The Clinton News Record, 1929-06-06, Page 5URSP
3"tr,b114 -G, .1929,
E . ClLIN"A'C1N?;1kj) Yi P8' JtECORI)
From Generation to Generation:
AGK of every industry -back of every busi-
ness—back of every individual from gene-
ration - to :generation • stands the Bank a
guardian of money, an agent of credit and an
ally. of 'progress of a nation and its people.
In all the branches of this Bank—in city,
town;and village—from sea to sea in Canada
and beyond, you will ,fund a•helpfulness, a
willingness to guard and foster your interests
• Y7u wit ince ba,ihing at the -Royal - -_
The Royal Bank
of Canada
Clinton Branch
R. E. Manning, Manager
Of Interest to You
and Me.
Lent week we 'were sweltering in
=a temperature around the ninties,
but we have hada chance to cool off
=sauce. , 4
'Liquor is contraband cargo," says
the Farmer's' Sun, "but it goes into
United States just the sante. And
thenrthere is milk and cream, whole-
some and nutritious, stopped effec-
tively by a slight:, raise in customs
duties. It's human nature that does
Or' perhaps the liquor interests
have gomething to do with it.
*d,e w
A vote of 54,000 for public build-
ings at Stratford was included 'in the
-supplementary .estimates the other
• day but no one seems to know just
what the money is to be used°for,
The government trust have lots of
money to throwit around in that
loose fashion. They vete not so gen-
erous to the widow, of a snail clerk
who' lost his life defending His Ma-
jesty's mail, to whom they voted a
beggarly $1,000. ,•
Most of us were shocked to len
'late Iasi week of the relapse of King
George but are happy to know that
'he is improving. This relapse gods
-to prove that His Majesty's health is
not yet fully restored and that he
wilt have to bo more than ordinarily
careful for some time to come. Nov-
er before were there so many express
-sions of eongintulation"upon the oc-
easion of his birthday' as this year.
Ilia Majesty has a warns._ place in the
'affections. of his people,
Friday's election brought in a La-
bor Government in Britain, that par-
ty having the largest group, although
not a majority over the whole, and
'rreinier Baldwin handed 'his resigna-
tion : to tiro Bing, who called upon
'Ramsay MacDonald to form a gov-
'einment. It remains to be seen hew
he will fare when he comes to admin-
ister the affairs of the nation. One
-thing is eertain, tine Labor party will
not he able to- exercise a very free
hand, as it will not be ,possible for
-them to carry anything through but
-by the grace of either the Conserve-
'tives , or the Liberals.
,General satisfaction will be :Felt at
t'he punishment meted out to the
'Wallace townahip Couple convicted of
ill-treating their young daughter,
whose death occurred last month,
Wilson and his wife being sentenced.
'to one year in the : reformantory.
"Tho evidence seemed to %how that
this girl, the fifteen-yeat-old' daugh-
ter of the former, had been kept in
a deplorable , condition and was
dying before any medical assistance
-was called to her. The ill-treatment
of children cannot be too, severely
punished. It is a blot upon the fair
nano of this country that such a
'thing could happen in this age.
ivri4s C., L. Guest . and thi1d of
'Sault 'Ste.Marie are visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs, M. Torts, having come to
'see her mother who is not well.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholdon of London
'are occupying "Dr. Tillman's cottage.
Mr. and Ma's. Stogdill of Toronto
-are-in Dr. Wim, F. Metcalf's cottage.
Mrs.,S.-A. Holley of Detreit:dame'
nit Thursday to spend the summer in
Tier. cottage, "Holley,, Lodge." Mr.
a d Ma's. A. Supniek and family,' who
:nn'ine-with her, returned to Detroit on
Mr: and Mrs. Somerville of Water.
`loo spent the week -end's "their cot-,
toge in Jowett's ,Grove:
Mliss Helen Gerrie of Durham was
the guest of Miss Sara, Reid of Stan-
-ley ;ever the week -end.
