The Clinton News Record, 1928-07-19, Page 61`vsade of the .purest ingr°ed'ients. and dietetically correct, Chiistie's 13igectives are Wholcsolaie and safe for everybody. in the Store or on the 'phone, e w 4ys ask for: Have yeii tried; the. "Ace", w. 9''the ne Christie Biscuit? ii.. &$ " r#SP17 .x'.YL+ zt¢• y' r„r„ A csan�. x<• t 'n a,,fi •a,; c,.: ^s -m tna:- . Z�'?.G�'f! 61':241a1(111/S4/We'/81 .tl39tMake a o to -of Babies thrive Nerves', 13y T.UTI-i '131U1TT'AIN :+isa£e ..."Cpm .ei'iera'n.'4`eetorte, i2.:cf dt::, Er-, 'ever er . tf, tstem George Creegan Main Enters Big Swan Much of the nervousness in older 'children can be.- traced to the over- [btimttlation during -infancy, caused by 'regarding baby as a sort of animated toy for the amusement of parents,. re- latives, and - friends. /Baby -may .be played with, -but not for more than a' ,quarter of an hour to an hour daily. 'Beyond that, bets handled, tickled, tcaused to laugh or even screw.., will 'Sometimes result in vomiting, 'and in - :Variably causes irritability, crying or sleeplessness. i Fretfulness,. crying and sleeplessness from this cause can easily be avoided •b7 treating baby with more considera- tion, but when you just can't see what making baby restless or upset, bet- ter give him a few - drops of pure, !harmless"Castoria. It's amazing to See how quickly it calms baby's ner •ves and soothes him to sleep;. yet it: contains no drugs "or opiates. It is purely vegetable—the recipe is on the wrapper. ' Leading physicians pre. scribe it. for colic, cholera, diarrhea, constipation, gas ori' stomach and bowels, feverishness, loss of sleep and l all other; "upets" of babyhood, Over 26 million bottles used a year shows dts overwhelming popularity. With each bottle of Castoria, you ;get a book. on Motherhood, worth its ,weight in gold, Look for Chas. B. T'letcher's• signature on the package <so, you'll get genuine Castorla. There ;are many imitations. Gewwge Creegari is . a Glasgow boy alto learned his swimming' in the Clyde, and he 1e'n_ow a life guard and swimming instructor at, the Luxor Baths -in Paterson, N:J He is a sturdy lad of about 170 lbs. and has had a remarkable record dur- ing i the past' three years, in • which figures a record swim round Manhat- tan Island, a distance of 42 miles, Which he accomplished in 12 hours 4 minutes, aided by the tide both ways. 1•Ie also claims the world's #seer o1 a swim from Albany to New York, 160' miles in a water tempearture of 48 degrees in •fifty hours 6 minutes, -elapsed time.- FIe was fifteen hours in the water during the Lake George grind,', and last year completed five hours in bake Ontario • during the Second -Wrigley Marathon before Cramps claimed -him as victim. Cz'eegan ie convinced that his last year's diet defeated him, and he is now in the hands of a celebrated die- tician, Ar. Jesse `Mercer Gelhau of Paterson, who will be responsible for this department of his training. Ise trains daily in the lake at the I3umber and looks.. to he a very seri- ous contender for world's honors this Year. i:; Go Light Motor Camping. Nothing is more fun 'than , going otor camping, provided you go pre - Orly outfitted. Camping equipment heed not be expensive or cumber- ome to carry on the 'outside of even small car if you take the , right ,things.;, Most people start out with. too many things on their first vaca- tion on the 'open road. l "You must have a tent, if it is to be 'a real camping trip. Whatever shape lof tent you choose,' lot it be water- proof; and as, nearly mosquito and 11y - proof as possible, and easy and quick to put up. The umbrella tent is easily nd quickly set up because it has only one centre pdle. When folded, .it oc- auplcs a small space on the running beard.:. Insist, on having a floored tent, for the sake of Security from snakes and insects. As for bedding, take plenty. Two wool blankets and a pair of cotton blankets to a person its about the right allotment. Do not et the rough and readysouls of -your party persuade yeti to try sleeping on e ground. Nothing puts you in tune with the touring universe like a good night's sleep, so get a good cot, the 1 est you can find, on which to sleep• - Fulfilment who is he will regret The vanished violet? None will who ever knows In her full time the retie. We have outfledged the spring, We have uew deeps to wing; To drink the sun's increase Unfold with me in peace, Long ago\has my pollen On your',bound graces fatten:-' dQtd WiTil LallUGP9TER) A DOUBLE; -EDGED POEM Dear Oolyu'm: • Dear Sir: -The other flay twomem- bers of. the Bachelors' Brotherhood were arguing on the meaning of Die words "for better dr worse," regarding it and the Married lite. They were both off the track, so, for. the benefit of the Brotherhood, I beg your kind- ness to print my vies/ •on the meaning of "for better or worse." For Better ., When you are feeling awful blue Who is the one; that; comforts' you? Your Wife! When you are sad and feeling so bade Who is the ono that makes you glad? Your Wife! ' • When you are hungry. as -a bear Who looks after the bill -of -fare', Your Wife! 