The Clinton News Record, 1929-04-11, Page 3016 ° CO11ip, /� Its It -n TE res 60 dearest OWN 'EASY TERMS +then &moiry• this ideal year 'round musical iristrurne;nt! �ADIO and Phonograph, in one complete,' self -contained - instrument, is the newest idea in home entertainment. This is your opportunity to replace your old radio set or phonograph with a brand-new, genuine Rogers Combination Radio -Phono- graph on very advantageous terms. -.- Even Even without the allowance of $50.00, the price of $325.00 for this complete Musical Instrument is exceptional value. But when you consider that this is a brand-new, 1929 Rogers product —using the famous guaranteed Rogers A/C Tubes and backed by the Rogers record of four years of proven performance—it is a "bargain" if ever there was one. Your old radio set or phonograph may only be worth $5.00,- but any Rogers dealer will allow you :$50.00 for it: if you trade it in for this Rogers Combination Radio -Phonograph' now. - "Cash -in" on this ,remarkable radio "offer/ he there is no dealer in your community write to the Q.R.S. CANADIAN CJRPORATION, LTD. 31.0 Spadina Ave., Toronto 2, Ont. r •v; s k'1lit^4$4#;,,.` i'13^ 'mt>.lsliest • .. tfii'SOS. • Meow! • There wasa young fellow hared Pat, Who sat on his grandfather's cat! -- It scratched him so hard, That he leapt quite a yard, And hastily asked. for his hat. An Anchor -Donaldson Engineer ... like most ship engineers, a devoted Scot, proud of his ship; engines, and gauges. His enthusiasinand pride are typical of the service you get throughout the ship on the "Letitia" or the PAthetua," Sail Anchor': Donaldson! book through The Robert Refried Co., Linseed Cor, Bay abut Wellington .Sits., Toronto (Tel, Elgin 34?r), or ary steamship. agent. -mork1y satltngs from ,Montreal (and- Que- b,,,,) ..1.0 Ireland, Scot- t lana find England in conjunction with Cmlard,. commencing May 3rd, • LINE SV.A-214 Cabin, TouristThitciCabin and Third Class. Low Salaries La Petrie (Cons,): Why do our rulers exert . themselves, in vain to settle this country by a vigorous gration policy? Why do our corn - Patriots, continue to cross the frontier into the United States? -We can find the answer in the table of our imports. Immigrants will not stay here, and workers leave the country because there is no work for thein in Canada. It is foreign factories which feed the market of local consuraptfon, so that employment for our workers is outside our own borders:. , At their last meeting the Trades and Labor Conn- ell of Montreal called attention to the level of Salaries which is below that of the cost of living, Why are salaries so low? Simply because, as a result of the persistent development of: our import trade, there fs less and less demand for workers in Canada. This is likely '.to last until the working class realizes its peril and revolts against a policy which deprives it of its daily bread, Every man is worth just so much as the things are worth about which he busies himself.—Marcus Aurelius. Unemployment Is Lessened ; ire- Give,.' t Britain Baldwin's Policy is Credited With llnprcveiuent-- Liberal Leader Attacked London:—Unemployment iu Grein Britain had decreased by another • 86,, 000 during the past week,: thereby wiping off the last' of the recent win ter's rise total, -which ie now down to 1,200,000. This announcement in the House of Commons by the Minister of. Labor, Sir 'Arthur Steel -Maitland, on Monday night was loudly cheered by the Conservatives, as it means the Government is aiow able to claim that Stanley Baldwin's industrial policy,, which has been successfully attacked. in the recent by-elections by the Lib- erals and Labor, may after all justify ,itself. "It is often said,". Sir Arthur added "that unemployment is greater now than ,when wo took office. This is now untrue. I1 is actually 36,000 less than when we took office, end in. addi- tion 550,000 more people have entered into insurable occupations." The debate was one in which Labor ioi icted the Government for its failure "to take active measures for stimulat- ing industry by ' well -considered schdmes of national improvement and development," The object of this nip - tion was.' to show: that Labor was not any more