The Clinton News Record, 1929-09-19, Page 1The `News -Record Est. 1578
NO. 2532 --51st YEA
e4 of godaq
hundred have - defective =eye -
rout of ever one
Seventy people Y„<
sight.: Ansi this is not because eyes are being made- poorer" than
they were in grandfather's day either,
confining world tie
Our present mode of lrying,. with. , insufficient
exercise and too many hoursspent with artificial lights throws a
load on the eyes which they were never intended to carry. As a
result, more and more people need the comforting .help of glasses
for eyes which have been overworked.
Do not Pet off iviri • your eyes the attention. they ,de s
erve. It is
moa•e than Nicely they need it NOW.
li Which is
Incorporated The Clinton New . Era
SEPTEMBER 19, 1929
' The New Era ,Est, 1862'+
Jeweler' and Optometrist
Phone 174w and 174j •
Swagger Coats
Our Fall
. •.
We arealways
the latest. Prices from
12.0 0
And y"IC now on di
fDeeided1ya New value
in Clothes
Tailored to Order!
Introducing "Royal York" Clothes tailored to 'order
exclusively by W. 1r Johnston & Co.
One Price
"Royal • York," • Canada's
newest line of tailored -to-
measure Suits and ' Over-
coats, is introduced to the
public by W. R. Johnston
& Co, as the direct result of.
public demand for ' better
clothes at $27.50. Only the
name and the price are new
-for this unusual made-
to -measure clothing has be
hind it the prestige of Can-
ada's oldesttailoring house„,
established 1868;
We- believe that with
their authentic styling,
built-in quality and super-
ior workmanship, "ROYAL
YORK" Clothes =offer the
greatest dollar -for -dollar
value at or pear $27,50, We
invite you to inspect the,.
models' and fabric 'samples'
•--and judge for yourself.
Suit or Overcoat, tailored
to your : personal measure-
ments, one price, $27,50.
51' Every Ma
Square e Deal 4fory
Wheat, rS1.25'to 81,28,
Barley, 70c.
Oats, 55c.
Buckwheat, 700.
Butter, 38e to 40e.
Eggs, `25c to 88c.
Live, Hogs, '10.75.
The Girl's Club of Wesley -Willis
church , held a Social evening • at
"Woodlands", the home : of Mrs:
Rees Jenkins; on Tuesday evening.,
The time was spent in guessing con-
tests and charades, while during 'the
evening, Mrs. I3earn told a thrilling
ghost story. After lunch the pleas-
ant occasion was brought to a close
by singing Auld bang ,Syne.
• A number of ehe lady friends of
M1iss_Alico Rance, ho has been con-
fined to the house for some 'time,
owing to ill health, gathered at the
home of her sister, Mrs, W. Jackson,
where - :she us staying, 'on • Friday
evening, it: being her birthday. A
very jolly evening was spent by the
ladies, and 'Miss Rance was the. re-
cipient of many pretty gifts in re-
membranae of the day..
The Home and School .Association
;opened their season's activities. on
Tuesday by an informal reception at
the home of Mrs. 3. 0, Gandier, at
which the teachers; of the Collegiate,;
the Public school and the School of
Commerce were the .guests of ' the
Mrs, Gandier, Miss Christian and
Mrs. W. J, Pluinsteel, president of
the Association, received and the
spacious drawing room a rad the tea
room adjoining Were gay with flow-
ers and cosy- and :inviting with chat
and laughter. Mrs: W. Manning,
and'A B. J.
Mee. honorary -president,
Gibbings, ,vice-president, poured tea
and assisting also were Mrs. A. T.
Cooper, Mts, Jefferson, I%tis, Lavie,
Mrs.' Hawkins and Mrd, Venner,
An interesting guest - was Mts.,
Worth Jackson, of Chicago, who is
supervis',r of 'Parent and Teacher
Assocati ns in that city and
experiences the 'ladies whoare in-
terested • in the home and sehool found
helpful. ,
The Horne . and School • Association
has prepared ite 'program for the,
season and will meet the third Tues
•day in each mouth between now and.
next Jurie.
