 'be . purchased store. Gifts 'that :are beauti, iul ,and,.dneabie. r young or o Suitable. for Y � old; , male or female. Watches. and Jeweiery:for the younger.. A'nd what is more approp- riate ori moreappreciated• than: an 'tile -to -date pair of"•spec- y tae ee . for ' the fathersand mothers. Call and Inspect our Stock. J`e'oveler„and Optometrist. elluar •Phone 174w and 1743 with every Full -Fashioned Hose Make u t We have them in Alt Silk at $1.50•,u 4$.:.95 Silk and Wool from $1.00 to $1.75 A11 Wool frons' $1.00 to' $1.50 FREE n upward 4� 1edet� 1 iFistmaS g Early These is re, Stedliily ,growing eudeney towards earlier Christmas Shopping.. ,In: v'lew. of ;this feet ••,weate'prepared to show you the best assortment of Gilts ler "MEN -and :BOYS •that we: have ever had the,ipleasure .gf alhaiy:ing. i' • • We .invite Lvqu: ttel +.gla1se year-seleetied :while ,the, Meer ttnent:is ,dornplete. If you -come in.' t 50 (desired. n1iimdke..ynur;choiee"taeeW111 reserve it, •]f ,,: .We have ,so meta' �uTgtst 'Itigltt tGi'fts •that pit is ,only a matter of choice in' making .your •edleetion., ,etrR "CIl(R%i 11M�S ctiwgi1B R• -' k>S 11 9A -WAY AV Bi L .'V'aM'i 4i ;SEEING :a _ SOMA 'NOM ;NAM 49 dti.Orostt.,t0 „ ND T.H;E ;SIC'YjLES AKN 7Ctkt leUSWE AIA CJI TIE � P IN iA CIt'OK ' - UI . Bae, We, lac, $1.45, $1.. S, ICU +2a.4, S2:Gt1 Lie '1 :0e I 1 >G Ji$BTnii fiGAJtk)S- e aete ahot'ng sem rt eX c1usvs 2a ttern5 waled withauu nu s- ual'sicj ess of co ear cWendinge that Makes_eboosing ver ;oasy, r r r �1.2a ,$1.00. �24u0,, i��.'�f, �B,oA. 'UR Gi[IIiiSTMt$ SHIRTS,.-, Have jut rrypi, Theyare be ies t2iUgIgoe r orm $1,9 'to i 4.5O. g are .Gifts: cel le .Che I!ellowinalso a ptab OUSE' COATI BATHROBE,PZJ MAS,SWEATERS, GX OYES) UNDERWEAR KCRIIiF _S D !I S ,i .' . UMBRELLAS. CANES NI Square l re � a �e r. 11 INCORPORAT; TIDE IO,.. ;.THUS BMtN RESTROYEI,IT ,;' THE MARKETS Wheat, -$1,25 to $1,28.- Parlev, 70e. Oats, 55c: , Buckwheat,-, 80c.te 83e:' Butter, 38c' to 40c, Eggs, 35c to .55c. • hive Bogs $10.25. `' PRE . C'O-ITNCIL IVIEETII!TG Th'e council; met' on .Monday even- fug,members pi e`sente, Mayor Combe inthe chair.,' • 'Atte)" the reading ,or the minutes of •;the last. regular, and aspeciai meeting, a conunu'nication:was read from• • the War•lVlemoriai Chilih-eiis' hospital, London ;,asking a.. grant., No action .was taken; ., Counc]11o; :Cooper asked,that, the, • matter of •the- designation, of. -;.Chief. 'Sten which-was-:headed,in;:at the c meeting. dealt t' h b. 's 1 meet n and vitt Y pe to g he .council a ecommittee :.of the. wrhole,'later,-be brought before ••the council., Mayor a Combe . said ,that could be prorigbt up° later. '' - -Oso the earl' of'. the mayor for a report from the - bylaws committee Chairman •''Oooper cloche had no re - part and. exp>.essecl on ,bis opinithat Olt* &faeP5 erson should,, have the teakettle, bylaws prepared, that is, tare and to arrange for th'e nomina- tion apd omina-tion;.and •eleetiou,• ,appointment;.' of officers, ere,, and- also the .ane to `' i•xoom t to, the peeple.xa the. granting g pd .pool ,room licenses,. that he had fallen down. ort his Soh in`not Having these , rdedy. . Perk . Macpherson asked leave to address the council anti said that the chairman of the bylaws committee had .stated at the first- of the „ year that no -bylaws were to be . prepared" without Con- sulting the coinniittee .and that no member of the committee had men- tionedbylaws to .him; that it • was not " a part .of' the clerk's duties to Prepare bylaws, that •the chairman of the••bylaws•::committee had fallen dotvrt on his job in hot seeing that the -bylaws were prepared. But he said he had theme ready and the council; proceeded to deal -with them. 