backward than the Liberals inproposing schemes' for restoring in- dustrial'prosperity. It was thus an occasion, not only for the usual interchanges between Labor and the Conservatives, but also for a concentrated attack from both of these parties on Mr. Lloyd George, whose recent dramatic cla:nt that he could reduce unemployment to normal, in one year without cost to the tax- payers so caught popular imagination as to have sent up the Liberals' gen- eral election prospects by 10 points as 'treasured by London Stock Exehange quot..tions. Mr. Lloyd George, though given notice of the attack preparing, failed to attend the debate, preferring, it is understood, to give his answer when he addressed a massmeeting at Albert Fla1I, - . Watchyour growing children - 9 WATCH the health of your growing children! gee that they have' the health and energy necessary for their school work and play. For growing children—par- ticularly girls—a rich supply of;.' red blood is essentiaL Languor, nervousness, de- pression, fickle appetite or pallor indicate anaemia. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enrich the blood, prevent anaemia and build healthy bone and tissues. Thousands of mothers have proved this. "My twelve.year-old girl," writes Mrs. Robert Devitt of Brougham; Ontario, "became so pale, so ill and nervous that we had to tape her out of school. I tried Di. Williams' Pink Pills' for -"her and she gained in weight and strength. She is now tbe.pic- ture of health." Buy a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at all druggists and dealers in medicine or, post- paid, by vial( at 50 cents a box from 'The Dr. Williatns Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. s-2'1 50 PER Sox PENH.t»ELLS ''A HOUSEHOLD NAME IN 54 COUNTRIES" SIR CHARLES,GRANT ROBE.-TSON Vise-Chanceilor•and Principal of the UBiversity of Birmingham on his first visit to the Dominion at the invitation of the National Council of 331dueatlon to be a guest speaker itt the confer- ence on ".Education and Leisure" to be held at Victoria and Vancouver early in April. He will also address meetings at a number of cities on his way to the coast. His subject will be "Empire Builders" and such names as Drake, Rhodes and Sir Stam- ford Raffles who became an eastern Rajah will be among the subjects of. his leotures. Sir Charles was tutor to the Prince of Wales at Oxford from 1912.1914 Arid his life has been full 'of movement and creative work since that time, Spring' Song ;'What a fight that fellow gave!" .•Aud-so.on, into -the -night: Taie•is ore of several Photographs published by -the Tourist Department of the Canadian Pacific Railway to remind the unhappy angler that "Spring has 'oaine—'Bud alt the streams are o•npen." 'Photographed near Lake Archambault, north of Montreal, • ith fined Zoikbre ere y Vy Orange, Chocolate, Vaiulla, Strawberry thiel' layers of delicious, pure: creams fillings between crisp, liglA Biscuits. is the store or on :the 'phone, always ask for, ChriAies ASSORTED SANDWICH ie's Biscuits �a cw•,es) c).VOv/. 12, (ON WITH LAUGItTEr Professor: "In which of bis battles was Alexander the Great killed?" Student: "I think it was his last." if you've never been tempted you don't know what you've missed. "What makes the cop so fat?" "Probably too much traffic jam." People who drive into society- and join the social swim have a hard time keeping their heads above water. People wonder what you are, Up above the world so far, Heavenly thing', so free from dirt; Twinkle, twinkle, little skirt! Some folks learn from experiences others never recover from them, "What has become of the locomotive and train of cars I gave you for Christ- mas?" asked father, "All smashed up," replied the boy. "We have been playing government ownership." "Kissing may be a dangerous habit, but it's grand if you live through it" We says so! • - Bags: "What is it a flapper likes more than anything else, bit uses less of every day?" ]:Snickers: 11What?" Bags; "Clothes." "I haveu't a thing to wear," has been the cry of women all through the ages, but the modern women are the first to wear it. 