The Clinton News Record, 1929-10-31, Page 5'H'tTRSDA5, D•C'1;'i7BTit 3x; "19't9
.q,.Apew often do you say tbis•as you find that your, expenses eat
up • all your salary
Other people, with no larger incomes than yours, buy many
things Tem cannot afford, Is it because you have no definite
Plan Of, allotting your money? •
The Royal `Bank Budget Book will help you, to plan your
expenses with sometbing to spare.
Royal Ban
s Canada'
Clinton Branch e - R. E. Manning, -Manager
:Down a path of dim sky.
On dark Hallowe'en,
;See a flock of leaves fly
In a colored sheen.
Riding on a night breeze
Through the dancing throng
Witches mid the bare trees
Chant a magic song;
-"Let the yellow leaves go
Floating through the town;
Puff! I blow a brown.
Puff! I burn a brown.
• Only keep a red Ieaf,
(Heed the song we sing)
Hold a red leaf high, dear,
It will beckon Spring!"
- Katherine Hale,
Did you lose y• our vote yesterday?
They are talking now of making
men's suits of paper. But in that
case will father's old paper auit cut
down for little Johnny?
M t * *
Those who have their wealth, whet-
, her great or small, in government or
municipal bonds were not affected by.
the big slump in the financial mar-
* * * *
This is All Hallowe'en, the night
when spooks and ghosts and goblins
hold high carnival. Better be in
early that evening or "The goblins'll
git you if you . don't watch out."
This is the season -when our minds
are harried by tales of suffering and
loss of life on the great lakes. Those
who dio 'business on our lakes take
their lives in their hands during the
- uncertain weather of October, Nov-
embei and December,
* * * *
The Beacon -Herald puts it plainly
when discussing the appalling num-
bers of n:iotor accidents when it
"As a people we haven't developed
enough brain power to take rare of
the horse -power our cars develop."
A. P. McWhinney, Liberal candid-
ete in North Bruce, a member of
the •last legislature and Liberal
whip, died at his home in Bruce
• township on Tuesday, with the elec-
tion only about twelve hours away.
Mr. McWhinney had been a member
df the. legislature since 1919 and
would probably have been elected
'.:yesterday, had he not "held a ren-
dezvous with death,"
"When the cold weather does fin-
es -11y come," the Kitchener Record
hopefully remarks, "thank goodness
the flies will go." If there is any-
thing much more annoying than the
t:omnton housefly), well, we do not
Want to have anything to do with it.
But, .by the aid of semen doors,
some poison fly pads and a swatter,
the latter an: Man. -indent unknown
in this office until trek season, we
have been able to keep .our sanctum
pretty free of the pests. •'
Mr. and Mrs. 0. A Lutz, Misses
• Vivian and June and baby Rodney,
have returned to their home in
Elmira after a pleasant visit with
:the lady's uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Robertson. '
The ladies of the United church,
• •Varna,, gathered at the home of Mrs.
Alfred' Ings on ` the aftentoon of
Tuesday, October `29th, for the pur-
pose of saying good-bye to one of
•their number;, Ma's. John Wanless,
',who is soon to leave the, eonpmunity,
'During the afternoon the following
-eddress was read by Mrs. George
Johnston, and Mrs, J. Sparrow, on
"behalf ,of .the ladies, presented Mrs.
Wanless with a handsome ,ouch. bag.
:Following is the address:
"'Varna; Ont„ Oct. 29, 1929,., "Dear
iV rs. Wianless,V9'e, ' *e 'members
arid Home Helpers '-of the W.X.S.
and friende, have mot here
this ofd
noon to spend a social hour- with
you,on the eve of your departure
from Varna. Far many years yon
have lived among us always ready
to extend a heaping hand to those in
:need,; By your:; kind words and loving
pitality 'd, i
Mrs;, FtUflk ;Ire hbUth, Sombre,
visited a: few days Iasi wool. at • the
hpme of. 'her sister, b1rs,--(Jeo, pal
toner, and her mother, Mrs. Ldsay,-•
Mr. Rathburn spent the - weeink-e
`here''and was accompanied home' bynd
Mfrs. Rathburn,
0.i7o•. Joe''M;eGiLiak, Toronto and
Mr. d O'Brien, Stratford, visited
at the h�orne of the litter's, niece,,
1'4rs• W. Swinbanli, last week,'
Mr. 'Alex. Me „P;10 ',. Luclmow,
spent Sunday with Mr. i and Mrs.
