The Clinton News Record, 1928-04-26, Page 3,t,yr 0 xuiprore Your • 01Lt /1 • Appearance x�++1101 kee11, it clean aide" and prevelrt weal' on 1unnInt;- boot rtto ATS a. .:na1c Your, Automobile ,Dealer to show you the _NOW 'Models or write ilii list, l�j(xq rase Foundry •l ta. 2888 Dunclas"St, West [,It Foundry Lit Toronto, Ganada. (Mil M TH LAUG69TEr ) Of the high cost of living I hear men' E � 4ng ut Complain I can no t retrain from replying: "It is still eh 'a somewhat er on earth 115 toremain For just think of the high cost o8 [lying." It. a man will talk, you can size lam t15 quickly, Johnnie Rapp. gazed deIightetdly at his stunning date: as she 'gracefully descended the etaivway. His heart beat violently as he realized that all :this beauty was his, Charmingly, she stood before him and whispered, "How do I look, dearest?" "Sweetheart," he mini -lured, as he took her In his arms, "You look mighty gond to me. "Don't let your illlpresebens mislead. You," she breathed, snuggling closer, nm --"Knowledge le better than wealth." Tont—"Yes, I know, but, t'd rattler have the inferior article." "A forty -dollar saddle on a twenty - hoes" looked silly: and that may explain welly a college boy doesn't wear a hat. If a fellow stays more than ten min- utes in a phone booth while others are waiting 11e deserves the wrong &ateliers he gets. Their Strange Habits. Spring, summer, autumn and winter more or less come and go every year, Not only. iu Springfield, Massachusetts but all over tate country, we hear Springfield, Mass., Union, Spring, summer, Autumn and winter colo each year to practically all of the States, But out here In Newark, Olito, we now and then feel that they have mixed their dates. :Newark, Ohio, _Advocate. Spring, Rummer, autumn and winter cone by and visit no every year as a rule, Anel we say without fear of successful contradiction the latter part of Juno is quite cool. , ' There Is a limit to everything.. No airplane can fly so high that it doesn't have to come back to the ground for gns011ne, An angry denial is often a cm:fee- ',siou of guilt. Custonher—"Weil, it looks like rain." ltlil mall--" Mebbe so, but it's milk." No, Maude, it you doubt a woman's Judgment, just loolc at some of the husbands they pick. If husbands went every place their hives told them to go there would be terror divorces but more widows. 0(190 on a. time a minister told a 'story like this: "On one oCCasioa 1 preached to a congrepation where there were fifty-seven women and 'four men pretend. This was a prayer Meeting. On another occasion t prearned to 320 then and three women -this was in the state penitentiary." — r isfally a man whow0ulclu't take "no" for an answer is writing cheques for. alimony. "Is Edna 011111)1" "Is she deed)? She tried to elap the doctor when he told her she had acute 03 5505010 "' sse THERE Id nothing that has .ever taken Aspirin's ,place as an antidote for paid. It is safe, or physicians wouldn't use it, and endorse its use by others. Sure, or several million] users would have turned t? Sot etltiing else. But get the real Asp;rut tat only e1rt gstore) vsitll Beyer on the box, and their- ru genuine printed in red: Aspirin ( n le Ito r trade »earl-. (registered ft [,anoda) ud,cattna Esser 1,11,111 huro. )lnlBo It ,e '(1ell known that aspirin means nn er mat,ti- tts 'ro to ae91rro tit t i'nt,lla ncitinkt err ' 1ioha, rho Tablets wilt be atamprA wtL .their 1layor Clto18" trade mark . 18811E No, 17-'28 London, Hospitals Bar Wainer) 'From edical • Careers Numbero Applicants Dwin- dles w in- dles as 'Reports of Poor Practice Are Circu- lated London.