The Clinton News Record, 1929-04-04, Page 4OOPER'S STORRE NE`/VS
•Wall Paper Time here
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Hallett Township
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Over thirty friends assembledat
Y. .
the home of $r. and Mrs.:Albert
Brigham, Hellett, and honoured the
bride-to-be, Miss Janet 1Vfe ittie, with
a kitchen shower on:Tusday evening.
The hdu e was daintily .decorated in
pinkandhie.The gifts were
white. w
brought in by little Misses Isabel
Brigham and Doris Lear, in a little
wagon decorated with pink and white
crepe paper and bells. A pleasant
evening wasspent at cards, after
which a• dainty lunch was served. T
hostesses were 1Vfrs, A. Brigham. and
Miss Bertha Iioggart.
''o' :. to Mr.
Miss McVattr s mai'rrage
f Tor on o will take
James' -Scott o
place shortly: Their many Friends
wish them a happy and prosperous
Miss 'Alma , Mackay.- of 'Toronto
spent Good Pi Qday: and the ` Easter
tweek-end with her parents.
1\hss Elva Dewar of Toronto and
David Dewar oh' Chalk River are
home for the Easter vacation.
Miss Lola Elliott and Mr. J. Mine,
of Detroit, Mr. and Mes. 1Ienr y :Hil-
ler and little Rosemary of Mt'. Clem-
ens spent Easter with the former's
mother, Mrs. N.' Elliott. ••
Mi:. and Mks. Percy Weston met-
ored frolm Kitchcncrto spend Easter
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mr's. Henry Weston.
Mrs. Wm. Hall returned home on
Monday after having spent Good
Friday and Easter with her sister in.
London. '
Mr.. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight mot-.
ored from Torontd on Good Friday to
spend, the week -end with the lattee's
parents,, Mks M.and Mrs. F. Gemein-
hardt, They Were accompanied 'by
lVI'rs. David' Prentice, Jr„ Who visited'
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
J. Stinson.
Miss„ Schultz anc'i Mr. Frank Er-
win of Kitchener were the guests of
Mr. and,Mrs• F. A. Edwards over the
Easter week -end.
Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis returned
to Toronto on l\londay'after having
spentW, thW.e woads.eek-end with Dr. and Mrs.
Misses Ethel. Jewett of New Dundee
and ,Grace Jowett- of London are
spending the Easter vacation with
IDPr. and Mrs. J. W. Jowett.
Miss: Nina Heard df Clinton is
spending the vacation with her par-
ents, IVf,,r..and Mrs.-W'in, Heard.
Mr. J. Rich returned to Detroit on.
Saturday after having spent a week,
in the village.
Mars. MacDonald of Sarnia is the
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects on Mill St.,
Clinton, on Saturday, April; 6th, at
2 o'clock sharp,
Mrs. Ann Dodsworth has instructed
the undersigned to sell by public auc-
tion, the contents of.'hdr home, con-
sisting oftables, chairs, beds, bur-
eau; stoves; • calends; tubs; wringer;
pots; pans;, dishes granitware aid
numerous other household effects..
TERMS:,- Cash. Mrs. Ann Dods -
worth, Proprietress; Geo. H. Elliott,
?Auctioneer. 07-2.
Clearing Auction Sale
, Of Farm Steak and Implements.
Mr. J. B. Levis has instructed the
undersigned to sell by Public auction
at lot 6, Baso' line, 2 miles north
of Clinton Tuesday, on
d a y, ..April 9th, at
12 o'clock, noon, consisting of the
HORSES -Black horse,' 1600 lbs.,
8 years old; black horse,. 1650 lbs.,
10 years old; Bay horse, 1050 'lbs.,
10 years old; chestnut snare, 1100 lbs.,
11 years old, good single or double;
grey' mare, general purpose, 8 years
old, good to work single or double;
heavy draft colt, rising 3 years.