'accordance with the deelsion at a sp& aI. 'meeting held last month, a bylaw; No. In for 1929, submitting to the people the question: 'Are you in nor of'tnore'than ate pool room license in Clinton?"'•igill be voted on the.safile day as the- moil eipn1 elee- tion. The •iiotivnation ler mayor, reeee, cotineillors' 'and, ,'school' trus- tees, wall Wield ,eh V%onda'yevening,. ileo: 30th and the election en Mon- day, Jan. '$tli, at the same places and with the 'wort) officers•' as hist CLINTON NEW E EMBER 5, 1929 ;The New Era Este 18fiir THE HOME ... I" APED.' Friends here symiatiiize with. Mr. Cliff. Holland. of Walton wha^`lost his fine bern by fire at noon 'Tues- day. The building, :Which Was very complete, with stabling, .'together with the ,season's erQp of` grain and hay, was completely •.consumed. Live' :stoclo was :rernoved.f' The fire was' started from a cuttieig •b"ox;• which, was being operateef _at 1%he,time,, Some' insurance was ;carried, but t e loss is heavy, ' .', BANQUET :IN JANUARY A 'meeting of the jx'eoutive of the Board of ' Trade was ' ; held in the council chamber en Monday evening and a committee„ was appointed •.-to arrange for .a' banquet about the middle' of January; when ' an -outside speaker will be invited, .'An official, of the C.N.R. will .also be asked to Meet• the Board of Trade to endeavor to find a way to overcome the dan- ger ofethe level -crossing on the 'Bay- field road at the G.N.R. station. GIFT ACKNOWLEDGED The Board of Directors, of Clinton public Irespita1 acknowledge with much appreciation A. bank deposit together with *toes :amounting to 5120.87, by the exec toes .of estate n be oflate W. Th iso to Dr. C._., on p used solely for an *veto): Fund. Until the present time the Board has never been in a financial 'con- dition to consider an elevator.for the Hospital but, With '- few- sob handsome gifts as .this the much needed elevator . will ;soon be avail- able. This gift is being used by the Board as a 'melees oo. Sinking"" Fund with this objective in' view. A PRESENTATION e- . . Unser, the hearlhtg of unfinished business tounciflprs, Holmes and Paisley moved, . that , the /notion, sponsored 'by , Councillors Bolnies and Elliott and passed "in. committee of the wlaoie iast month, as follows; "That he resigitabioreef 'Chief .Stong be not accepted and that we assure. him of our confidence. 'iu him and ,his ability in. the :perforntunce: "•a'f... his duties and that we asle hint to re- consider 1176 resigttation;" 1lre :enthral- ledCoun- cillor n `e t rriiirnteseof coo c Cou , d m he chlor'Ceopex speaking -to the rnoe tion,• found .'fdtilt::•'With the • way Chief, Sting •- errfvrmed las 'duties as chief of police, said that' was never there when, needed, was a complete failure a't-pollee• chief and ire -collector.' /as not a success:as a, x •Councillor• Thompson warmly commended the 'Chia •on his ;wail.. Ile sald'it was an impossibility. -for any one• man to 'p dorm all the dat- ies expeeted of Clinton''s • chief "of police. Councillor 'Cooper. `had said he should patrol the ' streets ra'th'er than, attend to the 'weigh scales, and, cut the erase' on the peek, biri that no one else had been mnployed to do these things. A Loan Could not be in two' "'`'or thrde -places at once, But • he said he was not admitting- that Chief' Stang had fallen 'clown as police chief, he had been commend- ed lust ;recently' 6y 'people Capable of giving Oa reebmmendation for his work as policeman.' The motion was passed, all voting yea with the Councillor Cover. exception of Cou or C p Chairman Cooper : , of street 5010- mittee reported that'the snow plows bad been at work ,during the past. week. • Chairman `Holines"of the' fire and c water committee '-reported: that a stove had •.been procured for the fire hall to keeli•`tho cheinir;al track and the oar in the' 'engine tvarin, Chairman Trewartha of the lore- perty eonlnittee 'deported that the rest ,gooin was in` good shape. On: motion' • of Reeve, Trewartha and Councillor, Thompson it was � i c•"'the :decided to :p a e _a telephone ]n h 1esidence of the •Chief of Police, Couneiller • + osthought- that r. Cb l e,i Huron.