The Clinton News Record, 1929-03-07, Page 4"s.iF RSD Si, yTARClI.7, 1920 COOPER'S STORE NEWS ew Spring Wall Papers ew Spring Dresses dew Sp ing .;ca its ew Sp Lag 'fiats 'YOU WILL ENJOY SHOPPING AT COOPERS" A. T. COOPER. 'TINE STORE WITH THE STOCK", CLINTON .0610.111. Sherlock -Manning Pianos flow About Treating Your- self to a PIANO? cNEIL Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton J CQ➢cant PrniItiy WE RECOGNIZE :QUALITY and. DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY CLINT'ONy,CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTH BRANCH, SE,AFORTH PHONE 162 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIQ, PHONE 190 Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited. HEAD OFFICE — MONTREAL, QUE. • FACE THE FUTURE SQUARELY Decide now to safe -guard yonrself.p if you become totally dis- ; a'bled as a result of either sickness or accident and this eondition exisalfor three months, WE require nal more premium deposits dur- ing the subsequent disability period and, PAY YOU a .monthly in- came, ncome, • In no way does this :detract from your protection in the event of. nth. LIPS ANNUITY. , . if you have no dependents, make pr vision for the sun -set of life lay a LIFE INCOME at age 55, G0 or 65. :These are matters of pure business, which men experienced in their line can present clearly to you, IN DISREGARDING YOUR FUTURE YOU COURT DISASTER The Ontario Equitable Life M. T. CORLES,S,Agency Inspector, .. 'Phone 193 04-tf. SUCTION. SALES Clearing .Auction -Sale Of Farms, Farm. Stock and Im-. -:`.ennen8s, at lot 6, concession1; Hui - •X -.,11:t township, on Tuesday', March 12, mt i2:30 o'clock, sharp, consisting of Sher following: HORSES ---Well ' thatched . team, -"weighing about 3,000 lbs,, one of elftein a-tregietered brood mare, Peggy ,dl'Neil, 49127, rising 7 years, her mate. ,gelding,` 8 years old, This team ie bright hay ,with white markings and, nrorkgood singleor double;; General purpose work horse, 10 years old; • rack carriage horse,- rising, 6 years, good roadster, single: or double, and tgn,,iet; bay filly, rising 2 years, ell gib1e for registration; Salvage mare, -arising 2 years: Scotch Hackney geld-- iieg', ruing 2 yearn. These colts are ;Fell"broken. .CATTLE—Well bred red Durham -cam, 6 -years eld, freshened Jan. 1st; ell bred reel Durham cpw,. 8 years id,•`calf .at foot; part Ayrshire cow, ,ed. year's old, calf at foot;. spotted cow, years did, 'freshened middle of Jan.; 'l&fdtk:row, 4 years old, freshened February 1st, 8 cows, due to freshen in September fat. heifer; 2 steers, 2 Nears old; 4 heifers, rising 2 years; ,5 young 'calves. PIGS=•2 brood sows' with litters;, Well-bred York sow', • duo to profit April lst; 10 store hogs, about,- 100 Vis. „each. POULTRY -2 doz. Leghorn .hens;' ; doz. young rook` hens; 2 geese ,and ,ander, ,,,odd gander; 2 `ducks and c: katkel, Good collie dog, :gogflhcel»r and watch dog.' IMPLEMENTS —• Massey -Harris binder, .7 ft. cut;. Massey -Harris mctwer,.6 ft. eut; 1 share in Massey - Harris manure spreader; Massey Harris spring tooth cultivator; ]Mas- sey -Harris weed drill 13 -hoes with spring teeth; John Deer hay loader, nearly new; McCormielc,•load rooter,' 3 drum; Coe•kehntt rid- ing plow -single' furrow; Oliver walk- ing plow, 2 furrow; single furrow; plow; set of diamond harrows; disc harrow; `Adams wagon, nearly new; wagon box; gravel box;flat hay rack; set of sleighs,' bunks and bolsters, with flat rack; steel tire top buggy; rubber tire open buggy; 2 cutters; Overland touring car, in good run- ning order; - Ford 'Touring car in racer style; pea puller and buncher; root pulper; fanning mill; set of scales, 2000 lbs. capacity; De Laval (beam separator, No. 12, in good running order;' Louden hay ear; 160 ft. rope; hay fork and ,slings; cross- cut saw; stone boat; set of brass mounted team harness;' set of plow harness; set of .driving harness, 2 sets horse blankets; cooler eopper feed boiler; new robe; 