The Clinton News Record, 1929-10-31, Page 4THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD,
THVRSDA:Y, '0f,! 6Rfi'fw i1, S2ii.
Special Clearing .
Prices on Wall-Paer
Sherlock Manning
Pianos -
How About
'Treating •Tr
self to e
• eI • McNEIL
Clinton's Musical instrument 'Representative
Always at Your. Service Box 113•or`Phoiie 273, Clinton
4l Y
gs- 1reai I'onitvy
and •
Gunn, Langlois & , Limited
Auction Sales.
Auction Sale
OC Cattle and Sheep.
1Ma;. - Geo. H. Elliott has been in-
structed to sell by'public'auction on
the promises lot'. 11, ocn, 4, Tucker -
smith, 1 mile south of Soafortlh, -on
Monday, Nov:. 4th, at 1.30 o'clock.
sharp the following:
Pedigreed Durham Dual .-purpose
cow, 3 years old, , freshened about
two weeks, a splendid milker; heifer
calf, 2 weeks old, from same cow
eligible For registration; Polled An-
gus cow, 4 years old, due January
4th; Durham cow,' 4 years, old, • due
November 20th; 15 well bred steers,
2 years old, weighing from 800 to
900 lbs., :di good`. order; 80 choice
young breeding 'ewes all < have ..had
Iambs during the past season, fifty
of these are Leicesters, 25 Shrop-
shires and five Merinos, Thorough-
bred: Le4Ccster ram; thoroughbred
Shropshire ram. Everything' offer-
ed will be sold. Positidely no re-
serve. Sheep" sold to go more than
five miles and up to fifteen miles
will _be 'delivered. If disagreeable
weather, sale will be held under cov-
ITERMjS: A credit of six months
milli be' given on furnishing approv-
ed joint bankable paper. A discount
of six peir cent. per annum will be
allowed. roe cash.
T. G. Shillinglaw, Proprietor. G.
II, Elliott, Auctioneer. 38-1.
Policies issued suitable to every circumstance
Retirement and Endowment Annuties
with Disability Protection for the Sunset of Life'
The new
'mcg G1
Balanced -Unit Radio
$ 169.00.
Table 'Model $139
Tithes Extra
Cabinet finished in genu, -
ine walnut with bird's-ep e i
:maple and Oriental wain:&"
panels. 'Genuine ELECflt Y.
Dynamic Speaker, built
.Acoustic Equalizers,
balanced to use Two ofthe -
wonderful new l'°' power
tubes, push-pull.
Free.' Boline Demonstration!
Yes, we. Will deliver this mag- ' This is the tame marvelous
•?r'dreent Philco Lowboy to your Philco that you have seen ad.
home on free demonstration, vertised in the great national
,No obligation—no red tape--- megazines. Rare purity of tone
.and EASY PoYmVNTS, if you ..-.rn u'velous nFhettvity--vast
Avi.IL'e tv hoe• t' w •„•i• r•ingti. �•1...
Thos. Churchill,
Be Sure to ,,• hear the new Phileo before yea buy any,` radio •
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements
r - I . H. PowkUI. has instructed the
undersigned to sell by public auction
•at Lot -9, Concession 14, Gel:aricb
-township, cn 'Farm purchased by
Clarence Potter;, Thursday, Novem-
ber 14, 'commencing at 1 o'clock,
sharp: .
HORSES—Gelding, 10 _years • old;
Filly,'2 years e.+ld; Driving horse, 10
years -old, • good single or double;
Driving. mare, 12 years old. •
CATTLE — 3 year-old . heifers.
just freshened; ' 4• grade Durham
cows, in calf, all young; aged farrow
cow;; 1 2-year-eldi`stem•; i3 steers, ris-
ing 2 years: 3 heifers, rising 2 yrs.;
6 spring calves. y.