CATTLE — 3 Guernsey heifers,
freshened in March; 2 holstein cows,
milking good, due to freshen in Sep-
tember; red cow, 7 years old, due to
freshen April 20; 2 brindle 'cows, 7
and 8 years old, just fresh; Holstein
eew, 5 years old, freshened 2 weeks;
Holstein cow, 7 years, freshened In
February, heavy milker; hereford
cow, 5 years, fresh; Guernsey ccnv,
4 years, fresh one week;, brindle cow,
8 -yew's, due to freshen May 1st;
Guernsey cow, 6 years, 'due April 20;
2 dry cows; holstein heifer, 2 years,
due September 5th; 9 two-year-old
steers, average weight about 800 lbs.;
2 2 -year-old heifers, half fat; 2 one-
year old heifer, half fat; 2 heifers,
2 years old, fat about 000 lbs.; 16
yearling steers and heifers; 7 young
PIGS—Sew, 2nd litter, due 1VIay
l0;tli; 11 stake hogs, about 1120 abs,;
2 geese, 2 ganders.
tHPLEN2tNTS- 7 -ft. Massey-Ilar-.
ris binder, truck and carrier; 6 ft.
Massey -Harris mower; 10 ft. Deering
rake; Massey -Barris hay loader;
Massey -Harris fertilizer drill, 11 hoe;
Massey -Barris 13 tooth cultivator; 2
sets of drag harrow's; riding plow,
Oliver; 2 walking plows, No. 21, near-
ly. new; disc harrow, out throw, 12x16
with forecarriage; good faun wagdu
old farm wagon; •9 ft. land roller;
set of sloop sleighs, new; set of knee
sleighs; wagon box; stock rack, new;
hay rack; 'gaavel box, new; set heavy
double harness, now; 2 sets heavy.
double harness; Portland cutter; 2
rubber tire test buggies; 2. seated
sleigh; 2 seated surrey; 4 large milk
cans; Primrose cream separator, 450
lbs. cap.; turnip sower; corn cultivat-
or; scuffler; fanning mill;; set scales;
Bell cutting box; Massey cutting box;
3 horse power, gasoline engine; cir-
cular saw, extension ladder, new; set
new 3 rope slings; quantity of mixed
grain; 35 bushel of barley; crowbars,
shovels, ohains, forks, whiffletrees,
neekyokes and numerous ether artic-
les. 'Positively no reserve as farm
is rented. This is a choice lot of
Stock and implements.; No outside
stock in s. this sale. •Sale will start
sharp on time. -
TERMS—All sums of. $10.00 and
under, mesh: over that. amount 8
months' credit will be• given on ,fur-
urnishing approved joint bankable par-
er:, or a discount of 4 percent straight
allowed for cash -on credit amounts.
J: B. LAVIS, Proprietor, G. II. • EL-
LIOTT, A.netcioneey. 08-1.
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects at the home.
of the late 1Vfrs, J. E. Heard, Bayfield.
on Wednesday, April loth, at 2.d'clock
sharp, consisting • of. Dressers and
stands; bureaus; beds and bedding;
springs and matresses; gramophone
and records, almost new; cherry drop
leaf table: 'extension table; small
tables; chairs; cupboards; parlor rug;.
sewing machine; Quebec heater, sap,
kettle; 2 clocks; hanging lamp; •small•-
lamps; sealers: dishes, granitware,
nuts, pans and numerous other ar-
ticles. Everything
to be 1
sed in or-
der to wind up ,the estate. Terms:.
Cash. Heard Bros., Proprietors. G. •
H. Elliott, Auctioneer, 08-1.
guest, of her daughter, Mrs. A. New-
ton -Brady,
IV1iss Ruth Houston. of London spent
Good Friday and Eastertide. with her
Mr. and Mrs. Gea. M. Fisher, Mjss
Ruth Fisher, Master Jimmy and little
Miss Jean. Fisher were the guests of
the former's aunt, Mrs. F. H. Ed-
werds, on Good Friday,
Miss Thelma Ritz, who has been .in,
Toronto since last November, returned
home on Thursday,
11Ii•. Sam Castle of Clinton was a
guest at the Ritz house oder the
Gaster week -end.- .
Mr. Clayton Weston, who has been
in Detroit £or the past month return-.
ed home on Saturday.
Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit is
spending the Easter vacation with her
Miss 'Grace Howe of IIaliburten is
visiting her aunts MTs. Wm Hinde.
Mi. L. 'R. Pirie spent Easter at his
hdme, in Listowel. o.
