The Clinton News Record, 1928-05-24, Page 3High School Boards.and Boards oftdtacation
_Are authorized by latus to establish
With; the approval of the Minister of Education.
maybe conducted -in accordance with the regulation issued by
the Department of Education.
is given In various trades The ;schools 'and classes are under the
Applleation for attendance should', be made to the Principal of the
for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High
Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools.. and Departments..
Copies of the Regulations' issued by.the Minister of Education may be.
obtained from the Deputy 'Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
',Cute in, t ab u
1 atiliree
.and it% I� ,germms'
b?7 R11th flvittafrc`
Thumb sucking does Iook sweet in a
baby, but it is disgusting in the three-
year-old and sometimes it hangs on
until fifteen' or sixteen!! The habit
•may cause an ill -formed mouth or in-
duce adenoids; and it always inter-
feres with digestion. Pinning the
sleeve over the hand; attaching mit-
tens, or putting on cardboard cuffs,
which prevent bending the arms at
the elbows, are some of the ways to
stop the habit. • ,
Another bad habit irregularity in
bowel action—is responsible for weak
bowels and constivatton in babies.
Give ,the tiny, bowels an opportunity !came to light.
to act at regular periods each day.
If they don't act at first, a little
Fletcher'e Castoria will soon regulate
them. Every mother should keep a
bottle of it handyto use in ease of
colic, cholera, diarrhea, gas on stom-
ach and bowels, constipation, loss of
sleep, or when baby is cross and
feverish. Its gentle influence overr
baby's system enables him to get full
nourishment from his food, helms him
gain, strengthens this bowels.
Castoria is purely vegetable and
harmless• -•the recipe -is on the wrap-
per. Physicians have prescribed it
for over 30 years. With each pack-
age, you get a valuable book on
Motherhood. Look foe Chas. H,
Irletcher's signature on the rapper
so you'll get the genuine.
Fortune Left to
Rival's Heirs
Romance of Two Men, Who
Loved the Sarre" Girl—
Remorse Brings Repara-
tion in ,Last Will of
Budapest—"May the Almig'hty for:
give me for the crime I have connnit-
ted by killing my friaid, I ani anxious
to make some form of reparation, and
have therefore decided that in this,
my last will and testament, all my
property shall. be bequeathed' to the
children of my , . "
These words provided_ the happy
ending a few clays ago of one of the
most moving triangular dramas that
had ever been heard in the Hungar-
ian law courts. Here 'ea law suit in-
volving the will. of the late Benno
Galify, a rich landowner and member'
of the Hungarian aristocracy, has
been dragging on for eight years.
Galffy left his entire property to
the two children of Count Hermann
Aurenberg, whom he had killed nn a
duel, thus disinheriting his own two
children, who contested the will, and
thus a romance 'of the two -families
Camouflage Your Hems
A simple suggestion for camouflag-
ing hems hi, a wool `dress is given by
the practical magazine, "Successful
I'aruling."' "In putting a hem in a
wool dress," it reads, "There Is usual -
Galffy and Aurenberg were great
Mena in their youth. They were
like brothers,. While they were at
the university they lived together, and
spent their liolidays together. Both
men in love with the -same -
w e samegirl;
and, although their friendship was
broken by moments of jealousy and
bitterness, they each nourished secret
hopes of being the favorite.
Count Aurenberg, however, was the
f6rtunate one, and married the girl.
From that time Glaffy avoided his
friend, refused his attempts to remain
on friendly terns, and ignored his
letters. -
Glaffy married eventually, and
many years passed before fate
brought the .two men together again.
They met 'at'the hquse of a mutual
friend during the celebration of a sil-
ver wedding. During the course of
the evening they exchanged angry
ly an unnecessary amount of material words that resulted in a challenge to
which causes the hent line to look duel
The duel was fought with swords,
and although Glaffy was not as good
a swordsman as his former friend,
Ile ran his blade into Aurenberg's,
heart. The count died.
Countess Aurenberg, who had borne
het second child a few days before
the *duel took place, did not survive
the shock of her husband's death, and
her two children because orphans.
Misfortune fell an both families.
Galify was tortured by remorse, his
health was broken, and his wife died
after a painful, lingering illness. He
lost a large part of his fortune in the
war, and became a melancholy recluse.
Luck deserted the Aurenbergs also.
