The Clinton News Record, 1929-10-31, Page 2Clinton News -Record •CLINTON, ONTARIO' leferms of Subscription—ti2,OO per• year ` in advance, to Canadian addres ia' $2,6O to the O.S, ;or other foreign Countries, No paper discontieued nntll all arrears are pale! unless •a :he option of the pub!lsier. The date to ,zhlch'every snlsarlption'is tepid is (teemed or the (aitch. Advertising= Rates -Transient adver .•tising, 12c per count line for Met Insertion, 4o tor each subsequent: insertion: Heading counts 2 lines Sma11 edeertisemeilts, not to exceed o' ,eh, :me' at;"wanted,' "Lost; •`Strayed,' etc„ inserted once for 35c. each subsequent insertion '.6c. Advertisements sent In without In. struetlons as to the number .of tie eortions wanted will rno until order• ed out and will be charged accord. tngiy. Ratee forr display advertising made known on appileatton- Commnnicaticme d (kation mu intended for pub• must, is a gu.rantoo of „Dori faith. lie accompanied by the name of .the writer, e -t* a hail, M. R.0 LA:,,; Proprietor..: ;t;tlitor. D WieTAGGA.RT r BANKER A general Banking Dullness trauma., ed, Notes Discounted, Dratts Issued, Interest A'ow ed en- Uepostts. Sete Notes Purchased, H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer. rinancial, stoatPalate and Fire in. eurance Agent.: Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies, Division Court Office; Clinton. W. BRYDONE Barrister, dpilcitor, Notary Puglia, etc.: Office: SLOAN BLOCK CLINTON DR. J. C. •GA'NDIER Office Hours: -1.30 to 330 p.m., 6.30 ,to 8.00 p.m,. Sundays, 12,30:to1.30 pets Other bears ay, appotutment only. Offise and Residence — Victoria Si. DR. FRED G. THOMPSON Offlee and Residence: Ontario Street Clinton, Ont. ine door west "got -Anglican Chum, Phone 172 Eyes examined ana glasses fitted DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street .Clinton, Ont, Phone 30 ,(Foruterty occupied ey rho tate Dr, O, W. Ten:rtneor�' ' Eyes examined and glasses fitted iDR. H. A. MCINTYRE DENT'S f Omae hours: 9 to 12 A,M, and 1 to 6 P.M., except Tuesdays and Wedues days. Office , over Canadiau National Express, Clinton, Ont. Phone •21. DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST Clinton, Ont. Graduate of U O.D.S., Chicago, and R,O,D.S., Toronto. Crown and Plato' Work a Specialty D. H. McINNES CHi11OPRACTOR Electro Therapist Masseur, Office: Huron St. (Few doors west of Royal Bank). Hours—Tiles., Thurs. and Sat., alt,day, Other hours by appointment. Hansell Office—Mon., Flied, and Fri. forenoons. Reaforth Office—Mon., Wed, ,and Fri, afternoons. 1' PHONE. 207 eIlImay yes' How to Eat We are very, often told.,how to ,eat and how important it is that our ineals •consist of a 'variety of foods. Tho proper selection of foods. Is the first item to 'be ,considered; and the' next is to eat food in the right 'way after it has been selected. The fel- •lowing'suggestions.are niade'to cover the important subject of HOW to Eat;: Moderation should be PraoticeiI at all times. It is harmful to overeat even of the proper foods. Excess does harm;;, it throws an unreasonable strain on the .body and se Made to wear it OM early.' Premature old age is tate cotmnon>result of neglect of the Watchword, "moderation," 31oals should be eaten in a quiet, restful manner.' Food. is not readily, digested whatt th'e 'body is tired, Or when the, individual he worried or an- gry. A;' rest before meals is recom- mended to. overcome body fatigue. grgumentsor scoldings'.should •never be carried on at meal -time, Active exercise should ;not ,be taken dmmedi ately after 'eating: Exercise-is.need- ed lir the body, but., go is rest, and one of the times when comparative 'rest 'is required by the body is after eat: ring., This same idea of rest is the, reason •wily, ;male should be eaten regularly: The number of meals and the hoar is -s; matter' of -individual. preference