The Clinton News Record, 1929-06-06, Page 3:Vert)'
More Detail
Rain or Shine
'Produces Clear Sparkling
Any Hour
Any Day
Any Season
i -ino in
Still or sw �t v g
Insist on Gevaert—the faster,'
better film. You'll have fewer
failures and enjoy the thrill
of better snaps.
• Ask your Dealer
"'Toronto •
A Growing ;Grain' Port
Calgary Herald (Ind. Cons,); The.
steady extension ;of the cultivated'
area in Alberta is an a5sdranci7 of
Vancouver's continued groth as 'a
grain port,' The• shipment of grain
from this 'province; to the head of the.
lakes is a thing. of -the past. The,open-'
ing up of the famous .Peace River
country p111 contribute -to the volume.
of western grain shipements, and the
increasing.'demand in th,e Orient for
Canadian wheat, is 'anothed important
factor in stimulating the, trend of
wheat westward 'l g she sea,
zW .
Railway Coustruation
Windsor Berder Cities,, Star (Ind.
Lb) • One• of the most optithestic
signs in Canada 'today is; the energy,
being displayed )ry both the Canadian
Pacific `and Canadian National Rain
ways towards branching tut and 'ex-
panding their services. Each company.
looks forward to, a busy ,season and
hundreds of miles'. of new 'tracks are
to bo ;started. ;Particularly in the
;'West is there intense activity. '-Islet.
,the ud
only does this•centre around �
soli Bay route, but both lines are mak-
ink plans to give better, service to the'
mines and the farms.
Nothing ;makes a Mother more
'grateful than a•benefit conferred upon
her child. Mothers everywhere who
have used Baby's' Own Tablets . for
their children ,speak in enthusiastic
terms df them.. --Far, inetanee, ` Mrs.
Zepherin Lavoie,";Three Rivers, Que.,
writes : -"Baby's Own Tablets are a
wonderful, medicine for little ones.
They never fail CO regulate the baby's
stomach and bowels and make • him
plump and well. I always'keep a box
of the Tablets in the, house and would
advise .all mothers. to do likewise"
Most of the ordinary+ailulents of child-
boodarise in the stomach' and bowels;
and can be quickly hanisbed,by Baby's
Own`Tabiets. These• Tabletsrel1eve:
constipation and indigestion, breakup•
colds -and. simple fevers, expel worms,
allay teething pale and -promote
healthful sleep- Theyare guaranteed
to lie free front injurious drags and
are safe even for -the youngest and
most delicate child. The Tablets are
sold- byy medicine- dealers or by mal,
at 25c a box -from The Dr. William's
Medielne Co., Brockville,; Ont.
Owl ]naffs
"Ilow owoot aud'graoioris,
common speech,
Is' that, fine sense which men call
1Wholeeolne as air and genial as the
Wolconse in edory'ctime,,as breath of,
It • transmutes aliens into trusting
even in
saturates every fibre and
every strand of every
cord with, pure rubber,
serves,the same purpose
as that of a cobbler wax-
ing his thread . .
prevents friction and
multiplies strength.„
This extra strength mul-
tiplies mileage, and in-
creased mileage with no
increase, in price means
lower cost per mile.
That's why Firestone
Tires give
Made in Hamilton, Canada by
Firestone Tiro & Rubber
Co. of Canada, Limited
And • givas its ojgner passport 'round
the, giobel' '
4IIow do youifet "ridof these
footles?"' •!
Thal's easy. Take a.bath in sand
and ' rub ' down , with, alcohol, The
cooties:get drunk and kill each other
throwing rocks."`
No Matter' what's the matter, llsh-
iug's good for it.,.
don't make a man, but Isis
w;2o,yhave been kriown to break him.
When gestapo stamps `are sticicy it
will rami within twenty -foie Icdiirs,'re-
gardles5' of ,. what .. the weather ; man
'hay, sister' is awfully lucky," said
the little boy to another.
"She went • to'a,paity last night
where :titay'played a game in which
the men eitheti had to kiss a girl or
pay a'forfeit of a box of chocolates."