- County should make' alt. ex- 'bit a the` a Mbit t Roy 1 Winter Fiir, that other Counties adv'erti'sed tfi this•Way', mid suggested that the- reeve bt•in . the inatter.'befdre the county coun- cil, which ' as }meeting' this week,. Reeve •Trewarthe, =said tlie".Council might 'consider' the tnatter but ',he' thought. `sortie other'Ways'. , of adv'er t s n mor e eetive Maio. ' g . f Combe. said use lied thought' something lisle Mr Cooper:: but that'. on: 'talking. over. the master' with same Intron alSple; growers, for instance; he. found they were not eithussastie about county exhibits, :Then idea' was to. edver Fief 'apples, i' rise the 'variety y of ppl s• wh +:h they ,were producing lather than the see- tiori in which they;•were produced; Mr. Arthur Canteloii ,asked leave; to' address the conned regarding the •drain'near:his house. d&clar'ing that it was:worse than before they had • "On 'Tuesday -eveningg� Weeks , the entpleY- ees of the Town and Weeksevapora- tor enjoyed e, royal east . at the Old Timers' Club •aRoonis, after which Mite 'mid Mfrs. Weeks Were asked to stand while the following address was read by Mrs,, Brown,: incl they were presented with, beau- tiful gifts by lt,rr. Tlaorndyke. This over,. the orchestra tuned up arta a geeeal. good time was spent in dcateing. PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS A LITTLE ENTERTAIN'IVMENT- :Presentation - of a graduation - di• ' Tito Xission ,Band. League --of =Wes . pl;omas will be made at the 0.1; Com .ley -Willis churcle held an open `meet-. mieneexnent torno;row, 'Friday even, lug' ;a4..%iiday evening last in:.. the idg,- when the following will receive Sunday school room, a number of: their diplomas: "Margaret Cudmore, the parents :and friends attending,. Audrey ;Tarter;':Isabpl. Chowen, Nei- when 'et very Mee little. program'' was lie Fear; Edna Flynn, Airdreiw. Frits-, given by the"young folk; • They gave, en, , Olive G1etv',.. Bert .Gray, .Tdhn Slellyar, Dorothy; Little,' Amy ` Par : - tease Eno. Parsons, ,Bessie MeEwan, hr rgaret 1VileLeod Dorothy Muteb, Reg. bjolile . end Morris .Rozeil. ' • CLINTON BOY; ELECTED the 'election for Boys' .Parliament..Mi•.' J. Scott, was given to the ehil-; in the Province of Ontario took place drop and their leaders. • on Saturday last. South Buiron `ri • lug had two candidates, namely $T. PAUL'S GUILD BAZAAR Lorne Pinkney of Seaforth and Clai-The bazaar and tea held by the mice Rozele of _Clinton. Clarence •Ladies' Guild . of St. Paul's church^ Rod' .won over his: opponent by:a in the: Sunday school room on Thars-i majority of 24.. This ]s the, first day last proved to be, quite a sue-; time li to has .h d a re re - n e that C to ti a p s severity r antative in the Ontario Beys' Par_ Cess, notwithstanding; the se r Y. 