'The commuter was stalking in the drug store about his garden. He had spent the previous Sttnday.ln proper - Ing the asparagus bed for the spring crop and was proud of the fact that he kept the asparagus cut close dur- ing the bearing season; in fact, there Was nothing to see on the bed but earth. • The drug clerk remarked: "So you grow asparagus?" "Yes,": said the commuter • with pride. "You know,"replied the drug clerk, "I've always wanted' to see a bed of asparagus:Infull bloom, ,It must be a wonderful sight." There's nothing quite so sure to bring on a'freeze as window displays of straw• hats and fishing tackle. OUTCLASSED Dear children, you ve heard of the Strawberry .Mark, But pause and give ear auto me; ;vote. 'twill' probably lose all its pi'os tige, for park! They've discovered a strawberry tree. Just' as soon as Paris gives' the order women will be completely ex- posed., GAVE THE SHOW AWAY "Look here, Jimmfe," said the young clubman confidently to .his friend, "Smith lost' a 'fiver to me at poker a weelc ago,; and hasn't paid up yet. Think I'll write him a jolly stiff note and ask for the cash." "No, don't do that," counselled the more cautious Jimmie, he may have simply overlooked it. Drop him a quiet, pleasant little reminder." "AU right," grurbied the needy one as he ateached for, the notepaper, "per- haps you're right.".'or come moments he wrote industriously, then paused. favored hisfriend with an un- certain and seal d n certain frown. "1 say, Jint," he said, "is there a 'c' or a 'k' in 'skunk'?" Mlnard'G Liniment for Caliph", Colds: +t' J. C. ST'OBART, M.A. I7docation Director of the British 73roadcasting Corporation ' who • ]las been invited to take part in the Four h • triennial 1conference a ` of .the national Council of Education to be hold at Victoria and Vancouver April 5.13, Mr. "Stobart is the man responsible for the broadcasts to schools -in Great Britain every ' day of the week to which 70,000 children listen. In- the evenings tite'broadcasts aresent out in talks and lectures to adults. Mr. Stobart, will have a contribution: of the utmost value to make before the conference on , "Edueattou' and °Leis- uxe", which will be the principal topic at the Pacific Coast. Teach Thrift As boys and girls advance in years it is a good plan to start them with a savings bank account. They may in ,this way acquire habits o thrift that will be of benefit to them in later 'years. Irl dealing with their wards the various Children's Aid Societies have savings accounts totalling $86,- 555. These are individual bank ac- counts, and in cases where the amount is over $50 ince 'es' is added. This money is paid over to the children when they arrive at years of discretion and they are urged to add to the amount so that they can in time buy a home or start in business. At the same time, and quite in harmony with the savings idea, children should be allowed to have a little money in cash so that there may be no temptation to steal when they get the chance. This would almost certainly increase their self-respect and add greatly to their happiness. FOR MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN Mothers are •qutek to praise any- thing which brings health and com- fort to their little ones—any medicine that will make the baby well and keep him well will always receive hearty recommendation from the mother. That is why Baby's Own Tablets are so popular, Thousands of mothers throughout the country, not only use them for their own little ones but are always delighted to be able to recom- mend there to other soothers. Thou- sands. of mothers have proved Baby's Own Tablets to be without an equal in relieving their little ones of any of the minor ailments which arise out of a derangement of the stomach and bowels. Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal laxative --easy to take but thor- ough in action. They banish consti- pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers; expel worms and' make the teething period easy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Bro'ekville, Ont. 