'When :your -work is dreary and long Who cheers you ap .with a gay little song? Your Wife! When things go wrong and never right Who Snakes you Teel gay and bright? Your Wife! When her work on earth is at an end You find you'ce lost'your best friend! For Worse When youare feeling awful blue Who is the one who bothers you? Your Wife! When you are hungry as a bear Who'll surely spoil your bill -of -fare? Your Wife! When you, are sleepy and all in Who hies you with arolling pin? Your Wife! When things go wrong instead' of right Who 1s- the one who starts the fight? Your Wife! When you track mud ou the floor Who is the one who starts to roar? Your Wife! When you have bash in, your pocket at night Who removes it before the morning light? Your Wife! When baby -cries and you walk the floor Who is the one who doth sleep and snore? Your Wife! Yours truly, GLADYS. The grocer had just put a new boy to work, and among the instructions was this: If you don; t happen to have what a customer wants, suggest something else as nearly like it as possible." Soon a woman canto into the store and asked the boy; "Have yen any fresh green stuff to -day "No, ma'am," answered the boy, "but we have some nice bluing." An old woman looked out of .0 car- riage window as the train drew lute the station, and, -hailing -a little boy, e said: "Little boy, are you good?" „Yes, ma'am," replied the boy. 't'Pare4ts 'living?" "Yes, ma'am." "Go to Sunday School?" "Yes, ma.'0111." "Then 1 think I cast tritest you. Run with this penny and get me a bun, and remember, the angels see' ,you." Evangelists rush in and get `the scads where paltors' salaries lag be- hind. ' It used to be that when : a follow went Out for a°geod time he indulged in wine, women and song; now ft's wood alcohol; nurses and .the funeral march, Burn from your cloudless skies,' Marigold of Paradise! —H. J. Massingham in London Observer. Mlnard's Liniment for Insect Bites. An explosive 30 per cent. .mor powerful than TNT has just been dig covered and is expected to revolu tienizo Chicago elections•. /New York Evening Post. - 1p, od eu'NG _ — PHILLIPS— e'4 inAcyFS 41 For Troussies due to Acid INbl0c9TION ACID SioNAGt HBAIXTBURN t1eADAOH.5 GASEo-NAUSEA Excess a0id is the conhhnelt cause of ind gestion. 'It resits in pain and sourness about two hoursafter eating., rl'he.quiek corrective is an alkali which 'neutralizes acid- The best corrective is Phillips' Milk of. Magnesia,, It has remained standard with physicians in the 60 yeah'ssince its .invention. One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia nent;ralizee instantly many 'times its volume in acid. It is harm - Peas and tasteless and its action i quick. You will never rely on crud mothods, never Continue to suffer when you learn how 'quickly, how Pleasantly this premier method acts Please let it show you—now.. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia prescribed by. physi for 10 years in. correcting excess acids. Each -bottle contains full ciirea tious—any -drugstore. • s e,A preacher may not. be able to say all he wents to hi thirty minutes,: but he's sure tp •say all the congregation wants to hear. Aren't you glad you.didn't answer. all the 1000118 of "opportunity?" • Say It With Songs, , Probably whathas ever been the tartest crowd to say geed -bye to -0 departing ii%dividual, omitting royalty, Was recognized at. the North Toronto Station of the Canadian Pacific Railway, recently, when two thousand ment- bers•of the Toronto Exhibition choir sang "Bon' Voyage" to their leader, Dr. H. A. Pricker, upon his leaving for England and PUtropee.. Abbot an,hrar before the departure of the train, tlt;e station was densely packed. Moven special street cars and one hundred automobiles were used for the trans- por•tation of the group. Drawn up at the platform the two thousand choir. members sang with groat effect as the train carrying Dr: Pricker started' on its eastern journey o t WAS VERY. 