The Clinton News Record, 1929-11-21, Page 1d. EA. I -87a
• ,
The rIeW Era
. •
Fce." the iiilc.8t) gift, fpr beau- I..
1. ty, for permanence, for endur-
ing , satisfactien; . nothing is
more, fitting. than tne gift ,ef
find watch or 'dial:tend,
We Are justly •proildof our. .
tock of reliable Watches. eith-
ler, the pocket watch or wrist
The gifts treasured roost are •
these such ,ae 6come e from our
/ redeive helpful
counsel here. - e •
Jeweler and Optmnetrist
Phone 1,74w and 174j
....., .
ave yclit Caught 'the
0 _ Spirit?
Christ i I' as
Our store is teeming with Myriads of attractive and
'Acceptable Gifts in
LINGERIE, and other accessories too
numerous 'to mention. '
'',t.: J I it 9 S
':..° ''' '', JI. ill
We're Ready -to.
Satisfy any Man's
Overcoat Taste
We'rn: sure that you can 'find -here.
just your Overcoat, whether your:
- 'taste be. quiet or snappy.
If yen' are particular about your
overcoat, come to this store, where
Style, • Quality and Price is a big
feature. • -
Two Speciale in Blue Overcoats
for Men and Young Men,.plush lined,
11 wool Material at
= $15.00 AND $1900 •
$15. $1. $25.. $35.: $37.50'.
" A Square Deal for Every Mali
Wheat, $L2 to $1;2ii.
Oats, 650, •.-
'llluelcwheats 80c to 83c.
Butter,' 40e to '42e.
.Eggs' 85b 'to 55e. -
Live Hogs, $10.69. '
'The 1'1ate train"-, from Tox.onto,
'which used to arrive, here at `1.004,
rent., now Arrives 27, minutes later,
that is 10.31, ,and at Goderich it
10.57. - It leaves thecity at .5.65
etead ,.of 6.06, ` as, formerly, and
spends longer on'the way, stopping
tit. several smaller stations whieh it
used to .Pass witiv a haughty wave
of the hand.' A boujile of trains
Mare been takeroff in the Stratford
division and this -one hatto do extra
duty, Those going to Toronto intend-
ing to take thatkeep
in 'mind,. otherwise
disappointment may be ,experieneed;
On Friday evening at the home of
Mrs. F. Glens the Woman's Lib,-
-Conservative Association held their
annual meeting- at which the follow-
ing officers were .appointed:
Hon. -Pies.: lien. R. 13. Bennett,
P. C., M.P.; G. Howard Ferguson,
Hon. 'Vice -Pres.: Mr. Henry Kim -
pity, Mrs. -Ate Cluff.
Pres.: Mrs. N. W. Tvervaetha.
. '1st. Mrs. H. Johnston.
2nd Vice: Mrs. B. _Murphy.
Secretary: Mrs, (Dr.) Thompson.-
' Treasurer: Mrs. 3. Stephenson:
Pianist: Mrs:- W. Perdue.
Ward Captains— •
Country—Mrs. E. Morrison, Mrs.
T. Mason, Mrs. Adam Stewart, Mrs.
C. Sturdy, Mrs. F. Middleton, Mrs.
.7i' Mulholland, les:F. Ford, Mrs. W. -
Churchill, Mrs. Harvey Jenkins.'
Towns Mrs. J. -E. Cook, Mrs, J. Mc-
Kinley, Mrs. G. Elliott, :Mrs. J.
Latter part of meeteng was enjoy-
ed by. all ove,e, social cup of tea.
'Phe funeral of the late William.
Hobbs, who died in a Chatham hos-
pital on Nov. 12th' in his seventy-
eighth year, took place from the un-
dertaking rooms, Clinton, on Friday
afternoon, interment being made in
the family plot, Clinton cemetery,
where his wife was buried five years
The late Mr. Hobbs lived in Clin-
ton for some years, also at Londes-
'bora and later at Belgrave. He was
a shoemaker. by trade and will be
row:lamed by many of the older
He is survived by one son, Cecil
Hobbs, Chatham, and two daughters,
Mrs: Baker of Chatham, and Mrs. J.
Skinner of California. ,
The funeral service we; conducted,
by the Rev. L. C. Harrison redo)!
of St. Paul's Church, and the pall-
bearers. were: W. Emigh, E. Taman,
Frank Bowden, .7. Tainan, Delo
Taman and D. Certer,
le; C. Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs.
