The Clinton News Record, 1929-04-25, Page 3sTi.ri e; slime Time' OST men and wo- men need a tonic at this season of the year.. Their blood has been thinned, their vitality low- ered by the long winter. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilin definitely 'enrich- the: blood and increase the body's oxygen supply. Mrs. 131zab eth Clarke, R. R. No. 1, Hastings, Ont., says : "I use .Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the Spring, when one naturally feels run-down. after our long Winter.' Last Spring I was feelingweak and easily tired, and again used the pills, with the result that I have had splendid health sinea'I, At your druggist's or any dealer in medicine, or post., paid, by mail, at 50 cents' a box, frost The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. S -2e VESA h1§' 'NIL PILLS '•A HOUSEHOLD MAWS 114 SA COUNTRIES' Nothing Doing. Toronto Star: Once again a mem- ber of parliament Inas arisen at Ottawa to suggest that Cdnada should annex the West Indies. , Thare ought to, be an increased trade, because they hav-o much we could buy and there is much we could sell them. No doubt capital from this country will, in in- creasing amounts, be invested there. But Canada as a country is large enough ' already and has troubles enough 'without ransacking distant seas in search of more. OUa breeders are bred far Nps, eR rredunfon. ware, Aman and a ff 1 e lbed. !, 1, , Aoranrr, DIsek 1ard Anti 1Nnhea., 0.0errincm.,, Whim %Wand... C.. od up, 1000Ise 141, ,v pwmneed. Trr:e, mea, Por FREE CRICK 00010. SCIIWgf 44'S i ATCNERY 22G Nonhatnpton Buffalo, N,T. Des 0075, B0IDeZBIOEG, ONT., CAH. Claims Many Victims in Canada and should be, guarded against. htlinard's Linitne; t (Is a Great Preventative, being one of the oldest remedies used. Minard's Liniment has relieved thousands, of eases of Grippe, Bronchitis. Sore :Throat, Asthma and similar diseases. It is an /Enemy 'to' f -..,Germs- Thousands of bottles being used every day. For sale by alldruggistsand 'general dealers, '. minard4rLiniment Co:F.td,'Warmbeth;2rnN. O Las .4. friend is one who walks in when the rest of 'the world walk's out, Galantry,Pius— A style expert, is one who can, mate 'a,' NVOlnalfeel modest, when she doesn't bole It. Stijl, cif you keep the first Ten Comp maudments the newer ones won't. seem so annoying, „Bobby, inquired his spa, "did you wash your face before the musie teacher. came?" "Yep" "Anil your hands? "Well, .said Bobby, washed the one that would' be neat 'to hers" Money usually accomplishes more when it's tight, but it's difl'iereut with a man.:: Landlady: 'I'm sorry the chicken soup does not seem very good. I showed the new cook just how it should be made, but she doesn't seem to have caught the idea. • Boarder:: I think .it's the chicken. she failed to catch. A man Fuusinto debt, but be sel- dom •c'omes Ont • of it faster than a walk. The two uppermost thoughts now controlling the mind, of women are birth and girth control: • If he begins seem sentence with the first Person .singular pronoun; you can tell him one o?those tune•playing aetohorns. y Public Ownership in Australia Harold Cox in the London Financial 'Times: The Australian State Rail- ways have for years been lysing montiy heavily. The less now 'amounts to several millions a ;ear; '.Again, the losses on State shipping have been so serious that the Commonwealth Gov- ernment has reluctantly:foucd itself compelled to abandon its shipping ven- ture, and the ships"have been sold oil'. The many smaller State enterprises en which Australia has embarkedalso show heavy losses. ' These definite re- -mita fully justify the D•n khain Com- mission in their str.,ng recommenda- tion to Aulttalia to look forprosper- sty to private enterprise, facing its ov.n risks in the hope of securing pro- fits, rather than to State interference with trade and industry. West Indian Federation Kingston, Jamaica, Mail: Just at present it is doubtful if federation