The Presbytery of Hu`ren, .The T'Jni-
ted Church of Canada, will Meet in
the • United church, Centralia, on
Thursday, September 26th, at 99.30
a.m. The Rev. A E. Axmstropg, 1).
,p,, Toronto, Sedentary of the Board
of .Foreign Missions, -will address' the
Presbytery. •
The W. M, S. Conference, (centre
section), ' of Huron Presbyterial Sbc-
iety of the United ' Church will be
held in the Egniondviile ''United
church on Thursday, Sept. 26th.
All interested in children's or wo-
men's :work, young or old, are invited
to be present and to bring along pro-
blems for considexation. Miss Peel
thrope. of Karea will give an address;
Baptist Church
Sunday evening service as usual.
Mr. Ray Rnrnball; who has been in The regular monthly meeting_ of
Montreal .for some time has been giv- the Women's Institute will be held
en a promotion by Bell' Telephone Thursday afternoon, Sept.t. 28th,
Company and on the first of the i 3 o'clock in the C.O.F. hall. A pap
month takes the position bf Divis-
ional.superintendent for the Eastern
Division, with headquarters at Ot-
tawa. Mr. Rumball, elder son of
Mrs: Clara Rruiiball, local manager
of the A3e11 Telephone, has; grown up
with the Company, enterin • its sor-
t P
vice as messenger boy as.:a lad, and
acted as night' operator while he fin-
ished his .education. He has steadily
advanced, having occupied sadesal
very' important positions, and his
friends will be pleased to hear of his
latest promoeion. He will also be one
hundred miles nearer home . than
When located in, M'ontreah'
George Ladd paseed away at his
hoses,Joseph-street on Friday last
at the age of - seventysiene. Mr.
Ladd lied been in falling health for'
about, a year and for' the last few
months had bean confined to the
Sunday school at ten -thirty a.rn,
The Baptist Young People will go
out to -the County Home on Friday
xiight at 8 and give a program.
A full attendance desired,
Ontario Street United' Church
Rally day - in Church and Sunday
whine, Melding; of class at ten a.m.
The • minister's . mornlhig subject:
"Five .;Little Fcses," • Evening:
"Violets Vipers"
The Sunday school will
meet in their classes at half -past
two then attend the Rally service in
the church in a body. The morning
service, ev6+11: be a family service.
Special singing by the choir at all
the services. ,
Wesley -Willis United Ghurch
The 'Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be obseryed at the morning
service next Sunday. Pre -commun-
ion service will be held in the church
on Friday •eveinng at 8 o'clock. Rev.
A Sinclair will be the preaeher.
Mr. -Ladd was born lin Noafolk
County, and as a young Titan resided
for a tune at Delhi, later .at Aylmer;
and for a number of years wase ; rests
H Imesvri a For •fox tw
dent of o i Y
years he -was an employee of the
Grand Trunk, :later the. Canadian
National rai!Iway, Previous to that
he had been with the Michigan Cen-
tral for some time, On his retire-
ment twelve or: thirteen °years •' ago
Mr. Ladd came •to Clinton to live
and, until he was obliged to grive
up owing .to failing health, hid
been employed with the Gunn, Lang-
lois .Co.
Mr. Ladd was twice married and
is survived by thr s children by 'his
first mai;riage: William: Ladd of
Clinton; John Ladd of N'pithern On-
tario and Mrs... Gilbert -.A, Dell of
Toronto. 131 wife.. -died several
years ago, and five years ago last
April: he was united in marriage to.
Mrs. Agnes Hathaway of •Almoute,
Mich,, who survives him. Four
brothers and three sisters also aur-
vive: Thomas, Ephraim ani ' Ed-
ward Ladd of Brantford, :Lewis Ladd
of Mayville, -Mich,, and Mrs. Lewis
Mathew and Mrs. Frank Sharp,
Waterford and Mea. Jennie Ewing
of Chatham.