'lament, and Clarence is to he con- of Ile weather, which would natur- ally keep some buyers at home. gratulated on his success. ` The booths were handsomely de - during, opens on Dec. 26th and during the session the boys, who cerated and the room presented •• a; very attractive appearance, a *eel come: relief atom the storm and'blus-; :ter outside. Tea was serired dur- ing the afternoon, Mus. A. J. Hol" AiVION biF CIILIRCHES. lo -way being in charge, The fancy' Baptist Church ' work booth was in charge of Miss' Song and preaching .service, on .Doan; touch and • take, of IVirs.' Sunday evening, Subject: ' "The Schoenhals; kitchen booth, Mrs, history of a 'Hero." Zapfe; fish ponll. Mrs. S. Taylor;, -The B.Y.P.U. will meet Monday rummage, Miss Bowden; market, evening at the home of Mrs. Curie. .DMrs. II. Thompson; candy, Mrs. J. Prayer meeting at the home of,, Silcox and home baking, Mrs. W. J. Mrs. J. Brown on Wednesday even -"k' Elliott. ing.Tlad p2rom Choir practice at home of Mr. Guy ' theirhe ventdiesure andrealizewereover quite00 fwell Jones oil Friday evening. satisfied with the result, St Paul's Church Services on Sunday both morning DEATH OF MF/S. VANATTER and evening will • -be held in the I ` The death occurred in Goderilch Parish Hall. „ 'Sunday school -as suddenly on Friday evening of Isa- ueual.t bells E. Deans, widow of the late J. The W. A. will. meet on Tuesday Wen.tiranatter, Deceased was strtrlc next at 3 pan.,. when the Christmas en with a heart attaeed while eft the bale for the Ilfuncey Indian reserve street and died in a felt athletes, She will be packed. I was about seventy-one years of age. The heal branch of the A.Y,P:A. She was born in. Roxboreughshire, will entertain the Exeter branch Scotland, a daughter of the late M'•. next Wednesday` evening,'and Mrs. Peter Deans, coming to Presbyterian Church this country when ort infant and le- t 'The minister's morning subject . sided with her parents in Turnherry will' be: "Lead Vs Not Into Tem- Township, until her marriage, talon." Evening: "The 'P11et of the about ' fort y y ea r s . a g o, Galiieen Lake" t since which she had lived in Goderieh. Sunday school ;and mud -week ser- Her husband, who was one of the vices a5 usual, , publishers of the Goderich Star, pre The, armua)busiatess meeting of (iodised her four years. M`a:s. Van - the IVIlssion. Band was held 'oil 'Non-' utter wag a member` of North `Street day'' melding, Dee, 2. 'Reports were United 'Church. She: is survived by most gratifying and showed the band two brothers, ' Thomas Deans, of to have 'tad a very suceessful„Year. Wingharn, and William Deans, of The. officers elected for the coming Turnberry Township. The funeral year were: took place on .Monday ' afternoon President,' Janet McTaggart, Vice, from her late residence, Waterloo Kiraly Smarten, secretary, Beatrice, street, to Maitland Cemetery. Sharp, Treasurer, Jean Neilans, W. I. MEETING• Convenor of Programme Committee, itltite'h. I The regular monthly meeting of '' Ontario Street -United Church' the Women's Institute was -held .,on Sunday rnorning subject, "Ttr -0 the afternoon of Nov. 27th, with the School of Life." Evening: "A young president, Mrs. O. L. Paisley in the Man's Foolishness." ' chair. •'The f'ellows'hip class and Sunday Mr, IVIcCague, Huron County Ageent school at regular hours, ricultural Representative, was pros - regard to on The it stns con tt is be CI t s. the me etin m Fredareg and addressed a y -evening, I'eeember 20th, regard to providing scholarships for Tho W. M 5. will meet in the Iloilo County boys and asking for lecture roam 'of the church on Tues- donations. ' day •afterctoon, Deo. 10th. A. Christ- mas'prograin will be .given and Mrs. It was decided to donate $10.00 for• 'VV', Marquis will take up the chapter this purpose. Dr. Shaw gave a most of the study book. The election of interesting •and instructive address. officers Will also be held., 1 on "First Aid" and how to prevent At the regular meeting orf the •the different diseases so common W. A. held yesterday the following among children. -• officers were elected for the ensuing Mrs; Murdock gave a very inter - year: •Hon. President,, Mrs, al_ esting tails on Current Events., Felumsteeli -President, Mos..A. Me Cartney;';let vice, Mrs. F. Layton; The ladle's quartette from. Landes- 2nd vice, IVErs. Paxman; red -secret- • bore rendered three numbers which aty, . 