would be feasible; thele is not yet sufficient community of interest in the various colonies. -The recently con- cluded West Indies Conferee ce has done a great deal to improve that situation; and conferences to be. held no the future will do more, - The ground is being prepared; proposals have been drafted for unified legisla- tion'relating to tariffs and shippiug; these West Indies today are more in- clined to speak with a common voice than they were twenty year:, ago, ,A11 these things will have their influence on 'the political and economic develop- ments of the immediate future; but many doubt whether the present gen- oration will see the advent ofauything approaching Dominion status. There are cross -currents observable here, one of them being the tendency to re- gard the Eastern and Western groups of colonies as having interests that cannot easily, if at all, be harmonized, Promise and Performance London Weekly Scotsman (Cons.): The Liberals and the Socialists may have their, marvellous cure-alls in the way of promises, The Unionists have their solid achievements In the way of safeguarding and rate -easing, which are already beginning to operate, and which will solve the `unemployment problem in the only way it can be solved, by a steady and inoreasing abs sorption of the unemployed •into pro- ductive industry, THESE SIMPLE RULES MAKE TEETHING EASY . Be careful of Baby's diet during teething. Do not overfeed slim. Watch his stomach and bowels and at the first :sign of indigestion, gas or constipation, give him' a few drops of harmless, pleasant -tasting Fletclier's Castoria. These simple rules are making teething easy oh millions of babies—and mothers, tore, For over thirty .years Castoria has been the trusted standby of mothers everywhere. It soothes wakeful, cross. babies to sleep' quickly and easily— and it's purely -vegetable, so you can give it as often as needed. It does the work of castor oil better and mbre gently. For you protection, the bottle of genuine tCastoria always bears the Fletcher signature.. ,oa,,4„,,„ s pl sups oritAo%44, For 7roublkso due to :Acid 114aoe5TTota p.ii1D StOHACN HEARTBURN H8 .140 HS DAaiti•HAUSEA Many Xieople,: twohours after eat- lug, suffer lndigestioly ae they call it, t is usually • exceso acid. i' Correct it. ! ith an alkali.. The beet .way, the iluiek, harmless *and efficient way, ie 'lllilips' Mille of Magnesla. It has remainbd:-tor 50- year the Standard with physicians. One spoonful in Water -neutralizes many times int glume in stomach acids, and at once.. , +Its ' Bymptonte dlcappeat` ire eve hliagtes, You will never use crude methods when' you kuobr this better method. And you Will never cruller, front excess acid when you prove :out this 0057 relief, Please do that -••for your own sake—now. Be sure to get the geuutue 3�hililps' Milk oP Magnesia prescribed by p11yel- Mans for l0'years in Correcting excess acids Each bottle :contains full dime- tions—any drugstore, a Stoaysirds %Bringer • F, Watson, for ,some years Past an •official " of the Departments of Colonization and, Agriculture of, the Canadian National Railways and one of the best known livestock .men in Western Canada has been appointed manager, of the Montreal, Stock 'Yards at Point St Charles, succeeding Mr. D, J.' Tansey, who has resigned. " Mr. Watson is .a native of Grey County, Ontario, but has spent many years' in , Western Canada where. Ms most recent'' position was they of Superintendent of 'Farm Flmplonient for the Canadian National. Railways at Winnipeg. B TS OWN TABLETS WIN GREAT PRAISE. Many Mothers Always Keep Thetis hi the House. • Thousands of mothers- tate that they know of no other medicine for little ones fo •equal Baby's Own Tab- lets—that .they :always keep the Tab- lets in 'the home as a preventive of childhood , ailments, or if sickness does suddenly grit), their 'little ones they feel safe with, stick a remedy at hand. Concerning the use of the Tablets Mrs; Donat Piouclr'e, Tingwick, Que., writes: -tel have nothing but praise for- Baby's Own Tablets. They are the only medicine I have ever given my two little ones and I am glad to state that the Tablets have always kept them in perfect health. I feel so safe with the Tablets that,I al - 'Ways keep a box in the !rouse." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and thus banish constipation and indi- gestion: break up colds and simple fever and -make the cutting of teeth Painless. The Tablets are* absolutely safe, being guaranteed free from alt Injurious drugs. They are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, SZ'illiams' biedicitte Co., Brockville, Ont. man in Men's Clothes Not New Some Remarkable Parallels to the Case of "Colonel Barker', • The case of "Colonel Barker, D.S. O.," who cottfessed, recently, to being a woman who had masqueraded for six years as a. man, is very far from 'to unique. It would not be hard to fill a book with precedents. Both our 'Army and, our Navy have pro- duced their share of them, writes Francis Dribble in The London Re. feree. There was, for instance, Mrs. Welsh., who fought and oras wounded in the battle of Ramillies. Der. sex was dis covered in hospital. After' her recov- ery she was given the post of regi mental cook. In the churchyard of St. Nitholas Church, Brighton, Is a. tombstone to the memory of Phoebe Hessen, who died a hundred years ago at the age of 108. In order not to be separated from .her soldier husband she enlisted and served' for nearly twenty years with the British Arttiy in the 'West In• dies, and on the Continent, Wing wounded at the battle of Fontenot'. Then there was Mary Ann Talbot,. believed to have been a daughter of Lord William. Talbot, Steward of Ills. liiajesty's Household. • She served as a powder monkey under. Lord Howe on the glorious first of June; and she subsequently becamean actress and played Juliet at Covent Garden. Still more famous is tha case of Or. James :Barry, whose name Beads the list of Inspectors.Oenerai of Hospitals id the 1565 Army List, Dr, Barry died in July of that year, and it was then officially reported to the Iidrse Guards that the doctor was a, woman. • Her. professional career had ex - fended over half a century. She had fought a duel at the Cape with Sir Josiah Cloete. it is sail that' she was the ".legitimate• gtanddaugliter' of a Scottish Bari, and had adopted the medical 'profession because she' was in love with. an army; surgeon. ' An interesting French carie, is "that of Mlle. Vidgiele Qhesquiere oe Bele- :tient, who eil'tal'edthe el as'. a "substitute for her "mybrothel disguis- ing herself in his clothes, because be had no stomach' for fighting,.She,was promoted to the rank of sergeant for saving, an of&cei•'s, life at Wngram, and was 'mentioned in the Order of the Day for distinguished services Un- der Tutu in Portugal. • If a man inet'antiy turned his ears and mind away ,the,assault would he easily repulsed; but as soon as he opens his ears so fan as to dwell upon and daily with temptation, he is al- ready, well-nigh • conquered, . and the strife is at the: hardee't; Dr. John Tattled. ? As aeon' as thou hast bravely (turn- ed thine oar away from the tempting' voice thou' hate well-nigh prevailed; 'tor this ettables thee 'to hear the 'inward voice, and takes away thy deafuess.- Thomas,• A, &cempis. • • use Minerd's Linlment for the Flu. Plaster. of Ceremonies . , responsible to the Company for your' cdin- fort, pleasure and satis- faction ... the Cunard Putser. Always making, • •you glad you sailed Cunard . seeing that you -know the people you want to know... . mak- ing you ship -wise. A . Cunard Purser, therefore a' perfect Purser. Sail Cunard! ....... . Book through The Robert Reford Co., 'Lirnated, Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto (Tel. Elgin 3471), or ary steamship agent. , Europe from May t . 