Mr. Laird was a man of a quiet
but cheerful - disposition > and was
t w
,lxeld in , esterm; by those' who knew
him. He was a member of the Meth-
odist,, later of the united 'Church,
and since coming to Clinton had been
connected with: 'Wesley, now :Wissley-
Willisl Church. '
The :funeral took place' from his
late residence on Monday afternoon,
the service at the house being Gan
ducted by the. Rev. J. E. Hogg, that
at the graveside by the Rev. A. E.
Doan. The pallbearers were: Mes-
srs. T. K. Mair, T, Carter, C. J.
Wallis, A. Lucas, E. Ward and A. J.
Tyndall 'Interment , was made in
Clinton cemetery.
TIM session will meet Friday ev-
ening at 7.30 o'clock in the Bible
On • Sunday evening the Rev. W.
A. 'Bremner -will occupy the pulpit.
Wesley -Willis `Sunday school -will
meet on Sunday afternoon at 2.30
and on. Sunday, September 29th
a special Rally service will be held,
Presbyterian Church
"The minister's seerneps subject on
Sunday morning will be: "In the 13e -
ginning --God." ,Evening: "Things
lost and -Found,"
• Anniversary services Were held on
Sunday last, the special: preacher be-
ing the Rev: Dr: D. Pereie of Wing
ham, Moderator of the General As-
sembly of , the Persbyterian Church,
Large' congregations wero present
and the church was very` nicely de-
corated for the oecasion..The church
choir rendered 'specially prepared
music and in. the morning Me. Ar-
chie Ballantyne of Brussels sang a
solo very acceptably, while in: the
evening Mrs. Dougan Tendered a
solo le fine voice,
The officers ' of the church had
asked for a special afforhig of • $1,000
to meet various:"' expenses and were
pleased to ,have: their request. met,
the morning offering amounting• to'
er on "flow and Whereto Plant I all
Bulbs" will Ile, given by Mrs. G. V.
Cooke, the roll call will be answered
with a pickle receipe and a program
will be provided.
the he da <.
The hostesses h day be: w
Mrs,' H. Jenkins, Miss' Walker; Mrs,
0, L Paisley,Mrs, 3, Livermore,
Mrs. 'O'Connor, Mrs:, Harvey Mc -
Brien and Mrs, L. Heard.
The officers' of the local L.O,L,
paid a visit to the Rev. 3, D, Morrow
btemoriel lodge of Toronto, on Sat-
urday,r.eturning Sunday: The local
lodge confer ed the Blue and ;Royal
Arch. Degrees and weir highly com-
plimented for their work. A beau,
tiful band -worked altar pillow was
presented by their hosts to the Clin-
ton lodge, , who reciprocated' with a
silk 'umbrella for the W. M. of the
Toronto lodge. Everyone reports a
real good time and it is expected a
return visit will take place in No-
vember. "
The County exeeutive of the W.
G. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. A.
T. Cooper on Saturday.
Miss Jean Plumsteel is supplying
on the Public school staff owing to
Miss Wiltse's:.absence through 111 -
Sara Reid of ,Stanley township spent. =ice and'Mrst S. T. Walter, at the
the wee]. -end with friends ate home of the latter.
Geoa a etoa 1,
Mrs. E. "-Iamner- and Miss Fanny
Harmerai•mer o1 Port -: Stapley v lilt ed the
former's father, Rev. Vilm, Mudie, on
Saturday. On their return to Port
Stanley they were accompanied by
Mrs. J. H. McLeod and Miss Luey
Wloods, who will visit With Moe
Youpg in Port Stanley.
Sneak. - thieves bloke into the
Bayfield - Garage ' 'early Thursday
rimming, It is thought .that they
'entered .between : two and three
o'clock as a car :was seen driving
avaay from the garage at that time;
but it was not discovered until the,
proprietors J. 0, Goldthorpe, went
to, open fco business .•about eight
o'clock:. The till had. been rifled and
amongst other articles which had
.disappeared- was a 'valuable radio,
and also a• rug;
and Mrs, Sam Cleave, Mr. and
Mae. Paul Cleave and
Mrs, Holley
motored to Kincardine an Sunday.•
Mr, and VTrs. W. A, Mustard, Isa-
bel, Sandy, and Jean` left on. Satur-
d y to meter to Stuart, Florida,
where they expeet to spend the win
.The W. G. T. U. ;Win meet on
day aftemoorr at three'a'cleekla the
lecture room " of" Wesley ---Willie
church. ' • '
The Clinton Hospital Board is busy
preparing for, the supper, which it
will put on. in the hall on Oct. 10th,
instead of the usual bazaar.