=•Ldndon hospitals titals are elos- ing ,their doors to women who wish to become physicians: • Dining the World War' several of the big London hospitals opened their classes freely` to young women and the opportunity ..was quickly seized by many gide looktiig for a new career Tlie successful ones went out into the world with 'tlieli; diplomas and: many set up' as private practitioners. People took sometime to get used to "Rise Ethel Sones, M.D.," but the nov- elty wore off and the woman practl- boner caste to be taken for granted. But before long it became matter of common report that some of these women doctors found themselves um, able to get enough patients to make a living and, had to turn to some other - occupation. . As au example of what women can do in the field of medicine, the career of Dr. Mary'Schart.teb, who at eighty- three years old is a prominent Iiarley Street physician, is being cited. Dr. Soharlieb, who is a Dame of the Bri- tish Empire, keeps regular oflloelhours and has a large practice. She .is the leading woznau doctor in the British Empire. But other women who aspire to nhedical honors are finding their paths harder than ever, for some of the hos- Dilate -are refusing to admit and train any more students, and it seems that soon there will be only three hospitals in London open to "girls for the pur- pose of training,one being the Royal Free hospital for SVonten, where the students are all women. Officials of the Charing Cross Hospi- tal, one ot those which is shutting its doors on the young women, say that the number of applicants has to great- ly dwindled in the last two years that, as far as this particular hospital is concerned, 111e question is solving it- self. But anyway, these officers say, the profession is overcrowded. To this the women reply that they have .proved themselves as capable as 111ei1 in many branches both Of medicine and surgery, .so wily not divide the openings between 111011 and women. • The cause of the Women students Inas been. taken up by the National Union of Societies for Egaal Citizen- ship which has decided to advise its supporters to subscribe only to hos- pitaisf whose schools are open to bots sexes. The union also declares that, far front women being unable to sue - cad! as doctors, there is now a bigger demand. for their services than ever before. John Chinaman Norwegians, Aid Canada's Developme3 Dori/ Ma' Out 1 -Baliiea Have 1\ yes 2ly'BLUTIe B1II'e llaYN {, A' group 'of' Norweglans' photographed after having spent' a few years in Canada 2. Young girl dressed In the costume typical of her native country. Ry introducing into Canada such win- ter sport talent as that of the Nelson brothers 1n ski-jumping, and others 1n figure ekating, Norwegians have won much favor and esteem in the eyes of Canadians. Nealy Nelsen,. C,P.R. brakeman, created "a world's record in 1925 at Revelstoke,;B.C,, in staking a success= ful leap down the monntalU 'side of 240 Leet, a distance that has not yet been surpassed. His 'brother, Ivind Nelsen, created the record for the Quebec jwnp this ;winter in making 114 feet, a highly creditable perform- ance on that particular jump. At "Banff and Quebec and other ivin- tetr sport centres in Canada, Nor- wegians, as amateurs and profession, ale, have contributed much to native figure skating talent. They have un- doubtedly shared in the training or the outstanding Canadian; skaters, many of whom have won great distine- tionin international and world com- petitions. 