The Clinton News Record, 1928-06-21, Page 3'{rja�y��pp/^pµ'��gyp/p[�/�y@. ®jryy� y lw..`h�SA v: M ur iM t �' C cat �, I�®A�'�/ AYJ .100 -civ • tik�a♦%� +T ) "A sir tewer ri AT, ICE WAF; with a cool drink --a cup of tea, or just by themselves'- delicious. In he Store or o1 the 'phone always ask. for.-. Wie Ri-teleiciriled 61.2 41a/it.'" .eivwe 1353 Will Chive 'Canasta Helping Hand » e'er Photograph shows a happy gadap of young women who, arrived In 'bis ear's a college -of the Uravetstty 9 f country recently for domestic work, positions having been assured them be �very 16ro of. Every Cord .Insulated rubber. Let in.Dipped Tires SaveYou. Money Only. in Firestone tires can you get' the advantages of the exclusive .Firestone .Guns -Dip- ping process by which every fibre of everycord is • insulated with rubber which prevents in- ternal heat and friction—the greatest enemy of tire life. This is 0e -reason why Fire- stone tires give thousands of extra miles. They cost no more than ordinary tires. See the `nearest Firestone Dealer. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR. Builds the Only Gl➢ll-DIPPED TIRES aLdCastle.Now .. � Threatened A Great Monument of Medie- val England, After Stand- ing Boldly for 900 Years; Is in Danger of, Collapse— A Fund Started'- to Save It: London. -Te St. Paul's Cathedral, Lincoln Cathedral and the Minster of York, Dunham Castle has now to be added ad •another amagnificent ecclesi- astical property indanger of collapse. St. Pain's,, Lincoln• and York have' been taken care of. With constant' watching they -should stand for cen- turies to come. But the danger of collapse, which was first noted at Dar- barn- two years ago, has not •been warded off. It has grown worse. The loose soil whish ;overlies the solid rock of the Castle hiilris slowly slipping beneath the castle's weight. The en- tire west wall is now found to be in danger of sliding from its place and into the river far below. Within -the last few weeks the Bishop of Durham and thecounty authorities have asked for £160;000 with which to begin work at once on the underpinning of the castle • TowMuchWater Should Ay Get? y Durham. Its, great hall,yvas ,in axis- fore leaving the Old Count .ry . eon the Canadian Pacific 'e' Chnucer's iilglinr's took They arrived in IVIorltreal after a pleasant voyage thse, befdl 1 their way to Cantez'bu?'y and long :1>c- Steamship "Ylelita" with the ship's condnetress, who le seen in the centre of fore any of1 the Present halls in (:)x -the Group, and who advised thein that it were better to work for a salary and ford and Cambridge were built, -P'orbe independent than just to work at keeping house. impressiveness its hall has no rival in England. There are a good many English halls more ornate; but there is no medieval hall in the kingdom that leaves apoii the mind the same impres- sion of dignity. The university which uses it is one of the youngest in the kingdom. Parts of the castle have now had to be tem - NEW SiRENGTH� FOR WEAK .STOMACHS Indigestion Disappears When the porarily abandoned,owing to the acute Blood is Enriched risk of their collapse.' ImpregnahleJ • as the mighty ht : castle loolceThemos froin a die` .-ur ent need of all who i t g tance,;time has'spared it no more than suffer from any form of indigestion is it has spared, St. Paul's in Landon or a tonic to enrich the blood. Pain and the 1Vlinstor in York.distress after eating is the way the stomach shows that it is too weak to �� ��� ,Jfj iator perform the work of digesting theD. rs food it- takes. New strength is given Avoids Di ]P,saster to weak stomachs by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills because :they purify mid• enrich the blood. This accounts for Peeress Completes First Lap the speedy relief in stomach dls- O Round Tri to India orders that follows• the use of this II p medicine. The value of this medicine London—Word was received that eases of lndigeation.ie shown by the file Duchess of Bedford, 62year-old case of 1VIrs. George W. Johnson, aviatrix who was neardisaster at the Lequille, N:S., who says• -"I have no start of her round trip flight to India, hesitation in