and., custom. When.meals are eaten irre- gularly, cr when food :is.,: taken - be• tween'meele, the digestive system"is not given tete ,periods of rest which it requites .if it is to do its work Pro- perly. ,Eating between, meals ehotild be avoided. The person. who ,requires extra nourishment should 'take it 're- gularly. Nature has proyided- means for. the: mastication of food. Foodshould be eaten slowly ,arid 'it should he tlheir- oughly chewed betore it is en -allowed. It should not bewashed down with 'a drink before. it masticated. Thm. is no ,objection to the .use of bever- ages in Moderation with meals, but they should be whenthemouth is empty, Moderation at all times! That is how to eat! ' Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 Coliege Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. JACKET SUIT WINS. A printed kashmir,jersey in Patou's 'green tones with.. tuck -in • blouse of beige wool jersey is outstandingly chic for the college miss, high school girl or.business woman. Style No. 712 is one of the smartest jacic"_t suits of the season. Tho skirt is box -plaited across front, and at- tached to pointed shaped yoke that secures flat hips. The belt shows( raised v aistline, youthful new fashion. The blouse is double breasted with toiled Shovel collar. The jacket is col- larless with fitted sleeves and pointed pockets. It. is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. It will adds much interest to yotir tt ardrobe, for all smart women are titoosin'g jacket salt for spoeee mid general daytime occasions. Itis stunning for nioreformal wear made of 'black velvet with libelee .in eggshell shade satin crepe. Plum shade in sheer tweed with matching silk crepe biotin, and bottle green silk crepe with beige are chic. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin, (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adela.de St., Toronto. Patterns sent by an early nail. a ON BEING' LUCKY "Well }re's lucky" you hear some My when a salesman has a record which attracts attention. What is luck, then, and what are the rules of luck? Success is not altogether the result of chance. This thing of luck or success can be nurtured and assist- ed along, and usually is. Some lie. !leve that'luck•is simply lounging out- side the gate oe Tortune waiting for it to swing, wide. Others do" -better, and press forward. They don't wait, but advance and profit by 'their bold- ness. Luck or ill -luck is wisdom and work, or idleness and laziness. GEORGE ELLIOTT • `Licensed Auctioned* for the County of devot,. Correspondence promptly answered.' Immediate arrangements can be made los sales Date at be News -Record, ;Muton, or by calling Phone 203.:• Charges' Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. B R.. HIGGINS Clinto,r, Ont. General k'ire and Lite lnsuraoce Agent 1 for 'Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, ;Automobile and Slokness and Accident Insurance. Eluron and. Writ: and Cana da Trust Bonds. Ap,)ointuneats made to meet' parties at Ilrucofieid, Varna and Bayfield, "Phone 67. v CAPTAIN A.E,DINCLE- a BEGIN HERE TODAY ,The ship started one of heavy Alden Drake, formerly ,ti sailor, rolling spells as. Jake Stevens reached grown -soft and flabby through a life ppwerinp; air, of something about to o£ idle e<3 ships aboard the clipper happen. I haye,inade several voyages Orontes:tis `boy," under the command before and novel•--• 0.i!" of Jake Stevens, whose enmity he "Hush!" he soothed her. A terrific incurs because of mutual love for din• had burst out from some point Mary Manning, daughter of the the hen coop nd knelt to peer inside. owner who is a passe,tger.