PIGS AND HENS -16 pigs, 6
weeks old; Brood •sew. 50 Wiate
Leghorn hens: 1 year old.. • •
IMjPLE'MIDNTS -- D'eering:. hay
loader, nearly new; Cultivator; Deer-
ing shoe drill; 'Oliver corn scuffles,
with bean harvester; walking seuf-
fler; 3 drum land roller; Oliver rid-
ing plow; Coekshutt walking plow;
2000 lb. scales; woven wire fence
stretcher: block and tackle; 10 ft.
spray rod, with double nozzle; about
8 tons of hay, and numerous other
'articles. •
TERMS OF SALE: A11 suers of
$10. and under, cash; over that a-
nimist 10 months' credit on furnish -
big apprpved joint :notes, ox a d'is-
ootint of 5 per cent. straight. P.
Al. Powell; Proprietojll, G. H. El-
liott, Auctioneer. .88-2.
shovels, quantity of 2" ,Plank; 40 rd.
of woven wire; ,21/„ acres of turnip`s;
washing, machine, nenrly new, with
wringer and numerous other' articles.
Everything to be sold as proprietors
are giving up farming,
S un-
sums of •y 10 andun
der, cash, gkrey thatamount, 6
months; credit` will be given on fur-
nishing approved joint bankable pap-
er,or a discount 0-C 3 per cent,
straight allowed for cash on credit
amounts. Roze11 Bros., Proprietors,
George IL Elliott, Autcioneer. 37-2.
Auction Sale
Or Farm, Farm Stock, Implements
Crain,' etc. -
The undersigned proprietor has
given Mee -ea -ions to sell' by public
auction on Lot 25, Bayfield; Road,-
oad;North, on: Wednesday, Nov. _ 6th,.
commencing at 1 o'clock; sharp,; the
following: '
HORSES: Team,' matched- black
Percherons, rising 3 years; •team
matched Percherons, 1, year; brood
mare, 13 years; aged driving mare.
CATTLE: Cow 9 years, dile •Dec.
18th; 'Holstein, „9 years, 'due in Ap-
ril; " grey heifer, rising 3, due in
April; Hereford, 4 years, calf at
foot; black 'heifer, 1 years old, due
Nov. 171h; Dual Purpose " Shorthorn.
bull. 2 years ••old; 3 gold stocks steers;
-2 years old; 4 2 -year-old heifers; 3
1 -year-old steers,. 2 spring calves.
PIGS -"Sow :and .12-• pigs ready to
wean, A number of hens.:.
IMPLEMENTS—Deering binder,
Deering mower, new; :Deering "horse -
rake, 12 foot;. "Deering. 4—horse ;cuj-
tivator; Deering 18 -spout drill;- .01i -
ver bean -miller and cultivator -com-
bined;' John' Deere push hay loader;
John Deere manure ,spreader; 'double,
Herrin plow; 14 -hp steam .engine;
grain crusher; Nelotta cream
s ' e
ator;• McTaggart .fanning mill; 6 -
section diamond harrow, with long
16 -plate disc double tree for same;
4 -section double tree; wagon and hay
rack;• truck 'wagon; dehorning clip-
peas;* chain corn planter; Portland
cutter, top buggy; good 18 -ft. belt;
set bob sleighs, -with bunks and bole
eters; sleigh with platform for haul-
ing manure; 'a:quantity of barley and
oats, clean and suitable far seed;
quantityof hay • and strew, .could he
fed on farm.; .2 sets donble° breeching
harness; one, nearly new, setsingle
harness, hay forks, ropes. •, and pul-
leys and numerous other articles.
Also souae. household 'effects: Pan-
deea• range, chairs, table sideboard,
bedroom suite, etc;
FARMS -At the same time and'
plane will be offered for sale Lots
No. 26 on Bayfield road', and No.- 20'
on the 4th con.,. Stanley township.
TERMS: 'Grath, hay and poultry;
and all sums of 410.00- mid under
cash. Over that amount 12 'months
credit willbe given' on' furnishiirg
bankable paper. Discount ' of 5%
will be allowed for cash on credit
'amounts. Terms on farms made
known on day of sale. John A.
Johnston,' Proprietor, G. R. Elliott,
Auctioneer: • 37-2.