recommending Dr. Wits heti completed •the first hop et her hams' Pink Pills. I was greatly dis- joui�ley. - tressed with indigestion. Always after .Toe- Daffy Expreeb stated that a eating I suffered from pains 1n the telegram had been received from Cap- stomach and other distressing symp- tain C. D. Barnard, pilot for the toms. I tried different remedies, hat Duchess, saying that they had arrived -without getting relief. I was advised safely at Sofia, 1,300 milesdistant in by a friend to try Dr. Williams' Pink their plane the Princess Xenia. Pills, ,which I readily did, and I am The fact that the 'Byers narrowly feeling very grateful ever since to the escaped a creel' at the sthrt in a high person who gave me the advice. The wind and that they bad long been un- very first box helped me and before reported caused some fear for their I had taken. a half dozen•boxes.I:was safety. ?restored to my former` good health • In the employment of a hill -site for the display of 'splendid architecture, Durham is rivaled in England only by Lincoln, where also cathedral and castle share a commanding site. Lin- coln, however, falls short of Durham both in the outer majesty and, in' .the historyof•its mighty g!toup., The»ftrst sight of Durham is, indeed, one of the ,great eicperiences -ef English; 'travel. Beside the cathedral, the symbol of the spiritual authority of the Bisllbps of Dnrhain, stands the castles the sym- bol of their temporal authority, No- where else in ngland can the'thin- ness of the line which divided spiritual, from temporal authority in medieval times be more vividly realized flan in the sight of Durham's Cathedral and castle crowning the summit of their river -circled hill. ' Age and weather have, of course, left their narks on the castle, but it is the movement of the ground be- neath it which, after 900 gears of history, has now threatened' it with ris- aster.The whole western side is in danger of collapsing and the north The plane ran along the ground icor and all traces of this distressing 700 yards before it rose. It took the trouble disappeared. It is now about air 70 yards- from a road lined with a year since I tools the pills, and I telegraph wire's• and cut through four have not been troubled with indiges of these wires leaving them dangling, tion since. I have taken every ooca- AlpparentIly this checked tlitij plane skin to recommend Dr. Williams' Pink 'for it just .oleared a farmhouse. After- Pills to those in need of a medicine wards, however, it began to climb steadily and flew in a normal manlier toward the sea. - The Duchess plans to make the fligirtyt0 India In four stages halting at Aleppo, Buchire and Karachi as well ,as Sofia. After delivering the il.rst;.air freight from England to In- dia the plane is 10 eturn to England t dp at once. A round trip flight to In- �Famous luthority's1Zule II ,ka hngippina to be affected as dia in eight days is planned, iitell. :Cracks have appeared and are • slowly widening in the circular stair - ease leading, to the roof near Tun- '���a GREAT stall's chapel on the north side. The walls are beginning to split longitud- BABY'S OWN TABLETS inally as well -as directly across and V v it has become necessary to grout all the walls and then to underpin them. The Dr. Williams Medicine Co. have The grouting has already begun„but received thes following letter from has had to be intelropted more than Mrs. Griffith, of 21 .1VIerchison Ave., once for lack of funds, and it as now Bast Hamilton, Ont., concerning her believed that the total eXpense of all experience with Baby's Own Tablets: the work necessary will run up in the . Dear Sirs,• -•1 wish to thank you for end to somewhere between £160,000 the handy little booklet you sent me and £200,000. It has always been sup- on the Care of Children. My baby posed that the western front was built boy was .'Six weeks old when I first on solid rock, bill investigation has used Baby's Own Tablets, being new shown that the walls are bedded upon to . Canada, but since the first proof Baby specialists agree nowadays, a thin layer of broken freestone and of their many uses in bringing up a that during