The Clinton News Record, 1929-06-06, Page 4THE,-CLiNTQN-NEWS .R
.....lV '�
Sherioc'k -Manning
How About
Treating Your-
self to a,
T. , J. MeNEIL
Clinton's Musical instrument Representative
Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
The Ontario Equitable Life
M. T. CORLESS, Agency' Inspector,
Phone 193
Minister of, Highways and Chair-
man of the Executive of the Highway.
Safety Committee; who , has again,
launched an extensive eampaign 1pok,
ng to: accident prevention on Ontar-
io highways.
Custom Made
Clothes for the
Why wear a ready-made garment
on this important occasion when' you
;1 can have it custom, made: and be cer-
4r-.019 tain it will be a perfect fit, and suit
your own individuality. You can al-
ways tell the marc who has his clothes
made. to order.
Rev. Jas. Abery and Rev. 3, W.
Johnson went to London last week
to attend -,the' conference.
Rev. Mr. Johnson's S. S. class of
the United church met at the home
of 1VLr. and 'Mrs. Joe Carter last Fri-
day evenings, there being about fifty
present. A. most enjoyable and hap-
py time • was spent by all,
Reeve Adams is in Goderich this
week attending the eounty-eounci .
�Mr. C. Weymouth of Stratford
spent' several days 'last week with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wey-
Mr. Ball, our- garage man, is. kept
pretty busy these days.
Mr, and Mrs. B: Tyerman of Sea -
forth were guests at the home of.,
Mrs. Famlrlyn over the week -end.
They also visited the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Elsley.
Mr. and Mrs: W. Hill of Clinton
called on the former's sisters, Mrs,
J. Sisley and Mrs. Tamblyn on.Mon-
day. .
'Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Watson: and
family spent last Saturday in Goder-
Walden and family
'o the gousts of Mr.
Potter on Sunday.
S. Walter and ili1�
Saturday with
young people of Iso
church put-on' their
Across the ?LiIls,'t at
evening last. A
was present and it
njoyod' by all.
ant it before a Blue
the coming' garden
1VPadelino Hawkins o
the guest of Mr.- and
o andFamily on
of unknown origin
Saturday evening last
f Mr, rind Mrs. Fred
,was destroyed.. �
of stone structure
and most of the
put every scrap
burned. Many friend
e and vicinity of Mr•
extend sympathy to
'loss: They had
House very much
eoinplete' and. comfortable.
and. Mrs. Tom Cam
and Mirs4` Alcock
Sunday with 1V�ii:
Jervis and. ;other friend
and *s. Zaulauf of
guests of Mr.
on Sunday. Mir:: Gordon the day with
'and Mrs. Draper
Ben: holidaying a few
tter's parents, 11?r.
,"Ars:of Blue -
vale were and Mrs.
Mrs.° Stock
friends. -
The e hnesville
Unitedplay "The
PathA Blake on
Fridaygood atten-
dance was very'
much e They expect
to piesvale aud-
ience atparty on
Miss f Clinton
was Mrs. J.
Cudinor° Sunday.
Our rates are reasonable and our
workmanship exceptional. All gar-
ments hand tailored. Scrupulous at-
tention to every detail.
,Davis and Herman
(The Baby Chick)
ra I Am!
Now It's up to You
THURSDAY, JUNE 6,, 1920,
. The communion service , will be
held next Sunday, . Juno 9th, at the
morning. service, .Preparatory+ sex
vice will be held Friday evening 'at,
8 o'clock. Rev. J. Anthony of Tham-
es Road will ceililuct the evening ser -
Mr. ad Mrs. Case of London spent
the: week end at the manse, as;ggests
of Rev. ""Wi.,'A. and Mrs, Bremner.
• .Rev. W. A. 13 emrrer ..and Mr.
Junes McQueen, who have been:at-
tending London Conference returned
hone this week. -
Mr. and'Mrs. R. McKenzie -of De-
trait _visited friends in the :village
and vicinity last:week.
Mr•s. IIugh-Bercy,'.spent last week
at the home of her mother, ; • Mrs.