The children's estate was so mis-
managed that their country seat had
to be sold to pay off the debts.
bulky. This isnot at all desirable. 3
have avoided this by folding the mate-
rial once to form the .hem and ma-
chine stitching a piece' of mercerized
ribbon or tape about one-half inch In
width along the raw edge of the hem.
The hem should then be pressed flal.
so it will remain in place and the up-
per edge of the ribbon or•tape either
catch etlLehcid or shall stitched to the
dress. This insures a smooth Tient
line which is practically invisible."
Badminton players ' find a
drink of hot tea of great
benefit after a strenuous
game. ' In leading Badmin-
ton clubs of Canada, Red
Rose Tea is a great favorite.
No other tea offers such Galffl died leaving two children.
brisk, zestful flavor and rich' •Then it was revealedthat it was
quality. Put up only in Galffy why had bought the Aurenberg
bright, clears aluminum estate, but only to bequeath it to the
packages. 14tw heir's of his greatest, friend and en -
Are Filled- As Far
As Possible In the
Order in Which
They Are
Offering Annual
Work Are
OF AGRICULTURE Given Invariable the
Farm Delp Supplied
The' Colonization and Immigration Branch of the
Department of Agriculture. for Centric 1x111 have available a
number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives
and Famllles—Married Couples ,Without Children—.
Also Single Mon.
Farn1ore requiring help will. be won
advised to make early application to
Geo. A. Elliot
60,01or at Colonlratlus
Parliament 01,101.,
Toronto, Ont,',
File Your
at Once
All Men
Placed Subject
to Trial Period
HON. -JOHN S. ivMARTIN, Minister of Agriculture
`yof t�Aeryo•tP
For Trottbles
dtte to AC"
Just a tasteless dose of Philips'
;Milk of Mageesia In neater. That Is
iia alkali' effective, yet harmless.
'has been the standard antacid for 00
;years among pliYsiciaais everywhere.
One spoonful will. netttratise at once
many times- its yolunle in acid, It. is
;the right way,' the quick, the pleasant
And. efficient way to kill the excess
acid. The ftoinacb. becomes sweet)
the panni departs. You are happy
again ,in five minutes.
Don.'t 'depend on crude methods.
the years of
the beat way yet evolved in
ll •searching,Phat,Is
1 Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, ".
Bo sure to get the. genuine Phillips'
Iydilk, of. 'Magsesta prescribed by physi
Clans for 50 years in. correcting. excess.
acids. Each ,bottle contains full di-
sections --any drugstore.
r .S
I I •t 4� � I sl l:'.
-,When Major. Fitzntauriee, the =Irish nientber of the "Bremen's" crew arrived at -Severn island`s f'om G eei,ley.
island; he and "Duke" Schi11er;;pilot of the relief plane, were met by Mr. L. A, Genest, Loner -Quebec represel ta-
tivc of- Christie, Broly & Co. Limited, and err. ' Stewart of the Clarke Trading Company who, tendered them
iefleslhanents in the shape of hat coffe,e,and Chrislie's Biscuits which were, naturally, nrnuch appreciated. The
above .picture sbowd the aeroplane which carried the first shipment at Christle's Biscuits by Canadian'air freight
Prom Toronto to Windsor.
emy. He left' then also his whole
fortune, with the prayer to he for-
Galffy's disinherited children Sought
to'upset the will by proving that their
father's mt,`fid was unhinged by the
tragic result of the duel, and he was
not in his right mind when he made
the will.
The suit was taken from court to
court, andshould have been settled
recently, when. the Aurenbergs' coun-
sel announced dramatically that his
clients had offered to snake over one-
half of the legacy to the Galffy 'chil-
dren, and they had gratefully accepted
the arrangements. ,
The case was withdrawn and the
feud between the two families was
thus brought to a happy end,
Boy World Explorer `'�
That.briglit-eyed goddess Adventure
of whom everyone from the youngest
to the oldest has dreamed has, beck-
oned to Russell Dickson, a Winnipeg
boy, and will lead him on an adven-
turous path around the world. Ile
has been thosen by Lowell Thomas,
world -famed explorer and 'lecturer to
go with him as secretary of his next
expeditiok1 into. the jungles of Africa,
to the south Sea Islands and into
practically 'every Corner of the- globe.
Dixon,. who is 20 years of ago has
been- employed for the past three
Years in the ofitees of tate Canadian
Pacific .Railway at Winnipeg. When
Lowell Thomas was lecturing in the
City and made a statement to the
press that lie was looking for a Can-
adian boy to go with him in December,
Russell get;, busy and landed the job,
that will mean a year or so of rale
adventure. First class shorthand
knowledge, and an aptitilde for photo-
graphy and mechanics were some of
the most important requirements for
the position. Satisfyiugs, Thomas
along these lines•, au agreement was
Baby's own Tablets Are Fine for
Nervous, Sleepless • Children.