Mr. Wan. G.• Rae left on. Thursday
to sped his Easter vacation at.
Miss Vera•'I-Laist is 'spending her
vacation at her home at Winthrop;
plisses. Anna and Gwen Elliott' of
Toronto are spending the Easter va-
cation ith their aunt, Mrs. ' Mary
Mks. Jones of Ord Station is via=
icing her daughter, Mrs. A. R, Seeds. !,
Villagers were greatly shocked on
Thursday' at noon to hear of the sud-
den' death of Robert S. Blair,' who
passed away at his home about half
past eleven on March 28th; He had
been hauling gravel and as he was not
feeling Well- • his fellcfr-workers.advis
ed him to go home. He put his team
away and went into the house and
sat down in a chair, where Mrs.. Blair
found him in an unconscious state
when she entered the room few min-
utes later.. A doetor was immediately:
summoned but life was extinct.
"Boli,' as he was familiarly kitchen,
was possessed of a cheerful, ,kind
disposition and had many friends who
deeply •regret his death. Ms ie was born.
in Goderich •township March 8th, 1870
being a son of Samuel and Elizabeth
Blair, who with their family canoe to
Bayfield; forty-seven years ago. He
has always followed the pursuit of
farming and at the time of his death
possessed three farms and other lots:
He was married to Miss Maud
Weston, daughter of Mr. 'anti' Miss
Richard Woston•'of Godericb township
now of Bayfield. Besides his sorrow-
ing widciw he leaves four children to
mourn the loss of a kind father, Wil-
mer and Robert at home, George of
Detroit and Lola, (Mrs. Harold Bran-
don, 'of the village. Three brothers
and five sisters, John Blair of Sault
Ste. IVfarie, Ont., Thomas Blair, West
Superior; J e Blair P as Ph. a r of Port Huron
Jennie Blair, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.;
Mrs. Alex. Mckenzie, Saskatchewan;
Mrs. Thos, Ward,' Strathcona, Alta.;
Mts. Robert Harris, Port Huron;
life's. Peter MMGee, Stanley township.
The funeral, which was one of the.
largest ever seen in the village, Was
held on Saturday afternoon from his
late residence. The service was con-
ducted by Rev. 11, M. Gale and the
pallbearers were: Robert Penhale,
George Lindsay, John Lindsay, John
Cameron, William Higgins and Cluis.
Amongst those from a distance who
attended the funeral were: George
'Blair, Detroit; John Blair, Sault Ste.
Marie; Mrs. ilarris, Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Parr and Joseph Blair, Port
Huron. The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to Ml's. Blair .and
family in their sad bereavement.
Mrs. Janes Webster and daughter,
Grace, elf Lucknow, arrived on Tues-
day to visit her sisters, Misses M. and
L. Reid.
Rev. and Mrs. R, M. Gale and Miss
Gladys Gale motored to Kitchener on
Monday to visit relatives.
Messrs. Lawrence and Fred Fewl e
of London spent Eastertide with their
Mrs. E. Rowes and child of Ridge-
way and Clifford Claris of St. Davids
are visiting with their parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Lancelet Clark. Mrs. Clark
returned from St. Joseph's hospital
London, on Saturday.
Miss Mary ,Wild of 'Toronto spent
Good Friday and Easter with her
mother, Mrs, A. Wild.
Miss Gladys Davison and ibir. T.
M;aliet`of, Lolisdon 'spent Eastertide
with the teenier's mother,"Mrs, Kate
Miss Jean Woods of Galt is spehd=
ing the Easter- vacation with' her par-
Mrs, Thos. Brand and Masters'Har-
ry, Norman and Barrett left on Good
Friday with the formers' brother,
whd motored to the village for them
to visit her, parents in Waterloo.
Stanley Township
Miss Billy Stewart of Windsor
spent Gdod Friday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, .Adam Stewart.
318r.. and Mrs. H. E. Jones, ' who
have just returned from England, are
visitors at the home' of . Mt'.' Henry
1Viiss Verna Walker of Toronto was
a visitor; for a couple of days with
Mass Mgry Stewart.