Smith of Bluevale `who is very ill.-
Mr. Samuel Reid, who has' visited
in Br'ucefield for a number of years
has gone to live at the home ,of. his
daughter,. Mrs. IWen, Broadfoot of'
•Mir•. Clarence Cole and his mother,
Mrs. Peter' Cole, of Flint,' Michigan,.
were week -end guests with Mr. and
MIs. J. Percy Cole,
A fireoccurred
on" Satwhen the
homedLobb of
EbenezerThe house
being `it `burned'
slowly contents were
saved, wood work
was;. b s in' Ho1-
mesvill . and 1VIrs.
Lobb them in
their great,improve
ed the and it was
most table:
Mr: pbeIl and
familN of Brus-
sels spentand Mrs..
A. s here.
were theand Mrs, M.
Stock. Stock:
also spenthis parents
Mir_of Detroit.
have b days with
the '.la and ' Mrs.
Goderich Township
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Cox went
to London this morning, their daugh-;
ter, Mess Helen, who is in a position
thele, having undergone an operation
for .appendicitis in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital this :morning.
Mks, C. D. Cox and daughter, Miss
Bertha, of Nipissing have been visit-
ing at the home •of the lady's par-
ents, Mr. and Mars. W H, Lobb 'of
the Bayfield road during the past
week, Mr..Cox attending the_rneeting
of the London Conference of the Lint -
ted Church of Canada. Mr. Cox has
a mission change at Nipissing.
1VIce Beacons 4Deputy Grand Mas-
ter, also' Mir. Ernest Sanderson, at-
tended the Masonic 'meeting at Luck.
now last Thursday evening and Tiv-
erton on Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mfrs. Bert Allen of Har -
lock recently.vitited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. MhVittie.
Mas. (Rev.) Johnson was in Lon-
don last Friday attending the fun-
eral of a relative. Mrs. Wood,
A shower wilts held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong last
Friday evening, fon the bride-to-be.
There were about fifty present and a
very' enjoyable tune was spent.
We regret to report that Mrs. Har-
ry Riley is :ander the doctor's care.
Mr. and Mee. 3. McCool motored
to Woodstock last week to visit the
former's sister. They spent a very
pleasant time.
Mr. W. Ross. Station Agent at
Vineland, and Mrs. Ross are 'spend-
ing their vacation at the former's
home, 'that of Mr. and Mrs. W. Boss,
Mr. Wellington McCool spent sev-
eral days last week with his mother,
Mrs. W. McCool.
Mr, Charles Lee, who underwent
a critical operation. in the Clinton
hospital last week, is improving as
well'as, can be expectedi, news which
his many friends are glad to hear.
Mrs. W. Lyon, who spent the past
two weeks with her son, Dr, Lyon of
-Leamington, has returned.'
Mr. W. J. Tamblyia, 'B.A.; B,Paed:,.
and Mrs. Tamblyn, Miss Joan and
John Tamblyn, accompanied by Miss
Jean M. Cowen, R.N., motored up
from Toronto and spentthe week-
end with the former's another. '
Mr. and Mars. Harry Lyon and
Mass Ida visited at Mr. A. ICerslake's
of Exeter recently.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon and Miss E.
Lyon spent a short time with Mr.
and Mrs. Spindlar=of Lucknow Sun-
day last, x ,
I am, a baby chick just out of the egg;,,-. Nature has filled my
Little bread basket with enough food to last 72' hours. Then it's up
to you, v
If oyu feed are a dirty mash or table scraps, Pil.probwbly,die.
But if you start me on Purina Chick Startena and feed me
according to the Purina Plan, the obances are nine to one that I'll
grow up and make you money. .
Don't feed me anything for 72 hours. Then start me on Purina
Chicle Startena, the dependable starting mash containing buttermilk
and cod liver oil.
Cl1 ai
Il '.'svv .•ort%
vegeveld dmareM
Cadets of the Goderich „Collegiate
Institute, turned out in Victoria Park
on Thursday morning for the annual
inspection which was conducted" by
Major ,J. Jeffrey, district cadet offi-
.ces, who was well pleased With -the
turnout. He complimented their`in-
;structor A. 113. Robertson, B.A.., on
the splendid_mat'ehing, rifle drill and
physical eulturq peincipel Hume,
A. M. Robertsony B.A., Mayor , *-
Ewen: and: Thomas• putt ' also wave
short .addresses.
Hon. R. B. Bennett will address
a public. 'Meeting in'Wingham ou
Thursday afternoon, J:ne 20th.