The rains . daring . the past -week
have filled up the creeks and wells to
some extent. Bet we shall. need a
good deal More before winter sets in.
The fire alarm sounded aboijt .ten
o'clock on •Monday evening), fire •hav-
ing been 'discovered - in Mr. 3.
blacksmith Ito Isaac street.
It - was very quickly got under con-
Mist Jean McLean, 'who has been
staying with her guilt, Nil's. 11. Hill,
.while she took a course at the Sebool
a position in
of Commerce, has taken p.
the office of theutevenson-Harris
Those present from, a distance fol:
the funeral were: Me Thomas Ladd,.
Mr. and - ,Mrs. Eph, Ladd, Mr. and
•1V4xs, Edward Ladd and Misses Glad-
ys and Viola: Ladd, Brantford; Mrs.
L. Mathew and: Mrs. F. Sharp,
Waterford; M'r, Henry Ladd,'- South-
ampton; Mrs: Chas, Christie. Copac,
,%'Lich.; M. and Ml's. W. Little, Pon -
flag, Mich„ and- Mrs. Earl Atkinson,
Travers City, Mich. ,
Many lovely floral offerings were:
sent byfrieuds, one handsome design:
being sent by the immediate neigh-
Mrs. Chesney of • Toronto is 'the
guest of Mrs. Henry Plumsteel.
Mrs,; J. Torrance and Miss Maud
Torrance aeft.last week to visit re-
latives in Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. John "Schoenhola have
gone to lTalifa - to visit their
daughter, Mrs; W. E, O'Neil,,.
Miss' Jennie Grant, who has been
spending some months in Toronto,
is visiting. in Clinton ,for a time.
Mrs. T. J. McMichael of near Sea -
forth visited' at the home of ,her
father., Mr. A' Scott, on Tuesday.
Mrs. Clara' Rut/shall returned Mon
day after ai fortnight's holiday, in
Toronto and With her sons in Mon-
, and Mrs. 3. Small and fancily
motored _ lip on Sunday from St.
Thomas and visited with Mr,. and
Mrs. Chas, Allison. '
Mr. and Mrs.' Horace Wi'ltse of De-
troit are spending a holiday with
the farmers parents in town, : Mr.
and Mrs. L. Wiltge.
Dr. J. W. and Mrs, Shaw and Mr. W.
Jackson Are attending a meeting
of the ,Ticket -Sellers' Association
in Port Arthur this week.
James Id, Walker has returned
to Toronto after -spending ten
days with ers father and .sister,
Mr. Robert. Walker and Miss An -
Mr. Cecil Farnham of leitohener,
who met -with an'accident while
out on his motorcycle e couple of
weeks ago, is visiting his :mother
in town. •
Miss Margaret 1Vrair- 'spent a few
clays the past week at the home of
her parents, Mr, and Mas. W, L.
Mair, returning to: Detroit, the be-
ginning of the ,week:
g g
Mr. and No's, S. Kemp/vent to
Springbank, yesterday to attend a
reunion of the Rath family,, when
about sixty members were present
and a .host . enjoyablo time was;
Co. - The Kitty band went down to the
Huron County Home on Sunday af-
ternoon last and gave their annual
concert for the benefit of the resi-
dents of the Home. The visit was
mutually enjoyed. ,
The many . friends of Mrs. - James
MacMurchie .regret her decision to
leave towns as she will -be missed in
many direles. 1Vtrs. MacMurchie in-
tends where her
tends removingto Buffalo, r h
daughter, Miss Jean; already. is. -
Mrs. Thornton-1VTiistard ;was at
their cottage for the -week -end, Mr.