Miss Jean M. Wtoode of Galt was a
week -end 'visitor with her parents.
3fr. and Mfrs,, Thornton. MYistard
and family of Toronto were at their
"cottage over the week -end.
Mr. andMrs. orle G Hart .
Silt 11I y t and
two children, Charlie and Helena, re-
trlrned tsp Toronto on, :Monday :after
havingsent, the .eek -end with Mrs'
p w wz
Flrts 'sons
,M.r• .; .. 152 . C,'' 13err• Mr: ai
]Mrs. 'ii: Yt t and family, London y1I
STEVENS-NOTT�at Knox church
manse, Londeslioro, on June 1st, -
by the Rev, _Jaynes Abery, Alberta
Nott to Ernest L. Stevens.
of the bride's .parents on June 1st;
by the Rev'. J. W;: Johnson, Vera
daughter of Mr. and Mr's. Hugh
Dunlop, Constance;, to Leslie Oli-
ver, of Grey,
BARB—Suddenly; in Vancouver,
B.C., on 'May 26th, Katherine"Baird
daughter 'of Mh, and Mrs. W. J.
Baird, 1263 Balfour Ave., Vancou-
CRUIKSHANK In Wingham, On.
tario, on. June fourth, George
Cruikshank, in his eighty-third
Year, -
RILEY—In loving memory of a dear
wife and mother, Mary Ann, Riley,
who passed away one year, ago,
June Gth, 1928.
No one knows, our darling mother,
How we miss you here below.
How your 'gentle, loving kindness,
CaBned away our grief and' woe
How onr hone was sadly broken.
When He took you home on high.
But we will gladly meet you mother,
•Ii2 your dear home, bye and bye.
Sadly missed by husband and daugh-
ter, Margaret.
iced with Mr. and Mrs, 'F.' W. ~Baker
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Brock and three
children of Port ,Dover and ldr, Ar-
thur Wright of Detroit returned to
Port Dover on Sunday after having
spent the week -end with their broth-
er, Mr. W. J. NTcLeod. •
- Dr. and Mrs. Shields of
Kitchener spent the week -end at
their cottage in Jowett's Grove.
Dr. and Ni,sE. A. Sauder, Betty
and Bobby Saucier, of Ifitehener were'
the guests of their aunt, Mrs. F. A.
Edwards, on Sunday. On their re-
turn to Kitchener they were accom-
panied by Mrs. Edwards, who will
visit with them •fgr a week.
Mr. and .Mrs. W: J. Ketr of Walk-
erton, MVlrs. Mallet, Mrs. Tardiff, Miss
Gladys, Davison and Mr, T. Mallet of
London were the guests of Mts. John
Davison on Sunday.
3fiss Middleton and Messrs. Law-
rence `and Fred Emile of : London
were the guests of the latter's par-
ents over the week -end, on their
return to London they were accom-
panied by Miss Ethel T'owlie and 1VIrs:
G. Koehler of Zurich.
Mayor and Mrs. Clement, Bettty
Clement and Peggy Adonis of •Kit-
chener spent the week -end in their
cottage in `Jowett's Grove
Jile. WI. G. Rae spent the week -end.
and holiday at his home in Wroxeter,
Mrs, M',onkhouse of Toronto spent
a 'few , days at Miss. Kennedy's, cot-
tage this week.
Mr..and Mrs. L. M. Day and Miss
Jean and Master Jintt Day of 'Detroit
were at their cottage ,:on Thursday
1VCrs. J, NL Reid and four children
of Honeywood are - visiting her par-
ents, . Rev. and,Mas. R. M.. Gale at
the Parsonage.
Rev. R. M. Gale returned on Mon-
day after having attended Conference
in London.
Dr. and Mrs. Livingston and fam-
ily of Waterloo were in their' cot-
tage in Jowett's Grove Over the
week -end.