Townhall on Wedriesd ty of
Week underthe auspices of the
W. M. S. of St. Andrew's United
church was a decided 'success. Sup-
per was served in the; basement and
the tables attr•ctively decorated for.
the occasion and laden with good
things. .Following the supper a spl
did program was given which co sis
\of speachos by the+Chairman,
Rev.' R, i1. Gale and Rev. G. Butt of
Victoria St.- United Church, Goderich.
Vocal Solos: by Misses Carol'.. Evans
M. Pentland, Rep. G. Butt, :and G.
Ilamilton;• Readings by Miss ,Myrtle
Armstrong; Piano duets' by 1VLisses
Gladys Gale ' and Marie Grainger;
Vocal duet by Rev. G. Butt and Miss
Gladys Gale; Saxophone -solo by
IIa}old Scotchner; 'Rev. R. M. Gale
pleased the audience with his select-
ioes on the violin; ,:Mr. Jas. Stirling
gave a comic song by peeiai request
The proceeds of the evening amounted
to •bbout a hundred and twelve dollrs.
Auction . Site
•01 House and .Household Effects,
property. of . the late Mrs. Wiijten,
Ontario* street,, Clinton, on Saturday,
Nov. 2, ocmmencing at 1.30 o'clock:
Steelrange, New Perfection 3 -bur-
ner coal. oil •stove, new, with oven;
coal heater, oak 'secretary; book-
case; sideboard; 3 couches; sewing
machine; hall mirror;" hall seat; kit -
hen: cabinet; bedsteads; parlor, table;
kitchen table; . dining room: table; 2
wicker chairs; 2 dressers; clock; 4
rocking chairs; 9 dining room chairs;•
5 kitchen chairs; 8 ` mattresses; 2
toilet sets; 2 feather bete; bureau
looking . glass; high chair; hall mir-
ror and seat; .lawn mower; 2' good
rugs;, mats; 1% cords Maple and
Beech wood; about a'ton of coal; a
quantity of • dishes; garden tools;
coal oil heater;' other articles too
numerous to mention. ,.
Terms On Household Effects,
Cash; on property, terms made
known :on da"y of sale.
G Ii. (Elliott, Auctioneer.
- 38=1.
Clearing Autcion Sale ' •
Of haamt, Stock and Implements
2nd. concession of Stanley township,
2 miles south-west of Clinton, on
Thursday, November 7th, . at 1
o'clock 'sharp..
R'ozell :Bros., have .instructed the
endersigded auctioneer to sell by
public auction. 'their •choiceherd of
high grade Guernsey cows and heif-
ers, also farm stock and implements
consisting of the following:
T•TORSES—(General purpose mare,
with foal by her side; black driving
horse,. 9 years old, good single or
double; agricultural mare, rising 4
years, choice; Agricultural mare, ris-
ing 3 years; general purpose mare,
rising 7 years.
CATTLE -7 high grade Guernsey
cows, ;4 years old, due to freshen in
November and December; ' 6 , high
grade Guernsey . heifers1 rising 3
years, due to freshen in November
and December* 6 Guernsey heifers,
one -year old:
PIGS—Registered York sow, with
6 pigs, 3 weeks old; 4 brood sows
with litters; fat saw; registered York'
hog, 18 months old; 19 store hogs,
about 120 lbs.; 11. shoats, 10 weeks
old. -
POULTRY -6 -turkeys, 15 •Wyan-
dotte. -pullets;: 50 Barred, Rock 'pul-
lets, choice, •
IMPLEMENTS — Massey -Harris
manure, spreader, almost new; 'Mas -
shy -Har is horse raise; Deering
mower, 6 ft. cut; land packer, near-
ly now; wagon, nearly new; flat
rack; 13 disc drill; set- of diamond
harrows; walking plow; Cockshutt
riding plow; walking scuffler, al-
most new; pulper, almost sew; set
sleighs" with fait rack; 2 sets of
double harness, nearly new; ,set of
plow harness; set of sleighs with
box; 2 sets of :single harness; one
and - one half horse -power gasoline
engine; top buggy with rubber tires;
steel -tire open buggy; light wagon;
3 -horse power steam boiler; set of
scales, 4,600 lbs capacity;
cutter, set of horse clippers; De La-
val cream separator, : nearly new;
large galvanized tank; tank heater;
stone: boat; whiffletrees; pig troughs,
sap pans; spoils, pails, eludes, forks,
prepared: by His Ioiing'• kindness.