2.doz;. grain, bags; quantity'ef• No:•`27. seed barley, 6 rowed; quantity of Banner seed oats; 10 tons of mixed hay; 6 tons tnmoth,y; 25 coedscords of hardwood, 12" long; 1000 ft'. of rock 'elm, 2" plank; 1000 ft. of. 1" barswood;, abdut'800 ft, of bird's eye maple: for -flooring; 12 tongues of second growth • hickory; ;lumber for ggavel; hex; necicyoke ; whiffletreea, 'shovels,, forks, Chains etc 1'icUSLi'10:LD EFI+EC'r8- •4' THE CLINTON-NEWS der Pe lectic'n coal oil stove with ov- en; Daisy'', churn, large, size; Dining; room -suite, composed, of table, chairs, and ''ideboud;'leather couch; Morris arm. chair; 'Victrole, mnew with re - 'cords; Brussels,. rug, 0'x.12', and other, 'utieleS too numerous t0 mention-. . Everything advertised tiscd to be -sold without reseryo as the proprietor is giving up farming. , At Lhc tine time ,aid place, lot 6 con 1, IIuliett township; will he' of- fered tor sale':' This `farm demists of 88 gores more Or. less, situated hall way bei cured 4eafez'th grid Clinton on .the Highway, On the premises are a large frame'-dvielling 11cnle,. 'with good barn, 60'x60', steel roof;'. stone feenclatimt, cement flooring water in stable, accomodation Tor st'hbling 35 head of horses and cattle; driving house; hen hoarse, garage. The farm is well drained, clean, and in a' good state' of cultivation,°all cleared .with the exception of. 2 acres of ; Maple hush and orchard, artesian well with now windnill;.:40, acres of_4all`plow- ing done; remainder seeded to hay. and pasture; also top acres lot 35, con', 1,' Tuckersmnith torwnshipon- the highway- 2 ' miles east of Clinton:' This.: far oris ':all under. grass, well watered. This, farm is all under grass; well' watered and .about 7 acres of good hardwood bosh. • Terms on Farms -1.0 per cent of the -purchase money paid clown on day of sale, 30 per cent paid lst of April, bal'rnce can remain on mortgage. at reasonable rate of interest. Teriiss ore Farm Stock and Implem- ents -n.11 sums. of 310 and .under, cash, over that amount 8 months credit' will be given on furnishing'': ap- prtoved point bankable .paper, 4 per cent straight Y allowed for cash on credit announts: Wm. J. Ross, Prop- rietor, Geo, H...El4ott, Auctioneer. ' 03-2, . Clearing' Auction Sloe ` Or ,Farm Stock and Implements at let 24, eon. 1, Tuekersmith township, on Highway, 3 miles west of Sea forth, oa-Tuesday, March 19th, dt 1 o'clock, sharp, consisting of. the fcdlowi g; HORSES -Matched team of _ geld- ings, weighing -3100 lbs; 7 and 9 years o1d; Heavy: draught ni:aro, black, 7 years, 1650 lbs; black gelding, 12 years; filly, rising 3, sired by Glen- gyre, well broken; gelding, rising 2,. well broken; filly, rising 1 year; black driver, extra good third 'horse, rising seven. These horses aro in good condition. GA.TTLE-Black Holstein cow, 6 years,+ to freshen soon, real choice cow and heavy milker; white holstein cow, 8 years, milking, supposed to be it -emir; Durban grade cow, (7 years, milking good, supposed to be in calf; red cow, 4 years old, { o freshen by April; black Polled Angus cow, 4 'years old, with calf at foot; Holstein cow, 5 years, to freshen March 25th; 2 heifers, 2 years old, 900 lbs, half fat; Hereford heifer, 700 lbs, half fat; also a number of stockers.- , SHEEP -0 well-bred Leicester ewes, 2 and 8 years. PIGS , -4 brood sows, extra good MOS; 11 store hogs, 100 lbs. IMPLEMENTS - MoCcriniek bin- der, 7 ft. .cut, used three seasons;, Massey-Ilarris mower, 6 ft. cut, new; Spring tooth cultivator; Massey -Har- ris seed drill, 14 hoe; Massey -Harris hay loader, new; Quebec riding plow, new, -only plowed 5.acres; single fur- row walking view; Andeieon, 4 -see- tions harrows, complete; wide disc with truck; Bain wagon, with box, complete; gravel box; hay rack; new stock rack; Massey -Harris sleighs, now, used one season, -with 2" rock elm wood rack and Uunlcs 'separate; steel roller; hay rack, wide; fanning mill; rout -pulper; set brass mounted• team harness; set niekle mounted team harness, used one -sea- sena, three . or foul` hundred bushels of good oats, improved ;Banner; quan- tity of -choice rock elm planks; neck yokes; whifflotrees; forks; chains; and _numerous other articles, induct - hag some houeshold effect. TERMS: mines of 510,00. and , ander, cash; 'over that amount 8 months credit will be given on fur- nishing bankable paper or ,4 per cent straight -few cash. Evefything:must be .sold as 'I have rented any farm. G. W. Nott, Proprietor,. Geo. H. E1-. ligtt, Auctioneer. 