Dr, and Mrs. 'Alexander .azide, sun,
George, of London occupied. their
cottage over the week -end.. •
Nr. and Mrs. R. T. On and tam=
ily of Stratford spent the <week -end'
at their . cottage.
Mas, S. D. Merner slid daughter,
Ethel Anderson, and son,'Jackie, of
Grand Bend .and Mits. E. A.•pa'"visors
slid daughter, Ethel Marion of Port
Huron 'spent Sunday with, the foil-
�mer's' daughters, Miro. F,' J. Sturgeon.
Ma. and Mrs. F,, V., 'Martin and
friendsof, Detroit spent the week -end'
theii summer home, "Baader
Itev iihd s. ': ,Paull Misses
Mfr' I' Ifi , >s
Flay Edwards and Lucy Woods and
fir; andMrs Will cote m r art t -
NI S it e et
ell th r nus meeting �, fi a sem an 1,, ne ug of ,the
Deanery of AuVon at Wirig'fiatn on
Member of Floiist Telegraph tJehvery,
For All- Occasions, Sent Anywhere;
Greenhouse is' as :near as your, phone.
Chas: V. ' C'ooke
Two Phones -66w and 66j
Teacher Wanted
Experienced, professions!', Protes-
tant teacher for S. S. No. 10, Goder-
ioh township. Duties to commence
[Sept. let. Applications received up•
to June 15th. State' salary and qual
ifidations J. R. Middleton; R. R. No.
3, Clinton, Ont. 17-2-p.
A `sale of millinery will • be showing
at The Vogue Friday and Saturday,
June 7th and 8th' and the following
week. ,JVlatvelous • bargains, The
Vogpe. •' 17-1,
A Nice FSalearm of 'Home For Sale
That desirable farrn of 100 acres
situated just outside the corporation
of the 'Town 'of Clinton; on -the Pro-
vincial; 1tighway, being lot 22, con, 1,
Hallett township.' Soil rich' clay
loam, excellent water. For particulars
-apply to Alex, R: Brown, Box 98,
Clinton, Ont. • . 17-4.
• For Sale
Chev. Coach late 1926. model.., Four
new tires --•~375,00 Cash' takes it.
Demonstration, on request 9 Apply at
News -Record. • ' 174.-p.
Cottage For Sale
Small cottage and good- garden,'
Mill street, Clinton, for sale. Apply
on premises to. "Mrs. Annie Parker.
• Clearing Auction Sale -
Of Farr; Stock, Implements :and
Household effects, at lot 18, Mait-
land concession, Colborne township,
3 miles north of Iiolmesville, on
Thursday, June 13, at 1 o'clock sharp
consisting of the 'following:
HORSES—Clyde mare, 10 years
old, in foal; agp,d driving horse, quiet
and reliable; grey percheron mare, 3
years old.
CATTLE -6 choice young . cows,
fresh; Q extra good Durham grade
'culvEs. I
PIGS -2 brood sows in pig.
INIPLEMIENTS — 11'l;assey-I•Iarris
binder, 6' ft. out; M'eCormick-Deering
mower, 6 ft. cut, nearly new; MAC'or-
wick -Deering rake, 10 ft.; IVIcCor-
mick-Deering disc drill; Massey -Har-
ris hoe drill; Oliver seuffler; set dia-
mond harrows; Deering cultivator;
steel roller; Coekshutt riding plow;
single furrow; Impenial Tang plow;
walking plow; Bain wagon, nearly
new; stock rack and hay rack com-
bined; graven -ilex; sets 2000 ]b. scales;
rubber tire top buggy; steel tire top
buggy; extra good light wagon; set
of Bein sleighs; Portland cutter; cut-
ting box; set 2000 1ts.; springs for
wagon; 'set power horse clippers,
nearly new; Coekshutt manure
spreader; root pulper; sugar kettle;
walking seufflor; set double breech-
ing harness; set doable back -band
harness; set single harness; De Laval
cream separator with power speed,
in good condition; No. 3 Daisy churn;
wheel barrow; number' of bee hives;
extractor; containers,`"ete,; number of
cedar pests, also number of atm)
fence posts; hay fork; car, rope and
pulleys; whiffletrees; neckyokes;
forks, chains; number of good grain
bags, etc.
