The Clinton News Record, 1929-03-28, Page 6THE , CLINTON-NEWSRECORD The Royal Master Not one Royal Master in a thousand willever puncture. Not one in l flue thousand ondrtwa years of service. Steady for carefree motoring when jj Spring op P in ens u . Have your tires rhoxo g y ' ought overhauled inside and out —now. The proper place to have it done is at a Dominion Tire Depot. Here you will find a 'specialist - trained in the Dominion Tire Factory. Ilei^knows how tires are made. He keeps in touch with the newest methods and devices in tire repairing — and in checking allinjuries before they cause serious results. Now is the time to see this man --then you're ready for Spring. You are never fttr,Ciwtiy front it; DOMINION TIRE DEPOT CLINTON J. M. Elliott LONDESBORO Leslie Ball Celbt>rne Township On Monday the Women's Mission- ary Society of Smith's hill met at the hall with a fine attendance: General business was then discussed and then the subject Of giving by ;envelopes. was explained and envelopes distrib- uted, It is found through the societ- ies using theme the allocation is more easily reached. Miss Vesta Fisher gave a synopsis of the aeccind chapter .of• "Drums, in. The Darkness." The members talked of and made plant to secure Mrs. Walker of Dungannon to address the soeic,by at some meet- ing in the near; future. On Tuesday night Rev: R. B; Cum- ming .gave an illustrated lecture in the hall on Ben Jfur, the proceeds to go to help the girls class fund for the Welsh Miners. The young people, assisted by Rev. It. B, Curnming,'are giving their can- tata on Sunday afternoon, "The Ohal- lengi of the Cross," which is being practised this week: • On Friday evening the C. G i.' T. group gave a social evening in aid of Welsh Miners. The girls challenged the boys on a debate, "Resolved that the farmer's wife has a better chance of enjoying life than the farmer.'.'. The night was -eery-dismal, With 60- easional- showers, otherwise a good crowd would have been present, but, all the young people were out. Games first were enjoyed then the debate. The negative won, which was taken by, Miss Irene Stoll and Miss Margaret Jefferson. against Mr..Wilmer hardy and Mr. Reg. Glen. Missos Eleanor sand Isabel Tyndall gave a violin .and organ duet and Miss Winnie Marsh and Revs. R. B'. Cumming an instrum- ental duet. All jclined in for a social hour with sandwiches, cake, and cof- fee. - Quite a ntimber purchased horses at the sale held in Goderieh on Thursday. Most of them are unbrok . en. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE NEWS -RECORD AKE a dozen delicious biscuits this way. Sift together twice, 2 cups of Purity Flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt. Cream 1 tablespoon each of lard and butter and mix with the dry ingredients, using the tips of your fingers. Add f cup each of milk and of water,. nixing with a knife until you have a very soft dough. Pat out lightly on mixing board until 34 inch thick. Cut out and bake ;in hot oven for 15 minutes. These biscuits will keep moist for several days. Be .sure it is Purity Flour, milled with the utmost' care from Western Canada's finest hard wheat, the best all-purpose !lour. , A totted guide to modern cooks our 700.reclpe Purity Flour Cook Boob— will be sent to you or 304 Write today for a copy. BEST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO, LIMITED --HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO BRANCHES FROM COAST TO COAST. oes the Stock \ .rket Shut yone . t? Anyone can buy sharesof the Bell -. Telephone Company because they are listed' on the stock exchange. 'Anyone thus can become a shareholder and exercise whatever rights share holders may have in purchasing new issues of stock. Bell Telephone stock — old and new — has always been available to anyone who wants it. Audit is available to the public now "on the open Market". The Bell Telephone Company is owned by 15,500 shareholders and no individual has as math as one quarter of one per cent of the total shares. 7CHE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA • REDUCTION IN IIYDRO'. t'ROMIS'CD Geste al downward revision of 'hy- dro rates iydro'rates is'expected to take place throughout Ontario this summer. Iloii. J. R. Cooke, %Iydro Commission er, a-iade this announcement on the. floor of the Legislature during the week: when the estimates of the lly- dro .Commission were' under; 0015tH- enation. "Tire Commission," he said, '"has adopted 5 policy. pl downward revis- ion of rates. `Phis has gradually brought rates down on the rural lines. We tihink we can make such revisions annually as we see oeir wayclear.. >I think by midsummer there will be another downward revision." hydro estimates to the eXtent of 510,825,357, were ;aimed by the Leg-. islature durint the week. These pro- vide .fon the expenditure cif $5,565,407 on the Niagara system; $300,000 on the Georgian BaY systenn;Sf18,950 on the Ottawa and St. Lawrencesys- tem;. $800,000 on tire Thunder Bay system; $40,000 on the Central On- tario system; $2,700,000 on the pro- posed Northern. Ontario develope- niont and $400,000 'to provide fel ex- ,tensidns of the AdmithstrationBuild- ing,;vh"iin Toronto. Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto THURSDAY, MAROkI '28 1929' Strialinind Bacon Litter Comptition``. This competition is sponsdred un- der the joint support of the federal andOntarioDepartments of Agricul- ture, The following are the objects of and the conditibtls governing the competition as well as a statement if the basis on which the final awards will -be made. The objective of the competition is the establishment of a standard of excellence for grads.brood sows kept by farriers. It is recognized that those brood sows which are prolific'. and rear large litters of select bacon hogs, that are good feeders snaking good gains at a low cost are valuable and 'improversof commercial hogs.' The competition aims to give such sows prominence as breeders in theins respective communities in the hope that their female progeny' will be selected as foundation brood sows tor the district. The Liao Stock Branch, Ontario Department of• Agriculture and the Live Stock Branch, Federal Depart- xnont-of Agridniture, Ottawa, are cal -operating by offering a minimum of $200.00 prize money, fifty per- cent being paid by each Department, The prizes are as :follows: 1st,, $25; 2nd, ;$24; 8rd $23; 4th, 1522; 50,, $21; 6th $20; 7th, 020; 8th, $15; 9th, 315; 10th, $15. Any bona fide farmer may make. entry in the Bacon Litter Competi- tion, The Department reserves the right to restrict or limit the number of entries in any area or district. Any farmer: wishing to enter the Bacon Litter Competition shall :snake entrya on farms supplied by the Ontario De- partment. When filled out, he- shall forward the form to the office of the local Agrieultural Representative within seven days of the date of far- rowing of the litter. Date of far- rowing must be between March ist and Macy 15th. Within reasonable length of time after the entry has been received and approved, a representative of the De- partment shall inspect the entry. Forms will be supplied on which each farmer will be required to show an approximate record of the quantities, kinds and price 01 feeds used, The awards shall be based on the. weight, size, quality and uniformity of tile litter. It is felt that in view of alit q' int that there is no expense in connection with it to the; applicant and that the prizes --are' substantial her 1 , there shaUld be S. good entry and some very ben- efical' results 'obtained from. such a competiti on. For further information and appli- cation forms apply: Department of Agriculture, Clinton, Ontario. GODERIOIf: The Collegiate Board is planning another room and. engaging another teacher `to accom- modate the extranumber of students in the lower form.', 'i'he Huron Old Boys of Toronto in- troduced. a n-troduced.a new -feature into their win- ter entertainments, when on Friday evening last, they held a euchre and box social at Hygeia Hall, Elin. street. This' was considered an experiment in the way of entertainments, but, al- though the weatherf we's very dis- agreeable,- there was a splendid at- tendance, and the beautiful display pf .decorated boxes of refreshments was something remarkable. There was very keen competition amongst the ladies, and it was -with difficulty that the judges, Dr. and, Mrs. Moore, sel- ected the .prize winner. Mrs. G. C. Young, one of the most popular mem- bers of the association carried tiff the honors, and the box, when auctioned off, .realized the handsome suns , of three dollars, Mr., J. A. McLaren, Honorary President, being the buyer. The boxes were auctioned off with. rapidity, running from fifty cents up td three dollars, • Mr. and 1Virs. H. B. Stowe super- vised the bridge and euchre, and very handsome prizes were awarded to the successful competitors. Dancing, old time and new time, :was carried on until 1 a.m., with a professional caller off, and a violin orchestra. The following are the naives of some cif those present; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Forbes, Mr. and Mes.. W. Powell, Mr. and UPS, It. C. King and ililiss Icing, Mr. and Mrs. E. Floody and Miss Floody, Mr, and Mrs. B. H. McCreath and Mrs. W. McCreath, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stowe, /Mr. and Mrs. L. M,. Pringle, Mr. and 1V1rs.'Lack Kennedy, Mh. and Mrs. John IIloon; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Guy, Mr. and' Mrs. W. 'Paterson, Long Branch; Mir. and Mas. P. Sandwich, Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs. W. Todd, Mr. 0. A. Robertsdn, IV1.P.P., Goder- ieh, Mir. 3. A. McLaren, Dr. and Mrs. J. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. H. 3. Hotlgins, Mi'. and. Mrs. G.' 0. Young, Mr. A. G. Smith Mr. G. A. Newton, Mr. R. T. Irwin, Thornhill, Mr. A. Fisher, Mr. H. E. Worsell, Mr. Rqbt. Holmes, 11V. Russel Brown, Mr. Jas. Arin- strop, Mr. J. Turner, Mr. J. E. Fer- guson, Mr. D. A. Durie, Mr. Reg. Williams, . Mr. Geo. Hoffman, Seb- ringville, 14Ir. W. Ii. Ferguson, Mrs. D. Thompson, Mr. J. Sneyd, Mr. 0. L. Bates, Mr. F, A. Lewis, Mr. T. B. Hughes, Mr. A. McGregor,=.Mat J. C. Hanley, Miss Constance Stewart, Miss H. Little, Miss Adeline Ross, Miss Florence Finn, Miss M. Doherty, Miss M. Watt, Miss Annie Hamilton, Miss Hunter, Miss Pearl Hissey, Miss Olive Bates, Miss M. McNeill, and massy others whose names could not be obtained. Notes of, the. Evening. Much real •syin.pathy was expres- sed'for Mrs, 3, A. McLaren, who was confined tri her home on account of a fractured ankle. She was very much missed. Everybody was delighted to see Mrs. R. C. King on hand again, after a protracted illness. Lack Kennedy was the liveliest bidder of the evening. Hemusthave secured at least hall a dozen boxes A, D. \ isher, millionaire; •inventor, known as "Shauncey" in Clinton forty yegrs ago, was very much on the job, and secured one 01 the best boxes. Secretary Floody, with his usual Orange preclivities, was the lucky bidder on - the Orange and Blue box, audit was a beauty. He, is holding it for., next 12th of July. A. G. Smith,`formerly'of the Wing - ham: "Advance -Times," for his 'box,. got` a big heart and it was very ap- propriate, for A. G. is one of the hest. - Mrs, A, 11 eGregoh, formerly, of the Clinton "New Era" and the. Wingham "Advance," attended the function for the .first bine, and was delighted. The old time dances were more popular than ever, and Allem' and • Left is now.a popular movement. 11. T. Irwin, teacher, of Thornhill, was one of the first arrivals.' He pretty nearly beat G:''A. Newton. "Piper"s Dam" was the label on one of,tho boxes. It sold fpr ,a high price' and it is rumored that the contents were supplied by Bert ltbcCrea'i.:. Robert Holmes, ex -MP. informed Charlie Robertson, M. P. P. that 'elec- tions were far more expensive in West Huron, than they aro at .the present time, as you don't have to buy any silk dresses now. President Forbes is well satisfied with the experiment, and he promises another one during the Autumn sea - 0011. • dui CHRYSLER. "Tt"TOWN SEDAN, izl.p, E.O.B. FACTORY riding presiie to a name the whole world acclaims CI il2XSLER,genius in style crew - tion shines forth brilliantly in the Chrysler f$75." Chrysler designers have gained an entirely new effect by applying, in a modern way, the finest principles of classic art which have endured through the centuries but are forever fresh and stimulating. Recipient,too, of all Chrysler prog- ress in engineering, the Chrysler. "75" perforins surpassingly. Its high - compression engine, of the Chrysler"Silver-Dome" type, develops astonishing speed with unique smoothness. The acceleration literally startles a driver unaccus- touted to Chrysler pick- up. All drivers, too, are similarly impressed by the quick, positive control of Chrysler weatherproof internal - expanding 4 -wheel hydrae brakes: Pivotal steering and balanced front wheels, rubber shock insulators on the springs together . with hydraulic shock absorbers assure incomparable riding qualities. Worthy companion to the mag- nificent Chrysler Imperial, the Chrysler "75" is adding universal prestige to the name that means, the world over, everything that is fine and desirable in a motor car. NEW CHRYSLER '575" Nine body stylet, $1985 to hops. All prices f o. b. Windsor, Ontario, including standard factory. equipment (frdgbt and lases extra). c*d CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT SWEEPING SUCCESS AND II`sECLYfa BALLS 0 • Now a full Iine of Whll,bee Com,neretalcars and WtliyslinishtTn,oke ranging in price from $680 to $3460 f.o.b. factory. taxes Ginn, MUM . As soon as you see and drive the new. Whippet Four or Six, .you will readily un- derstand its sweeping success and record' sales., l;.irst,there is the sutireme beauty of design that makes the new Whippets the style authorities in their classes.. Then( when you enter either cat, you will be'gr`atified with its spacious, tastefully appoint ed 'interiors. The longer wheel- base gives several inches of add- ed,leg-z'ooni. Seats are consid- erabty-,wider and -have fortn- fifting contodrs, assuring rest• fulAcomformble positions for all passengers. odies 0*1411.0,0 The greatest driving con- venience since the self. starter. A single button in the centre of the steer- ing *hes! controls all ftenctions of stnr`ting the notar ;operating$the tights and sounding the born. Impressive as ti>t`" newWhippeeoare lnbeautyandstee, they are also re. markable for performaxice. Their depend. ability and low consumption of gasoline and oil makes them wen qualified to carry on Whippet'sma. surpassed reputation for opera.. ting economy and minimum service costs. Arrange . for a demonstration. WHIPPET FOUR COACR $728, Cas $7250Coupe, (with rumble neat) $765 Sedum 810, Rnxdote5 $660, Roadster ramble .e*t),- $700, Touring. 55 5, WHIFFET Silt COACH $930, Coupe (wads tumble meat) $970,Sedan $905, Touring 5795 De -Saxe Sport aoadeter 51I50, Ali pricer P.S.13. Factory, Toronto, Taxes 5560. RT LANR. CLINT N