From Canada the fame. of Baby's
Owls Tablets is spreading over the
world. Mothers recommend them to
other mothers, and wherever they are
tried nothing but words of Praise are'
heard for these pleasant tasting little
tablets that promptly relieve the
minor ailments of young children..'
"Baby's Own Tablets are one of the
best remedies for children's` ailinents
I have ever Used," saYB Mr's,. Arthur
T. Allen, of Auburn, Me. "My little
girl was nervous and could not sleep.
I tried the Tablets and she was re-
lieved at once. She was also troubled
with constipation and nothing seemed
to help her,, I had used the Tablets
but a short time before her bowels
were regular. All' mothers should
keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house,
for they are a valuable remedy''
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all
druggists or will be mailed on receipt
of price; 25 centsper box, by The
Dr.1W111lants' Medicine Co., Brockville,.
Very Strange.,
Loaf of Bread—"Funny,, ain't it—
the baker who baked us works 'raja
all the time and yet you might say he's
a loafer!"
Marriage --When a girl exchanges
the attentions of a dozen men for the
1rnatteutions of one.
Minard's Lintrnent for tailing hair.
First Spectator -Who called the
referee a— fool? Second Spectator
—I ilunno.- Who called the — tool
a referee?
The new student at the agricultural
school was 0 - ekap of erethei more
tnature.years then usual in.beginuers;
so he was being subjected to a some-
what rigorous oral examination in or-
der that the faculty might get a line,
as to his most effective elassldcittion•
• rhat do you know about nitrates,
he was asked.
"Now yeti are asking me .,some
thing!" he answered proudly. "Fused
to work for the Western 'Union, and
I know they are less than clay rates
on everything but'' 0 -word -messages."
Gladys—You. say he doesn't know
how to kiss? '
Florence—I said he didn't know how
to kiss, '
Most men are so busy making a liv-
lug they have no tinto to live,
"What was George Washington
noted for?"
"His memory."
"What makes you think his memory
was so great?"
"They erected a monument to 11.1'
If somebody else does Your think-
ing you're probably doing somebody
else's working. ' •
There is always a time in e.yeeY
man's life when 'he it happy Toa
doesn't know
A visitor who came into a busineils
luau's office gasped: "My goodness,
this place is a regular oven!"
"It ought to be," grunted the other,
0it's where I' make my daily bread."
"You can't do wrong and get away
from your conscience with it.
A pacifist gentleman stopped to try
to settle a juvenile row.
"My boy," be said to one of the
combatants; "do you know what the
Good Book says about. fighting?"
"Awl sneered the youth, "fightin'
ain't one of them things you kin get
out of a book, mister,"
He: "I'd like to propose a little
tenet." r
She: "Notbin' doing, kid; I want a
regular meal."
Hoge are produced oil three-fourths
of the farms of the United States and
in all of the cities.
Moralized the moralizer—"Ah, well,
somewhere behind the clouds the sun
1s shining."
Deinoralized ' the demoralizer
"Maybe; and under the sea: is land,
but that deemed help a guy when he
falls overboard."
"Full many a flower is born to
blush unseen" was written before the
day of the wild flower vandal. -
Can anyone explain why children
take such peen delight In picking up
and using -.such expressions as "ain't"
and "I don't"?
"I remember away back when it
was good style -to cool your coffee or
tea by pouring it out into a saucer:"
"Shucks! that's nothing. We can
remembers when, they cooled it by
blowing it atter it had been poured
into the saucer.
You 1111611 the adver'tieing target a8
often es yott hit—but keep on, because
measured In.prodt the successes out-
weigh the failures.
The rarest business is minding your
Comes From the Rich, Red Blood
Made by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
There must be no guesswork in the
treatment of pale,- aneinnic girls and
children, If .your daughter is languid,
has a Dale, sallow °'compiexion, is
short of breath .after slight; exe'r'tion.
or. on going up stairs, If she has pal-
pftatipn of the lheart,-a poorappetite,
or a tendency to feint, she has anae-
mia—the medical name for poverty
,of the blood. Any delay in treatment
may leave her weak and sickly for
the rest of her Iife; When the blood:
is thin and watery give Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, coupled with nourishing
food and gentle out-of=floor exercise.