Baker, accompanied the remains of
their father from Chatham and
amongst others who were here .were:
Mr. and Mrs, Brown, Brantford; -Mr.
and les, jones and Mr, andMts.
Smith, Detroit; Mrs. Allen Burt, Lon-
don; Mr, W. W. Taman, Exeter;
lee. Albert leVittie, HespIer; Mis-
ses Pearl and Edith Gidley, Toron-
to; Mr. and Mrs. Mills, Lendeshoro;
Mr and Mis. Gidley, Mr.• and les,
Frank Hollyman, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Ernigh, son and daughter, les. Car-
ter, Mr. 2.-Ernigh and Mr..E. Tamen,
Blyth D. Cartei.,.731Mssels, and many
other old friends.
A charming organ recital and
sacred ,concert was given in St.
Paul's a/lurch:on Friday evening last
by lYfr. A. W. Anderton and assisting
antists, Miss Florence Beattie, so-
ptano; IVIiss S. IVIeLeen, contralto;
Mr. J. A. Stewart, tenor Mies E.
Snidet . and.4Vlise S. Cold, pianists,
and Rev. Tether Dogorski, vidinist,
the recital ` being given wider the
auspices- of the 'choir.
Sixteen numbers were givenand'
from the first organ number to the
last it was much enjoyed., The' per-
formance of Mr. Anderten as or-
ganist was of a -high order, his last
number, "Overture t,o William Tell',"
very well worth going to hear
if there had been -nothing else. The
piano numbers given by` Miss Sni-
der and Miss Cole, in whieh they
were accompadiecl by Mr. Anderton
,on the organ, were both very charin-
ing and Rev. Father Dogersld's violtn
selections were also very much ,erf-
'leyed, While the ve
en bY Miss Beattie, a most pleasing
soprano, who sang How. Lovely are.
Thy Dwellings7 and also the soprano
'perk in, "Jesus, the Very Thought of
,Thee," With lVfr. Stewart, aside Miss
1VICLean's 'soles, ' "Abide 'with Me"
and "Creasing ,the also dr.
stew -fires solo, "he Voice i the
•W/ilderness:," were all perfectly ,Ten-
d,ered emd very much enjoyed. Tn.
• toed it was a Musical treat and the
Chureh was ,filled with an' apprecin-'
tive audience:
'Rev: Mr. Harrison. en liehalf "
the choir, thanked those. taking part
in 'the programand sok e of the
pleagive the congregation had in
having IVfr. Anderton aeeociated with
' The- -Rev. lVfeeriew-,'" • 'Tn."
rontoy, Old- Sfrateiml risit- to
local lodge 'Sathidas; eV -ening;
nalaber .ecinthig-up.,1.?A•ba.PRy tire&
.VV.4 ;pent-iogethr arid during the
evening , the lecal Mai* J.,Sehoens.
iyhrs ...presented .VY".. the visitors'
With a ring, while the' Were, made.
the rreCipients of ...a' flag by -.the theal
An entertainment as Put .on ire
the Ontario street UriltecI•church on
MondeY evenieg "'under :the. auspices
of the Yining' PeoplesReLeague, the
entertainer being. Mr. :Charles „Cooke,.
-otherwise knonne as :Chief Deekahi.
Indian basso and entertainer.
Mr, Cooke. is of Indian blood. and
until quite recently-*thad been en-
gaged as agent oh the 'Indian Reser-
vation. Be is a telented singer and,
enteetainer, and. his numbers were
very well received. ,-
The' Tebbutt orchestra contributed
several selections dining the even-
ing, les. -Wended gave a very pleas-
ing piano number, Vesicles playing
all accompaniments, and Messrs. V.
Fraser, G. Evans, and M Verner
played a guitar number., -
At the Presbyterian Manse, Clin-
:ten, .on Saturday, -at 'half -past six
-a quiet wedding took place when, the
Rev. C. E. Dougan' united in mar-
riage, Clara, youngest, daughter of
Mr. and IVeh. D. Steene of Clinton,
to Alexander Mallough,' son of Mr..
and les. J. Mallough sal Goderich.
The bride looked charming in a
gown of shell pink satin -faced
crepe, with gold trimmings and rose-
buds. .The couple were unattended..
After the ceremony they returned
to the bride's home, 'where a fowl
supper was' served. •
• .
Last week we boasted a bit ahent
the fine yseatliet 'we, were having.
Ville are having a touch of whiter this
week. Several thchee ef snow •and
wintery Masts... The Snow plow was
foilirtst Yteisl
DeaNiQvf o112ca th; orhe
will stay now; but there are always
pessimists *about.: ,
, r
A. meeting "will- be held at half
nfiSt seven on Teesday evening, Nov.
