The Clinton News Record, 1929-05-09, Page 3Dial STAMMER Don't suiier under Chia handicap any longer. 8aeeesft2 ,pnpM everywhere rea.ommond our methods of• treatment.. Writs Sor free advice and literature. THE •ARNOTT INSTITUTE IUTCHENER, 'ONT., CANADA A pool' mall slay be a crank, but a rich man is eccentric, $2 "COAST T0 :COnn'n Tunes your Aerlai, • TI -IE NEW RADIO CLEAR. TUNER' .Win Welp YenGet. ,Those Dietant fit,mtticne . W'e .@guarantee greate} aiatenee, greater: voIumo, -(treater selectivity, loss static, loan interierenee. and bet-, for -tone quality. $a ootpaid. Do. Luo broom. 93, -n?atpaigd. ^'Daoney book it not satisfied. THORDARSO 'HURST - BUILDING, 274 Fort St. Winnipeg, Map tipper Canada !Steel Tires College Old Boys'For High Speed Plans are Under Way for Big.l.Rtnbdier Tires ` l-laste,Reacliesd' Celebration fondle Centenr' ary -in September" The "Ohl Boys" of •Cpper Canada College-- nuiS'berhtg some 4;000 'have for some time been-making,ar- rangements' for ',a 'fitting ;Celebration of the •Centenary of, tile., ;College" 'in September., 1929, 4012 Boys" troth all parts or Canada have announced their intention -of'being . present, ,amyl a largo representation from the ted Suites and England is also expect- • ed, Thu W Prince of ales,, -the Visitoj� of the College,'has already sent. his good` wishes, , and -the 'Governor-Gcn- '-eral has' expressed lits willingness to be present, . The Committee appointed ,by; Pe Old Boys' Association has arranged' for the,foilo7 g; functions during the three'days ,01 the oe:dbration: Friday,. September 13, 1929 g `Mornin -Unveiling Of, Tablet on the site of th$',olil sehool building. ,Afternoon -Presentation! otprizes'*en', • during ,the Last school year, Evening=Centenary Ball 2.t the -Royal Tork.Hote1., Saturday, fepteinber .1'4, 1929 Morning and ''.4fternoon cricket -Match, U.C.C. Past and:Present vs. Toronto •Cricket Club Past" and President, Afternoon—Garden Party. Evening -.Centenary ' Dinner ,at, the Royal York Hotel. Sunday, September`16, 1929 2.00 P. urs-i;ecial Service tar 012' Boys..at St. James' Cathedral. i'iowonder Saatarabl'towe2'S W oh populate Theycut sa easily' Deal with such litille' puela. Itfakhcl and'WoMmenof, o auaron/eIetP. AT £VCR`! IIAADWARE :,TARE „n .DAMES SMART PLANT. BROCKviLLEoPIt - Safety against skid- ding Safety when, brakes say "atop "-- Safety at high speeds— Safety wherever and whenever youdriveyour car—all these are yours, when you driveonFire-' stone Gum -Dipped Tires. Arid don't forgetthat they go farther at less cost than any other tires you can buy. See your rtearest Firestone Dealer today i FIRESr0N1 TIRE al RUBBER. CO. 011 CANADA, LINETEA, Hamilton : -Ontario **to Ti e • Australian Trade Vancouver ,Province (Ind. Cons.): There is .no doubt , Canadian' mon- Miners would buy Australian gods if these goods were ' bronght to their attention. Tills involves salesman- ship --aggressive salesmanship,,, _ It involves .advertising, .not spasmodical- ly but systematically.,. It _involves an attempt to meet American competition on its own ground by providing ,goods of a type to which Canadians are ac- customed and in a form which will be. attractive to them. Ail this is a task for the Australian producer and distributor—not for the Canadian con- sumer. Australia must remember, in bidding, for the Canadian market, that this market is not a vacuum. It isfilled already, and It Australian products are to conte 1», they must push something ,age :out. .And they must make their way largely an aeon- omic basis. • They will get some ad- vantage because they' are Empire made. lint It is• on their guilty, '02 their cheapness and to quite an . ap- preciable 'extent on their attractive- ness that they must really depend. Minard's Liniment—good for tired feet SHIP YOUR EGGS TO GUNNS LIMITED St. Lawrence Market, Toronto Highest Prices, Prompt Returns A QUICK WAY TO END UABY'S UPSET SPELLS "Tike other young' mothers, I"wor- ried every time Baby cried," .says a Syracuse, N.Y., woman. "Several times when she was upset or consti- pated, I tried castor oil but she couldn't .retain it, Our • doctor told Me to try Pletcher's Ca9toria because. it is harmlese and babies like it. That ended my worries and I've need it since for allmy children." Castoria never fails to delight mothers by the quick way it ends those upsets of babies and children, such . as colic, constipation, colds, etc. That's the reason for its •.tremendous sale and popularity. Lilts all good things, It's imitated, but genuine Castoria-the putelyvegetable" product — always bears the .Fletcher signature. S SA Cross -cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 10%. more timber, time and labor being equal, than any other madeThis guarantee has never been challenged. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED, AT, REM, SHAM AND amoral avenue, 96O102EAL. ODs. VANCOUVER, MO. TORONTO ON1'. 21. JOHN, N.B, S.28 - el pENU1Nf OFMAGIyFs For Troubles due to Acid (NDIoesiION ACID erork,en HEAfLreoan II OASa'9'NAEeADACNELes EA e uce cid sick stomachs, sour stomache and indigestion usually mean .excess acid, The • stomach nerves are - over -stimu- lated. Toe much acid niakes the stone, ach andintestines sour.`,:• Alkali kills: acid instantly. The best form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be- tause one harmless, tasteless dose nentralizes, many times its volume In acid.. Since its invention, 50 Years; ago, it has remained the standard with physicians everywhere. `Iheir Unlit of 'Endura ance - Steel, automobile tires may ltOthe next:major development_ 10supertpee(1 racing," believes Capt, 3. S. Irving; British automobile ' exper't, ?Who de- signed Major -E. 0. •p; Segrave's gol- den, Arrow. C lltain Irving is of the opinion that the present day tuber and' relish! rad - Mg .'ttre ading.'ttre 'bas about reached • its, ijmft, as fay, as.withstan2ing terDiOc force 39 collecriied: If the speed 'record geos muchhigher,, he says, steel tires may `have to he put into use.. , The'tireg .onMajor Seagrave's".ear; built :at 'a T•cost•%bf about 92 200 '';cash ; .were. designed,tp'viithstand 'speed; of ;240 to 260 -miles an hoursfor one min ate, Major'.,Seagrace , set the new world record'at. 231 m}les an -hour:' ; Hazard in Tires "Otto of the great hazards 'high speed racing," Captalu Irving ; says1' "Is in .the tires.` '1 ;Nave„been eonatd=, .ening tieing; steel tire•for!some :time, but- I'm not really yet to ;let a men risk his life with them” They British' `motor expert believes 'there -4e ,no ,•calculable Whit • :to -she speed at which amen can travel in:an. "automobile • as tong as Leis protected from the '.wind ; by an' inolosdre ',and ..1116V0/3 :fit a straight 1111'0. If the limit 'ever Is' reached, he• 11e 'sieves 'it will' lie in the•• neighborhood of `350 miles an 'hear for two -wheel .drive, care and 400 stiles ,an hour !for ,care With four-wheel' drive. OD IN EVERY WAY-. Baby's 'Own . Tablets ]Banish Babyhuood and :Childhood Ailments. .9 medicinethatall mothers`: praise —one good in every•'way--one that will 'quickly banish the minor '1119 of babyhoed'and 'ehildhood.is the medi- cine to keep in the medicine chest; to always•have on .hand in ease of emergency. Snella niedclne ' is Baby's Own Tablets—they are help- ful .at , all times. They :are a mild but thorough laxative which by re- gulating the bowels --and stomach banish colds and simple fevers: cor- rect eonstiplation apd indigestion; re - sieve colic and diarrhoea and make the ,putting of teeth easy. Thousands of mothers ase no other medicine for theft little ones. Among them is Mrs, 3, I3. Bromley, West- meath, Ont., who writes: --"I have four children and whenever any of them are 111 I, always use Baby's Own Tablets and have found them good in everts way. I would not be without the Tablets and would also like your little booklet Care of the Baby in Health ,and Sickness.'" Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers of* -by wadi at 25 cents a box from The Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Take a appoint -in water and your unhappy conditioif will probably end in five minutes Then -you wit1 always, know what to do, crude and haim- fni methods will never appeal to you. that "Yes, poor PereY may have' had hie Go prove this dor your own sake, It Universities should not 'Taller to their i faults, but his beart was on the right • may save a great many disagreeable disinterested pursuit of. learning In sids " "Is that so? No wonder he hours. the secure knowledge that all studies, died!" Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' properly conceived, conduce towards Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- that essential embodiment of the mind clans for 50 years in correcting excessI and ,character whielt regards' what Is Mlhard's Liniment for cuts and bruises acids. Each nettle contains full dine- learnt and taught as something greater :-.