Veil, how was your sister luelcy?"
"She came twine with 13 boxes of
-cholocates." •
By'the way de you remember the
names of thf winners In the channel
swimming -stunts. We thought se,
but such is fame.
Nobody can build a flee to suit any.
body else.
The Task is India
Manchester Guardian (Lib) Enough
has been said about the difference of
caste, creed; language and: race exist-
ing • in these territories, but we • aro
apt to think ;too .little of other'funda-
mental Mettles which have to be
taken'. into; consideration by states-
men Who would construct a palitioal
Within suitable • to India's need. These
are the difficulties which arise from
the vastness of the country's impute
lation, combined with its poverty and
ignorance,' all three. connected in a
*lee eirole. The sums required to
enable ,the next generation in India
barely to reach the standard of liter-
acy i i'epig enough to appal the finan-
ciers of New Yore, "Yet India's credit
depends ultimately on the productivity
of her workers, and that pro(&idtivity'
cannot be increased till they have re-
celved an education good enough to
give them a new outlook on life.
Keep Minard'a in the Medicine chest.
Furniture dug up at Herculaneum
has been found in perfect condition.
Evidently there was no moving in
those days. -"American Lumberman."
Ask Your harper—lie ltnows
'44,14. i x;1,..0 .?? 104,? -:444/424.41
You Must Enlist in the War Against Flies;
If flies were only a nuisance, we would'nt ask you
so urgently to join in the fight against them.
'Zit flies are disease carrier's;\ They carry germs of
typhoid, cholera, etc., into your food.
This is A, danger not only for yout but for the
Whole cdr'nnntnity.
• 'You must act or be branded as a slacker.
ow, it is proven that one of the most efficient and
Qhvenienb means of exterminating the fly evil is
Cohuenteht 4 `o -because of the push -pin.
dlygieni once caught, the flies never get away to die
elsewhere. - '
Lasting a Each spiral give three weeks' perfect, service
Soidcl drug, grocery and hardware stores:'
It.a Cie C. Q_ Cenest. & a s,
l suttee
;91•iLcaalinbcK , o*
°jotzAG NTS,`.
Why Soma Men. Fail
Too 'nuieh taps;
Not enough walk,
.Too much sigh;
Not enough try.
;Too much bask.;'
Not enosglt ask.
Too much blow;.,.
Not' enough go.
Too much blink;
Not enough think.
Too much mope;
• Not enough hope.
Too much shirk;
Not enough 'work.
The result is, ,
You mlas_ the -biz.
When the cold It In' Baby's head,
You can Make his breathing easier by
,putting a few drops of liquid albolene
in his nostrils several times daily. But
to throw off the dold completely, keep
Wm warm, and make his bowels move
freely, For this purpose, doctors ad-
vise Fletcher's Castoria, because it's
purely vegetable and harmless. It
acts as quickly as castor oil and
doesn't gripe or sicken. Millions of
mothers know how easily Castoria
soothes oiling, fretful babies and chil-
dren to aleep; how quickly it relieves
those Compton ailments, such as colic,
gas, constipation, diarrhea, etc. To
protect you from imitations, the
Fletcher signature is on every bottle
of genuine Castoria.
44j1v . NEWTON A. HILL, Distrlbutor:for Ontario
'id . r •.) 60 Front St; E., Ipronta
OMEN of all ages, •
-all over the worlds
are finding new health in
Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills.,
Actual microscopic,
that the
tests haveshown
medicinal elements con-
taind ns in thein..
the blood countanal buikd,
up and revitalize the en -
ties -s ii.14iiss Juliette
Se uitey, of Dallceitli, Ont.,
testifies as follows
"Two Y ears o" Y' a sec
'weak, nervous andrnit•down, I�
Various prescribed • treat.
mints did not helm me. I
b gan' taking Dv, Williams',
Pink $illi and it was not long
befote I noticed a big im.
provementi acid: soon I was
in the best of health. A year
Ago also: my mother was
biidly run-down; her peeves
were shattered and life be-
came a burden. She began
taking the pills and as 8 re-
ult she is in perfect health:' `
Buy Dr, Williams? Pink
Pills now at your druggist's
or any dealer in medicine or -
by, mall, 50 cents,' postpaid,
from The Da Williams Medi-
cine -Co., Brockville, Ont.