It wae a most unfortunate happen-
ing on Saturday evening which re-
sulted in the destruction by fire of
the residence of Ver. Fred Lobb, the
Maitland, concession. Mr. and Mrs.
Lobb were at the barn doing their
evening chores, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs.
Lobb's mother, and Master Harry be-
eing in the house. Mrs. Elliott was
getting her small grandson ready for
bed when the little fellow heard the
crackling:of fire and called his grand-
mother's .attention to it. • She immed-
iately gave the alarm but,when Mr.
and Mrs. Lobb got to the house a
pantry off the outer kitchen, where
the fire originated, was a mass of
flames and the fire soon spread. The
house was situated by itself and a
good way 'from neighbors but- soon
the commminity was 'aroused and sev-
eral come to differ assistance. A
portion of the furniture was remov-
ed, :most of that from the front of
the lowarf floor being taken out, but
unich'was else destroyed. Two hand -
carved mantels were saved. The walls
of the houses; which was built many
years ago, were •of stone and still
stand, but the fire cleaned up every
bit of wood about the house. The
house was built by the founder of the
Laithwaite family in this county,
grandfather of 1V)r. George Leith-
Waite of this township, in 1858 and,
being a stone cutter by trade, the
house had a finish that few such
houses had. It was occupied by the
-family for years and for nearly thirty
Years by 141'r. W. 11. Lobb and family
before the faun was purchased by
Mr. Fred Lobb from his father. Mr.
and Mks. Fred Lobb' had improved
it very much and it was considered
One of the , most comfortable and
complete residences in the common:
ity. Ma. and Mrs. Lobb have suffer-
ed a'severe loss but they intend re.
betiding, using the old walls .if they
are considered. safe, and will occupy
a small building whieh.Stood near the
house as a residence in the meantime.
Their friends deeply sympathize with
them in their misfortune. It is ;tot
known how the fire oriinated, as
there had been no fire in that part
or the house that day.
Premier Ferguson; as minister of
education, ' has approved a 'series of
Bible readings for use in public.
schools . of- the province, and it is
expected that books. of three grades
will be published and made available'
before long. -The, Globe -`-comments
that "the.,famous Ross Bible being
forgotten, Ontario's minister ofvedu-.
cation may leap .into further 'lame r as.
author' of the, Ferguson Version;' • Of
course the premier is not the author;
or compiler,- and the -action can hard--
ly he described as 0 "leap," for an
interdenorninational • committee of
clergy has •been working •on the 'draft
for years. The Archbishop of Hur-
on, its chairman, is on accord -Co the
effect that relations were :most liar-.
monious, even'se;.-the task 'was pro-
longed. At the Synod of Huron two
years ago his grace announced the
work vuthally .completed and ready,
for presentation to tho department,
but evidently further conferences
were required.
The Presbytery, of Huron, The
United Church of Canada, will meet
in regular session in Knox United
Church, Auburn, eon Thursday, June
13th' next, at 9:80 a.m. The ladies
of the ehdrch'wiil serve dinner.
i8tr. H. 1'togridge attended Cofer-
ence at London 1st week.. •
Master Bob- Armstrong has been
brought home frogs Clinton' Hospital
where he underwent an operation for.
appendicitis.' . Wte hope he will soon
be quite well.
Mir. and Mks. Amos. Andrew spent
the week -end in London.
The Orange Hall is being treated
to a coat of paint this week, which is
quite an improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farrow visited
with friends here over the week -end.
Mr. Alex. McKenzie went to Tb -
route on Wednesday -to :visit 'his.
The play, "Lena: Rivers," put on
by the Women's Institute here will be
repeated in Blyth' on Tuesday,. June_
A play, entitled, "Cyclone Sally,"
will be presented here on Friday
evening, .Tune 14th, under the aus-
pices of the Junior Bible Class of
Knox United church.
-Mrs. J. Manning and Mr. Will
Manning motored to St. Thomas on
Sunday, and spent the day with the
forhier's brother, Mr. James Morris.
and family.
A very pleasant evening was- Spent.
at the :home of Mr.' John Nott on
Friday last when about fifty friends
gathered to present Miss Alberta
with a miscelaneous shower.