'The Return to Canada I,e Canada (Lib.) : During the first eleven months of the fiscal year which terminates -at the 'end 'of the present month 31,420 Canadians who were es- tablished in the neighboring republic have returned to Canada, ... There is nothing to be surprised at in this return movement of our people, -for we know that conditions with our neighbors are not as favorable as they wished us to" believe a few years ago. It is doubtless because of the particularly difilettlt conditions which exist in certain parts of the United. States that thousands df Canadians prefer to return to Canada and estab- lish themselves in new and fertile territory, "where industry is soon crowned with a decent competence. - The end of man is an action and not a thought, though it were of the nob- lest,—Thomas Carlyle: Minard's Liniment prevents Flu. The world's intellectual need to -day, as always, is genius.—Dr. Harlow Shapley. Every package of 'Red Rose ,'I't:a-is. prepared �lvitk , !the same care—as if our reputation were to stand is fall upon. that single packagg;, Q ; 55a l.s OSE ORANGE PEI( eat E is extra good. County Hi-. ,; lth Units The following ' editorial, taken from the current 'issue of the Cana- dian Public Health Soul -nal, supports the contention of responsible health officials all—over Canada, that the present system of safeguarding health in rural and semi -rural communities. is `obsolete. ONTARIO, WHAT? There is no doubt -that the county health units 'will provide the solution of the' most pressing health needs of Canada, -.In'the larger urban areas the benefits of a well-financed, 1u)ly- organized, full-time' health service have .been obvious for 'many years. On the contrary, the higil.sickness and mortality rates in areas not so cared for have been a manfest demonstra- tion 'of the need of trained full-time dervice. One could, -without much difficulty; select various areas in Can- ada in which' contracts of a most striking character are, evident. in spite of some exceptions, generally the areas where part-time service is. relied upon. are characterized by neglect of many of the fundamentals which have come to be looked upon as essential, if sickness rates and death rates are to pursue a progres- sively downward course. The best work is found in the places (until recently only in cities) du which a full-time, trained personnel has been made possible. In various parts of Canada, notably Quebec, *the county health unit has proved to be eminently satisfactory. Iu dther sections of the country such units would be established were it made financially possible. There is no doubt that, Were a method evolved for lightening the burden' which many counties or similar areas nmy feel excessive under present cantations, the idea would spread very rapidly. One cannot but feel that, in.vteve of the proven fact that organization of the county health unit type will definitely save lire, a determined effort should be made to make such organ- ization possible for the whole of .Can- ada. The relative poverty of any sec- tion 01 the country should be no rea- son why that section should be ne- glected. After all we aro all. Cana- dians whatever province we live in, and surely the part of the Dominion Government is to see that in every part of Canada the most valuable or our assets—human life—ls cared for. Dominion subsidy of the provinces on contrition that the provinces and municipalities do their part is the only solution• of the problem. The Cana- dian Public Health Association has no hesitation in urging every member of Parliament to give vigorous support to such a project in the full belief that the Dominion -wide scheme should re- sult would pay heavy dividends in the lives and health of citizens saved -for Canada. 1. hold that truth cannot grow among men who do not learn how to unlearn, and honestly put opinion be- neath thein.—Isaac Newton Valid Minard's Liniment for Grippe and Flu. Physicians, as well as industrialists and bankers, often do not realize that men are not. more machines; while priests may forget that they possess bodies,—Dr, Alexis Carrel, ' ' SIMPLE WINDOW LOCK. • Tho,Floldtast Adiustable Window Loch Will hold and loolc any size of window open: or closed, co weights rectuired, tops all rattles and draupghts. Any lady can Install one itt five anlnutes. At lead,ng Ola dare and am s), Monet, back ffsnot satisfied, Goldsmith Co., 11 Dundas St, Wes , Toronto. Keep Yu r Health TO -NIGHT TRY Minard's Liniment for that cold and tired feeling. Get WeIh--Keep Well. KILL FLU by using the OLD RELIABLE! namai'd'aLiniment ochnia;Varmenth,sii., Tho, gangsters and other criminals of today`have no courage.