dora range; Quebec heater; writing
desk; sideboard; Doherty Organ in
good condition; chairs; tables, dishes;
pots; pans and 'numerous other ar-
Terris: All suras of $10 and under,
cash; 'over that amount 12 months
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint bankable' paper or a
discount of 4 percent allowed."for
cash or credit amounts. Everything
to be sold -without reserve as pro-
prietor has sold his 10001. Willard l;,
Lee, Proprietor',- Ged. II, Elliott, Auc-
tioneer. 17-1.
Auction Sale
Of a 100 -Acre' Fern, Farm Stocle,
Crop , and Equipment, including
Honeehold Furniture, as A going con-
We are instructed by Mr, Robert
Winter to sell by public auction at
the premises, lot 32, concession 7,
East Wawanosh, on Tuesday; June
18, at 2 o'clock, sharp:
The farm of 100 acres. Frame
house with summer kitchen, wood-
shed, two Cellars. Good modern barn,
56x86x78x28, steel reef; cement stab-
ling, .cement floors, cement silo, 30-
x12; cement water tants, 10x7, •- Team
of farm horses; harness; buggy; wa-
gon; ' hay rake; mowing machine;
plow; De Laval cream separator;
ebern; seed drill, binder; set-' of
sleighs;' disc harrows; drag harrows:
potato digeer;"2-row 'spray machine;
set of 2000-1b., scales; setiffler; hay
fork,' pulleys, ropes Land . slings, and
all small tools;, forks, shovels, chains,
etc,; 17 good breeding ewes; „brood
'sow and litter; hcttsehold furniture.
including ,diningroom suite, bed, bed-
ding, cutlery, cooking utensils, tlety
five-tuhei+`resh,nan radio set.
The farm is well -situated: is ill an
excenti'onally good .netghborhood;
mafkets•.within ,5`miles. Thereare
about 40 sores of 9nring crop in;:ba1-
Imre meadow And pasture, excepting
a niece of gond' mash.
Everything will be sold and it is an
opportunity seldom. offered. to bsty
;a good farm and equipment with.
spring, Work' practically all done -,'as a
going concern.
Terms,—Pen rat cent, ,at time
sale; balance in thn tv days. Any in-
II dunles addressed to the pioptietot cu
thetiuc ti e '
on t s will 1bero
u m til ra-
t v
nliatl'to, R. Winter Proprietor,R.R.
1, Belgt'ave. T...Gunday &';Son, Atte-
tieneers, Goderieh. ' 17-2.
Smoked Cottage: "
Br. -Bacons
Smoked Pic. Hams 23c.
Lard "in bulk 17c
3 Ib`pail 50c
5: 'ib' pail "80c .
6.11'' New,,Laad
dud Poultr r Hopi
Eggs bought according to Aomitt
ron'�.Governtrent Egg -=Regulations, ,
Iriclurre f n our prices•of; eggs,.
(� iiou will' always find,our .prices -'par
aliel with tile city Markets,,
Fslt hens ' and,,we11-finished ,:chicles
•always°•wanted-Priees ,good,
"Always phone our. offtee fer l:Mices'
before, marketing; produce_
Everything,; in fresh Pork always
on hand
-made Sans.Home aus. 24c
Head Cheese ' 20c
Varietyloaf Sliced 35c
Boiled 'Hans' 55c
Mac. and Cheese
Loaf • 35c
Lamb, Veal and Rid also in stock
at all times
Clinton's Leading Meat Market
Seed Buckwheat
We have a quantityof good buck-
wheat on hend ,at `Brucefield, _suit-
a'ble. for seed.' Price $1.00 per bus.