Dr. Perrie had gone 16 Scotland- to
represent the Presbyt;erian' Church in
Canada at the General Assembly +in
Scotland, and hastened home On re-
ceipt of the news ' of Mrs. Ped1•ie'i
condition "landing' at Quebec Sunday' -
morning, and tlmough the consider-
ate kindness of friends 'reached home
Monday snormng. It was a, sad re-
turn. to the manse; and 14 the bitter
hoer of sorrow 'and grief, lie ” and'
the. family 'pair the deep sympath;y'•
of many trends,
IVIrs Perm's - meeden. name was
Annke Knetehel, who was born at
Brussels, and who for forty years or
more dent an inspiration and have a
whole -Hearted devotion to her home
and the work ;of her husband. Deep;
ly interested in the Church, she took.
a very active concern in the Mission
cause,'and for many'y'ears has been
president of the local organization,
lilgs. C. liani of :Termite and het
brother, Dr. Swan: of • Hamilton vis-
ited their aunt, Mrs. Wi Scott, who
is very ill, last'` -Sunday. •
''Mr, and -Mi.'s. Jas. Allen :were the.
guests'iof Mi. and-Mts. A. McQueen
Iast Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Elsley of Mount
Forest epee,:; the week -end :at the
hone 'of the latter's mother, Mr,'
W. Stevens.
jOne of .the "citizens of the .village,
Mr. •Darrow, has moved 'to' Bayfield..
Me., Vine .and Mr. Aldridge were
the' guests; of. Mir. and Mlisa Gibsbii
last Sunday.
;The =anniversary .services,. •which
were'held> in the United' Church last
Sunday, were largely attended, the
spacious'auditorium being filled to.
its outmost•: capacity, moaning and
evening. Two excellent discourses
were delivered by Rev.. 0.-1E. Clarke
rf Goderich. Special music was fur-
• nished by the choir„ under, the lead-
ership of ",Miss Jean M:urdbck, ;who
Was . assisted by Mr. Vine, and Mr.
Aldridge of:Donden. The Music was
of a- very high 'order and was Much
appreciated. A most liberal offering
was, given amounting to nearly $700.
lthe Melvin'•• .Crich • purchased a
•young < Shorthorn,, College Starline,
sired'by- Quartercup, at Guelph last
week to head his herd of Shorthorns.
Mr: Crich has built
up a vc
ry fine
on , sea -
herd and during the exhibition
sone just passed ,he won prizes at all
the fairs. ` Exhibiting at:., Exeter,
Seaforth, Mitchell; Blyth,. ,.Brussels
and Wingham -•he . •carried., off 82
firsts, 24 seconds and .9 thirds :also
one sweepstakes .and. took : first . for
herds .•at • all: places ,except • Miitchell
and Brussels .• . +• • ,
Mks. Alberts Catling ,and son; Jim,
of Pont • Stanley spent the week -end
with her parents, Mr,•and Vias. Jas.
Miss Thelma Ritz came hone last ;
week to recuperate alter her recant.
operation 10 Hamilton hospital.
Mn. Ri'bert .Penhale left on Sunday
to spend a few days in Montreal,
Mrs. R. R. McKay returned 'hone
on Monday evening after having
been :to Toronto to,visit, her daugh-
ter who is illi. with preumbnia. Al -
nut's many 'friends will be glad to
hear that she is *Improving in health.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. McLaren and
two daughters of Port Elgin spelt
the week -end with Mrs. M::Laren's
sister, Miss J. Stirling, . ,
MT. and Mee. Alfred Schmidt ' of
Stratford and Mr. ,and Mrs. S. Knox
of Toronto and Mr.,and Mrs. W. 3.