—Grover A, Whalen. ' Use Minard's Liniment 'for the Flu. If the: •canibals , kill • you, they will eat you; but it you're their friend, they wont Icill you,—Dr. Lee S. Crau- dall; �ro BABIES GA l i BY THIS SIMPLE METHOD Doctors say, souring waste in baby's digestive tree' is usually back of any failure to gain weight according to schedule. And the best proof this is true, is the quick way, weak,fretful, puny babies improve when yes cleanse their stomach and bowels and put them in order with a few doses of purely vegetable, pleasant -tasting Pletcher's Castoria. This gentle, harmless prepa- ration is the doctor's first thought to relieve those ills of babies and children, such as colic, gas, coaistipation,diarr- itoea, colds, etc. Just be sure you get genuine Castoria in the bottle that bears the FletchE& signature. Ciassifted Advertisements A".1 ItAlt? Cumeics. wis u,vrca L four varieties, price Oe UP.. Write for free catalogue. A. FL Switzer, (Iranian, ()mark.. INTEBNATIONAL MOVEB5 BEST EQUIPMENT, LATEST METH- ODS. uniform return load prices. All goods insured. We move You when you want to. move, Mahe your enquiries now. Pioneer distance movers. Agents in principal cities of eastern States and Canada, 11111 The Mover, Hamilton and Toronto, - - iOtliR(Dlcf$ Q/ Vit bred nN brut hr 1,h cu . reduef 151(5. Brom, 1 Baaletbom, Rued end White Rod, ft1. Redo, anet.", Black tWkenat,! OUB@ylnnoaAWM,e and ur, lse5 flea Jetivm kaen•,mid. W1„e ,,J,, foe FREE CHICK 1)e0x. SCIlWgfil,fR'S V/ITGRIORYI 226 Northambton • nutteln, N.5, Box 3575, BEIAGEBVBG, ONT., CAN YCYCLES AT LOWER PRICES Tires, Coaster Brakes, Wheels, Inner Tubes, Lamps, Bells, Cyclotuoters, Saddles, Equipment and parts of Bi- cyelcs.You canbuyyoursup- pcries. Cate Catus alogue T, It BOYD & SDH 376NamON IIEEoALGYtl. There are three trying periods in a woman's life: when the girl ma- tures to womanhood, when a wo- man gives birth to her first child, When a woman reaches middle age. At these times Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound helps to re- store normal health and vigor. [71,.4.(4}740.1A:444-,0444 "Art 6ETAII ra H , �µµ .lVSkl0iD; axon ri i1>✓rkii, i tatc,rr� cp:ei(1 Afro cOnovild. NTAatv4 NA b�ia i Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes �T Downcast Eyes dyes tell • Your Character Brown oyes for strength—Blue for generosity—Gray eyes for jealousy --Sparkling eyes in- dicate beauty, yes, and good health, too 1 Do your eyes sparkle? Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow --indicating an out-of•sorts condition — due to constipa- tion? If so, you need 9 Try s reenter doily course for sheet period. Youreyeewill.',` AVegetsble unitize story. , - Product urs Reed about Cliiaradar from the. Ryes in future Beecham Advertisements.. Soles Agents: Harold F. Ritchie d: Co., Limited, Toronto• u.._ • • %wonder a$ntart'sDitowers,as'e so popular! They cut a®emsi137' taudiwidh: such liii.le"pitch: INa,erinAnnd "Wai✓maoshio Outelibnfe& AT EVCRY HAR0WA1gE StORC '," JAMg3.SMARTPI.ANt i atOCKYILI 20th! SIMINIMMENSIMMINEMISIMMINNINI ISSUE No. 15--'29 ey�pF/`M�A�G,ry� IFor ltroubten' ane to Acid ,NDI0ESnON ACID etoMActi HEARTBURN HEADAL � -1A, CASE$ -NAUSEA Excess acid is the common cause of. indigestion. :It results in pain and sourness about two hours after eating. The quiets corrective is an alkali Which neutralizes acid. Tito best corrective it Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remainedd standard with physicians in the 50 years since its inveitnon. One spoonful; of Phillips' Milk f Magnesia neutralizes instantlyy, less and .tasteless and its action i.' quick. You will never rely on credo Methods, , never eontinub to suffer. when you learn 'how quickly, . hew' pieasanIly this premier method sal, Please let it show you--uoW. Beuregenuine Philli a° o to get rho Milk tf Magnesia precribed by physis chola for 50 years in correcting excess. acids. Bash bottle contains full direc- tithes its volume in acid. It is h ren' tions—any drugstore.