- 'AtGape The chickens;: seemed to go mad. ; A. Town, : Stevens is superseded as cap= men on .his. knees tumbled, over and tai' by Drake, whose lawyers have purchased the Otolites during .its capsized a bucket •of water ever hie cruise, Tn his new role of master, neett-neighbor' : who cursed, him and Drake becomes cold and dignified in beat him over tFe,head with his holy- Stone. The water slopped erten Mr, Adapts bucket and filled les •seaboots. He; cursed, •too. And at the moment' when Mr. Stevens raked out from the hen coop a half-slr_edded rat as big as the ship's eat, which had-rinvo4ed the coop 1 00 eggs and met a Water:- loo ater=loo of:boaks, a,sitooth, shining, harm- less looking swell . roiled 'up from no- where and toppled over the topgallant rail to starboard. In a s--ond the maindeck was flood- ed, and men, buckets, scrubbers, and stones were hurled Pell-mell across to port,: all to crash Together ir. ;one'. bruisrtd, strangled heap as elle ship relied. Mr. Stevens hung 'on to the bars of the coop to preserve his footing. The sea lifted the coop; the whinge burst; the mate rolled away on the flood with the 'door of the coop in his hands; and itt. a moment the glassy swells to leeward were dotted with high, riding,.squawkit'g, doomed fowls tharose and fell and flapped' wings: end gaped with open beaks in a -new found liberty that meant a watery death. "Dammit! • What did you do that for; you clumsy fool!" shouted Drake at Stevens, Nothing in the world could have ;moreconcisely expressed` the: strain•under which even the cap- tain lived just teen. lbl;ary started in alaim, staring, up. at' Drake's white face. He seemed "so human, so pleas- antly 'different to her a moment ago. She had warmed to him; had 'nestled the presence'of 14fary. - Stevens, now chief 'mate finds` time to, follow •his suit. One night the speeding ship rune into a heavy- gale. A tnatiis. swept overboard. "Tony and 'Erb, two members :of the• ceew, are heard ex- changing profane threats. NOW GO ON WITH,THE-STORY Presently out of the gloom forward an uproar burst. The mate heard it ,Mary heard it and looked apprehen- sively at him. Their eyes met, and each; se' med to say: "'Erb's done it!" , Stevens dashed downthe ladder and. fought his way forward: The outcry was terrific. It rose•above the shriek of the wind and the cataclysmic noises of the battling. ship. Soon it stopped. Stevens returned to the poop, and there waif a grim senile' oie his storm- lashed face. "The devil's 'got into the ship!" he. said., "AU'hands.havo gone crazy.", "Is it—?" Mar,'y asked, not . daring t0 give deer fear a ;nitrite, "01d Chips, that quiet old "dog, chucked out the Doctor from their room for being dirty!" chuclded Ste - cons. "Might have picked a better tine. Doctor says he'll sharpen up a cleaver and go 'bads.- Heli!" "He might, toot" ;cried • Mary., "Everything seems possible! 1 never 'felt so, certain of—" ' Drake 'h'ad.gene below for a mo- ment. Mary heard Stevens' strange, choky laughter in the dark; his hand gripped hers and- squeezed itas it lay. on the rail; and he, spoke close to her ear:` "Mary girl, yeu've , ,been having I I 1 dreams• again! Nothing's going to ! Iii - happee to 'you. "If it 'does, .Dry out!" CHAPTER XIX. TAUT NERVES. With the :fickleness of the Indian Ocean, the gale passed and left the big ship swinging lazily along through glassy seas under brazen sides. The Doctor shifted his worldly eilects into the galley, afraid for his life, Chips had put the fear of the Lord into the dirty cook; and the cook believed the lurid threat • of the adze which Chips had hurled at hints The Doctor spent much time working over the cutting and chopping edges of a great French poultry knife bigger than anything Ike Saintly had. And to the galley came 'Erb, seeking com- fort and protection from the last one in the ship to afield it. "We kin 'elp each other, Doctor," Tho mate rolled army ▪ on the flood. argued 'Erb. "I give yuh my word no Dago's goin to Holten my 5t'ipes to him; had begun to expect that. he an' tromple on 'em!" d meant to thawout of his duty ice. "Died Tony say 'e'd do that?" dal Now she shuddered again, and glans - "'E did. Wot's more, 'e said 'e'd mended the Doctor. ecryd swiftly at the mate, fearful, shiv- , come arter you next," said the crafty Jake Stevens stood in the swishing 11tlr. water rsro "jot 'em all come!" chatter:od the coop lirthat theolled scuppeers sa wherehis legs he knee had Doctor, bending aver his steel. "Fust brought up. He still held on to the ?Dane emit served! Chips see he'll skin barred grating that had been the hen me t"Iv a spokeshave. 