1Vltistard and -boys and their guests
all returned to Toronto on Sunday..
Mrs, Love and Mrs, Ross and
children of. ,Detroit are occupying one
of Mr. Jowett's cottages in the
Geovee . -
The Misses Rankin,' who •have oc-
.e.upied, their • suminer cottage for
three months, returned- to Detroit. on
117x. Hamilton, •teller -in the Bank
of Commerce, returned -on Monday
evening' from his vacation.
ms's. ITolley of Detroit; who has
occupied her cottage on the Terrace
during the season, returned to the
city on Tuesday. - -
Archdeacon Jones Bateman - of
Godrih took charge of the
the Anglican church of'Bayfield,
Varna and. Middleton, on Sunday
last, owing to the absence of the rec-
tor, Rev. F. F Paull, -who is having
a short vacation, •
The Misses Flinterman, who bastesin, motored to London Fair: on
spent the summer months: as guests Friday. at Miss Feegtrson's, retuned to De- Weed reached here Friday even-
inMitchell of M
of th
Hewitt, undertaker, husband. of
tilda Glidden, who has many friends•
and relatives about the villagd. The
deceased was apparently in his -
usual health, and died while attend-
Ung to.his usual work. A publico
.funeral; was. held on Monday. all bus-
iness places being 'closed. *air
sympathy is felt for Mrs. Hewitt int
hes sudden' bereavement, her mo-
ther,. fors... Gliddon of Port Albert, .
having died last spring,
Rev. W. J. Herbert. and Edgar. J.
Trewartha made a business trip to,.
Mitchell. on Friday. •
The Rev. Mr. Burton of Putnam.
took the 'services in the United'
church on -Sunday, . the Rev, J W:
Herbert taking , anniversary services;
at Putnam. - The Rev. T. R. Courtice, who has
been visiting yviith his father and
sisters, Mr. A. .J. Ceartice, Miss Em-
ma and alas. Walter, has returned:
to his homeinPennsylvania.
Mr. Loxes Jervis' was a recent vise
itor to London. •
Miss McDonald ' spent the week-
end at her hone in Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Trewartha
and Mr. D. E. Glidden attended the
Hewitt funeral, -in Mitchell on Mon-
Mrs. John Batkin underwent a -
critical. operation in the Clinton
Hospital' on Monday. She is doing:
as well as can be expected. - -
The i. nior League Friday even-
ing was in charge of Miss Frances
• r
It bin Missionary Patter: 7 e g issio ar
y 8,
This Edith Herbert, instead of giv-
ing a regular tgpie, read a letter.
from Earl. Kncchtel a friend of the
Herbert family and .i missionary rte
China. Tba letter described a visit
to the Diamond ]Sills, one of the
beauty spots of China, and `-described.
very aecurately the lives and Cus-
toms ' of the Chinese in this remote-
district which 3s also a ,favorite re-
sort for tourists.
It was decided at this meeting that
the president, Elmer Potter, attend
the convention.. in Sarnia on Tuesday'
if possible.
The choir of the United' church,•
held a very successfel practice Sun-
day -afterneon
unday-afternoon in preparation for tlte•.
coming. jubilee seavices •ne•xt Sunday,
which are being looked forward the
wite keen anticipation.
Ma. and Mrs. .R. -Stark, of Mel-
bourne, Florida, accompanied by their -
son Fred;; .of Toronto, were recent
visitors at the home of Mr. and •Mrs..
D . 1L, Forster.,•
Mr'. mid Mrs. Fred MVulholland, ac-
eompanied by Mr. .and 1UIrs, Wil-
liam Glen, motored. to London last-
astWednesday to attend the fair.
Mrs, Daniel -> E. Glidden spent'.
Thursday at the home of her par-
ents at 13pnmiller.
The Ladies' Aid .of the United'
church met. Thursday afternoon at
the church and put in a strenuous
afternoon preparing the woodwork -
oodworkof` the churchfor the decorators.,
The death of George Ladd occur-
red cin . Clinton on Friday morning.