Get in touch with Brucefield eleva-
tor through Clinton 'central, phone
618r5. • S. T. Miekle: and Son, Hen-
sel' and Brucefield. 16-4.
Teacher Wanted
Experienced 'Protestant teacher,
holding Agricultural certificate. Dut-
ies tc commence Sept. 1st: Apply,
stating salary and experience,,.to
Frank f. Tyndall, secretary 11..S. S.
No. 2, Hullett. R. 7:Z. No. 4, Clinton,
Out . ' t j ;I . 17-tf.
Auction Sale
Of 'Household Effects at residence,
Albert street, on Saturday, June 15th.,
commencing at 1:30 o'clock sharp; the
following: -,
Bedroom suite, complete (maple);
White dresser and atond; bureau and
stand; two iron beds and mattresses;
one wooden bed; dining room table
kitchen table; fall leaf tablea centre
table; 'several small tables; 'parlor
rug; organ; settee; two leather rock-
ers; three oak rockers and several
other rockers; two verandah chairs;
six oa,lc dining room, chairs with
leather seats; kitchen chairs; side
board; sewing machine; electric mot-
or; pandora range; coaoil stove with
oven; two couches; radio; oak hall
rack; electric toaster; electric iron;
washing machine; galvanized tub;
hake board; two ironing hoards; two
toilet sets; two mirrors; • cooking ut-
ensils; dishes; quilts; pictures; cloth-
es rack; lawn Newer; , bread box;
stair pads and other articles too num-
erous to mention, Everything offer-
ed must be sold as•proprietor is giv-
ing up housekeeping.. Terms: Cash.
J. F. Wasntan, Prop., G. H. Elliott,
Auctioneer. 17-2.
Monday, May 20th, will4eave Har-
vey Jenkins', one mile west of Clin-
ton and go through Clinton, then
south along the London Road to Fred
Notts' for noon, then west 1,1-4 miles,
then south 3 3-4 utiles, then east to
Walker House, Brucefield, for the
Tuesday ---West to Robert Web-
ster's for noon, then .by way of Var-
na, then south along Parr line' to
George Coleman's,' Hillsgreen, for
the night.
Wednesday—East through Kippen
to Jackson Bros,, for noon, then west
to Seaforth road, then north to John
Nicholson's for the night.
Thursday—West and north t2 Fred
Cook's for noon then west and north
to Huron road then east along the
highway to Herbert B'owler's' for the
Friday-ToJohn Mbellroy's for
noon, then north and west to Oliver
Anderson's for night.
Saturday -South to Fowler's school,
thein west to. Dorie Dale's for noon,
then west to Harvey Jenkins', 1 mile
west of Clinton:
JOHN SPEIRS, Caretaker.
Monday, May 20th—Will leave his
own stable, one mile west of Clinton
and go along sixteenth to Summer-
hill, north along Bate line to Nor-
man Ball's for noon, then east and
north to Londesboro Hotel for, night.
Tuesday—Will go 11-4 miles; then
west along the 13th' concession of
Hallett to Harvey Httnlcing's for noon
then, north to lioundry,; then east to
John Collinson's, ' 1 'mile south. of
Blyth for night.
Wednesday—South to 13th condos -
Sion of HuIlett, then east. to Norman
Shepard's for noon, then east to Wal-
ton road for :night,
Thursday -South • to Winthrop;
west ,1 i-4 miles • north 114 , miles,
west: to John' McClure's • far noon,
then west,. to . Charles Sundereock's
"Friday -.-West, tbuotil; It Summerhill
to Herbert Oke's for noon, then along
Maitland Concession through l-Ioimes-
ville'to Ft ed Pielcard's for night.