Although IVLiss Nott was much tak-
en by 'surprise she made a very suit-
able reply, thanking her friends very
kindly for their lovely gifts and gave
one and all/a a pressing- invitation to
visit her in her future home in Sea -
forth. Miss Nott .was the recipient
of many lovely gifts.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the manse on Saturday last, June lst,
by the Rev. Jas. Abery when. Miss
Alice Alberta Nott became the bride
of Mr. Ernest L. Stevens of IIar•lock.
The bride was dressed in, peachgeor-
gette over lace and wore the gift of
the groom, a string of pearls.; After
the ceremony the happy couple left
for a honeymoon trip to lospler,
Hamilton, and other points,,the•brid-
e's costume being of old rose with hat
and shoes to match and navy tailored
coat. We extend hearty congeatula-
tions to this young couple. .They
will reside: in Seaforth.
. A, grant of . $5,00o to the Jack Min-
er bird sanctuary at Kingsville, Ont.,
is contained in tho supplementary
estimates for the fiscal -year- tabled'
in the ITouse of Commons, Ottawa;
on Monday night by Hon. J. A. Robb,
minister of finance,- The appropra-
ation is to assist Mr. Miner in his
wild life conservation work, and is
the first grant of this nature made
to Mr.. Miner.
The so-called Ross Bible, a book of
Scripture, readings prepared under
direction of Hon. G. W. Ross many
years ago, was imfprtunato ,enough.
to become campaign material in the.
next election, not a little capital be-
ing shade out of the circumstance:
that it had been submitted td the
Roman Catholic Archbishop, of Tor-
onto: In the present' instance the
movement has been kept free of con-
troversy, and public, opinion is cer-
tainly not opposed -to the use of
suitable scripture readings in the
schools. The same unanimity does
not prevail wits respect to religious.
instruction), which has been under-
taken in some Ontario towns under
special: arrangement, but the pres-
eat proposal is merely to replace such
methods of Bible readings as may be
in use with selections which will pres-
ent a. comprehensive idea and system-
atio 'knowledge of the Bible.—Wood-
stock Sentinel -Review.
Mr. and Nlrs. Nelson Reid and
daughter, Nam visited over the
week -end with friends at Auburn,
Dungannon and Lucknow.
meeting is anticipated. The spealt,
ens will be ,Rev, Ih W. Snell o
Stratford, president of the Trustees
and Ratepayers' department of th
Ontario )ducational Association
W M. Morris of Toronto; secretar
treasurer ,of the same department
Other speakers who are expecte
are the local members of Parliamexi
and E. C. Beacon, I. P. R..3 or Wes
Huron. Ladies asweb as gentle
men are cordially invited,
Miss Nellie Boyle, nurse in train-
ing at Victoria Hospital, London, is
home for three "weeks' vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin M'oskin of De-
troit,. Mich., accompanied by Miss
Ilelen Hefferan of London, spent the
week -end atthe home of Lawrence
Hefferan, and their daughter, Miss
Evelyn. •
Mr. and M'rs. Manley Jinks and
baby of'Detroit, were week -end vis-
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Services in the United Church
were largely attended on Sunday the
pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair,, delivering
very fine disocurses at both services,
Mrs. G. Champion of Galt, delight-
ed the. congregation with her splen-
did solos. rendering two delightful
solos at the morning service, entitled
"Face to nee," and "Thanks be to
God." Atthe evening service, she
sang very sweetly, "No Night
There," which were much appreci-
ated by the congregation.
Largo congregations were present
at the anniversary services held at
Carmel Presbyterian church on
Sunday last, Rev. C. E. Curtis, B.A.
D.D., of London Was the speaker for
the day, delivering very excellent
ourses. Special music wup-
pdisc).iell by the choir, which wasas much
Mrs. L. Miller, accompanied by
her dandhter. Miss Manic and sen,
Ross, all of Windsoct. spent the week-
end at the home of Mr:. and Mrs. C.
links. and with Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
ichard Blatchford.
Mr, and Mrs. 3. H. Wilson .of
Stratford were week -end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs., George Brown.
Garnet. Smallcomhe, accompanied
by John Buchanan •of Guelph, were
week -end. visitors in Hensall. '
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 11, for the menthe of April
and May:
Jr 4th Florence Smith, .78; Ray
Perdue. - 65.
Sr. 3rd-,-Uoyd Batkin, 89; Jack
Snaith, 70..
,Jr. 3rd—Faye Lindsay, 82; John
Lindsay,; 72; Margaret Farquhar, 63.