The decreased was for many': years a
resident of this .village, , where he
was section boss on the C. N. R.,
formerly' the Grand Trunk Rhiiway.
About twelve years ago he was igen-
sioned' off by the company, making
his ii,omia in Clinton since that time.
He was well known and highly ,re
i speeted by all who knew h m
-funeral took place from las home
in Clinton Monday afternoon.
Mr. and 11Lrs. • Bert- Trewartha,
Kenneth, Ohanlotte and their cote,.
The local Hydro commission .has
Procured a small ;motor truck for
use an its business.
staff was often handicapped by fail-
ure to secure the Services of:a dray,
or a horse when needed, now it has
its own gonveyance, -
Bayfield Fall Fair 'will be held on
Wednesday and Thursday 'next, Oct.
26th and 261h. An interesting prize
list has been issued and, weather
being favorable, a good show is as-
sured., There are some special at-
tractions this year, such as a horse-
shoe pitching contest and a baby
-)show. The officers are: honorary
president, D. H. McNaughton; presi-
dent, John' IVIcLure; first vices. W, 3.
Stinson,. second -vice, Rcbert Penhelel
treasurer, F, A. Edwards; secretary),
A. E. Erwin. Directors: T. M.
Woods,' Fred Middleton, Robt, Mc-
Murray,. W. W. Wise, Win,:' Stewart,
S. Houston, J, W..Reid, T. M. Snow-
don, Robert Penhale, Wee. Sparks,
John Rathwell. Ed. ' Foster, 'Bert
Dunn, .Len Talbot, Mrs. Seeds Mts.
(Dr.) Wpodsi, Mss,' J. W. Reid, Mrs.
Fred McEwen, Mrs. W. Stinson and
Mrs. Thos)' Snowdon. Auditors.
John Cameron, Frank Keegan.
Mr. and 1Vfrs`. Edward Hamilton . o£
Carlyle, who are spending part of
their honeymoon in the village,, ,are
guests at the Ritz Hotel.
11'1'r. Ted Hart of London is spend
ing his vacatlion at their ^summer.
home in the village.
114±. R. N. Penhale has gone on a
motor trip to Tobermory and. intends
visiting 'Manitoulin Island before
Dr. Aberhardt and bride of Mitch-
ell are spending a week'•at the Ader
e less to •
a: -Ned
Droit on Y
they were charmed with Bayfield as
a summer resort and hope to return
in the future.
What might have 'resulted in a
fatal 'accident to 'soma young men,
happened on Sunday last in the
village,. ; They ,were driving down;
the Godeiieh road lin a car and fail-
ing to make the turn at, the corner
by Jowett's Grove the car turned alt-
ver- twice and landed in the ditch
which resulted in a bad mash, But
fortunately. the occupants were not
seriously hurt. The turn at that
particular point is a; very dangerous
one and should have a glaring sign
which people could not fail to see.
Mr. Bruce of Knox . College), Tor-
onto, occupied the pulpit of the.
Presbyterian church on Sunday both
venin .
meaning m
or g
The Huron Presbytery -met in
Knox Presbyterian ehalch; Auburn,.
on Tuesday, the 17th. Those who
attended -from Bayfield were 1Vlr..
Jas. Reid ' and Mr. M. Ross, Mrs.
John Fraser and Mrs. Wan. Foster
attended the 'Presbyterial W. M. S.
the same day.
Mr. J. McDonald of Kippen and
his cousin, Mrs, C. Crawford of -
Clear Water Lake, Manitoba, were
visitors last week at W. 3. Foster's.
Mr. and Mrs, Foster also had as
their guests over the week -end nese
re. Alex. and John Hamilton of Pon-
tiac, Michigan.,
hha-dt cottage on the Terrace. -
Dr, and Mrs,. W. Brown left on
Thursda for thein :home in Clinton,
Iowa after hauling spent . the past
six' weeks in their college whioh
was built this .year.'
Mme. A.. G. Hodgins, Miss Dorothy
Hodgins and Prof. LIoyd Hodgins re-
turned to their home in Toronto last
week after 'having spent the season
et their cottage on the Terrace.