---- tfolis-any drugstore tilos merely useful. � • ISSUE 41. eolonvr" 'i[ If RS. FRED. PENNY, ANA R.R. No. 4, Nor- wich, Ont., aaaffer'eti from anaemia - for over three years. Though taking medicine . all that time, nothing helped her, til ate began Dr. Williams'' Pink Palls. " If bad no appetite", she writes..,. "I could not aicep. My blood altruist turned to water. I"was weak and my heart would palpitate violent- ly. Y am thankful to say that in Dr. Willia,ns' Pink Pills 11 found the relief I soilht My" color' returned, my appetite improved, ,;^my weight in. creased fefteen pounds, and it •was not long till .1 could perforin my work with ease." If you aro weak and easily tired subject to headaches, are pale, without *appetite, end yqur work seems a bur den, do not delay. Start treat- ment at once by buying a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Piltz at your nted]ciae dealer'* or by , mail at 50 cent* a box from The Dr.- 'Mitigate lt•Iedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 8.27 4 J IIREE •`A HOVSVHQt,D NAME 1N SA 0000V0100' Canadiain Farihs for British Families E. IL Gamble in United Efnpire: Every man, woman and child added to. Canada's population should prove a potential customer to the extent of at least 9250 per annum of manufac- tured goods. Every immigrant .be- comes a consumer of Canadian prod- ucts, roducts, and in time becomes a Canadian producer, Every family that 1s plac- ed On the land enables two families to live in the cities, Urban labor and industry have everything to gain from an intelligent colonization and agricultural developmet policy. In }:act, lasting agricultural prosperity cannotbe expected in any new coun- try without colonization and develop• ment of the vacant spaces by perman- ent settlers. It stimulates the dee, wand for land and strengthens land values. Chileans to Build Children's Theatre to„ avoid Bad Plays Santiago Seeks to ensure Wholesome Entertainment' •., far Young People :,. AHEAD OF CANADA. Santiago, 'Ch11e,—Providing whole some' entertainment. for children fe- a 'major object in, the establishment of a Children's 'Theatre which 'is to, be -constructed here. Tim 'building 'will be used for education and:entertain- nrent of children only,''' The Mayor of Santiago has st ne -a,decree pro- - aiding for the -theatre.. The Mayor's decree' points out that, notwithstanding the ,modern censor- ship ,established over, plays; and'mo- tion mo -tion pictiires;,'parents-_cannot .be ,sure that their ,children always .will see the type of plays and "movies" design- ed to improve morals-' and character.' The average model'.n play, in .the opinion of the Mayor, notvonly lacks in ,good taste. and eduoationel,art, but In the majority ,of cases .depicts i'ob- -beriee, disorders und':ttie•,baser' pas- sions: •. .The Mayer ;believes It is-the',duty of society in general not only ;to guard children against 1111 unwholesome im- pressions, but to endeavor to ;procure complete development of tp'eirSnental- ity along the multiple activities' of modern life. In. order to put :this. theory , into practice the '.Children's Theatre will. exliibit•:ptays especially prepared tor children. The offerings ..will be, derived `•from -the works of the moat s:roper^Chilean authors, based on 'dignified and Pa- triotic motives, •historic •'episodes and' aarrativee tending to ;develop' "a lobe in the c1iild'tor wholesome things. , In order that. needy as well; •as 'wealthy children.they attend the the- atre and enjoy 'its benefits,' the ;mn- 'nlcipality will famish an occasional, `free show. .•' Ed. -Can't. our Lair Province or Do amnion at large draw it good lesson. British . motorcars worth. £11,000 have been exported in -a year to. INN, where in 1905, -when the 'first car arrived in' the islands a committee of devil doctors was formed to ex- terminate the monsters thought to be concealed under the bonnet. "Two Hobgoblins" Mr. Alanson H, Hotlgiiton, the retir- ing U.S. Ambassador, in a striking ad- dress at a dinner in London given in his honour, said:— "If anyone ill anxious about the Anglo-American ' relations because there are unsolved problems between the two peoples i have no worde to comfort him. There will never be a time when. such problems do not exist. "I Confess frankly I see only one •reason for distrust. And . that is the existence of• twe mental hobgoblins. One of these hobgoblins appears from time to time in America to assure us that Britain is a predatory Power, cynically Careless of right and wrong, indifferent to the interests of others, greedy, cunning and waiting only Tor a favorable opportunity to strike us down. "The other appears from time to time in Britain to assure you that as America .becomes more conscious of her .gigantic strength she wil] in- evitably become, imperialistic