Mr. Harvey Stewart of Kitchener
was home for Good Friday. •
Miss Marion McEwan of Is itehener
is spending the Eastertide at her
Miss Jean McEwen of Stratford
Normal is home for a weeks' holi-
days. '
Masten Glen How of Toronto is
spending his holiday's at Mr Edward
Miss Kate I4fcGregor of Newmarket
is hone for the Easter vacation.
Mr.• and Mrs. Peter Moffat and
children. of Dashwood are at the htline
of Mr, Will Sinclair for the holiday.
Miss Eleanor McEwen' ,and Miss
Dot. Bennett, .both, of Western Uni-
versity, London, 'spent' a , few: days
V, 1 -
with the formers' parents, Mks and
Mrs. Alex. McEwen.
Miss Nora Stewart had her tonsils
removed ;on Monday in Clinton hos-
Mrs. William Glen has been visit-
ing her son, Mr. Ed, Glen, end hat
xN � II NT
• FA E
e dW lr'arae%1U�giikemd. w4. a4Ales
P � < 5 ••.v` "' ,(,�•- _aro.: � �T+e:.:•r �
N. P _ , * • ,„ ale, --es sots`-^- m"- ^ : ' „-,.• .
banking re uirements sart a ,
of :• farmers differ ,according
to location -and the partic
ularbranch of farming°'in which they are engaged.
Whatever your banking requirements may be 'you
will find the Bank of • Montreal' prepared to give
the • particular form of service you need.
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Established -1817 '
TOTAL ASSETS XNXCESSOFE Ii 8 7 0 ,'0 0. o, o o 0
Clinton Branch: H: R. SHARP, Manager
now gone to Gotleeidji, where she will
spend the•smniner.
Mass, Mazy. Stewart, of ..Crediton is
hone'•1or Easter. • •
Mrs. Alex. *Ewen entertained the
young people. of the .community on
Friday evening last. The first part
of the evening was sent in progres
sive euchre. Miss Isabel Glen won
first prize for ladies, while Mr, Frank
MdGregor carried clff the men's
prize. Miss Dorothy Innes and Mr.
Donald Glen were low, A very' dain-
ty lunch was served, followed by an
hour or so of dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Baird motored
from Toronto and spent the week -end
with his mother Mks. Geo. Baird, Sr.
11I5.•..and Mas. John Aikenhead and
Jean and Miss Lillian Aikenhead of
London spent Geed Friday at home
of Mx. T. B. Baird,
Miss Edna Hodgson, who spent the
past month with Mrs. Harold Pen -
hale, has returned to her home near
Mr. Mena Steckle spent a few days
in Toronto this week.
Mr. William. Dunealf, who spent the
Winter with Mr. Harold Penhale' has
returned to St, Thomas.
Messrs, Robt. Penhale and J. Greer
motored to London ono day last week.
Mrs. Alex. Jamison returned to her
home last week after spending a week
with friends in Toronto.
Word has been received of the sud-
den death of Ms. James Burdge of
Mr. Carman Haugh and Mies Anna.
M. Haugh of Toronto spent the
week -end at the home of their par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Haugh.
Mr. Lance Norris visited at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
John Norris.
. Mr. and Mrs. Won. Baird of Tor-
onto visited at the home orf the for-
mer's mother, Mrs. George Baird, Sr.,
last week,
Mrs. W. Stevens returned home
last week after spending a few weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. Elsley of
Mount Forrest.
Mr. 0. Telsbutt.and family of Clin-
ton are .now occupying the rooins ov-
er 0, D. Simpsdn's store.
Ma'. Wm. 'McQueen acid daughter,
Sheila, of Toronto visited at the home
of the former's parents and other
friends last week..
The funeral of the late Mr, Walter
McCulley was held frelm his home
Monday afternoon of"last week,' the
funeral being private. Mr. McCully
was a long and severe sufferer and,
death cane as a great relief from
his pain. Mr. McCully was born in
England,, fifty years ago, 'corning to
this country when quite a young man.
He leaves to mourn his passing his
wife, formerly Miss ,Hellen Stewart,
to whdm he was married about twen-
ty years ago. Mr. M1eCully was laid.
to rest in 'Hensall Union cemetery.