'Yo.t stop 'ere, coop door. The leather hinges flapped nevem n, We U show 'em."on' the wood, wet and slippery.'Jake * *' * " s face slowly turned purple; under his The Orontes; wallowed north before blonde` curls his blue eyes diminished the faintest of airs. Every diner dip in size until they appeared like twin she took into the swells ahead, was points of fire set uncle- flat blond eaves followed by a drenching, steady down- in a mask of fury. Isis. teeth shone pour of brine front back ropes and out ludicrously. He seemed to be grin - chain bobstays like nothing so much ning up at Drake. as n tropical rain squall. Rain squalls "You talkie' to, me?" he snarled. thrashed at her, too. 1 "Because if you'. are, captain or 'no The very air was heavy, though blue captain, I tell you to go plumb to hells es Mary's eyes. The sea has a glassy If you'dbeen loolcin' after your ship, glare, like the eye of a dead fish. Her instead o'—" book was the silliest thing ever print- "Go ahead!" snarled Stevens. "I ed, she suddenly discovered. let no inan use that tone to me. Clear Drake suddenly appeared in the away, there!" doorway and she slipped her hand "Leave that boetl Come up here', under his arm,; and stepped out on Mr. Stevens! That is an 'order!" deck again with him. There was that in Drake's voice now Oh, Alden, I'tu so glad you've come which penetrated even the shell of up;' . site whispered. "Everything Stevens' fury. To disobey .meant iti- A d So— There �i ' as Light On October 21, 1879,. a small group of laboratory helpers were. gathered around Thoinas A. Edison iu his lab- oratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey, some 26 ,fniles southwest of New York City. "Maybe this is the dight that will prove successful" said ono of them as he proceeded to tate next of the al- ready mounting into the thousand ex- periments that liad gene into the "won't work" class. He burned a piece of cotton sewing thread, bent it into a horseshoe loop ane carefully inserted the loop into a blase globe. As 4t was seated•in, the air was pump- ed out of the globe making a vacuum inside. ' Titin done, the globe and its sealed - in thread was put on the electric Mr- cute it cult. Tho men's faces lighted up. But their eager smiles many times before had been replaced by dogged disap- pointment,. But now their faces Were radiant. A stoic smile crept over Edison's face as the thread reddened with the fleet. flush' of "juice," then burst! into a sphere of red -orange light. They. watched with bated. breath. How long would it last? They had seen innumerable filaments made oat of many substances light up for a Sometimes a man talks: in his sleep brief few • seconds—at most 6 pita- seems so: -Oh; funny!" she said subordination. The Wren knew, better because it is the: only chance he gets. utas—then break,, and hope ended in I with a little stuinbling rush of words. than to carry on. Drake ,had -seed the darlut on. I smiled dow-nat her, which could beisesn over the sky, Ito patted her hand on his tient and i creeping But on this October day as the lightduring those "It's :lie heavy weatliet, clary," confused moments down -:in the flooded he said "I think all harms will. feel waist. -He would not lose precious bettor when whatever is coming has thee for a few fowls. Stevens Mount been