anis, ruthlessly and brutally seeking to ex- ploit others, will use that strength merely to play the 11121y and 'become a danger and a menaceto the peoples of, the world. le these two hobgob- line speak the' truth the future is dark indeed. "But these two hobgoblins do not speak the truth. There aro no such peoples as those described, • The description is false. The real peo- ples are wholly different They are made up of millions of kindly, decent, hard-working, God-fearing men and Women, wbo possess Innate common sense, who are busy about their own affairs, whodo not fear one another, Who want to live in peace, and who mean, Clod willing, to do so. "Is it not about time that we re- cognized that fact fully and conscious- ly, and turned definitely away from such fantastic views of our true rela- tionsto each abet? A durable and unbreakable peace exists even now between the British :and American( Peoples if they will but recognize the fact," University Education. Glasgow Amid. (dons,} t Cillture, to use a word for which we would fain get a substitute, is the mainspring of endeavour. It is the informing prin- ciple of life at a University;' and those who enter the'gates of any of these great institutions with 'the threat and sole intention of taking a degree towards the end that they may benefit financial/y, may leave at the clime of their' undergraduate years without ever. knowing ' what the 'University might have meant for them,; and for those possessed of intentions similar to their own. That. suck( do come to the. Universities we cannot .deny. A11 the greater need, accordingly, the Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea is truly econo'Inica, half pound makes almost as mashy cams as a full pound ofcheap tea costing SOc to 6Oc, ear ;• °stood. . ed' RED ROEORANGE PEKog,313,6L Lura ;' ood';: Approve Cobham ba •The Geographic Board of --Canada has approvechthe naming of the north branch- of Severn River .in` Manitoba and Ontario, Cobham ;after Sir : Allan Goblram, ; the famous British aviator, 9Ilinarda Liniment relievesp ain. Expenditures'' 0118 Canadian Roads .In 1927 -federal, provincial and muni-' efpal' expenditures on the iinprove- nfent ,and nattintenance of Canadian roads: amounted, t`o4945;750,000,..,' 9iiTHO QFiR30 RGD't EAB`!:: „Llvn'PN➢LnY,• C41Cli5 Souls and Stomachs Wickham Steed in the Review of Reviews (London): We need to be careful how . we set about the busi- ness of making a better world. Some- thing besides money and wealth has to be taken into account. The peo- ple who believe that everybody :will be bappy with his wages or comfort- able incomes, 'forget that there .is a spiritual side to human beings, and that the spirit may be nearly if not quite as important as tete body. The other people who insist that' the spirit atone matters, and that the chief thing is fpr them to "save their souls" by taking refuse from worldly evils in an other -worldly creed, forget that some degree of bodily comfort is in- dispensable to human welfare. Father: "So you've already begun to find that married life has its trou- bles?" Daughter: • "Yes, Ted's a dear -old thing, but sometimes he won't listen to reason." "Fie ought to be ashamed of himself. Not every married man has .the chance." ;xc0 S: -OX, 7 at5t.®.7t3' 0,41..XT•Tt3 NEW AND SLIGPITLY USED.' 910 UP. Trausportation Paid. Est. •L4-`yrite 6or-Illustratod 1802 tllcyeles and Acoessor- ie FILED. CATALOGUE, Peerless Sioycie Works, 191-3-5 7DnndOtt at, W., Toronto. Radium Ousts The British,Press Herbert Tracy in the Labor Maga- zine (London): The independent newspaper has practically disappear ed. The process of concentration has led to the formation pf three domins ant groups (the Berry, Rothermere and In� peresk combines) . Under such cd'nditionsit is ridiculous to ialk about the freedom of the press. That freedom has been undermined by- com- meeciai influences, which in their turn have made. untenable the position of independent newspapers. As things now stand, the only apparent alterna tive is the extension of wireless broad - meting, on the largest possible scale and with the utmost latitude of ex- pression. The broadcasting monopoly may conceivably be, in some cog- -entrust of silence on the part of the press, the only means of guiding and informing public opinion in a period of national •crisis. •- Anglo-American Sea -Power 'Frank E. Simonds in the National Review (London): Englishmen do' 'not realize .the extent to which now, ten years atter the World W?r, American opinion has Crystallized Sn the belief that we were made