Saturday— East '•to Robert' Col-
clotrgh's fornoon, then :east to .Iiar-
vey lenlcins', one mile-:wese-of CIin-
ton, for night. ,
Terms of 'Voltaire and:.'Melville Riser
To ensure a fool $15,00, payable
February 1st, -1029. Mares not i'e-
tut•ned regularly tb the horse will
he charged full insurance whether in
foal of not. All accidents and ,es-
capes at the tisk of the. °Wttera...of
;nares. Caro will be taken to avoid
Sr. pro
, p •
Trewar ha
Phones -Office, 214j Rtesidenee,' 214w
Car„ wners and others
We can write you a personal' Auto-
mobile Accident' Policy of Fifteen
Hundred Dollars and weekly indem-
nity of Twenty-five dollars,' covering
for any automobile accident. For the
small sum of five dollars per annum.
Proteet your income by carrying an'
accident andsickness policy.
P.-0. Bole, 147, Phone, 253w
Snit Life Agency.
Car Insurance
Life Insurance
Fire 'Insurance
Also Real Estate and Safe
Dividends paid Monthly, 1 percent
pex month, by
P. O. Box, 155 Phone, 52
4,e can supply yon with S. C.
White Leghorn chicles for delivery in
June at $10 per 100., Our Leghorns
are the famous Barron strain, big
hens, heavy layers of large eggs.
We guarantee 100 per cent safe de-
Brussels, Ont. 14-4.
Baby chicks lower in price. Bar-
red Rocks, 15e each. S. C. W. Leg-
horns 14c each. After June 12th all
chicks 20 lower. E. 3. Trewartha,,
Holmesville, Phone ' 611-22, C1, ;ton
central, 14-.
Rupture,. Varicocele, Varicose Veins
Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform-
ity. tConsuitation Free, Call or write,
J: G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St.,
Stratford, Oht, • 10-29.
The Blue Water Boys
Every Thurs. Evening
Slabs For Sale
Orders left at my residence will
receive prompt attention. -17' Ward,
Huron street, Clinton. Phone 155.
Pigs For Sate
2 brood sows, also young pigs.
Apply to J. Leslie Cox, phone 603
r2, Clinton central. 14-tf.
Trucking Service
Trucking of all,, kinds done at
moderate charges, Harold Connell,
Varna, Phone 12 on 96;,Hensall cen-
tral. 14-4-p,
Property For Sale
Comprising 3 acres of land (more
or less) situated on London road, 1
mile south of Clinton, with good
comfortable frame house, garage,
stable and hen house all in good state
of repair, Thos. M. Johnston. Phone
23 on 619, Clinton central. - ;1G 3-p.
Why Be''.Croobled?
Why be troubled with your stom-
ach? Dr. M;bLeod's .stomachic is
guaranteed or money back. Holdtes
Drug store, Clinton. 15-4,
Bull ' For Sale '•
Thoroughbred ' Durham bull; 11
months old, roan, in color. Apply to
'Joseph L. Foster, R. R. No. 2, Bay-
field, Ont. 14-6-p.
}Burgess Studio, Clinton.
Owing to being short 9! help 1 ,can
only have my Clinton Photo Studio
open the seeond and�last T4tesdays in
cacti month,. , Next ,visits will be
Tuesday June 11 and June 25th from
9 a.m. -tc-.5 p.m. . 14-2.
Rooms- to Rent
Unfurnished rooms suitable for
light housekeeping, = Apply to Mrs.
David Tiplady, William street, Clin-
ton. 10-2-n-tf:
cottage Er aJ
' ' 6.t oras with t
o frosG- p crit ' "cement
cellar, good sunimer tdtehen,_ electric
,lights, 'soft'water cistern, good 'gar.
den with fruit, etc., two lots • on
Nattenbttry,atroet, weal, . itZrsc,Thas.
'Write, Clinton, 09-11.
Giant White Sugar Beet
Giant Yellow' Intermediate Mangel
Canadian Gem Turnips
Halls Westbuory Turnips'. `.
Golden Bantam on
Danvers Yellow: Globe Onions
GrassSee d`
also Climax Bugfiller
Na�'tha .Gas Benzine s eCt.
filler Hardware'
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs.