Knox of Seaforth spent Sunday 'with
Mee and Mrs. E. J. Stergeon;
11irs. Bite, Miss Guest, Edgar'
Guest, and -Miss Lola Elliott of De-
troit and Mrs. Miller and Rosemary
of Mount Clemons spent the week -
eel with Mrs. M. Elliott. '
Mrs. Brownlee and son, Jim,' of
Toronto ar& visiting the former's
sister, Mrs. A. S. Atkinson.
Miss E. Weston and her father,
R. Weston, returned oh Sunday after
having spent a couple of weeks with
relatives in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Koehler of Zurich
spent th'e week -end with the.latter's
parentee Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fowlie.
'Mars. J. Ferguson 3'etuined' hone
to Monday after having 'visited in
Mlr, J, 0. Goldthorpe leftthis
week on a Bunting trip to Northern
Ontario, .. '
Mr. and Mrs: L. B. Smith and lit-
tle Glen of London spent the week
end with Mrs Smith's parents, Mr.
and Mks. Chas.' Parker.
ltiliss Grace Jowett of London
spent the weekend with her parents,
Idltra. F. G. Neelin went to Toronto
'en' Wednesday of last week.
1VIr. F. A: Edwards returned on
Thursday of: last week after having
spent three weeks at London and
Lobo. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell
of Lobo and son; Harry of London
motored to the village with Mr, Ed
wards. ' Mi. G. Mitchell 1 ,
with his cousin until Tuesday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. N. Harrison of To-
rontee Visited their cousin, Rlobert
McMurray,. over the : week -end.
Rev. T. :Goodwill of'Blyth is in the
village this week while taking
charge of the. services which are be-
ing held
e-ing,•held in the town hall this week
and next under the auspice of the
Presbytery of Hiuolor of the Presby
terian Church. -
'On' Sunday, Nov. 10th, an Armis-
tice and Thanksgiving day ':service,;
will be held in 'Trinity Church, Hay-
field at 11 o'clock; in the morning,
1.11 War Veterans aro very cordially
invited to attend. It is ilnderstood
o i e for the
that a Veteran's s ry o
a e
whole chanty will be held in Clin-
ton in the afternoon and that Bay-
field 'returned men are asked ,to be
present.' • ; ' '
The Chicken Supper given in the
,Surviving are her husband; ,one
son, Rev. D. K. Perrie, of North Bat-
tleford, Sask.; and 'two . daughters,
Mrs: (Eau.) Gordon..Itintoul, of For;
est; and -Mrs. J. Parker, at herne.
Following a private service at the
manse, a public . service was, held in
St. ,Andrew's . Church on Tuesday af=
ternoon -art.-width an unusually large
attendance evidenced the deap appre
elation 'entertained • for Mrs. Perrie,
for her ,year's of 'consecrated devotion
end. of the sympathy 'held to the
family. Rev.. Dr. Forbes', Moderator
of .Maitland Presbytery, presided;
Rev. Mr. MacDonald, sof Lucknow,
read' the Scripture.lesson;, Rlay. Dr.
NljacGillvray of Guelph, offered the
invocation, and•Rev. Dr. James ,Wil-
son, of Brampton, gave on., eloquent
and comforting address; on the ideals
of life. Following a- brief prayer by
Dr. Grant of Toronto, and; the bene-
diction D .. McNamara,of
di b rTor-
onto, the congregation paid a last
tribute: to a devloted, consecrated
worker. in the Master's service, while
Ma'. Willis at the organ pondered ap-
propriate music. -- Wingham ' Ad -
vane -Times.
Miss' Erythe Riley. of 'Brussels
'spent the 'wvec+k end rat' *her home
herd.; ' , '
Mee Josephine *Barwick,. Of •' Gods -
rick is spending ae week at the 'home
of the aunt, Mrs. Adam - Nicholson.
7Viti.''cwld' Mrs.''T. Riley :of :Clinton
and Mr. and Mfrs. Geo.' 'Cook of
Godericb township''spent '•' Sunday
with 1V1"i': and Mrs. Joe 'Riley.