2nd—Olive. Picketts, 70; Eddy Deev-
es, 66; 1Vfadeliilo Tyndall, 61; Walter.
Smith, 56.
Pr.—Lorne Tyndall, 75,
!Jr. Pr.—Jean 'Vodden, Pearlie Me.
Gee, Harold Wise, Gertie Smith,
Donna Pickett. -E. I. Dalrymple,
GODERIOII: The death occurre
at the ,family home, :Oxford street
Tuesday, of Mrs, ' Hugh, Mcllwain,!
her '61st year. The 'deceased ' wa
born and lived in Goderich townslti
until lastyean, when she and hei
husband retired from the farm, Sh
had been ill for a considerable time
Besides her husband she leaves 'tw
daughters and three sons, Robert
Goderich township; Sam and Georg
at home; Mrs. MjcClinchey, Stanle
township; and Mrs, Battles,. near
„Seafoith;,also •five sister's and fiv
brothers, Mrs, J.. Bell, Mrs. R. Bell
Mrs. Precious, Mrs.' Weston, all -o
!Goderich, and Mxs. Joseph Snuliey,
of the West; John', Thomas, James,
Robert and Fred all of Goderich.
The funeral cm :Thursday after-
noon was largely attended, . Rev. R.
C. McDermid, pastor of Knox Pres-
byterian church, had charge of the
service at the home and grave. In-
terment was made in Maitland
,cemetery, The pall -bearers were
four brothers, John, Thomas, James
and Fred Johnston.
DUNGANNION: *- Fifty bab
chicks were' lost when a fire \occur
red in the improvised brooder
George'glenn of the: villge. T
coal -oil lamps were ,used for keep
ing the chickens warm and by son
means the fire origineted fro
these, It was fortunately seen b
some young 'men returning about
ani., orfurther damage might hav
been the result, as a strong win
was Blowing and other buildin:
stood near where' the fire originated
The fire -bell was •rung and so
citizens responded id the fire wa
soon under control but not until th
chickens, which .were about tw
weeks' old, were destroyed.
SEAF'ORH: Prof. W. Brenton
Kerr of Buffalo University is
guest at the home of his parents
Mr. and MIs. James Kerr.
DUNGANNON. The Dungariuoi
Public School Board stet on Wednes
'day evening at. the home of Mrs
Robert Davidson with all membe
present. The board received the re
signation of Frederick Ross; who fo
seventeen years and a half has bee
the efficient principal of the sclto
The reason given by Mr. Ross fo
his resignation was owing to ill
health. During the long period sine
Mr. Ross has been the teacher h
has met with phenomenal succes-
and Chief Inspector V. K. Greer, wh
visited the school recently, expresse
very great gratification with the r
cord of the school as judged by th
very high percentage of successft
entrance candidates who have peva:
ed through the school. The bear
,News of_ Happenings
in the Countg and
DUNGANNON, Anniversary sere.
vices, will be held in Erskine, Presby-
terian church on Sunday, June 16th,
at 3 p.rn. and at 7:30 pan., when Rev.
A. G. Rintonl, a former: much -loved
pastor will preach at both services.
Special music will be rendered by the
choir assisted by the Lucknow male
quartette. A special free-will offer-
ing will be received, which will go to-
ward remodelling and redecorating
the church.
GODERICH: • The services . in
North Street United Church, morn-
ing and evening on Sunday, were in
charge of the W.M.S. Owing to the
absence .,of the pastor, Rev. C. F.
Clarice, at conference, Mrs. J. R.
Earle, formerly of the West China
Mission, gave two splendid addresess
on China and its needs.
DUNGANNON:. A very enjoyable
evening was spent by the officers and were very reluctant to accept t
members of L., 0. L. No. 324 on resignation of so successful and e
Thursday evening, when they were perienced a teacher and' will fin
privileged to enjoy a visit from Coun-
ty Master Coultes, County Secretary,
Bro. Haines and County Financial
Secretary Patterson, representing
the Bounty. Besides the above named
Stanley Township
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Reid and fam-
ily visited with the lady's parents,
Mr, and M> s. McGowan near Blyth,
on Wednesday.
Miss Pat McFarlane, R.N., of To-
ronto is spending some weeks with
her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Spear • of High-
gate motored up, and spent the week-
end with . the latter's mother, Mrs.