Wn11 •.Mbf£att.
service, you, have endeared yourself
to all with whom you have come in
contact. In connection with the W
M. S. you have ever been faithful.
In the church and Sunday you ; wil
be greatly missed. We. will think of
you as one, who truly has 'net you'
light so shine before men, that oth
ers, seeing yotu' good works, were
led to glorify your Father in Ilea
We ask you, dear Mrs. Wanless,
to accept this small token of love and
appreciation, assuring you that You
will ever be remembered in ou •
prayers. "There is a place where
spirits blend; . where friend holds
fellowship with friend:' Though sun
dered far, by faith we meet. Around
one common mercy seat.'
We pray God's presence may g
with you to your now home. Signed
on behalf of Varna Auxiliary, Presi
dent, Nils, Jas. IVTcilymont, Sere
tary, Mis. Chas, Stelck."
After the presentation a deliciou
tea was served, which was much en
joyed by all. The afternoon wa
brought to a close by singing, "God
be with you till -we meet again," fol
lowed by prayer by Mrs. Penrose.
Mrs. John Anderson is visiting at
her daughttr's, Mrs. Jldhn Workman,
Mr. and Mrs, James McClymont
spent Friday last in London.
Mrs, Gilbert Anderson was a vis-
itor at the hone of M*s. John :Work
ltir. and Mrs. James McClymont
spent Friday last in London.
Mrs. Gilbert Anderson was a
visitor at the home of Mos. John
Workman. '
Mr, Duncan Cooper has returned-
eturnedhome fdtn Oriliia, where he has
been woking.
1Vrrs. W. W. Cooper has returned
front London, where she has been
Ma's. John Workman and Miss
Mildred spent last Friday in Lon-
don. '
The Young People of St. Andrew's
church held a Hallowe'en Social
Mlonday evening. There were cos-
turves galore, nearly all appearing
in masquerade. Some were in hum-
orous and some were laughable and
some werd indeed handsome. It
would be an impossibility to give a
ful description of all, but
, Miss Finnigan carried first:
prize for being the most prettily
dressed. Lunch was served .at the
close of the evening.
Mee and Mrs. WM. McDonald and
Misses Mlary and [Margaret enter-
tained very pleasantly at a tea Sat-
urday and M!anday. Mr, and Mrs.
McDonald and Miss Margaret intend
leaving to retire in Seaforth, where
Mr. McDonald has purchased a very
fine horde,
Miss Mabel Whiteman has' :been
spending a few days with' Mrs. Dun-
can Aikenhead. ' •
Miss Mildred Workmaa• was vis-
iting overthe Week -end near Sea-
forth, •
Miss Helen Dinsdale, nursein-
training at Stratford, is spending .a
few holidays at the .home of her par-
ents, Mr.=•and Mrs. •R.. Hinsdale.
Rev. Dr. 'and iVlns. Barnby• of Lon-
don are visiting at Mr. aed Mrs:
Wm. Ivisons. •
Mrs. John Deitz and Mrs. F, 'Tont-,
ilson ere visiting 5n. Toronto
The Comenttmty ;Club Bold a very
enjoyable social eeening atthe;home
of Mrs.; Lebeau ons Wednesday of
}eat week. The vv;eathei ,;-was un-
favorable +but a ,:good ci;bwd was
present. A very;, interesting pro-
gram was given, consisting of in-
strumental.. music,' .readings and
singing. An interesting conversation.
between two black crows was -much
enjoyed and the program was, brought
tea dose 'by a novel contest, 'The
-ladies later ' provided
refreshments hmen
and partners were a bY, piecing
together. a raver A
l; p b,. spelling
.match was:' also held durittg.the eve
ring, the words talceu ent!rely - from
articles iit';the house, A hearty vete
of` thanks •• was tendered Mrs. Le -
bean and her' family for, ,their hos-
Ruch ,sympathy is felt fpr * IL
L. Wise' and hie: fancily in 'the death
of Mrs, Wise, which took place en
Tuesday, coming' as a shock to her
family and friends, Mrs. Wase had
been ailing Tor the past few yreekd
and had been taken •to London dor
treatment, and .although her condi-
tion was known to be :serious her
death was not expected,
Mas. Wise was formerly . Miss
Florence ITolland, being -a daughter,'
of Mr. and Mrs. George Holland.