26th, in the coimeil chamber to or-
ganize for holey 'Tor the 'corning
Al] interested, whether players or
thee who like to encourage Such.
games, are invited to attend, so that
faecated,iong ergedizetion may be ef-
On 1VIendayevening a number ..of
"'the girl friends of Min. Alex. Mal -
lough, formerly Miss Clara Steepe,
gathered at the home of her par-
ents, Mr, and les. D. Steepe, and
presented her with a shower of al-
uminum ware suitable for a young
housekeeper. A jolly evening -was
spent by the girls and refreshments
were served before tbe gathering
broke up. .-
One of theMany usefel gifts which
the bride received was a hiendsorne
mantle 'Clock from the employees of
the Clinton Knitting Company.
Their young friends wish Mr. and
Mrs. Mallough a happy married life:
They will reside- in Goderich.
The death occurred, 'at the home
of his sister, Min Martha Dinsley,
Maple street, on Wednesday of last
week, after an illness'. of some
months, of Robert.,„ biesley. Mr.
was seventy-theee years of
age and he had been in California for
many years... He Came home about
two months ago, his health having
failed hint 26 such an extent that he
felt his. end Was near and he wished
to die in the old home. I -Te had nev-
er marriedand he is servivett by
one brother, Edward • Dinsley of
Los Angeles, Calif., and two sisters,
Miss Dinsley and Mrs. Robson of
The Rev. L. C. Harriesm conducted
the funeral services and the pallbear-
ers were: J. P. Sheppard, E. W.
Morrison, A. f etrie, 2: H. Howson,
Ha Johns and A. 2. Holloway. In-
terment • was in the family plot in
Clinton cemetery. '
• The W.'A. of Wesley -Willis church
held, its annual bazaar in the coun-
cil chamber oa Saturday afternoon.
' The hall was prettily decorated
with red and white and the several
booths looked very effective, as the
wares were displayed in an attrac-
tive manner: Home baking, 'candy,
aprons, touch and ' take, Christmas
gift booths and children's` bran pie.
Afternoon tea was also served.. Mrs.
J E. Cook had charge of. the tea de-
partment, Mt. .Gandier's S. 8.
class looked after the candy booth,
Mrs. Ithrnin- was convener of the
home baking -booth n4i's. W. Manning
' of the Christmas gifts, les. Penne-
baker of the aprons, Iles. 0, W.
Claninghame of the bean pie and
%Ilse E. Graham eof the touch and
take, Ench, of course, had several
helpers and as each booth was well
furnished it was a ver Y busy mart
all the afternoon. '
The ladies were well pleased with
their effortswhen the day was ov-
er. .
The W. C. T. U. will meei at three,
o'clock on Friday afternoon in IV'es-
ehureh lecture room:
Miss Eleanor Snider, A.T.C.IVL.of
Brucefiehl is to be organist 'in
the , -Clinton Predbyterian clwrcir,
commencing the first Sunday in. De-
The ,L, 0. B. A. will hold its an-
miel meeting. on Tuesday' evening,
Nov,. 29th, when the election, of of-
ficers ne held. A full attendance
is requested. • • ,
DA% W. 1:6, Fowler, Geelph,
brothel: of Dr. Fowler or ciit-
ton, is judging Heekrieys at the
Royal Winter Fair, whieh opened' in,
Toronto yesterday.,
" •
Chief' Stong 'got word of
Rorke's car, whieh wes stolen sone
Weeks ago. It is suppbsed to lie doWn
in the vicinity of Beantford and he
has gone down today to bring it
back. '
Fire was discovered in the Rat-
tenbury House barn early Saturday
morning, It was sooa controlled,
which' was fortunate, as that would
Thenilay "Lena Rivers," -ns put'
on in the town'hall on Tuesday even-
ing wider the auspices of the local
Women's Institute, being presented
by the Auburn Dramatic Society.
The play .was well presented, each
actor taking his or her part pleas-
ingly and with skill. A. duet -was
very pleasingly rendered, also by the
visitors, and le. Harry McGee,
soloist, contributed several songs
which were highly appreciated. A
very good house greeted the per-
At the conclusion of theenter-
tainment the loeal W. I. served re-
freshments' to their guests. in the
.counell chamber,
e A dance followed the entertains
merit, to which realty remained.