500,000 roughly 69,000 are of Norwe- gian origin. The anneal average L3 faux .:of inuulgranite from Norwegian ports 111 5,000, the majority travelling 11.3 Canadian Pacific ;ships to Q iebe3 and Montreal in the summer, and, 51. John, N.B., in the whiter- These ves- sels: are ?spiendidiy equipped for this purpose and 00213 as many as. 900. Immigrantpassengers at a bine, con- siderably e`aceeding the oapacitiy, of �othei' 1111118. ' 1 The settlers travel from Oslo and Christiania by the, weekly service maintained by the Edemas' Wilson Steamship Line to Hull, across ,.Eng- land by the London and North East- ern Railway, and embark at Liverpool. Special C.P,11, trains run from Quebec through ;tp Winnipeg.' for distribution et the immigrants thr'ougholit western Canada, The Canadian Pacific maintains agencies fon the service of prospect tine Norwegian immigrants at. Attie - sand, Bergen, Oslo, .Stavanger and Out of Canada's population of 9,- Troudhjem. Dutch Clergy Condemn Olympics Dutch. Religious Body Asserts Atmosphere of Games is Not Conducive to Prayer Amsterclant.-Hostility to the .forth- coming Olympic Games has arisen in Dutch religious circles and a report on the subject by seven Amsterdam clergymen has been made public. The report, adopted at a recent meeting of the council' of the Dutch Gereformeerde Church of Amsterdam, which must not be confused with the better known and older Dutcit' Re- formed (Herforme) Church, says: "Taking all things into considera- tion there appears to us to be ampler justification for decisively opposing the forthcoming' Olympic flames, Here everything is opposed to the principle et loving Goa above all else and lov- ing one's neighbor as oneself. The Strongest being is here the most ex- alted and Is raised Lo the place which God alone should occupy. The neigh- bor, by Craving for notoriety and per- sonal glorification, allows himself to, bo exploitetd in order to satisfy the craving of the 0205906 for sensation very grateful ever since to tde person and, emotion, who gave me the advice. The very "Not only the .character of the first box helped mestnd before I had games, but also everything connected taken. a half dozen boxes I was re - with them must compel us with alt 'stored to nay former good health and the earneetnsss at our command to is -'all traces of this dlstressiug trouble sue a warinng and strengthening word 'disappearetl, it is now about a year against this glorification of man,since I took the pills, raid I have not against this cult of the herd, which ,been teouble1 with tndigestion since, is opposed to practically alt Clod's I have taken every occasion to recent - sacred eonuuan@s. That in such a 'mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to talose sphere the prayer that the Saviour in need of a medictee and shall cont - NEW STRENGTH FOR WEAK STOMACHS Indigestion Disappears When the Blood is Enriched _The most urgent need of all who suffer from any forst of•indigestion is a tonic to enrich the blood. Pain and distress after eating is the way the stomach shows that 1t Is too weak to Perform the work of digesting the food it takes. New strength is given to weak stomachs by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills beeanse they petrify and en- rich the blood. This accounts for the speedy relief in stomach disorders that follows the use of this medicine. The value of this medicine in cases of indigestion is shown by the case of Mrs, George W. Johnson, Lettnilie, N.S., who sayse -•"t have no hesita- tion In recommending Dr. Williams' Pink fills. I was greatly distressed with indigestion. Always after eating I suffered from pains in the stomach and other distressing symptoms. I tried different remedies, but without getting relief. I was advised by a friend to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which 'I readily did, and I am feeling Gets}� A taaght his disciples cannot be sent tinue to do so." • �r� JY g ��%IF�ees i above, neeels, after what 11as already ! A little booklet, "What to Eat and New Jobs Are Given To Na- tives in Shanghai Froin, Which Formerly They Were Debarred A NEW ERA Shanghai—That a now era in the relations lletweeu foreigners in Chtua and the Clllnese actually has begun., to which the Chinese aro being ad• milted to 'participation in functions from which they thitherto