8rd" from Montreal (and Quebeci:' • CANADIAN SERVICE .Is -soy Cabin, Tourist Third Cabin and Third Claes asst Automobile' Insurance Ottawa Journal (Cons.): (The dates' for. third party automobile 'insurance have gone up 50 per cent:), When automobile owners get their new bilis and discover the increased cost of probable that a very large uutnber of tileni 11111 drop this part of their policies and and retain' merely those applying to loss. of the outomobile only. Against quite a large propor- tion of owners of motor cars the public has always had no redress; there are' litany from whom nothing could be collected by people injured by their cars. To increase that num- ber by making the cost of insurance for legal liability triers expensive, al- most prohibitive in eenle eases, is a serious thing. • A woman recently told a magistrate that she had no troubles to 'speak of. --What a dreadful handicap for a woman "I'm told the Sniytbe girl wore a very tearing frock at the dance last night—do tell me what It was Mei" "Well --to ins, most of it looked' sus- piciously like the Smythe girl!" Minard'a Liniment presents t`tu. Doctor—"lour father seems hale and Hearty at the age of 104." Mown tamest—"Yes, but pap's siippin' ter- rible. T'other day I heard him say Ile reckoned he'd better take up the game of golf." • 'STOPS WINDOW RATTLES IIOI,DY'AST window locks Will absulute- lystep all rattles, A simple, inexpensive, durable device will hold and look any size of sash, open or closed.: No weights required; one to a sash. Any lady eon attach in a few minutes. Money back if not satisfied. At hardware or Depart- ment stores, or send 25e each (not stamps) to manufacturers, GOLDSMITH CO.,. 11 Dundee Street West, TOronto. Plow9L ot,' �v }� Pointsp AGENTS WANTED Plow Points for u1l kinds of Plows. a! Quality high—prices lOw. wears of experience have taught us just how to make them right. "Not �sl. howcheap, but how good" Write us for Agency Dominion .Foundries • Tweed, Ont.igiffErnMenneran. MOST People rely on Aspirin to make short work of their headaches, but did you'know'.it's just as effective to the worse pants. from' neuralgia' or neuritis? Rheu- matic pains, too. Don't stiffer when Aspirin can bring' such complete comfort without delay, and without harm; it does not affect the Heart. Ip every package, of Aspirin you still • field proven directions with which everyone shouldbe familiar, • for they can spare dnucl :needless Suffering. . SPIRIN Ispirio' le a Tradeoisr>o Registered to Cansfa ISSUE, No, Sons of Farmers to Be Istructed Kent Education` Committee to •Provide Way fox Lads to • Work and Lesi'n Loudon.—The Kent ,Education Cern uti'ttee 10 providing 'a residential form ipstitute to give agricultural educe tion •to thesons of working farmers and other Young land' workers who can afford to SPenii only a compara- tively short time away from their words and for whom the courses at college are too expensive, The institute, 'which will be opened later in, the year, ie situated at Bor- den, dear $ittingbourno, 'It, comprises a_large lecture -room, two smaller lec- ture rooms, two laboratories, two `stn dents' cetnluon rooms, a staff-rogm,a• carpenter's shop, a blacksmiti'e shop, a large dining hall, single cubicles for 40 resident students, and "accemmoda- tion for the teaching and domestic staff, ''Seven *eyes of .land are available fop sports and games; and ; there is a` farm of 250 acres which will be'used ,primarily' for denibustratieg, :under normal farming conditions, the theory ,eilderlying the :agricultural practice taught,' in the lecture -rooms. In addition to the.lioatders, '-' stu- dents will be admitted, The fees will he low, and a number of scholarships .will be 'available. . "What is moreannoying ,than a 'woman who talks scandal about your friends?" asks a writer. --One wh, ',talks scandal aboit "people you have never met. Minard's Liniment for Grippe and Fiu. Solicitor et County Court—"You say you have a number of liabilities. Which is the biggest" •Debtor -"My '",010."000' 