'MATE New Health Came Through Using Dr: •Williams' 'Pink. Pills. Mrs. Caspar Miller,, Lourdes, •N,S., says that twice in 'her lifetime she has reason to be thankful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for her. She' says:--, "I was f a very delicate girl going into .womanhood, when I first found benefit from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was a sufferer with cramps and pains every month and was hardly able to move around at all. One day when I was very sick a' friend came in to see me, and she, said to my mother, 'Why not try Dr: Williams' Pink Pills, ! know they will do her a world of good." The result was my mother got six boxes and I began their use, and I soon found boneiit frons them. By the time I had taken thorn all I felt an. altogether different girl and no longer suffered. from cramps and pains. - Then a few years ago I was attacked with influenza, and was elelt for six' weeks, Again I started takings Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and again they brought me good health. I am the mother of a family and do all my own work, so you see -I have to keep in good health, and depend upon these pills to keep me so. Now I always recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to„ any of my friends who may. be sickly.^ If you are suffering from any con- clition due to poor, watery blood, or weak nerves, begin taking Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills now, and note how your strongth and health will im- prove. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or at 50 cents a box front The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. - Under our immigration laws a hun- dred Yaps have the right to enter this country. But only one has talc en advantage of the situation. May- be those folk think there are' too many yaps here now. Portsmouth Times. Every Home NeedsMinerd's Liniment i- Empire and Foreign Policy Arthur Ponsonby, M,P,, in Man- chester Guardian (Iib.): No method for the prompt ascertainment of Em- pire "opinion has been discovered. To supply information alone requires time and Minimise trouble; for consultation there is no machinery'except tltd cum- brous interchangeof correspondence;. while 00n50i11 and approval involved i ill() further reference of liuestions to ]Dominion Parliamsiits .•Vet the Joint at 'issue may be. onb the decision of ;which meat of necessity 1.),e reached l in days, if not hours. .1 Red toss Orange Pekoe cordes as near to pee Fe�etion to as any tea calf. Everything that tea experts can Flo make Red Roso Orange Pekoe Sri ri- r in cilia ity, 'favor and vela= t1}one In the Brea , iced Rose blending rooms." I'°Try itto-day. , Put up in the bright; ` clean ;a'um snuni • -. .APPLICATION / APPLICATIONS Are Filled As -Fs, iOffers g Annual ONTARIO As Possible in the Y Work Are Order n Which DEPARTMCNT`�.,, - invarlaisiy They Are . 9F• AGRICULTUREgiven tha Received Preference' �n ge •�� ram lien pp.. The Oolonizatan and Imiiiigratlon Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number of Experiencgr,I;l Married Men With Their Wives. and Families—Mgrretd Couples Wkhbut Children--> Also simile Men. .•µ 7rennera rotluiring hteS» w115 he well advised -malge.,eitzr spreati0O to GO1r C. plf.utop- 01 Colonliiittlifa • •' P 011500t alder$ Toronto, Ont,/ File Your. Application •• at Once Pla?Alied MenSNbJec. to Trial -Period/ Nri1N JOHN,sf MA€I IN, Minister of Agricuitdee ""i' Have you read - �r "God's Cormonwefia11t%-Cv99 by The Roadbuilder (Col. W. G. MacKendricjc) 011 The' Empire and Foreign. Policy Bombay Times of India: The prob- lem of the Dominions' , attitude to British foreign policy is one which almost every Imperial Couerence continually baffles the statesman. At at almost every :Imperial.' Conference some resolution Is made, and yet no resolution has quite solved -the 'prob- lem, as many intricate issues are, in- volved As a result of the imperial onference of 1926, it was agreed that, though the chief share of responsibil- CI ity for foreign policy and Imperial defence must rest with Great Britain, neither Great Britain nor the Do- minions ,should accept active obliga- tions without the definite assent of their own Governments . Great Britain has made numerous conces- sions to the Dominions. But she is still "continental" with a vital part to play in the affairs -0 Europe. Ought not tite Dominions to make some 10n - cession in return? : It is a delicate OUR LORD'S VISIT to Glastonbury, England, where church authority elalnis He built Britain's first church. ; JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA, • _Who buried ,our Lord,. lived 37 years in Britain. LAZARUS, - ater being raised from the dead, - came to Britain. - MARIA MAGDALENE Came with Joseph and' Lazarus to B'r'itain: SIMON ZELOTES the Apostle who preached, "'died in Britain. ARISTOBOLUS, father-in-law of the Apostle Peter, and Britain's first Bishop, buried in Britain, • ST. PAUL, the Apostle' whom 20 church authorities state visited Britain.: DID YOU KNOW that the Inscription on Josephof Afimathea's tomb at Glastonbury, England, stated "1 came to the Britons after Christ"? DiD YOU KNOW' that the first British church bore the name ` "Tho Secret of our Lord" ora thousand years? iAD u ' C. M N E. y �bD � 4Nl D � AIaTI- S,. BRITISH AND AMPRIC.AN" wtth a chapter on Christ's vielt • to Britain, ,$2 al rot l $Po14lorlef or COMMONWEALTH PUBLISHERS LTD, 1199 Bay Street Toronto '(elephone { ingsdl,l9 II0? problem. SUMMER COMP INTS KILLS LI LE ONES At the first sigu of illness during the hot Weather give the little one Baby's Own Tablets or in a few hours he may be beyond aid, These Tablets will prevent summer complaint if given occasionally to: the well ' child, and will promptly relieve these troubles if they come on suddenly. Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in every home where there aro ydung children. There is no other medicine as good and the mother has. the guarantee that they aro absolutely 'safe. They are sold by all druggists or will.be mailed on receipt of price, 25 cents per box, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A little booklet, "Care of the -Baby in Health and Sickness", will be sent free to al1Y mother on request. Rett Rose ' tza age Petro the best tea you can buy In 'clean, bright 4laa,ninurn High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish 11NDUSTRIAL, TECFINlCAL AND ART SCHOOLS With. tho approval of the Minister of Education. DAY ANIi EVENING CLASSES may be conducted 1'n accordance with the regulations Irisucd by the Department of Education, - THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL .INSTRUCTION is give In various trades. The school's and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. A,ppllcatidn for attendance should be ,made` to the ,Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL.. TRAINING, I-IWUSEHOLD` SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study in Public, separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments, Copies of tho Regulations Issued by the Minister of Educationmay be obtained frons the Deputy Minister, Parliament. Buildings, Toronto. Camping at Hrr.me Vacation days Ihave. come at last and the jioung school boys turn eager- ly to thoughts of the waren,days ahead of them. Camping out is loads aqua. And the beauty . of it all, he says, is that it isn't. really necessary- to go away off to the woods to camp, but just strike the tent in the corner of the back yard and camp. Of course, backyard camping keeps you close to home. But, when you awaken in the dead of night, it does not regthlre a great deal of imagina- tion to fancy that you are in deep woods a thoisanct miles away. Camp- ing at home is packs of fun, And you Probably will want to sleep out all summer, once you have become accus- tomed to 1L The backyard camp is a good train- ing camp in which to learn the knack of pitching and striking a tent, build- ing a cooking; lire, and cooking food fit to eat, and it is an advantage to the tenderfoot to have home near at hand in case things go wrong, in •case the teat leaks like a sieve or blows away, or the eats do not fill the imugry spot, or the mosquito dope fails to work. • I. Almost any type of tent will do, but the small pup -tent or shelter tent ie quite the thing for the yard\camp be-, ceause it requires little space. ITo prevent surface water from flooding' the tont, dig a narrow trench around it, with an outlet at one side for a drain. Spread do old rug, piece of carpet, or burlap upon the ground, and place poncho or raincoat upon it be- fore making your bed. Ask mother to sew up a bedtick of unbleached mus-' lin, three feet wide and five feet long, with one end left open. Straw is the best Riling, but dried grass will do. After filling the tick, fasten the open end with safety pins. Primo de Rivera has decided not to get married. Re will.continue as dictator himself; Dallas News. An expert says that npt one American woman in ten can pass a - beauty test,, and apparently as .5. re• salt of that situation not- one . in ten can pass a beauty parlor.