She is survived by her husband and
threeyoung children. her parents;
two brothers and two sisters. The
funeral takes .place this afternoon
from 'her late home, the 16th con-
Mr, Joseph Sntllth ' of God'erieh
spent a few days renewing acquain-
tances around the village.
*. Alf. Webb and 1VI.1ss Gretta
motored to Grand Valley and spent
the week -end.
Mrs. R. J. Woods and Mr. Wilson
Wjoods spent Sunday with friends in
litr. and Mans. Elliott Miller and
Miss Itlarg•,aret motored to Barrie
and spent the week -end with their
untie, Mr. Albert Wallace. '
Mrs. John Wiebster spent a few
days with hen daughter in Toronto.
Mr. and 1VIks, Wen. Taylor were
recent visitors _with their uncle, Mr.
John Medd, Clinton.
Mrs. Wim. Blue and daughter,
Helen of Detroit were spending their
holidays 'at the home of Mr. Joe An-
Mr. John Robb ' and Kiss Grace
Robb tof Ilderton were guests recen
fly with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
John Cameron.,
• Stratford 'en Oct, 15th, by Rev.
Geo, Growland, Olive Irene, young-
est daughter of Mr. and Mays. Ino,
McClure„ Goderich Twp. to Mr.
Howard K. Blanchard, of Ux-
ELLIOTT-In Clinton Public Hos-
pital, on Saturday, October 26th,
to Mae and flys. G. H. Elliott, a
YORIK-In Toronto on October 25th,
to Mt•. and Mrs. Eric II. York, a
daughter -Beverley Margaret.
WISE -In London, 'on October 29th,
Florence Holland, wife of Herbert
L. Wise, aged 87 years and 8
ATIKINSON-In Woedstizok on Oc-
tober 17th, Geo. S. Atkinson, of
Exeter, brother of D. J. Atkinson,
' Clinton, in bis 72nd year.
S -HAW -At Ridgetown, on Oct, 21st,
Annie Shaw, widow of Rev. Ned
Shaw, formerly pastor of Egmoncl
vine Presbyterian church,
WELLER-In Goderich on October
21st, William Weller.
MASON -At Goderich, on October
22nd, Edna 'May Mason, in her
15th year.
Hot Supper and
under auspices of Senior Guild of
Trinity Church, Bayfield
Hot dressed haat with brown gravy
mashed potatoes, baked beans, sal-
ads, jellies, pickles, pie, cake and
rolls, tea and coffee. Supper served
from 6 to 8 o'clock followed by a
humorous two -,act play, ' "Camp
Keep -Off," given by the young peo-
ple of the ehurcn. Music will be
supplied by the Lakeside Entertain-
ers. Admission, Adults, 50, Children
35c. , 38-2.
Old horses. Will pay from $6 to
$8 for same. Cliff. Glazier, Phone
G17r4, Clinton central. 38-1,
Pigs For Sale
Ten small pigs. Thoroughbred
Yorkshire. Apply Fred C. Mb -
Cool, Londeshoro, Phone 28-14, Blyth
central. - 38-2.
Auction Sale
Of 50 head, of 'Ontario band Dur-
ham. and Polled nges milk cows
and young cattlei Walker's hotel
Brucefield, on Friday, November 8th,
at 1.30. All tobe cold'. as owner
is giving up grass farm. Terms:
Six months credit on approved jdint
notes, 6 per cent. `discount for cash.
teorge Coleman, Paw,p,,G. IL, El-
liett, Auctioneer. 88-2-p..