The bearers were: Robt. Dalyrumple,
S. Sinclair, W. Sinclair, T, Forsythe,
Jas- W. i\2cLean, Robt. Elgie.
Miss Mary Daymond of Kirkton is
the guest of her brother, Mrs. Thos,.
Daymond. .
Our sympathy is extended to Mrs.
J. Stewart in the loss olf her brother,
Mr. J. Moir of Manitoba. Mr. Moir'
game east in the interests of his
health, but contracted a cold, which
developed into pneumonia from which
he failed to rally and passed away on
Friday at the home of Mrs. Stewart.
Mrs, 1V'17cir and daughter arrived on
Thursday and loft with the remains
for the west Saturday morning.
Miss Helen Dinsdale, nurse -in -
training at Stratford was a week -end
visitor at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R, Dinsdale.
Maple syrup is quite a scarce ar-
ticle this
r-ticle'this year so far.
Mr, and Mrs WM. Harvey were
visiting London t week.
in Lo tdo last
Mrs. Goegaglia sud' son of Lon=
don ai'o visitors with% Mc and, Mrs,
Jas. McClymont of the village.
Next. -Sunday the S: S. and friends -
are asked tri give a generous collee--
tion for the Miner's Fund, This is a
good cause and we should• all do our
share' toward it. • • -
;Mr. Lloyd' Workman spent • the.
Easter holiday with • his parents.
Lloyd is' ono more of our rising yoking
men who is making good, having
again been promoted by the General
Motors of Oshawa.
Mr. John Doig, law student of De-
troit., is holidaying with his mother
and sister, Mrs. W. M. Doig and Miss
Mass Mildred Workman is assisting
Mrs. Hugh McLaughlin, Stanley, for
a few weeks.
Ms•. W. Mellis, our busy blacksmith,
is away enjoying a. well-deserved hol-
iday. ' We noticed many Easter visitors
during the holiday season a few of
those whom we sate were: The Misses
Margaret and Grace Cooper of Lehi -
don; Miss pr. Whiteman of Toronto;
IVIr'.' Russel Love of London; Miss K.
Venner, Chriselhurst; Mr., Lloyd
Workman of Oshawa; Mr. Gilbert
Jarrett c'f London; Fern 1VIicLean and
Miss Rose of London; Mks. R. Mc-
Lean and two sons of Wingham; Mr.
and Mks. Glazier and children, Strat-
ford. It seems nice to meet again so
many of our friends, particularly at
this seaosn.
The services last Sunday in the
United church were' largely attended
and most impressive. The pastor,
Rev. Rciy Connor, 'gave an excellent
sermon explaining the meaning of.
Easter Day, what it should mean to
us. Special music was given by the
choir, under the leadership of Mrs.
J. B. McLean, and was beautifully
rendered. Two numbers were given,
"Risen as' he said," by Carrie Adams,
was sung by the choir, the solo parts
being taken by Mr.' and litre. J. Mc
Lean. • The second ntanber, "Awake,
Ye Saints, Awake," by Earnest 0.
Sellers, was sung by a quatrette com-
posed of ladies, Mrs. McLean, Mrs,
Sproat, Miss Jean Ivison and. Mrs. 3.
Henderson. The church was a beau
tiful bokver of flowers, Easter lilies,
daffodils, narcissus, roses, tulips and
greenery in profusion, all spooling to
us- of the wonderful Easter season,
After the services the Ladies' Aid took
the flowers to the shut-ins, to cheer
and brighten their day for them.
Surrounded by Friends and Loved
Ones Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Medd
Mark the Completion of Sixty
Years of Married Life
Mr. and Mrs. John H. 1Vfredd of
Main Street, Exeter, celebrated the
sixtieth anniversary of their wedding
on Sunday, March 31st. John Henry
1VLiedd and Elizabeth Bruce were united
in marriage at the bride's home in
the Township of Cartwright on March
"31st, 1869. , The young couple im-
mediately came west to Huron Coun-
ty and settled on a -partly cleared.
farm on the seventh concession of
Mullett, undergoing in some measure,
the difficulties andprivatioins of
pioneer life and sharing in the tasks
of the church and community, they
made a worthy contribution of ser-
vice. For fifty-two: years they lived
and farmed in Huliett. There were
born to thein: seven children,, five
boys and two girls, five are still liv-
ing. They retired from the farm in
1921 and moved . to Exeter where
they have since resided.