'Kira Grant; •eorr-secretary, were, very nuich • enjoyed by all Mrs. C..Jervis; treasurer, Mrs, present: It was decided to dispense Stung; Plower Cent.: ,1Urs, Kennedy; • with the December meeting so the pianist, Mrs. M. Aiken; Assistant, Institute will not meet , again until Mrs. J. B. Levis. This society. has January 23rd, 1930. just completed a very ^successful• At the close of meeting lunch year, clue to the splendid co -opera- g. tion among its members.. ' was served by the hostesses. Wesley -Willis United Church - y a LITTLE LOCALS 1 • The Girls' Club will meet in the i• unda sehool Foch on Tuesdayeve- i •`The county council. es in session S Y ning at eight o'clock. • Election' of in Goderich this week, winding up officers will take place and a full --affairs far the year. attendance is requested. I Skatin in the rink this week Skating, The regular 'and annual meeting The skating season has opened ear- of.the. W. M. S.. will be held in the lier than for many' years, Sunday school' room on the after- i c, noon of . Thursday,`,. Dec.•' 12th,, at. • • The County Comnutteo on Agxicui- three o'clock. I time met in the office of the County t the morning service next: Sun-' ReR?osentntne, Clinton, on` Satu - A g , da . day, the Sacrament of the Lord's y Supper will be observed. ' I The . population of " Clinton is tThe subject ofthe .evening sermon growing by natural means, the births will be: "Our Estimate of Values." i exceeding the deaths by five awing idea prevailingthat we should have same tithe there has been an 1the past year. The mer y slatghbeils have. been, a lien's organization, `•-On. Tuesday . jingling the' past week. Sleighing •is evening 'last ` 'some two. dozen men I good in, town and . the arrow is not ,meet -and gave exxpression to this id- : deep enough to prevent ears' from ea in `what, promises - to 'be a :good, • energetic Mtge/nee-am. • The offi- running. vers and ' cominittees will indicate • Mr. 'and: Mrs. Chas. Cook of the .the• •,seeg;e of.• proposed activities. Blue Water Highway, Goderich 'The ;' Y are as follows: -• President: 'G. Jefferson. � irstVies President:' W. H. Match and Vice '.President:. 'Dr. ,,Gaudier; Secretary: Harold 'Manning. Treasurer. Frank Pennabaker., `` Pianpste: F. Ly. Coombs Ken Carter 'Coinnuitteeg: •' 'Wter:slup, Chairman,. having been called to :Myth owing. Geo. r011 01110, a to the: sudden death of the Rev, Mr. Literature anti Music, 'Ken Carer. it en bei hip; Glon Cook Shote of the Blyth Altglicisii i hurch.. Red-oa'ion; ' '1nier"•,W'sillis, 'Thr' London oad`Conmuirit'CI b' V' t ,GYh. . '� R. t Y u "al Ciee'`Cboc, - ' Visited'the '13uran Co Fitt Roane 'n Soft rode jy ide eot o tui lits a eni t' i to It w'as deo d to m . # r � Y Tltlrsday v ng aixl, ass s d by 011, the first and third : Monday' • of the: Rev. Faather, Sullivan, have •a cob ' rnontlt at' 8 d'clocic'in','thew pleasing' musical prograttt ,They al* suhotvl root. , :'A . cordial' welcome 50 :brought along a,teeat of '•oranges will lie satended to .arty meat ;who i,Td;: cabllieea, • 7'lre, 'visit was appa•e- 'sh'.to'u "te• `•with that%'orrg'anizatiori., eiai:od: Following is the -address, which' attests 'to 'the. good :feeling` existing' between emp'ioyeraand eniployeds "Deaf' Me. ata Mrs. 