At the -meeting of the Home and
School 'Club, held in the auditorium
of the Collegiate ,on Tuesday even-
ing a very excellent program was
presented. Miss Robertson of Goderich
gave a most instructive And helpful
address on "The Need of Giving
Responsibility to our Children.'
Miss D. O'Neil, teacher in a -Forest
school in Toronto, also gave a de-
lightful talk on the work in that
school and the club in _connection
with it. Miss Shaeman, president of
Huron Council of Home and School
Clubs, was also present, Although
not wishing to address the meeting
on council work, she expressed her
delight in the conduct and, work ac-
complished by the Clinton Club.
These addresses were interbpersed
by the following very pleasing and
well -rendered musical selections.
Piano duet, Military march, by •Mrs,
Morgan Agnew and les. Perdue;
solo, "Mammy's Sleepy Time Song",
by Mrs. Dougan; solo, "Danny Boy,"
accompanied by guitar, by Mi'ss
Tiee;eE,,e,14-:eer„ee:T. Op4av:, °S., .-London by IIV
pea-tire, :bine ,geergette gown, a `•
Wesley -Willis United Church
For next Sunday sermons, Morn-
ing: "This Constraining Love of
Christ." Evening: "Three Attitudes
Toward Trnth."
St. Paul's Church
The ueual services and Sunday
school and Bible class at the regular
hours. The rector, Rev, L. C. Har-
rison, et all .services.
Presbyterian Church
Morning sbrmon subjett: "Our
Daily Bread." Evening: "Contrast-
ed Destinies." • ,
Sunday school and Wednesday eve-
nmg at the usual hours.
•'Ontario Street United Chnrch
The minister'e morning subject
will be: "The Christian's Program
of Today." In the evening the -Rev.
Ben. 5, Smillie, Missionary front
India, will speak and show. lantern
slides of his work. Mr. Smillie is
an old Hensall boy \end will bring a
teal , message. \
Sunday school and class meeting
at the usual hours.
3 o'clockins the -C. O. F. hall, when
a. tent, orS "First Aid," will be given
by Dr: Shaw: • Current, events will
b given by *S. Murdock, ids,
Hawke and „ hDs. Mair- Hostesses
for the day will he: Mrs. 0.-V.
Cooke, Mrs, F. Glew, Mrs. Wilson:
Mrs. Geo. gfircitihar, Mrs. Biggart,
Mrs, T. Mason and Mrs, Geo. Hanly.
Members are asked to kindly, note
change in date. .
A couple of accidents Oecurred on
Tuesday- in the vicinity of Clinton
which might 'have resulted more ser-
iously. While Mr. Ben, Rathwell of
Goderieh township was driving to-
ward Clinton. oci the. Huron road, on
the east side of the-Cown'his car got
out of -control, eWing to the slushy
state. of , the road, and over to
the wetting dde. - Mr. 10. Savauge of
Seafortb, was meeting him , and, -hi
order tq pees, went lo.the wrong
side. Just at this.moment ltD. Rate,
well "bringing his car
heel: „and the act` the,t,wo cars
•eellided.: Beth Were.emashed to seine
• extent and, the. occupantbadly
Shaken. - Mr. „Rathwell was eome-
what cut ,and bruised but not 'Ser.
icitiely, • They, were lucky to 'get -off
so "snfely. .
• . •
Anotlfer'accident happened on the
weaside p2 thestown When Mr. Me -
Allister pulled to the 'side of the
road: on account of some engine ken-.
'ble and Ite.d. Mr, Herbert' qf
mesville, coming behind hint did not
'he a Very,.bad. pleee-fier a, fireete get 'see burl 111 tinte .to atrottle'simishorg
02 .1 " ' 1 to it
, . „ , . •
Mr. F. A. Edwards returned on
Sunday after having .spent a Week
in, Waterloo.
Miss Thelma Ritz '. left last .week
to visit friends in Mitchell. •
....Mr: and les. F. G. Neelin left- on
Thursday of 'last week to spend a
few days in Sea -forth. before leav-
ing for the South.
les. H. A. Stott left on 'Tuesday
to spend the -Winter in New York',
andother points.' • .
Mr. and 'Mrs, Gilbert Knight and
Charles • Gemeinhardt of - Torento
spent the week -end 'with their
Iles. G. W. *nods,' Miss Anna
Woods and Mr: Charles Gemeinhardt
left on 'Alenday on a rioter trip to
Florida where they -will spend 'the
winter. ,
The regular meeting of the 7. P.