On this happy gheasion, Mr. and
Mrs. t were d Mm m
Medd r a home totheir
neighbors and intimate friends of, Ex-
eter on Thursday and Friday preced-
ing 'the.anniversary.: Many called and
brought congratulations and good
On Sunday; .the ' 31st, anniversary
day, immediate relatives and close
fri endsP
oro presew r s lit for dinare •
Guests carne from Hallett e ill
K o 1
IVf , I
, p,
Clinton, Gederich, London, Detroit
and Pontiac. The lady who acted as
bridesmaid' 'at their wedding, now.
Mrs, G. F. Craik of Windsor, was
linable to be present; but sent a lov-
ely gift -with her congratulations.
Congratulatory messages and gifts
were received front many relations
and friends, some orf whom were,un-
able to be present. The tribute of
flowers was splendid.'. Indeed,' the
rooms were beautiful with roses, Eas-
ter lilies and other spring flowers.
Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, their pastor,
conducted a shot.prcigram and spoke
in kindly reference to Mr, and Mrs.
A spciai guest was Rev. D. Rogers
of St. Thomas, an old-time pastor and
friend. He 'gave a short address and
read a letter which he had written
to them a short time previously, The
closing paragraph expresses the
hopes and wishes of their luny_
friends. The letter follows:
"Dear brother J. H. and Mrs, Medd:
Living not very far from Cartwright
it is very probable that sixty years
ago this month, .I read in the Bow-
manville Statesman that John H. Medd
and Miss Elizabeth Bruce were uni-
ted in the bonds of holy matrimony by
Rev. Wm. McDonagh. The writer was
permitted and privileged to be the
Pastor ore this devout couple and to
be associated with thein in Christian
servlce over forty years ago. They
have now reached nearly, if not quite,
four score and four years—a long
time to live in this busy, bustling and,
out. of breath age, but there are not
wanting evidences that the hand of
God has led you during all these de-
And now, a Diamond Wedding.
When we remember what it signifies,
how much time is included, it i"s a
very notable event. Think of it, two
streams of existence running in the
one and the same channel for over
half a century. You have lived to
know the blessedness of age ,and
thank God, the enjoyment of it isnot
marred by physical pain or mental
incapacity. You are not invalids or
in your dotage.- The prophet's image
of a tree planted by the rivers of
water, whose leaf never withers, has
.been verified. You are still young -
if not in fact, in heart, in sympathy
and in..hope Religion has presided
at your table, watched over your
slumbers, directed your business and
sanctified your habits, Like Abra-
ham, - you cohnmanded your children
after you, and I trust they are all
with you in the fellowship of the
church, of duty, faith and hope. 0
let us magnify the Lord and exalt his
nave together.
I will close, hoping that the remain-
ing days inay be a pathway sloping
gently and restfully toward the set-
ting sun, and lit up with the promise
tlf a more glorious sunrise amid the
enchanting beauty of the delectable
mountains, Affectionately, D. Rog-
EGMONDVILLE: I{ruse .Bros's
chopping mill was burned early Tues-
day morning of last week, the loss
being about $6,000, partly covered by
insurance, .The, cause of the fire is
unknown but 'it'is thought -it may
have started from the electric engine.
ZURICH: The body of Miss Lis'('
etta Reichert, whoslived at the edge
of the village, was found in her hone
on Tuesday of last week. She was
sitting in a racking chair and it was
said she had been :dead some homy
when found. The funeral was held
on Thursday.
3 Glasses Water Help Constipation
One glass of water is not enough-
take three glasses one hour before
breakfast. Much bettor results are
obtained by adding, a teaspoon' of
simple glycerin. Saline edmpoutid
renown as - die •ika to each glass.
( A > ) &
Adlerika, acts on BOTH upper and
lower bowel and removes old 'waste
matter you: never thought was in
your system. Stops gas and sour
minutes. Relieves
stomach in TEN
constipation in two hours. W S. R.
Holmes, Druggist. ist,
b ,