—Vew York livening Post. 'Sunburn? Use Minard's Liniment, An American bas made more than. $1,000,000 oh} lead pencils in Soviet "l ussie. This convinces us that at last the Bolsheviks are seriously un- dertaking to figure it out.—Pertland Oregonian. Scotch Go-getter Scot, Veteran of Three Wars, Becomes an Editor in Texas Pyote, Texas.—At the segs of fifty- three, James Drover is seeking new adventures as owner and editor of two oil field newspapers—one "Pyote Ga- zette" and the outer "The Wink Thrice." - Drever is a Scotclldnan who fought as a soldier in three wars. Ho was born in the Orkney. Islands and is a ga:pduate of George I%eriot's tithed ;lar boys in Edinburgh. IIe was in his 'teens when his llaxents died. It was then that he started on a lime of ad. - venture that took him twice around the world and into nearly every land of the two hemispheres. - Dreyer enlisted in the Gordon High- landers and served in the Snd'an catn- palgn in 1807. He took part in biose major engagements—Atbara Omdur- man, and the capture of Khartum. lie was the army that marched to the relief of Kinhberley in the Boer War ir.'South Africa, Ise server with the British forces all through the World War and wail -twice: wounded. As a country' newspaper editor, Dre- yer is a novelty -in thus part of Texas-. Re is popular with the rough - and. ready men of the oil fields, and his two newspapers are filled with well written accounts of the happenings -of, the week. Although Drover itis a emu- paratirge newcomer, he takes an active interest in politics, ancl'''15 making, a strong fight for his favorite candidate in local` contests. - i Minard's Linifnent heals cuts, bruises,. When a Mexioau candidate doesn't win tho shine 'ho's runnihhg for, the keeps right en running, if possible;- lcansas Gazette, ('ROTE9TiVi� ASSOCIATION ,. T daueda motabnalted 190e. Auseto.0259,151.00 enrages to eoneyholeers oves.! 8150,000.00 THE ONLY PU&ilXS1 CAN7- ADIAN COMPANY issuing Kokli.eos and Aeoidont Ineur-: once to N;einbers of the Ma- penlo Fratehnit 13xoinsiv.iy. Agents in all irincipal eyes a.nd,Towns in Canada. 'ac'%`• . y ' F.. E. GLneso'•i. 17 0. �slizota n. n Seel' Mut la gr. at in. sx. Bona Ofaoe�4RlalpaB'k', gee 'rN 25 Tithes Telescope's, 3haw, 'S12.00.. host Told. Other Telescope, 1/Ieid- glasses and Microscopes to ohuose Prom. Handy to have anywhere. Send for list, Alberta optical co., Ltd., 123 8th Ave. West, Wept. 18, Calgary, Alta. DON'T suffer headaches, or any of those pains a tablet of Aspirin can end in a hurry! Physicians prescribe it, and approve its free use, for it does not affect the heart. Every drug- gist has it, but don't failto ask the druggist :for Bayer, And don't take any but the tablets that are stamped with the "Bayer Cross." Aspirin is tho trade manic ((reo�1stared iu Co,o5s) ' indlooHne .Bayer Manufacture. tc 000to While h ie ,nno10 %yelprunliman,nna°mitione:ffbttcailteta00wil0bobatampad With top"1aYir 00011" tipdc i4Qrlt; After a Shave. After a shave, lotion your farce with Mbnerd's." Soothing tied cool, llxcellent for cuts. "NEAT -END" Cigarette Maker 750 Guaranteed to make g perfect cigar- ette from any tobacco. Money refunded if not satisfactory. DASLBY SALES COMPANY ' '37 Queen St. West, . - Toronto Agents, wrtte for Terms, 'i'erritorY, etc. THE Firestone Dealer's train- - ed service men .apply tires and tubes right, and help you keep them in condi- tion to get more mileage. They ser- vice every tire they sell. This is one rea- son why - Firestone Gum -Dipped - Tires are breaking mileage records around town and everywhere else. Firestone builds in the miles—Firestone Dealers get them out for you. They save you money and serve you better. Always put a Firestone steam - welded, %oh-pYoof tube in your Firestone tiro FIRES ONE TIRE so RUES= CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario s oe BUILDS THE ONLY m� "s 4311 dr E 13 Tains T HER OF. HELPEDINS Restored to Health by Taking Lydia' E. Pinkham's Vege- table Conpoand Mitchell, Ont.—"I had little twin babies and.for quite awhile after I was so weak I 'could not do my work because of pains all tlhe way up ntvI legs at the back. : - also had headaches' - and got very little' e}eep; 1 took Lydia Pinkham's etable Compound, and soon I was able to get up anti donty rk. I halo taken three betties and I are. fine, do hny ovork without, trouble and am gaining in weight and strength. I will gladly reeotnmend the. Vegetable Compound to anyone."-- 'MRS. nyone."—MRs. F. STATTO , Box 220, Mitchell, Ont,.