end gone" ed the poop Tedder sulleni'y. Maty "I know, Alden. I know! But I' stepped aside, and with difficulty re - have never telt quite the seine over- -frained from screaming. She saw the nearby'on the maindeck; and it did• two men face to face. And,never be not seem human. He !ed her tp the fore had she so clearly seen them com- pared in all their strength and weak- ness. • "Ina. here.eaptaini" announced Stevens belligerently, (To be continued.) !STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER STYE -ARS. Central America's Valley of 'Kings Mysterious 'ruined cities, their car- ved stone temples hidden amid, the almost impenetrable Mayan jangles, conte day may 'yield the actual story (bur• mere of these chime were discovered' on Col.. Charles A. Lindbergh'e explore; Cop. Bight over the Yucatan penin sola—cities, where one of the 'highest known aboriginal cultures, Was al- ready on the wane when Columbus voyaged; to the Neer, World, Whence did they come, these peo- ple who reared a great edifice' to Kukul Can, the feathered serpent?. -How did' they• build their. temples with chisels of flat and calcite and wlthcut 'even a wIieeI to ease the pil- ing of stone on stone? What caused them to suddenly disappear, leaving the pnysioal:evidence of their civiliz- of the' first Americans. alien as a .slowly crumbling enigma? The oldest Mayan native have: only one answer—"Quien sabe?"—Who knows? Even the archaeologist has. penetrated but a small- way behind this Veil cf centuries, Mayan research progresses upon a ladder of .question marks. How does- it happen that their • language resembles the Japanese in sound, but not in meaning? What strange. migration took'plaoe that they should use the hul-che throwing stick. similar to the weapons-cf the Eskimo, and stilt have no acquaintance with the bow and arrow of the midcon- tment Indians? And. their ' jade=here is another query, ' With •unbelievable patience they worked precious , stones, green, gray and. black jade of a type never' feund an the American continent. The workmanship, fcr all its' abort- genal character, possesses a delicacy that has been likenedto: that oe Cellini, But the source of the material it- self has no explanation. ' , •• The research under way at Chtchen- Itza, in northern Yucatan,.is add.. Ing mach to the knowledge of this • mysterious race: It is being direct -I ed by the Cat:negle Institution under: .an agreement with the Mexican Gov-' -ernment. Recent Interest is the puzzle has ted' to important corre!a- tive 'work in the Mayan linguistics, without which the wide:di heard glyphs at ,cover almost over one tf their ANADIAN ATIONAL AIiWAYS TIMETABLE %Trains will .trrivo at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and 'Goderioh Div. Gong.: East, depart , 6,44 a,m, 2.50 p.m. Going West, ar. 1L50 a.m. ', " " er. 6.08 dp,' 6:43 p.m, ct ": ar. 10.04 bee London, Huron P. Bruce Div. Going South, ar. 7.40 dp. 4.08 p,nt. 6.42 pant, 31}. 11.58 a,m (4 (/ It „ " n ming North, depart' 1' 0 0 af. 11:40 tHE /McICILLOP' .Ml.JTUAL Fire Insurance. Company i4 Head Office, Seafortb,'Ont, ^- DILtLCTORY'i $resident, 'James • Deans, Beachwood; leo, names, Connony, Goderich; 30(.- ensurer, • D. F.. Mettreger, Seafortb. !rectors: George McCartney,: yeaforthll ilfamen Shouldice, Walton murrey.Gib. e . cob rt lfeerie. Wm: King; --(; 11ewen, rodhegObert Ferrier 1'iarlock; John B,ennewelr,. en; Jas. Cotioh,, 011odoMoh: ';+ Agents: Alex. Leitch, Denton; J. W. free Ginior c t, Ed. H nohley, Seaforth; If. A., Murray, IDgmondielle; R. G; Jar :much, Brodkin en. Any money to be paid In may be paid oto Moorish Clothing Cp •Clinton, or at tretvle Cutts• erogory, coder -lob, Pgrties desiring, to -effect Insurance er Sransdot other business will be promptly n.ttended•:toon%apelifatlon to ant of the irthov4 oJllO0rs,•add'rseseti to their rospee-. Ore post Wee. Lessee Me:meted by the Infector wild lives .nearest the .s+ehfr, Per Year Sirteen interc.ttnn polio.