04-2. Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, at the Durnin- fame adjoining, the town of Clinton,` on Friday, March 15th, at 1,30 sharp. Mr. Chas, E. .Elliott, who has •pur chased the Durnin farm, stock and implements, has instructed the un- dersigned to sell without reserve a choice lot of"dairy bred heifers' and yon ng cattle, consisting of the follow- ing: • - Blue cow, 5 years, bred in. Dec.; Holstein cow, due in M;ay; 3 Holstein heifers, due in March and 'April; 2 Jersey heifers, due in March and Ap- ril; 2 Guernsey heifers, due in March and April; 3 Guernsey heifers, bred in January; 9 yearling Guernsey heif- ers; 5 Guernsey heifer. - calves, 6 months, old; 5 Guernsey heifer ealves, 2 to S months old; 4 year old driving filly, well bred. This'is,an exception- ally good lot of heifers, bred from the Durniri Guernsey herd. Teris: 8 months' • credit' will be given on furnishing approvedjoint. bankable paper, or a discount of .4 percent straight will be allowed for cash. ; Ches. V. Elliott, Proprietor, G. H. Elliott, 'Auctioneer. 03-2. Bai#flelltd Miss Giadys.Davison and Mr. T. Mallett of London spent Sunday with the :foriiner's mother, Mrs. Kate Davi A ,special service was held in Si'. Andrew's United church by men and for men on Sunday morning. The minister, Rev. R. M, Gale, preached from 1' Chron. 12-22, referring td the men who rallied around King David, 7Io was assisted by ,Mr. Colin Camp- bell, who led in prayer, and lei . Wil- liam Reid, 'who ° took the responsive reading. ` A 5plendid.' choir of neon`, led the praise. ' • On'ltionday evening a'banquet :wee ECORI) given in the,' ttement: of the church, also in charge of the men. A nom - boy o1 the young men acted as` wait ors. The tables were daintily tires-. sed and a fine menu provided:' The chairs wei•e,'all'weli filled, The ban- quet was followed -by toasts, music and addresses the minister acting as toast -master. Aftdr a. toast to .the king the National anthem was' sung, Rev. F. 11'i'hulI of the Anglican church spoke on "The Empire," re- plied to by 168. Wilhi n Sperks.' Mi.. W. 0. Rae, • principal or the school preNoscd a toast to "Our Country,°, replied to by Mr. A. L Erwin. Rev. Men Doan of Ontario street church, Clinton, "`proposed ' a toast to "The Church," replied to by Mb Colin. Campbell: .Mir. Brown Stewart and Mr. James Stirling - responded to a toast to "The Ladies." Mr. S. E. 1llerner and Heir. A. Dunn responded to a toast to "The IVlien." Tho addresses were interspersed with' community singing, and other numbers I4i'o. {Rey:) Paull 'sang. ;a beautiful , solo/ ' A male . quartette, Messrs. Rae, Erwin, Scotchmer and Gale, favored with, two negro melod- ies. Messrs. Peck, ` Scotehmer -and' Gale gave violin and saxophone :num- bers. Miss Gladys Gale presided' at the organ. -After singing: "Jolly Good Fellows' and e "Atild :. Laug Syne," Rev. Ms -Doanled in prayer. and pronounced'. the benediction, -Rev. R. 114.. Gale' spent -Several days in Chatham.last week where I e went to the funeral, of a former parishoner. Miss Elizabeth Reid left on Friday for Londpn after having visited her sister, Miss M. C. Reid,and other relatives in -the district. Mr, John Erwin hof Gcderich, who has not been in good health lately, came last week to visit his brother, A.P. Erwin. 