Thursday -last was- observed as
Civic Holiday in :Bayfield when a
number of the .people took the op -
the Western
nortunity • to attend t
Mrs. S5rn Houston spent a few.
days in London tbe, latter part of
last week. `
Kr. And Mrs. '4I arx.. Reid and ati; s
Holmesville is being linked up
with Hydro, which will be a fine
thing for those who avail themselves
of it, " The church is being wired up
this week anti will be in fine shape
for the Jubilee services, as it has
been all newly decorated
ITr. Eldred Yeo, who has been quite
ill, is now' thought to be ' on the
mend, Itis friends hope he will soon
be fully restored=
Next ;Sunday, Sept. ,22nd, the first
services of • the Jubilee .anniversary
series will held in. Holmesville
'United church. The Rev. A. Sinclair
of Tiensall, a .former pastor, will
preach in the, morning and in the
evening the Rev.' E. A. Fear of name
ante, a former pastor, who is now re
tired, will take the service. The
choir.wili furnieh special, music 'dur--.
ing the day. On Tuesday: evening
the Young People's League will hold
a rally and on Thursday' evening the
Ladies' Aad will put oil an . old time.
program. The following Sundays
Sept. 29th, special arrangements,
have been made for linteresting ser
vices, when. the ' Rev ' R. 3.' McCor-
mick of' -Hamilton, also ,arformer,
popnllar paste'; will have charge of
both services. A'.:clioir' of mien will
furnish music at both morning and
evening: service on this date. The
following Tuesday evening, Oct, 1st,
the Ladies' Aid is 'putting vii a fowl
supper•, •which : will be followed by a
program. It is expected that many.
former members of the congregation
will be present for some of these ser-
vices. The church officials are ask-
do-ing for a generous offering on both
Mr. and Mss. WilfiedG. Jervis vis-
ited of the
lit the
on Sunday to
it d
ratter's parents at Zurich.
Dr. and Mrs. A. 3. Courtrte and
Mass Sybil of Winnipeg have been
visiting the fornter's father. and sis-
ters, Mr. A 3. and Miss Emma Cour-
Mae and Mk's. McTaggart and fam-
ily of Watford were visitors at the -
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Tomas
son and that of lMb,- and 14Irs. Ernest
Adams the end of last week,
The Ladies Aid of Bern's' 'United'
church met at the hones of Mr. ' and'
Mrs. B. Allen f et their •regular•
monthly meeting. There was a•
good attendance.
Miss TV4uephy, and Miss Watson of
the 13th. concession were 'Clinton:
visitors last Monday,
Mrs. S. Elsleys who - has been in•
poor health for somle time, 'does not-
improve as well as her many friends:
would like to see her.
Mrs. (De.) . Rollaway of Chicago -
was the guest of Mliss: Brigham last-
astb riday, •
Mr. Junior Carter returned' Mon-
day from London after spending, sev-
eral days with friiends',
Mr.: Fraser... of. Blyth, who haa'beeir
doing =considerable ditching for Ma.
A. Radford, has completed his eon
Miss Watt of .Blyth, who was the'
guest of Mrs; Campbell last week, -
.has returned home.
Mr. IIgnry of Ailsa Craig is re-
lieving agent here while Mr. D.
Roiierton is • having his •'tracation.
Mr. George spent.several days, last _
weelc with London friends Allan tak-
ing in. the exhibition.
Me. and Mrs. 'G, McCall visited'
friends near Brussels the end of last
Mr. and Mrs. Beamer of Exeter
recently visited the home of Me. 'and'
Mrs, GemgesMoon,
Mr.: and 'Mak `' I4 uvey of Exeter
worts guests of Mr. and Mrs. Win.:
Brigham last Thursday,
Ii• •
and l4 ss
Mr. and iVh.. Stewart
May, called on last Tries_.
Mr, and 1VTa•.s. Edwin 'Weed, •'oho,...
spent a week with friends in Michi=-
gan, retia red the end of the week,.