Phone T
Transportation • Clothes Cleaned and Pressed'
Long Distance Short Distance
For Engagements Phone
S. R. McIlath, Holmesville, 601r34,
Clinton Central. Oliver Pocock, -Op-
erator, 610r42, Clinton Central.
For Sale
On Victoria street a 10aroomed
frame house in, perfect condition,
pantry, washroom, bath, new Mc -
Clary furnace, cellar under whole of
house, large garden,' garage, in
beautiful .location. ` `Apply to Mrs.
A. S. Inkley. Clinton. 07-2-p-tf.
For Sale
White brick house on Princess St.,
east, with eight rooms. Town and
soft water, electric lights, one-half
acre of land with barn, large and
small fruit. Possession at once.
Apply to Mr, Levi Stong, Clinton,
Ont., or Mrs. James Steep, 8 Elm-
wood Avenue, 'London, Ontario.
House For Sale -
A conii.ortablo seven room cottage
with .town water and electric lights,
4.4 acre of land with amaII fruit and
good stable with chicken house. Ap-
ply to Alex. Sloman, Fulton street,
Clinton. 054f.
For Sale
Horse rising 5 years, weighing
between 1600 and 1700 lbs. Apply
to Geo. Farquhar, Gravel Road, 2
miles north of Clinton. 12-11.
' "Niagara" •
Super -Soluble Land Lime, also,
high grade fertilizers always in
stock. Prompt delivery service when
required. • H, R. Baer, Phone Carlow,
2821, R. R. No. 5, Goderich, Ont.
we PortrciAtm -Io QC+ PAPi7RT
Did' you ever stop to think hew
many of 'your: daily activities , de-
pend on coal?
You wake it 'a warm, comfort-
able house,
Coal heated it.
You eat 'a substantial breakfast:
Coal cooked it.
You ge down town on the street
car. ,
Coal generated'' the power which
moves it.
All day long.
Coal works for you.
Be sure and keep .supplied with
11. •IY ,tilai'
Call the,
for good, dean coal
A +1311
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re.
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms aver Heard's B_rber shop.
W. J. Jago. 228341
We Want Tour -
Milk and Cream
We are manufacturers of both
cheese and butter. We want you
milk or cream. We pay highest, max,
ket price weekly. Satisfaction par.
Phone your order for finest cheeii
or pasturised butter in prints or sol•
ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., lir,
R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32.
English Barron S. C. W. Leghorns
Barred Plymouth Rocks
Hatches Every Week
Custom Hatching
Proprietor. Clinton Phone, 213
in all sizes
One Of The Best -Qualities Coke
Supply kept in Sheds at Residence
A. D. McCartney.
Queen Street
A few dry slabs for Sale
Telephone 256
Coekshutt Agency
Wishing Repairs or*
Parts for
Coekshutt or Frost and Woods Ma-
chines of any kind sho4;ld call at in
also handle Coekshutt Cream
Queen Street, Clinton.
Complete stock Clovers and Grass
Seeds gm hand. March Prices al-
ways best prices.
Our Alfalfa is Peel County Seed
No. 1 Government standard , This
type of seed is practically impossible
to buy this year. Have only a small
stock. Good value while it lasts.
Phone 128 Flour,%Feed and Seed
McCormick -Deering Agency
Having taken over the above ag-
ency for this district 1 will keep on
hand a full stock of repairs and parts
of all McCormick -Deering machine%,
and will appreciate•- a share of the
patronage of the farmers surounding
Call at my • shop, next door tv
Jones' blacksmith shop, Ring 'street.,
Clinton, Ont.,, Phone 281w 04-tfa
Eggs and Poultry
Honte. on Tuesday and Friday fora.
noon to take in Poultry.
Eggs handled at 'residenceevery,
day --graded by an experienced grad.
or, for which. we pay the higheet marg,.
ket price. ,-
Cream purchased for Stillman' s
A. E. Finch
V.iking :Cream:,Separator Agent.
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 23