have been excluded, was 81101011 by several re- cent. create. It is knowit that font' Chinese em- ployees in the ularttittlo ClIStOl iS 551. vice had been appolntbl deputy coal- tlllsaieners, 31.0111 which rank the;' pre- viously had been debarred. This narks a breakdown of the rigid foreign deadline in the customs service that endured for 1001'0 than forty year's and is au entering wedge to Chinese con- trol of. China's fiscal affair's. Equally Given Chinese At a meeting of foreign rntepayers in the British -concession at Tientsin there was unatiiniottsly adopted a re- solution confer'r'ing absolute equality onChinese residents and giving the Chinese 'equal membership in the MIIII1cipal Colied, - In Shanglint the Chinese 1'atepoyers have elected three. 01010bers. of the 710nieipal C 2121011 of the international settlement and six members of a conn- utitte° who will take office on April 19 the clay following the annual for been said, no further demonstration. How to Bat," will be sent free to any - It, therefore, appears to us to be de -Ione milting for it. Yen can get the sizable that the Church councils 'pills from any medicine dealer or by should, before the opening of the mail at 60e a box from The Dr. Olympic games, address t0 the congre- lia.nls' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. gations from the pulpits a word of • • warning and admonition. In this con- nection it oleo appears to be desirable , to entrust to the servants of 000 the Franco-German tasir of drafting -an appeal for submis- sion to, and approval `of, the Church COnncll9 " Meanwhile a special committee has been formed by the religious denomi- nation with the task of undertaking EDI evangelistic campaign lit Amster- dam during the games. A number of propaganda meetings already have been arranged and a lunge tent, cap' able of accommodating 1,500 POople, Collaboration Factor in Peace M. Laurent Tells of Gigantic Enterprises Which French People Have Begun Paris,✓I'he Franco-German 000110112' 11110 been nclquirt5i for the holding of ke collaboration lta cc:th'ealy produced afternoon and evening nloetkugsin the astonishing results. 10 Consecptence vicinity of the stadium, The inert. of the Gelman payments in kind and bora of (1118 cluu'elt .also lave boon (11011 France. has been encouraged to urged not to otfet a00a1nm0dation to begin gigantic enterprises which other foreign visitors to the genies, wise would Have remained untouched. Therefore, though 11 is true that ' ' Franco wits compelled largely to finance the reconstruction of the . i110rt11er11 regions, 118Y8rthelese other. TOE1g �gi tgt gas te1�g��i ,work was undertaken only because of Ji gs LI 11�.6.i1 ONES (Berman aid. So deela1 e the -Labor _ leader, Memel Laurent, Mothers, do you think it fair to tor-. 131g , national schemes are clue to twee your little 01105 by forcing t110n1 this; contribution, not because the con- to take 111 -tasting oils when they need tribnittoln covers the costs but because a laxative medicine Don't you find it stimulates and forces the author!- 11111211' of the ne •v011812ess In older children ca11 be ,traced to the cver- stinmlation during:i0laticy, caused by regarding 'baby as a sort o3 animat.ed toy for the amusement of parents, re- latives and frle111.18 Baby may be played with, but not, for •store than a quarter ty'f an hour to an', hour tiaily. Beyond that, being handled, deleted, caueed to laugh t11' even Scream, will sometimes ,result in vomiting, and in- variably causes irritability, crying or sleeplessness•, Fretfulness, ciyiag; and sleepless - mess from . this cause ear easily be ayolded 413' treating baby, with more ooneideratton, but when you just can't see "whit is making baby restless' or upset, 'better give hint a few deeps of Pure, harnnieee Gastonia, 11.19 amaz- ing re- see how quietly it calms baby's nerves and soothes• hien to sleep; yet -it contains no drugs• o1' opiates', Itis purely vegetable—the recipe 18 011 the 1013031100. Loading physicians. ' prescribe it for colic, cholera, diarrhea, constipa- tion, gag on, stomach and bowels, feverishness, loss of eleep and all other "upsets" of babyhood. Over 25 million .bottles used a year chows: 119 over- lvhelming. popularity- With each bottle of Castoria, you get a book on Motherhood, worth its weight in gold. Look for Ohas'. 