'Weeks: 'As' .. the .evaporator season aa: mice -more mare' lr't o 0 drawn to it dose we, your. eniplbvees have assembled here this 'evening Tor the purpose of shying "'Geed Bye" Ter the present and wesdee wvould like' to convey 'in some meesaru, cur sin- cere in- 'ti cert' alipreCta on of your li]ndness, 'to us.'" daily labour. 'Las been'1 one retina of pleasure as you have been thoughtful and courtcims in your dealings with us and o much so that we cannot let this occasion pass without conveying to you in -some tangible way our heartfelt. gratitude, • As a small expression of our esteem we wish you to accept these gifts, 'this sugar and cream set t 1V&•s, Weeks an this fountain eu o W ks d p to Mz , Weeks and with. them our kind regards. gay yon long he spared 'to•,sejourn. with us for a time each year, and when. you are absent from: us in. your home, you zvTll not be absent from our remembrance. Signe& by the • employees:" MISS+'M. MCLEOD WdN•'S The finals in the oratorical con- test on -test 'among Young' Peoples' Societ- ies, Huron Presbytery','were held in Wesley -"Willis • United Church • on Monday evening. The large crowd present thoroughly enjoyed the apiendid' speeches given by -the con- testants. on- testants..:_MVliss -Margaret McLeod: of Clinton was given' first place for -the young' ladies and Miss Shackleton of Ash2ield circuit, socond, viiss fe- %ead's address on the "League of Nations", was a masterpiece " and was delivered in exeellent order. y In the 'young Mens contest, Mur- ray Grainger, of Bayfield won first place with the'subject, "Why Go, to ,, .Cimreh t , This young.man gives promise of developing into a real orator. Mr. •George Pearep of Bros- sees was given.second place, 'lie de- livered a fibs sddress on>"Choosing' a Calling." ' The winners Were presented with silver medals' and. the lasers •with. bronze ones.' Rev:. J. E. Hogg, who 'Ives chairman Sor the evening, made the presentations.: . • - During the time the speeches Were being , judged, 'Dr.' M'eInnes, conven- er of. the'- literary. and recreation branch of • the Young People's work, presented) W,etleyWitlis softball' team, champions of:1'iuroni CPuntye, with a- silver -clip, on behalf of the, County' organisation. M1. A, Steepe manager - on behalf of `the Leant;. made a. _fitting reply. he judges tot the oratorical con- test 'were'iVL's. Harrison, Mrs. Dou-- gan and: Mr. Jefferson, ;pr t:r5ipal. of the public school. • them' bible) „:study and:missionary •diilis;;'followed by choruses; *etre,: 1ne;,ital eeleetions, readings and ,dial -1 ogees, in which the young folk a- quitted themselves'' well. At the, conclusion a vote of -thanks, moved 'lay . Rev.. ilfr. Hogg and seconded by; gather - from all over Ontario, are received' and banqueted by the May- or of the City of Toronto. tried to .remedy' It. Members 0£ i passed council said that a motion p et a farin'er meeting authorized the street comnyittee to keep on • "doing something until :the difficulty Was overeo;ne> and there wet to need of further 'action. Tbe,1VLrdical Officer of Health sent e ,: a" •e ort -' the t his report, fel:- year, A which 'tire 'shell publish • later, when space :permits. t hasbed to e The. fil7anoial,yepoi l d b held over, also, :owin8' to "leek of s ace. ! YOUNG, LADY HONOURED ,. The,f slotting .appeared in week's , Seaforth, Expositor: "The regular ehoir;:practice ,of Eg- iuondvilte 'united; Chetah toolt the form ol'. a ,liresentatien and social evening. `on 'Friday, at'the ho -me , of M'r., and Mrs WI, 7; Finnigan,, when Mass Eleanor Snider Wee made tiler' recipient of,a pink' Ausco Pullman set and a' clock ;,and . compact to mately; proir to her leaving for Clin- ton, where She will -take the position' of . organist in the ' Presbyterian Church, Miss Snider replied