Department of St.. Andrew's United
Church, Bayfield was held on neled;
nesday evening, Nov. 13th. , There
Was a very large attendance. Mr.0.
'Icalbfleisch, the president, had Mr. Jas, Johnston who has been at
charge of the meeting. The scrip- Corinne, Sask. for the past five
ture lesson was read by Mr. Gerald years arrived in Bayfield on Satur-
Hamilton and Mr. Albert Woods day lest to Spend the Winter here.
led in prayer. A most interesting le. Johnston's many friends are
and helpfull address was given :by glad to see hint looking so well.
Rev. 1. Morley Coiling Isf , Grand
Bend. A piano duet was given by
Misses Marie Grainger and'eGladys
Gale. The two contestants in the
public speaking contest of Huron.
'Presbytery; Miss Dorothy Seoteh-
mer and Murray Grainger, gave,
their speeches which were very well
received and delivered. The meeting
closed with singing and the bene-
diction by the Minister, Rev,' R. M.
An illustrated lecture on India
was given th St. Andrew's 'United
church, IlaYfield. on Friday evening
last by F1:v. ATT. Sinilile, -who bas
been a missionary in India for fif-
teen Years. The views given were
largely photographs which he had
taken while in India, and were not
only, very clear and interesting, but
also true to the conditions of life
there. The lecture was given in be-
half of the Maintenance and Mis-
sionary Fund of our Church. The
Rev. Mr. Brember of Bencefield is LONDESBORO
the Convener of this Committee and
was present and took charge of the Mr: and les. G. Johnston of Chat --
meeting after the devotional excl.- ham, also Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnston'
cises by the Minister. There Was a of Detroit, who were, guests at the
attendance, and a hearty inter- home of Mr. and Mrs, S. leVittie,
est displayed. • have returned.
• ,
hat' of silver . metallic in a sinart.s
French mode and grey ehoes ' ancl
e- She carried a houcfnet of
Butterfly eoses and fern. Miss' Lil-
Ilan lellett, in 2a gown ' of brown
crepe With accessories in matching":
tone e 'and carrying a bouquet of
Sunburst - roses,. • was bridesmaici,l
while Harry Draycott acted as best
. ,
mart "Mrs. Stevens:played approp-
riate music, throughout' the service.
Following' the Orem:oily a reception'
was held at the home of -the groom's:
parents. The house was tastefully-
dedorated with shaggy pink 'nnums:
and pink tapers in silver holders -
Dainty buffet refreshmente, which,
were in charge of Mrs. E. Tuplielme,
Mrs. E. C, Tuphohne and les. Wal-
ter Wobdham -were 'partaken of by
thirty fiye guests, ampngst whom
were the kirides younger sister, Miss
Marion Davison of Bayfield and
her brothers, Melvin of Bayfield and
Irked of Detroit. The young couple. -
left later en a motor trip to Niagara
Falls, Toronto and other point; in
Ontario. For travelling the brida
donned a brown frock with abeessor---
ies to match and wore a handsome
grey goat fur coat. As they left the
bride tossed her bouquet amo,ngst
her girl friends, it being caught by.
her sister, Marion Davison.
The many friends of the young
couple wish for them a very happy
future. •-
Mrs. Jas. Ferguson is visiting re-
latives ,in Belgrave.
Mr. Chas. A. Cook—Chief De-
yokah—Indian Basso and Entertain-
er gave a splendid concert in the
town hall on Tuesday evening under
the auspices. of tho Y. P.' Depart-
ment of St. Andrew's United church.
The first part of 'the program was
given ii the costume of an Iropuois
warder of the Bear elan of which he
is a member, while the- second part
was given 111 civilian clothes. The.
contrast was so great that it was
hard' to imagine that it was the ono
man giving the program, The- and-
ience was delighted with hi% Indian
songs and stories and also the splen-
did selections and amusing readings
of the second part of the program.
Miss Gladys -Gale acted as accom-
pianist. On lendey Mr. Cook vis-
ited the schoof and entertained the
-• •
:The Hot Supper and Concert held
under the auspices of Trinity
Church Guild 'in the Town hall on
Thursday evening of last week --Was
a. decided success. There was a
very large attendance and the pro-
ceeds of the evening amounted to
over a hundred and twenty-five dol-
lars. Supperewas served in:the base -
:net, which. was tastefully decorat-
ed with, B.5:gs, bunting and cedars.