tbefirst six months, babies below this there is a .bed of marly family, I have never been without shale about twenty-eight feet deep On then, 501' they are worth their weight in gold. There is no trouble in getting the little ones tot eke them and they often prevent an illness if taken in time. My first baby is now, at the age of four and a half years, a picture of health, and my nide-months-olid baby Is also well and happy. They are both.a real good maniple ple of -what Baby's Own Tablets can do; for I have never .yet needed it doctor for either -of them.” • The booklet to which Mrs. Gritdith refers Is entitled "Care of the Baby," and treats with what a mother ought to kuow for baby's sake; A copy of the booklet will be sent free to any- one requesting same from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,Ont. `13y 2 utA.73xiltaizt • anc� shall continua to'do' so."?nate sport, • recreation and a game A little boolt:let, "What to Eat and Ifood supply- may be iusu ed. for the Holy to Eat", will bo sent free to any- present and ftiture generations, one asking for it. You can get the „(2) To co-operate with the United pine from any medicine dealer or by States Bureau of Biological: Survey mail at 60e a box froul The Dr. Wil- land to resist legislative . efforts de- liams' Medicine' Co., Brockville, Ont, 'signed to take away front that bureau . for the deportment to •which it may be Women and Wool ,ussigiecl'tt authority necessary to Lbudmt Daily Telegraph (Cous.)t administor the migratory bird life of the 'nation. The Committee on '(British) Industry "(3} To assist the Biological Sur - fashionable Trade report that wool is- less yvoy in the defense of all of its poli- fashionable for women s clothing than 1l cies approved by, tris l7xecutive Corn - formerly, but that "the population as inittee of the American Wild howlers a whole is (at least in appearance) -where 'its officiate in public office may better clothed than before the war." be'liarred"-or handicapped from partici- With all proper' respect to the suscep• pation. `A'Ii�I+ tibilittes of woollen manufacturers, 1 a(4) TO co-operate with the Bureau , we must contend that our people are of Biological Survey in making n, better clothed, not only in appearance,' census of our wild fowl, phenomenon,. in]State but in fact, No sot. 1 ' co-operate with all '(5) lq p as remarkablewith •s is sorrsiatent • out sal1 illation Co of secea in e Yagencies g the high standard of chess attained tris policies 05 this association. by all classes of society. Indeed, the (g} To show to •the public that the classes are not readily distinguishable active interest of sportsmen is the at sight. Since sumptuary laws' no principal element in wild fowl con - longer require, as they did in the servation. - Middle Ages, that women are to bei ,r(7) To assist -In studying the life dressed according to the position of histories of wild fowl for the purpose their fathers or husbands, there is of more intelligently administering often little enough to mark the out- and preserving them, and to help to ward difference between a marchion' remedy all conditions adv.e1soly affect- ess and a milliner, ins them. • "(8) To urge upon Congress the me cora- ' a of a migratory g iasis ru ate tl Galvanized e d passage g C r �similar to galonglines Sheets mission billu .� that. introduced before the last Con - , AT. NOCK -BOTTOM PRICES. 1 eau(,1-r9025:0).0- '%irstquanty aorrngatod galvanizedeli0eta g' -hoavy 008005, BP00101 low Srrianu for "(1J) pel'ate with the cohsti- StSset niatl-order shipments: Save money shied -authorities. to suppress the Me; try bnyinr direct: Quality guaranteed— Immediate Stillman*. Write - gal t1'aliia in game, ARTi51JN, 85. ratloES.- "(10) And to adopt such policies E1.9759, 1slaraotr•opolitaiinldff”Toranto,Ind iaietitute such procedure as either �- the Board of Directors or the Exeeu- tive Committee may from time to time authorize to further the conservation and increase of wild fowl and their Droner -1y registered shooting." Dr, John C. Phillips, naturalist, sportsman and author, of Wenham, Mass., is president -of the organization, Charles Sheldoli of Washington, D.O., explorer and authority .011 conserve` 1100, in chairman of the ` Executive Comm ttee.t I-eadgnar'ters have re- cently been opened at 508 Lennox Building, Washington, AC., in charge of Nash Buckingham, Executive Sec- retary. .. The bulletin states that' it 1s not the intention of the organization to appeal for large, membership, but it welcomes co -Opera -Lien ,and information from all sportsmen out other organizatione in its effort to arrive at a rational basis for determining -the propel• method of handling the great wild fowl resources 9f this i continent. Wild Fowlers Adopt Constructive 'ran To Show Public Interest of - Sportsmen Is In Con- servation The Amerlcan Wild; Fowlers, an or- ganization formed a year ago' for the purpose of. promoting. the preserva- tion and increase of migratory wild fowl, has undertaken a eurvey to de- termine the eterminerthe extent to which wild fowl are Interfered with by crows in the nesting area of Western Canada. The survey ie being undertaken in co-oper- Ill yon want the very best ask. lt° Red Rose .IR,sr .nge Pekoe 17 pri;clean, bright Aluminum .A. Good Idea Turkish. Women Organize -club To Promote Econ- omy 'in Dress Constantinople -There is a new Turkish ii'olnen's club which should be called the "club against women's clothes." Its aim is to fight against any luxuries in feminine dress, The, members .pledge themselves to buy no more than two party troche, a year. A third is permitted ander n o dram], stances'whatever. The member •who wears a third frock is expelled, Au emblem worn. by every member bears these words,: ''We wear this old -fashioned -frock of last season out of patriotism." The ambitions of the club are greater still -its members are to buy only Turk- ish materials. Brussa silk 'and na- tional .products surd to replace the materials which come from larances Germany and Ii:aly. Propagandists of this idea say that the Turkish mate- rials are far more beautiful than any others. ation with the United States Bureau For Rheumatism Minard's Liniment. of Biological Survey and the Univer- sityof.Edmonton under permission of the Canadian Government, says a recent bulletin of the American Game Protective Association. The field work is. being done by. Archie Hull, a -young ornithologist of Brigham City, Utah, and T. E. Ran- dall an dall of Boyle, Alberta, who is experi- enced in work of this character. In addition to making .observations of the crow and other vermin, they will conduct banding operations. Their work will be largely along the "rim of the plow,'; as the crow does nor. penetrate much: beyond settlement. The Wild Fowlers have been carry- ing out their•'ywork, quietly during the last year, but the aims of the organiza- tion as set forth in their articles of Organization indicate that it, is the intenton o de a great deal or construc- tvo work. The objectives are enumer- ated as follows: "(1) To interest all_persous or groups of persons in the intelligent preservation and increase of migra- tory wild fowl In order : that legiti. must have three ounces of flu pound of body weight daily. id pec hAl eight 1 t pound baby, for instance, needs twen- ty-four aunties of fluid Later on the rule is two ounces or. fluid per pound of body weight. The amount of fluid absorbed bye breast fed baby is best determined by weighing him before and after feeding for the whole day; and it is easily calculated for the bot- tle fed one. Then snake up any de. fioiendy with water. Giving baby sufficient water often relieves his feverish, crying, upset and restless spells, If it doesn't, give him a few drops of Pletcher's Castoria. Por these and other ills of babies -and children such as colic, cholera, diarrhea, gas on stomach and bowels; constipation, sour stomach, loss of sleep, underweight, .. etc., leading physicians say there's nothing so ef- fective. It Is Imroly vegetable -the recipe ie on the wrapper -and millions of mothers have depended on it in over thirty, years of ever increasing use. It vegetates baby's bowels, makes hint sleep and eat right, enables him to get full nourishment from his fowls so he increases in weight as be he should. With each package you get a book on Motherhood worth its ' weight in gold. Just a word of caution. Look for signature of Chas: H. Pletcher on the package so you'll be .eure to get tits genuine. The forty sent bottles contain thirty-five doses. top of fairly sound rock. The weigh` of the walls and buttresses, built al- most on the vergs of the steep bank, is crushing this yielding and uneon tamed mass outward toward the river and, though the movement is at pres- ent slow, no one can tell when it May be accelerated. At preseflt the great hall is usedby the new University of Durham and is, hung with portraits of the teachers and scholars. The, Bishop of Durham has his suite of rooms at the head of the staircase and one of the other suites in the vast old place is set apart as a lodging for judges on ciT- cuit. The castle has been fortress and palace and for the last ninety-five The discoveries of science have made this world hardly worth living in. -Lord Darling. We are just entering She golden age of the toot. -C. C. Pyle. " • THE HARLEY-DAViDSON MOTOR. CYCLE AND SIDECAR Ctasified AdvertiserrientS *erre. omens,, L?e ARY CHrOICS-WE HATCH POUR 9.� varieties,—prices 500 up, We will. have•80000 Sot' July- and August, Write Por Tree.- catalogue, •el, H. Switzer, Granton: Ontario,`,- Chicles' from Blood -tested Stock strong, heai'thy chicks fromhigh-produc- ing stock, blood tested and free from Imorilll; white diarrhoea, Males with pen pedigrees of 200 eggs and -over. L -tarred Rocks July delivery, 054.00 per hundred. 0,-0:- White Leghorn5, 11.2.00,- Terms, 25 per cent. with order, balanre C.O.D.E'x- Press paid on 100. or more; lli�o delivery guaranteed. Ottorvilte Poultry Farre, Ottervine, Ont. Two Aberdeen gentlemen wore emerging from the thestro after a performance of "Hamlet." "Ay," said ono inta 'thoughtful voice. "I'll admit I'm profoundly affected by that play, Weeluin. It's as guid as a sermon and 1t mattes me think I ought to hoe :done More during ma^lifetime," The other looked at .life friend mean- lusty. "Ay," he said, !'and ye've done a good few to your time, too." A reliable antiscptic-Mtnard's. I ani not a'drinking man (this does, not mean I never take a drink).-, John J. Rascob. BICYCLE BARGAINS F1st•'1003. Now and Slightly -- -- steed, ;Io upwards. Transportation Pre- paid- - Write for Price List. PISERLESS BICYCLE WORKS 191 -a --u, Dundee Street Wont, Toronto BOILS. Rllhard's will dry up boils. It kills the inflammation and disinfects, Bid goodbye to every day scenes. Por - get the crowded streets and pity din; see the things You've longed to see; visit the places you've read about; hit the open road that beckons to .fun and adventure, for a week, a.,nlonth or a year. WALTER ANDREWS LIMITED, 846 Yonne St,, Toronto, Ont. The London Hunt and Country Club is widely known for the excellence of its afternoon teas. For sev- eral years this progressive club has used no other tea but Red Rose Orange Pekoe N. —a blend that leads all , others in flavor and . full bodied richness. Put up only in bright, clean aluminum packages. 'SEW - 0 APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far Ag Possible in the, Order In Which They Are Recelved .rONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE , arel�p'.' Suj�jii" l i° 8' APPLICATIONS Offering- Annual Work Are Invariably fslven the Preference or the The Colonisation and Immigration ! Will e?•Department of Agriculture for Ontario iv ll h availabl nuncber or Experienced Married Men. With Children-Their heireWives and Families—Married` Couples Without Also -Single Men•• raemere requiring help will aloe moll advised to snake early nppt i 'eo. A. Elliot Colonization to Iliaot Ca OUP,,ij 01 Oe ion l Parliament Bldg... • '000,t°. 