1I. lrletcher's• signature cu the package so you'll get genuine Castoria: There are many imitations. • 16 Rules of Health? 1 -ventilate every room you occupy. 2—Wear light, •loose aud porous clothes. 3—Seek out-of-door oCCupations,and recreations. 4—Sleep out-of-doors if you 'can. 5—Avoid overeating and overweight, 6—Avoid excess of High. protein foods, such as, meat, fresh foods, eggs; also excess of salt anis highly -sear sorted foods. 7—Eat some hard, somo bulky, some raw foods daily. ' " 8—Eat slowly and tante your food. 5—Use suflieient water, Internally and externally, 10 -Secure thorough intestinal elimin- ation daily. 11--Sland, sit and walk erect. 12 ---Do not allow poisons and infec- tions to enter the body," 111—Keep the teeth, gums and tongue clean: 14—Work, play, rest, and sleep in 111Odel•ati0n. 15 --Breathe deeply; take deep -breath- ing exercises everal tines a ,day. 16—Keep serene anti, whole-llettl'ted. RY TORTURE that the child's dread of these meds- ties to prepare plans.. Thus it is 011103 often do more Harmthan good? pointe[. out that vast port imbrove- Baby'S 01011 Tablets are the mod- meats :have now begin. at Dunkirk, ern substitute for these nauseous Boulogne, LeStavre, St'. Nazaire, and OP : ratepayors'- meeting; - doses, They are the .very medicine. L arocholle and plans are drawn up Another initovatiOil will be that the child requires and are so pleasant for improvements at Marseilles. IIy- Chineee will be permitted" to attend' to tape that they areas easy to admin- I dro-electlio works have been el'ectorl Gee annual ratepayer's' meeting this inter as a glass of water. They are ion mallY i lintatesemSOnYs:rgnotably otta lysl1 the e and year ani spectators, ono sseti0n ,of the tiro 11813091 remedy for all the in.iuor 'ell ou 1010 River Truyere. Town Hall Doing reserved for thous' 21111te1115 of little ones' being absolute• A 1 enumerates the Lament further 01, _ ttulera es The tu'inetpal resolution before the IS" guaranteed free ' from injnrieus '1,1: 7 aA1 f tr } drugs. olecl.l ictal woks osteblishet by Water- n 30l11l will be {o admit b t l,inesa Baby's tails in the Alps 1010 rho el0etr1Hea- to R[1 ,:s•,siou to the public paths in ill awn Tablots tiLcom51{s1,. 1111 that castor oil 12(1(1' 0(1201' bad -tasting. tion of railways .A.s in the south. Paris eendit10115 al those on the same remedies call do. Iu, fact they accom- •itself benefits by iar-'eaching 1}ouebul ors 11t1011a 115 (110 se Olr which foreign- 511011 11101'0 .110 they do not .leave 11111 'schemes, The eoloules, especially 111 ere a e admitted, leo• child exhausted from its struggle {North Africa; a Will Rcllcve Grievance against taking medicine. They re- Iordiltary awakeninelnare In this culla g' of 0123(2ial 'enter, be adopted, ;t -ill remove a long -stand- tion and constipation, bleak up colds It wood not 11113.0 110011 passible as - be i t 1 1 col - This to realize that the 11otu 1,01 fol refreshingylee5 They are solri a forced Frail economic ret Th1s resolutions; which is certain to laevo teething panne; 'banish ludtges- pt>;se, - had to not leen Laurent, la there spits Pr IJan Ing grievance. The foreign 11111.88 ltera and simple revers and promote health struck for the old-time Mivileges by medicine dealers of by mall at 25u Illaboratiau. It, 10 63 a 'comltitlsory. 