Auction Sale
' Of Cows„and Heifers
Ernest 'Townshend wallw i l '
- hold a sale
of fro h -cal •e cows ud o
ws and Springer
heifers' at lot 105, IIurori .road, ,.1
'Mile south of Goderich, "en. Saturday,
Nov. '9th. Fuil.particulers next eek, „E. A.
w Townshend; .Proprietor,
T. Gundry and,. San, Auctioneers.
Member ofFlorrst,Tele• 'graph deliv@ry
For All Occasions, Sent Anywhere:
Greenhouse.]s•Ar, near•a$ ydur•phone.
Large Selection of ' Dutch
bulbs NoW -Arriving
Chas, V. ooke
Two Phones -66w and 661 e
Break. Bacon, piece ..,. 32c
Break. Bacon, -sliced 35e
Mutton ;Roasts, 18c.
Mutton Stews -. 16c
Mutton Chops 22c.
Pork Chops, per lb. 25c
Pork Saus. homemade .,24c
Rib Roasts, Beef . 22e
Flank Boils, Rolled 18c
Bf. Shanks, per lb. 10c
Pork'FIawks . 10c
Dressed Hogs, whole or
Bulk Pickles, sour, mixed
Sweet mixed, and
Olives always in stock
Cooked pickled pigs feet
Best mince -meat in bulk
Custom work in Sausage
• at a reasonable price
Clinton's Leading Meat Market
Last Welke for Chrieimas Photos
My Clinton Studio will be open
again on Tuesday; Nov, 12th, Tues-
day, Nov. 26th and Tuesday, Dee,
10th. ' Dec. 10th is the last day I
will .be taking photos in my Studio
here for, this year. Remember to
come on above days for your Christ-
mas Photos, W. W. Burgess, Pho-
tographer. 38-2.
Cockerels For Salo
Large, healthy Barred Rock cock-
erels, Guild's bred -to -lay strain. See
them before purchasing. R. L.
Jervis, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. Phone
638r23, Clinton central, 38-2,
Farm For Sale
100 acres of good land, :being 'd-
al on the 12th con. of the Tp. of
Hullett. 10 acres .of bush and pas-
ture. On the farm is situated good
1.1-2 storey brick dweining; frame
barn 56x56 with stone stabling and
water in stable. Cement driving
shed 50x30 feet, Cement hen house.
Drilled well. .All land in good state
of cultivation. Hydro passes the
farm. Farm situate 17-8 utiles
fribm Blyth. For, particulars apply
to' Fred Austin, It. R. 1, Blyth, Ont.
Fore Sale
'Seventy sores of land 111 the town-
sli'ip of Stanley. On this land are
fifteen acres of young hardwood
bush and some fruit trees. This is
a good pasture farm as a spring
creek runs through it the year
round, Apply to John Parker, Bay-
field. 38-2.
Baking Sale and Tea
A sale of homemade cooking ean-
dy and afternoon tea will be held on
Friday, Nov. 1, at the hone of Mrs,
Elizabeth Kennedy from 3 to 6
o'clock, under the auspices of the
W.M.S. of Ontario street United
church. . 36-3.
For Sale or Rent
House in Matilda street, Clinton,
seven rooms, • electric light, town
water, good garden. Apply to 3.
Allison, Clinton. 37-tf.
No Trespassing
Persons found trespassing en the
property of the undersigned will be
prosecuted according to law W. 3.
Stevens, Victor Bisback, 37-3-p,
House to Rent
Comfortable 7 -room house; in good
location. Apply to R. B. Carter, Vic-
toria street, Clinton. 37-tf,
Dungannon, Ota 21, 1929
To the Sec'y-Treas. of
the School Board:
• The annual convention of the
Huron Cq. ; Education Association
of Trustees and Ratepayers will be
held in the town hall, Winghanf, on
Saturday, Nov, tad, commencing at
1 p,m. sharp. ,Addresses on live
subjects of interest to all education-
ists will be given by Rev., H. W. Snell
of Brantford, and Mr, Win. Morris
of Toronto, president and see'y-
treasurer, respectively, of the trus-
tees'_ and ratepayers'' section of : the
Ontario Educational Association, al-
so by our members of parliament,
school inspectors, teachers and oth-
des. Make your requirements along
educational lines lmown to Chas. k,
Robertson, Goderich, •convenor .of the.
tesolutton cnnrnittese prior to the
convention. 'Kindly invite your tea-
cher and have this announcement
read- in the school. A special invita-
tion it extended t'
t n ladies...