'Boni the wives were on the young=. iyh side, and both were discussing ill's merits and demerits of, their respec- tive husbands 'Do you know, dear," began the first," "I think 'your has- .band has such a clever face,' lie looks as though'he knows practically every- thing. ` The ,,other drew in her breath with a' sudden gasp; as she thought of 'her dressmaker's bill, ''l{now everytltingl" she echoed.."My dear, thank heaven Ile doesn't even suspect," Mlnerd'n Liniment for Coughs, Colds. She—"Why se thoughtful, dear?" Ole 'I hero one dollar over this week and can't remember which instalment I forgot to pay." Their teeth are of a tough- ness Which makes themhold their keen cutting edge un. der every 110850. 1010,01408 CANADA SSW CO. LTD, M0NT10Af. 'VANCOUVER, OT. .IOH1. Hob. ...} tORONTo1 C Classified Advertised lents p ••5� ''laA lit CEIICICS.. Wltl 01A'reil a tour varieties, Irene Oo up. - tWltte for tree catalogue, 10., a3. Switzer, oration, Ontario. - - - 'YNTI ENATIoiiOr, IBOTIEBS -rub NST EQUIPMENT. LATEST 11/070I. AVID goods. insured Weumove YOU wflS you want.. to move. Mahe your epgnirles:. now. Pionee distance movers. Agentsln prinolpat cities oe eastern' States and armada, Full lrfie, Mover, ltlamllton and Toronto•: Rare Besei'l Oasts 1 Their popularity- is. sweeping America,' ' No • home correct without a manta.' i((4' ockeryot•. Caielogte of 200 loneliest with culture, .200,• Snmplo cactus, eMne 0,5 Illustrat- ed, 20c' 10 small eaetl, 01 Living Bock, -D0, 20c; 10 Cac- tus, $t and 12. .7. 1S. Oallouder, Weller St., :eeterpore, Out, SHIP YOUR E'L,GS TO U.'NN9 LIMITED St. Lawrence Market, Toronto • Highest Prices, Prompt Returns ' 1'A CFI ON MAT S/WE IYOVR. LIFE Right now your car has to hold the road in the worst driving months of the year. You need the sharp -edged, deep -grooved, road -biting grip of the greatest safety tire ever built—Firestone Gum. Dipped Balloons in world -record mountainclimbs and endurance runs, this tread has proved its safety and toughness. One look shows you that Firestone has the most gripping edges of any tread you ever saw. It's worth many times the cost of a new set of Firestones to feel the safety of this famous tread beneath you. And they give the greatest mileage ever built into a tire. "After having an operation, I was very miserable, weak, nervous and very near unfit to work. I saw Lydia 5; Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advertised and tried it and believe it helped me wonderfully. I have no weak spells any more, the pains have left Inc and my nerves are much bet- ter: I £eel safe in saying Lydia 5, Pinkham's •medicines have helped me wonderfully."--Mts: A7tu. H; Beechteller, Box s43f Pot Colborne, Ontario, 5 Brantchcs+.fSC) oss CriitrtP�ti', ;' rye 41F , Simi Jotn,•Quebec City, Montreal '.(21, cs,, Taronca `i"d HsWI oen "(21. lira ,rfSriard,.' l,oriduf' (2); iUirrcisor, North"' Wrnuiprg` t 0y, l; .:.,(}),• RrgiiSi skatoon, Gglgaey,, EdnsOnton •1'nlleouvet: a 1. aro :;1.. reale s modern motors fetter lust c6nts'� ( oft thehigl+tDny Cees+ demand yt 6s a bet�rl ,15I0 sRy nndrating at higher sP t this dctnsud• Jroset 0:111 4etmp and eP. dOVC1gped to rb' tttetttods poioer de by bettor lyjaruglaba teas it is ma fit fis motor oil bccnusc recess, crud P slat Ma"rotaLe distigafJ Itnsrenuirkati8ar, e etroleum� n• the Sl Y ltttrandcostlycarlia tleconstari¢sts' y,odetced by tureil nude aµ are from inhrr;ons s P anuf ac iecitnicians Y dice and l)C001150 iE is c% ert reftnin$ go fAttli ybdYs tsda'a host P din$ satisfaction. cit. ]Prefer of t� vartint; 9ualityna tin o t gzactin$ but at servlea tgtas 101 Aircrnit operatnse et teas bcem p01080 nllino o er nufs. aruciaLts Unger tteeen lolutgfs. .55gfo �ords lougot pritoroats at7tet pedenounce r Where is a hitt ,, r orpe e4"'• itis mf Yd arpelt1be in�ureo artier pity cot: cid lrettw satdre' 4otoer operstti $ date succi lite est 6ptarscre q4. d®ori �IdrueTube ie elnite vaso • nai'lE eta u Setter®Silt te!!