'There passed td rest on Monday nnorning, after an illness extending. over several', months, a respected cit. izon of Bayfield in the person of Richard Elliott.. The deceesed' was born near Zurich seventy-two years ago, being a 'son of the late Mr. and ,Mrs, Moses'' Elliott, and one . of a family of fourteen. After having resided in Stephen, for, a number of Years he came to Bayfield, where' he haslived for the past thirty-nine years. . Twenty-six years ago he was married to Mfrs. Mary A. Cas- tle, who survives him,. For forty years he was a member of the L.O.L., No. 24, taldng for years the 'active part of drununer in the fife and drum band'. HIe was of a cheerful disposition and always ready to lend a (nand wherever he. could help. For a great many years he has been the capable sexton of the cemetery, Besides his widow he is survived by one brother, Robert A. Elliott of the village. The funeral was held on Wednes- day afternoon from Trinity church, interment being made in Bayfield. cemetery. The service was conduct- ed by the rector assisted by Rev. R.. M. Gale. The pallbearers were Hugh MacKay, John Cameron, Harry Stinson, Chris. Parker, W. J., Mc- Leod and cit. 1,. Erwin. leen had charge of the graveside. 0 Much : sympathy jt limaktuitsigellatommastalmwoltemaiensgmbridaa' 11.011309411410"1111.11.1111W . The Orange- bereaved widow and brother. day March the- twelfth • It is a: service at ,the Bilis ,have been posted ;advertising " i " p "likely' looking castand judging hl' the play, "The 1VT'istress of St. Ives," 1 former performances,, will be a: felt for the tole') given in -the town hall on Tues- splendid entertainment, , 1924. Sedan $400 1628 Coach $625 1927 Coupe $500' 2 1927 Chevrolet Trucks Cheap tiltUSINESS has been exceptional) ;The Oatstanil. ing Chevrolet of Chevrolet -History has broken all sales records. New cars ordered for spring delivery are on their way in. Used Cars . taken in trade . havetogo out. They're good cars . . turned in earlier than usual. because the Chevrolet Six is so irresistible. They're wonderful values mile for mite the cheapest motor car transportation you've ever had offered you. But they have to go this month to make way for spring -. business -Hence this great nationwide Used Car Sale by Chevrolet Dealers throughout Canada. . Learn the sensationally low prices and you'll realize . every Used Car is marked for quick clearance. Iiavis, Clinlo UC.2-3.291 wnel • wi{lo ,Choicc,of Colors St No Ittatru Cent AND UP' F.O.B. Windsor, Talent Extra Coacb,$840; 2 -Pass. Coupe, $844; Phaeton, $840; Coupe Swith ramble seat), $875; tandard „Sedan, $960; • Town Sedan, $10254koad- ster, $1025; Convertible Coupe, $1080. Equipment Iaclud,, •4 ,hydraulic shock absorbers—rhe. . tris - tae and oil guuge.ratiiator ahattcre—saddts tamer-windehieM miter—rear view ,nhror—eicd,'e dock—controls on steeriht wheel scarcer an dash—alt bright hens Aren,hun.04tcd Everywhere in every way , [ESSEX the Challenger is pit to thI proof wspaper observers In Fast Gettawray—no-car is excepted. In Speed= -anything the road offers up to 70 miles an hour. In Bill Climbing -the hardest hills i n this community — • and in America. lint Reliability --60 miles an hour all day. In Economy—better than 20 miles to the•gallon. IN THIS CITYunder officialnewspaper As you sec it out -perform cars costing far observation, 'Essex the Challenger will More, remember that exactly the salve performance .ability, quality, economy and riding ease are characteristic in the Essex - the : Challenger which you buy. And in Value --compare it part for part in' every quality particular of appearance, finish, comfort and easy ridin '' to those , costly cars in which you pay the higher price for those very things. demonstrate its right to : challenge the best that motordom offers. It is dramatic , revelation of an all round. quality Six—big, fast, roomy, powerful -- now available at the lowest price for which Essex ever sold and but little more than the cost of the smallest, lighhest and lowest -priced cars on . themarket. Waite the CHe141.E aflahan,