Seo'.y-Treas. Huron Co.
Educational Assn.
37 2
linton's New -Laid Egg
And `Poultry Hoarse
Eggs bought according to • Domin-
ion Government Egg 11eguiatione,
Inquire. for otic, 'prices •. of eggs.',
You will always find ouetprices par
allel wrth•the city markets. ••
, Fat hens:' and wellefinished .chicks;
always wanted -.Prices goiod
Always phone our office for prices;-
before marketing produce,
N w Tre+vartha
Phones -Office, 214j Residence 2t4w
Srun b -ea ` sed
Fust received a carload of Snow-
flake Flour,. Sunbeam Feed, Sunbeam
Laying Mash, Rainbow Scath feed,
different brands of Hog 'deeds; .-fat-
teeing mash for hens, Fish meal and
Powdered Butter Milk and Calf-
H. W. Charlesworth
Flour and Feed Phone 199
The New
Stewart Warner
Modern, even to• plug in for
Performance 5 years ahead -Beauty
beyond comparison -Very '
selective -No Interference
Equipped. with 8 of the new Screen
grid tubes. - Distant stations neuro
in like locals. Needs no unsightly
aerial. It, is simply marvelous, the
best set I ever heard, so they say.
Here this set. at George MCLen-
nan's Grocery Stoke. Demenstra
teens arranged day or night, The
Stewart-Warnem only have ,the one
set, which cannot be beaten, Prides
with tubes according to •cabinet
$185.00 to $275.00. Combination
Phonograph and radio $550,.00.
H. A. H ovey
Clinton, Ont. Phone 209
House For Sale
On Spencer street, 6 rooms, gar-
age incl sueurner kitchen. Hard and
soft water and eleteric•lights. Also
the following: • Happy Thought
range; Quebec heater, kitchen cabin-
et, $tgtyart-Warner, radio, Edison
Phonograph and nearly 100' records.
two jardiniere tables; dining rooni
table; oil stove oven. Everything to
-be disposed of in two weeks. Mrs.
14f, Furniss, 37-2.
Photograph Notice
Burgess Photo Studio, Clinton, will
be open on the following dates: Sat-
urday, Oct. 26th, Tuesday, Oct. 29th,
Tuesday, Nov. 12th, Tuesday, Nov.
26th, and Tuesday, Dec. loth. Dec,
10th will be the last day for taking
Photos for Cluisttnas. Come in on
an early date' for Christmas Photos.
House 'to Rent
A comfortable six -roomed house,
in a good location, possession given
about Nov. 1st. Inquire at News-
R'ecord office, 33-tf.
Bazaar and Tea
The W. A. of Wesley -Willis Uni-
ted church, Clinton, intend having
a bazaar and afternoon tea in the
Council chamber on Saturday after-
noon, Nov. 16th, commencing at
2.30. 84-tf.
For Sale
4 oak diningroom chairs, kitchen
couch, springs and slip cover, 2 par-
lor choirs, upholstered in taupe vel -
old', mahogany parlor table, piano
stool. Inquire at News -Record of-
fice. 36-tf.
Farms For Sale
Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of
Goderich township, consisting of
160 acres of good clay loam, l'A
miles west of HohnesvilIe. Good
buildings, never -failing wells. Ap-
ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3,
Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton cen-
tral. 29-tf.
Sheep For Sale
Liecester sheep, shearling rains,
year-old ewes and ewe and ram
Iambs. Year-old ewes being sold to
make room. Apply to John H. Quig-
ley, London road, R. R. No. 5, 'Clin-
ton.' Phone 619r3, Clinton central.
In the Estate of Sarah Wi,hcen,
Notice is hereby. given -that all
parsons having-dlaims against the
estate of Sarah, Wilken, late of the
town of Clinton, in the County of
Heron, widow, deceased, who died on
or about the 29th day of September
A.D., 1929, are required to deliver
to Jthn Tebbutt, the executor 01
the saidestate' or .his solicitor, on or
before the 18th; day of November,
A.Ele 1929, a full statement of their
claims : together -with, particulars
thereof, and the nature of the se-
cttrities , if any, held by,hem ail duly.