in a '' few well ehosen Words. Mrs Robert Tyndall trade"the; presentation and Miss• Margaret Patrick read the ad- dress." s EVAPORATOR CLOSED Work at the evaporator. is corn-' pleted for the season and 1VIr. and Mrs. Weeks; who havebeen s F. W s, op- erating "it:are now packing up ready- to' eedy to` leave,, Clinton is always ,glad to. have the evaporator. going, as it means the. employment of a number of -people• for the autumn months, the utiliza- tion of a quantity of apples which- otherwise might not find ready sale and the consequent distribution of that much money' in the community - Which might not otherwise be spent here. About thirty helpers- were - employed this season and the pro- duct amounts to about three carloads or forty-five tons, of evaporated ap- ples. 'The market is a bit slow just at' present but it is expected that it will improve during the next month or six weeks. FORMER ,RESIDENT DIES The following - despatch front Saskatoon, Sask„ refers to the wife - of a former pastor of the old Rat-• tenbury street' Methodist , church, Clinton: "Mrs. J. W. Holmes, widow of Rev. J. W. Holmes, and a resident here for 21 years, died Saturday evening at hes home after a short illness, brought about by the shock of a fall two weeks ago, iii which' she suffered a fractured hip. Before coming to Saskatoon in' 1908 Mrs. Heloses lived at various points in Western Ontario, where her' husband held pasta al charges in the Methodist Church, chiefly in the' London conference. She, was born• itt• Cobourg, Ont.. te. refer, .Mrs: he•is urvived.b of � S s y , J. •111 Totten, of Tottenham, Ont., and three sons and two daug rse Dr. J. B. 'Hoboes, of. New Yorlc'eblty; J. H. Hahnes of Saskatoon, ' com- missioner of the board of trade here; n ask, Dr. G. E.Holines, of Dodsland, S Ma's. G. M. Haldane, of Strathroy', Ont., -and 1V1'iss Clara L. Kai -Lames, of Saskatoon, editor of the Women's department of the Saskatoon Star-' Phoenix. ` Mr. Holmes died: here in. 1918." HOCKEY NOTES - "t The grouping fore"' Intermediate and Junior Hockey for tho::season fara intoe e completed as as -'Clinton has been con p is concerned and stands thus: Intermediate Group 11, Goderioh, Seaforth, Mitchell, Clinton, • Junior' Group 13: St, Marys, Exe- • ter, Mitchel], Seaforth, Clinton. The boys had their first practise' on :Monday evening. Looses as if they would have a nice, long hockey season. - Intermediate Schedule Goderich at Clinton Jan, 1e Obder,ieh at Mitchell- J'an. 10.:: Godeiieh :at Seafor 11173San, G. Clinton at Ooderieh-Jan. 24. Clinton at aal,itcheli-Jan. 21. Clanton at :$oaforth-Feb. 3. Miteliell at Goderich-San 3. Miteheli at Clinton -Jird 17: Mitchell 'at Seaforth-Jan. 24. Seafeeth..nt Gedsrieh-jan, 17. Seaforth, ,at Clinton ---.Ian. 31. Seaforth ab ,Miitehell-d'en. 28. n1 ioi Schedule, Group: L Clinton Mitelie1l, Seaforth: Clinton at Mitchell --Jan; 7. • 'Cliaton, at Seaforth e -Ten '3; Mitchell` 51t';Cli'nton Dec50,. Mitchell at Seaforth--'»ee. 27. •Seaforth. at Clinton --Jan. 10. Seafod:th,. at,. Mitchell .Dee. 20. ,,.. ,:Group B ' • . Exeter and St, Marys. , ExeterJan, 27,:Deo. 20. St: • M'arys-Jan. 14 ;'Jan. 7.' Referees: Goderich: 13. Chase, H, Kerney. Clinton: C. Draper, D. Thorndtvkes. Seen:wil : O. Diek, D. Reid, 1Vxitehell: 1?. Eiseman, R. Thorn. iSt. -Marys: B. `Lavelle, R. Tuet; III TOWNSHIP ' GOHUEId C Mr. and Mr's, W. A. McGuire have retm'ned from a , pleasant -;visit in Toronto, taking. in the Royal, Win- ter Fair.. :"' 0 e or't oet S. - No. 11s Geder]eir • Rp S , township'' -fol' the month of Decem - ber. Those marked with an asterisk. missed ane or more examinations: Sr. '4th aRay Perdue, 60. 4Tr;' 4th -Lloyd `Baskin, 6Y;