The Clinton News Record, 1929-10-31, Page 30101,Laaffs
The Tragedy of.
A Flapper's Prayer Elan°
0 `Lord, may he be tall and hand-
seme, May lie ,have ,money and can's Douglas t3aig walked es tore a,
galore, ' May 110 dance 'divinely and Dot ei'' after the .total deft t of Ger-
!Otte •me better ,Shun life: And, 'O; many, 'and elisePeeered lute private
Lord, may I divorce him easily mail i hfe. `;herr° was an,intei•ludo of pa -
find another gezntry, of Marital eolobrattone, of
the Freedom of Cites, of eanquets
We got a kiek'. from the following I and the like: but in fact the Comnian-
from a Texas palter and you prehrthly dor-in-Chief of the British aemies-in,
will, too: Fxauee passed,' as ho let tthe gangway
Lard of Thanks'" and set his foot on the piex, from a
I wish to thank all of chose wbo Position of almost supreme respell -
helped in gettln' .of my divorce, es. 1 eibility .and glorious power to the or
pecially those who testified to the
meanness and cussedness of my late
Ursula Perrinian,
Wo halfway expect the dodo ,to
conte back sontie tirne,•but we are cer-
tain the cotton stocking never will.
The Nalet--"Please, ,Ma'am come
-Va e
quickly. Master has bitten
The Mrs, ..What, do you mean??';
The Valet—"He has sat on your
false teeth."
Acording to the cynic, modern go-
,.riteness consists, in ii;ifug something
unpleasant to people every five min-
utes and saying "I'm'soriy!i'
' It was their first airplane ride; alid
the young woman of the party felt
quite nervous.
"You will ,bring its back safely,
.won't you?" she said to the ,pilot. •
"Of course I will, miss," he assured'
her, touching his leather. helinet. ''I've
nevem left anybody up there yet."
'"Faint heart never 'won fair lady,"
said the ready-made Philosopher.
"That's right," answered the bash-
ful man. "The way the ladies dress
sometimes you've got -to • have your
nerve with you to look at long
enough to feel acquainted.'' •
A, 1st ot notaries 'might .not come if
we didn't. go after them.
-.The Bureau ' of .Standards at Wash-
ingsou is workingon a anon -wrinkle"
cotton. There' is a much more gen-
eral demand, however,. says .Jack
Morris, fur a non-apple=in-the-knees
wool suiting, '
Teacher (to new pupil)—"What Is
your father's name, dear?"
New' Pppfl—"Daddy."
"Yea, clear. But what does' your
dinary Sire of a country' gentlemen.
Titles, grants,' honors of every kind,
ail the symbols of public gratitude
were Showered upon lien; but he was
given no work, He did not join hi the
councils -of :the nation; he was not in,
vited to reorganize its army; he was
not contilted upon the treaties,' Ise'
groat viceroyalty was at,dret at hie
disposal; no sphero of public activity
was open.
It uld bo' affeeta jlon--to' pretend
wo t
that he didnot feel' this. Ile was only.
fifty-seven—full of energy Med''experi-JI
°nee, and apparentiy,at the moment
when he was most successful thore
warn nothing for him to do; he was'
not .wanted any more,
He must just go home and sit 'by
the. Ere and Sight his battles . over
again.. He became 'one ot the perman-
ent unemployed. '
So he. looked around from hie small
!muse.beyond the border and saw that
a great many of hje :Soldiers and
brother 'officers were in the same
plight so far• -as work was concerned;
and that , • In addition ninny were
stricken with wounds and many more
were 'hard pit to it to keep atheir
homes together. To their cause and
fortunes, then, h o •devoted .himself.
This, though it cheered his heart,
by no means -once the :organization
Was set up—occupied his time or gave
scope to his abilities. So the years
People beganto eritictze bis cam-
paigns, "_'here `Sires deep resentment
against slaughters on a gigantic scale
alleged upon some notable occasions
to have been needless' and fruitless:
However, Haig said nothing. He
neither wrote nor spoke in' his own
defense.. .
The next' thing heard about. the
Marshal was that lie 'had fatten
down dead, -like a soldier shot on the
battlefield, and probably frdm causea
that bad originated: there. , Then oc-
curred manifestations, which :rose
from the very heart of the people.,
Then everybody waw how admin -
mother call him?" able had :been his demeanor since the
"She don't cal him anything. She peace:
likes him
There wasa majesty about it, which
fl pr
a an eYee
Onat greatness eatne
What'has become of theold-fashion-eharacter.It showed aman capable
ed bathing suit that eras ,described as
Villians were not born, bit Made.
To be unduly elated,41-you 'win, or
unduly depressed alien you' lose, ie
a elan that you are parrying too much
sail and not enough ballast.
"Among the mostlnteresting relics'
of the mound builders that we' 010-
, covered," said the returned explorer,
"was a mummy 10 '4 perfect state of
preservation with a skulls measuring'
forty-three inches•in' circumstance.
"My gracious!" 'ejaculated, his hear-
er. "I had no idea there were movie
leading men in those days."
of resisting unusual strains, internal
MI . external, even when prolonged
over year'ia; it showeda man cast in
a classic mold; it recalled the heroes
of antiquity and the .pages of Plu-
Dven I who eaiv'him on twenty oc-
easions—some 'of them potentially
fatal -doubted: whether he was not
insensitive and indurated to the ter-
mer' and drains In which he dwelt.
put when 1, saw after the war was
• over, for the first time, the bietoric
"Batiks to the Wail' 'document written
before surview on that fateful April
horning in 1918, and: realized that it
had been written with his own pre-
cise hand, pouring out without a
cheek or correction the pent-up pas -
Won of his heart, my vision of the
man assumed a new sale and color.
The Furies indeed contended in his
soul; but that arena was large enough
to contain their strife.
And the greatest proof liea in the
'final phase of the war. The qualities
of mind and spirit which Douglas
•Baig personified came to be known
by occult channels throughout the
vast armies ot which he was the chief.
Disasters, disappointments, miscalcu-
lations and their grievous price -were
powerless to affect the onfidence of
the soldiers in their commander.
liven the eleven years that have
passed since the war ended have seen
a silent but impressive enhancemen
in the fame of Haig. It le not for con
temporaries to pronounce the succor
sive verdicts of later generations; bu
already we may believe that he ail
rants with Wellington in British mill
Mary annals, and we are sure that 111
character and conduct as soldier an
subject will long servo as an name]
to all: -'By the Rt. ;Hon, Winston S
Churchill in the Cosmopolitan.
Britain's Milk Pr . 'nleim ,
G. T. Garrett in the Nation and,
Athenaeum (London): A special
license should be required from all
producers of liquid neillr. .All other
milk should be labelled "commercial,”
and used exclusively for manufantur-
!ng Into milli products. The lioense
"should only be granted to herds of
snore than a certain" number of cows
In milk—de niininas no enol lex, It
thould insist upon a proper water sup-
ply and cooling apparatus, a sterilize
ing plant, and a maximum bacteriolo-
gical count,
The hardest thing in the world le to
And a $10,000 job for a $4,500' man.
Nothing fails like some )rinds of
English Mother -"Now Bobby, 12
you don't behave, I'll get Mayor
Thompson after you."
Melissa (at the bridge party)—
"Well, Grotto, I believe you are about
to lose your prowess.
Geraldine—"Sial not so . lovd! Give
int a.p11111"
All the lemons that are handed out
do not have line tissue ;paper around
No chance for the heart to 'be right
11 the liver isn't.
Friends lust naturally gravitate to
the perdon who has no need of them,
Watch your
'WATCH the .health of
1' your 'growing children!
See that they have the health
and energy necessary for
their school work- and play. '.
Pot' growing children --par-.'
Ocularly girls—a rich supply
of red blood is essential
Languor, nervousness; cle.-
pression; fickle appetite or
pallor indicate anaemia.
Dr. Williams' Pipit Ms
enrich the blood, prevent
anaemia and build healthy
alone arid tissues. Thousands
of welters have', proved this.
"My twelve-year;old 'girl,"
Writes Mrs. Robert Devitt of
Brougham, Ontario, 'became
8o pale, so i11 andtgotvou9
that we had' to take het oppt•of
school. A tiled Dr. Willianis
Pink Pills for her and
she gained in weight and
strength. She ie now the Pk.
hire of health." •
Buy a box of Dr. William"
Pink Pills at all 4nigghte and
dealers in medicine or, post-
paid, by, mail at 50 cents a
box from The Dr, Williams
Medicine Co,; Brockville,
IN 54 donne IES+''
The Anglo-American. Accord
Sisley Huddleston in the . New
Statesman .(Lender)); (It has been
suggested. in the French press that
Ramsay Maclonald's visit to Waeh-
ington was an. "Anglo-Saxon".reply .te
M. Briand s plan for a United States
of Europe), In spite of an unprece-
dented amount of talk about Conti-
nental and world unity, we have -en-
tered a period of remarkable diplo-
matic activity. Some years
the war the ee'trch for allies had
Practically ceased; there was .a dip-
lomatic crystallization; the Powers
had lined' up. Since the warthere
hare been a gradual disoolution.. ef,the
old associations; and although 'the
Process. is not completed„yet itlesuf
flelenti)'advanced, for us to say that,
an entirely new Situation presents it-
tself. The slate is not quite blank, but
it bas been to a large extent cleared(.
Now a third operation begins -the
same operation, bn a larger scale, ae
that which followed 1871. •Meet of
the countries are actively seeking al-
lies. There are many: feints and false
'moves, but wince nobody knows pre-
elsely how the world will have shaped
up twenty years hen_oe, the feints and
false moves. arouse nervous apprelreu
stone.. , It has come 'to this—that
we cannot take a step towards an-
other nation without provoidng'.fears
in a third nation lent we have found'
'the key to the post-war diplomatic
enigma which will open to us the
doors of the future.
----e.---All—expense Tours
Meet Daring ,Girt ' Making. Goon
In Britain After 30 Years
Of Prison Life
Steeplejacksand•a"ri, Airwoman
• 'for'Fun
Britnton.—Brighton boaste a girl
alio claims to be the,meet daring
'Young woman'. in Englad.
Sha has, in the course of twelve
Done a steeplejack's' wore an a` tall
Flown her cousin's aeroplane and
looped it twice on her second 13o10
Taeklel a mad dog and saved a
child- frorn being badly bitten, put a
burglar to'81ght, and,: dressed as 'a
man,, spent' a night in a brigand's,
camp in Cor'stea. •
This moderir .amazon is Miss-.Phy-
lie lanett; a Pretty .1/obbed-haired girl
of 24, and she informed me ':calmly
that far from wanting to rest on hex
laurels she is now looking for fresh
adventures and new worlds to con-
One of her pet projects is to;make,
a record long distance flight in a
'"I don't really go looking for ad -
yen -tate; it comes looking foe. me,"
Miss linott said to me'. "I can't es-
cape from it. Wherever:I go -I eeem'
to land up against something exclt-
ing, It's either a gift or a handicap,
I'm not sure which, '
Wasn't Looking Per hrills
,"1 certainly wasn't looking £6rbri
Wands when I went tramping 'through
tiorsica this .summer. But they were
very .nice to nae; they 'gave me'eome-
thing to, drink and some food.
"01 'course they never suepeoted for
a moment that I was a woman. I
heard •aftei'wai-ds that -one' of the' ban-
dits was' a,desperate character; who is
reputed -'to have killed' two men..,'
"Nor war I: looping for the 'mad dog
and -the burglar. They ,just .happened
and'I had to deal with then as boat
'I coulct. Any woman would havedone
the same."
"They' say he ran amu011'
"How many miles would that be?"
What many people, oall indigestion
'very often means excess acid 3n the
• btomach, The stomach xnervee' have.
pbeen oyer -stimulated, and food emirs.
The corrective 10 an alkali, which
'neutralizes acids instantly :Acid e
best entail known to melte) ,dclenee
is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, zt has
remained ,the standard with physi-
rtans In the 50 years since its inven-
For Troubles
due, to Add
Bob the Burglar arid Ho* he
Playecl'Santa Claus. fox'
Little ''Nipler"
Crime does not' pay. Crooks work
very hard to get a living, and sooner
or ,latter they. get "time;" Whether it
le "over the Alps," which means
Dartmoor, Or in `stir," which means
Brixton or Wormwood Scrubs, the old.
lag realizes that his -is up against a
system that iaevitably,puts him down
for the count. r
I' Siad a . heart-to-heart- talk with
'crooks who make a ,club of a certain
place in Shoreditch, They were old-
timer's who were making good.
Shrewd, humeeond, and maybe cynical
theywere, but they made' very good
My companion was an experienced
detective who, knows the East lend of
;London as we ordinary people know
olir :morning and evening trains or
'Bob,' said"he, addressing a delight-
ful little man, who looked something
between a stable boy and a musie-hall
comedian, ."tell Mr. 'Corder how you
played Santa Claus,"
Bob grinned, shuffled nervousiy; and
refused to be drawn.
This is the story of Bob the burglar,'
2t was Christmas' time, and .he 'had
Just ' ome' out of gaol. Ile was lodging
With a respectable but hard -up family;
who had a little "nipper" whq-be
lieved in Santa Claus,«
He really thought that if he was
good Father Christmas would, come
down the chimney, bearing • bautiful
presents from his wonderful toy fac-
tory lit up by the.Northern' Lights.
The lad Sent messages up the chim-
ney to Santa Claus, asking for a toy
tricycle, and Bob the burglar broke
into a sllep to get it.
- "Was he. pinched?" I inquired from
the detective, who blushed and fumb-
led:with his pipe.
"He paid for the blinking tricycls,"
'said Bob, smiling at the embarrassed
officer. - r
That is a true story, and I submit
thgt it slrotvs that the best and the
worst of us may be.joineclby a human
teueh common to both of us..
crime As a Trade
The Fall is -the most severe season
of the year for colds — one day 10
warm, the next' cold and wet, and 'un -
•leas the mother is on her guard, the
little onee are seized with colds that
may bang on all winter. Baby's Own
Tablets are mothers' .beet friend in
preventing or banishing colds. They
act as a gentle laxative, keeping the
bowels and stomach free and sweet
An occasional dose Of the Tablets
Will prevent' colds, or 11' It does come
on suddenly their prompt'use will re-
lieve the .baby,. ' The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by, mail at
26 cts.a boxfromThe Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Child -birth and Mother -death
W. P. Pohnsbn in the Spectator
(London): Great Britain. and Ameri^a
are each confronted by two similar it.
not identical problems of grave im-
port to wit, 'an ominpus decline in
the birth-rate and a concurrent in•
ereaee in the number of deaths of
mothers in child -birth.
Such mortality is greater in Ameri-
ea than any other civilized country,
the number of deaths to the thousand
being ;6,5, while in Great Britain last
year It was 4.42 (exoeptionally high
figures), in Italy 2.7, in the Scandi-
navian countries 2.6, and in the Neth-
erlands 2.8 Now these unfavorable
conditions ' of motherhood have two
major results of a most disastrous
character. One is, obviously, to ht.
capacitate tens of thousands of women
yearly for further childbearing, an
evil,the magnitude of which may be
pretty accurately computed. The other,
which in America at least is widely
recognized and is 'presumptively et
great extent, but it is net susceptible
of statistical ascertainment, is to de-
ter thousands of women, through fear,
from child -hearing or oven from mar-
riage, -
"A desire on the part of travelers
to go in epeolal parties under expert
tour management prompted our com-
pany to experiment with the all -ex-
pense, personally -escorted plan the
past two winters," Passenger Traffic
Manager W. J. Black, of the Santa Fe
Railway, . announced the other day.
They' were so popular we will repeat
this winter. All necessary expenses
are defaayed. The paseenger pays a
lump sans. The railroad takes care
of all details from start to finish."
Five of these tours will be run by
the Santa Fe in connection with the
Burlington System, Mingo to Call-,
fertile andback—a journey of about
6000 miles by _rail, several hundred
miles by motor, and requiring three
week: on the way.: One will leave in
January, two in February and two in
March, 1980,
• The itinerary includes the Indian -
detour region around historic - old
Santa Fe,,also Taos, 'where Iiit Car-
son once lived. Grand Canyon Na-
tional Park next will be stilted, Bice-
ads° Tijuana and Ague Caliente io'.
Old 'Mexico. After viewing all. Winest
pal points of interest' In California—
ineluding I•Iolly 'good, Yosemite and.
Catalina—the return to 'Chicago will
•be by way of Feather River Canyon,
Salt Lake City, the smile Rockies of
Colorado and Denver,
One spo'tinfui of ,this haruliose, taste -
lees alirall in water will neutralize in.,
stantly many times as much acid, and
the symptoms dleappear at once, 'You
will MVO. its0 crude' methods when
A.' 0. MacRae ln,the Dalhousie Re-
alm (London): (Two articles recent-
ly appealed, sine in a leading periodi-
cal of London the other in Chicago's
largest newspaper, stating that there
}gas but one destiny for Canaela-an-
nexation or absorption by the U•S.A,)
Ceriadfans of today may' indignantly,
Cyon vowfcre1ely., r'e9< . 01211 a'000,t
.s'ueh a possibility. They inayfiai', t18
did a fervent opponent of Reciprocity,
in the famous election of 1911, "Can-
ada fox Us, not for U.S," ..But there
is no burking the foot that already
the great. Republic to the, South has,
a financial hold on the industries and
resources of the Canadian Common-
wealth. Already it hes a •etrategic
grip, calculated at more than two and
ollars, In s lite of l .
Rea Roti ea Chilies dimer ,to tixs fr°oisl. ale' durst tea
gardens, then 'straight to your, grocer brimful 011
tiavor' and fres&aness!ii Every 'package guaraneej
RANGE PEKOE ]!g lr;i" ma d
Philip S. Richards In theNine-
teonth Century ( London): (The ,mod-
ern revolt .against artistic and ethical
tradition is really the rejection of the
lessons of experience.) There if/ a
vital congruity between sound art and
sound morality, though it 10 by no
means the business of art to teach
morality. The perfection of human
life would be "the complete and har-
Monious development of all our facnh
'ties, under the control and guidance of
right reason." This principle supplies
a tort or standard which we can apply
indifferently in ethics or aesthetics;'
and it will result in a deck/tars reject
tion of much that .is most typically
modern. Imagine a child reared .amid
the visible influences of Modernist
Painting and sculpture, and whose
soul was nourtsbed on Sitwellian
poetry and the novels of Joyne. We
need not ask whetbelr'the would groly
up good or happy, for those are terms
whose meaning is much' disputed;.
but he can form a shrewd. guess as to
whether he; would be likely to attain
a complete and harmonious develop-
Afterwards we talked crime, not as
an offence but as.a, trade.
Said I: "If you cheps had put your
brain and energy into regular jobs
you would have ?rade good."
They agreed, but a smile went
round the company. The detective
explained that, smile in a well-turned
phrase: "Stolen apples make sweet
One of the company was an inter-
national pickpocket who now lives in
a workhouse, but every Clu'ismtae
Day he dines with a police court mis-
sionary. The two 'chat over their
wine and cigars (paid for by the mss-
sionary) and they talk of foreign
cities and strange customs, ot life to
its full; and then the pickpocket re-
turns to kis 'workhouse and the mis-
sionary to his court. Queer, but true,
Said I 16 a man 'who bas spent
thirty years in prison and is now a
successful costermonger: "What do
you think about the Changing condi.
tions Of life, progress generally, scion.
tine inventions like aeroplanes, broad -
owning, gramophones, talkdilms —
things you never knew, things that
must have impressed you?"
He replied: "Women's clothes are
too short. They ought not to be al-
lowed to do it."
Minard's .Liniment for Warta.
Sauce for the Gander
Toronto ' Telegram (Ind. Cons.):,
When Premie;' King goes West some
one should lead him out to the Al-
berta border and point out to him
that when Alberta was under a pro-
hibitory law 'liquor poured in over the
border and Uncle Sam never' raised a
hand to stop it. Then tiie manse Pre-
mier Ring might pause .£o reflect that
what was good enough .for Canada
when the :United States was 'wet and
Canada was dry should be good
enough for the 'United States now
that conditions have been reversed.
Settlers Who Settle
Saint 'John Telegraph -Journal (indJ
--Three families out. of one hundred
settled in New Brunswick during 1923
have failed to stay put.' Probably
there may. be moldsome other year.
Possibly some others of •the 1923 ar-
rivals will, in the ;course of a 'year or
so, drift away, But each so, even if
no more than nine families out of ten.
Yat permanently into a niche, it ie a
pretty good showing anci'argues gen-
erally careful selection of the settler's
and ;`arms:
Stop Colds with Mioard's Liniment.
.�X,°1.Y41in1; contains an undiscove"
eta lrincfpie because we ate in the
i ,
Whit of only using onr oyes with the
recoflectton of` what °there have
thought of the thing we are examin•
once you learn the eiflcionoy of this, a half billions ofd z
Co get a small bottla to try. I this undeniable fact, it would indeed
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' I be a bold politician who ventured to
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- make annexation an, /gene before the
clans far 60 years in:eorrecting exoesa l electorate •et Canada,
aotds. Bach bottle containe frill direc-)
tions—any drngsto)'e ' M1llafS ce Liniment for;Neuritis.
Ask Tour Barber --lie Kfiows
ISSUE No. "4,9—'29
Classified Adirertt -�msnts
ivy one MEN WANTED •QU1D1t, hitt!
1Gd ear.: easy -work:. - Earn while learn-
ing barber trade' under famous Aioler
\merican''plan, world's most reliable
barber school. system. Write nr tall
immediately for frog cataltgae. 'Ololer
Barbor College; 121 Queen •West. -Toronto..:
von Sara.
''J�ppIIGigTrinlao PEDIGREED su..vrIt
,L%, fortes $400,00 a lair dellyered, Wm.
Bates,-'Ridgotown, !051. •
5nwsnir oncer c,
@D front manufacturer. Wool and silk
and:'woolWrite for samples, antoiprlces.
Novo Iinit Co., St, Catharines, t,
stew] to Salvor Slack ',)'0185+ g'
lstered 10 Canadian:National Live Stock
diseases. `Free
Ring worm
four or other
year. Order• early, S. 11. Briscoe & Son,
Northooto, Oat, •
Empire Co-operation
Bradford Telegraph: The British
Empire shouId be a self-sufficient
whole. In the fierce struggle for exist-
ence since the war it has been clearly
demonstrated that the prosperity of
this country and the colonies depends
more and more on a realization of this
His Hearing Restored
The -invisible ear drum invented by
A. 0. Leonard, which resembles a
miniature megaphone Siting inside
the ear, entirely out of sight, is help-
ing the hearing of a great many peo-
ple. Mr. Leonard invented this drum
to relieve himself of deafness and
head noises, and it 'does this so suc-
cessfully that no one could tell he is
a deal man, A request .far informa-
tion to A, O. Leonard, 70 Fifth Avenue
Suite 437, New York City, will be
given a prompt reply.—Advt.
If it Is hard tor you to believe the
best in people and easy to believe the
worst, you thereby disclose the worst
in yourself.
For Sprains—Lisa Minard'e Liniment.
What brand of tobacco did Presi-
dent Hoover and Prime Minister Mac-
Donald have in their pipes as they ar-
ranged the coming naval conference?
"Navy Cut?"
Banks—"Sylvia hag the queerest
prejudices." Jinks—"Yes, she would
not let me kiss her, either."
Cutici °gid, Soap
is more Man a fnesotte
mumeticI only4 not iL cLeaseirritntionraetoreef ,, norwn
action or Cho poral
Far 50 yeara Sao atw,dord of ezeellenea
(aalldren C"rrjforlt
—in 2 short weeks
Mu/when Salts wi)i give many a fat
person a joyous surprise. You can
]meek pounds off your weight and years
off your age this safe and easy way.
Every morning take "the little daily
dose" of Kruschen in a $lase of trot
water before breakfast. This will mean
that every particle of poisonous waste
matter and harmful :teas and gases is
being expelled from the system. They
are the cause of all the trouble because
they remain in the system aid accumu-
late in the form of excess, unhealthy fat.
'+ I have lost several pounde in less than
2 weeks. It is so safe and easy. No
dieting, no drugs. I have tried several
other ways, but with no good results.
Ifreschen is all you claim it to be."
Mrs. E. H.
After three or four weeks of the little
daily dose, get onto the scales and see
how many pounds 01E4 you have lost.
Your mirror also Neill tell you what you
have gained in ]health and vigour.
'Your eyes will sparkle, your skin will bo
clearer, you will feel unbelievably
youthful and energetic—you will feel
many pounds lighter and many years
List sof "wanted inventions`
and Full Information Cent Frew
en Request. -
TBaAMSAY COOowaept,273 Hank .
If I
'FAiliii ANO53OCK
n'Thisvaluablebook was corn -
piled to advertise OARHARTT OVERALLS'
--the best farmer's overalls in the world. Ono
farmer wrote that he would not take tett
dosars for bis book. Write for :sours today.
Hamilton Cathartt, Manufacturer,Idd..Toronto
Orer twenty thousand dscwies
Hire cV'/rsgcr
to se
rt,,IAhrOND DYES are used by
ea/ practically the same methodas
any other dye. They go on easier,
though -more smoothly and evenly;
without spatting or streaking. That's
because they are made from real`
anilines, without a' trace of fillers to
injure fabrics or give things that
rcdyed Iock,
Diamond Dyes contain the .higheit
gualityanilines that money can bay..
That's why they give such clear,
bright, new -looping colors) which
keep their depth and briihaiice: so
rein5rkably through .wear and
Next bine you have 'dyeing id dd,
try Diamond Dyes—at our risk. See
that they are easier to use. Theta
coyipare results`; You wilt surely,
agree Diamond Dyes are better dyes.
The whine package of Diamond Dyes
is the highest quality dye, prepared
for general use, It will:dye•or ant'
silk, wool, cotton, ]teen, rayon or
any mixture of materials. The blue
Package is a special dye, for silk and
.wool only, With it you can dye your,
valuable articles of silk or wool with
results equal to the finest professional'
world. When you buy—remember this.
The blue package dyes silk or wool
only. The white package will dye
every kind of goods, including silk
and wool. Your, dealer has bout
San Proof
Cs 'conttamt .the.
hiahesoit quality'atvlttlls ari•i1Le
highestfind it is the ate j
can, bey.
They cyheir rich that tbrlllicz source dyes;
.010 A11ABL10
ft Dal
5 von free for selling 17 packages of osr
Christmas and Now Year cards and
Folders at lea or 12 bottles or Ex+'oltilor
Lttluid Perfume at 15e. Write today.
Send. no honey. Been Tremiant Ce.,
Choice Selected Sections. Gardemtruch, iso-•
raising, dairying, w41ermelans, Satsuma oranges.
pecans- 2 eropsm•year, mast proatable Fars -
Belt, 10 acres supports family (6); Best yeutt
round climate for" invalids & Old people. I
2 RR., 2 State Highways, modem schools.
churches, bui.Iines.. Quarter Sections, (10
acres) 525 to 540 acre, (Terms) Title guarani
teed. This is your ehanee 10 buy gllaronteed
farming soils nearrE highly, developed, 'paying
FARMS, Iite e,,today.
S5 west 42n4. St., Nov York City.
Send details of your Guaranteed Far11.w
trans : q •i ey�F y`'' e� e
300 11=amt
oP eAna-InseuT earo•ra
IN NOSTRILS . at.,,M manobs,
51.25 A11 80111,11 rescrietiii laidtt s•1 11511:1
A. O. LEONARD. inc.
7e Firth. Ava, lIn, tor: ver
After Shave
Minard's.mixed with saes o.l
makes a cool, sooth'ol, earn':
shave. Heals tiny cuts by lanai
"I think Lydia E: Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is wonderful'
1 have,had six children of which tour
are living and my youngest is a ben-
nie baby boy now eight months old
who weighs.23 pounds. I have taker!
your 'medicine before each of them
was born and have'ccrtainly se'
celved great benefit from it; I urge
,toy - friends to take it as A am sure
i• they will receive the same help I did',
-Mrs, Milton ivicMu11en7 Vanessa,