- rimming 100 new Dina ntt,eeIivn limt,eel.lorr danisor for Trot -fro c anafnr pat- terms and ntumpod food.. Tlte•mnntvalttbte paper of LLn kind for ail OW latent firma ori Embroid— ers and other kinds ofr uc•y Work, Eedbroider ionone Goo biug •nripeo end ether instructive laforncatmal ,mane intimating to the practical.. boo ewifo, !There are teddy valuable 0411101 for the Oft aetocn., 70,0e0 wemxn ell everCanedd, see reeeivinu thole cantos regularly, why not mail -. rtememheritewes roily leg t,t,ryeee to sat root navy opsit meow. Cat your coupon ana nervi In pour Do te-4up1 cOrtcv 1drvinittt%Ditlt2 JOURNAL 971-12 . St. Catherine et., 91,, efentreal f enefoes ff mato 10 onw pear'* Iub.crtpik 8, ('roving ..,.:,.. 11.01111110011,1110,1 P I tt, 01000004000100000,.nn, kept burning beyond tite 15 minutes, they gathered to it like bees• to long. sought: nectar. 1G minutes, then 17, now 18, 29-26 ante 30! 'Could, it be possible that the probieni,upon which they had been working for months, al- most day and. night; with •four or five liburs-of sleep snat0lled after the laid ,night seppets, was to be solved before their eyes? • As the burning time .of the led orange thread inside the glass glebe lengthened from minutes into hours tate men around the light of which the 32 -year old inventor,was the con ter, realized that here was the key to the 24-hour work day. I11 ,bet if;Y last ten dtours," said one. "I'll bet it'll last 20' hours," re- plied another ' eiitlrusiastically. I, hope you're right,".said Edison quiet ly as the most sanguine 0f the '»ion Placed his wager, That historic fame, more powerful than Aladdin's, continued' to throw its 16 candle power beanie into the room for 40 hours) They ail watch:sa lt'to the ord—and the end is not yet. LOVE OV O GOD;.. 'Pito !eve of God 10 like a'flamd; Thal: bores away all earthly pain, 11, glues Our 0081.a second WI.'called iinp'atientl 7llidit!aaths as thoughts of deeper • „ y., „ wOrt!i Thais, I what.m going b seen. snapped, Jake, He stalked 'towards Tito love of God has Estill 'the power the hen coop, scowling blackly. And 7'0 lighten every passing hour, the poultry squawked and fought, the The Chrlstlan's iioart an altar is feathers flew, and the melt wondered, Where Cod's pure love will burn and "Soiuo'at ain't right aboard this live. ' —Joan Brough• bloody ship!" muttezod one. bucket rail, soothing her with quiet, assurances. Theyteed. together at the rail The kneeling men, scattered all across the wide expanse of plank deck, hod' stopped work and rema'ned in. grotesque attitudes listening to the din that come from the "hen comps, The MorningNe she j Here a man held his shined hrlystone ' halfway to his shoulder while ' he Before tate city rives froth Ile »^d, turned up his. shirtsleeve. Over there Or the first smoke is to the sky ten a pianhad both hand? bearing heav- ily upon his Stone, his back arehed, his face upturned vacantly. - Young Mr. curled, He comes,' that we may know what's I thought 'or said,. Adams paused on the point of htirlinga Cnedone, iu any corner' of the world, a bucketful of water along the planks. I never saw him, as I've never seen An al1prentic0 who lied' been working . The' power that swings the• golden gates of day; Through snow or rain,in`weather,tee or Clean, .This gallant youth goat+ early on through a , taegle of rope gear witsbiewas, ' ?'' his mouth -open oil the last 4iRoly' • r. And still the ship's guar gave forth IIe ends the limlation of the night ,its own tretnondone. thunder. We wake,; the very. world Is at our "What is it, Mr. Stevens?" Drake doors!' And while we breakfast in, the mora- lug light, We hear the waves beating on other shores. And thus I thank the boy. X never pee, Ilnliveried Page of current,hletory. —Aleiiander