(Mrs. W. McArthur of Goderioh
end Mr's:' Geo. Giles of • Windsor
'spent a few' days last week, at •, the
hjcnnea of relatives here. ,
. 'Ma, ' Clifford Colclough arrived
home on Saturday' after a. four
weeks' stay at`'Seaforith hospital.
Re is progressing nicely and we hope
to Elwin ride him around again. •
'Mr. John McFwan left on 'Tuesday
for Toronto: where he will spend a
couple of weeks with relatives.
• Mem-Love and Miss Fen. Lore
and Mr. R. Patterson of Walton
spent Sunday with Mr.'and.Mrs. E.
Britton Wand -'attended anniversary
services here.
Ma. and Mrs, Ii•. J. Dayman •and
children, •lliiss' S, Dayman'of Kipper
Mr and lIl,4s. L. Cold and son and
Mire Ward of IJistowci, spent Sunday
at•the home of Mrs. T. Pollard, '
r }I
• r 1'iS
GOLDEN d411Ai' P !G Ila
A very happy event -tock place an
Wednesday evening, October 22rc1,
last when Mr. and lire. 'William.
Campbell celebrated . their Golden
Wedding at their own hon -LO on the
511i concession of East Wawanosh
Fifty years ago on that date Mr. and
Mr's, Campbell, who was Miss Fan-
ny M. Harrison, daughter of the Tate
W. A. Harrison, were. married by
the Rev. Robert Davey of Dungan-
non, :just across the: 'road frlere their
preeent hone' in, the house now oc-
cupied' by Mr. :Bert' Taylor. Mx. --
Campbell was he the teaching pro-
fession at the time, but following
his na eag'e he gave up teaehng for
farnung. Born in Whitby township
he had moved up with his parents
into Eaet'Whwanosh tothe :farm on
which he and his son Albert row
live, .'• Here.' Mr. and Mrs Campbell
have dived ever since. Three chil-
dren came to bless their `home,; all of
whom are Iiving and all of wham are
in tt'a9on County. They, are Mrs.
Wm, Crozier bf Ashfield, 1VTr. Colin
Cain,plbell`. of West VV',awanosh and
Mr. .;Albert Campbell . on the home
farm in East Wawanosh:
'During all these years Mr. and
Mrs. Gamribell have been, faithful
and ;devoted members of Donnybrook
Methhdist, new United Church. Mr.
Campbell tookan active part' in the
work of the Sunday $iicooi Tieing
superintendent and tette:her of the
Bible Class at various times. Hei is
still the teacher of the Bible class,
Mr, and Mrs Campbell are honoured
and. reep'eeted ditizens .of East W e-
Wanosli.. They have always taken an
active and interested' part in all that
made for the betterment of the cow-.
munity Whatever" there is of good
Aan i much
Huron County,d there s
tof is due ' in no small
be proud 10 ,
measure to men, and womefi of the
type of • Mr. and Ma•s. Campbell:
Medd Neel)
Seaforth . • 437 445
Clinton . ...557 -. 473
Exeter '. , , . ...516 • 372
Hens -all . ...242 151
Bayfield -. ...... 54. 129
Tuckersmith . 649
Goderich TNp.
Hay . ' 508
Stanley . 41.8
Hulkett , 637
Usborne .
Stephen .
Mr. Q. Lindsay of Provost, Alber-
ta, who has been Visiting• at the
home of Manning Broa, 'has- return -
01 Nene.
1Viirs.. Marshall of lacer Blyth is
visiting her daughter, .Blyth
Wiens. '
Mas. E. Bell, who has spent some
days with her 'son, W. Bell has re-
turned home.. •
The young people 'of the United
Church are quite busy •' at present
practising for the play to be given
at the thanksgiving supper.
A goodly number frdni here at-
tended the fowl supper et. Constance
on Tuesdaynight, •
The meeting of the•'W:• I. will be
held hi the Comm'unlity" Hall on
Thursday,"the 7th 'of November at
2 p.m. A paper on "Wisdom in
Shopping," will be given by Mfrs.