The tables were decorated itith
'mums and laden with good things
to eat. The concert consisted of
orchestral numbers by the Lakeside
Entertainers and a short comedy en-
titled "Camp' Keep-Off1"- The cast
of characters was as follows: - Jef-
frey Harland,. 1' rich bachelor, Wm,
Parker;. Vinceet. Moore, his frIend,
Fred Ileartll, Peter Loring, a travel-
ler, John, Pease; Dubs, a tramp,
John leLecids Jane Citrrington, a
widme, 'Miss. V. Hobert, Florette
Carrington, her daughter, XiS8 An-
nie 1VIcLeod; Alice Elliott, Florette's
friend, Miss Floy Edwards; Laura-
Barket, a country wernem, Miss Sus-
ie Westlake. The plot was wound
around misundertandings in the
loye' affairs of Jeffrey Harland and
Alice Elliott, Peter Loring and
Laura Barker, and the diseppear-
.ance and subsequent recovery of
Miss Barker's blackberry pie.' Ev-
erything was brought to a happy
dose by the announcement that Vine
cent Moore and Plorette had mar -
'Pied and the capture - of the tramp
whoe.stole the
Mrs. Aherns delighted tfie
audience with two vocal solos of
her own composition, between acts.
The Bayfield branch of the Upper
Canada )3ible Soddy. met ill Trin-
ity church Immediately following
the united service which was held
there ori^.Sunday .everiing last. The
report of the treasurer was favor-
able. The offieers
President, and 1Virs. Rebt. Scotch
men secreary-treasurer, were re -
dieted. The service was irt charge
Of the- Rector, Rev: F. as-
sisted 'by Rev. R. M. Gale, who gave
the addrese.-• 1VIiSs' Glad1:6 Gale and
Mrs. P. H. Paull sang a duet during
the offertory.
A prdtY Wedding topk place in
St. James Church, Seuth London on
Saturday, at two o'clock. Wheee Gladys
second daughter of Mrs. Jt Davison
and the lend John Davisen of Bay-
field Was united- in holy. bonds •,ef
matrbnony with Theinas 'Gilbert
Mallett, . only son of Mr. and les.
Thenfas Malibtts, 148 Virlharrieliffe
Mr. and' Mrs. John Armstrong
spent Sunday with Blyth friends.
The latterls mother, Mrs. Tamnn,
who has been the guest of Blyth re-
latives, returned with them.
, les. Elliott of Blyth visited her-
daughter, Mrs. Bert Allen of the
13th eoneessioth. last week:
I des. J. Leach, who has been
' spending some thne-at the +erne of
her parents, Mr." and neg. Tretvin,
has returned .to . her hone in Owen
Me. and Mrs. A. Rose, -who 'spent
several .days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Ttewin • have returned to
their home in Tononto.
Reeve and Mrs. Adams spent last
Sunday With, Fordwich friends.
They Were accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston Blyth.
'Mr, T. Knox purchased a coach...
car last.
Articheson of ;Windsor, whe
recently visited Mr. ,and Mis. 0:-
Illeddell, has returned.
Mr. and les, A. Wens who :not -
Med to Chicago last tveele have re-
turned. They were accompanied by:
Mrs. Man* and Miss L. Mains.
Mes. T. 'Wood of the 1.8th conces-
sion visitedthe home of IVfes. Robert.
Townsend "recently.
• Mrs, T. Nett has -returned after a.
pleasant visit at the home of Mr..
and 1VIes. Raithby, Aubarn.
Wilken of Galt is visiting -
'with Mac.2 W. T. Brundson.
The Mane of Me. and Mrs. Geo.
Cowan of' the 18th concession was
broken into last Saturday night,
The thieves helped themselves to
fruit, butter and„.dggs, potatoes and
nun:ere-es other articles. They ap-
peared to' have been looking for
money as 'every drawer wars ran-
• sacked. They ,,gained an entrance,
through a, cellar window, the fam-
ily being away' at the tune.
'The street light cominittee are,
'planning( tO 'Mit on an old time coil -
cert in the hall en the 2.9th of No--
, vember,,to help pay for lighting the
streett. • • ,
Out; first fall. of -snow ,on Tues.,
day, we will nook, for Indianinm
iiekt„ and it is hoped by. Many that
it -will ,be a lorig one, ,
1VIr. Will Tamblyn and. family of'
Toronto spent Thanksgiving at the.
'home of his :nother, Mrs. ./". Tate-.
• Mr. Ab. Radford 'hes installed a -
new eleetric rdio in lits home:
' Mre,. Lyon and Miss Rin are
visiting at the fermen's daughter'ke
Mrs. A. ICerslaite, near Eketer: