The Clinton News Record, 1928-06-07, Page 1cp. 24 51st Y
oII °19'!`t�9 ONTARIO, - THU SDAYy �'� �� �n 192
t0.0,4110 0.14,1[Ulf
ewe e
ga • 7
You'll be proud of her e r g genion
ring if you buy it -here.
It will be irreep oaohable in qual-
ity design and not .unnecessarily"
We unusually large ,as-
s-sortment to choose from at prices
that will not, put too much of ai tax
on'your pacicetlioolc.
Residence 174j
Just Arrived
New Voiles` .1
in: dotted and floral _. .
New -shades in Irwin's
cent Fugi
New Va abond..Scarfs
s 1
:.the latest novelty
' asl
,iri Full New �v Shades ,l,'.
•' mt�us eld, ... r
Hose in the. fa
Holeproof lines
Silk Bonne s
for the tiny torts
ewith We are again. in a position 'te'supp y our customers ladies'
cotton hose in black, sand and white per pair 19c
We have been -unable to keep up with the demand for this line.
We do not win and hold our
trade by offering impossible
bargains every day in the year,
but rather by constantly striv-
ing to offer our patrons better
assortment, better values and
better service than can be ob-
tained elsewhere. •
We know that price is a. very
important consideration when
selecting clothes -but after all
is it as important as Quality?.
We think not, for it is always
Quality that makefor saris-
FO4,5quare Deal Polic Pays Its
And Pays,Our Matrons
Just note the splendid values G.
in our Men's Suits at $15.00,.
$22.50, $25.00, $32.50,, $35:00.
Men's Suits with extra trousers
Young men's first longs
$10.00, $15.00
Young men's first lenge with'::
extra trousers . • .$15.00
Boys' first longs
. , .B6.5O, $9.00, $10.50
Boys' Knicker Silits
$7.50, $10.00.
It's such splendid offerings as
together ether with our fair
h g
treatment that -n keep more buy-
ers - coiling our way.:
not look first in Clinton. Storesfor merchandise..You will faradprices just -as low,
and quality just as high often higher; and merchants a great deal more obliging
Wheat, $1.25to $1.27.
Oats, G5c. to 70c.
.. Barley, 80c to 85c.
Buckwheat, SOc. '
Butter, 33c.;
Eggs, 20c to 28c. -
Liye Flogs;: $10.78.
The council' met 'on Monday even-
ing,' all members present iyyth'the.ex-
ception of Councillor Thompson, May-
or Combe in the chair..
A communication was read ', from
the secretary of ,the Collegiate board,
stating that the'iMetter' of .the coun-
cil'ssuggestion regarding the com-
mencing of;e commercialeeourse, in
the.Collegia<te, .Beginning with'.:the
autuxirii'term, would be brought to the
attention of the }board. Councillors
Cooper and Paisley .moved that th
clerk 'write the board: asking for a
repay :to the last'two communications
sent, in reference to a
ances and ;this special course:
' The .secretary 5f.,the Women's µIn-
stituteiwrote asking for a rebate: of
rentor council chamber for holding
of sale. This was filed. •
The special committee- appointed to
confer with the band end,ariangefor'
Ate summer concerts reported through
the chairman,, the mayor, recommend•
ing-that a concert be given each
Thursday evening during June, July
and .August, net less than eighteen
men to be 'present, in `uniform; ;the
program to commence at 8:30 and to
,,two,parts,of five numbers.: each
a selection or an overture to be in-
cluded in each part, with- fifteen min-
utes intermission between the first
and second parts.. In, .case of, .wet
weather concerts` . -which - have, :been:
in Se tem
missed to be given. p-, ,
recommendations were eneorporated
in a motion by Cou ncal,l o s Homes and
Elliott and passed by eouricil
Chairman' Helnies of • the parks
committee reported that fifty young
spruce_trees'rad been planted at the
"vvest'sideeof-the brted'stand pane and
a' newfence built 'on ;east' side. '"He`
said it shad lieen dee dednot to plant
any more trees' in the pnrk'as It wesuld
and seeded
to be plowed rip,
*in the fall. The.grass'had been:cut
in both: parks.
' .Reeve Langford said thathe would„
,have., a full report of -street' work' fol
the .next meeting of council.: He said
there,, was a difference`.betw'eeii the
street -committee's count of 'the' loads
of gravel puton the, streets aha that
of the'paving 'company;'theliitter be=
ing 1765, the town 1580, but they had
,compromised. at 1000, at *,$1,65 per,
load. lie thought the tewn had got
a good deal. Chairman Paisley of :the
finance committee volunteered the in-
formation that ,$ 2,473• had been spent
on the streets ',already this year.
Councillors Holmes_ and •Liverxnorg„
called attention to some places where
the gravel had not been, spread pro.
perly and might be the Canso of ac-
cadent and the reeve Said he `would
look into same. '
'Messrs. C. H. Vernier, II, P,sPlum.
steel and T. G. Scribbens of -Clinton
attended a- :church ' parado. , of --Royal
Arch Masons at Mitchell on Sunday
evening" attending service=in the An -
Olean 'church of.that town.,
The pzactiie of riding on the side-
walks has Trot been "altogether. dis-
continued ih Clinton and an old resi-
dent complained to The Net-lReeord
this week' that • he had been .struck by,
a .rider while walking°'flown town on
Saturday -lastFortunately he was`
.net knocked down, but riding on' the
sidewalks -is a' dangerous practise' and
if the chief "constable catches -any-
body., at it there may -be' trouble.: The
sidewalks: are for •people on fo6t it it
the only place there is any
theme and the only, wheeled vehicles
'which should be all only,
dd on .them are
baby's -buggies and invalids' chairs.
The marriage•was .solemnized at
high noon, on Saturday last; June see:
and, at the home of Mr., and Mrs. W.
II. Cole,, Huron street Clinton, of
their youngest daughter, Ellen Eliza-
beth, (Bessie), and Cecil J. Ashton
i s eldest son of Mr.
1 township,-
of Stanley y P,
and Mrs. John Ashton of Tueke rsmith,.
, The ceremony was performed by
the Rev. .A. A. Holmes, in the absence
of the family pastor, and was wit-
nessed only' by relatives and intimate
friends of the contracting partes:
Miss Clara Potter played the wedding
The -bride . wore a dainty wedding
ilk of
c georgette over s eor
frock of peach g g
the same shade and carried•'a bouquet
-of •Ophelia' roses and ferns. .The
bridal pair .had 'no"attendants '-except
the little niece of the bride, Miss Fre-
da White of Goderich, who acted as
Hower girl,. dressed air in white td'
her name and
who a d
match m
pretty basket of flowers
On motion of Councillors' Paisley
and .Cooper the cemetery committee;
was recommended to get prices for
the completion of the new iron fence
and that the tool holm be moved to
a more ,incenspicious place. -•
Chairman Cooper of - the property
committee reported the town scales
repaired and now in excellent shape.
He recommendd that a septic tank be
•installed at the town hall and that the
back yard`be cleaned up. lie also re-
ported -the flag pole repaired.
Reeve Langford saidthat as he was
going to the: county council the fol.:
lowing day and that one of the mat-
ters to come befe a the council would
be the request from the University of
Western Ontario for a.grant ,of.$75,-
:.000. toward an',endowmeilt iu;id. which
they are -trying to raise, 'he wished
the eouneil to give him some ideaiof
their mind on the subject. ltrayor
„Combe said he favored , the •.endowe
ment, that the University was ,needed
in Western Ontario, was doing a good,
work, that out 'ef the `.eight ar: pine
hundred students enrolled thirty,.
eight were from Huron' county and
'that: this grant, if given, Weald extend;
over five year's $15{00Q ,-h
per year
'which would niFaneabo,it,'onealf mill
o, the 'assesslnent 'of.,: the eliuhty
After the. ceremony' and. when con-
gratulatiens, had beentextended'to• the
young couple, , an, sat down to; the
wedding luncheon and;later iri.. the
day Mr. and .lilrs.Ashton left by
motor on a -trip to London, Detroit
and,,Wayne, Mich., The bride donned
for the journey, a ,pretty blue crepe,
frock, with „which she wore a navy
blue tailored - coat with blond- hat,
gloves, hose and shoes. On their re-
turn Mr. and -Mrs. Ashton will'reside
in Stanley township, near Varna, oil
• uestS were present
t fromTornt0.:
London) Goderich and. from, the sur-
rounding :conrmunity -- • •
The bride was the recipient of many
wedding gifts, amongst them a hand.
seine cheque , from the firin in `Tor-
onto with which she had been em-
ployed for some time prior. to her
marriage.' -
A spraying demonstration took'
place on 'Tuesday afternoon- in Mr:
P. S. Smyth s orchard, south' of town,
wiieii Prof. Lawson Ceasar4"anc'1 Mr,
17.;..A. Kimball of the 0. A. C. were'
Present and gave' demonstrations and
also spoke 00 spraying' and p •tinning.
Abort -twenty five or 'thirty inter-
ested ,orchardists of Lhe county - were
_iesobt,.:to. take "ifiavairtage of the
opportunity' to gather any informa
tion possible in their particular line
Councillors 'Holmes Mid,z1COoPee.e.Elsa;
spokean favor1of the CTntrer
after some discussmn, a, motion -We
carried, moved by Councillors;aooper
and Holmes. expressinggesyrnpaily to
ward the University- and' sd doing,
Reeve Langford ' -Chat 'the •connci)
would depend upon-; his good judge
ment in aceepting-Clintons• share, of
any obligation entered into in regard-
, ,<
iOn ,motion of Councillors ,Cooper.
and' Holmes ;the matter of r.eeenl
trouble regarding 'alleged rt.inftaction
Of 'traffic bylaws was referred to a
special committee with a view to an
amicable settlement, a report to he
made to council.
Councillors Cooper and Paisley
moved that the street committee re-
port to council with regardjo 'plans -
re curbing in front to private .pro-
perty and else that arrangements be
made between ' Collegiate "tbstitut,
board and street committee regarding
cement slabs'.to bo used in the Prm
Cess street hollow.
Chairman Paisley refthe finance
committee read the following report'
'Street Account
Paysheet : '. $, 97'.50,
Y Andrews,the 18.37
,S. J.
ron Co.,'
ors ru
1600 bails of stole
P. U. Com,street lighting 157.00
THE- ME111111S11
t f C
ii 'King
C ccount
]coir: A
. TQC �V
DealY ,
w .
Property Account
li lrt
town: hall
Com. m ,
P U. g
and lamps, 10 4
� - Paysheet d 50
The -engagement ,announced of
Carrie Ruth, :youngest•:dau g•hter• of.
Mrs Walkinshaw; 'and' the late Jamdx
.Walkinshaw, Clinton'td Thomas." Rees.
Jenkins, Woodlands Tarin. The. Mar:
•iage will•tak'e place quietly the lac-:
ter, part of June.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil -J: Spears el'
Oshawa announce the engagement of
their daughter, Dorothy, to Mr. IIar-
vey W. Harland, of Oshawa, son of
Mr. W. J. Harland.of Guelph,.fermer
ly of Clinton, The marriage will take
place"quietly in June.
;•The death. occurred at Westboro, a
suburb of; Ottawa, - 011 May 26th` of
the West-
boroDaniels, principal. of
High school,: in the. prime of lite:=
Mr. Daniels was' the husband. of
Lilian Lawrence, daughter of the Mite:
W. S. Lawrehce, at one : time teacher
of - S. S. No. 11, Goder'ick township,
who was well known and very"highly
esteemed in this community. Mrs,
Daniels is a niece of Miss Whitely' of.
Clinton, leas visited herd on several
:occasions, her husband having accom-
panied her once a few years ago. '
Mr'r.Daniels was. , a very :popular
Citizen; as was -attested by the large
number. who attended his funeral, :an:
outdoor.overfl9w service having to,be:
carried on :to. accomodate the - marry,
-who cane ta'pay their last tribute -tet
respect, and six elergyinen participa•
ted. • To quote from. e Ottawa paper:
"Rarely has the city_ and district wit-
nessed' tt. a
nessed'sueh ,a. ^large.,.: n . . ,
purelg•civilian .funeeel and the touch-
ing tributes offered to the meniofy
of the' beloved 'master and friend. tes-
tified toile feeling of)' mutual loss
and bereavement which prevaded 01
tawa's' western suburb."
Mr. Daniels had served in the Great
War and. ho was at the time of -his
death master 'of the Masonic Lodge.
of his'town. -
,a meeting held in Hensall' last
week 'at which all the teams mention-
ed' below were represented with the
exception of, Clinton, a Huron League
Was formed andthe ollowi salted;
d f ng
Me of games arranged`for:
At the" end of 'the schedule the
teams finishing second and third. will
have d three -game series, the ,teal;
winning this series to play off with
the first team for the championship.
The schedule is as follows;
June 11-Goderich Jat Mafia.
11 -Clinton' at Hensall. , '
• , 13 -Exeter at Goderich.
14=Staffa;at Clinton.,
15=Hensall at Crediton.' ,
18 -Crediton at Exeter.
20-Staffa at Goderich.
22-•-••Goderieh' at._Creditpn.'
' 22 -Exeter at Ii'ensah. ' .
25 -Exeter at Staffa
25.-Iiensall.•at Clinton;
27 -,Crediton at Goderich.-
28-Clintdit at. Exeter.
29-Staffe. ab .I ensalt.
July 5-G9derieh at Hensall.
5-Cli3rtoii at Staffs
6-Fexeter at Crediton
9=Goderich at Glrntoii:
9-Xiensall'nt 'Exeter.
13-Herisall;.at Goderich.' '.
13 -Clinton' at Cr dditoii.:' •
iG=Gsediton at Hensall,
•19t -S •affit aft rioter
-Cli t t_ Tee:. Ad
n ...� ra tedrtni4 nv;
h iat°;Exetelt
.3Q .t•Crediton at' Clinton „:
' 3b ; Hearidel at Staffs
G. Jenkins, lumber r .7;80
Godericli Manuf. Co.; lunber 20.46
H. Clark;'coal 1.-103,00:
p: E, Closet Agcount' The Second Mark." In. the evening
3, Steep,salary:for Mny :, .. -; 7000' the service will be a special one for
the Orangemen. The lodge will. :.:-
tend in a body.
The V. 111, S. will meet on Tuesday,
June 12th, at 2.45,p.m. in lecture room
Mrs. P: Plumsteel's group will provide
the program. Reports: `'from the
branch meeting and Presbyterial will
be given, also -special musical ,.num-
bens. Every 'woman of theecongrega-
tion is' invited to attend.
Sunday was --observed as Women's
Day; in this - Church when members of
the Woriten's Missionary. Society act.
ed as speakers, ushers 'and' choristers.
Large congregations were .present, a
both services. The church was btau-'
tifully decorated;^flags being promin-
ent in honor of the King's birthday.
At the morning service-,0'rs. (Rev.)
Doan--gave'the address, her subject
being,`,The Challenge and How •-to
led ri
y ,
Moet It.
Mia Beaton'p
and e' duet was `.sung by Mrs W.
'ken. rs
Downs .and Mrs:
(rev,) Wal of St, Andrew's Church,
Blyth, was the Maria), speaker'. at the
evening'serviee, Mrs. Doan leading in
NEW 155150'S COUNSEL;;
• The On larier Government announcer
the appointment .of,0 number of new
King's' Counsel; -amonsst then, being'
Clinttn's popular barrister, Mr. W,
Brydone, Mr.-B±ydono s friends are
warmly oongratulatnlg him "5n his
'new:honour,' which' they dreel is well
Other Huron 1,azristers who aero
also aplioznl5el *oreT1 '"`D ' .Carling•,
Exeter; R. G. ''IItiys,' Sr,''Goderich
and R.' Ironstone,' Wingham.
_ Tryo applications, accompanied by
qualifications; were. received by the
county, 'eodlrcil ill -:session' in Goderich
,to i'fiil the ' 'vacancy: of in-
spector' -- of l volae,• schools,
J. Elgin Torn having resigned; after
serving about fort ears
b forty, Y7
The 'applications were from. Elmer
Beacom, son-in-law of Dry. Field, e
former Clinton boy, and the other
from R; E. Stothers; a -brother of Mr.
Stothers, the agricultural represents-
tive for: Kent Bounty, formerly der
Both these young men were pres-
ent and spoke for a few minute),
The appointment will be made later.
a ;
The following names •- of Clinton
students appeared in the list' of
fourth °'and third year 'examinations
.in the 'Faculty of Arts, the Univer-
sity of Toronto:
.Fourth. Year, pass course,, Grade
A (first class honours) =Miss H.R.
Higgins; Grade B -Miss W A.'. Mc -
Math; Without grading: -Miss A. J.
Physics -Class 1-R. . G. Hunter
(lst, class -honours.)
, Third Year, Grade B -Miss E. Hogg
Mi'Jervis Grade C. -E,
s C. M:'W.
:M.aisley..'. Wiithout Grading -Miss
A. F.. Reid. - •
- English acid History -Class' -
(lst. class` honoiir�s) ;Hiss I. E. Fras-
er. -
vIoderns french and Spanish -
Class 111.÷ -Miss P. L. Trewartha. ,
' Philosophy Class 1--- G. B, Snell.
'Commerce and Finance -Class' 117
-F. G. IlecTaggart..
1411. C.' J. Moorehouse has ,passed
his. fawn" year ' in medicine at the
Western University, London. " '
Presbyterian- Church
The ' Rev. .D., L. Griffith of --Tavi-
stock will :preach morning and even-
ing. on Sunday. ,
Baptist Church ,
Sueday,Sereices es usual. ";•
Preaching subject at evening ser-
vice: "The Way, -of a Fool."
The choir will -he assisted by sing-
ers from Toronto.
Monday evening the B. Y. P- U. will
meet(, juniors at 7, seniors et 8 o'cIock',
Prayer: and, Fellmeship 'meeting
Wednesda evening.
'each Y vninS..
St. Paul's Church
Services naxt Sunday will be at the
usual hours.
Tomorrave (Fridity)-at 3 p.m. there
will be a special meeting of the Wo-
inen's'Auxiliary which willbe addres-
sed by. Miss Lucy Thomas mission-
ary on furlough from Chili, South Ain-
-.erica:, Visitors will be here from
Bayfield, and Blyth. All are cordially
Mrs. Frank Hovey and Mrs. L. C.
Harrison 'will be hostesses at a tea
for the members of the chancel guild
and their friends to be held at the
formershome' on Monday evening
next :at'8'
Wesley -Willis. United -Church
The minister's for next Sun-
day lnoifning-will be: "Some.Impres-
Bions of the Conference."
In the evening Miss Margaret Mus-
tard, a graduate nurse of Clinton hos-
pital also a graduate of the Toronto
school of missions, now under appoint-
ment to .the United Church of • Can-
ada mission hospital at Ethelbert,
=Manitoba, will'eleldress the congrega-
son. Het: subject. will ,be; .A ,Chat
to :Y uth.": 'Youngpeople es-
. q
specially are.invited to this. service.
- ,.Last• week. The News -Record ;car-
ried an announceinent of the death of.
-Herbert E. Holtehauer of Niagara
:Falls, son of 1VIr. and Mrs. Eli Holtz-
hauer, formerly ,of .Clinton, at ,the;
age,of twenty-four years.
Herbert, who was but a schoolboy,.
when• the.. faanily left Clinton, was a
noted baseball player. , He was a
member of the Cataracts; the Niagara
team, which attended the. funeral• in
a, body. He had played with the Ni-
agara District League for sir ,years,
as junior, ;intermediate and senior,.
and was one of the most popular boys
in the district.. He was described.: as
"one of the gamest boys who ever
wore the local uniform"
-At the beginningeof the first• game
after Ins ''death the 'players of . both•
tennis- taking partin. the game lined
up at the hemp plate and the spec-
tators were asked to stand, with bar-
ed heads for two minutes. The,Cat-
aratts will wear black bands on theig,
arms at each game during the bal-
ance of the season. Mrs. Fred Pot.
ter of Goderich township-was'o sister'
of the deceased young man,
Mr. Irani: Woods of Sfullett recen-
tly sold a vale Shorthorn, eleven
months old; to Mr:' Wilson of We _
State; of I1 inois for the - sum or
$5,500. Mr: Woods has a' very €ine ,
herd'.of Shorthorns,' as may he. seen
:from. the .0:hove, and this sale sheni•i
serve to advertise-1--IuronCountY 'as
a stock county:
Mr. and Mrs. Eric York returuod
to Toronto 'on' Monday after having
spent the week -end . witlr_the:rlatter'e
parents Mr, and Mrs, P. W. Baker:
1Vir. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and babe
of London visited over Sunday with
Mrs. 'Smith's parents, Mv: - and Mrs.
Chas. Parker.
Mrs Ilolley- and grandaughter, .
Carol Supnick, are at her;, cottage,
Holley, Lodge, on the Terrace. Mr.
•and Mr's. A. Supnick returned to De-
troit on Thursday after having spent
a day in the ,village.
Mess Nina Heard' of Kitchener was
home for the week -end.
Mrs, E. A. Sander, Betty and Bob-
by Sander, ; and Miss :` Ruble' Fisher
were the guests oftheir aunt,, Mrs,
F. A. Edwards, over the holiday. Mrs.
Edwards accompanied them oh their
return taXffitcheneron Monday.aYy
Mr. and Mrs. L. M; Day, 'master
Jimmy Day and Miss .McAdam : of
Detroit occupied their summer home,
"Sunset Cottage," over the week -end.
Mr, and Mrs. R, T. Orr and daergh-
ter Peggy of Stratford were at their
cottage for a few days the beginning
of the week..
Miss Florence Seotchmer, nurse -in -
comm nit : hos-
training in Clinton n y.
pital, is spending part of her vaca-
tion withher parents, Mir, and Mrs.
Robt. Scotchmer.
Captain and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson
returned hone from London on
Thursday last. We are gladto report
that the former is
improving in
A soft ball team wasorganized
here a fortnight, ,ago with the; fol-
lowing offices: 1Vlauager, Sack the,
Captain: Robt. Blair; Sec.-Treas.:
Norman Tilken. Several friendly
games have been played with 'Varna
and on. Monday the team ,vent to
Brucefield, when the score a tie, was
Five members' of the Church Army .
Crpsaders, an 'organization' of Lay-
men and sisters from England, ..who
are conducting an evangelistic cam-
piign throughout.: Western ',Ontario.
are to visit Bayfield and conduct ser-
vices from the 16t1rto the 22nd of
June in connection with `the.three
Anglican churches. Bayfield; Varna
and Middleton. Notice of ;services. :
will be given and a cordial -invitation
is extended to all to attend them.
On Monday evening, June llth, a
public meeting to 'which all are in-
vited is to be held in the Orange
Hall. when an address will be given
by night Worshipful Rev'd. Captain
Riddlford, Provincial Organizer for
Western Ontario. i
Rev. Mr. Pinnock, a returned mise.
sionary who worked for thirty-five
years in Nigeria, riar West -Africa, gave
a most interesting and forceful ad- -
dres; in St." Andrew's United -church
on Sunday evening, in which he told
of many of his own experiences and
portrayed the power of the "Written
Word." He appealed for liberal sup-
port for the Upper. Canada Bible
Society, which assists all missionaries
by ;translating and printing the bible
into every known language. Mr,
Colin Campbell presided over the.
meeting. The united choirs of Trin-
ity avid St. Andrew's 'sang an anthem.
"Break thou the. Bread of Life," and
during the offertory Mrs: P. H. Paull
We had another "million dollar"
rain yesterday. and Miss Lucy Woods sang a duet.
Men are busy putting ,in .the hydro "Love Divine. All Love 'Excellling. '
poles to Bayfield, • On Monday morning 'Mr•. Pinnacle
went to the school and gave a very
The first band concert of the sea-
son will be given this evening.
A number: of Clinton citizens took
in the moonlight out of Goderich on
Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper have
rented Mrs. E. Herman's house and
have.takee. possession of same.
1VIr. Thos." 'Glazier has purchased
the residence until recently occupied
by, Mrs. Wiggington - Sr.; and' has
`'The W. will eet at the home take)' possess on
?of '11Irs. T.. 5. Watt, Rmattenbury street, Sunday; trine- 3rd, was, the King's
:wet, on 'Thursday evening next; birthday and reference was made to i;
;lune 14th. , , ' in all the ° churches. Monday wag ob
Ontario Street United Church Served as the holiday, the banks,only,
- Sunday services as' usual. Sermon 'clawing hone.
:subject' in 'the -merning�',• "Courage-- Yesterday was 'the first weekly
• Cemetery. Account
C. V .Choke salaryele May, `175,00
,Salaries ,eCeuni
L. Stone,: salary.for;,.l415y•
'E` , Grealis;:eelary';for' 0Jay .. 58.33
,;Park Account ' •
Paysheet 22,50
G. Jenkins,."1uinber' 41.65
Grants Account,,
P. 73. Coin., light X=Ray hos. 25,91.
Fite and Water Aecount
R; Cree, team at,fire , a., • (1.00'
Dominion Rubber Co.,
Gas masks & axes ,...:. 20,00
Paysheet . . .50'
Be11sTelellhone Aceoun_ t '
Rent' and: Account 6.60
L.>Stong„ market! "scales 8;1.Qi
Hall rent .. x,00.
Dog tax':. ,
g. 0
Labor b
Stat. Labor
8.00 0 25.10
C.,V. Cooke, .sele of lots 10.00
.: 65:00 perp _
iTi6 'S0
,'; and
Mrs- L.
nd M rs
D. Grealis stock scales 16.G0 -.^,r. W Itse contriu tingduets.
half holiday, when the grocers,: dry-
goodi-stores and some other lines
closed. The poitoffice is'else),:taking,
the half holiday. on Wednesdy;
Mrs. Wm. Jenkins has soldher
handsome residence in Orange street
to, the . Messrs:. Murdock, who . have
purchased. the Andrew's. They
wi11 get possession', the first of ;Arig
rust. - ,
" Mrs, Hibbert and Miss Richmond
have resigned from the staff of
the Clinton Cgllegiate, - Institute
Mrs, Hibbert will give up teaching at,
theend -,of the present', toned and will'
reside in Hamilton.
The Ladis' Auxiliary of the Pres-
byterian' church held a`very, success-
fill bazaar on Dr, . Shaw's lawn on
Saturday last. The weather was fine
the ,:aur keeping' off until- the affair
a number atten'
was over, and r e num b
Supt. II. B,. Chant of the. Public
Utilities, who has been ill the, past
•week was so fat recovered that he
interesting talk to the' children, tela
ling different stories of child' life in
Nigeria. While in the village Mr.
Pinnock was the guest of Mrs. Robt.
The Y. P. S. will hold their` annual
meeting in the basenlient of St. And.
rew's church on" Friday evening for
the elecetion of officers and to plan a.,
program for the summer months.
'John R. Cameron has .been appoint-
ed returningofficer by .his. honor. ,.
Judge'Lewis, and has posted notices
to, the 'effect, that a,:nominatian will,
bheld in the town hall on Thursday,
June 14theto nominate trustees: If- a
poll be necessary:an election will be
held on June 21st. It is to be
hoped everything will be
done in accordance with the law this
MI's. S. Ernmerson of Goderieb
township •: is visiting Miss Maude
-0B Gregor.
• Huron Road East
Mis: Geo. A. Vanderburgh, who has •
been seriously ill,'is able to be:arounil
and' Mrs. Wakefield of Kink -mei
are engaged,with Mr. and Dire: Noble
Holland for the summer.
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Glazier have
moved to Clinton. -
Mr. Jonothan Hugil is busy plant-
ing potatoes for his neighbors with -
his' potato planter.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Picot and fam.-
ily spent Sunday last -at -Geo. A. Van •
derburgh's. •
Mr. Charles Glen has sold some gra-
vel to Mr. 'Xing, contractor on high-
d to u959'te
u n Road E s is
high -
Huron ap
traffic p
c at resent.
Mr• Mac M'cDermid has purchased
a ear and,is busy.building a garage.
Quite a number from this vicine � '.
' again moonlight excursion.,
town: .the: moon
is able, to be down, g took ,in g.
though not -just feeling: first class: ' Goderich on Tuesday night„