A. McCool. Solo by Miss Katie
Brown;' readings by Mrs. Bert Nott
and Mrs. D. Roberton. Boll call will
lin answered by as. appropriate name
for a country Moine, Community
singing. Hostesses: Mr.s. Fred
g g
Johnston, Mrs. W. Griffiths, Mrs. M.
Mains, Mrs mr. Ross, Mrs. Jas. Me -
Cool, Mrs. N. Ball and Mrs, R. Calck-
Well. '
562 209
873 ; 554
5987 4359
gajority, for Medd-1628;
Jeynt Robertson
Ashfield • . ....401 519
Blyth . ... .185
• 206
, 766
.270' 548
..226 448
192- ., 456
Brussels . 179: 29
Colborne 170 38
Goderich 120$ 86
Grey ..271$
H vick • 498:
Morris .
Turnberry •..
East W wan s
. SL Q Y1 ..
West Wawanosh,
Wingham ..
'Wroxeter .
Tragically sad are the cir•oumstan-
des surrounding the death of Mrs.
(Rev.). David Perrie, which :occurred
at Wingham Hospital about eight
o'clock Friday evening, A';fortnight
before she underwent an operation
and made a satisfactory recovery,
her conditiloii' being so favorable that
she expected to be back home in a
couple mote days,. Birt 'how often.
earthly 'hopes and desires fail with
the will of. the Divine Master. On
Friday after:nem her condition be-
came suddenly critical, and int 'a`few
hours her spirit went to that hone
364 43,3
490 , 580
63 105
4444 6386
Majority for Robertson -1942,
GODERICkI;:. Rev. L. P. Lowry,
formerly of Parkhill, has been ap-
piiintedpastor. of the Catholic par-
ish at Goderich to replace the -Rev.
a.. N.. Campeau[,. former .pastor, . who
has been•transfer ed to the Blessed
Sacrament 'parish .at Chatham. Fath-
er Lowry took charge last week. .
Among those who gathered to
celebrate with gr. and Mrs. Camp-
bell the fiftieth anniversary of their
wedding day were the fhllowiitg: the
three members of the family men-
tioned above together with their•
families.; Mrs. Dr. Gordon of De-
troit, a sister of Mrs. Campbell, Mrs.
J. • H. Hoover, Blyth, a- sister of Mr.
Campbell; *. and .Mrs; Newton
Campbell: East Wawanosh:, who. are.
within two years of celebrating their
sixtieth. wedding anniversary; Mr.
and. Mrs. Harrison of Goderieli; Mr.
and Mrs. -Albert Johnstion, West Wa-
wanosh; who have - been life-Iong
•friends of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
and fellow workers with them in
Donnybrook church; : and R:ev' and
Mrs.'Wa R. Alp, 'Auburn. Ten grand-
children helped to make the gather-
ing a.•happy Ione, the youngest . of, Keith Gordon Cann bell, in-
fant child of Mr. and Mrs. Colin
Campbell, was baptized by the Rev.
W. R. Alp..
Mr. and Mas. Campbell's friends
and neighbors congratulate them en
attaining to the fiftieth anniversary
of -their wedding day and they sin-
cerely wish them every good wish
and 'every blessing for the days that" :~
still remain to. their. They • trust '
that they will he spared yet awhile
to the community in which they have
lived and laboured so well for so
many Years- • •
Mrs. A. P. Wlelker, Toronto,
daughter of 111r. Alex. McKenzie of
our village sang a much appreciat-
ed solo in Knox United Church last
Sunday morning.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
perwill be. administered in Knox
United Church next- Sunday morning
at the regular hour of worship.
Most farm properties are inad-
equaliy covered by insurance.
Lightning rods and fire insurance
are essentials on a well-run farm...
Farmer's Advocate. `
Wednesday, NOT.
BOWLING FROM 7.30 to 11
Tested and proved to be the -one and only
Fuel Saver
Speclal Priecs No Il:l
(until ", November 2nd)
Mills, Lirni
�ned t
Goderich,, Planing
P. 0. Drawer 160 Phone 47w or 385