Mjalbolm McEwen, who continues very.
Mics Eleanor McEwen ,o4' London
University is home forthe summer
vacation. •
Miss Edna Reid and .141'x'. 1-Iackwell
of Walton were visitors on Sunday
with Miss Myrtle Pearson.
Dr, P. C. McEwen of Detroit spent
f OW , days with his brother, Mr.
Jahn ele.Ew`eu and ;sister., Mrs, John
seine difficulty in replacing hit
MORRIS: Residents of the commur
ity were saddened on Monday mor
ing. to learn of the sudden death
brethern, the officers and degree Donald, only son of William and Mr,
team of Belgrave L.O.L. were also Alan of London, from spinal nie
on hand and exemplified the ingiti's. He, with his parents an
ange Degree in a very commendable sistee, Marian, resided on the nint
manner. This -degree team is cer- concession of Morris until a yes
tainly a credit to Belgrave and an 1 ago, when they moved Lo. London
inspiration to other lodges to try . Donald was an exceptionally brig
to do likewise. Following the gen-1 boy at school, was a member of th
eral routine of business and exem- Sunday school .rad Mission band
plifieation . of the Orange degree,1 St Andrews United,church, Blyth, t
lunch was served which was fol which church the remains wen
lowed by a short program which brought on Tuesday for burin
everyone enjoyed. Sympathy is extended to the pal
ants and 'sister. •
DUNGANNON: An Educational i DUNGANNON: -Miss Lamont
Rally is being held in the Parish Field Secretary -in connection wit
ROI, Dungannon' on Friday, June the missions of the Presbyteria
14th commencing at 1.30 p.m. This Ohureh addressed, the ladies c
gathering is being held for the Erskine Church, Dungannon, in t
Townships of Ashfield, Colborne church at 8 pen. on Wednesday evi
and West Wawanosh, and a large ning, June 126.
Tuckersmith Township
Report of S. S. No. 4, Tuckersmith.
Sr. '4th ---Melbourne Ball, Edna
Cook, Leslie Pepper, Stanley Collins.
Jr. 4th—Marion Matheson, Frank
Garrett, Wilma Rowcliffe, Beatrice
Snell; Dorothy Walters.
Sr. 3rd --'Bert Garrett, Alden
Crich, Harold Pepper,.
Jr. 3rd—Kathleen : Faleo7ieg, Wan-
da Rawcliffe, Norman Pepper.
Sr. 2nd --Eldon O'Brien, Clifford
Pepper), Glen • Layton*. ,
Jr. 2nd—Margaret Crich, Beatrice
Sr. 1st••-Prma Garrett, Harry'
Crich, Irene Garrett.
Jr. Pr. ---Viola Pepper, Lloyd Wal-
ters." '
Dote—Those whose -names are -fol-
owed by an asterisk wereabsent from
one or more examinations. ' •
-•-•C. Collins, teacher..
GODERICHe Rev. W. T. Bunt,
late 'of Welland, the 'new pastor of
Goderich Baptist Church, commenc-
ed his ministry 'here on Sunday. He
preached both morning and evening
and at Taylor's corners in the .after-
GODERICII: Miss Barber, coiir-
morcial teacher in the Goderich -Col-
legiate, has resigned to ,take a posi-
tion on the staff of the Oakville IIigh
Liberal Demonstation
and Picnic
at Grand Bend, Huron County,Ont.
For all the Liberals and Citizens generally of Huron, Middlesex,
Perth, Oxford, Lambton and the City of London
° The Federal Members from all Southwestern Ontario and also
the Ontario Federal Cabinet Ministers will be present.
The picnic will be honoured with the presence of
HON. ERNEST .LAPOINTE,'Minister of Justice
who. with
RON. J. C. ELLIOTT, Minister of Public Wlorks
TION W. D. EULER, Minister of National Revenue .,
HON. JAS. MALCOLM, Minister of'•Trade and Commerce
M.P., AND MISS GERTRUDE RANKIN, President of the Ontario
Liberal 'Women's Association
The Public Meeting will •be' opened at 2 pin. by Mr. Thomas Mc-
Millan M.P., .Of South Huron, and Mr. F. G. Sanderson,, the
, Liberal Wlhip for the Province
Come your .our baskets and bring Your -families ' and spend a
pleasant day in the interests of Liberalisiein Canada.`