The new,rife-giving bleed which
comes from a fair use of Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, increases the appe-
tite, stimulates the nerves and brings
a glow of healthto pale cheeks. Mrs.
Robert' Jackson, R.R. No. 5; -Shel-
buine, Ont., praises this medicine• for
restin•ing her daughter's health. She
says:—"When my daughter was nine
years old she was so weak and titin
that we feared we would lose her.
She was very nervous, and going to
school seemed too much for her.
Often she would have to stay at home
for days at a time. ' At times she
`v ill have a -Very high fever, and
t ` ctol''s treatment did not help
I a.1 tried several remedies, but
w nog ooct results. One day a
frd advised me to give her Dr.
lljjafaros' Pink Pills, and I did so. It
wag not very long after, she began
taking the pills tbett I could see a
change for the better. She kept on
taking the pills fora several months,
and through them grew intoa strong,
healthy girl. Since then, If a tonic
has been needed at any time, It has
ahvays been Dr, Williams' Pink Pills."
The pIlis are sold by all ntedicine'
dealers or will be sent by mail at 50
cents a box by The Dr. Williams'
llfedicine o., Brockville, Oat:
Paul: "Pll bet I know what emigre
thinking about." Betty (bored to
death): "Well, you don't` act as
though you dol"
Red Rose
1s good ted.
range Pekoe is, the incest
tea hi the best package-Aluminum
aiiad .'s Share?
She Has 20 Per Cent. of Avail-
able Radio Waves
A: situation which it Is believed the
'Radio Commission will have to take
up at an ea'r'ly date ie further ocnsid-
eration of Canada's request for more
TATO, lengths. This niay result drr.
quite a difference of opinioli'inasmiichl
as it is -contended in cer'taln.quarters
that Canada already has more than.
her sitars of the ,wave.lelhgths based
either -upon a basis etpopulationor.
the number of receiving sets' in usein
either country.
The figures show that at the Pres-
sent time -Were are eighty-nine waves
available in the United States and.
seventy-seven are exclusive in : the
United States and six in Canada. Also
there are twelve waves shared in both
'countries. Taking. the population of
the United States at 120,000,000 an 190
ler tent. Canada h s only8' per cent.
1 a a p ,
or 10,000,000 population, The esti-
mate is made alsothat in this coon
try there are 7,000,000;eceiving sets,
and, taking that -at 100'per cent., Can-
ada has only 4 per cent., or 50,000, On
the other hand, taking the United
States at 100 per cent., Canada has
20 per cent. of the wave lengths.
'Winnipeg Libretto (Ind.): In Mani
toba, except in a few rare spots, chil-
dren go to the Government primary
sebools,' In these the French langu-
age is not officially admitter, neither,
as subject matter 00i0 :Study nor as an
instructional language. According to
official programs ., and departmental
ordinances the Manitoba child is sup-
posed, from the moment he .enters
the primary -school and tie long as. ho
stays there, to hear nothing but Eng-
lisit, and from the time he starts to
read and write, to read and write no-
thing but English. The. mother
tongue, unless it happens to`'be Eng-
lish, is totally ignored .by the Mani,
toba educational authorities.
Professor: "What dirk 3'olt'' learn
about the; salivary glands?"
Girl: "I couldn't find out a thing,
Pr'otessol'. ; They're so dar secretive."
Mother: It is .,wltispered'that. you
and. Jelin aren't getting on. -"Daughter:
Notisensel 'We did -have some words,
and I shothim, but -that's, as far as
our quarrel ever went,
MIriard'a LiYdment for Insect bites.
When a mans hogiiis to pity himself,
de loses the sympathy of the whole
A man on pleasure bent usually re-
turns "broke."
Minard's Liniment for Toothache.
Subject: Have -I the 'right expres-
sion you require? -Photographer:
Perfectly, sir. Subject: Then be
quick; It hurts my thee.
Man'eslogan—You never can tell
till You try. Woman's Mogan-YOC,
nefei' can tell uittil ,you try 1t on,
Old Sandy McTavish was 'compelled
at ,lash to consult the local doctor
about his eyes. The doctor said,.