Louie Eraser. tit y major structures cannot be made to , yield their secrets. Foster . -Tie saes One of our Children's, Aid officials tools a trip through his county to en- quire how vavioee Wards were getting. along: , Here is wliat lie• reports to the Creueral,Superiuteudent of the Children's Department: "It has been' a great pleasure to me t'o visit the'lo'ster hoines of our child, ren and find' so many of them itr com- fortable hssnes. ' when you consider rho kind of ltemee theseechildren wore taken from you would heedly think it possible for- the majority of them to ado so Well, : We have ntaaty,foster homes •in oar county that I think it would be better not to vlsit as some of the children are so ypung the foe ter parents .do not like to have agents calling and' malting enquiries about them. Then there ie,, another -'class running from 18 years• upwards who are able to look after_ themselves! and have. exee:'.ent homes. I; have' visited 137 homes and all. except two were excellent. Speaking of travelling, I came over he 'e. the other day on •the 'peach train." , "Quit your fooling—they are out o1 season," • "Sure not. A lot of college girls' were returning to school." CONCENTRATION The power of fixing the, attention is the most precious -of the intellect- ual habits., Every loan possesses it in some degree, and it will increase the more it is exerted: He who exercises no disciplin.over himself in this re- spect acquires such " a volatility of mind, such •a vagrancy of imagination, and dooms him to be the sport of every mental vanity; it is impossible such a man should attain £i'ue wis- dom. Cultivate' a habit of concentra- tion, The discoveries oh the Lindbergh eeeel flight add new possibilities to those" ilv already waiting for the archaeologist in other Mayan cities Which are knows but not yet explored. The flight is credited with accomplishing as much in twenty -live hours as a reconuaisance party, backing itsway through the tangled growth, could do on foot in five years. Yet the sub- sequent work is of necessity slow, Ono pioneer ht Mayan research found a valuable cbject reduced to n thin limestone obeli; Ile saved it by' spraying light liquid glue upon it with an atomlxer at Intervals throughout throe days. The possibilities of discovery in the land of the Mayasare almost as' rich as among the tombs of the Egyptians. The Itza clvilizatitin was not so old as that of the. Pharaohs, but it bears a similar erlation to the development of the people or the Western Hemis- phere. The student or 'the Mayas may be working in -America's "Val- ley of the IXings." "Quiet' sabe?"—Cltrlstiait Monitor.. in a corner under • the fiferail with a r r small l'olyst9ne called a p aye bbook , and had been helping the toil by sing- ing "Holy, holy, holy!" peeredout Science :I TEL o„li The popularity of this hostelry is .evidenced in 11 0. fact, that guests, In- variably return 19 the Mount Royal, .A courteous welcome and cheery hospltality awaits you. VERNON G. GARY Managing -Director The Largest Hotel in the Z;,7 British Empire. 11 xe.eo 4 'ii' Y 'se eei. eeee4sit%' iltreedless rtg Nowadays, people take Aspirin for- many little aches and pains, and as often as they encounter any -pain. Why not? It is a' proven anti- dote for pain. It works! And Aspirin tablets are abso- lutely harmless.. You, have the Medical profession's word tot that; they do not depress the heart. So, don't 10 a cold i`pu0 g(6' course.” Don't wait tor a head - eche to f'wear eV!. Or regard 'neuralgia, neuritis, or even rheum- atism as something, you must: en- dure. udure. Only a physician Can ,cope with the cause of such pain, but you can always turn to an Aspirin tablet for relief. Aspirin is always available, and it never fails to help. Familiarize yourself with its many uses, and avoid a lot of needless suffering. IPIRIN. TRADE MARK REO.