Verified by affidavit.
AD TAKE, :NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the
said executor will, proceed to' distrib-
i tri-
ps b
ute the estate Of the said deceased
amongst the persons entitled thereto
having regard oily"
to such cIt
he shall have received due notice.
of and in _accordance therewith,
DATED at Clinton Ontario, this
29th day of October, A. ,D., 1929.
W. BRYt1ON13 (proton, - Ontario,
Solicitor for the said!'eetete. .' 38-2,
u ran
eam Renderei
$1.50 per Gallon
$1.40 per gallon, in
5 gal. lots.
Hardware Co.
C. H. VENNER,• Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs.
Will open laundry in Perrin Block,
Rattenbury street, on
Proprietor 37-2.
Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins
Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform-
ity. Consultation Free. Call or write,
J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St.,
Stratford, Ont. 10-1929.
Cottage For Sale
A six -room cottage, good location,
town water, electric lights and good
cellar and hardwood floors in front
part of house. Inquire at News -Re -
cors. 31-tf,
House to Rent
5 -room house, James street, Clin-
ton. Town water, electric lights .
Apply to W. Jago, Clinton. 31-tf.
To Rent
A modern dwelling of eight rooms,
also garage on Gibbings St., Clinton,
Immediate possession. Apply to A.
J. McMurray, box 193, Harriston,
Ont. 26-tf.
House For Sale
A comfortable seven room cottage
with town water and electric lights,
',/4 acre of land with small fruit and
good stable with chicken house. Ap-
ply to Alex. Sloman, Fulton street,
Clinton. 0541.
Slabs For Sale
Orders left at my residence will
receive prompt attention. E Ward,
Huron street, Clinton. Phone.155.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paiired, . Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over IIeard's Barber shop.
W. J. Jago. 2283-tf.
i J 14, (�t'{y��{� J
We are ready rig1it now, to send
you your winter's supply of deal,
And our : delivery service is as
speedy as yott could ask for.
A11'- we -need is .an invitation.
Will you invite us to -day?
Call 74,
Call the
for good, dean coal
PHONE 74 CLINTON Clinton; Out, Phone 281 :'
We Want Your
Milk -and Create)
We are ma'nufacturers of bo
cheese and butter. We want yo
milk or cream. We pay highest in
ket price weekly. Satisfaction gn
Phone your order for finest ch
or pasturised butter in prints or s
ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont.,
R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. ,,,
---+ wwdz6-7.".
Eggs and Poultr
Home on Tuesday and Friday fo
noon to take in Poultry.
Eggs handled at residence eve
day -graded by an experienced gra
er, for which we pay the highest ms
ket price, -
Creaih purchased for Stillman'q
A, E. Finch
Viking Cream Separator Agent,
Victoria St., Clinton Phone
Long Distance - Short Distan
Goods in Transportation Insured
Furniture Carefully Handled
Efficient Operator. Charges Reaso
able. Satisfaction guaranteed.
R. McMath, 601r34.
No Worrying. About
Your dividend cheque mailed 01
the first of each month by Imperia
Trust Company of Canada,
Just a few units left of Standar
Royalties. Over 3,000,000 sold in :
few months, All will be taken in
few weeks.
J. G. CHD f1 EN
P. 0. Box; 155 s Phone, 51
Coal and Coke
CALL 256
A., D. McCartney
Queen Street Telephone 25
Coc Shutt Agency
Wishing Repairs or Parts fo
Cockshutt or Frost and Woods Ma
chines of any kind should call at m
also handle Cockshutt Cream
Queen Street,. Clinton.
McCormick -Deering Agenc ,
Having taken over the above' ag
ency , for this district fI will keep ' `O n
hand a full stock, of. repairs and part
of all McCormick -Deering machin
and will appreciate a share of th
patronage of the farmers .BUrdu
Cali at my shop, next door t
Jones' blacksmith shop, King streets,