00. File Your Application at Once All Men Placed Subject to Trial Period HON. JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister Of Agriculture Cool AC®a •Lad Boy .Rescues Drowning Wo- rnan and Forgets to Tell His Mother • A woman leaped into tphe, bay re- cet tly at Ninety-fifth Street, Brook- lyn, N.Y., and was 'slowly parried out, her body bobbing up'ocea'siofraliy and then disappearing. Loiterers raised a shout, and Edward A. gash, fl1Leen - DON'T suffer headaches, or any of year-old Manual high School pupil, thosOe-pains a tableteaof headaches, can same on the run, lie. stripped his ' end in a huray t Physicians prescribe clothes as he ran and plunged over if, ,and approve its free use; for it the sea-wall, fingertips stretch• ed ifs not affect the heart, Every drug- .. in a few seconds the boy came 'gracefully ahead, gist has it, but don't fait to ask the 1)) druggist for Bayer. And don't take within a fete feet of tile avontan; .any but the tablets that are' stamped. shook his tousled Bead and took 'hold. with the "Bayer Cross." The Evonian tried to grab Bush arohui: the neck, but the boy dodged and calmly tarred for the shore' with his 'burden. . A ,pb]iceman patted Busk on the back, but the boy trotted off. , Nit's 110 - thing,"' he said. ".i eau swim' Reporters told the news to 1Vhis. Edward Bush, the ressoster's mother, i "FIs .tlkbt't te11 RIO anything about t," s11e s Her son is . an excellent swimmer, indeed. Ile has wcn "several medals. in amateurcontests, Minard'sLiniment for insect Bites. 1 the tondo mark � �'' t 1- "T•01��001' 010iizecakabirnoewn'430s0yaotAMhernnrb,mo n0nensyott"sn,00thia5n7iau0l1 'fsoOiltts00e¢wwb.tye atsrtiodd11a- A Friend to Women The Largest Hata its The British Empire The greater the size of an organ- ization the smaller the cost at which Itis product can be given `1oltl Royal Mount 3al CO ties public. The Ilotcl dispenses the hlghc3t form of hospitality to its many guests at very reasonable rates. ;3 a day andpup,' L®i1�1 f1, • �inko�� rill tr N10NTSUEAS Vernon C. Lardy, Managing Dir. The Ban on War L. Carvin hi the Loudon Observer' (Incl.): .We know that we speak for the vast majority of people in iJie -Mother Country' 'and the Dominions alike when we repeat that the special and separate diplomatic commitments of Prance to Poland and the Triple Alliance never can be allowed to preju- dice the relations of the English- speaking peoples amongst themselves nor to impede the bread advance of the American plan for the banning of For, Hay Fever -use Minard's. 1SSUE No, -25-'28 git, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound LYDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. Lynn, Maas., U.S.A. and Cobourg, Ont., Canada, of Education High School Boards and Boards, Are authorized by taw to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the .Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued by the Department of Education. INSTRUCTION THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRU sees are under the direct) in COMMITTEE, The schools and da d Appllcatton for attendance shouldbe made to the Prtnetpal of the school, COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSErvOfd D SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE for in the Courses of Study In Public, l Separate, aninuatIOd and High Schools, Collegiate institutes, s. Coptes of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be 1 obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Eulldinas, Toronto. - PIIILLIPS 4.Of MAOry�, ` due ACIDS MACH HEADACHE For gloubies to Acid MP:GESTION STOMACH ilsds,nAUSsA.. 1111.rat most. people call indigestion is usually excess acid in that stomach:' The food has &oarecd, Tile :instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acid,. But dont use credo helps. Use what your doctor -would advise, The best help is Phillips' Milk o5 magnesia For the 50 Year's 01005 't ntlarcl Its' itivent)ou l,t has remained a with physicians Voir will heti no. One tasteless slioonfn.i in water neutralizes m81ny tinges its voll.rme iu acini. The results aro immediate,' with no bad after-effecls. Once you ]earn this fact, , y.on will never deal with excessacid in the ,crude ways. -Go learn--110.W---Why this method is supreme, Be sure to get Uma genuine I?hillips' prescribed by phvse- 1Vlflkc of Aingnesia cions for 50 years incoreectilrg excess uir s it its, effect eo asitia, flitch bottlecolltt'tins full s thre,; thing else s e q l harmless, .s0 efficient.. J ;tiious aiiY, drug store.