belliger- ents by reason" of British use of sett - power. -Iltitil the Germans imposed decisive eked the t the .submarine blockade e majority of\the .Slmerioan •people wore resolved upon neutrality.. For this majority the German action seems a direct consequence of the illegal on. playment of British sea -power' in re spedt of neutrals, and. particularly in respect of the United States: In-' dubitably' we adopted the same methods' when we meeame beliiger. ents,.but this detail le not even 'gen- erally known, No. 19—'29 ' Are pot eomplete without . Mlnard's Used for cuts, bruises and pains of all de- scriptions. sea b,eM,n "n -bud bio' e,a ,,n ,4,, was,.:nro.....a 0,2 L.Ishogno, Vaud bi4W0NRocky a L 15A, An,,W^ntxk 001,eu.` cp. 1 em.,wb1"w„o4onn..U, Wa,a ,00,s lIa,uv,r0,730011 ,0 Won 9. 0105 2010100014. SC1tWFSD,Jii'S sulci ERY. 222 Northamotof Deftalo. it, S.Ta B8,IDf3•'ESVati. O1QT:, 0431 BOLENS CARDER TRACTOR` 'Makes gardening. a ,pleasare ;Plows, Harrows, :Seeds,- Cultivate*. Canadian Service: '.;Machines, •attalit= ments and repairs carried by Canadian Potato;Machinery-Oo. i.imiteit 14 Cooper St,'Gait, Ont. Distributors. The, woman who drives a -mar 10 drink has no need of a whip. Use Minard's'for the rub down; Classified . A• dyertiseroents . - HAST 03130Es 1INGLES COMB W12ITD L DGHOEN�' Baby, Chicits,'•red-fothigh;t1on/or -•20' years.' • 1rices Per7key14e June 12c, July and Atigust 10c:, Dela. mere Poultry F'ar'm, Stratford, Ontario... Estab. 1903., . �p€13ABy CIIC 62NATO M our' varieties. price i90 up, rite, free catalogue, H. Switzer,Granton;' Onorio. • .,- INTERN-AT/026AP MOVEias" iFA 15ST EQUIPMENT, LATEST 81E1TEE ..lD ODS, uniform return -load, prima. All goods insured, We .move,.you when you want to stove. IDialte your enquiries now. • Pioneer distance stovers,, Agents in. principal cities of eastern states and Canada, Hill The clover,; M11111ton and. Toronto,. eLs.nozva • LAD1.OL10S 50 - NAMED,. MI:CEia, - �A' ail. adore,;J.00;- or 25 -different sorts, each. correctly named, labelled, for '1.00 • All' full slz1d bigamies bulbs;. 3.000 bulblets (will make blooming bulbs nett SC11I'1,. alt c010rs,.91.00, •Free.list n ee: -210 sorts. Also seeds,' 01111203; roses, fruit trees, wholesale agree¢ to yea from • Caliada:s largest bulb grower. A W. smith, Sox 184, Ivoodstoelr.. DOZEN different things may cause a headache, but there's' dust one thing you meed ever do to get immediate relief. Aspirin is an absolute antidote for such pain. Xeep it at the office, have it ready in the home. Those subject to fre- quent or sudden headaches should carry Aspirin in the handy pocket tin, Until you have used it for head- aches, colds, neuralgia, etc,, you've no idea how much Aspirin can help. It means quick, complete relief to millions of men and women who use it every year. And it does not depress the heart, SPIRIN Aspirin to a Treaclesrk Registered la Causes 1Com"I took Lydia E. Pinkhare's Vege I1- tablepound hec00ae 1 was so I sick every mend( that had to keep• my bed for two days and 1 suffered so that I felt badly at the time. 1 had been working in a factory, bur for a ions time was not able to work as I , was so run-down and nervous. My fsdcnds told me' of the Vegetable Caaitpound. 1 am now sound and ' Weill and have gone back to work. E halve a good appetite, my color is moil and I ant in good spirits."— Evelyn Bourque, 132 Alma Stilet;, Moncton, New Brunswick, §N NIT r `lilace Many motor oils look • alike, but there is a vast dif,. ference in the way they perform. il)nfortunately this difference 1st di Ecnit to detect. The invisible difference which makes one motor oD better than another must be inherent in the crude from which it is made. , Thereyou have the reason why Marvelnbe gives bet. ter engine lubrication than oils refined from ordim- ary crudes. Imperial CHI searched the world over for a better crude -da nd in South America they found it. From it they make 1d ervelube--a pure, carbon. free, full-bodied oil that resists the extreme heats and pressures of modern engine operation. . • Aircraft operators prefer M:arvelube because bet.. ter lubrication means greater gaiety and longer intervals between overhauls. ltotoaists prefer Maraelube because it is the ideal oil for modern motors.' It ensures greater power, greater pexin bility and greater commonly. Titers is a grade of Marvelube refined to meet enactly the specifications of your car. Consult the, I6iarvelaibe Chart at)(Imperial sill 'service stadium and dealers. frV.. SIM 15.SEL liElD 1d ret M w:.;1 M IT kEas."WWfillitE,IPLIE UN 7 . A -0141i3 dew