The Clinton News Record, 1928-04-26, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING `JEWDLERY STORE NEED GLASSES -I£ your eyes feel tied, weak or strained and Johnston's Jewel- ery Store is theplace to get them at the lowst possible price, Protect youreyes now -and enjoy perfect vision all your life. Bad eyes are responsible for innumerable ills, Don't neglect them! We will examine your oyes and tell you whether or not you should wear glasses. , Glasses repaired promptly—changed-or reframed. H. H. JOHNSON Graduate of -Toronto College of Optometer Fine Jewellery' and Repairs ` Next Hovey's Drug. Store Substantial Price Red tcti ins on Men's NEW OXFORDS ' If you are seeking real comfort, plus the last word in style you'll find these new oxfords will satisfy you in every respect, And besides you'll be more than pleased with the quality and price. All the latest and smartest models, speciolly priced at . $4 50 to $7 00 MEN'S -WORK, BOOTS The kind that give real service and satisfaction. Heavy solid leather for out-of-doors wear. Malde to stand the wet, $3.00 to $4.50. For factory or summerwear, lighter weight soft and comfortable but durable, $2,75 to $4.35. Plumsteel Bros. BETTER VALUES LOWER PRICES Be rendy for the Paper Collection on Saturday, Have bundles securely tied and placed outside by ten o'clock. arty Spri g is the hest time to do your painting. We tarry a 611 line of the highest grade paints, varnishes, brushes and everything- for onewho wants to do their own home painting. The quality of our paints and brushes is the very best' obtain- able at prices that are the very lowest. TRY OUR BARRLED SUNLIGHT—THE WHITEST PAINT MADE Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w Have Y rlrur. New iDF"illig sUri 5/lade to -irder A. man's business success -as well as his social success—is often promoted by his neat personal appearance. Nothing equals the effect of the custom tailored suit. And it costs no more than a ready-made one—therefore, it is within easy reach of all. We have a wide assortment of new spring materials.. Come in and look at them—then make your selection. Our prices are reasonable and we will give you quick service. Davis & Herman Custom Tailoring Cleaning and Pressing Rapid Delivery Our rapid delivery service is only one of the reasons you will enjoy trading here. You get whatever you need in grocer- ies in a jiffy. Our prices are always low for :the High Grade Groceries we carry. Very Best Fresh Butter, Strictly Fresh Eggs, Best Quality Coffee, Pure Maple Syrup, Choice Bacon, TIIE Ca & S. GROCERS Branch' 125j - Main 125w. TIIE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD TIltIRSDA,Y;,APRIL ;26, 1128. Beauty, Taste, Utility These three' combined with good value, spells' Wall Paper. Beauty is a human necessity;, taste is the fac- ulty of discerning it; utility an ab- solute regiurement and .vaiue,:is':mani- fest in the service it renders. Wall Paper makes your house a home, without it you have only walls; it makes old0walls` new and all walls beautiful. As the walls are to a Targe extent t h e hone, ;,herefore lot better wall hang - logs snake it a better home,' If a guest comes to see you, wouldn't you be a•bit more satisfied if your walls were freshly decorated? But guest or no guest, Wall Raper effects an -inexpensive and refreshing' change in your surroundings 'and adds new beauty to your home. "There's no place like home."' East or West, hone is best—or should be. A few patterns for 'quick sale in limited quantities at 5c per roll, some at 7c more at 10c end up to $1.00 per roll ITS OUR BUSINESS To give good values, therefore its our business to sell,. you a recent pur chase at so low a price as 15e. It's a Cup ant ,Saucer,' 'semi -porcelain,. Kermes shape, good white, gold edge band, high glaze finish, attractive and` dignified. When a better one is made to sell at the price we hope to have it to offer you—until then we ask' you to see it, the goods will ask you the rest. If, you need Cups and Saucers don't overlook to lookover the merit of our .offering, It must be exceptional value because we have twice been seriously asked if our price was 15c for the cup and 15c for the saucer. Our price covers the two pieces. " " ITS YOUR BUSINESS To protect your winter garments from moth,' dust and dampness with our garment storage bags made of heavy paper with 'expanding gusset and equipped with hooks and hanger, size 26x4x55. We have them pine tarred or cedarized and the price is 70c. Its made to be pratieal and priced to be economical. Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best I M�u �l IWlllllllllllnol ln,IWPI IIULIj911111!III � Mrs. C. H. Bartliff has been visiting Seaforth friends the past week. Miss Mary Watkins of London spent the week -end at her hone in town, Miss Olive. Schoenhals of 'Toronto is spending the week at her home in town. Mrs. Helen Quinn of Toronto is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. W. T, Her- mali. • Miss Florence Ctlninghame and Miss Ruby Irwin visited in Fullerton this week. Mrs. J. E. Brooks of Mitchell' visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win, Cantelon, for a day or so this week, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. RodawaY, who have been spending the winter in Walkerville, returned home Satur- day. Mrs. W. T. Herman and Mrs. Quinn attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Moon of"Londesboro on Tues- day. - Mrs. Milton Cook and little Miss Bet- ty of Sarnia are visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Mi, and Mrs. John Schoenhals. Misses Alice and Isobel Beattie of the Vogue were in St. Thomas on Sat- urday attending the funeral of their hunt. Miss J. Thompson who died in the Memorial Hospital in that city. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cantelon and Mr. Ramsay of Detroit left the first of the week after spending a week with Mr. Cantelon's brother and sister, Mr. Goldie and Miss Bertha Cantelon. Mrs. McConnell, who came up to at- tend -the funeral of the late Rev. T. J. Snowdonand who remained with her. aunt, Miss Walls, for a week, returned to her home in Toronto on. Saturday. MtaSrs. 13, 11. Biggins, W. H. Hellyar,• Loren Tyndall and Ira W. Johne were amongst those appointed al the Presbytery meeting the other day 'to attend the coining meeting of the London •Conference of the United Church of Canada to be held in .Walkerville. London Road The U. F. W. O, held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday' last at the home of Mrs. Cecil Oke, with twenty-one members and eleven vis- itors present. Mrs. Piunisteei, the president, presided and after the usu- al opening exercises the minutes of the February meeting were read, also some correspondence from head of- fice and letters of thanks and apprec- iation. - , Owing to the postponement of the March meeting there was really a double meeting,' making the program rather long The roll call was respon- ded to by a choice of responses, "My best remembered spanking," or "A Salad combination." Two .splendid papers were giver during the afternoon, one by Mrs, Davidson,. "The Place of The Home in the Buiiding of a Nation," which con- tained much on :the proper home training of the child, as the home was the real: foundation of the nation. The other paper was given by Mrs. Norman Manning. "The Planting and Cultivation of Small Fruits." 'It was especially interesting ,at this time of year. She . described very carefully the starting and cultivation of a strawberry, bed and; also dealt with raspberries and • transplanting small nursery. trees. The questions on citiz 011116.16.2-, Big Empire Shopping Days--- Friday,-Saturday, MondeyY Tuesday ( ay _.. Two BigLeaders---Oval s Oval; Dish Pan Colors, to s, shite,. Mlle or Green with this big lot of Soap 1 pkg. large Chipso, 5 bars P. & G. Soap, 4 Gold Soap, 2 Guest Ivory, 1 Ivory bar, medium,.. 1 Oval Dish Pan. Regular Value $2,20. .All for $1.48. The biggest Around the World Sweep -in Brooms,, 5 string. for 33c, Do not Miss one f These From Great. Britain, C. & B. Sardines, 2 for 35c From Canada Aylmer 'Tomatoes, 2 for . 29c From India, our own. tea , 65c East Africa, o'erown Coffee 70c 10 bars P. & G, Soap . .... 36c 3 Corn Starch ... 25e Fi onr Canada Maple .Leaf - Corn, 2 for . . Burford Peas, 2 for ... „ 3 Corn Flakes : , .... 4 Jelly Powder , ..... ........ •.... ...:..... Car Dominion Sugar at Special Price:, r 25c 25e. 25e 25c Free Demonstration of Quaker Cake Flour, 25c per pkg. on Saturday afternoon and evening, May 5th. SPECIAL ANNOETNdEMENT Home and School Club will collect Papers, Magazines, Rags and Rubbers on Saturday, April 28. Help the good work by having your bundles: well tied and ready for them. IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9. a,m. IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. ORDER EARLY Cash and Service • WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS etteihtWeit APAPIAllkWAIWN101A4MAXIMAWMWAAVPwodzeowoontentimma 11 Phone 48 "Cranberry Corners" A Comedy in Four Acts Wi11 be presented by the St. And. rew's United church Choir, Bayfield, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Clinton Baptist church, in TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday Evening, May 4 Owatan Orchestra in Attendance Admission 35c. All seats reserved Plan or hall at Fair's Store. 59-2, keting and Legislation were then ans- wered and others distributed. It was decided that owing to the crowded program, to do the sewing onhand, at home'r's far as possible, so that it might be completed at the May meeting: The remainder of the fees were handed in. The club has the largest membership now since its organization nine years ago this month. Mrs. Percy Cole -very kindly pre- sided at the piano during the after. noon. Mrs. Oke, 'assisted by the Tuckersmith ladies, served a dainty lunch. . Next meeting at the hone of Mrs. Fred Pepper, Tuekersmith. Mrs.. Lloyd spent a few days this week with, Exeter friends. Mr. Reggie Shipley is sporting a new Chev. Coach. Mr. Milton. WiItse has also pur- chased a new Chev, car and; Mr. Wil- bur Nott a Ford coupe. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs visited the latter's' mother, Mrs. Link, at Dashwood on Sunday. Mrs. Toppin, Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. Geo. Layton for a few days. • Mr. Geo. Layton and Norman Lloyd visited with London friends Wednesday. , _ Mr, Mervin dodge, Lluevale, spent a few days last week at Mr: Arthur Wiitse's. Hr. Hedge had several x-ray plates taken at the Clinton Pub lie hospital while Isere, Mr. Hodge has rented the Elliott farm and in- tends moving in the fall. Constance Mr. Geo. Stephenson has a big, double, tank 'erectedin front of his store now to serve his customers with Lots of gasoline. Rev. Mr. Whiting of China preach- ed a very fine sermon on Sunday af- ternoon. We are very sorry to hear that Mr. Thos. Pollard had ,to be taken bacll to London hospital 'for treatment on Saturday. ' Mr. Logan and daughter Kathleen of Blyth were visitors at Mr: Geo. Stephenson's last week, _. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Pickard and •babe 92 Goderich township and Mrs. Adam Glazier of Clinton spent Sun- day afternoon' and ,evening with the latter's sister, Mrs.zeThos..Pollard. Mics. Jas. Attwood' of "Blenheim spent a- few days with, her mother, Mrs. Pen, Riley. t The W. M S. held their Eas- ter meeting on Thursday afternoor last in the basemenu of the church. Miss. McQueen and nephew Jack McQueen ,ef Toronto spent 'the holi- days with her ;sister, Mrs. Will Cam- • TIIE POPULAR PLAY W!LLCWDALE Will be presented by the Young Peo• ple of Turner's Church, in the basement of BRUCEFIELD I:INITED CHURCII Friday, April 27th at 8 o'clock. DON'T MISS THIS TREAT Admission 35c and 25c; , 59-1 Paper Collection By Home and School Club SATURDAY, APRIL 28th PAPERS, MAGAZINES, RAGS. RUBBERS, ETC. Kindly have bundles tied up well and out at front door by 10 o'clock day of collection. Only one collection as car must go at once. 59-1. Alberta Coal SCRANTON BRAND LOWER SEAM • DOUBLE SCREEN This is one of the hardest and best Mined in the Drumheller District. GET OUR PRICE W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence,` Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 46j iliS IV c "While you are in the Clean Up and Paint Up mood, why not give a thought to this FixeUp idea? It ex-• tends to the plumbing in your house: Have there been leaky taps, stopped - up topped-up'drains, rusted gutters? The plumbing in .a house can't go forever without expert attention, you know. It wears out in time or at least comes in need of :a good look -oven And we are ready to do. this work for you thorotigljly and economically. Agent for Renfrew Cream Seperators Call and get Prices. HARDWARE and PLUMBING z se s You may run across different bits of house furnishing that have seen there best days, in that case we would advise you that as usual we have a wonderful new stock of Linoleums and Oil Cloths, by the yard and in Rugs. Some of great patterns.. Congoleum Rugs in all sizes, r • The patterns are better than ever this spring and prices are low- er than ever. In carpet rugs we can supply anything you may re- quire. • .flow about your bedding requirements. 7 We have some real new styles in the Simmons Steel Beds that -will surprise you and big stock of springs and Matresses, A good place to store your furs, etc. would be a cedar chest. We have them in the natural Cedar finish and solid Walnut with cedar lining. See our new stock of baby carriages, strpllers and collapsible sulkies, children's" chairs and rockers. Clinton Hardware and FnrnitureCo THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 Can Tomatoes, 2 for ..... 25e Can Tomatoes, Aylmer, tin 15e 2 cans Corn, Aylmer, . . , 29c 10 lbs. Gran. Sugar .... 69e 2 lbs. Ginger Snaps , , , . 25c 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins .. 29c Cooking Figs, 2 lbs...... 25c 3 pkgs Lux 29c Matches, 3 pkgs, 25c TOMATO WEEK SPECIALS FOR. Ammonia, 4 pkgs, 25c 8 lbs. Broken Sodas 29c Shaker Salt 2 pkgs. 25c Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. 25e Corn Syrup, 5 lb. pail 38c Mix Cakes, per lb. 29c Cottage Roll, peameal lb. piece 22c LOOK! 1: Chipso Large, 5 P. & G. Soap, 4 Gold Soap, 2 Guest Ivory, I'Ivory. Med., 1 Oval Dish Pan $1.48 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON L. LA.[:.SUN & CO. PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 111 Shingles of Service The test of time has proven over and over again that Nature's product left as near as possible in it's original state, outlasts any ' substitutes invented by men. Such is the case of the Red Cedar Shin- gle. We guarantee the quality of our shingles which are strictly edge grain, and well manufactured. We have four grades on hand, No. ;1 5x, No. 2 5x, 3x, 2x. We also have cedar dimension, cedar shipslap and our stocks are, complete in Pine, Hemlock, Fir and Hardwoods. Thomas McKenzie Estate, Clinton . Our Speciaty is High Grade Millwork, ' hone 88 • Residence,' 63