IN a4 cOUN'rat¢s•,
Sees -'Evolution
Of Motor Rei .ids
l relicts Present Type High-
way Will' Be _Ohsblete
by 1932
Speed traps in which -touring Motor
iste.'-get legally emn9.shed were coni,
dein-filed and bettar -highways, suited;
to higher speed traffic, were tinged at'
the : United,, States Good ' Roads As-
sociation's ,convention just Yield in
Memphis, Tenn.
"Speed traps where officers, anxious.
for fees ,lie in wait for their victims
who more often_than not are tourists'
-unfamiliar 'with the local. regulations,
constitute in some parts of, the coun-
try one of the • gravest menaces` pos-
sibls to, promotion of friendly ; rela-
tions with the touring public;"declar-
ed ';Thomas B, King, of Menipbise
State director of the association..
"Sitefl'traps must be eradicated if our
highway,, system is to reach its high-
est end
igh-est>end of.usefolness."
"Build highways for, faster automo-
biles, for faster cats are sure to
come," was th'e plea' of Mrs. Charles
Townsend, of Washington, D.C. Her
appeal followed the " declaration of
Floyd A. Allen that hard -surfaced
highways, now the boast of' highwaY
• builders„;will` be as ,obsolete as .30
pound railroad' rails by 1932..•
Must Remove Curves.
',Highways must •go through the
same evolution as did railroads,” lie
'declared: "Construction mast with-
stand enormous amountof 'high-
speed, travel; under all .weather condi-
tions.. ,Sharp turns, and curves must
be taken out or banked so as not to
retard speed. Grades must be cut,
down, bottle -neck' bridges and 'via=
Allots ' widened, towns and 'cities skirt-
ed on the edges by our through high=
ways, •in,order to avoid urban traffic.
"The same eight -mile -an -hour herse
and baggy ideas that, held back auto-
mobile development for years are Times.`
holding'badlr our highways' now. They
wind in and out over. hills and across
mobile entirely." MDtard's itn]mentfor sick animals.
narrow bridges, forgetting the auto -
Allen described the future main l Striingei Day breaks but- never
arteries as boulevards, with the "hot' falls, while night falls hat` sever
dog eyesores" largely removed, with breaks.—'Glasgcw Eastern Standard.'
trees and .shrubbery added for bean-
tifleation and with'separated lanes for
fast ands low travel.
"We've got to, teach tits business
value of beautification before we do
that, however;' he' pointed out.
The public wants no more imraigra-
Repreidlilative Johnson.
By Marjorie Pickthall.
When I was a little lad'
With felly on my lips,
Fain was I for journeying
All the sea in ships.
But now across the southern swell,
Every dawn I hear =
The little streams of Duna
Running clear. -
When I was a young man,
Before 'my beard was gray,
All to ships and sailorrrien
I gave my heart away.
But I'm weary of the sea-wind,And-I'm weary of the foam,
And the little stars of Duna
Call Iris home.
The Pigs at.Weanipg Time
Rograiser's who make it a rale to
rentove the litters at four or five weeks
of age can have no correct idea of the
extent of the mistake they make.
'Unless one has new mills and is very
skilful in feeding the young pigs they
are bound to be given 0. "setback"
that is quite unnecessary and which
requires a lot of time and much feed
to make up during the following -
weeks. •Mr„Eric D. McGreer, Sheep
and Swine Promoter of the Dominion
Live Stock Branch, with headquarters
in Kingston, in addressing special.
frog breeders' meetings in Eastern On-
tario, recommended ,keeping the lit-
ters on their mothers for at least six
weeks when two litters a year are be-
ing raised, .or eight weeks when the
litters are to come. at periods wider
To prepare the young pigs for Wean:.
hag a good --plan is to feed a Minato of
equal parts of middlings and finely
ground oats with the hulls sifted out.