1 a lcter Olid sllonld when passible n r Srah • hot ftcm .lis D1. �� lams MOdl Th nortlie'i'1n .vlilitl,r attuatioin lo rill r: t r: uncertain, itbthOngh 110 reliable' 1131221 110 Ge. Brocltvllle Ont. be abandoned. chile Nevertheless, neM. 'Imllpe11t, tllongll.': Is available. The best information .in- _.___.>...;. , •, ,..s strongly diorites that only minor Clashes lliive ,•, 11e6�arded .ts advan00cl, 1116110 s1. of b 3 Occurred, Ilia expected Eetael'aI: Often- Now be careful, these came,- tip against any.'abolil,ion 01 reitarations, sive not having been started, beiaoiSO 11. 10 reparations wlticll Have Bobby (to his sister's beau)—"Say, Mr. Haugolf, ain't you afraid o' Lil?" Mr. Hangoff—"Wliy, no. Whatever put erten an idea in your head?". 13o11- by—"Pa dli1. f•Ileard his say to Isla tL little while ago, '1 guess Lil'n get his scalp to-nitght. She's gone up. t'put her war paint on'." Cit,-rr-rltl The train drew up with a mighty crash and shock between stations. "Some rote pulled the conl- mthuication•cOnll1" said the guard. "Tile express has knocked our last car off the rails. Take tis four hours 'be- fore the track is clear!" "Great Scott! Four hours! I am supposed to be married to -day!" groaned a passenger. The guard, a bigoted bachelor, raised his eyebrows . suspielously, "Look here!' he ejiiettlatecl, '"1 belive you are tete chap who pulled that cord!" Minard's Liniment for cuts and bruise, The natio'n's doctor bill is sow a Million and a half at day, but apples are not cheap, either'. What to do.? What to do? Corrugated Iron ASH FOR WHEELER & c'IAiN "Council Standard" A. thick, even, heavy spread of galvanizing over, every inch of sur- face. Deep corrilgatlons. Agencies still open In some localities,, Write us, stating size of barn you want to cover. WE PAY FREIGHT WHEELER '& BAIN, LIMITED Dept. W, 108 George at., Toronto'2 L"s ' Equ , 'Honors F're'edom League Contends More Women Are Entitl- 'ed to Knighthood and Peerage British Wohnell,` a Feat number of whom rose to,distitietioh in 1927; toe asking for more hotline; of knleht.hood and peerego as 5110110 recognition of J'11 elt v ork ;- Out 01.193 honors granted by Icing C.leorgo V.,ei the' beginning et 1928, only twenty-five were conferred on Wo- men, andstltose were Of t11elow rank, The \Venice's 11reedele League, In view Of women's records of ac0omp' ltshrnent, considers this an unfal0 re- flection on -their public activities, "Peerages Ihave been ,given to two Uonservatbve members of Parliament and n• former Governor of Nigeria, the league declared in a tormal state -1 meat, "Why was the Duchess of At - holt, the' parliamentary secretary to the Board cf Education, not given a similar distinction?" I Of thirty Hien who won knighthood, twelve, according ' to Miss Francis A.' Underwood, secretary of the league, were granted it for political and pub - lite serviee93 two of the men were die- 1 tinguished enrgesh's and one a jour- nalist; but no woman in these eplleree was_given-an equivalent honor. f "There area a great many tS o nen• ;lust as deserving lie men, atld we pari titularly think that women should be made privy Cotinclllora," 1Vliss Under- wood said, "l do not see why women should not be given peerafies, baronet - des arid knighthoods. There eholtld. 