"Sandy, my man, if you don't give up
whiskey at once and for good you will, -
certainly lose your eyesight" "A;
wheel," replied Sandy with' an air of
resignation, `I think I've lived lang
enough in the world tae tee a' that's
worth seeing,"
A reliable antiseptic—Minard'e.
know, Edward, I speak as I
"Yes, and probably a little
Classified Advertisements
TANCIO movers of Canada. Largest
speedy padded vans.. New lilquipment.
latest methods... Two experienced men
every trip. All loads insured. Beyond
compare for stall and care. - Before you
move, write us or wire and reverse the Head office Ramilton..Onterie.
Canada, Hill ,the Mover. -
write for free catalogue A. H.
Switzer, Branton, Ontario. _
Reedy Cut 10x10. '
Other sizes al
special bargain prices
In free Builders' Catat
log. Write
bf;l��k1QR,ArB�t 1)' a dsv'''�'
/�•. ya•e' Osudr brnden ore . red, for bigb
;''• e_.r and Buff Leo,. Whim. Brown
zed I.ethoou Hanes
White hooka R.I. aerie /.
came, Hutt Orpington. Whirs
Wyaadortes.tioie end up. 100%
Ove delivery guaranteed. Write
redly for FREE CHICK 60011,
1 BCHWEGLER'S HATCHEar,:zo sotne,rron, suIFAtO.U.k.4
See the new models that
Improve your car's appear-
ance and save running -
At Your Dealer's
tit with ca
Staejs S(118AQ'p 1ongesr
' Cuts easier. Saws faster
A Reliable Antiseptic.
Make sure no Infection of cuts
and wounds takes place, by
applying. 10Inard's Liniment.
The Harley-Davidson Single Cylinder
Motorcycle is the greatest little ma'
clkine that has been made. Safe to
ride, easy to control, and most econ-
omical. Stands without a rival. • 100
Mlles to Gallon of Gasoline, Down
Payment $105, Balance $22 per month
for ten months. Price $305. Walter
Andrews, Limited, 346 Vonge St,,
Toronto, Ont.
Tires Give Most
Miles Per Dollar
The greatest enemy to tire life is
not ' the harsh grind of city streets
or rough roads, but heat `which is
created inside the tire by internal
friction. Heat not only weakens
the fabric, but also softens the rub-
ber, causing . blowouts and tire
The above illustration,,uhows 'a
single cord of a 'Firestone tire
greatly magnified and untwisted'
into fifteen smaller cords composed
of many little fibres.
By means of the exclusive Fire.
stone Gum- Dipping process, every
fibre is insulated with rubber, which'
prevents internal heat and friction.
Your local Firestone Dealer glics'•
slots the better service that goes with
I these better tires. See him today..
Hamilton, Ontario
Firestone Belida the Only Oum-Dipped Tire.
ISSUE..No: 21—'28
THERE le nothing that hes ever
taken Aspirin's place ds an antidote
for pain. It is safe, or physicians
wouldn't use it, and endorse its use
by others. Sure, or several million
users would have turned to something
else. But get the real Aspirin (at any
drugstore) with Bayer on the box,
and the word tje,Hiine printed in red:
la the trade mark
i(toRRieterad laa eanada) .
ladlaatine ycr' Manufacture. while it is
Hell kaorm that Aeplrl1. manusg Ha a ,mann-
fi,, TO to .aalao e e pabnS against eir " art4 '
thea" Pads
be etampod lritA. their-"8arcr
{ BAD" tTsds murk,.:
r After Taking Lydia Ee
Pinkham's Vegetable
l5 enwick, Ont.—"T. am taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
during the Change
of Life for nervous
feelings, loss of ap-
petite and to gain
strength. It is a
great tonic and 3
have taken a dozen
bottles of it. It was.
recommended to
nue by a friend and
now I recommend
it to all women for
such ` troubles its
come at this time.":'
—Mas. W. V. RussSi&, R. R. No. 5;
Fenwick, Ontario.
L' ►`;' 01E to the r 1
THEsource of skin beauty is in
the blood. To acquire "'The
Skin That Charms" you must cor-
rect whatever faults of impurity,
or deficiency exist in the blood.
'A doctor, pr_"elcriblug for,.lris
patients, first proved the great
value of "TRU-BLOOD" in int -
'proving the skin's texture and,.
smoothness; in giving it healthful_
Clearness and color.
TRU-BLOOD promptly corrects
faulty conditions in the blood, then
works its magic on the skin and
Used in conjunction with TRU-
works further wonders' in cleating
the skin of blemishes. -Rashes,
blackheads, pimples, blotches and,
roughness are ,quickly banished.
Your druggist can supply you with
these proven"Buckley's" products.
Tone' the Blood
Cleats the Skin