It le well to start fending the mixture
dry a handful or so at a time, Skier
milk should be given in a separate
trough, This should be given sweet
and not too cold during the first few
weeks. Afterwards it may be fed
slightly sold, but It is a mistake to
feed sweet one day and sour 'titre
'nett as ' this is apt to bring about
digestive troubles. After• the pigs
have been removed entirely from their
mothers the daily ration for the next
twc or three months may well con-
sist of a mixture of 1 part of sifted
'crushed eats, 1 part shorts, : 1 part
middlings, and 5 per cent. linseed oil
meal—all soaked fp)? '21 hours In skean
mills. Another, mixture may consist
of, equal parte of middlings and sifted
criishett oats supplemented with 5 per
Ant. linseed oil meal; all mixed with
skim milk. If skim milk is not avail-
able digester tankate, which can be
purchased at feed iltoi'es,•may be sub-
stituted at the rate: of 6 per, cent, to
8, per cent. of the mea] ration.
It is,a good plan with pen fed pigs
to, scatter a little dry grain, oats or
crackod'eorn in the litter, '
Issued by the Director of Publicity,
Ilom, Dept of Agriculture, Ottawa,
A Complacent Victim
Len Masse in the National Review
(London): All political parties have
done extremely badly by the British
taxpayer„ who, as we have frequently
had occasion to point out, is "let
down" over every international cash
transaction, because while everybody
is out to "do" him, he has no one to
champion his interests except "Inter-
nationalists," 'who are too "broad-
minded" to adopt a "selfish" British
standpoint, or sentimentalists, who
conceive their whole duty as consist-
ing In getting some, other Power "on
its legs" regardless of the fact that its
main obijeet is to knock us off ours.
For sunburn, apply'Minard's Liniment
Still, maybe your wife :-would be as
wonderful as that one in the movie
if she had a husband as wonderful as
that one 3n the movie.—"Neweuii
°•,lending l ed Rose 'Pea is ay. arta To obtain thettsg
flavor and full-bodied richness required yam'sof experi.4
olee. Evpry package auaranteed. QL
RED ROSE ORANGE, PEKOE is `tixirsi ,goiael
A "girl Worth knowing •
In these days .of convention it'b Like
a breeze from the, ocean or the moun-
tains to meet a girl who 'disdains the
powder -puff ,and lipstick, and whose
hand grasps a pistol or a sword much
more readily than tr• golf club or ten-
nis racket:...
' Such a girl is Tiger 'Dawn, the`
fascinating • heroine, of Selwyn Jep
son's latest novel;: Beautiful In face
and form, she disdains 'to use her
loveliness as a weapon, fighting for
her right to a fortune with, the valour
of .an adventurer of old.
"Tiger Dawn", is a book to read on
holiday,' it is full of that sp eedl
movement and thrilling plot which
'every novel -reader likes. The char-
aeters live and love, So don't miss
"Tiger Dawn," or' yotgll initis a good
In a mountain -of truth you never
climb in vain] Either you already
,reach a higher- point to -day, or you
exercise your strength in 'order toshe.
able to climb higher 'to-morrovi: F.'W.
England has abolished the tax on
tea, but it's too•late now, Boston is
set in her ways.—"Los - Angeles
llehaffl Toronto
with Bellevue andiAlliei
Hospitals, New York City, offers a
three Years' course of Trainingto
young- women, having' the required
edueation„ and desirous of becoming
nurses; This Rospital has adopted the
eight-hour system, The pupils receive
uniforms of the School, a monthly
allowance and traveling expenses to.
and from New York. For further
information write the Superintendent.
'So long as we arefull of self we are
shocked` at the felts of others.' Let
us think oftenof our own sins; and
we shall be lenient to be able to climb
higher to-morrow.—T.W.