'be 116 distinction whatever now that Hien and women are doing the same work, "11 Is the privy Connell which .has decided that women should not be ad- mitted to the diplomatic and consular and Indian civil services and if women went on the council I think this wontd be altered." British women have 'pust had au ex- ceptionally successful year, More Wo- men were chosen for the office of Mayor than hi any; other year. The election of Lady Iveagh brought the number of women members of Parlia- ment to seven. Miss Elizabeth Scott, the woman architect, won the attention of the artistic world by her success 01 de- signing the- winning plans for the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. Lady Bailey was coupled with Lindbergh in the awards in the Held ot aviation. She created a height record' for wo- men in a light plane. Miss Sackville -West gained the 1lawtho udel prize for her poem. "Tile Land." Miss Gertrude Trevelyan won the Newdigate prize; Miss Helena I3. Harrison, the Marl Grey ' fellowship for work In botany, and Miss C. Is, Elam, the Robert Medfield scholarship to the Second Empire Mining 0110 Metallurgtral Congress in Canada. Minard's Liniment for Backache, Seriert ntieg OSIO SSI . r=ihNAlraYc•4tCik1lCt{'S ' {'+; • Our breeders Are bred tar high' egrg production. • White, Brown an Buff Leghorn Barred and White Etats, R. i. Rods Awe Conor, Buff Orpingtoas, What, Wyandottea$de sad up, 1s0M nve delivery guaranteed. Wrae today for F8E8 DUCK ROOK. I SCHWEGLER'e HATCHERY,•ce ItaentW7T2 , BUFFAL0,e,r9,. Edge -Holding Saws. Fast Eastl-Cutting i SAWS Classified Advertisement: �3 o'ys-11,6-'t'1l. 7,10Uit oivbl JAI Y 12119 earn 1)15 1onus80. W311 :talydard C9mpaltJ', 1'101, 231, 'ro00901,,.: •x20171Z11G AN) fa1'd'QY1At u. flTL'L 11111 M0Z 1711--I'ION3 R .i)S>iiM !0401011 mover • of Camila I,argpp}}-rtl apeody. 3,.11909 ratty New 1 nuiprn 9t lgteet Methods, .'Vivo experienced met — dvery -trip. {,11 lords lnsure44l, Beq olid¢ compel a for skill and Gar0. Beforo'3'ota move, write us or mire and reverse the charges: read oftloo. Ifanlnton, Ontario, Canada Read the Moyer. 'S''BEWA,Z11EREl Olrk:a(P • DU CAN BUY A NJ71A tiNTJIC .11. WOOD 201 $G a month, Write for. Booklet' on ' Lltt e tUndet wood" for the home—flftr-five dollars, Underwood, 136 7(210ria Fittest, Toronto, 9110E QiYAETTw CX,A8Je %t 0exores Prom om,healthy heavy layers o',C iat g8 ergo. f1 C. DnQ lsh White Leghorns, Ancones, 7;1oel;a, Reds 1010 Axy0rtnd 01,1(2,.9 st roasonahle prices, Aieo. pullets, No tilo,tey clow,,-. Per full amount ten day's be.orc chlclro sae slilpped or 0,0,19, Special discounts, ata per 0 free ve tin- 11,very their dd, land, catalogue ir'ee, bop archery, Sealead, Mich., m. 530. 20, T 41)2121) WANTED—TO PLAIN ai.nd light sewing; at home, whole RJ cr lance tipOe; .good pay; work sant any- dls utice, charges )tall, fiend stamp Pur po':1-ticulars. z\af'iouat : Manufaciµrhng Montreal, - - At the leeshn 111 grammar—"Willie, tell me what it is 1v12On I say '3 love, you love, . he loves—" Virillfe `It's one of those' triangles where some• body gets shot." Ute Mlnard's Liniment for Corso. is Authors are 00111 to be careless of their. money. They can always visite for some more. Are Trained aisbo Equipped to €zve You Money riled Serve Yon getter Firestone sells tires only through regular established dealers ---the out- • standing tine merchants in every community, This great manufacturing organization ---controlling raw materials in primary markets ---having branches and distributors in all parts of COnada, r assuring fresh, clean stocks and quick, efficient distribution --ds behind every dealer. Firestone Dealers' know tire' construction and tire service, having' been trained at Dealer Educational' Meetings. Firestone Dealers have the latest equipment; the knowledge ---the Fire- stone spirit and idea of service. No other dealer can give you the same 0011(08 and serve you 8o well. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. .OF CANADA LIMITED Bampton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Firestone Builds the Only 0um-DlppedTizn Guaranteed becausenlade from our 0tvn steel SIMON08CANADA SW c0.070, MONTa0AL VANC00VSe. sr JONN,N,a.. Ta2ONT0 ro. ,.,.. ohm A tIsrbsi ; ntlgr Skin Needs This Corrective . "It is working marvels with 111e," wrote s„grateful man who, suffering from pain- ful and disfiguring eczema, got complete relief,, and regained a clear and healthy, skin, by using TRU-BLOOD. As its name implies, TRU-BLOOD is a true blood tonic. It removes the underly- ing cause of eczema, pimples, blackheads, itching rashes, boils, carbuhdcs and every other skin trouble due to impure or impoverished blood. So many have benefitted from Inking TRU-BLOOD, you should try it, Get a dollar bottle at your druggist's today, and prove, for yourself, its worth. Buckley's OINTMENT is highly re- commended for speeding up the healing and softening of the skin. TRU-BLOOD drives out the poisons -the ointment heals magically. Try the combination treatment. - 1 Torres lire Blood \��jstheShin ........... .______ _____ rtae Lowest Pritce;,l lialzce;1 r Write for frees de.. 1 scriptivefolder 19 , 1 or catalog showing complete* lino of larger eines. ge A, HARDLY WALK Mrs. Horn Tells how Lydia E.' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound: Restored Her Health - Hamilton,Ont.—"I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham'e Ve etable Compound, and would not ba Without it now- : I had a 1010010 trouble so badly I could hardly walla and I was all rbn- down agot around a 0u 1 d , ]lordly nd to do my house- work. 1 would be in bed threo or fourdays at a time. I was told by a friend to try your Vegetable Co npound, I did and k ' thetune I took two bottles I' was beginninglto get arund agai. I tools tebottles in all, and (1020 I aur all. right again and do'ng my own work. I Have six grown -t ps to work for, se 1 have plenty to do. I also used Lydia L. I' nlaha [ Wash,and I ms San n a dive think itis good. But l owe Iny health to the Vegetable Compound, and 1 think if more of it was used women would be better off. S would not be without it if it cost much more."— Mrs. ore."—•riMrs. NIILLIE JAMESON, 805 East Can - Don Street Hamilton, Ontario. Do you feel broken down, nervous, end weak sometimes? Lydia E. Pink- Ham's Vegetable Compound is excel- lent to take at such atime. It always helps, and if taken regularly and per- sistently, will relieve this condition. c I 1, t4 ' Wondea^ Concrete MIoer 000111, SEIAP1,8Y M 1011112 CO, IA Rant/OM Ont.._ iii A*a srii,Y" Veil 1 Spread Mlnard's ' Liniment mixed' with sweet oil, 011 brown parts. la per and cover injured i I s is t Soothes and heals rapidly. r "r.6t'Siu IIi1,,11reitRi;> 13 ow tics are artistic, we are told, over very easily.'' "Would it be safe," began tlae girl timidly„ "to—to—" "Yes?" "To shaft my caramel to the other side of my mouth " 111(1 shote 1t dial's natural , bent. tra.tlsforined h'la'nce, rind by 11 curious paradox shave lvo hasLen ed the Pran o 1,orst1 political as well 1s 020)1021210 t • ii 1 ' 'is a cmulitiol ie etL nl C1. • )rocl In i la 11 Though they are not artistic, so do Keep Minard's Liniment bandy. of Eitroseau peace. KING OF PA1 (7411101)50 'PUMPS 4tpF MAeryts �h 1Ri11 l' For'rroubiets glue to Acid ,NOI0SSTION ACID STOMACH FICAR?62 HEADACHE GAMS.S•AUSEA Tata ty.1 �eopli-, two hours after eating, suffer indigestion as they call it. 11 , I is net 1 ly 'excess acid. Correct it with an a kali, The best way, the clui012, harmless and efficient way, .fa Phillips' Milk, of Magnesia, It has remained for 50 years the. standard with -physi- cians. One 011001)3[11 111 water; neu- tralizes many tin(s ifs volume lit stomachacids, •nl 1 102c. The symptosis disappear in five !Minden', Utes. YOU 1011 never 1130 011E10 methods tvllen you know this better method. And you: will never suffer from excess acid when 3'011 prole ou11 this easy re - (lief. Please do chat --for your Own sake—now. Be sure togetthe genuine Phillip's' 1\211k of, Magnesia pr�osclibed by nivel- chine for 10 years 1n correcting exceeS acids. Each bottle contains full di. 000t2015-1ny - (1r113I2ore. .