The proposed tariff on, imported an-
tique furniture is doubtless necessary
for• the purpose. of protecting our
American manufacturers of antiques.
"Nashville Southern Lumberman."
tlse 'Minard's for the rub down,
MOST people rely on Aspirin
to make short work of their
headaches, but did you know it's
just as effective in the worse pains
from neuralgia or fieuritii? Rheu-
matic pains, too. Don't suffer when
Aspirin can bring such , complete
comfort without delay, and without
harm; it 'does not affect the heart.
In every package of Aspirin yon
will find' proven directions wall
which everyone should be familiar,
for they can spare mucti needless,
suffer ing,
Ed Holding Sows
• Fest Eostl-Cutting as
• Guarantcedbecausemade
from our own steel
Tennis and- Golf
Players everywhere use , Min-
ard's to ease sore and, tired
• feet.
dLplrin Ce.e rrndenssrk: Registered is colads.
iSSU1 o. 237-'22 __
io Wonder &ruga is?lowers and
ars popular!, They ease easily'
m»c>4 with sock littlie"push.
Ma be olone`Wooknonship'Gaaianief4
Al' EVERY, HanOWAPE stone Cllr
Classified Advertisements
auszoEsens AND Pnoi,'F,attems
properties wanted. We can sella
Your business or property• send desoiip-
tion and price, and we will ..submi submit
ger • converting if into cash. Caplin
Stoddart (established thirty
years): 49
Toronto Arcade, Toronto, Ont.
four varieties, price ac C.
Write for free catalogue., A. li, .Switzer,.
Granton,' Ontario,
IL/ label - agents Who are ambitious.
Generous commission, Lists supplied.:
847 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
Pontes Gil has opened his campaign
to make Mexico dry by educating: the
people. Evidently, he has never been
to a college fraternity dance. "ICay
Just place a
glass or cup
over the open -
ea tin and the contents
will keep perfectly: Eagle'
Brandhas been the'leading
baby food since 1857.
FRE1g, RA$Y Emma;
Write The Borden Co.,Limltcd.
Wciferelioolcs. t.11 eG, for Enby
open -
Woman Strengthened by
Taking Lydia E.
Pinkhain's Vegetable
i i,ort Colborne, Ont.—"After having
Can operation, T was very miserable,•
weak, nervous and
very near unfit to
ork. I saw Lydia,
etable Compound
advertised and
tried it and believe
it helped Inc won-
derfully. I have no
weak spells any
more, the pains
save left me and
mynerves are much
better. I feel safe
in saying Lydia E. Pinlcham's medi-
cines have helped me wonderfally-"—
Dins. Wel. IH.,BE'COIITltlir e, Box 143; .
Port Colborne, Ont.
In the sky and on
the higlhways,
iLon moves at a
faster tempo.
The speed records
of yesterday a r 0
ccoru rnonpitaee to.
Greater ,speed is
made possible by,
better and 'faster,
V01.41 ;ors vvlaieh (call
fora xiisw nargixt:
of lubrie,aating'
safety. Oils *licit
EWertie 6`®o
agars ago on'f, alto'
today. 3 ,.:,,i,.
'lanboo 'a pure;],,
, full-bodied o a.l `
`,3nadm fso'n.Pea ,;;
'grafercence 'of
Canadian aircraitl
opmrantorg a xa'cl J
v :. !.: i Qver half's l:.S
hon i iii t"orlati l -„'
ft ail ie-' m life: irie
pEfOWo& Afi'sa9eia
jibes aim peri41l
i UiiIslieS. "out
90 o
,'of•ev®Ay 100 ynale`s1
1{ib*Wii by aircraft
im Canada are tram
Ixnn.peria1 Frowi
There is a grads l
of i 4tarveiubo rcai
fried to xucet em,,
A- . aaet'ly the specigia
t a t i m n s
se ie r,,trucls Of;
.. nCese AiLalrvelsalb„
0IP. 011IL MAME 1F3taFtri' 1p�1t4 VfA . O'.2U?.if.
ova m per, 1,a A Ifl t`lo